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Tammarin’s Atlas of the World

Published in the Common Era 2176

Cursed Frontier and Ulfarin’s Fall – The god of Magic, Ulfarin, died here in 2147. While facing
the Invaders, he was overcome and cast down to the earth. The large black area noted on the map is
based on as much surveillance as possible. In reality, this is a chaotic void of pure magic. No one living
can survive exploring there. The area around the Fall is plagued by areas of intermittent chaos, typically
in large or small circles. People who have been caught in the manifesting magical circles have been
changed, typically melded together with whatever else living is caught within the circle.

Everreaching Mountains – These mountains form a low range that borders the fertile areas south
of Beechshire and Glimmerbrook and the frozen tundra of the Everreaching Wastes.

Everreaching Wastes – The Southern Sea is cold, and the land that borders it is equally frigid.
Strong winds blow northward, lowering the temperature along the coast to create a frozen tundra.
There are some animals that live in the area, but no humanoid settlements.

Grafson Mountains – A small cluster of mountains that offers some protection to the Dwarven city
of Bimburim. The mountains are not very mineral rich, so the Dwarves mostly built up some signal
towers extending to the Varenning Peaks to be able to communicate with their sister city of Higyur
Stronghold to the southeast.

Hilmagne Peaks – A range of volcanoes and dangerous lava spills, these mountains were flattened
during Ulfarin’s Fall.

Keeltry Highlands – A large mountain range to the south of the Dwarven city of Nurngarum. The
mountains are mineral rich and the Dwarves have extensive mining expeditions within the mountains.

Kianosh Desert Oasis – The Kianosh Desert is a harsh but beautiful piece of land running east to
west along the Everreaching Wastes to the south and fertile land to the north. Few people live in the
area permanently. Some smugglers operate from here since they can reach Beechshire, Glimmerbrook,
and Mistbreach Rise fairly easily with little interference. Crossing the Southern Sea, they can reach
toward Thurher Port and Garth’s Place for some business as well.

Tolleche Mountains – The Tolleche Mountains separate the Elven territories from the other races’
lands. This helps them maintain racial purity as well as keeping their culture free from outside influence.
The elves guard the southern peaks, but ignore the northern side of the mountain range.

Varenning Peaks – The Varenning Peaks serve much the same purpose for the Dwarves that the
Tolleche Mountains do the Elves. The major difference, though, is that the Dwarves support trade from
Westport Harbor. Several immigrant groups formed small settlements near the southern Peaks, but they
tend to stay close to the Harbor. North of the Peaks, toward the city of Von Loduhr, the land is rugged
and difficult. Only the truly determined or desperate would risk such travel to reach Von Loduhr.

The Dwarven Cities

Leader: Landrafin Gwantyn Bloodanvil (f.)

Bimburim is closely linked with Higyur Stronghold with its history and people. Over three hundred years
ago, the Stronghold was becoming overpopulated, so they invited their young folk to establish a new
community outside their walls. Well-equipped with new tools, awarded money, hired farmer-mentors,
and plenty of canned and smoked goods, they found fertile land and plentiful fishing along the coast.
The transition to their new land was as smooth as possible with only a few families returning to the
Stronghold. With the news of their success, more Dwarves ventured out to join them, each with their
incentives to help them in their new location.

Although Bimburim is the least-developed Dwarven territory, its people are typically happier and more
community-oriented in their outlooks. They know and care about their neighbors, volunteering and
offering aid to those in need. They still keep close ties with Higyur Stronghold and often travel to visit
their family members still there. Much of their economy depends on the Stronghold as they trade fish,
vegetables, and livestock for tools, textiles, medicines, and luxury supplies. Their trade route is a well-
guarded highway winding along the foot of the Varenning and Grafson mountain ranges. Guards from
the Stronghold’s military maintain posts with signal towers so that traders and travelers can be assured
of their safety and of a quick response should any troubles arise.

Higyur Stronghold
Leader: Captain Karbrek Lastbane (m.)

Higyur Stronghold was established 483 years ago by Dwarven military troops on a scouting mission to
expand Dwarven territories. Leaving Nurngarum, Captain Vodouck Lastbane led his soldiers near some
human settlements that would later become Salispool Port, and the Captain decided to continue on
rather than come into conflict with them. They finally came to the Varenning Peaks where they were
forced to establish a semi-permanent winter camp. The next Spring, they returned to find Nurngarum
amidst much political turmoil. Concerned about a possible civil war, the Captain convinced his family to
return to the camp. Several of his troops brought their families as well as friends.

Two years passed while they built up the Stronghold. Refugees began seeking shelter there with some
deciding to stay and others exploring the area for other locations to create homes for their families.

In honor of Captain Vodouck Lastbane, his heirs continue to hold the title of Captain and have some
influence, if not command, of the Stronghold’s military forces. Civilian matters are decided by a council
of elected representatives. The current Captain has proven to be a strong and decisive leader who has
gained popularity with the military and civilian groups for innovative approaches to handling threats to
the Stronghold.
Leader: Landgraf Melbrek Darkflight (m.)

Nurngarum was the most powerful Dwarven city for centuries before the near-civil war 482 years ago.
The arguments and acts taken by the most influential individuals and their families threatened the
security of the city then and continue to impact their relationships today. Beginning the problems, Alfos
Flatfinger was injured while working and his supervisor, Hesilda Axebelly, refused to let him leave his
shift early. Alfos sought a healer after work and was turned away because of the late hour. On his own,
Alfos was a nobody, but his sister, Emerald, had married Wemrith Darkbane, who was an upcoming
politician working on developing a campaign supporting the common folk. Wemrith used Alfos
Flatfinger, uplifting him into the public eye. When Alfos lost his hand to infection from the injury, many
of the lower-classes rioted. Workers rebelled the most, going so far as to damage some of their work
areas, especially the blacksmithy where Alfos worked, so that much production was halted throughout
the city.

Hesilda Axebelly defended herself by saying that her employers, the Orecloak family, were upset with
low production and insisted on supervisors doing whatever they could to increase their output.
Investigations by the guards did not uncover any definitive evidence, but the Orecloaks attempted to
use their political connections to mobilize the guards against the workers. This alienated the Orecloaks
from the lower classes who demanded their banishment in exchange for ceasing the uprising. Workers’
representatives cited a history of abuse, dangerous working conditions, and inadequate supplies and

It took three years for hostilities to cease completely. The Orecloak’s political supporters were removed
from their positions and swore to not run for office again. The Orecloak family as a whole was not
exiled, but determining who was at fault and who was innocent complicated the situation and dragged
out the results.

Today, their society is dominated by bureaucracy and laws that were crafted to ensure fair treatment of
all people in all areas of life. Adherence to the laws is necessary to avoid fines and possible jail time.
Getting approval for almost anything that does not strictly follow the laws requires submitting a written
proposal, having a written review by a city administrator, acquiring a stamp, which is essentially paying a
tax, and receiving the approved paperwork. Depending on one’s influence within the city, this could be a
matter of hours or years. Even children get into the spirit of bureaucracy by playing games with
elaborate rules and pointing out how they have been treated unfairly by their peers, citing the
appropriate classroom or societal rules.

Frequent protests and assassination attempts on the members of the Council of Advisors show that the
Dwarves need to work for change or face another potential civil war. The current Landgraf is working for
reform, but several of his older Advisors have no interest in large sweeping changes.

Von Loduhr
Leader: Uradel Addrom Loudrock (m.)

481 years ago, a Dwarf was banished, losing his name and any records of his family. He renamed himself
John and adopted the name Von Loduhr from a human friend. Serving in the human military for many
years, he recovered after the traumatic departure from Nurngarum and stayed in Higyur Stronghold for
an undetermined amount of time. Although it was a new location, he was still ostracized by the other
Dwarves. Von Loduhr left to create a new stronghold of his own, venturing past the mountains and into
some of the roughest territory on the continent. Through perseverance and several misadventures, he
made it to the coast and built up a small shelter. Over the years, he returned to Higyur Stronghold for
trade. Eventually, other outcasts and traders followed him. Today, it is the smallest of the Dwarven
territories and the most insular. Unwelcoming to outsiders, the inhabitants rarely leave their territory.

The Elven Cities

Leader: Immortal Light Mirafir Farnamonthron (m.)

This is one of the established Elven settlements after they arrived at the shores of Faayame 174 years
ago. At their arrival, they knew nothing about the land and had exhausted their stores of food and drink.
They were lucky to survive and unwilling to take chances by exploring further. Their landing site had
fertile land, and they improved upon it with careful conservation and spellcraft. They disassembled their
two ships to create simple homes which put a formal end to their seafaring.

Due to their proximity to the Everreaching Wastes and Southern Sea, they have had to adapt to cool
climates. Their architecture reflects the need to be prepared for severe winter storms as well as sudden
inclement weather during the spring and summer months. They have adopted pragmatic attitudes
toward life and doing what needs to be done. This does not extend, however, to their choice to
interbreed with other local peoples. To the Elves, there are some lines that are not to be crossed.

Shan Nalore
Leader: Immortal Light Inaroris Guresondrin (f.)

“City of the Forgotten,” Shan Nalore is the second Elven city on the continent. Like the Elves of Fylalon,
they also are recent arrivals. Unlike their sister settlement, their location is further north and more
sheltered by the Tolleche Mountains; therefore, they have had less experience with the other peoples of

Scholars do not know much about the Elves. According to the existing history, five Elven ships departed
their homeland, but they were separated in a storm that lasted for several days. They were separated
and one was sunk. Although four ships made it to shore, it was years before their explorers found and
united them again.

Both groups of Elves are secretive about their origins and will not share information about their
homeland, not even its name, or their mission to this new land. Even so, they seem to have no interest
in returning.
The Gnome Cities
Flameward Isles
Leader: Inspiration Hisver Sparklespell (m.)

The Isles had been colonized by a small group of theoretical magic users and extreme inventors, all
Gnomes, but that all changed two years ago. No inhabitants survived a massive magical-chemical
explosion. The clouds of lethal gasses have finally cleared enough that people can return, with
protective gear, to explore. A group of ten Gnomes have built up a bunker to continue recovery efforts.
Their last reports show that they are working to reduce the gas cloud further and to verify that there are
no other toxins in the area.

Leader: Her Illustrious Highness Ufeli Pemmedetend aka. Ms. Permadented

Galliedale is the main city of the Gnomes. It is a huge, sprawling, four-leveled monstrosity of metal and
tiny apartment homes. Many Gnomes choose to live there because of the comradeship and security.
They live with the most armaments and automated surveillance of any society on the continent.
Generations have grown up with the lack of privacy, so they do not think much of this at all. While there
have been frequent incidents of the government intruding on people’s rights and exposing details they
shouldn’t have, most Gnomes tend to thrive on the scandal, even those who were the targets.

Gnomes who leave Galliedale tend to do so for their own reasons. They may prefer the idea of excessive
liberty or they have insatiable wanderlust or an extreme love of nature. Whatever their reason, all
would be welcomed back with open arms and increased observation.

The Halfling Towns

Leader: Counsel Erster Barleyfinger (m.)

Beechshire is a comfortable small town along the banks of Lake Mariyam. The town is most well-known
for their production of barley and beer. They export barley for food products and animal feed. The
Halflings have developed a wide range of breads, soups, stews, beers, and whisky. They have had limited
success with tea as well.

While they do some legitimate trade with Westharbor Port, they have had a history of problems in the
past. Long travel times make them vulnerable to bandits and bad weather. Several of their crops failed
to reach the markets before spoiling. While they can get better prices by going that far, Beechshire
farmers prefer for merchants to come to them. If legitimate merchants are not available, they are happy
to openly trade with smugglers from Kianosh.
Leader: Patriarch Zalras Flyndak (m.)

Ten years ago, a priestess of Emeline began a religious revolution in Beechshire. Since her words of
promoting Family were so well-received, several Halflings decided they could no longer tolerate
Beechshire’s economic dependence upon alcoholic exports. Original founder, Patriarch Zalras Flyndak,
led his family and several other believers about 20 miles (32 km) away to remove themselves from what
they saw as “corruption of the family ideal.”

They still maintain some contact with Beechshire for trade, but are closer with Mistbreach Rise for social
activities. They have built a large shrine to Emeline that has become an important pilgrimage site.
Despite their religious fervor, they are not above trading with smugglers to avoid taxation and to receive
alcohol. Some families did not want to be divided over their strong beliefs, but there are individuals who
are not above the occasional drink.

Mistbreach Rise
Leader: Counsel Kelri Shadowsky (f.)

This Halfling town occupies an odd location in the world. Close enough to access the Everreaching
Mountains, the Wastes, Lake Mariyam, and the Kianosh Desert, the town has become an important
training site for potential Druids. Several Masters have created a school just outside of the Halfling

The Halflings get along well with the Druids, no matter their ancestry, making this small town a truly
cosmopolitan spot on the continent. The Halflings themselves do well with farming, trapping, and
fishing. Their crafting is highly prized and smugglers from Kianosh often trade for items such as fine
woolen sweaters and scarves as part of their untaxed offerings.

The Human Cities

Beresbriand Town
Leader: Baron Dale De Vries

The original Baron De Vries had been given a land grant for years of diplomatic service working with the
Dwarves of Nurngarum. Ever a patron of the arts, the Baron established the Astrant Academy of the
Arts to support performance and fine arts. The Javekiar Bard College split off from the main school after
the campus became overcrowded. The Bard College is located further west, just outside of the main
town. Today, there is a small town surrounding the fortified castle. Most of the town’s trade is based off
supporting the students and visitors to the schools.
Leader: King Reese Carette

The current King’s family has been in power for over forty generations. Stable, with a history of strong
fertility, his ancestors dealt with problems quickly and decisively. Instead of the tradition of passing
along everything to one recognized legitimate first-born heir, the royal family elders recognize one
person to designate as heir. In the past, this has included illegitimate offspring as well. What this has
done for the family is reduced violent challenges to the throne. Since all family members are considered
when the current ruler is close to death or has passed suddenly, their achievements and alliances are
what determine their eligibility, not their birth order. Voting is anonymous and any family member over
the age of 13 gets a vote. This keeps the family members on their best behavior in most cases; although,
there have been some who tried to gain the throne through force. That only worked in one instance
when Frederic Carette rose to power. Unfortunately for him, one of his family members let an assassin
into the royal chambers, and he was quickly dispatched. For better or for worse, the family takes care of
its own.

Ellingheim is the heart and capital of the Human territories. Anything that anyone could want is found
there: fashion, education, capitalism at its finest, tourism, the arts, and much more. King Reese and his
consort Liam rule over a prosperous kingdom far from most of the turbulent events of the coastal cities.
Ellingheim enjoys mild seasonal changes throughout the year that make it a pleasant place to vacation.
Many of their nobles have vacation homes to the southwest where they are still close enough to enjoy
all that the city has to offer.

For past service, the Ellingheim Assassins’ Guild is the only recognized and legitimate assassins’ guild on
the continent. Their special charter was a reward for removing the usurper Frederic Carette from the
throne. Interestingly, the Guild works often with the city guard to keep crime to a minimum. Just the
threat of a rival hiring an assassin keeps most people in line.

Garth’s Place
Leader: Menelv Kirilov, His Eminence

Hermit Garth established a small shack at the base of the Tolleche Mountains. He lived off the land and
contemplated his own existence far away from everyone else. He was happy.

Unbeknownst to Garth, the goddess Lunara sent prophetic visions to several of her followers. One of
them, Danielle, was driven insane and she led a group to Garth’s doorstep, demanding that the hermit
share his knowledge with them. Garth ignored them for ten years, but more and more followers kept
coming. Eventually, there was enough of a settlement that Garth could no longer ignore them. He
packed up his few belongings and disappeared into the Tolleche Mountains.

Garth’s mad followers still search for him to this day. His Eminence, Menelv Kirilov, a devoted follower
of Ularia, has established a church at Garth’s Place to try to heal the cursed. While there is no
organizationto the inhabitants, he serves as the highest-ranking church official, thus he is also the de-
facto mayor.
Highmoor Fort
Leader: Baron Curtis Park

The current Baron’s great-uncle General Devon Park distinguished himself during the Orc invasion at
Knightstone Landing. He was granted land and an old fort that had the original purpose for southern
defense of the capital. The new Baron upgraded the defenses a little before settling into retirement.

His niece, Clarise, tended him in his old age and added feminine touches here and there. Upon her full
inheritance, she finally gave up and abandoned the old fort. She built a new house on the lands and
housed some of her uncle’s retired guardsmen at the fort.

Her time finally came, and childless, she passed the lands to the eldest nephew, Curtis. As a mage
student, Curtis knew nothing about the military, but saw potential with the fort’s many rooms. He
renovated them as small student apartments, modernized the kitchen and dining hall, and invited
master mages to establish a small school there. The mages were impressed with the sturdy structure
and deemed it suitable for instructing new apprentices.

The school’s full name is Highmoor Fort School for Elementary Apprentices. Students can earn a
certificate of Basic Spellcasting Mastery which they can use to apply for higher ranking in the military,
civilian jobs, or to one of the advanced magical academies in Knightstone Landing or Salispool Port.

Knightstone Landing
Leader: Lord Stuart Todd

As the name implies, this was originally a stronghold headed by a landed Knight. The original Lady,
Heloise Todd, had been romantically tied to King Stephan of Ellingheim. When their affair was
discovered by Queen Margaret, the Lady Knight was sent off as far away as she could be.

To the Queen’s dismay, Heloise managed to distinguish herself through valiant service and diplomatic
efforts with Galliedale. The reclusive Gnomes offered several inventions in trade for Human-made
luxuries such as wine, pastries, fine fabrics, and artwork. The crowning achievement, however, was the
establishment of the Knightstone Landing School of Mages.

While Gnomes did have a history of magic, they had focused most of their attention to mechanical
innovations. They were happy to send their student-mages off to the school for training so there would
be fewer unpredictable incidents inside their city. While the school’s curriculum does address practical
spellcraft, the main focus is on military applications. Most of the Human military’s strongest battlemages
train here.

Salispool Port
Leader: Lady Hester Hastings

Like Knightstone Landing, Salispool Port began its existence as a stronghold for northern defenses. The
deep waters allowed larger ships to be produced for a strong navy, and the port remains the main
location for the navy. The port does also accommodate large merchant ships and accommodates regular
trade with overland routes going north to Galliedale, east to Knightstone Landing, southeast to
Nurngarum, and southwest to Ellingheim.

Because of the ability to handle large ships, the city is large and people of different ancestry are easily
found throughout. Even though there is a Human family in charge and ties to the Human capital, there
are enough Gnomes and Dwarves in permanent residence to put that to a challenge if diplomacy fails in
the future.

In the meantime, there is more than enough economic competition to keep everyone on their toes.
Several established trade guilds attempt to control the markets; however, laws prevent the guilds from
dominating the free artisans completely. In fact, nearly anyone who practices a craft can register and
claim a place to sell wares in street stalls throughout the city. Residential areas are the only places
where tradesmen are not allowed. Only the Guild of Porters may work to deliver packages in these

Since trade is so important here, even magical goods are produced and sold in Salispool Port. The
Institute of Enchantment accepts student mages and, just like apprentices in other trades, their goods
are presented to the public for sale at reduced prices. For a beginner mage without money to pay for
individual tutoring or a scholarship to one of the other schools, this is the best option.

Thurher Farhold
Leader: Duke Harrold Thurher

This is an ancient fort surrounded by a city that has grown up around the main castle for the past five
hundred eighty-seven years. Built of stone and maintained by Dwarven craftsmen and engineers, the
castle has a distinctly Dwarven look to it despite this being a human stronghold. The close ties between
Dwarves and Humans are evident throughout the city where people of both races are welcomed and
hold equal prestige.

The influence of Duke Harrold Thurher’s court extends to the west along the shoreline, past several
large farming areas and freeholds. Though the freeholds maintain their own governance, they pay
protection to the Duke and assist with maintaining the trade routes that benefit them and the city.
Travel from Thurher Port to the castle takes two days by carriage or wagon.

Westport Harbor
Leader: Baroness Cherise Abgrall

A group of enterprising Humans decided that westward expansion was a good idea. They consulted with
the King about their intentions and the possibility of land grants to occupy territory. With his blessing,
they packed up their belongings and left in a caravan about five hundred years ago. Along the way, some
dropped out to claim land, so there are small hamlets or individual farms and homestead settlements
along the way to Westport Harbor.

Upon their successful arrival at the Western Sea, they sent back notice to the King. In response, the King
sent more explorers to help examine the land and catalogue the flora and fauna. The land around
Westport Harbor is fertile, but at that time, underdeveloped. It wasn’t long before their expansion
efforts brought about some contentions with the Halflings of Beechshire. Overall, though, both groups
decided to adopt an attitude of agreement rather than outright competition. The reality was that the
first person or family to claim land had three years to turn it into an organized farm before they could
formally call it theirs. Then, both the Kingdom, represented by the local Baron(ess), and the Counsel of
Beechshire approved of the claim.

What was once an opportunity for the poor to become landowners had turned into a nightmare of
bureaucracy with the nearly-impossible task of claiming land, clearing it, putting up permanent
structures, and establishing profitable crops and/or herds. Humans are clever, though, and many new
plots were developed by several adult groups working together for a year or two, formalizing the claim,
and then concentrating their efforts on a neighboring plot. They continued this until each person had
claimed some land, then they work on expanding and sent back for their families to join them.

The Halflings of Beechshire noted these encroachments and stopped working through diplomatic
channels to limit the expansion into their territory. Today, there are regular patrols through the
Mutually Acknowledged Unclaimed Zone to prevent Humans from taking more territory near Halfling
lands. Human or Halfling civilians who are discovered in the MAUZ are arrested and fined.

The Half-Orc Settlement

Leader: Guardian Kigar (f.)

Like the Elves, the Orcs originally came from another land across the sea. They arrived armed for war.
Gaining shore near the northern Human settlement of Knightstone Landing, they pillaged, kidnapped
women and girls, and raped. Unable to understand their language, the humans did not know their true
purpose. They sent out several messengers to seek aid from Nurngarum, Galliedale, and Salispool Port.

Unbeknownst to the Humans, the Gnomish city was also under attack from an equally large force. Their
strong walls, mechanized weaponry, and surveillance helped them repel the invaders from afar. When
their numbers were depleted, the Gnomish military forces exited the city to hunt down and finish off the
remaining Orcs.

Meanwhile, Salispool Port and Nurngarum did sent support and military forces. They engaged the Orcs
in combat for close to three years before eradicating the majority of the Orc might. Even so, the carnage
was evident across the landscape: farms destroyed, small homesteads raided, and close to fifty half-Orc
children born.

Those with more Human features tried to fit in with the people of Knightstone Landing. They found
limited acceptance and chose to leave after they gained adulthood. They made their way east to the
Hilmagne Peaks where they found that not all of the Orcs had been defeated. After a lot of diplomatic
efforts, they made limited peace with a small raiding party that had been ordered to retreat from the
battle. The Orcs had made their way past the Dwarven forces to enter the northern wilds and establish a

Most of the land in the northeast was mountainous and rocky, filled with scrub brush and limited water
supplies. Worse though, were the earthquakes from unstable volcanoes that spewed ash and noxious
fumes throughout the area. Not many people lived in the northeast and the Orcs themselves were
struggling to survive. The Orcs and half-Orcs continued south to find more fertile land and eventually
established Qammikh.

Over the years, as their language skills improved, the Orcs were able to explain about a disease that
killed about 70% of their population, leaving many infertile. They recognized that they were a dying
race, so they undertook dangerous journeys to leave their homeland in order to try to save their people
through interbreeding. Coming from a violent society entrenched in inter-clan warfare, they thought
little of taking whatever they wanted. They had been eager to fight the Humans and Dwarves so that
even if they failed in their mission, they could die fighting.

Since the last of the Orcs were from the same clan, they were able to live peacefully under a matriarchy.
They recognized that putting the females in charge would prevent their hot-blooded and violent natures
from undoing what they had accomplished.

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