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Build Fast WordPress Site In React In 30 Mins - With

The key points I will cover are:

1. Why headless CMS are gaining popularity?

2. Headless CMS architecture ( How does it work behind the scenes )
3. What are the benefits of using the headless WordPress themes
a- Site Performance is good
b- Good for SEO
c- Good for User Experience
d- Better performance and UX results in higher user engagement and longer average sessions
(user retention)
4. Server Side Rendering vs. Client Side Rendering and why SSR is better for SEO
5. Choices available for JavaScript Frameworks
6. Brief introduction to Frontity as the first JS framework focused on WordPress and key
features that positively impact site’s performance and user experience: Code Splitting, Server
Side Rendering, 100% Lighthouse.
7. How to create a fast WordPress blog in React in 3 simple steps using this framework:
1. Install frontity with a single line of command ( npx frontity create my-app && cd my-app )
2. Start frontity server using 'npx frontity dev'
3. Add your site url and settings
8. Ready to use, open source React themes available for all
9. My experience in creating the popular WordPress Twenty Nineteen theme ported over to
React in Frontity
10. Awesome helpful open-source community and ease of use: it lowers the barrier of creating
WordPress themes with React.

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