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The Net Libram

Random Naughty
Being a compendium of wild surges
sophisticated and risqué
by Gypsyjinx
“Filthy!” - a concerned parent
“Obscene!” -    a right-minded citizen
“Offensive!” -    a decent clergyman
“God damn, I laughed my ass off!” - a good friend of mine
“You should post this thing somewhere!” -    another good friend

When I first saw the Tome of Magic years ago, I was instantly drawn to the Wild Mage specialist.    The
promise of power tempered with the very real danger of destruction was too seductive a prize to resist, and I was
hooked.    That was way back in the early nineties, when The Internet was still just a gleam in Al Gore's eye.    Once I
found Usenet, and later when I gained web access, I searched far and wide for anything I could find about Wild
Mages, their spells, and their beloved Wild Surges.    Then, a few years ago I came across The Net Libram of
Random Magic Effects, which is a list of 10,000 chaotic results for use with Wands of Wonder, Wild Magic Surges,
strange artifact effects, or goddess knows what else, and I loved it!
Previously I’d downloaded The Complete Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge and found it tremendously
entertaining, with more than a little serious game application to be gleaned from it.    The spells were especially
delightful, but I enjoyed the whole thing probably for the very reason that critics might decry it.    Eventually I had
one of those weird little epiphanies suggesting that I make some kind of contribution.    I didn’t have the will or
patience to research a lot of esoteric detail, nor did I want to spend too much time slaving over game mechanics or
beta testing.    So I decided that the best way to contribute was to combine two of the more amusing aspects of
gaming into one single Netbook.    And from that humble beginning, I came up with the tome you’re now perusing.   


Although the majority of the entries on this list are pointedly suggestive and deliberately naughty, very few are
outright obscene.    For the most part, the list is (I hope) amusing.    If you’re the type of person who’s offended by
innuendo, or if you’re a minor, do us both a favor and don’t read the list.    Thanks!

When might one of these results occur?
Oh, I don’t know.    The list can be used in place of or as a supplement to existing Wild Surge or Wand of Wonder
tables, though honestly the effects are kind of focused in one direction.    Maybe the party finds a specific-theme
Wand of Wonder, or they stumble into a magical trap laid (you’ll excuse the expression) by a wizard with a penchant
for the exotic.    Maybe a mysterious Cult of Ishtar performed a rite to increase the ambient sexuality of the realm,
but in the process they stirred up ambient magical energy with a chaotic, naughty flair.    Maybe a Wild Mage pissed
off a succubus, who cursed him so that any future wild surges have a decidedly spicy flavor!    Does it matter?
Basically, you should roll on this list whenever a potentially random magical result occurs, as long as the DM thinks
it’s appropriate (whatever that means).   
How is the list used?
The huge 10K list of random effects is divided into three basic sections:    “Caster Affected;” “Target Affected;” and
“Area Affected.”    That seemed like a good format, so I did something similar.    I wrote separate sections for a
female caster, a male caster, a female target, a male target, each with 400 possible results.    I also wrote a 200-surge
section applying to the general area around the surge effect.    Before rolling for an effect, you should determine the
sex of the caster and the target.    Then roll 1d1000 and check the list.    If the caster is female, you’d use the “Female
Caster” list; if the target is male, use the “Male Target” list.    If either the caster or target is of indeterminate sex,
pick whichever list gives the cooler result.   

Did you come up with these all by yourself?

Yes I did, for what it’s worth.    I wrote a few here and there whenever the mood struck me, and occasionally I was
seized by a kind of fervor and wound up churning out a hundred or more in one go.    None of the results are
particularly complicated or intricate, so it was pretty easy overall.    Just like other surge lists I’ve seen, the intent of
this list is to create interesting role-playing opportunities rather than detailed, specific results.    After I’d gotten
started, I was surprised to discover that I’d written quite a few Naughty Surges that actually had useful game

Why don’t you get off your ass and buy the 3rd ed. stuff?
I’m one of those poor fools who nearly bankrupted herself in the process of acquiring every 1st ed. product I could
get my hands on, only to go through the whole process again in the late 80’s when 2nd ed. was released.    My AD&D
library is big enough already, without re-purchasing a thousand products in 3rd ed.    I’ve looked over the 3rd ed./d20
rules, and I think my list can be still be useful without too much soul-rending adaptation.

What are you, some kind of pervert?

I’m afraid I’m not at liberty to comment on that, pending litigation.

Are you free on Saturday night?

See above.

Do you mind feedback?

Hell, no!    That’s half the fun, as far as I’m concerned.    Please send your comments and observations to

Legal-ish stuff:
This list is a derivative sourcebook based loosely on ideas described in the TSR product Tome of Magic (1991), and
no challenge is intended to the intellectual property or copyright status of that work.    In addition, the author draws
considerable inspiration from The Netbook of Unlawful Carnal Knowledge in its various incarnations around the
Net.    Please visit http:/ and tell the folks there what a fine job they’re doing!   
This list is not public domain, but distribution is cheerfully encouraged, as long as original credit is given to

Other Comments:
Honestly, I don't know why you're still reading this part; the fun stuff begins on the next page!
1 A Magic Mouth recounts the caster's most embarrassing sexual act
2 All muscles within the caster's pelvis have 18 STR and 20 DEX
3 Anyone attempting to Charm the caster becomes her sexual servant
4 Anyone caster sleeps with is multi-orgasmic during their liaison
5 Anyone who knows the caster's name knows how she looks naked
6 Anyone who's seen the caster naked is at -4 To Hit her
7 Anything that amuses the caster also arouses her
8 Both of caster's nipples are suddenly on the same breast
9 Caster achieves gratification whenever she puts her shoes on
10 Caster achieves gratification whenever she takes her shoes off
11 Caster acts out the sexual fantasy of the next man to touch her
12 Caster adopts a title based on part of her body
13 Caster agrees to pose for a nude painting by a local artist
14 Caster and nearest attractive man kiss passionately
15 Caster and nearest attractive woman kiss passionately
16 Caster appears as the ideal sexual partner of everyone she meets
17 Caster appears flushed with arousal at all times
18 Caster appears in every illustration of a detailed sex manual
19 Caster appears stark naked aboard the nearest seagoing vessel
20 Caster appears stark naked in the nearest busy marketplace
21 Caster appears stark naked in the nearest seraglio
22 Caster appears stark naked in the nearest temple of Ishtar
23 Caster appears supernaturally beautiful under moonlight
24 Caster appears thoroughly satisfied and "well-laid"
25 Caster appears to be naked for the rest of her life
26 Caster asks people if her breasts are too big
27 Caster asks to be strip-searched whenever she enters a town
28 Caster aspires to be the finest lover in the world
29 Caster attaches deep religious significance to her orgasms
30 Caster becomes aroused when she becomes angry
31 Caster becomes aroused when she's embarrassed
32 Caster becomes instantly clean each time she removes her clothes
33 Caster becomes desperate for orgasm whenever she casts a spell
34 Caster becomes famous for that trick she can do with her tongue
35 Caster becomes hotly aroused whenever she is healed magically
36 Caster becomes intensely attractive when frightened
37 Caster becomes irresistibly aroused whenever she casts a spell
38 Caster becomes obviously aroused whenever she hears her name
39 Caster becomes sexually insatiable under every full moon
40 Caster becomes sexually obsessed with a part of her own body
41 Caster becomes the sexual obsession of the nearest king
42 Caster becomes uncharacteristically wanton and lascivious
43 Caster becomes uncompromisingly assertive about her sexuality
44 Caster becomes wildly aroused in times of danger
45 Caster begins each conversation by saying "My breasts tell me..."
46 Caster believes any sexual claim made about her
47 Caster believes any sexual lie told to her
48 Caster bets her clothing that she can lift a horse over her head
49 Caster can alter the size of her breasts at will
50 Caster can assess the sexual prowess of males at a glance
51 Caster can become invisible while she pinches both nipples
52 Caster can cause the sensation of oral sex in anyone she touches
53 Caster can discern the sexual fantasies of anyone she touches
54 Caster can enlarge women's breasts by Laying On Hands
55 Caster can heal 1d10 hit points by giving oral pleasure
56 Caster can induce orgasm in others with a touch
57 Caster can issue a sexual Command once each day
58 Caster can make her clothing vanish at will
59 Caster can read a person's mind while having sex with him/her
60 Caster can receive intense sexual pleasure through her tongue
61 Caster can retract her teeth at will
62 Caster can see invisible objects while she's masturbating
63 Caster can see through her nipples
64 Caster can speak telepathically with anyone touching her breasts
65 Caster cannot cast a spell until she has had 2d6 orgasms
66 Caster cannot cast spells except while fondling her breasts
67 Caster cannot cast spells unless she's naked
68 Caster cannot recall a time when she wasn't someone's love slave
69 Caster cannot speak until 1d10 strangers have seen her naked
70 Caster cannot wear any sort of clothing for 1d100 days
71 Caster can't be burned by non-magical fire while she's naked
72 Caster can't bend her knees or take her hands from her ankles
73 Caster can't cast spells unless she's topless
74 Caster can't help smiling warmly and staring at men's crotches
75 Caster can't memorize spells unless naked in a public place
76 Caster can't resist any sexual advance, no matter how ridiculous
77 Caster can't rest until her companions are sexually satisfied
78 Caster can't sleep each night unless she's naked in plain sight
79 Caster can't sleep each night until a stranger sees her naked
80 Caster can't sleep each night until she masturbates to orgasm
81 Caster can't sleep unless she's told a sexual bedtime story
82 Caster can't use magic until she has an orgasm in a public place
83 Caster can't walk unless she's wearing six-inch stiletto heels
84 Caster challenges beautiful women to duels of sexual prowess
85 Caster comments on the breasts of every woman she meets
86 Caster compares her breasts to those of every woman she meets
87 Caster considers herself a sexual plaything for her entire party
88 Caster considers sexual discreteness to be a sign of weakness
89 Caster consoles her comrades by allowing them to cop a feel
90 Caster dances like a stripper until naked and 6 turns thereafter
91 Caster decides to "reward" her friends for their friendship
92 Caster describes her sexual history each night in her sleep
93 Caster develops a deep sexual attraction toward herself
94 Caster develops a fondness for tightly restrictive undergarments
95 Caster develops a secret fantasy in contrast to her personality
96 Caster develops a strong exhibitionist streak
97 Caster develops an almost irresistible oral fixation
98 Caster devises playful sexual nicknames for all of her friends
99 Caster discusses a newfound fetish at every opportunity
100 Caster does not age as long as she remains naked
101 Caster does not need food each day she masturbates publicly
102 Caster does not need to breathe while performing oral sex
103 Caster does not need to sleep as long as she remains naked
104 Caster dreams each night that she's becoming a sexual automaton
105 Caster earns 1d10 gold pieces each time she has a public orgasm
106 Caster earns a gold piece each time she brings someone to orgasm
107 Caster enhances her sexual partner's pleasure by a factor of ten
108 Caster experiences an orgasm from now until sunset tomorrow
109 Caster experiences small orgasms at inopportune moments
110 Caster experiences unrelenting arousal during the new moon
111 Caster fakes an orgasm as the verbal component of her spells
112 Caster feels as though she is receiving intense oral pleasure
113 Caster feels gentle mouths playing at her nipples for 1d8 hours
114 Caster feels mild sexual pleasure whenever she faces north
115 Caster feels overdressed if she wears anything more than a cloak
116 Caster feels overdressed if she wears anything more than boots
117 Caster feels that feathers are tickling her most intimate places
118 Caster feels that tongues are massaging every inch of her skin
119 Caster feels the need to explain her fantasies in great detail
120 Caster flashes her breasts after every spellcasting
121 Caster forgets all she knows about sex and is eager to relearn
122 Caster gains the romantic attentions of the nearest nymph
123 Caster gets aroused whenever she commits a self-degrading act
124 Caster gets aroused whenever she experiences fear
125 Caster gets hotly aroused at the sight of blood
126 Caster glows like a firefly after achieving orgasm
127 Caster goes into heat in the presence of lycanthropes
128 Caster goes into heat like a cat for one week each month
129 Caster greets royalty by saying "Don't I have a great ass?"
130 Caster grinds her hips erotically while casting spells
131 Caster grows 1d4 additional nipples on each breast
132 Caster grows another pair of breasts
133 Caster has a 30% chance to Charm anyone touching her naked body
134 Caster has a constant orgasm in the presence of royalty
135 Caster has a habit of giving oral pleasure while she's asleep
136 Caster has a habit of licking her lips in an enticing manner
137 Caster has a mind-blowing orgasm whenever she rolls a natural 20
138 Caster has a rapturous expression her face for 1d10 days
139 Caster has a shrieking orgasm shortly after every meal
140 Caster has a week-long orgasm the next time she turns invisible
141 Caster has an fantastic orgasm whenever she casts a spell
142 Caster has an incapacitating orgasm once every 1d4 hours
143 Caster has an incredible orgasm every time she tells a lie
144 Caster has an incredible orgasm whenever she commits a good deed
145 Caster has an intense desire to commit a sexual act right now
146 Caster has an orgasm every time she crosses running water
147 Caster has an orgasm every time she lights a campfire
148 Caster has an orgasm every time she spends someone else's money
149 Caster has an orgasm every time she takes a step barefoot
150 Caster has an orgasm every time someone sheathes a sword nearby
151 Caster has an orgasm every time someone touches her nose
152 Caster has an orgasm every waking hour on the hour
153 Caster has an orgasm once every five minutes for the next week
154 Caster has an orgasm whenever she is told to have one
155 Caster has an unerring sense of etiquette while she's naked
156 Caster has been naked for as long as anyone can remember
157 Caster has complete control over her menstrual cycle
158 Caster has hallucinations of wild orgies all around her
159 Caster has no gag reflex
160 Caster has no inhibitions whatsoever about sex
161 Caster has the greatest sexual prowess of anyone in history
162 Caster has the most perfect ass in the history of civilization
163 Caster has unbelievably erotic dreams each night
164 Caster hates clothing more and more every time she casts a spell
165 Caster hears illusionary sexual noises when she tries to sleep
166 Caster is AC 0 while naked
167 Caster is better able to haggle with merchants while she's naked
168 Caster is built like a proverbial brick shithouse
169 Caster is capable of amazing contortions while naked
170 Caster is chained naked and spread-eagle between four trees
171 Caster is desperate for orgasm but cannot masturbate
172 Caster is desperate to go skinny-dipping in the nearest river
173 Caster is determined to set new standards of sexual depravity
174 Caster is driven repeatedly to orgasm whenever she rides a horse
175 Caster is famed for her mastery of exotic sexual positions
176 Caster is forever unable to determine if she's naked or clothed
177 Caster is immune to 3rd-level charms and illusions while naked
178 Caster is immune to any and all sexually transmitted diseases
179 Caster is immune to drugs and poisons while she's naked
180 Caster is now flexible enough to perform oral sex on herself
181 Caster is on the brink of orgasm but can't quite get there
182 Caster is only able to speak in a seductive, husky voice
183 Caster is pleasured into unconsciousness once each day
184 Caster is really horny but can't climax unless strangers assist her
185 Caster is rumored to control men with her sexual prowess
186 Caster is rumored to have had unnatural relations with livestock
187 Caster is rumored to have pleasured many men and women to death
188 Caster is stripped naked, her skin pattered with zebra stripes
189 Caster is stuck in a powerful orgasm until Remove Curse is cast
190 Caster is suddenly more aroused than she's ever been before
191 Caster is suddenly naked and can't recall ever wearing clothes
192 Caster is suddenly naked and can't stop masturbating
193 Caster is suddenly naked and covered with honey
194 Caster is suddenly naked except for a painted-on layer of latex
195 Caster is suddenly naked except for a pair of thigh-high boots
196 Caster is suddenly naked except for a studded leather collar
197 Caster is suddenly naked except for an ankle bracelet
198 Caster is suddenly naked except for three tiny scraps of cloth
199 Caster is suddenly naked, her ankles shackled behind her head
200 Caster is suddenly naked, tanned, and dripping with baby oil
201 Caster is suddenly wearing a tiny black thong bikini
202 Caster is surrounded by 1d20 naked Mirror Images of herself
203 Caster is suspended naked and spread-eagle ten feet in the air
204 Caster is unable to bathe alone
205 Caster is unable to resist any sexual suggestion made to her
206 Caster is unharmed by extreme weather while she remains naked
207 Caster is very proud of her ass and dresses to show it off
208 Caster is very proud of her breasts and lets anyone examine them
209 Caster is very proud of her oral skill and loves to demonstrate
210 Caster is wildly and easily multi-orgasmic
211 Caster learns that her exact duplicate can be rented by the hour
212 Caster licks her lips provocatively when she's in mixed company
213 Caster likes having sex with anyone who helps her in battle
214 Caster likes it when people try to touch her body
215 Caster looks different each day, but always amazingly beautiful
216 Caster loves to brag about her sexual prowess to her friends
217 Caster lubricates copiously every time she hears a bell
218 Caster lubricates copiously for the next 8 hours
219 Caster lubricates copiously in times of stress
220 Caster lubricates copiously whenever a man says her name to her
221 Caster lubricates copiously whenever she casts a spell
222 Caster lusts crazily after the next person who touches her
223 Caster makes lewd and erotic comments to anyone who touches her
224 Caster makes lewd sexual comments at inappropriate times
225 Caster makes orgasmic noises instead of laughing
226 Caster makes orgasmic noises instead of verbal spell components
227 Caster moans and yelps in her sleep as if she's being pleasured
228 Caster must Save each morning or appear stark naked until sunset
229 Caster must Save each morning or be furiously horny until sunset
230 Caster must Save each morning or grow another pair of breasts
231 Caster must Save each morning or she can't wear clothes that day
232 Caster must Save or accept any sexual dare presented to her
233 Caster must Save when using magic or she'll masturbate to orgasm
234 Caster must strip naked before crossing any moving water
235 Caster obeys sexual orders from anyone addressing her as "Slave"
236 Caster offers a reward to the next person to give her an orgasm
237 Caster offers her virtue to the highest bidder
238 Caster offers oral sex to anyone who beats her at arm wrestling
239 Caster only takes half damage from attacks while she's naked
240 Caster perceives all men to be tumescent and desperate for her
241 Caster perceives herself as the pinnacle of sexual perfection
242 Caster perceives innuendo and double entendre in mundane speech
243 Caster performs a striptease every time music plays nearby
244 Caster pleasures herself with the nearest phallic object
245 Caster quests to find someone to help enlarge her breasts
246 Caster realizes she's a clone engineered for sexual servitude
247 Caster realizes she's been living a secret life as a nude dancer
248 Caster recalls a torrid affair with the next person to touch her
249 Caster recalls having sex with everyone within a ten mile radius
250 Caster refuses magical healing unless she can disrobe first
251 Caster regains 1d4 hit points every time she has an orgasm
252 Caster removes 1d4+2 pieces of clothing before each spellcasting
253 Caster resents people who don't touch her breasts
254 Caster responds to friendly conversation with overt sexuality
255 Caster rubs her body against anyone standing nearby
256 Caster serves as a sexual slave to anyone who calls her a slave
257 Caster shrieks in pleasure whenever she's touched by a woman
258 Caster sleeps face down, naked, with her ass propped in the air
259 Caster sneaks furtive glances at other women’s' breasts
260 Caster solicits opinions about various parts of her body
261 Caster spreads shockingly graphic rumors about her own sexuality
262 Caster starts discussions about her breasts at every opportunity
263 Caster strips and tries to touch her elbows behind her back
264 Caster strips naked and cannot voluntarily put clothes on
265 Caster strips naked and masturbates for 1d4 hours
266 Caster strips naked each morning and performs a vigorous workout
267 Caster suddenly recalls many happy years spent as a sexual slave
268 Caster talks in her sleep like a phone sex operator
269 Caster thinks each orgasm brings her one step closer to divinity
270 Caster thinks every male around her desires her sexually
271 Caster thinks everyone she talks to is staring at her breasts
272 Caster thinks her mind and soul reside between her thighs
273 Caster thinks no one will take her seriously unless she's naked
274 Caster thinks orgasmic moans are magic words and uses them often
275 Caster thinks she can enlarge women's breasts by Laying On Hands
276 Caster thinks she can heal herself by giving oral pleasure
277 Caster thinks she can heal injuries by giving oral pleasure
278 Caster thinks she can prophesy while in the throes of orgasm
279 Caster thinks she is a high priestess of the Goddess of Sex
280 Caster thinks she just gave oral sex to everyone within 10 yards
281 Caster thinks she must derive sustenance from a male source
282 Caster thinks she owns a corral of vigorous sexual servants
283 Caster thinks she was the guest of honor at an orgy last night
284 Caster thinks she's a machine built for naughty purposes
285 Caster thinks she's a nymph and goes around dressed like one
286 Caster thinks she's a succubus and will do anything to prove it
287 Caster thinks she's a victim of sexual experimentation by aliens
288 Caster thinks she's amassed a fortune working as a prostitute
289 Caster thinks she's an escaped pleasure slave
290 Caster thinks she's being telepathically stimulated to orgasm
291 Caster thinks she's destined to spend eternity as a sex slave
292 Caster thinks she's had sex fifty times a day since adolescence
293 Caster thinks she's just a vehicle for transporting her breasts
294 Caster thinks she's owed sexual favors by everyone in her party
295 Caster thinks she's posing for a nude sculpture
296 Caster thinks she's possessed by a succubus and acts accordingly
297 Caster thinks she's the property of the most handsome man nearby
298 Caster thinks she's the sexual toy of whoever next says her name
299 Caster thinks that frequent orgasms increase her skill at magic
300 Caster thinks that her sexuality is the key to absolute power
301 Caster thinks that she has been forbidden to wear clothing
302 Caster thinks there's nothing wrong with casual sex
303 Caster transforms every spellcasting into a sexual overture
304 Caster transforms into her own sexual ideal under each full moon
305 Caster tries to live up to her image as an icon of sexuality
306 Caster uses oral sex as an interrogation technique
307 Caster views sex simply as a form of currency useful for trade
308 Caster vows to research a spell to give herself perfect orgasms
309 Caster wakes each day begging the nearest person for sex
310 Caster wakes each day convinced she just had a one-night stand
311 Caster wakes each day convinced she's somebody's sexual property
312 Caster wakes each day in the grip of a screaming orgasm
313 Caster wakes each day naked and amazingly horny
314 Caster wakes each day naked and tied spread-eagle to the ground
315 Caster wakes each day naked atop one of her friends
316 Caster wakes each day naked beneath one of her friends
317 Caster wakes each day naked but doesn't realize it
318 Caster wakes each day naked except for a bikini of body paint
319 Caster wakes each day naked, gagged, and hog-tied
320 Caster wants to be a victim of sexual experimentation by aliens
321 Caster wants to sell herself into sexual slavery
322 Caster will perform any sexual act for 1d4 gold pieces
323 Caster wishes to be the property of the most handsome man nearby
324 Caster's ass has "For Rent" indelibly tattooed across it
325 Caster's been having a tawdry and public affair with a paladin
326 Caster's bodily fluids taste as sweet as honey
327 Caster's body and clothing turn invisible, but not her breasts
328 Caster's body is permanently shorn of all hair below the neck
329 Caster's body is pierced in numerous intimate places
330 Caster's body is unbelievably sensitive to sexual pleasure
331 Caster's breasts are always the largest breasts within 1 mile
332 Caster's breasts are permanently affected by Reverse Gravity
333 Caster's breasts are positioned one above the other on her chest
334 Caster's breasts are the subject of many popular tavern songs
335 Caster's breasts become aesthetically perfect
336 Caster's breasts double in size and sensitivity to pleasure
337 Caster's breasts double in size under every full moon
338 Caster's breasts grow whenever she tells a lie
339 Caster's breasts swell temporarily whenever she casts a spell
340 Caster's breasts swell visibly in times of stress
341 Caster's breasts swell visibly whenever she is angry
342 Caster's breasts undulate provocatively when she runs
343 Caster's clothes turn into the costume of a hardcore dominatrix
344 Caster's clothes turn invisible whenever she casts a spell
345 Caster's entire body becomes an erogenous zone
346 Caster's friends can see through her clothes at will
347 Caster's gaze causes erections in males she finds attractive
348 Caster's ideal sexual partner is someone who resembles her
349 Caster's latest sexual act is displayed as a Programmed Illusion
350 Caster's mouth can accommodate surprisingly large volumes
351 Caster's nipples are always visible no matter what she wears
352 Caster's nipples are pierced by any magical rings she's wearing
353 Caster's nipples become erect if supernatural creatures are near
354 Caster's nipples become visibly erect for 1d4 weeks
355 Caster's nipples glow in the dark, even through clothing
356 Caster's nipples tingle whenever she faces true North
357 Caster's nipples vanish
358 Caster's nude image is a favorite in tattoo parlors
359 Caster's orgasms always last until she passes out
360 Caster's orgasms are now 2d10 times more powerful
361 Caster's reputation as a skilled lover is well-known
362 Caster's sexual exploits are published and circulated widely
363 Caster's sexual exploits are recounted by all the local bards
364 Caster's sexual prowess approaches Divine levels
365 Caster's skin is covered with detailed, erotic tattoos
366 Caster's speech is perceived to be charged with sexual innuendo
367 Caster's speech is punctuated by orgasmic grunts and moans
368 Caster's strength rises one point for an hour after each orgasm
369 Caster's sweat inspires lust in those around her
370 Caster's sweat is scented with delicate, exotic perfumes
371 Caster's tongue becomes prehensile and can stretch twelve inches
372 Caster's undergarments caress her incessantly
373 Caster's undergarments vibrate vigorously
374 Caster's virginity is restored
375 Detailed nude statues of the caster appear in nearby towns
376 Erotic moaning fills the air whenever caster casts a spell
377 Everyone caster meets asks to see her naked
378 Everyone caster meets comments on her famous sexual prowess
379 Everyone caster meets tries to fondle her breasts
380 Everyone in caster's party considers her their sexual plaything
381 Everyone who knows the caster has vivid memories of sex with her
382 Everyone who knows the caster voices a desire to see her naked
383 Half of the people who see the caster cannot see her clothing
384 Magical potions have a powerful aphrodisiac effect on the caster
385 Men cannot tell lies while the caster is naked in their presence
386 Men perceive the caster as the pinnacle of sexual perfection
387 Metal vibrates when in contact with the caster's skin
388 Next time caster is naked, she forgets she ever owned clothing
389 Ordinary water has a powerful aphrodisiac effect on the caster
390 People react negatively to the caster unless she's naked
391 Prostitutes recognize and greet the caster as one of their own
392 Satyrs fear the caster because of her overwhelming sexuality
393 The most unlikely person in the area is the caster's next lover
394 The presence of elementals fills the caster with powerful lust
395 The sight of the caster's naked body can induce amnesia
396 The sight of the caster's naked breasts can quell hostilities
397 Those who watch the caster masturbate have visions of the future
398 Wine is an aphrodisiac to the caster if served by a man
399 Wine is an aphrodisiac to the caster if served by a woman
400 Women perceive the caster as the pinnacle of sexual perfection


401 A bounty of 1000gp is placed on the caster's genitals
402 A full-sized, nonfunctional penis grows from the caster's chin
403 A nearby man has an orgasm whenever the caster casts a spell
404 A nearby woman has an orgasm whenever the caster casts a spell
405 All clothing worn by women is invisible to the caster
406 All orphans within 1 mile claim the caster as their father
407 Any rings worn by the caster now comfortably encircle his penis
408 Any woman who touches the caster with both hands has an orgasm
409 Anyone who's had sex with the caster can give him one Command
410 Caster and a nearby woman think they've been sleeping together
411 Caster and his next sexual partner fuse at the genitals
412 Caster and his next sexual partner fuse into a single being
413 Caster and the nearest woman share an orgasm for 1d8 hours
414 Caster appears as the sexual ideal of each woman who sees him
415 Caster appears to be consumed by fire whenever he has an orgasm
416 Caster appears, naked, in the bedchamber of a nearby princess
417 Caster asks pretty women if they'd consider stripping naked
418 Caster asks pretty women if they'd like him to fondle them
419 Caster asks pretty women if they'd like to fondle him
420 Caster asks pretty women to describe their masturbation habits
421 Caster asks women deeply personal questions about their sex lives
422 Caster attempts to claim the next woman he sees as his sex slave
423 Caster becomes a beautiful young woman during the full moon
424 Caster becomes a eunuch under every full moon
425 Caster becomes an exact copy of the next woman he sleeps with
426 Caster becomes aroused whenever a man touches him
427 Caster becomes aroused whenever a woman touches him
428 Caster becomes aroused whenever he sees a woman in armor
429 Caster becomes aroused whenever he touches a woman
430 Caster becomes enormously insecure about the size of his penis
431 Caster becomes fantastically virile during the full moon
432 Caster becomes furiously aroused during battle
433 Caster becomes invisible whenever he gets an erection
434 Caster becomes powerfully multi-orgasmic
435 Caster becomes prepubescent during the full moon
436 Caster becomes sexually obsessed with the next woman he touches
437 Caster becomes the slave of the next person he tries to Charm
438 Caster becomes uncontrollably aroused in the presence of clergy
439 Caster becomes visibly erect for the rest of his life
440 Caster becomes visibly erect in the presence of barefoot women
441 Caster becomes visibly erect when he faces true north
442 Caster becomes visibly erect when he hears a woman says "breast"
443 Caster becomes visibly erect whenever a man tells him to
444 Caster becomes visibly erect whenever a woman lies to him
445 Caster becomes visibly erect whenever a woman says her name
446 Caster becomes visibly erect whenever a woman says his name
447 Caster becomes visibly erect whenever a woman smiles at him
448 Caster becomes visibly erect whenever a woman tells him to
449 Caster becomes visibly erect whenever he casts a spell
450 Caster becomes visibly erect whenever he draws a sword
451 Caster becomes visibly erect whenever he is injured
452 Caster becomes visibly erect whenever he says his name
453 Caster becomes visibly erect whenever he tells a lie
454 Caster begins Charm spells with "My Penis Commands You"
455 Caster believes anything a woman says while she's naked
456 Caster believes pants are for men less well-endowed than he
457 Caster believes that his next orgasm will cause him to die
458 Caster bets a woman that she can't fit his penis in her mouth
459 Caster briefly swaps bodies with any woman with whom he has sex
460 Caster can become erect at will
461 Caster can breathe under water while touching a naked woman
462 Caster can cause women to orgasm by touching their noses
463 Caster can choose one woman to be his personal "fluffer"
464 Caster can climax at will but loses 1d4 hit points each time
465 Caster can detach his penis and use it as a fountain pen
466 Caster can eliminate sexual inhibition in any woman he touches
467 Caster can extend his tongue 2d12 inches at will
468 Caster can induce orgasm in women by caressing their ears
469 Caster can issue one sexual Command per week
470 Caster can make women lubricate by looking into their eyes
471 Caster can make women orgasm at will while he's naked
472 Caster can read the mind of any woman who's had sex with him
473 Caster can read the mind of anyone performing oral sex on him
474 Caster can see in total darkness while he is erect
475 Caster can send sexual dreams to anyone sleeping near him
476 Caster can summon a fantastic phantom lover one hour per month
477 Caster cannot become invisible unless he has an erection
478 Caster cannot cast spells unless he is erect
479 Caster cannot memorize spells unless he's naked and visible
480 Caster cannot remember ever owning or wearing clothes
481 Caster cannot use magic until he has had 1d12 orgasms
482 Caster cannot void his bowels except in the presence of others
483 Caster can't achieve orgasm unless he's touching 1d4+1 women
484 Caster can't fall asleep until he begs a woman for sex
485 Caster can't lie to any woman with whom he's had sex
486 Caster can't sleep at night unless he gives a woman an orgasm
487 Caster can't use magic again until he gives a stranger an orgasm
488 Caster carries a nude portrait of himself that he shows to women
489 Caster casually asks a nearby woman if he can fondle her
490 Caster casually asks a nearby woman to perform oral sex on him
491 Caster changes his name to Phallus the Brave
492 Caster claims to have had sex with every nymph in the forest
493 Caster claims to have owned a harem during his youth
494 Caster claims to have slept with every attractive woman he meets
495 Caster clearly remembers a torrid affair with a nearby woman
496 Caster declares himself to be exactly what women need
497 Caster describes things in crude and tawdry language
498 Caster develops a fetish about some mundane article of clothing
499 Caster develops a fondness for restrictive leather garments
500 Caster develops a sexual attraction to his own blood relatives
501 Caster develops an intense fetish for women who want to kill him
502 Caster develops an uncontrollable streak of voyeurism
503 Caster does not age while he is naked
504 Caster does not avoid women, but he denies them the life essence
505 Caster drops vague hints about his plans to become a woman
506 Caster drops vague hints about his plans to become two women
507 Caster drops vague hints about plans to build the perfect lover
508 Caster drops vague hints about plans to enslave a woman
509 Caster drops vague hints about plans to enslave all women
510 Caster drops vague hints about plans to turn women into toys
511 Caster ejaculates when he casts the spell that caused this surge
512 Caster experiences castration anxiety whenever he wields a blade
513 Caster experiences odd sexual cravings during the full moon
514 Caster experiences pain if he wears clothes during the full moon
515 Caster expresses a desire to purchase a young woman
516 Caster expresses a desire to put himself out to stud
517 Caster falls in love with the next woman whose breasts he sees
518 Caster falls madly in love with an additional woman each day
519 Caster fears that attractive women want to castrate him
520 Caster feels a big kick in the crotch whenever he casts a spell
521 Caster feels a mating urge as powerful as a herd of wildebeest
522 Caster feels like a soft mouth is massaging his scrotum
523 Caster feels like someone is gripping his scrotum
524 Caster gains 1 hit point every time he has an orgasm
525 Caster gets an erection every time he hears a woman's voice
526 Caster gets great sexual pleasure from being kicked in the groin
527 Caster glimpses fornicating couples at the corner of his vision
528 Caster goes mad with lust in the presence of two or more women
529 Caster grows a second functional penis right above his first one
530 Caster has 1d4 orgasms every time he has an orgasm
531 Caster has 1d4+2 testicles
532 Caster has a burning fear that women want to bite off his penis
533 Caster has a great urge to masturbate in the presence of royalty
534 Caster has a vague sense he just performed oral sex on somebody
535 Caster has amazing sexual dreams indistinguishable from reality
536 Caster has an erection every sunset until the next sunrise
537 Caster has an erection that won't fade until he shows someone
538 Caster has an erection that won't fade until someone kisses it
539 Caster has an erection that won't fade until sunset tomorrow
540 Caster has an orgasm every fifteen minutes
541 Caster has an orgasm every time he casts a spell on a woman
542 Caster has an orgasm every time he crosses running water
543 Caster has an orgasm every time he suffers damage from magic
544 Caster has an orgasm every time he urinates
545 Caster has an orgasm for the next 4d6 hours
546 Caster has an orgasm when a woman touches him with both hands
547 Caster has an urge to copulate with the nearest attractive woman
548 Caster has Armor Class 0 while naked and erect
549 Caster has intensely sexual dreams about the women in his party
550 Caster has no memory of wearing clothes, and no desire to do so
551 Caster has no sexual inhibitions whatsoever
552 Caster has one orgasm per level of spells that he casts
553 Caster has sexual dreams about anyone sleeping near him
554 Caster howls like a wolf every time he has an orgasm
555 Caster invites the nearest woman to act out a sexual fantasy
556 Caster invites the nearest woman to fulfill his sexual fantasy
557 Caster invites the two nearest women to try a threesome
558 Caster is arrested for trafficking in illegal sex paraphernalia
559 Caster is certain that some nearby woman is an eager prostitute
560 Caster is claimed as a trophy by a powerful succubus
561 Caster is desperate to sleep with the next woman to say his name
562 Caster is enthralled by the next woman who has sex with him
563 Caster is fatigued after spellcasting just like after an orgasm
564 Caster is frequently mistaken for the world's greatest lover
565 Caster is hung like a horse
566 Caster is hung like two horses
567 Caster is immortalized by a statue of him with a huge penis
568 Caster is immune to extremes of weather while naked and erect
569 Caster is immune to physical harm while having sex
570 Caster is kidnapped and used by a dozen horny nymphs
571 Caster is naked except for a carefully placed sock
572 Caster is naked except for a plastic ring around his erect penis
573 Caster is paralyzed by transcendent pleasure for 1d4 turns
574 Caster is rendered permanently impotent, and everybody knows it
575 Caster is rumored to be a sex fiend of unspeakable depravity
576 Caster is rumored to have had unwholesome contact with a statue
577 Caster is rumored to use a "special ingredient" in his cooking
578 Caster is said to have impregnated every woman in a nearby town
579 Caster is sexually attracted to nude statues
580 Caster likes to display his genitals in the presence of royalty
581 Caster likes to reminisce about sex while in mixed company
582 Caster loses 1d4 hit points every time he has an orgasm
583 Caster lusts after a female ally and pursues her obsessively
584 Caster makes a spirited effort to perform oral sex on himself
585 Caster makes absurd come-ons to every woman he finds attractive
586 Caster makes very specific, sexual demands of the women he knows
587 Caster masters the Power Word, Arouse spell
588 Caster misplaces his genitals and asks for help finding them
589 Caster must masturbate after every spell he casts
590 Caster must masturbate publicly in order to memorize spells
591 Caster must masturbate to orgasm every time he bathes
592 Caster must Save each morning or remain erect all day
593 Caster must Save or have an orgasm every time he casts a spell
594 Caster offers his sexual services to the highest bidder
595 Caster offers his stud services to every woman he meets
596 Caster offers to teach a woman magic in trade for sexual favors
597 Caster perceives women to be wearing skimpy leather garments
598 Caster produces about a liter of fluid with every orgasm
599 Caster promises a gold coin to any woman who shows her breasts
600 Caster promises a nearby woman that he won't finish in her mouth
601 Caster propositions married women in front of their husbands
602 Caster recovers 1d4 hit points each time he makes a woman orgasm
603 Caster refers to his penis as his Better Half
604 Caster refers to his penis as his Intelligent Weapon
605 Caster refers to his penis as his Rod of Lordly Might
606 Caster refers to his penis as Vlad the Impaler
607 Caster refers to woman as "babes"
608 Caster repeatedly attempts to alter the Enlarge spell
609 Caster repeatedly attempts to alter the Magic Mouth spell
610 Caster repeatedly attempts to alter the Tongues spell
611 Caster seeks a woman to whom he can dictate his sexual memoirs
612 Caster seeks a woman who wishes to dictate her sexual memoirs
613 Caster sees visions of naked women dancing all around him
614 Caster semen shines brightly when Detect Magic is cast
615 Caster shouts sexual obscenities in times of stress
616 Caster shows his bare ass to people during the full moon
617 Caster shrinks to half his size for 1d8 hours after each orgasm
618 Caster sleeps for 2d12 hours after every sexual liaison
619 Caster speaks wistfully of the girl he once pleasured to death
620 Caster spreads sexual gossip about the nearest female royalty
621 Caster sprouts horns whenever he is aroused
622 Caster strips naked and climbs the nearest tree
623 Caster strips naked and does his best impression of a sundial
624 Caster suggests a menage a trois whenever two women are nearby
625 Caster suspects that his penis harbors a malevolent intelligence
626 Caster takes a vow of chastity for 1d12 months
627 Caster tells absolutely filthy jokes at inappropriate times
628 Caster tells outrageous sexual lies when seated at a campfire
629 Caster tells the nearest woman she reminds him of a prostitute
630 Caster tells women all about the sex acts he'll perform on them
631 Caster tells women they'll get younger if they give him oral sex
632 Caster thinks a deity has called upon him to become a sex slave
633 Caster thinks groping & fondling are suitable forms of greeting
634 Caster thinks he can demand sexual favors of any woman he meets
635 Caster thinks he can discern prophesy in women's orgasmic cries
636 Caster thinks he can enlarge women's breasts by Laying on Hands
637 Caster thinks he can soothe angry tempers by showing his penis
638 Caster thinks he turns into an incubus under every full moon
639 Caster thinks he was kidnapped and used by a dozen horny nymphs
640 Caster thinks he's a sex god and demands tribute
641 Caster thinks he's had sex with every woman he knows
642 Caster thinks he's having a naked dream, but he's awake
643 Caster thinks his semen is an acceptable form of currency
644 Caster thinks semen can substitute as a material spell component
645 Caster thinks someone's been pleasuring him orally in his sleep
646 Caster thinks that no woman can resist his charms
647 Caster thinks that some nearby woman is giving him oral pleasure
648 Caster tries to glimpse women's cleavage whenever possible
649 Caster wakes each day and announces his intent to masturbate
650 Caster wakes each day in bed with the most aggressive man around
651 Caster wakes each day in the arms of a beautiful naked woman
652 Caster wakes each day naked and covered with body paint
653 Caster wakes each day naked and face down
654 Caster wakes each day nursing at the nearest woman's breast
655 Caster wakes each day so horny that he can't think rationally
656 Caster wakes each day sure that he performed oral sex last night
657 Caster wakes each day sure that he received oral sex last night
658 Caster wakes each day thinking he groped someone while he slept
659 Caster wakes each day thinking he was castrated while he slept
660 Caster wakes each day thinking someone groped him while he slept
661 Caster wakes each day wearing only leopard-skin bikini briefs
662 Caster wakes each day with a blue ribbon tied around his penis
663 Caster wakes each day with a raging erection
664 Caster wants to acquire a pair of breasts for his very own
665 Caster wants to be remembered as a gigolo first, a wizard second
666 Caster wins a trained sex slave in a card game
667 Caster wonders aloud about trans-species sexual taboos
668 Caster's "staying power" is the stuff of legend
669 Caster's age doubles every time he has an orgasm
670 Caster's been having an affair with the wife of a local official
671 Caster's bodily fluids are powerfully addictive
672 Caster's bodily fluids taste like maple syrup
673 Caster's body is forever shorn of hair
674 Caster's body is tattooed with images of naked, lascivious men
675 Caster's body is tattooed with images of naked, lascivious women
676 Caster's darkest sexual fantasy is immortalized in a bard's song
677 Caster's genitals are powerfully magnetic
678 Caster's genitals are shackled to a 1000-pound boulder nearby
679 Caster's genitals retract into his body while not in use
680 Caster's home is transformed into a bizarre sexual dungeon
681 Caster's intellect really does reside in his penis
682 Caster's nipples migrate from his chest to his forehead
683 Caster's nose bears a strong resemblance to a penis
684 Caster's penis always tries to point to true north
685 Caster's penis appears to be made of solid gold while erect
686 Caster's penis becomes as long as one of his legs
687 Caster's penis becomes prehensile while erect
688 Caster's penis bends 90º at its midpoint while erect
689 Caster's penis doubles in mass every time he casts a spell
690 Caster's penis falls off sunset but regenerates by dawn
691 Caster's penis glows brightly whenever it's erect
692 Caster's penis glows like a beacon when Detect Magic is cast
693 Caster's penis grows an inch each day for the rest of his life
694 Caster's penis has Strength 18/00
695 Caster's penis increases in size by a factor of 1d10
696 Caster's penis is bifurcated along its whole length
697 Caster's penis is detachable
698 Caster's penis is reputed to have magical healing properties
699 Caster's penis quadruples in width while erect
700 Caster's penis seems to be ice cold while erect
701 Caster's penis shrinks (grows?) to the size of his little finger
702 Caster's penis sings softly in the presence of royalty
703 Caster's penis suppresses the gag reflex
704 Caster's penis thanks each woman who gives the caster an orgasm
705 Caster's penis ties itself in a knot whenever he casts a spell
706 Caster's penis ties itself in a knot while he's having sex
707 Caster's penis triples in size in the presence of a naked woman
708 Caster's penis triples in size in the presence of royalty
709 Caster's penis turns upside down
710 Caster's penis vanishes
711 Caster's penis weighs five pounds
712 Caster's penis, while erect, is as hard as steel
713 Caster's penis, while erect, is as long as he is tall
714 Caster's scrotum inflates to the size of a beach ball
715 Caster's semen can cure blindness if applied as a salve
716 Caster's semen causes transcendental visions
717 Caster's semen functions as a powerful adhesive
718 Caster's semen has the power to enlarge women's breasts
719 Caster's semen has the power to turn women invisible
720 Caster's semen is a powerful anesthetic
721 Caster's semen is a powerful fire suppressant
722 Caster's semen is highly caustic to flesh other than his own
723 Caster's semen is highly flammable
724 Caster's semen is rumored to be an Elixir of Youth
725 Caster's semen makes women forget the previous 1d4 hours
726 Caster's semen makes women hate him for life
727 Caster's semen neutralizes poison when acquired from the source
728 Caster's sexual history is illustrated in nearby cave paintings
729 Caster's testicles appear to drop off and roll away
730 Caster's testicles grow to the size of grapefruit
731 Caster's voice rises in pitch as though he's been castrated
732 Every woman the caster meets swears she'll never sleep with him
733 Every woman who meets the caster comments on his tiny penis
734 Every woman who meets the caster tries to grab his penis
735 From behind, caster looks like a beautiful, naked, nubile woman
736 If women are near, the caster is desperate to remove his clothes
737 In moments of passion, the caster calls out his own name
738 Nearby women feel pleasure while the caster is casting a spell
739 Next woman touched by caster becomes astonishingly beautiful
740 Next woman touched by caster claims him as a sex slave
741 Next woman touched by caster develops a great hatred of clothing
742 Next woman touched by caster has an orgasm for 1d8 hours
743 Next woman touched by caster is desperate to serve him sexually
744 Next woman touched by caster loses all sexual inhibition forever
745 No woman who sees the caster's penis can resist him
746 No woman who sees the caster's penis can take him seriously
747 One non-humanoid species treats the caster like a female in heat
748 One woman each day begs the caster to perform oral sex on her
749 Prostitutes offer the caster "freebies" in every town he enters
750 Smoke flows from the caster's nostrils whenever he is erect
751 Some women believe they'll gain wisdom by fellating the caster
752 The last thing caster recalls involves a donkey and two midgets
753 The last woman caster slept with appears and begs him for more
754 The last woman caster slept with vows revenge
755 The next two women who sleep with the caster merge into one body
756 The sight of the caster's erect penis fills women with awe
757 The sight of the caster's erect penis makes women laugh at him
758 The sight of the caster's erect penis makes women yawn
759 Thunder rumbles in the distance when the caster has an orgasm
760 Well-endowed nude statues of the caster appear in nearby towns
761 When caster has an orgasm, so does everyone else within 50 yards
762 When caster talks to women, he can't help groping himself
763 When caster talks to women, he can't help ogling their breasts
764 When caster turns invisible, his genitals do not
765 When discussing his magic skill, caster says he's very well hung
766 When talking about a woman, caster invariably describes her ass
767 When talking to a woman, caster invariably comments upon her ass
768 Women accuse the caster of being a closet lesbian
769 Women affected by the caster's magic lose all sexual inhibition
770 Women appear ten years younger while having sex with the caster
771 Women are clairvoyant while performing oral sex on the caster
772 Women are clairvoyant while the caster performs oral sex on them
773 Women cannot help staring at the caster's crotch
774 Women feel great pleasure when performing oral sex on the caster
775 Women in the caster's presence become sexually aggressive
776 Women in the caster's presence become sexually inhibited
777 Women perceive the caster's penis to be twice its actual size
778 Women react to the caster as though he's an insatiable deviant
779 Women reveal intimate details about themselves to the caster
780 Women seek the caster's advice on how to have better orgasms
781 Women seek to acquire the caster's penis as a collector's item
782 Women sense that the caster is impotent, but he really isn't
783 Women speaking with the caster find that their nipples are erect
784 Women suspect the caster of bizarre sexual practices
785 Women who have sex with the caster can never wear clothes again
786 Women who have sex with the caster can't take him seriously again
787 Women who have sex with the caster have spectacular orgasms
788 Women who kiss the caster find that their breasts have grown
789 Women who kiss the caster have spectacularly intense orgasms
790 Women who kiss the caster have vivid sexual dreams about him
791 Women who kiss the caster recall having had great sex with him
792 Women who kiss the caster spread rumors about his pitiful penis
793 Women who kiss the caster spread rumors about his sexual prowess
794 Women who kiss the caster think that they're carrying his baby
795 Women who perform oral sex on the caster grow 1d4 years younger
796 Women who see the caster naked go into heat like cats
797 Women who sleep near the caster recall incredible sex with him
798 Women who sleep near the caster recall substandard sex with him
799 Women who touch the caster are receptive to sexual suggestions
Women whom the caster finds attractive think of him as a brother
800 A wildly acrobatic sexual maneuver is named after the target
801 All who know the target know her entire sexual history
802 All who know the target recall losing their virginity to her
803 All who know the target recall what a slut she was last weekend
804 All who know the target think she has no gag reflex
805 All who know the target think she slept her way to success
806 Any armor worn by target appears "anatomically correct"
807 Any sexual lie told about the target is automatically believed
808 Anyone who looks in the target's eyes knows her sexual history
809 Clothing is invisible to the target
810 Clothing turns to water when worn by the target
811 Each day the target asks a stranger if he wants to see her naked
812 Each day the target tells 1d4 outrageous lies about her sex life
813 Each day the target wakes standing naked in a public place
814 Each day, 1d6 strange men fondle the target's breasts
815 Each day, the target must touch a different woman's breasts
816 Each man who meets the target sees her as his sexual ideal
817 Every night the target dreams of being a sex slave
818 Every night the target dreams of owning sex slaves
819 Every night the target dreams of performing oral sex
820 Everyone in the world knows what the target looks like naked
821 Everyone in the world recalls having sex with the target
822 Everyone in the world thinks they've seen the target having sex
823 Everyone who speaks to the target comments on her fine breasts
824 History is rewritten so that the target has never worn clothes
825 If the target teleports, her clothing and/or armor do not
826 In 1d12 months a religion develops based on the target's sex life
827 Men tend to perceive that the target is offering herself to them
828 Men who have sex with the target are intensely multi-orgasmic
829 Men who lie to the target become visibly erect
830 Naked statues of the target appear in lurid, graphic poses
831 Next boast made by the target about her sexuality becomes true
832 Next time the target changes form, she is enslaved to estrus
833 One of target's breasts doubles in size
834 Other people's anger is sexually arousing to the target
835 People who meet the target are sure they've seen her naked
836 Something in target's vagina vibrates powerfully during battle
837 Target "moons" the caster
838 Target absolutely hates to wear clothing
839 Target accepts any order from a man while she's naked
840 Target accepts any order from a woman while she's naked
841 Target acquires languages from those whom she pleasures orally
842 Target adopts a lewd nickname based on part of her anatomy
843 Target appears to be gold plated when she's naked
844 Target appears totally naked in moonlight
845 Target appears totally naked when seen from the west
846 Target asks strange men if she can pose nude for them
847 Target asks strange men if they'd like to feel her breasts
848 Target asks strange women if she may feel their breasts
849 Target asks strangers to help her find her lost virginity
850 Target averages 1d4 orgasms every hour for the next 1d4 weeks
851 Target becomes aroused at the sight of her own blood
852 Target becomes aroused at the sound of women's laughter
853 Target becomes aroused in the presence of magical weapons
854 Target becomes aroused when people are polite to her
855 Target becomes aroused when people lie to her
856 Target becomes aroused whenever a woman says "breast"
857 Target becomes aroused while walking barefoot through grass
858 Target becomes hopelessly aroused at the sight of the sunset
859 Target becomes hopelessly aroused in the presence of men
860 Target becomes hotly aroused whenever she removes her clothes
861 Target becomes increasingly aroused when speaking to men
862 Target becomes increasingly submissive when speaking to women
863 Target becomes intensely aroused when she removes her footwear
864 Target becomes intensely aroused when she's afraid
865 Target becomes intensely aroused when she's embarrassed
866 Target becomes maddeningly aroused in battle
867 Target becomes powerfully aroused in the presence of livestock
868 Target becomes steadily more aroused but cannot reach orgasm
869 Target becomes the caster's permanent sex slave
870 Target becomes visibly more beautiful with each passing day
871 Target begins investigating how she can buy a female sex slave
872 Target begins saving money to purchase a female sex slave
873 Target begins spreading outrageous rumors about her sex life
874 Target begs a different woman each day to have sex with her
875 Target believes any sexual claim made about her
876 Target believes her clothing is on fire and must remove it
877 Target can bring herself to orgasm simply by licking her lips
878 Target can cause sexual pleasure in men by staring at them
879 Target can Command one man each time she gets naked
880 Target can discern true north if she bares her breasts
881 Target can extend her tongue 2d12 inches
882 Target can grow to twice her normal height while naked
883 Target can heal men for 1d4 hit points by pleasuring them orally
884 Target can increase or reduce the size of her breasts at will
885 Target can issue a Command to any man whom she gives an orgasm
886 Target can issue one Command per turn if she remains naked
887 Target can move absolutely silently while naked
888 Target can only wear 36 square inches of clothing at a time
889 Target can only wear clothes from the waist up or the waist down
890 Target can pick locks (75%) with her tongue if she's naked
891 Target can read any language while someone fondles her breasts
892 Target can read men's minds while performing oral sex on them
893 Target can remove and reattach her breasts at will without harm
894 Target can see invisible objects for 1d6 turns after each orgasm
895 Target can see perfectly in the dark when she's naked
896 Target can shrink to 1/12 her height while naked
897 Target can speak through her vagina
898 Target can unhinge her jaw like a snake
899 Target cannot be harmed by bludgeons while she's naked
900 Target cannot benefit from magical healing while wearing clothes
901 Target cannot eat in the presence of others unless she's naked
902 Target cannot eat unless someone comments on her breasts
903 Target cannot eat while wearing any clothing at all
904 Target cannot lie to any man who's seen her naked
905 Target cannot relieve herself unless she's in plain view
906 Target cannot resist any command given to her by a pretty woman
907 Target cannot resist commands given to her by a naked man
908 Target cannot resist commands given to her by a naked woman
909 Target cannot speak to men unless she's naked
910 Target cannot speak until she's seen naked by 3d10 strangers
911 Target cannot wear clothes until commanded to do so by royalty
912 Target can't be tracked by non-magical means if she travels naked
913 Target can't cross running water while wearing clothes
914 Target can't remember a time when she wasn't a concubine
915 Target can't sleep at night unless she commits a humiliating act
916 Target can't use magic unless she makes a humiliating admission
917 Target can't use magic until she's given orgasms to 1d100 men
918 Target can't wear clothes for 10d10 days
919 Target claims she's clairvoyant while receiving oral pleasure
920 Target claims that she invented the orgasm
921 Target considers her body to be someone else's property
922 Target considers herself the world's expert on sexual depravity
923 Target considers it rude to turn down any offer of sex
924 Target considers masturbation an art form and begins studying it
925 Target constantly glistens with perspiration as if in a sauna
926 Target dances like a stripper after every battle
927 Target develops a unique erogenous zone
928 Target devotes herself to new depths of sexual depravity
929 Target displays her gratitude by offering sexual favors
930 Target doesn't age while naked in public
931 Target dreams each night of having wild sex with her clone
932 Target dreams each night of sex with all of her friends
933 Target dreams each night of sex with one of her enemies
934 Target dreams each night that she is the goddess of sex
935 Target dresses to show off her cleavage whenever possible
936 Target equates monetary wealth with sexual pleasure
937 Target equates respectability with promiscuity
938 Target excepts money or sex in exchange for goods and services
939 Target experiences discomfort if she wears clothing in the rain
940 Target expresses a wish to be considered someone's property
941 Target fears that a prophecy describes her future as a sex slave
942 Target fears that people believe her breasts aren't real
943 Target fears that people don't respect her unless she's naked
944 Target feels humble and submissive in the presence of men
945 Target feels ill unless she's wearing less than anyone nearby
946 Target feels sexual pleasure in the presence of demihumans
947 Target feels sexual pleasure when women speak to her
948 Target finds an ankle bracelet that instills a hatred of clothes
949 Target finds other people's bodily fluids powerfully addictive
950 Target flirts outrageously with women
951 Target forgets how to wear clothes each time she removes them
952 Target gives herself to her best friend as a gift
953 Target greets strangers by asking if they'd like sleep with her
954 Target happily considers herself a collection of orifices
955 Target has 19 Strength while naked but 6 Strength while clothed
956 Target has a +2 ToHit bonus while she's naked
957 Target has a breast fetish as strong as that of any man
958 Target has a fondness for clingy, revealing clothes
959 Target has a habit of making outrageous wagers with her clothes
960 Target has a habit of mentioning her breasts in conversation
961 Target has a mysterious craving for oysters
962 Target has a powerful orgasm 1d4 turns after each meal
963 Target has a powerful orgasm at the end of every battle
964 Target has a powerful orgasm upon waking each morning
965 Target has a reputation for biting off several men's genitals
966 Target has a scar on her ass as if branded by a former owner
967 Target has a superb orgasm whenever someone grips her wrists
968 Target has an amazing orgasm whenever she watches the sun rise
969 Target has an orgasm each time she performs a humiliating act
970 Target has an orgasm for the next 1d100 rounds
971 Target has an orgasm until someone casts a spell on her
972 Target has an orgasm whenever a man touches her nose
973 Target has an orgasm whenever another person touches her
974 Target has an orgasm whenever she receives money
975 Target has an orgasm whenever she's touched by two men at once
976 Target has an orgasm whenever she's touched by two women at once
977 Target has an urge to become the nearest king's love slave
978 Target has an urge to become the nearest queen's love slave
979 Target has one orgasm for every level of spells she casts
980 Target has orgasms when she spends more than ten minutes alone
981 Target insists that men look at her breasts when speaking to her
982 Target is 60% likely to flash her breasts at royalty
983 Target is a mindless sex drone until she's next hit by magic
984 Target is beautiful beyond description when she's angry
985 Target is clairvoyant while someone pleasures her orally
986 Target is commonly mistaken for a prostitute or exotic dancer
987 Target is constantly flushed as though she just had sex
988 Target is cured of disease each time she strips naked in public
989 Target is desperate to prove her skill at oral sex
990 Target is dressed in half of a belly dancer's costume
991 Target is easily identifiable as a voracious sexual deviant
992 Target is famed for being able to accommodate five men at once
993 Target is immune to 4th level illusions while she's naked
994 Target is immune to deep water pressure while naked
995 Target is inclined to perform oral sex on anyone who angers her
996 Target is inclined to remove her clothing during times of stress
997 Target is incredibly multi-orgasmic
998 Target is known to her friends as "The Lay of the Land"
999 Target is likely to proclaim her sexual history to strangers
1000Target is locked into a skin-tight chastity belt of mithral
1001Target is naked but absolutely refuses to believe it
1002Target is naked except for a collar naming her new owner
1003Target is naked except for a garter belt full of paper money
1004Target is naked except for a thin, soaking wet t-shirt
1005Target is naked except for pasties and a g-string
1006Target is naked, bound wrists-to-ankles, and hanging in a tree
1007Target is now completely double jointed
1008Target is on a quest for A Man from Nantucket
1009Target is permanently and completely bald from head to toe
1010Target is sexually aroused by fire
1011Target is sexually attracted to carrots and icicles
1012Target is so overtly sexual that no one takes her seriously
1013Target is stripped of all sexual drives and vitality
1014Target is strongly attracted to anyone remotely resembling her
1015Target is suddenly naked and can't remember the past two weeks
1016Target is suddenly naked except for a bikini made of snow
1017Target is sure she spent the last 48 hours performing oral sex
1018Target is sure she spent the last 48 hours receiving oral sex
1019Target is sure someone nearby just gave her a fantastic orgasm
1020Target is tied naked and spread-eagle in a nearby cave entrance
1021Target is transformed to an 18 year-old nymphomaniac
1022Target is unaffected by cold while masturbating
1023Target is wearing an abbreviated French maid's uniform
1024Target is wearing the tiniest chainmail bikini imaginable
1025Target is wrapped in a not-quite-big-enough blue bath towel
1026Target keeps touching her breasts to be sure they're still there
1027Target licks her lips seductively when speaking to women
1028Target looks like she's having an orgasm whenever she smiles
1029Target loses all sexual inhibition
1030Target loses all sexual inhibition in the presence of money
1031Target loses all sexual inhibition while naked
1032Target lubricates copiously when she's angry
1033Target lubricates copiously whenever she crosses running water
1034Target lubricates copiously whenever she tells a lie
1035Target lubricates copiously whenever she tells a man her name
1036Target makes orgasmic noises to show her gratitude for good food
1037Target makes orgasmic noises when she sheathes a sword or knife
1038Target makes orgasmic noises when she's angry
1039Target moans whiles she eats as though building to orgasm
1040Target must address men as "master" and women as "mistress"
1041Target must concentrate to resist the urge to strip naked
1042Target must give someone an orgasm whenever she sees the sun set
1043Target must keep at least 50% of her skin exposed at all times
1044Target must obey any sexual command issued to her by the caster
1045Target must save vs spell each dawn or be madly aroused all day
1046Target must save vs spell each day or her breasts double in size
1047Target must save vs. spell once each hour or else strip naked
1048Target must shimmy her breasts whenever she casts a spell
1049Target must spend 3d8 hours of each day naked
1050Target must spend the next week as someone's slave
1051Target must strip naked in mixed company at least once each day
1052Target must touch one or both of her breasts to casts spells
1053Target noisily goes into heat like a cat
1054Target offers to remove her clothing whenever she receives money
1055Target presents like a baboon to any man who says her name
1056Target purrs like a kitten when happy or aroused
1057Target reacts violently if people disparage her sexual prowess
1058Target recalls the time she won a contest for "Best Oral Skill"
1059Target recites tawdry limericks in her sleep
1060Target refuses to wear anything but leather
1061Target refuses to wear anything more than a cloak
1062Target regards everyone she meets as a potential sexual conquest
1063Target removes her clothing each night while she sleeps
1064Target removes her clothing whenever she's kissed
1065Target secretes powerful pheromones when she's aroused
1066Target seeks someone willing to teach her to play the skin flute
1067Target shrieks in her sleep as if in the throes of orgasm
1068Target sincerely believes her name is Fellatia
1069Target sleeps face-down with her ass propped in the air
1070Target spends 1 turn trying to touch her elbows behind her back
1071Target spends 1d12 hours on the brink of orgasm before climaxing
1072Target spends 3d10 rounds in the best orgasm of her life
1073Target spends a turn describing her most humiliating sexual act
1074Target spends all her money on elaborate fetish costumes
1075Target strips naked & begs someone to tie her up and tickle her
1076Target takes a vow of unbridled lasciviousness
1077Target takes every opportunity to discuss other women's breasts
1078Target tends to gaze at men's crotches   
1079Target tends to speak in a breathy, seductive voice
1080Target thinks her breasts are speaking to her
1081Target thinks her breasts play a part in the nation's destiny
1082Target thinks her deity has instructed her to go forever naked
1083Target thinks her friends are spreading rumors about her sex life
1084Target thinks her virtue was sacrificed in a ritual last night
1085Target thinks it's rude to decline any offer of sex
1086Target thinks of her life as the boring time between orgasms
1087Target thinks she can cause orgasm in anyone in under 60 seconds
1088Target thinks she can fly by rubbing belladonna on her genitals
1089Target thinks she can turn invisible by removing her clothes
1090Target thinks she has supernatural insights during orgasm
1091Target thinks she knows the recipe for the perfect aphrodisiac
1092Target thinks she must purge her soul through public acts of sex
1093Target thinks she must strip naked to use magic or magic items
1094Target thinks she performs lewd sex acts each night in her sleep
1095Target thinks she thinks more clearly after masturbating
1096Target thinks she thinks more clearly when she bares her breasts
1097Target thinks she won't age if she has 1d12 orgasms each day
1098Target thinks she won't age if she never wears clothes again
1099Target thinks she won't age if she sleeps with 1d4 men each day
1100Target thinks she's a nymph and wishes to dress like one
1101Target thinks she's a succubus
1102Target thinks she's being stalked by the vampire Count Ejacula
1103Target thinks she's evolving into the perfect sexual being
1104Target thinks she's gradually becoming a succubus
1105Target thinks she's naked when she's clothed, and vice versa
1106Target thinks she's possessed by an insatiable succubus
1107Target thinks she's the sexual plaything of some powerful being
1108Target thinks she's visited nightly by a ravenous incubus
1109Target thinks that everyone is looking at her breasts
1110 Target thinks that semen can impart the power of invisibility
1111 Target thinks that, before today, she was a mindless sex slave
1112 Target thinks the world will end unless she becomes a sex slave
1113 Target thrusts her breasts forward when speaking to men
1114 Target tosses her clothes into a fire at every opportunity
1115 Target turns into a raving nymphomaniac under the full moon
1116 Target vividly recalls being the guest of honor at an orgy
1117 Target vows to explore every imaginable avenue of sexuality
1118 Target wakes each day by masturbating to orgasm
1119 Target wakes each day naked & kissing the prettiest woman nearby
1120Target wakes each day naked and tightly hog-tied
1121Target wakes each day on the verge of orgasm
1122Target wakes each day thinking she slept with 3d6 men last night
1123Target wakes each day tied upside down and naked in a tree
1124Target wakes each day unbelievably horny
1125Target wakes each day wearing expensive lingerie
1126Target wakes each morning naked and covered in whipped cream
1127Target wakes each morning with a very specific craving
1128Target wakes each morning with both legs behind her head
1129Target wants to give pleasure to the next man to say her name
1130Target wonders aloud if her breasts are big enough
1131Target won't be attacked by non-magical animals if she's naked
1132Target's arousal doubles each minute while she's naked
1133Target's ass is so perfect that people journey miles to see it
1134Target's body is pierced 2d10 times below the waist
1135Target's body is tattooed with images of her fornicating wildly
1136Target's body is tattooed with indecent images
1137Target's body shrinks by 6d10 percent, but her breasts do not
1138Target's breasts are so perfect that she can't stop feeling them
1139Target's breasts double in size for 1d6 turns each day
1140Target's breasts fluctuate in size 1d100% each day
1141Target's breasts glow softly in darkness
1142Target’s breasts grow ¼ inch per week for the rest of her life
1143Target's breasts have mass but no weight
1144Target's breasts swell after she eats a good meal
1145Target's breasts swell delightfully
1146Target's breasts swell temporarily whenever she drinks a potion
1147Target's breasts swell visibly when she's angry
1148Target's breasts vibrate in the presence of undead
1149Target's Charisma gains +4 whenever she's naked
1150Target's clothing becomes invisible during times of stress
1151Target's clothing disintegrates whenever she casts a spell
1152Target's clothing disintegrates whenever she says her name
1153Target's clothing tends to be torn from her body during battle
1154Target's clothing turns into cobwebs
1155Target's clothing turns into thinly woven fishing net
1156Target's clothing turns invisible if she wears any magical rings
1157Target's exact duplicate gets quite a reputation for herself
1158Target's eyes look like nipples but function normally
1159Target's genitals are so beautiful that they inspire epic poems
1160Target's hair doubles its length each time she disrobes
1161Target's limbs are as flexible as tentacles while she's naked
1162Target's naked form is a model for countless ships' figureheads
1163Target's nipples are gold plated
1164Target's nipples become visibly erect when a man looks at her
1165Target's nipples become visibly erect whenever she smiles
1166Target’s nipples dilate in reduced light like her pupils
1167Target's nipples shine with bright light when she's angry
1168Target's nipples, when erect, are hard enough to cut glass
1169Target's pockets and satchels are filled with unused condoms
1170Target's presence causes men to feel humble and submissive
1171Target's presence makes other women want to masturbate
1172Target's presence makes other women want to remove her clothing
1173Target's presence reduces other women's sexual inhibitions
1174Target's self confidence rises as she removes more clothing
1175Target's sexual exploits are recorded in an epic poem
1176Target's sexuality fluctuates wildly with the phases of the moon
1177Target's skin darkens to a golden tan, except for tiny tanlines
1178Target's skin is forever free of wrinkles, scars, and blemishes
1179Target's smile causes men to comment on her breasts
1180Target's sweat has a powerful aphrodisiac effect on men
1181Target's sweat has a powerful aphrodisiac effect on women
1182Target's teeth are retractable
1183Target's undergarments freeze solid
1184Target's undergarments turn to finely-woven chain mail
1185Target's Wisdom is halved whenever she's naked
1186The sight of the target's bare breasts makes men forget her name
1187The sound of running water is arousing to the target
1188The sound of the target's laughter causes men to become erect
1189Tonight, everyone who knows the target dreams of screwing her
1190When sexually aroused, target has no idea of her species
1191When speaking to royalty, target seems on the brink of orgasm
1192When target agrees with someone, she makes orgasmic sounds
1193When target gains weight, it accumulates only in her breasts
1194When target is invisible, her breasts, ass, and genitals are not
1195When target is naked, she can't get dressed without a man's help
1196When target runs, she sometimes seems to move in slow motion
1197While carrying money, target can only speak in erotic grunts
1198While she's awake, target has a huge orgasm once every 1d6 turns
1199Women tend to perceive that the target is hitting on them
1200A dose of the target's semen meets one day's nutritional needs
1201A nearby woman accuses the target of groping her breasts
1202A nearby woman begs the target to fondle her breasts
1203A nearby woman begs the target to give her an orgasm
1204A nearby woman has an orgasm when the target says his name
1205A nearby woman is desperate to try kinky things with the target
1206A nearby women recalls years spent as the target's sex slave
1207A succubus lusts after the target & won't take no for an answer
1208All books within 100 miles feature naked pictures of the target
1209All nearby men recall sexual advances the target made to them
1210Any spells target casts seem to originate from his penis
1211Any woman the target finds attractive thinks of him as a brother
1212Armor and clothing turns invisible while the target wears it
1213Every man now within sight of the target becomes rigidly erect
1214Every woman now within sight of the target has an orgasm
1215Every woman now within sight of the target is wearing a bikini
1216Everyone important to the target knows his dirty sexual secrets
1217Everyone within a mile becomes aware of target's sexual secrets
1218Nearby woman recalls being the target's sex slave for 1d10 years
1219Nearest woman kicks the target in the groin, and he thanks her
1220Nearest woman licks the target's face for 1d10 rounds
1221Next time the target touches his penis, he can't let go of it
1222No matter what the target says, women think he's begging for sex
1223No one except the target has seen the virgin queen's birthmark
1224One of target's testicles appears in his mouth
1225One of target's testicles is stricken by Continual Light
1226Rumors circulate that it's good luck to touch the target's penis
1227Statues of men become erect in the target's presence
1228Steam sprays from target's erect penis when he's angry
1229Target achieves orgasm when (and only when) women say his name
1230Target and a nearby man think they each just groped each other
1231Target and a nearby woman are now wearing each other's clothes
1232Target and a nearby woman recall a tryst that never happened
1233Target and a nearby woman reminisce about their sexual histories
1234Target and all of his offspring are stricken permanently sterile
1235Target and nearest woman exchange reproductive organs
1236Target appears to be 1d10+10 years old while naked
1237Target appears to be 1d100 years older while naked
1238Target appears to be 2d10 years younger when he's naked
1239Target appears to be 6d10 years older when he's naked
1240Target ascribes great magical significance to the number 69
1241Target asks women if he can borrow their breasts
1242Target asks women if he can do unspeakable things to them
1243Target asks women if he can fondle their breasts
1244Target asks women if the "gag reflex" is really a myth
1245Target asks women if they can help him with his priapism
1246Target asks women if they fear him because of his huge penis
1247Target asks women if they find him hard to swallow
1248Target asks women if they know how to suppress the gag reflex
1249Target asks women if they know what happened to his penis
1250Target asks women if they know why his penis is so small
1251Target asks women if they remember having sex with him
1252Target asks women if they revile him because of his tiny penis
1253Target asks women if they'd like to have a position on his staff
1254Target asks women if they'd like to help him relieve himself
1255Target asks women if they'd like to strip search him
1256Target asks women if they'll pay to have sex with him
1257Target asks women to get in touch with his feminine side
1258Target asks women to let him perform sexual experiments on them
1259Target asks women to treat him like a slave
1260Target asks women what his semen tastes like
1261Target becomes a submissive sex slave to one nearby woman
1262Target becomes aroused at the sight of barefoot women
1263Target becomes aroused whenever he hears a woman play the flute
1264Target becomes deeply drunk at the sight of a naked woman
1265Target becomes erect whenever he passes a secret door
1266Target becomes flatulent at intimate or inappropriate moments
1267Target becomes furiously aroused by watching men eat red meat
1268Target becomes furiously aroused by watching women eat red meat
1269Target becomes hideously ugly when his penis is erect
1270Target becomes inarticulate and clumsy if a naked woman is near
1271Target becomes intensely attractive when he's angry
1272Target becomes irresistibly aroused during the new moon
1273Target becomes powerfully aroused in the presence of statues
1274Target begins hemorrhaging through his penis but suffers no harm
1275Target begs a nearby woman to let him give her an orgasm
1276Target begs a nearby woman to let him lick the soles of her feet
1277Target begs men to tie him up and spank him
1278Target begs women to tie him up and spank him
1279Target believes that one's soul resides in one's genitals
1280Target believes that women are forbidden to wear clothing
1281Target believes that women should be felt and not heard
1282Target can breathe through his penis
1283Target can cast one Wish but must sacrifice his genitals
1284Target can claim one nearby woman as his willing sex slave
1285Target can drive a woman to orgasm by chanting her name
1286Target can drive one nearby woman to orgasm at will
1287Target can drive women to orgasm by tickling their feet
1288Target can drive women to orgasm by touching their foreheads
1289Target can make one woman think she's performing oral sex on him
1290Target can make women recall having fantastic sex with him
1291Target can perform oral sex on himself if commanded to do so
1292Target can read a woman's mind while fondling her breasts
1293Target can read the mind of any naked woman he touches
1294Target can read the mind of any woman he's seen naked
1295Target can read the mind of any woman who pleasures him orally
1296Target can remove and reattach his genitals without harm
1297Target can totally control women while they pleasure him orally
1298Target can transform at will into an attractive young woman
1299Target can turn at will into a copy of the next woman he touches
1300Target can use his genitals like a cleric's holy symbol
1301Target can walk on water while naked and unencumbered
1302Target can, at will, command two particular women to make love
1303Target cannot get within one foot of women while he's naked
1304Target can't stop trying to grope women's breasts
1305Target can't tell the difference between men and women
1306Target can't use magic until brought to orgasm by a man
1307Target chronically tells outrageous sexual lies about himself
1308Target comments aloud about women's breasts
1309Target commissions a ten foot tall sculpture of his penis
1310Target considers himself a vessel for transporting his genitals
1311Target considers himself the property of a nearby pretty woman
1312Target considers himself to be a great piece of ass
1313Target constantly hears the sound of women crying out in orgasm
1314Target constantly leers at women
1315Target declares that he is woman, hear him roar
1316Target demands that women disrobe before speaking to him
1317Target describes what he'd like to do to a nearby woman
1318Target develops a fetish for an unlikely body part
1319Target develops a terrible fear of wearing clothes
1320Target develops amnesia whenever he removes his clothes
1321Target dreams each night of being orally pleasured by a woman
1322Target dreams each night of giving oral pleasure to a man
1323Target equates a woman's breasts size with her intelligence
1324Target equates beauty with evil
1325Target expresses a firm desire to "sacrifice" a virgin
1326Target expresses a firm desire to acquire a pair of breasts
1327Target expresses a firm desire to become pregnant
1328Target expresses a firm desire to castrate himself painfully
1329Target expresses a firm desire to sell himself into slavery
1330Target falls madly in love with the next woman who says his name
1331Target fears he's being hunted by women who want to castrate him
1332Target fears he's bleeding to death every time he urinates
1333Target feels a hand gripping his scrotum whenever he tells a lie
1334Target feels as if 2d6 women are servicing him with their mouths
1335Target feels cripplingly inadequate when naked
1336Target feels delicate feminine fingers caressing him all over
1337Target feels overdressed if he wears anything more than a hat
1338Target feels pain while wearing clothes in direct sunlight
1339Target freezes solid the next time he removes his clothes
1340Target gives money to a woman for services "to be named later"
1341Target gives off pheromones that attract men to him
1342Target gives off pheromones that attract women to him
1343Target gives off pheromones that attract women to other men
1344Target gives off pheromones that attract women to other women
1345Target goes naked to discourage pickpockets
1346Target gropes himself while speaking to royalty
1347Target has a cork firmly imbedded in an unfortunate place
1348Target has a massive orgasm whenever he drinks a magical potion
1349Target has an orgasm every time his blood is spilled
1350Target has an orgasm whenever he sees a woman cast a spell
1351Target has an orgasm whenever two women touch him simultaneously
1352Target has an unerring sense of direction while he's naked
1353Target has another hand in place of his genitals
1354Target has huge, beautifully formed breasts
1355Target has one orgasm for each person now within 50 yards of him
1356Target has visions of possible futures whenever he has an orgasm
1357Target head shrinks by 50% whenever his penis becomes erect
1358Target heals at 2X normal rate for each day he spends naked
1359Target heals one hit point each hour he spends naked in sunlight
1360Target is 50% likely to tell a woman her breasts are too big
1361Target is accused of fornicating with local statuary
1362Target is afraid of naked women
1363Target is afraid someone will castrate him while he sleeps
1364Target is afraid that he'll castrate himself while he sleeps
1365Target is an uncontrollable voyeur
1366Target is arrested for licking women without their permission
1367Target is blind while wearing clothes
1368Target is certain that he'll die if he ever wears clothes again
1369Target is compelled to strip search a nearby woman
1370Target is desperate to lick the stomach of a nearby woman
1371Target is distracted by sexual hallucinations for 1d6 rounds
1372Target is dressed like a dominatrix
1373Target is haunted by the idea that somewhere, someone is naked
1374Target is immune to poison while he's naked
1375Target is immune to the effects of alcohol while he's naked
1376Target is kicked in the crotch by the next mule he passes
1377Target is known to be a hermaphrodite
1378Target is known to be a morbid sexual deviant
1379Target is known to have had sexual congress with demons
1380Target is legally required to surrender his penis
1381Target is naked except for a blue ribbon
1382Target is naked except for a delicate tiara
1383Target is naked except for a strategically placed fig leaf
1384Target is naked, and a nearby woman is wearing his clothes
1385Target is on the brink of orgasm but needs help to get there
1386Target is permanently impotent
1387Target is powerfully aroused by performing acts of chivalry
1388Target is rendered phenomenally fecund
1389Target is rumored to be sexually attracted to fish and reptiles
1390Target is rumored to be sexually attracted to undead
1391Target is rumored to be strangely attracted to foliage
1392Target is rumored to have an elaborate prosthesis in his penis
1393Target is rumored to have been born a woman
1394Target is rumored to keep women in his dungeon as sexual slaves
1395Target is rumored to own a huge arsenal of sexual weapons
1396Target is strip searched every time he enters a new town
1397Target is suddenly naked and covered in a sheath of mud
1398Target is sure that a nearby woman is sexually attracted to him
1399Target is unable to convince women that he's not a eunuch
1400Target is unable to resist any sexual advance made to him
1401Target is utterly desperate to have sex with the nearest woman
1402Target is wearing a nearby woman's clothes, and she's naked
1403Target is widely believed to be an escaped eunuch
1404Target is worshipped by insane sex cultists
1405Target looks like a walking corpse whenever he's naked
1406Target loses control of his bladder for 2d10 days
1407Target makes bawdy sexual jokes at inappropriate times
1408Target makes disparaging remarks about the king's sexuality
1409Target makes outrageously offensive come-ons to attractive women
1410Target masturbates furiously in his sleep
1411Target must have sex with 1d10 women before he can speak
1412Target must mention his penis in every conversation with a woman
1413Target must remain naked for 1d20 days
1414Target perceives all women to be making sexual advances to him
1415Target perceives all women to be wearing sheer lingerie
1416Target perceives naked women as hideous, rotting corpses
1417Target perceives sexual symbolism in the most mundane images
1418Target perceives that men are staring at his crotch
1419Target perceives that women are staring at his crotch
1420Target perceives women's breasts to be twice their actual size
1421Target permanently loses all interest in sex
1422Target promises a nearby woman he'll respect her in the morning
1423Target qualifies for discount rates at most brothels
1424Target questions the sexual preferences of those around him
1425Target realizes his genitals were removed and reattached
1426Target recalls being initiated into a secret sexual society
1427Target recites dirty limericks in the presence of royalty
1428Target reeks of fire and brimstone when he's aroused
1429Target refers to himself as Doctor Love
1430Target refers to his penis as his Long Sword
1431Target refers to his penis as his Magic Missile
1432Target remains erect for the rest of his life
1433Target resembles a nubile blonde young woman while naked
1434Target resents women's ability to be multi-orgasmic
1435Target respects no woman who hasn't slept with him
1436Target respects no woman who's slept with him
1437Target seems to be leering when he smiles
1438Target seems to have a child in every town he visits
1439Target shrinks by 50% every time he has an orgasm
1440Target speaks to women in a patronizing, chauvinistic tone
1441Target sprouts a second functional penis beside his original one
1442Target suffers from acute morning sickness
1443Target suffers from PMS during the full moon
1444Target swaps bodies with any woman who gets naked while near him
1445Target talks in his sleep about his imagined sexual conquests
1446Target tells a nearby woman he'd like to pleasure her to death
1447Target tells every woman he meets that she has a perfect ass
1448Target tells women that he gets aroused by watching them eat
1449Target tells women that he's an incubus
1450Target tells women that his semen eliminates wrinkles
1451Target thinks a nearby woman has bitten off his penis
1452Target thinks he can read women's minds when he's naked
1453Target thinks he isn't respectable while he wears clothes
1454Target thinks he sees Death whenever he has an orgasm
1455Target thinks he's a lover of legendary prowess
1456Target thinks he's an insatiable necrophiliac
1457Target thinks he's found a doorway to the Plane of Pure Pleasure
1458Target thinks he's surrounded by aggressive naked men
1459Target thinks he's surrounded by beautiful naked women
1460Target thinks his erect penis has a hypnotic effect on women
1461Target thinks his genitals have been replaced by plastic copies
1462Target thinks his genitals have been replaced by someone else's
1463Target thinks his penis leads a secret life separate from him
1464Target thinks it's a compliment to tell women that he's erect
1465Target thinks that everyone thinks he's a woman
1466Target thinks that women address him as "my lord and master"
1467Target thinks that women address him as "peewee"
1468Target thinks that women are plotting to steal his genitals
1469Target thinks the world will end the next time he has an orgasm
1470Target thinks women are secretly desperate to have sex with him
1471Target tries to get in touch with his feminine side
1472Target turns into a young woman and back over the next month
1473Target turns temporarily to stone after every orgasm
1474Target undresses himself in his sleep but blames someone else
1475Target vaguely recalls drinking a magical aphrodisiac
1476Target wakes each day convinced that he has female breasts
1477Target wakes each day naked in the arms of another man
1478Target wakes each day thinking he performed oral sex on himself
1479Target wakes each day wearing women's undergarments
1480Target wakes each day with a distracting erection
1481Target wakes each day with a huge erection that everyone can see
1482Target's boasts about his sexual prowess are readily believed
1483Target's bodily fluids have a high black market value
1484Target's clothing is invisible if he's back-lit by sunlight
1485Target's erect penis has a hypnotic effect on women
1486Target's erect penis is as hard and as heavy as iron
1487Target's face puts people in mind of a scrotum
1488Target's fingernails and toenails are painted permanently pink
1489Target's fingers resemble penises
1490Target's genitals appear in his pocket
1491Target's genitals appear in someone else's pocket
1492Target's genitals appear somewhere else on his body
1493Target's genitals are completely numb for 1d6 weeks
1494Target's genitals are enclosed in a tight-fitting gold sheath
1495Target's genitals are fondled by the next princess he meets
1496Target's genitals are hidden beneath a nearby boulder
1497Target's genitals are susceptible to rust
1498Target's genitals are unaffected by any magic whatsoever
1499Target's genitals become ethereal when he's aroused
1500Target's genitals become permanently invisible
1501Target's genitals cannot be harmed by any mortal means
1502Target's genitals cannot be teleported or rendered invisible
1503Target's genitals explode the next time he has an orgasm
1504Target's genitals give off pheromones identical to a queen bee's
1505Target's genitals glow red like hot iron
1506Target's genitals jingle like sleigh bells when he moves
1507Target's genitals recede into his body
1508Target's genitals seem to be covered in a glaze of frost
1509Target's genitals shrink to one third their normal size
1510Target's genitals triple in size
1511Target's genitals turn to stone for 4d12 hours
1512Target's hands cannot move within six inches of his genitals
1513Target's head looks like the head of a penis
1514Target's Intelligence drops by 50% while he's erect
1515Target's most humiliating sexual secret becomes public knowledge
1516Target's normal speech is laced with sexual profanities
1517Target's penis and one of his arms switch places
1518Target's penis and one of his thumbs exchange places
1519Target's penis and scrotum exchange places
1520Target's penis emits faint music while erect
1521Target's penis is far more magnetic than lodestone
1522Target's penis is pierced 1d10 times
1523Target's penis is rumored to dispense magical potions
1524Target's penis is rumored to have a secret map tattooed on it
1525Target's penis juts from his pants in the presence of royalty
1526Target's penis painlessly ignites like a candle when erect
1527Target's penis temporarily grows to 3d10 feet long
1528Target's penis turns to glass whenever he becomes erect
1529Target's penis withers and falls off but regrows in 1d8 weeks
1530Target's penis, when erect, has a number of thorny protrusions
1531Target's penis, when erect, is shaped like a corkscrew
1532Target's scrotum dangles from his chin
1533Target's scrotum is rumored to contain the Philosopher's Stone
1534Target's semen accelerates the aging process in women
1535Target's semen causes women to become ethereal
1536Target's semen closely resembles blood
1537Target's semen is a healing salve, but only for men
1538Target's semen is a healing salve, but only for women
1539Target's semen is phosphorescent
1540Target's semen is prized for its alchemical value
1541Target's semen is rumored to facilitate weight loss
1542Target's semen is rumored to grant immortality
1543Target's semen is very similar to honey
1544Target's sexual preference is 50% likely to change each morning
1545Target's shadow constantly appears to be masturbating
1546Target's shadow resembles that of a man with a huge, erect penis
1547Target's shadow resembles that of a voluptuous naked woman
1548Target's testicles each weigh as much as his head
1549Target's testicles orbit his body like ioun stones
1550Target's tongue greatly resembles a penis
1551Target's virginity is restored
1552Target's voice causes men to become erect
1553Target's voice causes women to lubricate copiously
1554Target's voice causes women's nipples to become visibly erect
1555Target's waterskin enchants normal water with aphrodisiac powers
1556The nearest lich claims the target as its sexual plaything
1557The nearest princess is desperate to pleasure the target orally
1558The next idle sexual boast made by the target becomes true
1559The next woman touched by target has an orgasm for 4d12 hours
1560The sight of target's penis affects women like Hold Person
1561The sight of the target's penis induces temporary lesbianism
1562The sound of women's laughter is highly arousing to the target
1563When he sees an attractive woman, target begins disrobing
1564When he sees an attractive woman, target begins disrobing her
1565When he sees an attractive woman, target drools uncontrollably
1566When he sees an attractive woman, target foams at the mouth
1567When he sees an attractive woman, target howls like a wolf
1568When meeting a woman, target is inclined to grab her breasts
1569When talking to women, target can't help gazing at their breasts
1570When target has an orgasm, a random nearby woman also feels it
1571When target has sex, his partner knows every thought in his head
1572When target touches himself, it feels like someone else
1573With each orgasm, the target produces a pint of semen
1574Women are comfortable revealing intimate secrets to the target
1575Women automatically perceive the target to have a tiny penis
1576Women become multi-orgasmic while in the target's presence
1577Women cannot lie to target about any sexual matter
1578Women dimly recall having had disappointing sex with the target
1579Women dimly recall having had spectacular sex with the target
1580Women in the target's presence think their breasts are swelling
1581Women suspect that the target is a compulsive voyeur
1582Women suspect the target of licking them while they sleep
1583Women think of the target as "one of the girls"
1584Women who lie to the target seem naked to him forever after
1585Women who pleasure the target orally can give prophecy
1586Women who see the target naked become incontinent
1587Women who see the target naked become sexually voracious
1588Women who see the target naked become unusually submissive
1589Women who see the target naked become violently ill
1590Women who see the target naked remember nothing for 24 hours
1591Women who see the target naked turn to stone for 1d6 hours
1592Women who see the target using magic become mildly aroused
1593Women who sleep near the target dream of fantastic sex with him
1594Women who sleep with the target are satisfied beyond description
1595Women who sleep with the target have nightmares about it
1596Women who speak to the target tend to fondle their breasts
1597Women who speak to the target tend to remove their clothes
1598Women who speak to the target tend to use graphic sexual imagery
1599Women who speak with the target can't help staring at his crotch

1600A naked nymph is chased through the area by an amorous satyr
1601A nearby spring is said to have sexually invigorating properties
1602According to local law, all women must dress as harem slaves
1603According to local law, men must address all women as "majesty"
1604According to local law, men must wear restrictive leather garb
1605According to local law, women may not wear clothes on weekdays
1606Alcohol consumed in this area has a powerful aphrodisiac effect
1607All bodily secretions nearby glow as if under a blacklight
1608All clothing within 1 mile disintegrates over the next hour
1609All clothing within 100 yards becomes clingy and revealing
1610All clothing within 100 yards becomes transparent when wet
1611All clothing within 100 yards transforms into bondage gear
1612All clothing, armor, and blankets within 1 mile turn invisible
1613All men nearby acquire the urge to talk and cuddle after sex
1614All men nearby act prudish and reserved
1615All men nearby adopt some nearby women as the ideal of beauty
1616All men nearby are covered in embarrassing tattoos
1617All men nearby are dressed like ballerinas
1618All men nearby are dressed like male exotic dancers
1619All men nearby are hung like hedgehogs
1620All men nearby are hung like stallions
1621All men nearby are impotent for 1d4 weeks
1622All men nearby are now wearing steel chastity belts
1623All men nearby are stripped naked
1624All men nearby are suddenly wearing nothing but tiny speedos
1625All men nearby are unable to tell lies while naked
1626All men nearby are wearing stiletto heels
1627All men nearby become aroused in the presence of vinegar
1628All men nearby become furiously aroused under the full moon
1629All men nearby become impotent under the full moon
1630All men nearby become prepubescent when aroused
1631All men nearby become women for 1d3 days
1632All men nearby briefly question their own sexuality
1633All men nearby feel as if they've just undergone a bikini wax
1634All men nearby feel like they're being orally stimulated
1635All men nearby feel like they've been bitten in a sensitive area
1636All men nearby feel like they've been kicked in a sensitive area
1637All men nearby feel strangely inadequate
1638All men nearby grope themselves while speaking to royalty
1639All men nearby must spend one hour per day naked
1640All men nearby recall a tryst with the same woman
1641All men nearby speak in dull grunts when aroused
1642All men nearby suffer severe premenstrual tension
1643All men nearby suffering crippling performance anxiety
1644All men nearby think that somehow they're pregnant
1645All men nearby think they're witty and charming while drunk
1646All men's clothing within 1 mile becomes invisible to women
1647All nearby must remove 1d4+2 articles of clothing
1648All swords within 100 yards are rendered flaccid for 1d6 turns
1649All undead within 1 mile desire to copulate with the living
1650All within 1 mile believe that sexual intercourse causes death
1651All within 1 mile forget "the birds and the bees"
1652All within 100 yards appear to be of opposite sex for 1d4 days
1653All within 100 yards are aware of each other's erogenous zones
1654All within 100 yards are shorn of all body hair
1655All within 100 yards become gender-neutral for 1d10 days
1656All within 100 yards change sex for 24 hours
1657All within 100 yards grow aroused in the presence of cooked meat
1658All within 100 yards know what everyone else looks like naked
1659All within 100 yards panic at the thought of nudity
1660All within 100 yards suddenly have their genitals pierced
1661All women nearby act wanton and lascivious
1662All women nearby appear naked when back-lit by a campfire
1663All women nearby are dressed in schoolgirl uniforms
1664All women nearby are dressed like high-priced call girls
1665All women nearby are stripped naked
1666All women nearby are suddenly nude except for long, wet t-shirts
1667All women nearby are wearing stiletto heels
1668All women nearby become hotly aroused in the presence of magic
1669All women nearby become irresistibly horny during the full moon
1670All women nearby become men for 1d3 days
1671All women nearby briefly question their own sexuality
1672All women nearby can no longer wear undergarments
1673All women nearby cannot sleep unless naked
1674All women nearby develop a habit of disrobing while asleep
1675All women nearby each suddenly have 2d10 intimate piercings
1676All women nearby enjoy restrictive leather garments
1677All women nearby experience labor pains for 4d4 minutes
1678All women nearby feel as if they've just undergone a bikini wax
1679All women nearby feel like they're being intimately tickled
1680All women nearby go into heat like cats
1681All women nearby have an orgasm from now until sunset
1682All women nearby have an urge to compare tan lines
1683All women nearby have an urge to touch one another's breasts
1684All women nearby must disrobe if they are offered shiny beads
1685All women nearby recall a tryst with the same man
1686All women nearby recall being groped by the same man
1687All women nearby recall each other's sexual history
1688All women nearby regain their virginity
1689All women nearby suddenly become far more beautiful
1690All women nearby suffer delusions of sexual grandeur
1691All women nearby suffer severe premenstrual tension
1692All women nearby think that they are naked
1693All women nearby think that they're pregnant
1694All women nearby think they're avatars of the goddess of nudity
1695All women's clothing within 1 mile becomes invisible to men
1696Anyone in the area has an urge to strip when next rained upon
1697Anyone nearby who is naked refuses ever to wear clothes again
1698Anyone now naked nearby can't recall ever wearing clothes
1699Anyone using magic nearby appears naked while magic is in effect
1700Anyone who has an orgasm in this area is briefly clairvoyant
1701Anyone who sleeps in this area has intensely sexual dreams
1702Anyone who uses magic within the next 2d10 turns has an orgasm
1703At noon each day, all clothing in this area becomes invisible
1704Bestiality is not uncommon in this area
1705Children conceived in this area will be born with no defects
1706Clothing in this area becomes transparent by campfire light
1707Clothing in this area combusts instantly when removed
1708Everyone nearby bears scars from fetishistic body mutilations
1709Everyone nearby is affected by "beer goggles"
1710Everyone nearby is rumored to be part of a bizarre sex cult
1711Everyone nearby is suddenly holding some kind of sexual device
1712Everyone nearby is suspicious of the Emperor's new clothes
1713Everyone nearby thinks they took part in an orgy last night
1714Everyone nearby wants to be part of a bizarre sex cult
1715Everyone who witnessed this casting has an orgasm
1716Everyone who witnessed this casting is incredibly aroused
1717Everyone who witnessed this casting loses all sexual inhibition
1718Everyone who witnessed this casting lusts after someone nearby
1719Everyone who witnessed this casting takes a vow of chastity
1720Everyone who witnessed this casting takes a vow of debauchery
1721Everyone who witnessed this casting wishes to be naked right now
1722Local king declares a day of mandatory nudity
1723Local nobles can demand tribute in the form of sexual favors
1724Magic cannot be cast in the area unless the caster is naked
1725Men and women in this kingdom must shave all hair below the neck
1726Men are immune to fear while naked in this area
1727Men are priapic and women are insatiable while in this area
1728Men in this kingdom are forbidden to wear clothes
1729Men in this kingdom become erect if ordered by a woman to do so
1730Men in this kingdom must pay a huge tax unless they "measure up"
1731Men nearby can't sleep unless they make a humiliating admission
1732Men who enter this area are driven to fight like rutting stags
1733Men who sleep face down in this area have unsettling dreams
1734Moonlight has an aphrodisiac effect on women within 1 mile
1735Nearest church or temple is revealed to be a den of iniquity
1736Nearest mountain resembles a gigantic breast
1737Nearest paladin changes his heraldic device to a rampant penis
1738Nearest tavern becomes a high-class Gentlemen's Club
1739Nearest town becomes infamous for its casinos and prostitution
1740Nearest whorehouse is rumored to employ a number of nymphs
1741No one can leave this area while wearing clothes
1742No one can pass through this area while wearing clothes
1743No one within 100 yards can discern if they are clothed or naked
1744One nearby man becomes erect whenever he's in armor
1745One nearby man begins reciting his darkest sexual fantasies
1746One nearby man has an orgasm every time he's touched by a woman
1747One nearby man thinks all nearby women belong to his harem
1748One nearby man thinks he can cause orgasms with a touch
1749One nearby woman begins reciting her darkest sexual fantasies
1750One nearby woman has an orgasm every time a man says her name
1751One nearby woman in the area becomes pregnant with her own clone
1752One nearby woman loses all sexual inhibition and shyness
1753Orgasmic moaning fills the air for 1d8 turns
1754Promiscuity in this kingdom is punishable by incarceration
1755Prostitutes in this kingdom are held in especially high regard
1756Rain falls; while it lasts, all clothing rained on is invisible
1757Raucous burlesque music fills the air for 1d10 turns
1758Sexual favors are accepted in this kingdom in lieu of money
1759Sheep appear in the area with a tale to tell about a local ruler
1760Someone nearby disrobes and runs naked to the nearest town
1761Someone nearby is arrested on suspicion of necrophilia
1762Someone nearby is suspected of horrific sexual deviance
1763Someone nearby recalls an alien abduction, complete with probing
1764Stalactites in a nearby cave have a decidedly phallic appearance
1765Statues in the nearest town adopt scandalously lewd poses
1766The clouds overhead form into erotic shapes
1767The most attractive person nearby recites his/her sexual history
1768The most beautiful woman nearby is rumored to be a succubus
1769The most handsome man nearby is rumored to be an incubus
1770The most powerful local religion is rocked by a sex scandal
1771The most socially inept person nearby gets "lucky" within 1 week
1772The most well-endowed woman in the area is now more well-endowed
1773The most well-endowed woman in the area is revered as a goddess
1774The most well-endowed woman in the area is suddenly flat-chested
1775The most well-hung man in the area is crowned the next king
1776The most well-hung man in the area is hunted like a game animal
1777The most well-hung man in the area wishes to become a eunuch
1778The nearest town only admits virgins and checks to make sure
1779The nearest town strip-searches all who wish to enter
1780The Scroll of Superlative Sexual Skill is rumored to be nearby
1781The sight of blood within 100 yards is a powerful aphrodisiac
1782The smoke from fires lit in this area is a strong aphrodisiac
1783The two most beautiful women nearby are bound together naked
1784The two most handsome men nearby are bound together naked
1785The wind blowing through this area sounds like sensual moaning
1786This area is a make-out spot for amorous teenage hill giants
1787This area is a popular gathering place for nude sunbathers
1788This area is haunted by a particularly amorous ghost
1789This area is rumored to restore women's virginity
1790This area is the final resting place of the world's finest lover
1791This area is the site of a yearly orgiastic fertility ritual
1792This kingdom is oddly tolerant of bestiality
1793Trees and shrubs within 1 mile grow in eerily suggestive shapes
1794Wolf whistles and catcalls fill the air for 1d10 turns
1795Women are immune to fire while naked in this area
1796Women in this kingdom are forbidden to wear clothes
1797Women in this kingdom are subject to strip-searching at any time
1798Women in this kingdom regard men as chattel
Women nearby lick their lips wantonly while speaking to royalty

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