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Class Number: 4
Date: 10-08-2023
Major: Veterinary Medicine
Subject: English Integrated Skills IV Listening and Speaking
Academic Year: II
Period: From 8:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.
Shift: Semestral

Unit II: I like guys who are creative

-Relative clauses.

-Describing preferences.

 Conceptual
- Describe preferences

 Procedural
- Describe relative clauses using relative clauses

 Attitudinal
- Express their point of view crititically about ideas of dating.
Organizational Teaching Forms (OTF):
I do, we do, and you do. Assessment.
 Teaching Media:
Lesson Plan, Whiteboard, Eraser and Markers, Computers, Pictures, TV.
 Bibliography:
Wilson K. and Healy T. (2007). “Smart Choice I”, Oxford University Press
-Welcome students
(10 min) (Start at 8:30 am and end at 8:40 am)
Greet all students and ask them how they feel?
Call the list.

Presentation of the new topic to students

(15 min) (Start at 8:40 am and end at 8:55 am)
The teacher will go over the units found in the book and the assessments for each

Show the students the vocabulary and practice pronunciation.

(30 min) (Start at 8:55 am and end at 9:25 am)

artistic reliable athleticism

creative shy beauty
cultured smart elegance
friendly talented generosity
funny thoughtful intelligence
energetic attarctive looks
extroverted bald personality
generous eldery politeness
intelligent elegant reliability
introverted hansome sense of humor
kind muscular wealth
knowledgeable slim date
outgoing tall critical
polite appearance impressive
quiet artistic talent perfect
-New topic and information
 Teaching students the new contents.
 Present a Power Point Presentation about the contents.
 Students will be asked to give their opinions about the topic.

Teach the students how to use relative clauses.

(35 min) (Start at 9:25 am and end at 10:00 am)
 Defining relative clauses Subject
 We can use relative clauses to identify, define or classify a thing or

 I like people who realiable.

 I work at a store that sells computer games

 We use the relative pronouns who, which and that to introduce defining
relative clauses. Who is for people, which is for things, that for either
people or things.

 Who, which and that refers back to the thing or person they identify, define
or classify.
 I have a friend who is very artistic
 I work at a store that sells video games.

 The verb in a subject relative clauses agrees in number with the noun in
the main clause.
 I know a guy who speaks many languages
 I know some people who speak many laangaues.
In a subject relative clause, we don’t use a personal subject pronoun after which,
who or that.
I like people who are friendly. (I like people who they are friendly.)
(30 min) (Start at 10:00 am and end at 10:30 am)
-Practicing the new information

-Make one sentence by changing the sentence in italics into a defining

relative clause. The relative pronoun can be the subject or the object of the
relative clause.

(20 min) (Start at 11:00 am and end at 11:20 am)

1. They found the money. I dropped the money.

2. I broke the plate. The plate was a wedding present.
3. The police arrested the man. I saw the man steal a handbag.
4. The Queen fired the chef. We had met the chef.
5. She wrote to her friend. Her friend lives in Vietnam.
6. Jill ate the sandwich. The sandwich had tomato and cheese inside.
7. His friend lives in Scotland. His friend is a lawyer.
8. We called the secretary. I went to school with the secretary.
9. The CD is in my bag. The CD has Spanish music.
10. The book is very interesting. The book is about Japanese culture.

Speaking Activity one


Complete the following speaking task below.

 Talk about being a good boss. Include the following information:
1. Qualities of a good boss
2. The kind of thigs a good boss does.
3. How a good boss speaks with employees, answer quention and handle

(40 min) (Start at 11:10 am and end at 11:50 am)

-Class Evaluation
(10 min) (Start at 11:50 am and end at 12:00 pm)
Did you like tonight’s class?
Ask three students to participate
What did you like about tonight’s class?
What did you hate about tonight’s class?

No homework.

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