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Class Number: 5
Date: 15-08-2023
Major: Veterinary Medicine
Subject: English Integrated Skills II Listening and Speaking
Academic Year: II
Period: From 8:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.
Shift: Semestral

Unit II: What’s she like?

- The different between “be like” and “look like” (personality and appearance)

--Adjectives to describe personality and appearance.

 Conceptual
- Describe the appearance and personality of people.

 Procedural

- Liaten to people talking about their experiences when having a date.

 Attitudinal
- They will collaborate with each other while working as a team.
Organizational Teaching Forms (OTF):
I do, we do, and you do. Assessment.
 Teaching Media:
Lesson Plan, Whiteboard, Eraser and Markers, Computers, Pictures, TV.
 Bibliography:
Wilson K. and Healy T. (2007). “Smart Choice I”, Oxford University Press
-Welcome students
(10 min) (Start at 8:30 am and end at 8:40 am)
Greet all students and ask them how they feel?
Call the list.

Presentation of the new topic to students

(15 min) (Start at 8:40 am and end at 8:55 am)
The teacher will go over the units found in the book and the assessments for each

Show the students the vocabulary and practice pronunciation.

(20 min) (Start at 8:55 am and end at 9:15 am)
Bron / dark / hair confident serious
Blond / red / hair cool shy
Curly / straight / hair friendly smart
Long / short / hair funny cheerfull
Good-looking lively good listener
heavy messy kind
medium height neat sense of humor
short nice slim
tall patient stylish
thin quiet
clean relaxed
-New topic and information
 Teaching students the new contents.
 Present a Power Point Presentation about the contents.
 Students will be asked to give their opinions about the topic.

Make a little review when talking about personality and appearance.

(30 min) (Start at 9:15 am and end at 9:45 am)
 Be like and look like.
 To ask about personality, we use what + be + like.
 To answer we use be + personality adjectives.
 What’s Carlos like? / He is smart and serious.
 What’s Luisa like? / She’s funny and smart.

 To ask about appearance we use:

1. What + do + look like

 To answer, we use be + adjective for appearance or have + word for

physical features.
 What does Javier look like? / He’s short and heavy.
 What does Petter look like / He has blue eyes.

2. Who + do + look like

 To answer, we use look like + a person.
 Wha does he look like? / He looks like Bruno Mars
 What do they look? / They look like their mother.
-Practicing the new information
(15 min) (Start at 9:45 am and end at 10:00 am)
Match the words with synonyms

(30 min) (Start at 10:00 am and end at
10:30 am)

Categorize the words. Use the words

in the box.
(30 min) (Start at 10:30 am and end at 11:00 am)

Complete the conversation. Then listen and check your answer.
(20 min) (Start at 11:00 am and end at 11:20 am)
-Listen the following conversations and complete with the lacking words.
(30 min) (Start at 11:20 am and end at 11:50 am)

My best friend is Barbara. She's , slim, and very pretty. She has long,curly
brown hair. I her because she's a friend when times are good or bad, She's
always there when I need her. She's , she's kind, and she's very .

My best friend's name is Diane Costello. She's , and she has

straight blond hair— I want hair like that I her because she's a good listener,
and she understands me, My other understand me, but they don't listen!

Pablo Montana is my best friend. He's ayear older (I'm 18),but we're in the same
college , We like the the same things, , basketball, social networking
sites. He's , and he has and a great smile. He's confident,
,and very cool.

My best friend's name is Lenny Mason. He's a really guy. He's tall (but I'm
taller!), and he has blond hair, He's a very guy, and he always looks
very cheerful. We laugh a lot when we're together. I like my other friends, but
some of them don't have our .

-Class Evaluation
(10 min) (Start at 11:50 am and end at 12:00 pm)
Did you like tonight’s class?
Ask three students to participate
What did you like about tonight’s class?
What did you hate about tonight’s class?
No homework.

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