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Inodayan, Marife F.


1. Is it important to follow the order of the play? Why or why not? 10 pts.

It is important to follow the order of the play. First, there is no essence of writing the play if it
wouldn’t be followed in the performance. If the order of the play won’t be followed, then there
is no need to write a script and prepare in the first place. There may be changes but for
improvement and not in the changes of the order of the play. Second, it might cause confusion
with the audience. They might not understand what you are trying to imply or perform. For
example. The plot was messy because you did not follow the order of the play that was
prepared, then we as the audience might not want to finish watching the play already or we
might understand it differently or may not understand it at all. Order of the play was very
important because it is to show how organized the plot, the setting etc., of your play, following
the order of the play also gives a perfect performance.

2. There are three main characters in the play, "The Phantom of the Opera", how do these
characters develop? Did they develop at all? Explain each character development. 10 points for
each character= 30 pts. 

Christine Daae

Christine is an innocent woman who grew up believing that there is magic, even in reality there
is none. This led her to be deceived by the phantom
and made her believe that he is the angel of music her father promised. Since she is an honest,
straightforward person, even while her naivety can allow others to deceive her, it also
represents one of her greatest qualities. In fact, she demonstrates an uncommon level of
frankness, and kindness in her remarks, frequently taking great care to avoid offending other
people's sentiments, despite her fiancé Raoul's charges of dishonesty. Her character goes up
until the mid-end of the story. She was able to wake up and see the reality in the end that
there is no magic and the phantom is fake. But she still decided to sacrifice her own happiness
for the sake of the phantom. Also, in the end she became braver in facing the reality and in
saving her lover Raoul.

Eric “ The Phantom of the Opera”

Eric for was the best character of the play because I saw how he has developed in life, how is
his life from his child until he became the “Phantom”. He is a dynamic character that changed in
the latter part of the story. He had a tragic childhood, grew in a violent society because of his
appearance. He haven’t experienced how it is to be loved genuinely that is why he cannot also
give love to others. He grew up being a villain. He even became a murderer, he became violent
and brutal for them to follow his orders. He even uses his magic to trick people thinking he is a
supernatural being. He uses violence and brutality to scare people at the opera and for them to
follow all his orders. Erik exhibited a willingness to change and lead a regular life at the same
time. Once he understood that Christine is a kind, true person who has genuine care for him,
he stopped being harsh and possessive toward her. This motivated him to make a change
because it supports his conviction that all he required to improve himself was to experience love
rather than fear, hatred, or rejection. He let go of Christine and Raoul because he knows that
this will make Christine. This is one of the best character development in the story.


Raoul, the lover of Christine is somewhat a static character in the story. He is displayed like
other prince charming in other stories. He is good looking, kind and will do everything to save
his lover. He did not display any character development because he is what he is from the
beginning to the end of the story. He is a man that puts his emotions first, especially when it
comes to Christine. He is also a man that loves too much but not too trusting. From the
beginning to end, he displayed courage on fighting his love for Christine and fighting the
phantom, also went anywhere to find and save his dear love, Christine.

3. What makes the play interesting or uninteresting? Explain your answer. 10 pts.

The play is interesting because it showed a great plot. It is a play where the antagonist
is more important than the protagonist. And also, they displayed a good story for Eric wherein
he showed remorse and was able to let go of Christine and Raoul. Most—if not all—people can
relate to the unrequited love storyline. Everyone has had a crush on someone who is either
interested in someone else or doesn't want us back. People are kept interested in this timeless
tale by the representation of the Phantom's unrequited love story, which is not only
heartbreaking and magnificent but also, in a way, relatable. It is also this play that I had the
heart for the villain. It is somewhat similar to Maleficent. It is just that Maleficent didn’t die in
the end. Lastly, the songs and the actors were great especially the singing of Christine these
aspects makes the play more interesting. The scenes were properly portrayed and played

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