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Naskah Pertunjukan

Da Mi Na Ti La

Dyah Lyesmaya
Rumah Budaya Sukuraga

Judul: Da Mi Na Ti La: Pertunjukan Wayang Sukuraga

International Webinar: Pedagogic in Pandemic Covid-19: Empowered
Woman as a Teacher at Home
Waktu: 7 Juli 2020
(Pukul 11:10 s.d. 11:21 WIB/11 Menit)
IAEducation (
Zoom Meeting Online; Youtube, Instagram, Facebook Streaming

Tim Produksi: Properti Panggung:

Fendi Sukuraga 1. Satu set Wayang Sukuraga

(Dalang) 2. Suling
3. Biola
Irna Kahaleda N 4. Kendang
(Vokalis/Editor AudioVisual) 5. Gamelan
6. Kostum batik Sukuraga
Alif 7. Iket batik

Aris Juliansyah
(Piper/Penata Panggung)

Iis Nurasiah
(Pembuat Dokumentasi Foto)

Dyah Lyesmaya
(Penulis Naskah/Penerjemah)
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Fragmen 1
1:02:00 s.d. 1:07:00

Dalang memainkan gamelan

kemudian membuka pertunjukan
dan memanggil sinden (Vokalis)
dan nayaga (Pengrawit)

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Memberikan Pesan Moral Mengenal diri

Sukuraga Puppets (Wayang Sukuraga) is a product of local

wisdom derived from Sukabumi. It is a puppets show about a body
part of human being.
This is a contemplative wayang about human awareness of his
existence as a physical being. Sukuraga means a body part of
human. The puppets shows us the conflict of our body part (eyes,
mouth, ears, nose, hands, feet, etc.). How they talk, describe,
recognize, act, in what tention they solve the conflict and what
purposes ore showed in every dialogue betwen the puppets figure.
The story of the conflict shows us that, humans display
consciousness as wholeness, starting from the awareness that is
presented by the body parts.
This values will help humans to act morally in a good way. Based
on this assumption, the value of Sukuraga is closely related to
moral development which must be instilled early on school age.
Also related with Human Literacy as mentioned above.

The Raga wayang using skin media is as a union of essence, which

in general humans are happy with their skin or facial appearance
only ... see when girls are attacked by zits even though only two
items are blocked in their faces, they are embarrassed to leave the
house , and we also in general to clean the dirt on the skin at least
take a shower twice a day, but to cleanse the soul in order to
remove the dirty that makes the eyes of the heart unable to see
alias blind, how many times a day to water spiritually? do we
regularly wash our faces or clothes every day?"

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Fragmen 2
1:07:00 s.d. 1:13:00

Dalang memperkenalkan Tokoh

Tangan, Ceuli, Hidung, dan
Telinga. Memberikan pesan moral
mengenai integritas anggota tubuh
apa yang baik dan apa yang tidak
baik dilakukan oleh anggota tubuh.
Setelah itu, menyanyikan lagu
“Nyanyian Telinga” dan “Da Mi Na
Ti La”

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Memberikan Pesan Moral Menjaga Integritas Diri
melalui Nyanyian

Nyanyian Telinga
Oleh: Fendi Sukuraga

Kami Telinga bangsa manusia

Kami semua mau disuruh apa
Mendengar petuah guru
Nerima saran saudara
Itu tugas
yang kami suka
Dari pada denger lagu
Tentang aib tetanggaku
Lebih baik dengar kentut
Walau kata hidung bau

Oleh: Fendi Sukuraga

DAMINATILA ada lima bilah nada

Dalam seni sunda warisan budaya bangsa
Da darimana datangnya semua manusia
Mi milik siapa dunia serta seisisinya
Na nanti semua akan balik ke asalnya
Ti tidak kekal dunia hanya sementara
La lakukanlah lakukanlah lakukanlah
perintah yang maha kuasa

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Ear Song
By: Fendi Sukuraga

we are the ears of humanity

what we all want to be told
listen to the teacher's orders, accept your advice
that's the task that we like
instead of listening to songs about my neighbor's disgrace
better to hear farts
Even though it makes a bad smell in the nose

By: Fendi Sukuraga

DAMINATILA there are five tones in Sundanese art

they are the nation's cultural heritage

Da, Where did all humans come from

Mi, Whose world is it and its contents
Na, everything will return to its origin
Ti, This world is not eternal, it's only temporary
La, do the command of the almighty god

do do the command of the almighty god

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Not someone who does
something but about the
ears, the mouth that
clearly displays the value
of a culture and its
affirmation of the activity
of thinking first before
speaking and how to

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Fendi Sukuraga

Dyah Lyesmaya
(PenulisNaskah dan

Irna Kahaleda N

Iis Nurasiah
(Pembuat Dokumentasi

@RBS2020-PAGE 9

Aris Juliansyah
(Piper/Penata Panggung)

@RBS2020-PAGE 10

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