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Dialogue (Phrasal Verbs)

Annisa Nurfadillah - 203515516082

Nasbia Olma Sangadji - 193403516065
A : Hello, good morning
B : Hai good morning, why you called me?
A : There something I want to ask
B : I can’t hear you very well. Can you speak up a little?
A : Can I ask something ?
B : Of course yes, tell me?
A : I forgot take my schedule out of the table when I dropped out of class yesterday and I don’t
know where the English class
B : English class? With Mr Evert, right?
A : Yes with Mr Evert, do you know where the class is?
B : If you don't know I have class tomorrow with Mr Evert too, what if we go to class together?
A : Oh my god i forgot about that, i'm sorry
B : It's okay, if you wanna come with me tomorrow, just called me back or I'll tell you where
the class right now ?
A : Can i come along with you tomorrow?
B : Of course, I look forward to seeing you at the campus park, see you tomorrow
A : Don’t hang up the phone, I’m still talking!
B : Okay, Go ahead
A : I came across an interesting book when I was in Gramedia yesterday
B : What is the title of the book?
A : The Courage To Be Dislike By Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga
B : Okay i'll be add in my wishlist
A : I will also buy it too, because it is a recommended book
B : My battery is about to run out I need to charge up my phone now, call me back see you
A : Okay see you tomorrow

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