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Four types of Reading techniques

•Skimming is sometimes referred to as gist reading where you’re trying to
glance over the material to grasp the main idea.
•The way you do this is to read the first and last paragraph and check for
any dark headings. Skimming may help in order to know what the text is
about at its most basic level.

•Skimming will certainly save you a lot of time as you grasp the main idea of
whatever you are reading, but do not expect your comprehension to be high
during the process.

•However, skimming is useful when your goal is to preview the text to get a
better idea of what it’s about. It will help prepare you for deeper learning.
• This strategy makes it much easier to recall what you’re about to read.
• 1. Take a look at the table of contents first.
• 2. Review the subheadings in each chapter
• 3. Quicky read the first paragraph in that section
• 4. Check out anything in your text that is in bold or italics
• 5. If there is a chapter summary, now is a good time read it over.
• This completely prepares your brain to have an overview of what this
chapter is about.
• You can then go on to use scanning to find specific important ideas.
• Scanning involves getting your eyes to quickly scuttle across sentence and is used to get
just a simple piece of information.
• You’ll be searching for specific words or phrases that will give you more information and
answer questions you may have.
• Pay special attention to the introduction and the conclusion.

• scanning reading strategy

• Know what you’re looking for. Decide on a few key words or phrases and search terms.
• Look for only one keyword at a time. Don’t over-complicate things.
• Let your eyes float rapidly down the page until you find the word or phrase you want.
• When your eye catches one of your keywords,read the surrounding material carefully
• The meaning of intensive reading is to read with full concentration and
complete focus. Even if you’re reading a single-line quote, you should
try to understand what the words are trying to convey.
• Intensive reading is one of the most critical skills you can develop to
get a better understanding of information. When you have to read a
report for work, for instance, you can’t just skim it and call it a day.
You have to get a deeper understanding of what’s written, assess the
purpose and evaluate the results to make sense of it. Reading
intensively will help you tackle complex texts. You’ll be able to
strengthen your reading comprehension, vocabulary and 
language skills.

• 1. It improves the power of expression.

• 2. The students develop the skill of questioning and answering.
• 3. The students become interested in looking into details of the text
they come across as they find newer meanings being attributed to the
otherwise ordinary looking passages.
• The meaning of extensive reading is reading widely but not necessarily focusing on
only one text. You can read from different sources to develop your reading skills. It’s
not about finding layers of meaning, grammar rules or other critical aspects of a text.

• Extensive reading has been used for beginner-level language learners. It helps to
familiarize them with reading material and build the cognitive ability to understand
new words, frame sentences and make sense of the text as a complete unit. You’ll
get a general understanding of the text and improve your language skills.

• Whether you’re a beginner or a proficient reader, extensive reading will help you
polish your reading ability. You can try to read as much and as widely as possible. It’s
better not to restrict yourself to the same type of sources. Some examples of
extensive reading are newspapers, blogs.

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