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Hekleorim – A Brief history

More than 5000 years ago this land was lush and knew very little in the way of war or violence. It
was time of a great joy and peace in which even the gods were known to walk among the mortal
races from time to time. Trade was booming, poverty almost non-existent, and technology was ever
improving. The most powerful of the races were the dwarves of the Karakdrin Empire which had
control over the entire southwest of the continent. They were a peaceful people sharing there
wonderous technology with the other factions and races to improve the quality of life for all. They
were often known to have open communication with their god Thanduron, the mighty god of the
smithy and craftsmanship. With his help the world was a utopia….

Then came the day of the fall. Great clouds of darkness spread across the sky, spewing from the
Karakdrin mountain domain, and shrouding the world. From the darkness aberrations sprung forth
which preyed upon an unprepared world. Entire kingdoms and empires fell. No one knows why the
darkness spread or what called these aberrations to this world. Even the gods seemed to abandon
the world when they were needed most, no one knows what happened to them or why they refused
help, but many lost faith in the gods, over time many were completed forgotten.

The darkness clouded the sky for more than 100 years, this became known as the age of strife, by
the time it had faded the strongest of the races had managed to cling on to what little they could.
Once the darkness had faded people began worship new gods that had emerged, they did not walk
among the mortals as before, and were much more restrained in their gifts for the most part, but
through their presence the races regained their hope and were able to fight back the aberrations
and rebuild what had once been lost over the following 5000 years. It was no easy task, and the
world is still damaged from the age of strife, but progress continues to grind on.

Current year 5069 AS (AS = After the strife)

Knowledge/lore you will know starting this campaign

In the far south west corner of the world there is a place known as the Dread Scar, it is known as the
location from where the age of strife began and is widely believed that the darkness and aberrations
are being drawn to this world from the mountains in this blackened and corrupted land.

You all know of a conglomerate of guilds known simple as “the seven”. It is seven guilds which are
working together to contain the Dread scar from spreading any further. These guilds are well known
throughout the land, but the actual scale and full extent of the influence is known only by a very
small number of people. Most people simple know the below:

- The Iron Enclave (mostly a mining/resource acquisition guild)

- The Stars Light (a guild dedicated to healing/helping those in need)
- The Rising Hammers (a guild known for its craftsmanship and metal working)
- The Circle of Arnoth (a secretive and exclusive mage guild)
- The Longbacks (a trading/hauling guild)
- The Razorcrests (a mercenary guild)
- The Eyes of Nanin (No one truly knows the purpose of this guild or how big it due to their
excessive secrecy, the few members who are seen do not socialise and will often carry
orders and documents signed by the highest authorities so as to not be Impeded, rumours
have suggested they could be a network of spies, while others suggest powerful magic users
focused on finding the source of the Dread Scar. It seems the only ones who know their true
purpose are the highest ranking among the 7).
You know the majority of these guilds are located within the spine ridge mountains (both east and
west), with large forces in the dread scar having recapture some ground. While they do have some
operations in the other zone/territories, these tend to be fairly limited in scale and often rely on
third party contractors.

Basic info on the different zones your characters would know

Yll Dorei –

This zone is the homeland of the elves of many types. When the age of strife came, they banded
together and held north western coast and the surrounding islands which came to be known as Yll
Dorei. They are neutral with all factions and provide some medical supplies in aid to many of the
other regions, but do not leave their land to fight, they are known to be astute defenders and
remain ever vigilant in case of aberrations attacking.

Some elves seek to do more and will leave Yll Dorei of their own accord, often joining guilds or
sometimes travelling the land just to help those in need. While these elves are not outcasts, its is still
looked down on by those in their homeland as they believe they should remain in Yll Dorei to protect
it, and by leaving they believe it makes them more vulnerable.

East + west Spine Ridge Mountains

- These zones are mostly controls by the 7. There are plenty of towns and cities which are
independent, but they all have interests in helping the 7 due to their proximity to the Dread
- A Mix of all races live within this land, even a handful of orcs live here working for the 7.
- Not fond of people who don’t support the fight against the Dread Scar as they see it as an
issue for the whole world to deal with.

The Everwind Plains

- This place is full of large flat grass lands excellent for farming and so its main produce from
here is crops.
- Most of the crops goes towards feeding the 7 and its forces in the Dread Scar.
- Tensions with Rivermoore and The Sorrowfields is not great as previously the plains would
provide food for the east which is instead now going west. Rivermoore is now having to pick
up the slack in helping its neighbour which is struggling.


- A collection of towns which named the province after its capital.

- Mainly a farming province with very high yield due to excellent fertile soil.
- Has a large standing army but not well trained, often deals with raids from orcs coming
down the west paths from the Treygorn Mountains looking for food.
- It is the main supporter of its neighbour the Sorrowfields in providing food aid for the ailing
Treygorn Mountains

- Once part of Rivermoore, the northern mountains provided excellent hunting for meat and
furs. It was abandoned after a tribe of orcs settled there.
- The orcs now regularly try and raid Rivermoore.

Steamhills of Karak Forn

- A few of the dwarves which survived the start of the age of strife had fled to the east, to
these hills.
- Not much is known about the dwarves, they don’t usually leave their region but they do
trade and are friendly to travellers.
- These hills are strange as they are a tropical jungle with rainfall almost every night, but dry
during the day. This leads to high humidity and a constant steam rising from the ground in
the day, and thick fog during the night.


- It is said that when the age of strife began the fey folk fled to these marshes/swamp.
- This region is protected by an extremely dense wall of trees.
- Nobody knows what inside this region, but some people speak of fey creatures and druids
trading with travellers along its border.

The Highscale Duchy

- A collection of towns and villages and cities along the south coast boarding the verdant sea.
Ruled by Malakreth, a skilled and powerful Dragonborn fighter who has proven his right to
rule many times.
- Main staple of the economy is lumber and fish. Lots of trees and the verdant sea is teeming
with life.
- Due to their excellent sailing heritage, they also do a lot of coastal trading around all of
- A mix of races live here, including some triton and tortles which love the abundance of life in
the sea.
- Overall friendly with traders, but wary of strange visitors.
- Due to border with the Dread Scar, they are cooperative with the 7 and have been tested
many times by aberrations, so take threats very seriously.

The Azure Tropics

- A dangerous land which is believed to be the ancestral homeland of all orcs.

- Currently has high population of orcs which are known to raid along the coast of the verdant

Sunraki Desert

- Not much is known of this land

- Rumours suggest that refugees from the age of strife fled a horde of aberrations into the
endless and dunes. It is believed they only survived due to the intervention of a god which
created the great lake and oasis for them.
- Not much is known about their temperament or how their society is structured.

The Deadlands

- Once a rich and beautiful land with bountiful forests and large farms, it ruined during a
battle in the year 2715.
- It is believed that a powerful mage lost control of his power when an aberration interfered
with a ritual, the resulting blast left a giant chasm where the spell took place and destroyed
all other life in the region. The wave of magic spread northward into what is now known as
the Sorrowfields.

The Sorrowfields

- Once connected to deadlands as a powerful and rich nation, it has now fallen to ruin with
the soil and land poisoned by magic.
- While not completely desolate like the deadlands, any hope of growing crops is foolish and
so the people of this land must rely on others to provide food.
- Due to the state of the region anyone who could has moved away. What is left are the poor
and the criminals and rogues of the world trying to hide.
- Many sketchy and criminal gangs reside here due to lack of authority. Because of this it has
become a hub for the trading of illicit goods and services with several towns popping up.

The Clymene Barony

- ruled by Baron Jarpor the greedy

- The land is mediocre with moderate farming/hunting/lumber/stone products being
produced by the region.
- The baron is known as “the greedy” as the vast majority of the taxes are spent on improving
the capital and his palace rather than improving the lives of his people.
- Known for having one of the most extensive and varied libraries of the world.

Kingdom of Korsk

- An icy land filled with hardships and danger.

- While it has a small population, they are known to be excellent hunters and fighters.
- Not may people go here or trade as they need to cross the ice fields to get to the towns and
capital city. Which his know not be a treacherous journey to take.
- Don’t like the Barony as they seem them as weak.

Other notable factions you would know of

- The thieves guild is known world over though few know of how it works or where they are
based from.
- The Tortle traders, a rare sight when seen by stories of them are heard all over. These
Tortles travel the world selling wonderous items and creations.
- The Black hearts, a rebel group based in the Barony, fighting against the political corruption
of the region. Rumours of foreign governments and powers providing support.
Most fighting is between smaller factions and groups. The big players might not like each other but
they understand the threat of the Aberrations and so don’t openly go to war. At worst they may

The Gods – what your characters know.

The original gods are all but forgotten, only Thanduron is remembered and only by the educated of
the lands and is often blamed for the age of strife as it was known the darkness first came from his
favoured people, the dwarves of the Karakdrin Empire. The other gods’ names have long been

Once the age of strife ended new gods began to emerge, these are the following gods:

- Forge gods:
o Riktarian and Morain are the two God of the forge/crafting, seen as a replacement
for Thanduron they are not well loved, nor do they have many followers due to their
predecessor’s history. (Riktarian is the god of the forge and Morain is the goddess of
inventiveness) Riktarian is seen as lawful neutral and Morain as chaotic neutral.
- The Tempest gods:
o Auril is solely worshipped in the Kingdom of Korsk as the Goddess of Winter and is
often seen as evil.
o Valkur is the god of the sea, often known as the Captain of the Waves, his influence
can be seen all along the coasts especially in the Duchy where he is seen as the
patron of sailors, ships, and favourable winds. He is seen as a chaotic good.
- The Twilight gods:
o Selune who is mostly followed by the elves of Yll Dorei as a guide, the elves often
look to the moon and stars to read any foretelling from their god. She is seen as
Neutral good.
o Ilmater is the god of suffering and perseverance which rose as a very strong god
among all the lands after the age of strife by those seeking comfort from the horrors
of the time. He is a lawful good deity with a large following.
o Helm is the god of protection and is often followed by guards and paladins, he is a
lawful good deity who rose as a god due to the ever present need to guard against
the aberrations.
o Bharin is the god of mischief and shadows and is seen as a protector and patron to
those hiding the in the dark. He is seen as a chaotic god whose boons are only
offered to those he sees as truly mischievous. Often followed by thieves, rogues, and
assassins. He is a chaotic neutral god.
- The gods of life:
o Lathander, whom is the god of renewal, birth, youth, and fertility, coming into being
after the age of strife when the populations began to increase again as the land was
reclaimed. He is a lawful good deity worshipped through the lands.
o Chauntea was the goddess of life and bounty, with follows around the world
predominantly from farming and agricultural backgrounds while also being a core
god of the druids and fey. She is a neutral good deity.
- The Gods of light:
o Sune, she is the goddess of beauty and love, she rose as a god during the age of
strife as being able to love and see beauty in even the darkest of times is what kept
peoples hope up and helped them endure the horrors of the time. Sune is a Chaotic
neutral deity.
o Amaunator is the god of the sun, law, and time, coming to power as a god after the
age of strife once the darkness smothering the world began to clear. He is a Lawful
neutral deity and is viewed as a harsh but fair god.

These are the main deities though there are other minor deities. If you need something specific for
you character let me know and we can discuss.

Also note that the underdark does not exist to the full extent it exists in other worlds. There are still
a network of caverns, caves and tunnels but not on the grand scale of the underdark as far as your
characters or the majority of the population are aware.

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