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Student: Sandra Aranda Hurtado

Written Project

Hello, my name is Vanessa. I am twenty-four years old and I am a psychologist.

In my day I get up and prepare breakfast and her lunch box for my daughter, who
enters school at 7:00 am.
I clean my room quickly and leave for work, I enter work at 08:00 am.
I always leave work at 2:00 pm and go get my daughter from school.
I love my work schedule because I can get a lot done.
I cook and eat with my daughter. I like to cook lomo saltado, but she doesn't like it.
Lia often prefers to eat fried chicken but I don't like it.
In the afternoons we do homework and play with her bicycle. She loves her bicycle.
At night we eat and go to bed at 09:00 pm. Sometimes we watch movies on the
We never like to go to sleep at night without reading a story.

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