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International Journal on Integrated Education e-ISSN : 2620 - 3502

p-ISSN : 2615 - 3785

Psychological Features of the Pedagogical Process in a Medical University

Shoyimova Shokhista Sanakulovna

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Abstract: The article presents a study of the quality of education within the framework of the
quality management system in a medical university. The main attention is paid to the
psychological and pedagogical conditions of the quality of education, the results of a survey of
satisfaction with the quality of education by the educational process within the discipline
"Psychology and Pedagogy" are shown.
Keywords: quality management system, psychological and pedagogical conditions, quality
management of the educational process.
Modern educational trends that actualize the problems of the quality of education are aimed at
student-centered learning. In current educational practices, the introduction of innovations is
associated with certain difficulties. The global task of the XXI century. It should be noted the
gradual process of the transition of education from the position of transferring deep knowledge
to the formation of skills, general cultural and professional competencies. In connection with the
changes, the role of students in the educational environment, including in the field of education
quality, is increasing.
Theoretical basis or Methods
At present, the concept of practice-oriented education, the use of information and technological
resources is being actively introduced in higher education, which introduces students to the latest
research by domestic and foreign scientists. The quality of the results of educational activities
depends on many psychological and pedagogical conditions [8]:
 consistency – collection, processing, analysis and interpretation of the received information;
 monitoring, diagnostics with a combination of various methods;
 orientation to the forms and methods of teaching;
 taking into account the totality of indicators and factors;
 adequate psychological and pedagogical interpretation of monitoring data;
 involvement of teachers and students of the university in monitoring.
Achieving the required level of quality that meets the requirements of all stakeholders is
facilitated by the introduction of a certified quality management system in the educational
It should be noted that quality is a multifaceted category that characterizes the effectiveness of
all aspects of activity (development, organization of the educational process, pedagogical
conditions, experience, etc.).
Management of the quality of the educational process in a medical university is understood as a

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IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) p-ISSN : 26153785

systematic and systematic process of forming a future healthcare specialist based on a

competency-based approach [9].
The quality of education is based on the goals and content of education; the level of professional
competence of the teaching staff, the organization of their activities; the state of the material and
technical and scientific and information base of the educational process.
In the innovative methodology of the quality management system, one of the approaches is
reflexive, involving a quick response to changes in society, while focusing on values and
pragmatism. Within the framework of this approach, the principles of humanization and
democratization of education are prioritized. At the same time, the quality criteria are the socio-
cultural aspects of education.
Currently, trends are being updated that improve the quality of training and are in line with the
requirements of employers. The role and importance of continuous education is growing, the
tasks for personal development are becoming more complicated, given the market policy, which
is merging, including with higher medical education, etc.
It should be noted that the quality of education implies receiving feedback from students. As part
of the quality management system at the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, a
questionnaire was developed aimed at studying the satisfaction with the educational process of
first-year students [10]. The assessment was carried out on a ten-point scale, where 10 is the
maximum score, 1 is the minimum score. The questionnaire asked to evaluate the quality of the
presented material of lectures and practical classes, the provision of educational and
methodological complex, its completeness and availability on the information and educational
portal of the university, the score-rating system in the framework of the study of the discipline,
the interaction of the teacher with students, involvement students in the educational process, the
relevance of the acquired psychological and pedagogical knowledge, the most liked didactic
units, comments and suggestions of future healthcare professionals.
Carrying out these events is an ambiguous and multifaceted process, as it contributes to the
activation of the vital position and improvement of the quality of education. Interest is caused by
the assessment, comments and wishes of students to teachers of the department. The survey is
conducted anonymously.
The study under discussion involved 236 students of the 2022-2023 academic year enrollment of
pediatric, dental and preventive medicine faculties.
According to the results of the survey, the majority of students noted that the lecture material
was interesting and worthy of attention (the average score of the lectures was 8.75); and was
positioned by the students as very accessible for understanding (average score 9.07). The
possibility of using the presented lecture material in the future professional activity of a
healthcare specialist was estimated at an average of 8.79. Based on the foregoing, it can be
assumed that the thematic plan of lectures developed by the teachers of the department,
presentations corresponding to the topics of the lectures are accessible, interesting, adapted for
understanding and perception of first-year students of a medical university.
Practical classes in the discipline "Psychology and Pedagogy" were rated higher by all criteria by
students (average score 9.2) in comparison with lectures. Taking into account the specifics of
studying at a medical university, the number of students studying in a group does not exceed
fifteen people, which allows the teacher to carry out an individual approach to the student, taking
into account cognitive and emotional characteristics, paying more attention to the psychological
mood and socio-psychological climate of the group. Most likely, the combination of all these
aspects contributes to a high positive assessment of teaching activity by students.
Against the background of the received high points of the psychological and pedagogical skills
of teachers, the provision of educational and methodological literature, manuals, was rated low
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IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) p-ISSN : 26153785

by the students (average score 6.2). Low scores for this criterion may be due to the fact that
global informatization of all spheres of life and activity changes human values, this leads to a
change in the goals, content and quality of education. To improve the quality of training of
specialists, it is necessary to introduce innovative technologies into the learning process. At the
same time, it should be noted that the excessive use of information technology in education can
have some negative impact on the activity of students, as students have a reduced ability for
independent, creative thinking. Due to the fact that modern computer technologies partly orient
human thinking to formal rules and models of logic, replacing the creative-cognitive functions of
thinking with template ones, which distracts the student from the constructive research activity
necessary for a specialist in the field of medicine.
However, relatively high scores for the compliance of the content of lectures and practical
classes with the work program of the discipline, in our opinion, are connected, on the one hand,
with the availability of information on the educational portal of the university, and, on the other
hand, this is the result of the developed educational and methodological complex discipline and
accurate implementation of the calendar-thematic plan by the teaching staff of the department.
Among the didactic units “Pedagogy”, “General Psychology”, “Social Psychology”, “Age
Psychology” offered for study by students, the following topics are highlighted [12]:
 “Temperamental and characterological, individual psychological characteristics of the
personality” (it is in these classes that students’ personal psychodiagnostics is carried out,
where they learn the features of their temperament and character, which allows them to
develop strengths and correct weaknesses);
 “Communicative culture in the field of healthcare” (classes on this topic are held in an
interactive format, using the method of active learning - training, where interaction skills
are developed through the use of role-playing and business games, modeling, solving
situational problems, brainstorming , master classes, group discussions, reflections);
 “Social Phenomena of Groups and Classical Social Experiments” (in these classes, teachers
introduce students to sociocultural phenomena and patterns of the team, which allows them
to learn the basics of team management, which is necessary in the field of professional
activity “person-to-person”);
 “Leading activity and attitude to the disease in different age periods” (knowledge of this
material traditionally arouses interest among medical students, as it is connected with future
professional activities and personal life).
In accordance with the topics of the studies noted by the students, the priority is personality-
oriented interaction, which especially attracts first-year students.
Among the wishes of the students is an increase in the number of hours of classes in the training
mode. Studying at a medical university is associated with great cognitive and physiological
loads. Many disciplines require an increased concentration of all mental processes and states. At
the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, classes taking place in the training mode, on the
one hand, allow you to deeply work out the material being studied, on the other hand, provide
students with relaxation activities in the educational process, as well as training in self-regulation
of emotional states, which is extremely necessary. for first-year medical students.
On almost every form of the questionnaire, students express their gratitude to the teacher
attached to a particular group.
Thus, all of the above indicates that the modern practice-oriented model of education in a
medical university, which assigns a significant role to the quality management system in the
learning process, requires a serious and thoughtful educational and methodological study of the
conditions and forms of organization of practical and lectures with students, monitoring the
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IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) p-ISSN : 26153785

quality of educational services at the department and appropriate corrective measures to ensure
the quality of the implementation of professional educational programs. The event held indicated
the opinions and suggestions of students, which cannot but contribute to improving the quality of
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