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International Journal of Fatigue 102 (2017) 1–8

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A cyclic slip irreversibility based model for fatigue crack initiation of

nickel base alloys
H.S. Ho a,⇑, M. Risbet b, X. Feaugas c
School of Mechanical Engineering and Henan Key Engineering Laboratory for Anti-Fatigue Manufacturing Technology, Zhengzhou University, Science Road 100, 450001
Zhengzhou, China
Laboratoire Roberval UMR CNRS 7337, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Centre de Recherches de Royallieu, BP 20529, 60205 Compiègne Cedex, France
Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Ingénieur pour l’Environnement, UMR CNRS 7356, Université de La Rochelle, Avenue Michel Crepeau, 17000 La Rochelle Cedex, La Rochelle, France

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The opportunity to define a microscopic law of fatigue crack initiation using Manson-Coffin law formu-
Received 28 December 2016 lated in terms of cyclic slip irreversibility deduced from AFM measurements is discussed for a polycrys-
Received in revised form 9 March 2017 talline superalloy with different grain sizes and precipitate sizes. The results show that the modified
Accepted 14 April 2017
Manson-Coffin law, relating cyclic slip irreversibility parameter to fatigue crack initiation life, is sustained
Available online 18 April 2017
through a two-parameter power law: e0f and c. The analysis suggests that the exponent c-value can be
related to the degree of plastic strain incompatibility between grains, and the cumulative irreversible cyc-
lic plastic strain to crack initiation is a relevant damage indicator for crack initiation. Consequently, our
Cyclic slip plastic irreversibility
Low-cycle fatigue
approach allows giving a physical base of engineering law.
Manson-Coffin fatigue crack initiation law  2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ni-base superalloy
Atomic force microscopy (AFM)

1. Introduction irreversible cyclic plastic strain with respect to the total cyclic plas-
tic strain is found to be one of the most relevant microstructural
Fatigue damage of materials that exhibits flow localization is and life-determining fatigue damage parameter [11,12]. Some
very often related to a surface phenomenon [1]. In these materials, works have recently demonstrated the opportunity to use atomic
the cyclic slip irreversibility, which is a phenomenon resulted from force microscopy to measure slip band emergence and conse-
the slip displacements caused by the movement of dislocations in quently the degree of reversibility during cyclic loading [4,8,12–
the forward part of the fatigue loading cycle that are not fully 14]. In low-cycle fatigue tests, a global and generic cumulative
recovered in the reverse part of the fatigue loading cycle, is a pri- damage rule known as the Manson-Coffin (MC) law is generally
mary source of fatigue crack initiation [2,3]. Cyclic slip irreversibil- used to express the relationship between total fatigue life and plas-
ity may arise from quite different physical mechanisms such as tic strain amplitude [15,16]. Thereby, three questions arise: (i)
irreversible dislocation displacements resulted from cutting of pre- whether the MC law can be formulated in terms of cyclic slip irre-
cipitates and surface roughening caused by to-and-fro glide of dis- versibility, (ii) is the MC law changing if the early stage of damage
locations, as recapitulated in Refs. [4,5]. Some other important is considered as fatigue crack initiation life, and (iii) what are the
factors known to promote cyclic slip irreversibility are the local factors that influence the correlation between the two empirical
microstructure (e.g. grain size, precipitate size, deformation twin- parameters (ductility coefficient and power exponential value)
ning, extended stacking fault and grain boundary) and environ- dominating the microscopic law of fatigue crack initiation?
ment (e.g. oxygen and/or hydrogen interstitials) [6–10]. Since cyclic slip irreversibility arises from quite different phys-
Cyclic slip irreversibility is difficult to be analyzed quantita- ical processes, it becomes rather improbable to establish a univer-
tively [11]. Thereby, there exist many different forms of character- sal microscopic relationship of fatigue crack initiation formulated
izing the cyclic slip irreversibility in which they are given in terms of cyclic slip irreversibility for a large variety of materials
numerical values, as summarized in Ref. [4]. Though, the cyclic slip [5,12]. Meanwhile it is still possible to construct such relationship
irreversibility defined as the fraction of microstructurally for a particular material with specific cyclic slip irreversibility and
damage mode [5]. Thus, the present paper aims to test the validity
of MC rule formulated in terms of cyclic slip irreversibility for fati-
⇑ Corresponding author. gue crack initiation of a Ni-base superalloy with different grain
E-mail address: (H.S. Ho). sizes and precipitate sizes, where cyclic slip irreversibility is a
0142-1123/ 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 H.S. Ho et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 102 (2017) 1–8

result of repeated irreversible cutting of the coherent c0 precipitate where r⁄ is the thermal part of the flow stress and rr denotes the
particle during cycling, and to understand the nature and/or reverse yield stress, which are measured from the experimental
physical content of the two empirical parameters of the modified hysteresis loops with a plastic strain offset of (4 ± 2)  105.
MC rule. The surface states are characterized by scanning electron micro-
scope (SEM) and atomic force microscope (AFM), using respec-
2. Experimental procedure tively a (FEG) Zeiss Sigma SEM and a Veeco Dimension 3100 AFM
at room temperature. For each specimen, about 8 damaged grains
2.1. Material and 8 undamaged grains are investigated. And for each grain, a few
regions of 10 lm  10 lm are examined. Each region extracted
The target material is a Ni-base superalloy (Waspaloy) strength- using the topography-imaging mode contains around 20 slip
ened by spherical precipitates (c0 , Ni3Al), with the following chem- bands. The surface roughness, representing the arisen surface
ical composition (wt.%): 1.80 Al; 3.33 Ti; 12.64 Co; 19.45 Cr; 7.31 marking from material surface, is then analyzed using the experi-
Mo; balance Ni. The average grain size (D) and the average precip- mental procedure developed in Refs. [8,12]. In addition to the sur-
itate size (d) of the as-received state of Waspaloy are 64 lm and face analysis, the bulk material is examined at room temperature
42 nm, respectively. A two-step heat treatment (solutionizing using JEOL JEM2011 transmission electron microscope (TEM) oper-
and aging treatments) is carried out on the as-received state to ating at 200 kV.
modify D and d so as to obtain specimens with well-controlled
metallurgical states, i.e. different grain sizes of the matrix c with
a constant c0 precipitate size and inversely (see Ref. [8] for details 3. Results on fatigue crack initiation life, mean extrusion
on heat treatment steps). The average precipitate size is kept height, band thickness and mean inter-band spacing
<50 nm in order to remain in the dislocation-particle shearing
deformation mode (under-age state). As the metallurgical parame- The stereological elements such as grain size (D) and precipitate
ters such as grain size and precipitate size are the important size (d) of investigated specimens are presented in Table 1. It is
parameters in the present study, it is worth mentioning that the shown that three classes of grain size and five precipitation states
determination of the average grain size and precipitate size are are obtained with selected heat treatment processes. The values of
based on the evaluation of more than 1500 grains and 300 precip- the other parameters, such as fatigue crack initiation life (Ni), mean
itates using both the line intercept method and area analysis extrusion height (‹h›), band thickness (w) and mean inter-band
method. The estimated grain sizes and precipitate sizes are then spacing (IB), of the specimens tested at three different levels of
analyzed using a normalization procedure elaborated in Refs. plastic strain amplitude (ep) are also summarized in Table 1. The
[8,12]. The gamma function is found to describe the normalized values of these characteristic parameters are obtained by analyzing
grain size and precipitate size distributions with a good accuracy. SEM-EBSD maps, AFM images and TEM micrographs taken prior to
As the distributions for the grain size and precipitate size seem fatiguing and at the crack initiation phase.
to be quite similar for all the specimens investigated in the present The evolution of the fatigue crack initiation life (Ni) as a function
study, the variability of the grain size and the precipitate size are of the average precipitate size (d) for a series of plastic strain
distinguished only by their average values. In the present amplitude (ep) is illustrated in Fig. 1. Ni is reduced by increasing
study, eight classes of specimens are selected with the the values of d and ep, but it is less sensitive to the variation of d.
following average grain size (D) and average precipitate size Indeed, increasing ep from 0.0005 to 0.009 induces a reduction of
(d): (30 lm, 7 nm); (50 lm, 10 nm); (50 lm, 20 nm); (50 lm, Ni by 104 cycles, but the increase of d from 10 nm to 40 nm
30 nm); (50 lm, 40 nm); (100 lm, 10 nm); (100 lm, 20 nm) and reduces Ni by only 450 cycles. The impact of grain size on Ni
(200 lm, 20 nm). has been improved for the two precipitate sizes of 10 nm and
20 nm (c.f. Table 1). Besides, we observe a decrease of Ni (around
2.2. Experimental procedure 100 cycles) when the grain size is increased from 50 lm to 100 lm.
In this study, our observations show that the material suffers
The specimens are mechanically polished, then chemically- from intragranular crack nucleation, a damage process that is asso-
etched using standard metallographic techniques as detailed in ciated with the occurrence of microcracks localized at the interface
Ref. [8]. A unified surface state is obtained for the whole set of between slip bands and the matrix near the surface, as is illus-
specimens and consequently, the tooling residual stress and the trated in Fig. 2(a). This cracking mode is found to be independent
initial surface roughness are assumed not to influence the mecha- of the plastic strain amplitude and metallurgical state of the alloy,
nism of fatigue crack nucleation. which is in accordance with extensive previous works [12,18].
Interrupted low-cycle fatigue tests are conducted at ambient Under continued fatigue loading, slip bands emerge in the form
temperature using an Instron servohydraulic machine on of only extrusions are formed on the surface of materials as a con-
hourglass-shaped cylindrical specimens. The fatigue tests are per- sequence of the localization of plastic deformation caused by
formed on a controlled plastic strain amplitude (ep) of 0.05%, 0.3% shearing processes of precipitates by dislocations. These irre-
and 0.9% with a fully reversed triangular wave form at a frequency versible surface markings, presented in Fig. 2(b), arise from the
of 0.05 Hz until the nucleation of first cracks. Cracks are considered surface steps that are partially reversible during different fatigue
as nucleated when the length of a crack is equivalent to the dimen- cycles [19,20]. This surface roughness, acting as local stress con-
sion of a grain. centration due to strain localization, is essential for fatigue crack
During fatigue testing, the fatigue hysteresis loops are recorded initiation. Thereby, the surface roughness is studied as an indirect
in order to track the cyclic behavior and to calculate the internal measure of the principal local cyclic slip irreversibility responsible
stresses. According to Dickson et al. [17], the cyclic stress ampli- for causing early stage of fatigue damage and for controlling fati-
tude (ra) is composed of effective stress (reff) and backstress (X). gue crack initiation life in the following.
The backstress (X), which is to be discussed further, can thus be The crystallographic orientation of the surface grains is well
expressed as: recognized to affect the slip reversibility and the occurrence of fati-
gue damage [11,21,22]. Meanwhile the detailed study of the height
1 1
X ¼ ra  reff with reff ¼ ðra  rr Þ þ r ð1Þ of extrusions and the orientation of grains in polycrystalline 316L
2 2 has shown that though a direct proportionality is found for the
H.S. Ho et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 102 (2017) 1–8 3

Table 1
Metallurgical states of investigated specimens.

Plastic strain Grain size (D, Precipitate size Fatigue crack initiation life Mean extrusion height Band thickness Mean inter-band spacing
amplitude (ep) lm) (d, nm) (Ni, cycle) (‹h›, nm) (w, nm) (IB, lm)
0.0005 30 7 33,500 50 80 8
0.003 30 7 1500 50 80 2.5
50 10 1100 98 121 1.75
50 20 800 107 140 2.17
50 30 700 109 146 1.93
50 40 650 116 171 2.42
100 10 950 97 130 1.7
100 20 700 98 150 2.11
0.009 30 7 320 50 80 1.0
50 40 65 40 1.5
100 10 196 69 0.8

1E+06 crystallographic orientation does not necessarily affect the damage

N i (cycle) ε p=0.0005 initiation along slip bands and thus, the full description of the
effect of crystallographic orientation of surface grains on fatigue
ε p =0.003
1E+05 damage initiation is not presented in the present paper.
ε p=0.009 The interrupted fatigue testing enables us to investigate the for-
mation of slip steps and growth of extrusions within slip bands in
the surface grains of all the cyclically deformed specimens. The
evolution of mean extrusion height (h) vs. number of cycles (N) is
1E+03 found to be the same irrespective of the average precipitate size
and average grain size: h is found to increase slightly until
N = 20, then very significantly until N = 100, and thereafter remain
1E+02 constant until the end of fatigue crack initiation life (Ni) [8,12].
Subsequently, the mean extrusion height computed in the satura-
d (nm) tion phase (‹h›) at the crack initiation state is examined with
1E+01 respect to the average grain size (D) and average precipitate size
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 (d). The results show that the value of ‹h› exhibits an increasing
function of d (c.f. Fig. 3(b)) but remains insensitive to D, implying
Fig. 1. Fatigue crack initiation life (Ni) vs. average precipitate size (d) for a series of
plastic strain amplitudes (ep). that the irreversible motion and the free glide of mobile disloca-
tions during cyclic loading until Ni in grains of different sizes can
be considered to be identical.
In the following, the functional relationship between mean
height of extrusions and the sinus of the angle between the active extrusion height (‹h›) and the band thickness (w) computed at
slip direction and the surface, but no systematic dependence is the crack initiation phase is examined. The measurements of band
observed for the extrusion height in the active slip direction and thickness (w) are performed using TEM micrographs as shown in
the grain orientation [23]. Besides, our previous works dealing Fig. 3(a). The variations of the mean extrusion height (‹h›) and
with the correlational analysis between extrusion height, grain ori- the band thickness (w) estimated at the crack initiation phase are
entation, Schmid factor and damage initiation in surface grains of presented as a function of the average precipitate size (d) in
polycrystalline Waspaloy (the target material) has revealed that Fig. 3(b) and (c). The values of both the parameters ‹h› and w are
no direct linkage is found between grain orientation and Schmid found to increase with the increase of the average precipitate size
factor with crack occurrence [24]. It is substantiated that the (d), suggesting that ‹h› is positively correlated with w and thus, we

(a) (b)

Intragranular crack

Slip band

Grain boundary


Fig. 2. Surface microstructure obtained by SEM (a) and surface topography obtained by AFM (b) taken at the crack initiation phase for the specimen having D of 100 mm and d
of 20 nm.
4 H.S. Ho et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 102 (2017) 1–8


g=(1 1 1)
( 1 1 1)

001 011

(0,1,-1) (-1,3,-1)
(1,0,-1) (1,1,-3)

(0,0,-1)(-1,1,-3) (-1,1,-1)
(1,-1,-3) (-1,1,0)

(1,-1,-1) (-1,-1,-3)(-1,0,-1) (-3,1,-1)

(-1,-1,-1)(-3,-1,-1)(-1,0,0) (-3,1,1)
(-1,-1,0) (-3,-1,1)

500 nm (a) (-1,-3,1)

140 ‹h› (nm) (b) w (nm) (c)
100 εp
80 0.0005 140
0.003 120
60 0.003
40 100 0.009

20 80
d (nm) d (nm)
0 60
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 30 40 50 60

Fig. 3. TEM micrograph illustrating band thickness obtained at the crack initiation phase for specimen having D = 100 lm and d = 20 nm (a). Mean extrusion height (‹h›) (b)
and band thickness (w) (c) estimated in the crack initiation phase vs. average precipitate size (d) for a series of plastic strain amplitudes (ep).

are interested in plotting the evolution of ‹h› as a function of w, as the free glide of mobile dislocations during cyclic loading. As the
presented in Fig. 4. to-and-fro motion of these dislocations are easier, the production
It is shown in Fig. 4 that ‹h› exhibits a monotonic increase with of metallurgical defects such as cross slips are thus not favored,
the increasing of w. According to Mughrabi and Risbet et al. results then in the formation of narrow bands. These narrow bands,
[21,24], the degree of plastic strain localization can be connected which hinder the relocation of the plastic deformation within the
to the band thickness (w), where a lower value of w corresponds bands, can thus accommodate only a small amount of plastic defor-
to a higher level of plastic strain localization. Thus, ‹h› is inversely mation, explaining the low irreversibility of the plastic deforma-
proportional to the degree of plastic strain localization in the crack tion in the bands. In other terms, the easy and reversible motion
initiation phase, i.e. specimens having smaller precipitate particles of mobile dislocations in the specimen with small precipitate par-
with narrower slip bands do not need to attain higher extrusion ticles under continued cyclic loading promotes the creation of a
height for the occurrence of fatigue damage. Indeed, when the pre- lower surface step displacement at the specimen surface for the
cipitate particles ought to be small, the shearing processes of c0 initiation of fatigue cracks.
precipitates by dislocations are easier since they do not impede Fig. 3(b) shows that crack nucleation is favored when ‹h› lies in
the neighborhood of 100 nm, suggesting that fatigue damage is ini-
tiated at the surface of the alloy when a critical value is attained. In
other words, when a critical value of the local irreversible plastic
strain accumulated in the slip band is reached, the dislocation
structures in the band are unable to accommodate any further
plastic deformation, and thus promoting the initiation of cracks
along slip bands that are particularly intense [1,24].
In the present study, the degree of plastic strain localization is
characterized by the measurements of inter-band spacing (IB)
using TEM micrographs taken at different stages in interrupted
fatigue tests. The earlier results show that there is a very negligible
‘‘temporal” variation found for IB measured at predetermined num-
ber of cycles [12], hence, it is considered hereby that IB(N) = IB(Ni)
"N. In the following, the inter-band spacing (IB) measured at the
crack initiation phase is examined as a function of the plastic strain
amplitude (ep). In Fig. 5, IB is observed to decrease with the increase
of ep. This observation is in accordance with results obtained for
other metallurgical states of Waspaloy [12,25], but also for other
Fig. 4. Mean extrusion height (‹h›) vs. band thickness (w) for a series of plastic strain material types such as austenite Fe-36 at.% Ni-12 at.% Al alloy
amplitudes (ep). [26] and cooper [27].
H.S. Ho et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 102 (2017) 1–8 5

irr ¼
pcum pcum ðN; ep Þ ð6Þ
NIB ðNi ; ep Þep 4M irr

5. Experimental validation

5.1. Empirical relationship between plastic strain irreversibility and

fatigue crack initiation life

Eq. (6) shows that pcum irr is dependent on N and our results reveal
that pcum irr first increases and then decreases with increasing N, as
exhibited in Fig. 6. pcum irr that decreases at the end of fatigue crack
initiation life is recognized to be related to the saturation of
irr;pl;loc and the continuous increase of cpl;loc as a function of the

cyclic number. Fig. 6 shows that the functional dependency

between pcumirr and N remains valid for all the specimens investi-
Fig. 5. Inter-band spacing (IB) vs. plastic strain amplitude (ep). gated in the present study, in coherence with earlier results
obtained with the same alloy of only one metallurgical state tested
under three different levels of plastic strain ep [12].
At the fatigue crack initiation phase (N = Ni), pcum
irr (Ni) is found to
4. Microstructure-based reformulation of the Manson-Coffin be dependent on ep (and hence also on Ni), as is exhibited in Fig. 7.
irr (Ni) increases when ep increases
fatigue crack initiation life It is shown in this figure that pcum
(or when Ni decreases). The variation of pcum irr (Ni) with ep (and Ni)
If the Manson-Coffin-type law is assumed to be valid for dam- fits well with the results reported in the literature [12,13].
age initiation in polycrystals Waspaloy, this law relates the plastic The Manson-Coffin relation in Eq. (2) formulated in terms of
strain amplitude (ep) to the cycle number of crack initiation (Ni) cyclic slip irreversibility for N = Ni expressed in Eq. (6) can be
through a two-parameter power law [15,16]: rewritten in modified form as:

ep ¼ e0f ð2Ni Þc ð2Þ hf1 D ðcþ1Þ ðcþ1Þ

irr ðN i ÞIB ðN i ÞD ¼
pcum Ni ¼ constant Ni ð7Þ
2cþ1 2Me0f
where e’f and c (<0) are the fatigue ductility coefficient and expo- Eq. (7) implies that the product pcum irr ðN i ÞI B ðN i ÞD is linked with the
nent, respectively. fatigue crack initiation life (Ni) in a well-defined manner. Thereby,
Inspired by earlier works of Mughrabi and Risbet et al., which the variations of the product pcum irr ðN i ÞI B ðN i ÞD with Ni determined
propose to formulate a life law in terms of microstructural experimentally from AFM observations are assessed for three differ-
parameters instead of the function of macroscopic plastic strain ent grain sizes. In Fig. 8, the following expressions are found:
amplitude endured by the specimen during fatigue test, the plastic
strain irreversibility pcum
irr is introduced in the present work as a irr ðN i ÞIB ðN i ÞD ¼ 3  10
pcum 15 0:38
Ni ; for D  30 lm ð8Þ
microstructural parameter to explicitly take into account the
fatigue damage resulted from irreversible plastic strain irr ðN i ÞIB ðN i ÞD ¼ 2  10
pcum 14 0:57
Ni ; for D  50 lm ð9Þ
[11,12,21,24]. The parameter pcum irr is defined as the fraction of the
microstructurally irreversible cyclic plastic strain with respect to irr ðN i ÞIB ðN i ÞD ¼ 2  10
pcum 15 0:25
Ni ; for D  100 lm ð10Þ
the total cyclic plastic strain.
irr ¼
pcum ð3Þ

with ccum
irr;pl;loc is the cumulative irreversible cyclic plastic strain,
expressed as:
irr;pl;loc ¼ ð4Þ
where h is the mean extrusion height and D is the average grain
size, and ccum
pl;loc is the local plastic strain, representing the total plas-
tic strain accumulated in a slip band during N fatigue cycles. ccum
pl;loc is
expressed as a function of the volume fraction of slip bands (fv),
which itself depends on inter-band spacing (IB) and volume fraction
of one slip band (f1):
4M ep
c cum
pl;loc ¼ cpl;loc ¼ IB ðN; ep Þ pl;loc ðN; ep Þ
¼ ccum ð5Þ
k¼1 k¼1

where M is the Taylor factor and N is the number of cycles. In

shearable-precipitated alloy, the plastic strain is supported by mul-
tiplication of slip bands, and thus IB is dependent on ep, as illustrated
Fig. 6. Variation of the fraction of the microstructurally irreversible cyclic plastic
in Fig. 5. By combining the expressions for ccum irr;pl;loc in Eq. (4) and

strain pcum

as a function of the number of cycles (Ni) for different metallurgical
c cum
pl;loc in Eq. (5), pcum
irr can be expressed as a function of N: states tested under three different levels of plastic strain amplitude (ep).
6 H.S. Ho et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 102 (2017) 1–8

limit, the exponents b in Eqs. (8)–(10), found to be equivalent to

0.38 for D  30 lm, 0.57 for D  50 lm and 0.25 for D  100 lm,
are in fairly good agreement with expectation.

5.2. Correlation between fatigue ductility coefficient and fatigue

ductility exponent

Subsequently, the two coefficients of the Manson-Coffin fatigue

crack initiation law denoted as e’f and c are deduced from Eqs. (13)
and (14) by considering the following experimental data:
‹h› = 100  109 m, f1 = 3.3  103 (D  30 lm) or f1 = 2.0  103
(D  50 lm) or f1 = 1.0  103 (D  100 lm), and M = 3. The rela-
tionship between the two empirical parameters of MC law are fur-
ther assessed.
In the literature, it is shown by correlation that e0 f and c can be
connected through a linear log (e0 f)  c relationship [29,32]. Thus,
an log (e’f) = log (e’p)  clog (2N0 i) type correlation between e0 f
Fig. 7. Variation of plastic strain irreversibility ðpcum
irr (Ni)) as a function of plastic
strain amplitude (ep) for different grain sizes (D). and c is assessed (c.f. Fig. 9); the coefficients e0 p and N0 i, reported
to be the coordinates of a fixed point at varying c, would have
potential to be related to the fatigue damage [33–35]. Fig. 9 exhi-
bits that the log (e0 f) value is decreasing with increasing c-value,
implying that the supposed correlation between the logarithm of
e0 f and c is rather strong. Finally, with the correlation coefficient
value (R) of 0.948, the correlation can be regarded to be rather
In an attempt to examine the factors influencing the correlation
between e0 f and c plotted in Fig. 9, the behavior of the fatigue duc-
tility exponent (c) is assessed as a function of the grain size (D) for
fatigue damage initiation in polycrystal Waspaloy. Our results
show that c exhibits a decreasing tendency with increasing D. Thus,
to understand the behavior of c vs. D, an approach based on an
overall analysis of the impact of internal stresses on the occurrence
of early fatigue damage is used in the following. It is worth noting
that the initiation of cracks along slip bands is very often argued to
be a consequence of the local stress concentration due to strain
localization [24]. Thereby, to explore the possible contribution of
the stress-strain relationship on the crack initiation process, the
irr ðN i ÞI B ðN i ÞD with cycle number to crack
Fig. 8. Evolution of the product pcum
initiation (Ni). average value of the long-range internal stress (backstress X) esti-
mated at the crack initiation phase is examined.
According to Feaugas et al., the backstress (X) stemming from
The data plotted in Fig. 8 and the relationships shown in Eqs. the long-range interaction can be decomposed into two distinct
(8)–(10) suggest that the product pcumirr ðN i ÞI B ðN i ÞD is empirically components called intragranular backstress (Xintra) and intergranu-
connected to the fatigue crack initiation life (Ni) by a power law lar backstress (Xinter):
in the form of:
X ¼ X intra þ X inter ð15Þ
p  að2Ni Þb ð11Þ

Eq. (11) seems to be rather similar to Eq. (7). Thus, from a compar-
ison of Eqs. (7) and (11), it follows that: 0.2
log (ε'f)
p ¼ pcum
irr ðN i ÞI B ðN i ÞD ð12Þ

hf1 D -0.6
a¼ ¼ constant ð13Þ
2cþ1 2Me’f

b¼cþ1 ð14Þ -1.4 log (εf) = -3.514 c -2.7

Morrow has suggested that for total fatigue life, c is ranging R = 0.948
from 0.5 to 0.6 [28]. Yet, lower c-values are found for fatigue c
crack initiation life [29–31]. Thereby, the exponents b in Eqs.
-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2
(8)–(10) are examined to verify if they are reasonably connected
to c + 1. With the data obtained from the literature, one expects Fig. 9. Correlation between log fatigue ductility coefficient (e0 f) vs. fatigue ductility
that b = c + 1 < 0.5 for the early-stage fatigue damage. Within the exponent (c).
H.S. Ho et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 102 (2017) 1–8 7

Evaluation of a critical cumulative irreversible cyclic plastic

strain to crack initiation ccum
irr;pl;loc via Eq. (17) for the grain sizes
of 30 lm, 50 lm and 100 lm yields very similar values of
3.3  103, 2.0  103 and 1.0  103, respectively. These values
are of the same order of magnitude as the critical value of
1.3 ± 0.3  103 computed directly from Eq. (4). However, the crit-
ical value of cumulative irreversible cyclic plastic strain to crack
initiation for fatigued polycrystals Waspaloy is found to be much
smaller than the critical value of cumulative irreversible cyclic
plastic strain to failure, estimated to lie in the range of 10 to
30, for fatigued a-iron polycrystals and Cu–31% Zn (a-brass) sin-
gle crystal [5]. In this sense, it can be expected that the character-
istic critical value of cumulative irreversible cyclic plastic strain for
a specific damage type in a particular material is rather unique, as
assumed by the modified Manson-Coffin fatigue crack initiation
Fig. 10. Evolution of intergranular long-range internal stresses (Xinter) as a function law [5]. Thereby, the computed critical value of cumulative irre-
of grain size (D). versible cyclic plastic strain equal to 1.3 ± 0.3  103 can thus be
considered as a constant for the early stages of fatigue damage in
polycrystal Waspaloy.
where Xintra is related to strain incompatibility between grains,
which involves the crystal or grain boundary structure, while Xinter
6. Summary
is a consequence of the heterogeneity of the dislocation spatial dis-
tribution [36]. The results show that the backstress (X) is inter-
In summary, a microstructure-based reformulation of the mod-
dependent upon metallurgical parameters such as grain size and
ified Manson-Coffin law has been discussed for fatigued Ni-based
precipitate size, where X is found to be inversely proportional to
superalloy, Waspaloy. The experimental results suggest the exis-
the grain size (D) while exhibiting a tendency of monotonically
tence of a power-law relationship between cyclic slip irreversibil-
increasing with the precipitate size (d). Our analyses then show that
ity parameter and fatigue crack initiation life, and show that the
the dependency of the backstress (X) on the grain size (D) is mainly
two-parameter of the Manson-Coffin law can be related through
related to the intergranular long-range internal stresses (Xinter) cre-
a linear log (e0 f)  c relationship. The analyses suggest that higher
ated by the plastic strain incompatibility between grains, in agree-
exponent c-value signifies higher sensitivity to the plastic strain
ment with previous results reported in the literature [37]. In Fig. 10,
incompatibility between grains and that fatigue crack initiation life
Xinter is found to be a decreasing function of the grain size D and
can be controlled by limiting the value of cumulative irreversible
thus, the functional relationship between Xinter and D can be formal-
cyclic plastic strain to crack initiation.
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X inter ¼ 920  D1=2 ð16Þ
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