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PROJECT 2 (10%)

General Information

Course Code UTA4622

Course Title Criminal Trial Advocacy
Trimester/Session 3, 2022/2023 (2230)
Coordinator Mohd Azizie bin Abdul Aziz
Examiner/Tutor Mr Azizie b. Abd Aziz; Mr Mr Mohamad Hafiz b Hassan; Mr Nor
Hisham b Nor Hashim; Mr Amritpal Singh A/L Satvindar Singh;
Mr K Annamalai Ramu A/L Kandasamy
Publish Date Week 2

Breakdown of Assessment and Mapping to PLO

Assessment % PLO11 SLT

Project 2 10 Ethics and Professionalism (A3) 5 hrs

Mapping to CLO:

Course Learning Outcomes Project 2 Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students Upon completion of this presentation,
should be able to: students should be able to:
CLO2 Demonstrate basic advocacy skills Demonstrate ethics and professionalism
in criminal trials and the rules of in court.
professional conduct.

Specific Instructions to Students

1. Maintain the same grouping/legal firm for Project 1.

2. Present the Opening speech that have been prepared earlier in Project 1 ethically
and with professionalism at the beginning of Mock Trial.

Assessment rubrics

Score Description
 Display excellent ethical behavior and professionalism in court.
5  Display respectful behavior and courteous all the time.
 On time and wearing outstanding court attire.
 Display sufficient ethical behavior and professionalism in court.
4  Frequently display respectful behavior and courteous.
 On time and wearing appropriate court attire.
 Display questionable behavior and somewhat unprofessional in court.
2-3  Occasionally display respectful behavior and courteous.
 On time and wearing outstanding court attire.
 Unethical and unprofessional.
0-1  Display disrespectful behavior and discourteous.
 Late and wearing incomplete court attire.

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