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ROLLNO. 2214511128

Answer #1
Definition of communication - Communication is an integral part of human beings
existence. Communication is a way to express once feelings to others. Communication is an
exchange of effects ideas opinions or emotions by two or more person.
❖ Communication is a communion by words, letter, symbol, messages and as a way that
one organization member shares meaning with the other. Communication is a process
by which we or anyone can understand others and in turn to be understood by them as
well. Communication is a dynamic constantly changing and shifting in response to the
total situation. According to a Clevenger, “communication is a term used to refer to
any dynamic, information sharing process.”
❖ In a simple language communication linked people together in an organization to
achieve a common purpose. Communication aims to make people work together for
the common good of the organization.
❖ Communication helps in establishment of an organization. Communication facilitate
the development of plans for the achievement of goals. Communication helps in
selection, development and appraisals of member of the organization. It facilitates
control and evaluation of performance. There are two types of communication first
one is verbal communication and second one is nonverbal communication.
Barriers to communication - during communication there’s a possibility of her interference
which may hinder the communication process and such interference is known as barriers to
Following are the four barriers two communication with example:-
1. Language and cultural differences
2. Receivers attitude and behaviour
3. Lack of planning
4. Faculty translations

➢ Language and cultural differences-

The receiver may not completely understand the language used by transmitter. Which
occur if transmitters language is foreign to the receiver. And if there is a technical
information and the receiver is not familiar with technical terms. Cultural differences
are caused in or created by an individual’s background and experiences which can
affect their perception of the world. Such cultural differences may affect the
interpretation of the message sent.
➢ Receivers attitude and behavior-
If the receiver is not interested in the message or conversation the amount of
information received may be drastically reduced this also happens that it lead to here
the information inaccurately because the receiver is not interested to hear the
conversation. Similarly the receiver may misinterpret the message by jumping to
conclusions or reading the message in a manner that suits its own interests or
objectives and distort the true meaning of the message.

➢ Lack of planning-
If the person who is communicating did not gives sufficient time to think plan and
state the purpose of message then that communication would be ineffective. Suppose
the person who is communicating if he doesn’t plan how to talk with his manager or
with his senior or anyone else then the communication will be ineffective. So during
communication it is necessary to plan.

➢ Faculty translations-
Any person may receives many type of messages from superiors, peers, subordinates,
colleagues, or from any person which in turn must translate information meant from
another person into a language that can be easily understood by then. Translation is a
very important part of communication because if individual didn’t understand what
another person said to him then it is useless communication for individual. When a
message is transmitted from sender to a receiver, it must be accompanied with
interpretation so as to enable the receiver to understand the message. Similarly,
translation is very important to understand the messages or lectures.
Answer #2
Listening is a highly complex interactive process, by which spoken language is converted two
meaning in the mind. Listening is more than just hearing.
Listening is an active process. Listening involves the conscious desire to determine the
meaning of what is heard. During listening, one is busy in processing the data, reconstructing
the data and also giving meaning to the data. Instead of reprimanding you, if the lecturer talks
about the forthcoming examination and discuss the problem question that could be asked,
students become attentive and listen to him intently with full concentration.
• Strategies for effective listening-
Following or the strategies for effective listening
I. Listen with the full concentration-
▪ Concentration generally require willingness and interest to know what
speaker is saying.
▪ Practicing active listening helps with concentration but there are
elements that contribute to your ability to concentrate on what
someone is saying.
II. Provide clues that you are actively involved or asked some question regarding
conversations so speaker think that you are actively involved in the
▪ If full on listener provide clues that he or she is listening actively then
conversation can go a long way. It is important to speaker to feel that
you care about what he or she is saying.
▪ This is because it tends to send a message about whether or not the
listener cares about the speaker in a general way. When people don’t
feel that you care about them they don’t trust you and the
communication process quickly breaks down.
▪ So it is important to use verbal and nonverbal clues that you are
listening including your eye contact gestures and acknowledging
statement. All this thing helps too good conversation in a long way.
▪ It is very important to feel speaker that you are hearing his or her
III. Refrain from formulating an immediate response –
▪ It is very important to refrain from formulating an immediate response.
A listener won’t be able to fully concentrate on forming
▪ A genuine understanding of what the speaker is trying to say if you are
too busy thinking about what you are going to say in response to them
whatever it is is your turn to talk.
IV. Try to prepare beforehand –
▪ Preparation plays an important role in every field whether it is an exam
or listening. Preparation can have a huge impact on the outcome of a
dialogue or any form of communication.
▪ To prepare for an interaction where effective listening will be
important, it is essential to keep in mind the purpose for the exchange.
▪ It is very important to prepare what decisions do we made during
conversation and how the collaboration between sender and receiver
relates are important factor.
▪ Listener also prepares did how approach the situation or conversation
with the attitude of really caring to know the truth.
V. Be prepared to accept revisions –
▪ If a listener have willingness to accept revisions that will keep the
communication process running smoothly. Often people are so busy
trying to defend their position that they fail to really stop and think
whatever they could be improved upon in a different way.
▪ It is very important to accept mistakes and revisions during listening.
And good listener must be prepared to accept revisions.
VI. Be sure the environment is conductive to listen-
▪ According to me, this is the most important step to be a good listener.
Choosing the right environment is important because it will help the
listener focus and avoid the distractions and background noises etc.
▪ Generally it is best to avoid areas where there are high level of
activities, loud noises, and uncomfortable temperature, poor air flow,
etc. If the environment is conducive to listening or to listen then
listener is comfortable to listen what the speaker said as well as listener
will listen with full concentration.
Types of listening- listening can be categorized on the basis of the intention of the listener.
Followings are the types of listening :-
o Discriminative listening-
o Discriminative listening is the most basic type of listening, where difference
between sound is identified by the listener. If the listener cannot identify
o If the listener cannot identify differences then listener cannot make sense of
the meaning that is expressed by such differences. Listening is a visual as well
as auditory act.
o As we communicate much through body language we need to be able to
discriminate between muscles and skeletal movement that signify hotel
different meanings.
o Comprehensive listening-
o It is very important to learn sense of the sound. To comprehend the meaning,
listener requires amount of words and all rules for grammar and syntax by
which listener can understand what others are saying.
o In communication, some words are more important than some less so, and
comprehension often benefits from extraction of a key facts and item from a
verbose communication. Comprehension is a very important part of a
o Evaluative listening-
o Evaluative listening is also called critical listening because we can make
judgments about what the others are saying.
o Evaluative listening his particularly relevant when the other person is trying
to persuade us, perhaps to change our behaviour and maybe even to change
our beliefs.
o Appreciative listening –
o In appreciative listening, the main intention is to seek certain information
which will be appreciated for this job a listener used appreciative listening
when he or she are listening to good music poetry or maybe even the stirring
words of a great leader.
o Appreciate you listening is the most important part of effective listening. It is
very important for the listener to appreciate it the speaker.
o Empathetic listening-
o When listening listen theoretically, the listener seeks to understand the beliefs,
modes, emotion and goals of other people. This requires excellent
discrimination and close attention to the nuances of her emotional signals.
o Therapeutic listening-
o In this type of listening, the listener has a purpose of not only empathizing
with the speaker, but also to use this deep connection in order to help them
speaker understand, change or develop in some way.
o Dialogic listening-
o The word dialogic theme from a Greek word in which dia means true And Logos
meaning word. Does biologic listening means learning through conversation first job
It is an engaged interchange of ideas and information in which we actively seek to
learn more about the person and how they think. Dialogic listening is sometime
known as a relational listening Because with the help of an exchange of ideas by
listening we also indirectly create a relation.

Answer #3
The smallest unit of prose composition is the paragraph. A paragraph may be defined
as a group of sentences relating to a single topic, or developing a central idea. In a
sentence contain one main thought, in the same way a paragraph contains one main
topic or theme.
All the sentences shouldn’t be grouped that they must serve to develop the main
Letters, essay stories, etc divided into paragraphs with each paragraph developing a
single idea.
A good paragraph is like a strong chain, It has no loose or weak links.
A paragraph may be longer shot, but it is best to keep that paragraph just as long or as short
because it is necessary for the development of a particular theme.
Unity, order and variety are some components required for a good paragraph first.
• Unity – a good paragraph never contains more than one topic. And a good paragraph
is 1 whose theme can be expressed in a one sentence which is called topic sentence.
• Order – a good paragraph the sentences are always arranged in a logical manner. The
events are given in a particular order high from the order in which they occur. A well
written paragraph shows clear thinking and logical arrangement.
• Variety – a good paragraph must contain both long and short sentences. Sentences are
of varied construction and those of a different length.
Topic sentences, supporting details and closing sentence are some parts of the paragraph
which is very important while writing a paragraph.
❖ Writing paragraph – so basically paragraph writing is nothing but it how A
person turn his ideas into a sentence.

For writing a paragraph 5 writing steps are required which are mentioned below:-
1. First and most basic step is open notebook a word processor wherever user or
person wants to write a paragraph.
2. Write the topic sentence, supporting sentence and closing sentence.
3. Write clear and simple sentences to express your meaning. It is very necessary
for the user to write it the ideas end to a sentence but in a very simple manner
or we can say that a user have to write a very simple sentence so that everyone
can understand what he or she is right in his paragraph or her paragraph.
4. Focus on the main idea of your paragraph. A paragraph is always precise.
5. While writing a paragraph it is very important for a person or a user to express
their feelings so it is nothing wrong if a person or a user can use dictionary to
find some additional words so that he or she can express his or her feelings in
a sentence very easily.
Beside these five steps there are some more points to consider for writing a good paragraph.
Grammar and spellings checking is must while writing a paragraph. Make sure that each
sentence makes sense. Check the work tenses of each sentence.
Make sure is sentence has a subject. Style and organization is also necessary by writing a
paragraph Make sure your paragraph has a topic sentence.
Make sure your supporting sentences focus on the main idea. It is very important to check
that all your sentences focus on the main idea.
Answer #4
Personality means a dynamic concept describing the growth and development of a person’s
whole psychological system will stop the word personality has interesting etymological
Personality traditionally refers to how people influence other through their external
appearances and action.
In reality personality includes external appearance and behaviour, the inner awareness of a
self as a permanent organizing force and the particular organization of measurable trades,
both inner and outer.
Personality is an individual difference that lends consistency to a person’s behaviour.
Personality is a relatively stable set of a characteristic debt influences and individual’s
In a simple language personality as a sum total of ways in which an individual react and
interact with others first.
It is very difficult to describe any person’s behaviour in terms of personality. Apart from this
there are some ways personal theory is oppressed to describe persons behaviour in terms of
Carl Jung proposed two part theory of personality according to it, he typed caste all profile
into two compartments and that is first one is extroversion and introversion in second one is
type A and Type B personality.
1. Extroversion and Introversion
➢ Extra version is marked by pronounced engagement with external world. As a means
suggest extroversion which means extrovert people are those people who interact with
another people or enjoy the company of other people basically who loves to enjoy the
outer world.
➢ Extrovert people enjoyed outer world, and are full of energy with positive emotions.
➢ Introverts like the exuberance energy and activity level of a extrovert. They tend to be
a quite common lower key, deliberate and less dependent on the social world. They
lack of social involvement should not be integrated as shyness or depression.

2. Type A and B personalities

➢ Type A behaviour pattern is a complex personality in the immediate
characteristic. Behavioural characteristic includes competitiveness, time
urgency, social status, insecurity, aggression, facility and request for
achievements. Type A Personality individual is aggressively involved in a
chronic, incessant struggle to achieve more and more in less and less time.

➢ Type B Personality never suffer with a problem of time urgency

accompanying with impatience. They feel no need to display or discuss either
their achievements or accomplishment unless such exposure is demanded by
the situation. Type B personality people play for fun and relaxation, rather
than to exhibit their superiority at any cost. They can relax without guilt.

3. Agreeable and Disagreeable

➢ Agreeableness reflect individual differences in concern with cooperation and
social harmony. Agreeable individual value getting along with our first job
that’s why they are considerate, friendly, generous, helpful and willing to
compromise their interest with other. Agreeable we will also have an
optimistic view of human nature.
➢ Disagreeable individuals place self-interest above getting along with others.
They are generally unconcerned with others well-being, and therefore are
unlikely to extend themselves for their people.
➢ Agreeableness is obviously advantages for attaining and maintaining
popularity. Agreeable people are better liked than disagreeable people. On the
other hand, agreeable is not useful in situation that require tough or absolute
objective decision.

4. Conscientiousness-
➢ Conscientiousness concerns the way in which we control, regulate and direct
our impulses.
➢ Impulses are not inherently bad; occasionally time constraints require a snap
decision Command acting on our first impulse can be an effective responsible
job the benefit of high conscientiousness are obvious.
➢ Conscientious individuals avoid trouble in achieving proposal planning and
➢ They are also positively rewarded by others as intelligent and reliable on the
negative side, they can be compulsive Perfectionist and workcoholics.
5. Neuroticism-
➢ Neuroticism also known as inversely as emotional stability, it also refers to
the tendency to experience negative emotion.
➢ Those person who experience neuroticism may experience primarily one
specific negative variance such as anxiety combined anger or depression, but
are likely to experience several of these emotions.
➢ Those people who are high in neuroticism are emotionally reactive they
respond emotionally to event diet would not affect most people, in their
reactions tend to be more intense than normal. Their negative emotional
reactions tend to persist for unusually long periods of time corner which
means they are often in a bad mood.
➢ These problems take emotional regulation can diminish and neurotics ability
to think clearly, make decision and cope effectively with stressful.
6. Openness to experience –
➢ Openness to experience describe or tell us a dimension of personality that
differentiate imaginative creative people from down to Earth, conventional
➢ Open people are intellectually curious appreciative of art, and sensitive beauty
open people basically appreciate the hard the hard work for the beauty. They
tend to be compared to closed we will and more away to their feeling First of
all, obvious over the complex, ambiguous and subtle.

These are the points regarding personality and its development.

Answer #5
Leadership –
❖ Leadership is a process by which a person influences other to accomplish the
organization in more cohesive and coherent.
❖ Leader mainly performed this process by applying their leadership attributes,
such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge, skills, etc.
❖ A person as a position of manager or supervisor gives the authority to
company certain tasks and objectives in the organization, this power do not
make you leader.
❖ There’s a big difference between a leader and a manager or a boss. Leadership
makes the fall over want to achieve high goals rather than simply bossing
people around.
Leader don’t give orders but a good leader also complete task with their employees or
peoples. Good leaders develop a never ending process of self-study, education, training and
The overall aim of a leader is to achieve the task with the help of his group.
The leader has three main objectives which are mentioned below
• To gain the commitment and corporate his team for his team members
• To get the group into action to achieve agreed objectives or to achieve goals or to
complete the task
• To make best use of a skills, energy, talent of his team members, knowledge of his
team members, ethics of his team members and values of his team members
Leadership rules can be classified into two groups
Primary function-
❖ These function are essential to the process of leadership for example the
leader as a visionary, leader as executive, leader as a planner, leader as a
policymaker, leader as an expert, leader as a controller of relationship in the
group, leader as perveyour of rewards and punishment first.
Accessory function –
❖ Accessory functions are those which a leader may assume or be
assigned because of his leadership position for example leader as an
example, leader assembler of the group, leader as father Figure and
leader as a scapegoat.
Methods of developing an effective leadership –
The most important thing of any teams or groups succession is the individual who is
able to inspire subordinates to perform exceedingly well.
There are some points or traits which is found in leader who will succeed in
upbringing out the best from their support needs.
Following are the treats of leaders who will succeed in bringing out the best in their
I. Setting proper objectives:
• This is a very effective technique, which enables a leader to establish a
specific as well as a challenging goal.
• Leaders are always clear in defining their goal, which provide the
right direction to their subordinates. This also help their followers if
they encounter any problems.
II. Providing meaningful and interesting works:
• Most common thing in subordinates were colleague have inherent
desire for higher achievement. It is the responsibility of a leader to
provide interesting and challenging work to his followers or his
colleagues or his subordinate.
• Leaders should also reward them for the work. Eventually, as they
gain experience and become proficient, they should be given higher
III. Aim at improving communication skills:
• According to me this is the most important skill which a leader should
have. The leader should be an effective and efficient communicator.
• Communication skill plays an important role in every field and for
leader it is must he or she has she have a good communication skill.
Leader should be clear in specific, without being ambiguous, while
giving instructions or direction to his follower.
• Little should try to remove all barriers of communication. Improving
communication doesn’t mean that leaders should be a good speaker but
with a good speaker leader also have good listener as well.
• Good leaders should also give correct feedback to his followers so that
necessary improvement can be made by the followers of
IV. Use effective performance appraisal for subordinates:
• The leader should be able to appraise his followers. Leaders should
appreciate their followers, juniors or colleagues.
• The actual performance should be compared to the one which is
desired the ratio should reward the subordinate and help him to
enhance his performance.
• A good leader should also guide order teach the follower in areas of
concern to achieve improvement.
V. Team building:
• It is the responsibility of the leader to ensure that each member in his
team understand the importance of his role in performance effectively.
• leader also impresses on his followers the mission of the organization
and shows that their contribution is a vital for the profit debility of the
VI. Suitable delegation of authority and responsibility:
• Effective leader is the one who can delegate appropriate authority and
responsibility to his follower.
• First of all if a good leader done this then the subordinate will be
motivated to do important jobs and there will be a data mind to take up
and more responsible tasks.
VII. Standard procedure for effective decision making:
• Column an effective or a good leader should be certain that any
decision that he or she makes is of value.
• Leader should ensure that this decision is taken as well within a time
frame and accepted by the followers. This requires the leader to make
procedures for decision making.

Answer #6
Time management-
Time management is a setup a skills, tools and system that help you use your time to
accomplish what you want in an efficient way. Equated with money and just as a one
person find itself as a short of a cash we also find ourselves with a short of time. Time
management is managing yourself in a simple language.
Importance of time management –
i. Time is limited –
Time is a very special resource in that you cannot store it or save it for
later. Everyone gets the same amount of time each and every day. For
every one time is 24 hours per day.
It depends on the person how he or she will use this time first if you
don’t use your time wisely you will never get it back.
ii. Time is scarce –
lack of time is blamed for everything from not getting enough
exercise, poor finances, unachieved goals, too much stress, bad
relationship, even an unfulfilled life, etc.
Time management is very important for every individual to learn it
and manage the time voice. Time management helps an individual to
use the time that you have in a better way
iii. Too many choices –
so in today’s modern world there are so many ways to spend our
valuable time. But time management is not as easy as wasting or
spending time.
iv. You need time to get what you want out of life –
everyone must learn how to make time for the things that are important
for. If any individual can only afford to give a small amount of a time
each week to his or her goals, he or she will be surprised at how much
progress he or she can make.
v. You can accomplish more with less effort-
when anyone become more productive using improved time
management skills and tools, anyone can accomplish more with less
Reducing wasted time and effort gives you even more productive time
throughout the day. Both of these allows you to make time for a wide
range of activities that bring more balance and fulfilment to your life.
Method for managing time efficiently –
There are some ways to manage time efficiently such as
• Being assertive-
o assertiveness can help can help fragile, increase work effectiveness
and productivity, achieve greater control of their daily activity and
overcome work stress.
o Assertiveness can reduce interruption at work. Assertiveness increases
work effectiveness and productivity. It also helps to felt more in
control of their daily activities. It helps to improve decision making
and reduction in procrastination Enjoy the more balanced lifestyle.
• Weekly planners –
o Weekly planners helps individual to focus on four steps of focusing
your time on what you value the most and what you want to
accomplish. That 4 steps are identifying values, set goals, plan weekly,
plan daily.
• To do list-
o to do list is the most common way and most people use this. In this
individual should make a everyday and a person will find it invaluable
in helping you decide where you priorities lie.
o Write down everything in to do list and then identify which is urgent
which is important but not urgent and which is not urgent nor
important after identifying all these things an individual can prioritize
his work.
• SMART goals-
o goals give a sense of direction. People confuse goals with dreams and
o . Goals become strong when they are supported by direction
communication, determination, discipline and deadlines.
• Time diary –
o After doing many things like planning, by using weekly planner, by
doing to do list, etc If anyone don’t figure out where the time goes
then you should make a time diary which include personal time.

o In time dairy he or she should list some dad was needed to do each
task. User should prioritize what should have been done, compared to
the actual work accomplished. User should study what can be cut or
compressed. And the most important part of time diary is to mention
where user waste is most time.

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