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How cancel culture can affect on the internet and
what can done about it

Xanie tran
19 Dec 22
• Cancel Culture is not a new concept.
• It "describes a form of boycott in which someone is thrust
out of social or professional circles- either online on social
media, in the real world, or both. They are said to be
'canceled" CAN CUL.
• Affects celebrities, brands, businesses and organizations

In theory, this online ostracism seems beneficial, as it gives the people power to
hold public figures accountable for immoral actions or other things that law
enforcement has no say in. However, many instances have demonstrated that
this power can be easily abused, resulting in the “canceling” going too far or
people getting unnecessary amounts of hate.
• A big flaw of cancel culture is that people on the
internet are very quick to “cancel” someone, which
creates a very toxic environment for celebrities,
Nessa Barrett
influencers and other public figures. In this
judgemental online world, a single mistake can
practically end someone’s online career.

Example 1: Nessa Barrett

17 year old TikTok influencer Nessa Barrett was
“canceled” after she posted a video of her dancing to a
recording of someone reciting a verse from the
Qur’an, a sacred Islamic text. She publicly apologized
several times, saying that she wasn’t aware of the
gravity of the audio and didn’t mean any harm, but
the damage to her name had already been done.
While the occupational aspects of this social ostracism
may not be permanent as in Nessa’s case, the social
repercussions from getting “canceled” usually leaves a
stain on people’s reputations.
• Another issue is that the environment created by cancel
culture disallows open debate, instead encouraging the
silencing of different opinions. In the eyes of mainstream
social media there is little room for middle ground on
controversial topics; people are either seen as morally
correct or part of the problem.

Example 1: Gina Carano

“The Mandalorian” star Gina Carano was recently fired from
Lucasfilm and her talent agency after she shared a post on
her Instagram that compaired being a conservative in
America to being Jewish in Nazi, Germany¹.

This is a perfect example of how the internet can overreact about

Gina Carano
contentious things, simply because they disagree with the majority of
personal views. Yes, her post was insensitive, but shunning and
demonizing her for it doesn’t help anything. Carano is entitled to her
own opinion, and since it most likely wasn’t meant to be explicitly
hurtful, she didn’t deserve to lose her Disney career over it.

Even though social media is typically the main channel for

cancel culture, a cancellation can have a significant impact
on a person's life. Some victims of the cancel culture have
had their employment terminated or put on leave, which
has prevented them from working and earning a living. As
a result, celebrities may completely withdraw from public
life, albeit this is frequently only temporary. Celebrities have
occasionally profited from increased visibility and backing
from others who support their actions.
Give power to the average person on social media,
allowing them to hold public figures accountable
for harmful or offensive actions.
-> The majority of the time, we should just call
attention to someone's detrimental behavior to
prevent them from repeating it, and we should
encourage them to accept responsibility and
improve moving forward. However, it is typically

What are the appropriate unnecessary to "cancel" someone by bringing up

their reputation and perhaps the fate of their

career in the conversation. Additionally, the harm
caused by cancel culture outweighs the
advantages of taking legitimately awful people off
the internet.
This practice of “canceling” people is inherently bad. It promotes
intolerance, stifling the work of many in creative fields, and overruling
people with contrary opinions. Many important important individuals
from all different careers, backgrounds and political identities have come
out against it, encouraging people not to rush to judgement. It’s
important that people’s actions have consequences, but that doesn't
always have to mean intense criticism or permanent denunciation.


Xanie tran
19 Dec 22

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