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(For reference, 1) The “world” takes place in a major continent, Lenethor, one of three.

other two continents are normal and host the features of any high fantasy world with their own
magic and gods. Lenethor is a wretched wasteland that no one can escape or enter for reasons
that will be explained. 2) “Gods” (Called “Greaters” in this world) are simply immensely powerful
beings who have been held to a responsibility of their land. They cannot die of old age but can
be killed just as any human or monster can. Kings and dukes of the land unanimously would
serve under the Greaters. There was no war in Lenethor, as Kings were only tasked with
stability and trade by the Greaters. 3) The events of the story about to be told happened 7 years

“Have you not heard the old tale of Lenethor and the rise of Hurenon? It’s how this wretched,
foul land came to be after all. It all started with the three Greaters. Arna, the Life Queen,
responsible for good health and long life as well as the prevention of disease. Hurenon,
Guardian of Lenethor, responsible for the repelling of beasts and monsters found deep in the
woods from any good-willed people. And lastly Xarus, Warden of Greaters, who was
responsible for making sure every person was treated fairly, including keeping Arna and
Hurenon in check. Xarus held immense power that was hardly even comprehensible to the
common man. For thousands of years they kept this responsibility. One day, Xarus’ judgement
grew too harsh and he lashed out on Arna after an infectious disease struck a minor city. Arna
did not like that, not in the slightest. One horrible day, with her magic, she corrupted many towns
and small cities with a disease, turning them into unsightly beasts. However, that was not her
most absurd action. That same day, before the disease caught momentum, she went to
Hurenon’s abode, corrupting him with the same horrible curse. *Xarus cares not for us, he thinks
himself most important and all powerful. He has betrayed us, we must defeat him* Said Arna to
the corrupted Hurenon. The two marched on Xarus’ temple and a great battle awoke. The earth
cracked, lightning struck and burnt down entire forests, and buildings were leveled. After days of
horrendous disasters, the battle concluded. Xarus was valiantly slain by the pair, broadcasting a
beam signalling his death, letting every man on Lenethor know that order is no more. Hurenon,
his mind now fully corrupted and wishing for only power, turned and killed Arna. Alongside her
died the only cure to the land and the only source of order. His final act was to retreat to his
home and cast a barrier surrounding the entire land as we know it, preventing any escape or
entry. Kings grew greedy, but all fell quick. Tanor, the largest and most prestigious city, held its
ground the longest, sacrificing much to repel the wretched monsters. However, after the stoic
King Lothul was slain, Tanor fell just as the rest did. Lenethor has never seen darker days.``

Tanor, The Capitol Lore (mention slain king, mad queen and martyrs)

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