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The Level of Readiness of Owned Resource Factors for the Effectiveness of

Implementing Industrial Revolution 4.0 tools in Indonesian Aviation Society
5.0 Era
Ahmad Kurniawan*, Setiadi**
*Email: Accounting Major, Faculty of Economy, Air Marshal Suryadarma Aerospace University,

*Email: Accounting Major, Faculty of Economy, Air Marshal Suryadarma Aerospace University, Indonesia


Rapid technological developments have made many aspects of human life experience digital
transformation. One of them is in the aspect of the world of aviation which has entered Aviation 4.0
and Airport 4.0. This rapid development not only brings solutions to various problems in the world of
aviation but also potential new problems that may arise due to the unpreparedness of existing
resources. Starting from the factor of human resources and also natural resources, and infrastructure.
The level of readiness of these three factors must be thoroughly checked to find out whether our
country is ready to implement the tools of the industrial revolution 4.0 into the world of aviation in
Indonesia, particularly in our society 5.0 Era. In addition, the purpose of this paper is to determine the
influence of each factor on the successful implementation of digital transformation in Indonesian
aviation. To measure the level of readiness of these human resources, we will use primary data,
namely the results of a questionnaire on future human resources in The Air Marshal Suryadarma
Aerospace University as the sample. And while to measure the level of readiness of natural resources
and infrastructure, we will use data from secondary data sources, particularly from the official
government sites.

Keywords: Aviation Digital Transformation, human resources, natural resources, infrastructure,

Indonesian society 5.0

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