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Exercice: the portrait of Henry VIII by Hans Holbein:

1) The sitter is Henri VIII. He is shown wearing a padded doublet and a fur cap, a dagger, square
toed shoes and a heavy jewellery.
2) The construction conveys the overall impression that the character is almighty, majestic
3) The perspective is given by the geometrical figures on the rug on the floor.
4) The details which emphasize the chivalrous aspect of the king are the dagger, the hat, the fur
cap and the gloves. He also has a proud attitude.
5) I think that portrait confirms that judgement because the richness is obvious, and his face
looks greedy and ferocious.

Thomas More (1478-1535) was born in a wealthy family, he became an English lawyer and scholar,
he was a famous humanist and published his book « Utopia » in 1515 in the Netherlands (see
Henry VIII was a personal friend of More, and made him lord chancellor of England. However,
More was beheaded by Henry VIII, because More could not accept that Henry VIII breaks with the
pope and denies catholicism.

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