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Lizbeth Rosario Blanco


War and peace


Fior D'aliza De Jesús


Grammar in use 2 part 3/3

Moca, Dominican Republic

Saturday, April 23rd, 2022

War and peace

War and Peace are two totally different terms. Peace is which guarantees security

worldwide, while war is the opposite, since it causes disorder throughout the world. The

essay discusses that peace is the living definition of the harmony and tranquility that can

exist, whether between people or nations, making the world bring an order that favors


Although the most commonly used concept of war is the war of arms, there are cyber-

wars, which are wars that continue through the Internet and information technologies.

There are also economic or financial wars that seek, through various strategies, to

impose themselves economically on the enemy.

If war is a human invention, we must devise a way to resolve the struggle without this

fundamental and destructive intervention in conflict situations. First, education for

peace and issues must be pervasive at all stages of education, from infancy through

university, and at all times, through learning nonviolent conflict resolution, knowledge

of human rights, and all the issues mentioned here. Next, it is essential for governments

to promote attractive cultural products, especially audiovisuals, to teach how to

peacefully resolve situations, as well as to implement intercultural education policies

and build consensus to facilitate intercultural and interreligious dialogue.

The term peace refers to the absence of war. All focus on violent disagreements

between nations. In addition, in international law, it is considered a treaty or agreement

between parties to end a war. When peace reigns in a person, he or she transmits good

energies and is also able to enjoy the simplest details of life, nature, chatting with

friends, helping without asking for anything, whatever the answer may be.
"Peace is a gift of God and, at the same time, a task for everyone" (John Paul II, 1982).

God created Peace to always live in harmony. Something that has given us the gift of

life, as well as allowing each one of us to do good. By striving for forgiveness and the

solution of every problem, always looking positively at every step we take and working

together for world tranquility.

Peace is not only the absence of fighting but also living in tranquility, accepting

differences and knowing how to listen to, recognize, respect and appreciate others. It is

an active, dynamic and participatory process that promotes dialogue and problem

solving in a spirit of mutual understanding and cooperation, as demonstrated by the

United Nations on this day.

United Nations peacekeeping is undoubtedly the fundamental tool of the international

community to promote agreement and above all security. For example, in ancient times

peace was considered an ideal state free of war and military confrontation, since the

17th century the term has been evolving in response to the social and cultural changes

we see. As far as we know, peace is no longer just what the ancients defined, but

something about human rights, coexistence, inclusion and a minimum set of guarantees

and values for human beings with human life. In other words: peace itself is not just a

state, but a set of shared practices, decisions and habits that help us achieve favorable

living conditions.

Conflicts in this era, although numbers have declined over time, are deeply entrenched.

They are also becoming increasingly intense, as certain armed groups with access to

sophisticated weaponry and techniques cooperate in them.

Since time immemorial, wars and militaristic confrontations have defined the world as

we know it today, and different cultures around the world are calling for world peace.
Our understanding today is very different from that of the ancients, the Middle Ages

and the Renaissance. By all accounts, however, peace has always been one of

humanity's most frequent aspirations. "It is not enough to talk about peace. One must

believe in it. And it isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it" (Eleanor

Roosevelt, 1951). This activist phrase reflects the need for consistency between what we

say and what we do every day.

In conclusion, this essay has definitely made it clear that there must first be peace in our

hearts to be at peace with others, that is why it is we ourselves who must maintain peace

in the world to live in an environment. In any scenario there will always be someone

talking about the peace they desire, whether in family relationships or in their

workplace. For this reason, take heart and make it more than words, let's do it step by

step and then it will be global.


 10 inspiring Eleanor Roosevelt quotes. (2015, November 6). Unfoundation.Org.

 Adrián, R. (2014, December 10). What is Peace? " Definition and Meaning

[2022]. Concept of - Definition of;

 War. (2020, May 7). Economipedia.

 XV World Day for Peace 1982, Peace: a gift of God entrusted to us! (1981,

December 8). Vatican.Va.


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