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Behaviour of
What is it?
Water's anomalous expansion is an abnormal property in
which it expands instead of contracting as the temperature
drops from 4 degrees Celsius to 0 degree Celsius, making it
less dense. The density is highest at 4 degrees Celsius and
decreases below that temperature.
From the picture, we can see
that as water is being freezed,
instead of contracting, it
expands in size. This means
that, as water is being cooled,
its molecules go farther apart
Put in causing it to expand.

Before After

This is proof of our basic theory which states that, "Water's

anomalous expansion is an abnormal property in which it expands
instead of contracting as the temperature drops from 4 degrees
Celsius to 0 degree Celsius," this means that when water is being
cooled below 4 degrees, it expands.
This is result of another process which occurs when water is being
cooled down which is when the molecules spread to form a cage-like
structure which decreases the density of the water. When it reaches
0 degrees or lower, it will successfully form this cage-like structure
and it will result in the creation of ice.
We can conclude that when we cool down ice until 4 degrees, the
water molecules will be closer to each other and increase in density
but when it goes below 4 degrees, water molecules start getting
farther from each other to form a cage-like structure which in
results in the creation of ice. A possible error during the experiment
might be that I didn't mark the water levels EXACTLY but even
though I didn't mark it exactly we can still see that the water does

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