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Pseudo code of Genetic Algorithm to optimize WSN routing protocols

1. Set populationSize to the desired number of individuals in each population.

2. Set maxGenerations to the maximum number of generations the algorithm will run.
3. Set crossoverRate to the probability of crossover occurring between two parents.
4. Set mutationRate to the probability of mutation occurring in an individual.
5. Generate an initial population of random individuals.
6. For each generation from 1 to maxGenerations:
a) Evaluate the fitness of each individual in the population.
b) Create a new population, starting with the best individual from the previous generation
c) Repeat until the new population is filled:
i. Select two parents from the current population based on their fitness.
ii. Perform crossover with probability crossoverRate to create an offspring.
iii. Perform mutation with probability mutationRate on the offspring.
iv. Add the offspring to the new population.
d) Replace the current population with the new population.
7. Select the best individual from the final population as the optimized routing protocol configuration.
8. Return the optimized routing protocol configuration.

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