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Cultural peace is basically practice democracy where there is a way of life that is based on respect and

protection of every person’s dignity regardless of race, religion, class etc. There is an equal term in every
person that’s what cultural peace aim for.

Cultural peace is essentially democracy practiced where the dignity of every person is respected and
protected, regardless of color, religion, class, etc. Every person is equal, and that is what cultural peace
seeks to achieve.

disarmament and cessation of hostilities is basically meaning po of a peace treaty it is an agreement po

between parties that has a conflict and offer them a peace negotation and also this disbarment po
promote an active non-violence as a response of injustice

The term 'ceasefire' is the antonym of the military expression 'open

fire' and signifies a call to terminate hostilities.
Ceasefire agreements are regularly announced as part of a peace
process and can suggest a level of commitment between warring
parties to seek an end to armed conflict.

Born to be wild

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