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Manuscript Preparation

For the preparation of the manuscript, authors are required to use the style
template. Authors are required to follow the guideline in the style template and format
the manuscript accordingly before submission. Please note that note that manuscripts
not conforming to this template may be returned:

 Manuscripts should be written in either English.

 Manuscripts should be around 4000 at minimum and 6000 at maximum.
 Manuscripts should comprise 3 main sections as follow:

1. Front: Title, Author list, Affiliation, Correspondent Author’s e-mail,

Abstract, Keywords
2. Body: Introduction, Methods and Instruments, Results, Discussion and
3. Closing: Acknowledgement, Conflicts of Interest, References and
Supplementary Materials.

 All these sections should appear in all manuscript types

 There is a specific Microsoft Word style template to follow when submitting
your manuscript in Word

Microsoft Word Template guidelines

 Authors are advised to follow the style template to prepare the manuscripts.
 Authors are encouraged to follow exactly the styles and details prepared in the
template, including:

1. Paper Size and Margins: Manuscripts must be prepared in a size A4 (i.e.

210 x 297 mm) with 1cm margins on all four sides.
2. Font Size and Type: 16-pt Times New Roman for the title, and 12-pt
Times New Roman for author list, abstract, keywords, email, body and
closing sections.
3. Line Spacing: single spacing throughout the paper. Add space before
new subtitle or section heading. No space between paragraphs
4. Paragraph Indentation: the first paragraph after a subtitle or section
heading is not indented. Every succeeding paragraph should be indented.
5. Pagination: The page number appears on top right of the page. Do not
6. Header and Footer: Do not change.
Manuscript criteria


1. Is the research questions clearly stated?

2. Is a coherent case made for why the research question is important?
3. Are the most relevant pieces work cited?


1. Have the methods been describes clearly enough to allow others to repeat
2. Are they most appropriate way to answer teh research question?
3. If humasn or animal were involved, is ethis approval reported and in your
opinion is the research ethical? is infomred consent neccesary and reported? 


1. Are results reported for all experiments/analyse described in the methods?

2. Are any results reported for which methods have not been described?
3. Are they presented clearly and consistently (e.g. do the figures and text match


1. Does the interpretation reasonably reflect the results or have the authors 'gone
beyond the data'?
2. Are the potential limitations presented? if not, point them out.
3. Do the results conflict with those of other researchers and have potential
explanations been proposed?
4. Has the research question been answered?

Title and abstract

1. Doe sthe title accurately reflect the researcg question and study type?
2. Does the abstract contain the aim and the most methodological details?
3. are the findings reported in teh abstract a faithful representation of those
reported in the main text?
4. is anything presented in the summary that was not described in the main paper?
5. Is the conclusion justified by the data presented?
Submission Guidelines

1. Authors have to register first before submitting a manuscript here. 

2. Authors MUST submit their manuscripts by using the online submission
system. To submit a manuscript please click here. 
3. The submission file is in Microsoft Word file format. A4 page layout is used.
DO NOT upload a PDF file.
4. For futher step by step submission guidelines, please click here.

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