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 A call centre is usually a fast paced and competitive environment to work in,

where the call centre executive needs to radiate a positive company image to
each and every customer - or potential customer - they speak to
 If there is a problem and the customer gets angry or rude – it happens - stay
calm and don’t let it phase you. Remember it’s not personal. Customers are
usually frustrated with their situation, or perhaps the product or company, not
you, you just happen to be the one in front of them right now. Rise above it
with all the best weapons in your arsenal – unfailing politeness, confidence and
empathy. You might say “I really want to help you and I understand that you
are frustrated. Let’s see what we can do”. 
 “As a call center representative, I would be the first point of contact for
incoming callers. I am skilled at actively listening to customer questions or
concerns and identifying the best solution.
 I have strong communication skills with which I can teach customers how to
use the company's helpful online tools and assist them in completing tasks they
may not know how to do.”
 “I would say the most important skills are listening, critical thinking and
multitasking. In this position, I would be able to listen to a customer's concern,
identify a solution and talk them through my process of solving their issue. I
also think a good attitude is crucial in this role because it makes customers feel
heard and supported, and it gives them a positive impression of the company.”

 “Quality customer service is being able to empathize with a customer and view
their issues as your own. For example.
  “I had a customer who was very upset about his subscription service which did
not meet his expectations. As the representative, I apologized for the
inconvenience and assured him that I would research his issue. After gathering
more details, I discovered he was having connectivity issues due to a lapse in
updating his software. I explained the issue and the solution to update his
software, but he explained that he was considering canceling his service


You also need to smile. Whether you are dealing with a customer face to face,
over the phone or via chat box, it can change your whole manner. Happiness does
not depend on outside circumstances. It depends on attitude. As How to Win
Friends And Influence People puts it, “Smiles are free to give and have an amazing
ability to make others feel wonderful.” Try to begin any interaction in a friendly
way – it will make people more receptive. Even if you’re upset, you need to be
friendly to influence customers and clients. So, smile in everything that you do.  

top tips on how to deliver good customer service.

 listen
 show empathy
 solve their problem
 thank them
 make the customer feel important
 smile
 anticipate

Questions to answer and practice about call centers

1. Do you have any experience in a call centre?
I have ability to perform the essential functions of the job. While I have not had any direct
experience in XYZ, I am a fast learner, and I am confident that I could (do, manage,
direct, handle, etc.) XYZ successfully and exceed your expectations
“I’m available and willing to fast-track learning this new skill that is important to the role.
I’m confident that I could pick up quickly. In my last role, we deployed a new CRM
software, and I was the first to learn the program and even taught it to a team of 25
other account executives.”

I worked as a promotorer in a gas natural workshoper, so I acure so much experience in

costumer service with one-one person, meaning that I can apply that experience at a call
center, because I always have complaints with the costumer, I alwayss have to deal tough
situations and deal with irate costumer. Then, I would always do my best to make them

2. why do you want to work for us as a customer service advisor?

Working in a call centre is essentially working on the front line of customer

services. You have to be passionate about helping people and say that you
respect the company’s values and products. You must, of course, research
the company well beforehand because they will follow this up with a specific
question about their products or values.
3. Do you enjoy communicating with people?
Say that your ideal job involves talking with people to help resolve problems
and to provide support and information.  If you have done any voluntary
work, especially if it involved speaking with people on a regular basis, this is
a good time to mention it.
4. how would you tell a customer something that they will not like?
In these cases you must be polite and professional. You can open by saying
that you are sorry to have to inform them that the information you have for
them is not good. Speak calmly and then provide the customer with an
opportunity to reply; take notes and raise any serious concerns with a team
leader before progressing.
5. how do you feel about meeting goals and targets?

6. how do you make sure you meet your targets?

Say that you stay focused on the job and stay organised to ensure that you
all tasks are completed within good time. If for any reason a target may not
be attainable, you will raise this with your team leader to see if there are
available resources elsewhere.
7. are you able to cope well under pressure?
You must be able to work under pressure in a call centre. Explain that you
thrive when working under pressure and that you are able to focus on a
task well when there is a tight deadline.
8. can you multi-task? typing while talking, for example?

9. do you prefer working on one account, or can you comfortably

work on several at the same time

Try and work out in advance whether the role is likely to involve any selling, or
is simply focused around assisting customers. Also consider whether you will be
working solely with one company’s customers, or handling outsourced calls for
multiple external companies.

1. What are the key factors that make a call center successful?
I think a aspect that is the most important it is the quality of the service,
and what think people about it, for instance in internet, in socia media, in
surveys, externally what is your reputation, and this things achieve
specifically whit commited workers in their jobs and the passionate you put
in it.

The team that makes the work happen, (2) the technology that supports
them, and (3) the customers they interact with. Here’s why putting these
three elements first leads to increased success.

Bring your team together through a robust training and engagement

program, train team members on the tools they use, and help them
understand what success looks like. This will inspire them to go the extra
mile for customers, instead of just trying to meet a quota. Then, reward
them for all their hard work.
 Creating an omnichannel support experience for your customers.
After all, call centers exist to serve customers, addressing their concerns,
answering their questions and providing value when they need it.

Especially today, but regardless of what’s going on in the world, your
representatives should talk to your customers with empathy, letting customers
know that you’re there for them.
This means using an appropriate tone is essential, no matter how out-of-line a
customer might seem. Use straightforward language that is calming and honest.
Express your gratitude for their past business and support. Even when a customer
complaint seems irrational, approach the situation with compassion and
communicate clearly and concisely.

2. Tell me about a time when you had to handle an unreasonable or

angry customer.

Well, there was a Time when a costumer about the delivery time of
his vehicules, I am

3. Situation: Establish the context of your story with specific details like

where the situation occurred, who it involved and what the problem was.
4. Task: Discuss your role in the situation, such as your particular job title,
your duties and your level of responsibility.
5. Action: Explain how you resolved the issue, such as the manner in which
you spoke to the customer, what you told the customer and the solution
you offered to the customer.
6. Result: Describe the outcome of your actions and what the final resolution
was, and discuss how the customer responded.
Work at the site where the fuel system of a gasoline vehicle is converted from
gasoline to natural gas. That takes about 2 days, 3 days at most, this particular
person wanted us to make the delivery in a day and a half, first I listened to
the customer's complaint because he used his vehicle to move, and needs
transportation, and understanding his situation, I talked to the technicians in
charge and we took the case of Mr. as something exceptional or uncommon,
therefore, after listening to him and trying to find a solution for people to be
satisfied, we managed to deliver his vehicle in a day and a half.

7. Tell me about a time when you received constructive criticism

8. Describe a time that you needed to know or learn something new

and how you got that information.

9. Tell me about the toughest decision or biggest work challenge you

had in the last six months?

10. What have you done to promote great customer service?

11. What achievement are you most proud of?

12. How do you handle working in a contact center?

13. How many people have you managed in the past?

14. Can you talk about a time when you escalated a call and how
you handled it?

how would you deal with an irate customer on the phone?

To deal with an irate customer you must remain calm and be polite. Listen to the
customer’s complaint, take notes, and then reassure the customer that the
company will make every attempt to resolve the problem.
 Why did you leave your previous position?

 Why should we employ you

What about AI – is my excellent customer service just going to be


It’s the elephant in the room – some customer service is now being automated to
offer some level of response 24-hours a day, seven days a week. It might work for
some simple queries and problems, but as yet, not the ones that need an
empathetic ear and thinking brain. A lot of customers are frustrated when they
can’t speak to a real person – young and old alike, and a chat-box powered by
natural language processing that’s reading set answers is unlikely to fully fill this

As efficient as it is for companies to use and lower operating and training costs,
does a machine even know what good customer service is?  Online customers are
invisible to organisations (literally), so, as a customer, it's easy to feel emotionally
short-changed by them.  But this lack of visual or tactile presence makes it even
more crucial to create a sense of personal, human-to-human connection in the
online arena.

Personal questions

Tell me about yourself

Well, Firstly, I would like to say thank you, for the opportunity to have this
interview and take your time, As you already know, my name is Zenaida Olivera, I
am a person who consider myself down-to earth, commited and driven individual
with a passion for continous growth and learning.

I would like to mention my education background and work experience.

I studied profesional english in 2018, graduated with B2+ Level, and studied hotel
and tourism and graduated in 2020, I Had the opportunity to work for a short time
while a I was studying, I worked In a hotel as a waitress, for around 3 or 4
months, This was a valuable time for my, because I realized in that moment that a
I Like costumer service and Meet new people, served people and always have a
hand to the person who need it.

In the 2020 I studied sales Managmanet, and had my intership stage time in a
company who give the opportunity to hire me, after I finished, and curretly I am
working in this worderful company.

I have valuable experience with costumer service, if you hire me, i Will be the type
of worker, who is always go above and beyond what is expect of my work, and I
believe my personality is a perfect fit for this role

I spend time and effort to finish my work, I also believe that I am methodical, I
love doing things in a systematic way, I love being well-organized

What do you like to do for fun?

Well, I like to do outdoor activities like cycling, travel, go to museum, but I

enjoyed stay at home at the same time, indoors activities, like reading watching
movies and cook, I Like both activities.

An ambivert is someone who exhibits qualities of both introversion and

extroversion, and can flip into either depending on their mood, context, and goals.

I liked people, wanting to feel/be a part of thing with people. Where its easy to be
more an extrovert is in one on one situations, (when the other person is “giving”
something back to the conversation) i tend to shy away when in crowded social
situations. Its hard for me to initiate conversations with a stanger, but if they reach
out and start things, i get a feeling of some connection and make a conversation.

What are your relevant strengths and weaknesses?

Well, I stand out Empathy and Independence.

The first and most crucial step in developing empathy as a manager is listening
carefully to the people around you. When we listen, we take the time to hear what
someone is saying without judgment or preconceived notions. It can be not easy
at times, but it’s crucial if we want to understand how someone is feeling and
make decisions based on that information. Therefore, careful and active listening is
necessary for managers to develop an empathizing mindset.
Empathy because I put myself in the other person's shoes. And always think, ¿How
I would feel if this XY situacion happens to me? How would be my response? And
thinking that I do not do what I would not like to be done to me. I always try that
the other people feel in peace and calm. The reason why empathy is so important
is that it helps us better understand how others are feeling, and even feel it in
ourselves. Empathy is more a sense that we can truly understand, relate to, or
imagine the depth of another person’s emotional state or situation. While it can
sometimes be difficult for us to “understand” another person’s perspective or
situation, being able to imagine what it must be like for them is an essential aspect
of empathy.

 Highly critical of others

 Unable to control emotions
 Unaware of other people’s feelings
 Accuses people of being overly sensitive
 Overreacts to small things
 Won’t admit when wrong
 Behaves insensitively
 Has trouble maintaining relationships
 Can’t handle uncomfortable situations
 Sees perceived slights everywhere

And independence let me be more condifence with myself, since I have the control
and reassure that I completed or reach a goal or activities. I can work with a tem,
perfectly without problem, but If responsible of a tasks, or a certain things, I will
100% done in time and do it without a problem.

Be Self Motivated

There is nothing more satisfying than being self-motivated. Don't get me wrong,
we all have those days when getting up in the morning is one SERIOUS struggle,
but having that self-discipline to get up and be productive is great. If you want to
achieve a goal, do it for you. You and you only should be your main motivation for
losing weight, moving up on that career ladder or simply making it to the end of
the week without breaking down. Each and every success should make you proud
of you!


 They also allow you to fit into a new working environment quickly and easily,
Being adaptable in the workplace is important for a number of reasons. For one,
employers value employees that are successfully able to manage changes in the
workplace. In addition, the more adaptable you are, the more productive you'll be
overall. This is important because being able to handle change with ease frees up
the time you might have normally spent being stressed out when a new challenge
presented itself. Being adaptable is also important because it showcases your
ability to be resourceful, displays your leadership skills, determination, analytical
skills and more. These are all valuable qualities that an employer looks for in an
Adjusting to situations:

These individuals can quickly adapt to the circumstance they face. They know the
best practices to adopt in aligning with new corporate culture, and they know what
to do. They are reliable when assigned with new tasks or projects. Showing
resistance to changes ends in futility and always leads to undue stress. Such
workers are ready to implement tasks beyond their roles.

I would say that I am versatile. I am a very fast learner and can excel quickly at
new tasks, so even if there are changes to the workflow or job responsibilities, I
can easily adapt.”

I refuse to give less than 100%, no matter what I am working on.

Well, I considered a person that finds difficult to say no of every request people
“I think my greatest weakness is that I have trouble saying ‘no’ to my coworkers.
Even when I have a lot on my plate, I really don’t like to disappoint people, so
sometimes I end up taking on more work than I should.
You don’t want to let anyone down.

There is the perception that if you say, “No,” as in “I can’t do that right now,” that
you’re letting others down. This can be expressed in different ways.

Finally, imagine yourself saying “No” and feeling good about doing so. You can do
this by reminding yourself of how relaxed you’ll be because you’ll have one less
pressure, or by thinking about the fact that you’ll have time to do something else –
something that you enjoy, even something for yourself.
but can also be someone who doesn’t know their limits and ends up needing help
or deadline extensions to finish their work
 Why should we hire you?

 How would other people describe you?

 What are three words that you would use to describe yourself?

 What makes you stand out from other candidates?

My job has multiple conflicting priorities where it can be difficult to know what is
most important and urgent. My boss and I worked out an important/urgent scale
for rating tasks so that it is clear what takes the highest priority. If something is
both important and urgent, it gets highest priority. Important but not urgent is
next and urgent but not important is next, then not important and not urgent is
last. My boss knows the rating system and even codes request as IU, INU, UNI
and NINU when sending them to me. As a result, my overall productivity in the
past year has gone up considerably as benchmarked against prior to using our
prioritization rating system…
As soon as I arrive at work, I list the tasks that require completion and prioritise
them according to their due dates. This assists me in managing my workload and
keeping me on track with my daily goals
How to receive criticism without being defensivenss
But the truth is, we need to get over it. We know there’s value in constructive
criticism—how else would we identify weaknesses only help us maintain
relationships and be more successful in everything we do.

1. Stop Your First Reaction

At the first sign of criticism, before you do anything—stop. Really. Try not to
react at all! You’ll have at least one second to stop your reaction. While one
second seems insignificant in real life, it’s ample time for your brain to
process a situation. And in that moment, you can halt a dismissive facial
expression or reactive quip and remind yourself to stay calm.
2. Remember the Benefit of Getting Feedback
Now, you have a few seconds to quickly remind yourself of the benefits of
receiving constructive criticism—namely, to improve your skills, work
product, and relationships, and to help you meet the expectations that your
manager and others have of you.

You should also try to curtail any reaction you’re having to the person who is
delivering the feedback. It can be challenging to receive criticism from a co-
worker, a peer, or someone that you don’t fully respect, but, remember:
Accurate and constructive feedback comes even from flawed sources.

3. Listen for Understanding

You’ve avoided your typical reaction, your brain is working, and you’ve recalled all the
benefits of feedback—high-five! Now, you’re ready to engage in a productive dialogue as
your competent, thoughtful self (as opposed to your combative, Mean Girls self).

As the person shares feedback with you, listen closely. Allow the person to share their
complete thoughts, without interruption. When they’re done, repeat back what you
heard. For example, “I hear you saying that you want me to provide more detailed weekly
reports, is that right?”

At this point, avoid analyzing or questioning the person’s assessment; instead, just focus on
understanding his or her comments and perspective. And give the benefit of the doubt here
—hey, it’s difficult to give feedback to another person. Recognize that the person giving
you feedback may be nervous or may not express their ideas perfectly.

4. Say Thank You

Next (and this is a hard part, I know), look the person in the eyes and thank
them for sharing feedback with you. Don’t gloss over this—be deliberate, and
say, “I really appreciate you taking the time to talk about this with me.”

Expressing appreciation doesn’t have to mean you’re agreeing with the

assessment, but it does show that you’re acknowledging the effort your
colleague took to evaluate you and share his or her thoughts.
6. Request Time to Follow Up
Hopefully, by this point in the conversation, you can agree on the issues that
were raised. Once you articulate what you will do going forward, and thank
the person again for the feedback, you can close the conversation and move

That said, if it’s a larger issue, or something presented by your boss, you may
want to ask for a follow-up meeting to ask more questions and get agreement
on next steps. And that’s OK—it’ll give you time to process the feedback, seek
advice from others, and think about solutions.

Constructive criticism is often the only way we learn about our weaknesses—
without it we can’t improve. When we’re defensive, instead of accepting and
gracious, we run the risk of missing out on this important insight.
Remember, feedback’s not easy to give and it’s certainly not easy to receive,
but it’ll help us now and in the long run.

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