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Inodayan, Marife F.

CFE 104 3601

TTHS 5:30- 6: 30

Questions to be answered by the respondents:

1. What can you say about being a part of Saint Louis University? Did you have any negative
feeling/s when you started to be with SLU? Can you describe this negative emotion? 
2. Can you say one or two actual challenges or struggles you encountered being with SLU? Did
it help you in any way? 
3. Do you recommend SLU as the learning institution for the next generation of learners? Why
yes? /Why not?
4. In one word, "How do you describe your link, your bond with SLU, then and now?

Responent 1: Zahani L. Bayangan- Maquiwe ( Year 2016- 2010)

1. Being with SLU was transformative. In many

ways, it prepared me for the trajectory I took in life.
Many a time, I found myself looking back at the
things I have learned in the academe to deal with
the various situations I was in, especially that of in
my teaching career. I had negative feelings, mostly
stemming from what I thought was the prominence
of bureaucracy. I also felt like the education it offered at times, was traditional.
2. I remembered a time when we had to pass a lesson plan and there was a strict enforcement of
submitting that on time. Many of us were late for just a fraction of a minute and we ended getting
no score for such an important requirement. Being in a country now that respects and values
time, I used that lesson here. I would also count the many times we were required to stand in
front for a demo lesson or what not as a challenge. This did my confidence a lot of good though
especially that competitions are stiff.
3. I believe that with the passage of time, SLU has made more progress in its pursuit of
excellence and in bridging the gap between education and learners. I also believe it is on the right
track to bringing light to students, so yes, I do recommend it.
4. Profound.

Respondent 2: Mark Randal Dalmacio (2019-2019)

( Mr. Dalmacio was a friend of my friend and said he was shy to

talk to me so I asked him through my friend.)

1. My time in SLU was mostly unpleasant because there were a lot of things going on in my
personal life and it greatly affected my time in SLU. Most of the students and teachers would
easy to get along with but the administration seemingly focuses on the school itself rather than its
students and faculty. I was in a darkness that was hard to escape alone. If I am with people I
would always be smiling but when I am alone, everything feels like crumbling
2. When I was in SLU I was enrolled in the SEA department, I felt under skilled and
unconfident because the level of competency that my peers show is very high and seemingly
unattainable to me that time. It further affected my state of mind during my stay in SLU.
3. No, from my experience I enjoyed more in the SLU laboratory than in the SLU College. This
is because the administration of my senior high Alma matter gave more priority towards its
students and faculty which is less evident in SLU.
4. Memory.

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