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DanganRonpa 69: There’s MORE goddamn hope!?

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Category: Gen
Fandom: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Super Mario & Related Fandoms,
Family Guy (Cartoon), Vocaloid, UTAU, Undertale (Video Game),
PaRappa the Rapper, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, WarioWare,
Yandere Simulator (Video Game), Gorillaz, SpongeBob SquarePants
(Cartoon), Hoshi no Kaabii | Kirby: Right Back at Ya!, A Hat in Time
(Video Game)
Character: Luigi (Nintendo), Mario (Nintendo), Peter Griffin, Brian Griffin, Hatsune
Miku, Kasane Teto, Sans (Undertale), Komaeda Nagito, PaRappa
Rappa, Fluttershy (My Little Pony), Ashley (WarioWare), Ayano Aishi |
Yandere-chan, Stuart "2D" Pot, Eugene Krabs, King Dedede, The
Conductor (A Hat in Time), Monokuma (Dangan Ronpa)
Additional Tags: Multi-dimensional killing game, Protag!Luigi, There are CGs, Yes I drew
them, forgive me lord for i have sinned, puhuhu
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2020-02-08 Completed: 2021-04-18 Words: 153,067
Chapters: 18/18

DanganRonpa 69: There’s MORE goddamn hope!?

by lennardd


After waking up in a mysterious school, Luigi is forced into a killing game with a bunch of
weird strangers by a sadistic bear with a despair fetish.

Who will survive? Who will perish? And more importantly, will God forgive me for this?


Welcome to despair, nerds.

No idea why I’m doing this, just found it funny I guess. Not sure why I chose Luigi as the
protag either, but he kinda cool doe.

This fic is written in a visual novel format, however descriptions are in the 3rd person
instead of the 1st because I like to live on the edge (...actually I just thought it’d be better
like that). And, yes, I actually drew CGs for this because I thought it would enhance the
reading experience or something.

Anyway, without further ado, let’s dive into despair!

Prologue: Your Worst Interdimensional Nightmare
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

???: "..."

???: "...Ngh..."

???: "...Huh...?"

Luigi opened his eyes slowly, still somewhat drowsy from his previous slumber. Once his eyes
adjusted to the dark room, he looked around. Desks, chairs, a blackboard... Was he in a classroom?

Luigi: (“Why am I in a classroom?”)

It didn't look like a normal classroom either: graffiti of bears decorated the walls, and the windows
were bolted shut. Slowly, Luigi pulled himself off the ground, stretching out his aching muscles.

Luigi: (“I must-a been asleep for a while. Wait. Why was I asleep?”)

Luigi tried to recall the last thing he remembered.

He couldn't.

Panic started to take over Luigi. His eyes darted around the unfamiliar location, breathing getting

Luigi: “Where am I? What’s-a going on? Is anybody here?!”

Feeling as if he was about to faint, Luigi took frantic steps backwards.

Luigi: "M-Mari- Oof!"

Luigi suddenly lost his balance on something large behind him, and he toppled over, hitting the
hard floor with a thud. He groaned as he rubbed the back of his head.

???: "Luigi?"

Luigi sat up at the sound of his name.

Luigi: "Mario...?"

A million tonnes of relief washed over Luigi. Right there in front of him, the thing he tripped over,
was none other than his brother Mario. Luigi scrambled to his knees and hugged the still half-
asleep Mario, who looked at his brother with confusion.

Mario: "What's-a matter with you, Luigi?"

Luigi: "Oh, Mario! I was so worried!"

Luigi gripped on tighter to his brother who was now losing air.

Mario: "L-Luigi... You're-a…”

Luigi: "Ah! Sorry."

Luigi let go, giving time for Mario to catch his breath.

Mario: "Why-a you so freaked out, anyway?”

Luigi: “Look around! I have-a no idea where we are! I don't even remember how we-a got here!"

Luigi gestured to the room, and Mario glanced around accordingly. This definitely wasn't the
Mushroom Kingdom, or anything they had seen before.

Mario: “Hmm… Wait-a minute. Weren’t we just at-a home?”

Luigi: “A-at home..?”

Suddenly, it hit Luigi like a slap to the face.

Luigi: (“Y-yeah… that’s-a right. We were at our-a house… and others were there too… They were
all… We were all...”)
Luigi didn’t know if his fuzzy memory was due to his tired state or something else, but his anxiety
came creeping back all too soon.

Luigi: “What...? W-why were we-a…? How did we-a get here..?”

Mario: “Calm down, bro! It’s gonna be okay!”

Mario put a hand on his brother’s shaking shoulder, to try and put an ease to his fright. He thought
to himself for a moment, then sprung up spontaneously, clenching his fists in determination.

Mario: "This must be the work of-a Bowser! Well, there's only one thing to do - and that's to go

Mario made a run for the door.

Luigi: "Wait!"

His brother didn't hear him, and was already out of the room. Luigi gulped. Even in a situation like
this, Mario was as brave as ever.

Luigi: (“Maybe it is just-a Bowser’s doing…”)

With one deep breath, Luigi stepped out of the classroom.

Outside the classroom was a large hallway, with other doors and corridors leading to other
unknown areas. This place looked far from friendly: everything was an industrial grey, the air felt
heavy, and the sheer silence was unnerving. Luigi thought it would be better if he stayed in the
classroom until Mario got back. However, before he turned to go back inside, he heard shouting
coming from the next room over.

Luigi: “Mario!"

Luigi dashed into the adjacent room. Although, his courage was quickly abandoned at the sight in
front of him.

Mario: “Don’t lie to me! I know you’re-a working for Bowser!”

???: “I already told ya I ain’t heard nobody by the name of Bowser, ya hear?”

Mario seemed to be confronting some sort of penguin. He was very round, and dressed as if he was
of royalty. Mario turned to notice that Luigi had ran in the room after him.

Mario: “Hey, Luigi, help-a me take down this henchman!”

???: “I ain’t no henchman!”

Luigi was hesitant to do anything. It didn’t seem like the penguin had anything to do with Bowser.

Luigi: “Who are you, then?”

???: “Why, I’m King Dedede, the Ultimate King!”

The penguin, presumably named Dedede, struck a pose, as if he was being introduced somewhere
for the first time.

Luigi: “Ultimate King…?”

Dedede: “Yeah, it’s my talent!”

Both Luigi and Mario blinked in utter bewilderment.

Dedede: “...Uh, y’know, like ya special talent ya got… I dunno for sure! It’s just that some guy
told me that everyone got these ‘Ultimate thingys’ about ‘em!”

Luigi: “Some guy?”

Mario: “Everyone?”

Dedede: “Did you guys just wake up or somethin’?! There’s a bunch of people wanderin’ around
here - and some tall guy told me that we’re here fo’ a reason! And if that reason is that I’m a super
talented King, then I’m all fo’ this!”

Dedede raised his fist in the air in joy.

Luigi: “Then, do you know-a why we’re here?”

Dedede: “To be honest, I got no clue. All I know is I woke up in this room next ta somebody, but
they ran off before I could get a closer look at ‘em. Then, that tall guy comes strolling in, sayin’ all
that ‘Ultimate doohickey’! Oh well, at least I’m away from that no-good Kirby!”

Dedede chuckled boisterously. Mario pulled his brother close.

Mario: “I dunno if we should-a trust this guy, I still think Bowser’s behind it…”
Luigi: “Well, maybe we should-a meet the others that he’s talking about. Maybe they know why-a
we’re here.”

Mario looked back at the penguin, who was talking to himself about how he was the ‘best king in
Dreamland’, and reluctantly turned back.

Mario: “Alrighty then, Luigi. But if anyone shows the slightest hint of being a goomba in disguise,
then I’m-a stomping on them.”

The brothers left the classroom to go look for the others, leaving Dedede behind, who continued to
compliment his own ego.

They decided to investigate the room opposite the two classrooms. As Luigi peeked inside, he saw
a large dining hall, with a long table in the middle, and smaller round tables scattered around. It
seemed just a bit too fancy for a supposed school, but he carried on inside nevertheless.

Mario: “Oh, a dining hall. Do you think-a they serve spaghetti?”

???: “Spaghetti? Ugh.”

Mario: “Who said that?!”

The brothers turned to the direction of the voice, and saw a small girl sitting at one of the tables.
She looked sort of lonely, but with that remark, Mario felt there was a reason why.

Mario: “You better have a good reason why you dissed spaghetti like-a that!”

???: “I just don’t like it because it reminds me of my boss… Well, he’s not exactly my boss…”

The girl got out of her seat and walked to the two, Luigi noticing how her black ponytails fell to her

???: “I guess you’re wondering who I am. I’m… Ashley, the Ultimate Witch.”
Luigi: “Ultimate Witch?”

Mario: “So everyone’s-a doing this ‘Ultimate’ thing then.”

Ashley: “My whole life I’ve been a witch. I cast spells, ride my broomstick… My favourite thing
to do is summon demons…”

Luigi almost caught a small smile form on Ashley’s lips.

Ashley: “Anyway, it’s not important. Also, don’t bother introducing yourselves, I know who you
both are…”

Both brothers jumped.

Luigi: “You do?!”

Mario: “She must be working for-a Bowser!”

Mario rolled up his fist, ready to strike.

Ashley: “No, stupid… I work for Wario.”

Luigi: “Wario?!”

Ashley: “Yes… Wario makes… ‘games’, and hired me and a bunch of other people to help him…
He doesn’t pay us, so I wouldn’t consider it a job. I know you two are the Mario Brothers because
he talks about you sometimes.”

Mario: “What does he-a say?”

Ashley: “...Nothing good.”

Luigi: (“I figured so…”) “So, Ashley, do you know what’s-a happening here?”

Ashley: “...Nope. I don’t have my wand either, so don’t ask me to cast a spell or something.”

Luigi: (“She’s-a taking this so… mundanely.”)

Ashley: “There are some other people in the kitchen, if you’d like to talk to them. They’re kinda…
strange, however.”

Luigi: “Oh, thanks. It was-a nice meeting you, Ashley.”

Ashley curtly nodded, and without another word, walked back to her chair.

Mario: “At least there’s-a someone we can kinda trust here…”

The brothers made their way into the kitchen, mentally preparing themselves for the ‘strange’
people they were about to meet.
???: “There’s nuttin, Brian. Not a single drop of booze in sight.”

???: “C’mon, there has to be. I’m not being cooped up in here without a fucking drink.”

Luigi laid eyes on a particularly large man and a dog searching around the kitchen for something.

Luigi: “Uh… hello?”

The two turned to look at the doorway, and spotted the brothers.

???: “Gasp! Are you the pizza guys?! Aw sweet, I’m starving. Bring on the pepperoni!”

???: “Peter, they’re not the ‘pizza guys’. Stop assuming every Italian is your personal chef.”

Mario cocked a brow.

Mario: “These guys definitely don’t-a work for Bowser…”

???: “Who’s Bowser? The delivery guy?”

???: “Peter-! Ugh. Excuse my friend here, he’s… a dumbass.”

???: “A dumbass with dignity!”

???: “Uh-huh… So you guys are trapped here too?”

Luigi: “Trapped?!”

???: “Well, I’m assuming we’re trapped. Haven’t found a damn exit yet. Speaking of which,
who’re you guys?”

Mario: “I’m Mario, and this is my little bro, Luigi. We just-a woke up, and now we’re meeting
everyone else here.”

???: “Huh. Well I’m—“

???: “Me first! I’m Peter Griffin, the Ultimate Father!”

Luigi: “Ultimate Father?”

Peter: “Yep! I’m a family guy, y’know? Got the best wife, kids, and dog a man could ever ask

???: “He says that, but he remembers the names of beer more than his own kids’.”

Luigi: (“Is that-a really true…?”)

???: “Anyway, I’m Brian Griffin, Ultimate Author.”

Luigi: “You like to write?”

Brian: “It’s my hobby. I’ve published a few books, and even directed my own play.”

Luigi: “Wow!”

Just then, Peter leaned into Luigi’s ear.

Peter: “But they were total crap, heheheh.”

Brian: “I heard that.”

Mario: “Yeah… Anywho, Luigi and I still need to-a meet everybody else so… goodbye.”

Mario grabbed Luigi by the arm and dragged him out the dining room, away from the strange
man-dog duo.

Luigi: “Mario…”
Mario: “What? Ashley was-a right! There’s still a possibility that this is Bowser’s doing,

Mario paced around, holding his chin in one hand. Before Luigi could reply, there was a tap on his
shoulder. He froze, and slowly turned around.

???: “Don’t you know how to greet a pal? Shake my hand.”

A figure, who was oddly shadowed by reasons unknown, held out its hand to Luigi. He cautiously
held out his own, palms sweating, hesitantly placed it in the other, and—


Luigi went blank.

???: “The ‘ol whoopee cushion in the hand trick — still always works.”

The shadow suddenly disappeared, and there stood a… skeleton?

???: “You’re a human? Still hilarious.”

Luigi: “Who are…?”

???: “ I’m Sans, Sans the Skeleton, Ultimate Comedian.”

Luigi: “I… guess I can-a see that.”

Mario, who was previously lost in thought, walked up to the two.

Mario: “So you found someone else?”

Sans: “Whoa, it’s like I’m seeing double, heheh.”

Mario: “Hey! Me and Luigi look-a nothing alike!”

Luigi: “Oh, uh, we’re brothers.”

Sans: “Brothers, huh? I have a brother too.”

Luigi: “You do? Is he here?”

Sans: “Nope…”
Luigi: “Aw, I’m-a sorry to hear.”

Sans: “Nah, it’s no biggie. This new place just means I have more people to tell my old jokes to,
and no one can call me out on them. Heheh.”

Mario: “And let me-a guess… You don’t know where we are.”

Sans: “Maybe I do… Maybe I don’t… I don’t think it’s worth boning over, though. Heheh.”

Mario: “Do you at least know how many people are here?”

Sans: “Including me there’s about 16 of us. Or 3,296 bones.”

Mario rolled his eyes.

Mario: “C’mon bro, time to find someone helpful…”

And with that, Mario dragged Luigi away once more. Luigi gave Sans a small wave as he was
being dragged, as a sort of apology. They ended up going down a corridor that lead to a dormitory.
Each door had a small picture of someone on it, presumably meaning it belonged to them. The
brothers found that their rooms were next to each other.

Mario: “Hey, that’s-a pretty good.”

Luigi: “No it’s not, Mario! Who’s expecting us to stay here?”

???: “Aye, the laddie’s right. This place seems fishier than Davy Jones's Locker.”

The brothers turned to yet another new voice, which was gravelly yet warm. The owner of said
voice belonged to a krab of sorts, who bore a distinctly crinkled nose and very large claws. He
examined the two, and placed his claws on his hips.
???: “You two look like a couple o’ good wranglers! I don’t suppose you’d be me makeshift crew,

Luigi: “Crew? For what?”

Mario: “Bowser’s crew?”

???: “Oh, where are me manners? I’m Eugene Krabs, Ultimate Entrepreneur, but you can just call
me Mr. Krabs.”

Luigi: “Ultimate Entrepreneur?”

Mr. Krabs: “Yep. I don’t look like much, but this ol’ krab knows how to run a fine business!
However, being stuck in here and all leaves me crew-less. I’ve been lookin’ around for some able-
bodied handymen to fill the role - and yee two look perfect!”

Mario and Luigi looked at each other, then back at the eager krab.

Luigi: “Uh, t-thanks for the offer, but—“

Mario: “We-a work for ourselves.”

Mr. Krabs: “Really laddies? What a shame.”

Luigi: “It’s not like you could-a paid us anyway, haha.”

Mr. Krabs: “Pay? Who said anything about pay?”

Mr. Krabs suddenly looked defensive, as if Luigi had said something deeply offensive. Had he?

Mario: “You seem-a lot less concerned about why-a we’re here. Do you know what’s-a going on?”

Mr. Krabs: “Oh, I’m sure I’m just ‘ere because of some papers I signed without reading the fine
print, happens all the time. But hey, I get free money!”

Luigi: (“This guy seems to-a like money… maybe a bit too much.”)

Mr. Krabs: “I suppose I gotta keep searching for me new crew, eh? Well, I’ll see yee laddies
around! Arg arg arg!”

Mr. Krabs walked off after his goodbye. Well, it wasn’t exactly a walk, more like a quick shuffle
of his small feet that made a strange sound as he moved.

Luigi sighed. There were so many different personalities to handle, and there were still a lot more
to meet. He was glad he had Mario by his side, or he wouldn’t know what to do. Hell, he would’ve
never stepped out of the classroom if he wasn’t there with him.

Mario: “Look Luigi, a little doggy!”

Luigi was quickly snapped out of his thoughts as his brother pointed to a dog in an oversized
beanie, who was checking out a door on the other row of the dormitory.

Luigi: (“I hope he’s-a not like the other dog we met…”)
As the two walked over to him, he noticed their presence, and turned to face them. He looked
slightly shaken, but wore a large smile.

???: “Sup! I’m Parappa, the Ultimate Rapper!”

Luigi: “Rapper?”

Parappa: “Yeah! I’m famous in my town for being the coolest rapper ever known! I even
convinced a guy to stop terrorising the town with noodles through a rap battle!”

Luigi: “That’s-a pretty impressive!”

Mario: “Oh, noodles… That makes-a me hungry…”

Parappa: “Haha, thanks. But now, we’re stuck in this strange school, and I dunno how to get out…
But don’t worry! All I gotta do is believe!”

Luigi: (“Is that some sorta coping mechanism? Doesn’t sound-a too bad…”)

Mario: “So how far has your believing got you?”

Parappa: “Well, I’ve been checking each room here for some kinda clue, but they all seem to be

Luigi: “Really?”

Mario: “What’s the point of-a having rooms if we-a not allowed in?”

Parappa: “I dunno… But I’m gonna keep checking! There’s gotta be something!”

Parappa seemed pretty optimistic despite his current luck. It made Luigi mentally root for him.

Luigi: “Good luck on your-a findings!”

Parappa: “Thanks!”

As Parappa went back to checking the doors, the brothers spotted another, larger door between the
dorm rows, and decided to check there next.

It appeared to be a locker room, with rows of benches sprawled out in the middle, and not-so-
vibrant grey lockers decorating the sides. Each, like the doors, belonged to a different person, their
name engraved on the front. They saw two girls in the room, both with very brightly coloured hair.
The brothers decided to talk to the one nearest to them, who was looking at a row of lockers. She
had long teal hair bunched up in two ponytails that went to her ankles, which Luigi thought looked
similar to Ashley’s.

Luigi: “Hello.”

???: “Oh, konichiwa! I’m Hatsune Miku, Ultimate Virtual Diva!”

Miku struck a pose, holding a peace sign up to her face and smiling cheerily. She definitely looked
like a pop star. But one thing wasn’t as clear.

Luigi: “Virtual Diva?”

Miku: “Hai! I am a VOCALOID program that can sing anything my master wishes! I can sing a
wide range of genres, and become many different personalities in my songs! I also have a large
loving fan base, ehehe~!”

Luigi: (“She seems a little full of herself… but I guess-a if she can sing anything, she must-a be
pretty talented.”)

Mario: “You don’t look like-a program.”

Miku: “I am, but sometimes I can take a real form - it’s really fun for tours!”

Luigi: “Do you know-a why you’re here?”

Miku: “Oh, no… I don’t know if anyone does. That white-haired guy seems to know something
Mario: “White-haired guy?”

Miku: “He’s kinda mysterious, and weird, but super cute too! He told me about our Ultimate

Luigi: (“It seems-a like this ‘guy’ knows what’s going on… I wonder where he is.”)

Miku: “Well, I hope we can get along! Sayonara! Mwuah~!”

The diva blew a kiss and skipped rhythmically back to the lockers. Luigi felt slightly more at ease
with her bubbly personality - for a program she definitely felt sincere.

Luigi noticed Mario walking to the other girl, and ran over to catch up to him. On closer
inspection, this girl had red hair tied in twin tails, and was mischievously trying to break into one of
the many lockers. Luigi assumed it probably wasn’t hers. She noticed the two, and quickly stopped
what she was doing.

???: “Oh, konichiwa! I’m Hatsune Miku, Ultimate Virtual Diva!”

She struck a pose, holding a peace sign up to her face and smiling cheerily.

Luigi: “Another one?!”

???: “Pffft—“

The girl suddenly burst out into a chuckle.

???: “Haha, just messing with you! I’m actually Teto Kasane!”

Luigi: “Oh, haha… Wait, so what’s-a your Ultimate Talent?”

Suddenly, the girl went silent.

Teto: “...It’s… uh…”

Mario: “Hurry up already!”

Teto: “Ultimate Secondary Diva…”

Luigi: “Secondary Diva?”

Teto: “Don’t get the wrong idea, okay?! It’s just because my program isn’t as known as
VOCALOID… and you just gotta know how to tune me… and I don’t have big teal ponytails…”

Luigi: (“Just a second ago she was full of mischief… now she-a seems very defensive. Though, I
suppose being called ‘secondary’ isn’t that nice… I can-a relate.”)

Mario: “Who gave-a you that title? The white-haired guy?”

Teto: “No… I just woke up with that thought already in my head… I bet it was some cruel hater-
Teto crossed her arms and mumbled to herself.

Luigi: “Anyway, have-a you found out anything about this place?”

Mario: “Or anyone behind it?”

Teto: “Psh, no. But there’s some tall guy in the trash room next door… maybe he feels at home in
there, hehe.”

Luigi: “Thanks…?”

Dismissing the remark, the brothers ventured to the trash room. Waste bins scattered the room, and
a large furnace stood in the middle of the back wall. And, just as Teto said, a man was in there - the
first thing Luigi noticing was his abnormally long legs.

???: “Oh, ‘ello.”

Luigi: “Ciao!”

???: “I’m Stuart Pot, but me stage name ‘es 2D. I’m the Ultimate Lead Singer.”
Mario: “Another singer?”

2D: “Oh, roight, I guess you’ve met those girls, eh? The blue one’s quite energetic, and she really
loikes me ‘air.”

Luigi: (“Why? Maybe because it’s-a same kinda color..?”)

2D: “She reminds me of me ‘offa band member… It’d be noice to collab with ‘er, but now's not
exactly the toime.”

Mario: “Definitely not. We need-a find out what’s-a going on!”

2D: “Roight… but I haven’t found anything really. Sorry mate.”

Luigi: “It’s alright. From what I can understand, no one-a knows anything…”

Mario: “Except for that white-haired guy. We need-a find him!”

Luigi: “Oh yeah. 2D, do you know where he-a might be?”

2D: “Oh, ‘im? No clue. He comes and goes fast, kinda loike some shadow.”

Luigi: (“He-a seems pretty mysterious…”)

Mario: “Well, we’ll be-a sure to catch him, right Luigi?”

Mario wrapped his arm around Luigi’s shoulder. It was only a small interaction, but it made Luigi
feel just a bit better on the inside, if only by a little.

Luigi: “Yeah!”
2D: “Good luck, mates!”

After their goodbyes, the brothers agreed to leave the dormitory area, as they seemed to have
explored it all. Proceeding the boost of confidence, Luigi was eager to move on, jogging to the
door in the locker room that lead back to the dorms. Just as he pulled open the door and stepped
out, he bashed into something. The sudden impact stunned him, and he fell to the floor.

Mario: “Are you alright, bro?”

Mario helped his brother off the ground.

Luigi: “Yeah, I’m-a fine…”

???: “Oi! Watch where yer goin’ yer stupid peck neck!”

The something happened to be a someone, and that someone wasn’t very happy. They stood up,
brushed the dirt off their suit and stood with their arms crossed.

Now able to get a better look at them, Luigi noticed that it was a bird. Well, it had feathers, but it
didn't exactly seem to be a bird. And, as well as that, it didn’t seem to have any eyes.

???: “Well? What have ye gotta say for yerself?”

Luigi: “Oh, I-I’m-a sorry…”

Mario: “Luigi, you don’t gotta apologise for anything! This guys-a taking this too seriously!”

???: “Too seriously?! You could of dislocated me beak! Plucked half me feathers out! Twist me
blooming ankles!”

Luigi: (“Maybe he is taking this too seriously...”) “Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot. We
can-a put this silly thing behind us, right?”

???: “...I suppose so, for now.”

Mario: “So, who are you?”

???: “I guess ye were wonderin’ who I am. I’m The Conductor, the Ultimate Movie Director!”

Luigi: “Movie director? That sounds like a fun job!”

The Conductor: “It would be fun if ye crew wasn’t a bunch of brain-dead peck necks! But, I
suppose this year, I had a new actor that really brought the audience in! And I managed to grab
first place for the Bird Movie Awards once again!”

Luigi: “How many awards do you have?”

The Conductor: “Eh, about… 52 of ‘em. Haven’t lost a single one.”

Luigi: “Whoa!”
Mario: “You haven’t seen a white-haired guy around here have-a you?”

The Conductor: “I did meet one. Something kinda… off about him. No idea where he is now.”

Mario grunted.

The Conductor: “Anyway, if ye excuse me, I’d like to take a look at this place - it could be a good
place to film a potential scene…”

And with that, The Conductor walked past, eyeing around the locker room. Mario glanced at him
with a dirty look.

Mario: “What’s-a his problem?”

Luigi: “I dunno. Maybe he’s just-a stressed out… We don’t know where we are after all…”

The brothers walked back to the large hallway where the classrooms were. There was another
corridor on the opposite side they hadn’t checked yet.

Down the corridor was a double door leading to what could have been a gym, and a smaller
corridor that branched off to the right. When Luigi peaked down it, he noticed a large red door,
with handles resembling a black and white bear - similar to the ones he saw on blackboard in the
classroom he woke up in. What he also noticed, however, was another person. It was a girl, in
some kind of school uniform, examining the door.

He looked to Mario for reassurance, and he nodded. Walking down the narrow corridor, Luigi
cleared his throat.

Luigi: “Hello! Do you know where that door leads t—“

The girl had turned around as quick as lightning, with an expression on her face that Luigi couldn’t
describe. It looked twisted, yet emotionless - a kind of silent threat.
???: “Who are you…?”

Luigi: “I-I-I’m Luigi, a-and—!”

Mario: “What’s-a with the creepy getup? You-a working with King Boo?”

???: “...”

The girl dropped her expression.

???: “...It seems you two are harmless.”

Mario: “Harmless? Have you seen what I can-a do to ‘ol Koopa? If you don’t shut this gig up, then
I’m-a gonna have to end this now!”

???: “You think I’m behind this? You don’t even know who I am…”

Luigi: “That is true, we have-a never met you before… and Bowser’s never really hired humans.”

Mario: “So just who are you then?”

???: “I’m Ayano Aishi, but I am mostly referred to by my nickname, Yandere-Chan. I am… the
Ultimate Yandere.”
Luigi: “What’s a yandere?”

Yandere-Chan: “...A yandere is someone who protects their love - their senpai, no matter the cost,
doing anything for them… even hurting others.”

Mario: “What?! You kill people?!”

Yandere-Chan: “...I never said I killed people.”

Luigi: “Uh, so, what about this-a door?”

Yandere-Chan: “This door is locked. I have little idea what’s on the other side… It’s too vague to
say for sure. And this bear handle… I have never seen a design like this before.”

Mario: “So, a useless door… Or, Bowser’s hiding spot.”

Yandere-Chan: “Who is Bowser?”

Luigi: “Don’t-a worry about it…”

Yandere-Chan: “...”

Luigi: (“She seems-a kind of… creepy. But I guess I shouldn’t assume anything.”)

Mario and Luigi went back out the corridor, and checked what was behind the double doors. It
appeared to be an entrance way to another room. There was a trophy case at the side, along with
many other statues and items placed all around. And, as if Luigi was already expecting it, someone
was there too. Though, it was less of a someone, and more of a somepony.

Luigi: “Oh, hello there!”

The pony jolted at his greeting, and shakily turned to face them.

???: “U-um… h-hello…”

Her voice seemed small, and somewhat fragile.

Luigi: “I’m Luigi, and this is my brother, Mario. What’s-a your name?”

???: “I-I’m… Flu…”

She quietly mumbled the last part.

Luigi: “Ah, sorry. I didn’t quite-a catch that.”

???: “I’m Flutter…”

Luigi’s eyebrows furrowed in concern. She seemed very timid, and it reminded him of himself.
Mario: “C’mon, we haven’t got all day!”

???: “I’m Fluttershy, a-and I’m the Ultimate Kindness!”

She had blurted out from fear of Mario’s annoyance, Luigi assumed.

Luigi: “Ultimate Kindness?”

Fluttershy: “Y-yes… I am part of the Elements of Harmony, a group of ponies who each have their
own special trait that create a strong bond of friendship. I’m the Element of Kindness.”

Luigi: (“That sounds kinda ridiculous… but I’m-a plumber who fights a turtle, so I have-a no right
to say anything.”)

Mario: “And what do you-a think of this place?”

Fluttershy: “It’s weird that we’ve all ended up here with no memory of how… Oh, I hope we’re not
trapped here…”

Mario: “We’ll be-a sure to find a way out fast!”

???: “You think there’s a chance of escape…?”

Luigi froze at the raspy yet solemn voice that uttered his deepest fear about the place. Once he
turned around, however, his eyes widened.

???: “It’s wonderful, isn’t it? Being back in a similar situation… it feels me with despair. But… it
also fills me with hope.”

1, 2, 3… 14, 15… This was the last person! The white-haired guy so many had mentioned before!
What did he know that they all didn’t?

Luigi: “E-excuse me, just who are-a you?”

The guy turned to look Luigi dead in the eye. He couldn’t quite make out the expression in his
eyes, but he bore a soft smile.

???: “I’m Nagito Komaeda… the Ultimate Hope!”

He chuckled to himself, as if it were to mean something superior.

Mario: “...Hope? How’s that a talent?”

Nagito: “Hope grows deeper than a talent ever could… it takes over everything, holding on to
every part of your body. It makes itself apparent, shining through even in the most hopeless

Nagito lifted his arms up in explanation, to gesture hope’s ‘deeper meaning’.

Mario: “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve-a ever heard!”

Nagito: “Ah, it may be hard to understand now, but soon… all will become clear.”

Luigi: (“All will become-a clear…?”)

Mario: “Uh-Huh… And-a what’s your deal with these ‘Ultimate thingys’?”

Nagito: “You don’t know? You’re here for a reason, you know. Each and every one of you has
something special inside of them… a meaning, a purpose, a gift that makes you the best of your
kind. That is your Ultimate Talent.”

Mario: “Then, what’s-a mine and Luigis’?”

Nagito: “If you don’t remember it, then it’s for you to decide… Why are you here? Why were you

Despite Nagito’s strange and decrepit words, Mario decided to think about it.

Mario: “Well… I suppose-a mine would be the Ultimate Hero! And Luigi’s could be the Ultimate
He wrapped his arm around Luigi’s shoulder once again, in glee at his idea. Luigi looked at his
brother in disappointment and betrayal.

Luigi: (“Really? I get-a Ultimate Plumber?”)

Nagito: “Perfect! This is perfect! All the Ultimates are ready to combat despair!”

???: “Despair? What’s with all this despair doo-hickey?!”

The three turned to see that the others had slowly trickled into the room - presumably from the
commotion of Nagito’s ramblings.

Dedede: “I didn’t sign up for no battles! I only got one enemy in mind, and he’s pink, round, and
annoying as heck!”

Miku: “Is he talking about a gumball? Oh~ maybe it’s a gumball he couldn’t blow a bubble with?”

Ashley: “That’s the most stupid reasoning I’ve ever heard.”

Peter: “Hey, pal, do ya know where the exit is? I gotta take a huge piss.”

Teto: “That’s not even relevant right now… It’s actually kinda disgusting… Ewww.”

The Conductor: “But, where is the damn exit? I’ve gotta filming scheduled today!”

Mr. Krabs: “Yeah, and I’ve gotta count me money!”

Everyone started arguing about why they had to leave. It was one voice over another, over another,
until it was all an incoherent mess.

That is, until a bell rung out.

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Like some kind of command, everyone had silenced their shouting. They all looked up to a monitor
which now flickered to life, displaying a deep grey static. It stayed that way for only a few
moments, until a silhouette faded upon it.

???: “Aaaahem! Testing, testing! Mike check, one two… Oh, who am I kidding? I already know
this thing works!”
The voice shot Luigi as playful and out of place, though, so did everything else here anyway.

???: “To all incoming students! I would like to begin the entrance ceremony at… right now! Please
make your way to the gymnasium at your earliest convenience. I’ll be waiting…!”

Just as it appeared, the silhouette had gone, leaving everyone in a state of confusion.

Nagito: “Ah, it’s starting! Our school life is starting! Hope will surely make its way through you
all very soon!”

After chuckling to himself, Nagito made his way to the double doors on the other side, gesturing to
everyone else to come with him. As it turned out, everyone was too curious to refuse.

Ashley: “That must be the gym. I’d rather find out what this is all about, I guess.”

Teto: “Yeah, this place stinks anyway!”

Parappa: “It doesn’t smell that bad, does it?”

Brian: “Who the hell cares? I need to see what this is.”

One by one, the group followed Nagito into the large gym. Luigi was the last to join them all,
taking a deep breath before doing so.

The Conductor: “...And nobody’s here! What a complete waste of me time!”

2D: “Maybe they’re just runnin’ late?”

Yandere-Chan: “The voice seemed pretty eager for this ‘entrance ceremony’. I doubt they won’t
show up.”
Miku: “Maybe they’re super super lazy!”

???: “I’m not lazy…”

As if on cue, everyone turned to the direction of the sickly sweet voice, and anticipated the arrival
of someone walking up onto the gymnasium stage. Instead, however, something popped up from
behind the podium and landed heavily on top.

And that something… was a bear?

???: “I’m right here! On time! Record time, even!”

Fluttershy: “...A teddy bear?”

Dedede: “A talkin’ teddy bear?!”

???: “I’m not a teddy bear.”

It was so surreal to Luigi. Sure, his whole life seemed just as strange, but this? For some reason, it
just felt… off.

Peter: “Man, this reminds of the time I met Winne the Pooh.”

Brian: “Peter… that was a man in a suit.”

Peter: “No! It was the REAL Winne the Pooh!”

???: “Enough about fake bears! I am Monokuma! The school’s charming and loveable
Luigi: “Headmaster…?”

Monokuma: “Puhuhu… you don’t know who I am? Everyone knows who I am! I’m an icon to the

Ashley: “...I don’t think anyone knows you.”

Sans: “Sorry pal, I know a lotta people, but you don’t ring any bells, heheh.”

Nagito: “Oh, but I do.”

Everyone turned to Nagito - it felt like no surprise he would. He knew everything else so far.

Monokuma: “Gee, Nagito? You’re here too…? Were they that desperate for people?”

Nagito: “Honestly, I’m flattered. Having the chance to experience even more hope than before is…
beyond words. Though, the only downside is that Hajime isn’t here…”

Miku: “Hajime?”

Nagito: “Haha… nevermind.”

The Conductor: “What’s this damn peck-neck yappin’ about?”

Mr. Krabs: “Yeah, give us the fine print on this one! Not like I didn’t read it or anything, but…”

2D: “Read ‘wot...?”

Monokuma: “Ah, we’re going off topic people! The word count is already huge as it is! And we
haven’t even got to the juicy part yet!”
The bear tapped his foot in annoyance, and everyone turned back to him.

Monokuma: “Now, without further interruption, let us commence the entrance ceremony!”

Dedede: “Why do we need a damn entrance ceremony?! What’re we even enterin’?”

Monokuma: “Simple: your school life.”

Luigi: (“School life…?”)

Peter: “But I already had an episode where I retook the 3rd grade.”

Mr. Krabs: “Ah, me school days… seems so long ago…”

Teto: “It probably was you old shrimp.”

Mr. Krabs: “S-shrimp?!”

Brian: “This is ridiculous.”

Monokuma: “Quite the contrary, actually. Despite the hardships and challenges you face, you’ll
never forget the beautiful moments between you and your classmates enjoying lunch together out
in the cherry blossoms… Ahhh, what a heart-throbbing sight… Just kidding! All that sappy stuff
makes school sooo boring! So, this school life will be very, very, very interesting!”

Ashley: “...Interesting?”

Monokuma: “Yup! Don’t-cha just hate the outside world? So dirty, so dull, so full of hatred? Well,
fear not! For this school life’s end date… is never!”
Luigi: “N-never?!”

Luigi couldn’t help but call out. What the bear had just said made no sense. They were supposed to
live a school life, trapped in here, forever?

Mario: “I know what you’re-a up to, Bowser! You can-a stop with this weird bear now! Show
yourself, and fight-a me like a real villain!”

Oh, yeah. Mario still thought it was all Bowser’s doing. Maybe it was after all.

Monokuma: “...Hmm? Bowser?”

Mario: “Stop playing games! I’ve-a had enough of you!”

Monokuma: “...Ohhh! He’s that… tortoise guy? Haha, he’s not behind this! Not a chance he would
be! Not even the lowest chance of all chances!”

Mario: “That’s it! I’m-a just gonna squish your little bear friend!”

Monokuma: “Whoa, whoa! Hang on, champ. Violence against the headmaster is strictly

But Mario didn’t care what Monokuma had to say. He had already lunged forward, making a B-
line for the so-called ‘headmaster’. He didn’t get far, however, as someone with trembling arms
held him back.

Luigi: “Mario…!”

Mario: “Luigi?! Get off-a me! He’s gonna get away!”

Everyone was staring at them now. He hated all the eyes on him, but Luigi had to protect his
brother from making a mistake he may regret. Everything just felt too unnatural for it to be in
anyway connected to Bowser.
Luigi: “...And what if it’s not-a Bowser…?”

Mario: “But, it is—!”

Monokuma: “I’m not! Don’t compare me to a bulky-shelled fatso! My intentions aren’t to steal
princesses, you hear?!”

Luigi kept a firm grip on his brother, trying to stop his hands slipping or being overpowered by
Mario’s frantic squirming. After a few moments, Mario stopped.

Mario: “...I guess-a not.”

Luigi hesitantly let go of his brother, giving him a soft smile. It wasn’t returned however.

Mario: “...Then, what do you-a want?”

Monokuma: “Ya got ears, plumber? I already told you - this is your never-ending school life!”

Miku: “Never ending? But, I have so much to do~!!”

The Conductor: “I’m not gonna stay in this stupid ‘lil school just ‘cause some bear said so!”

Brian: “I’m leaving.”

Monokuma: “But, you can't leave silly. There’s no exit. Well, there is, but there’s no way to get it
open! It’s shut reeeeal tight!”

Brian: “Then I’ll just—!”

Nagito: “You’ll do what? Are any of us even strong enough to open it?”

Brian: “Well, Peter…!”

Peter: “Sorry, Brian. No beer means no energy...”

Brian: “...God fucking damnit.”

Nagito: “It's alright. It’s all just challenges you Ultimates will have to face, but with a strong build
up of hope you’re sure to overcome it!”

Dedede: “Will ya shut up with this hope nonsense?! It’s startin’ to freak me out!”

Ashley: “Yeah, it’s just… annoying now.”

Monokuma: “But… I suppose he’s right. There is one way to get outta here, but I dunno why
you’d wanna leave!”

The Conductor: “Then why didn’t ye tell us in the first place, yer peck-neck?!”

Monokuma: “Giving you an overload of information would’ve melted your poor little
dumbfounded brains… I mean, you still can’t come to terms with your permanent life here!

Fluttershy: “B-because… Because it can’t b-be true!”

Monokuma: “Let’s just cut to the chase here folks… If you really, really feel like wanting to get
outta here, then all you gotta do is… disturb the peaceful school life!”

Parappa: “Disturb the… peaceful school life?”

Yandere-Chan: “You don’t mean…?”

Monokuma: “Yeah, it would be pretty disturbing if one person were to… murder another.”

Luigi: “M-murder?!”

Monokuma: “Stabbing, strangling, bludgeoning, poisoning… It doesn’t matter how you do it! You
must kill someone if you want to leave.”

Luigi couldn’t comprehend what had just been uttered by that sadistic bear. Murder? To murder
complete strangers? To murder complete strangers to leave? He was surprised at how he was
managing to stay upright.

Brian: “What…? What the fuck?!”

Teto: “What the hell? This wouldn’t be funny even as a cruel joke!”

Fluttershy: “M-m-mu… Mur..?”

Everyone was just as confused. Except for one.

Nagito: “Aha! I was waiting for this moment! To hear those ones once again… it’s… it’s just so

Mr. Krabs: “What’re you blabberin’ about, laddie?! This is not what I signed up for!”

2D: “I didn’t even sign anythin’!”

Sans: “So, uh, what if a murder does happen?”

Miku: “You’re already thinking about that?! Does a skeleton need to kill? Do you need more
skeleton friends???”

Sans: “Well… I’m just wonderin’.”

Monokuma: “Good question. You see, it would be pretty boring if a murder occurred and the killer
got off scot-free, y’know? So, once a murder has taken place, there will be a short amount of time
where you can investigate the murder of your poor little classmate, which will soon be followed by
the infamously heart-racing class trial!”

Luigi: “Class trial…?”

Monokuma: “Let me explain. Ahem… During the class trial, you will present your evidence for
who you think the killer is. If the culprit is successfully found out, then… uh oh! They’ll receive
punishment! However, if you pick the wrong person, then… oh dear! They get to leave the school
and the rest of you will be punished! What a twist!”

Dedede: “None of this is makin’ any damn sense!”

Teto: “Yeah, it’s not like anyone’s gonna kill anyway! We’re complete strangers!”

Parappa: “I’d never kill anyone!”

Ashley: “But aren’t the fact that we’re strangers makes it easier to kill someone?”

Fluttershy: “H-huh…?”

2D: “With no real connection with each other, there wouldn’t be any regrets I guess…”

Miku: “But to kill someone is to...!”

Monokuma: “To kill someone is to kill someone. It’s as simple as that! Were you guys all dropped
on your head as a baby or something?”
Peter: “Hey! That happened during my birth!”

Mario: “This has to-a be the dumbest thing I’ve-a ever heard! If you’re-a not Bowser, then there’s
no point listening to you!”

Monokuma: “Well, listen or not. Doesn’t mean that someone else isn’t plotting the most
gruesomest murder at this very moment!”

The Conductor: “Like that weirdo peck-neck?!”

Nagito: “Ha, I would never kill someone for my own will.”

Teto: “You totally would!”

Nagito: “I don’t rely on malice… I give my all to hope, and whoever is full of the strongest hope is
who I will help.”

Nagito smiled once again. It was incomprehensible as to what he meant, and Luigi couldn’t look at
him any longer.

Monokuma: “We done with all the reactions? Good! Cause there’s just one more thing I need to
talk about before your killing school life can officially begin, and your murderous tendencies can
be released!”

Luigi: “...What is it?”

Monokuma: “Riiiiight here!”

Monokuma pulled out about a dozen or so digital-looking pads, and tossed them out to each person.
When Luigi caught his, it appeared to be a device.
Monokuma: “Sometimes referred to as an e-handbook, other times referred to as a mono-pad. For
old times sake, let’s call them e-handbooks! This lil’ baby holds all the utmost important
information for your school life, such as a map of the school and info on each student. It also has
very important school rules listed on there - so be sure to read them! Each one is personal to you,
so don’t you dare think about loosing it!”

Luigi heard Mario groan heavily beside him.

Monokuma: “Oh, I’m just so excited! I can almost taste the despair! And I guess this concludes
your entrance ceremony, sooo, get killing as soon as possible! Thanks!”

And just like that, Monokuma disappeared before their very eyes, with no further explanation. In
fact, his whole explanation just created more questions!

Mr. Krabs: “...So, um, what now?”

Miku: “I don’t know… this is too crazy for me~”

Dedede: “Are we just supposed to live in this school for the rest of our dang lives? I’ve got things
to do!”

The Conductor: “I already said I’ve got a movie to be done!”

Yandere-Chan: “That isn’t our only choice…”

2D: “Are you talkin’ abou’...?”

Brian: “Murder.”

Fluttershy: “E-eep!”

Peter: “Brian, pal. You ain’t thinkin’ about…?”

Brian: “Hell no.”

Peter: “Hell no, too!”

Yandere-Chan: “But someone else could. Anyone could be. You don’t know anyone for sure.”

Nagito: “How mysterious of you to say… Is there anyone we can trust? Anyone you truly know?”

Mario: “...”

Luigi: (“Anyone I-a truly know…?”)

And with that, everyone looked at each other. They were right. They were all complete strangers,
forced into this ‘killing-game’ without warning, no idea how they got here or who was behind it
all. No one could speak. It’s not like they didn’t want to - but no one had the guts to. Anyone could
have ill-intent on the rest of them. The goal was murder, plain and simple, and that’s what made it
worse. And now, who could they trust? Who could Luigi trust? Who would his brother trust?

Could Luigi trust himself…?

Chapter End Notes

Oh god that last CG was rushed the perspectives are all wrong oh god of fuck-

I’m probably gonna continue on with this regardless of how well it does haha. If so,
the next chapter should be in about 1-2 weeks.

Also, I’ve planned out who dies so like?? Make a prediction maybe??
Chapter 1: Despair’s Greed (Daily Life)
Chapter Notes

Mmmmm yes here is the next part to our strange af story. Also, fun fact of the day, if
you see underlined words, make sure to click or press on ‘em because they’re actually
links! :O

See the end of the chapter for more notes


*#1: Students must coexist within the confinements of this school for the rest of the unforeseeable

*#2: Nighttime is from 10pm to 7am. During this time, the dining hall and gym will be locked, and
water will be turned off.*

*#3: Sleeping anywhere other than the dormitory will be seen as ‘sleeping in class’ and punished

*#4: You are free to explore the school at your discretion, with minimal restrictions.*

*#5: Violence against Headmaster Monokuma is strictly prohibited, as well as the destruction of
surveillance cameras and other equipment.*

*#6: Once a murder takes place, a class trial will begin shortly after an investigation period.
Participation is mandatory for all surviving students.*

*#7: If the blackened is exposed during the class trial, they alone will receive punishment.*

*#8: If the blackened is not exposed, or a conclusion cannot be made, they alone will graduate, and
all remaining students will be punished.*
*#9: A body discovery announcement will play when three or more students discover a body.*

*#10: The headmaster may add additional regulations to this list at any time.*

Luigi looked over each rule several times, until they were almost engraved in his mind. After the
so-called ‘headmaster’ had left, he had decided to read the rules - just to have an excuse not to talk
to anyone. It seemed that everyone else had the same idea as well, as when he glanced back up,
almost everyone was engrossed in their screens too. Would someone really be considering killing
someone? It seemed likely - most had no connections with anyone else. But, no one wanted to even
ponder on it.

Miku: “U-um, these rules… Are they for real…?”

Sans: “Well, unless someone wants to break ‘em to find out…”

2D: “Y-yeah, I’d rather not…”

Dedede: “I don’t even get what half of these damn rules mean!”

Peter: “Yeah, what if I get hungry in the middle of the night?”

Teto: “Then you could just live off all that extra fat… You could probably survive more than a
couple days, hehe.”

Peter: “Hey!”

Ashley: “So then, if a murder doesn’t occur, we just live here for the rest of our lives?”

Mr. Krabs: “It seems mighty inconvenient both ways.”

Nagito: “To live here for the rest of your days, or to kill someone…”
Mario: “Or to escape.”

Luigi: “Huh?”

Mario: “That-a bear said there was an exit, right? Well, all we-a gotta do is find it and break out.”

Fluttershy: “B-but, he said it was shut ‘real tight’...”

Brian: “So? If we all go at it, then it will open. I don’t want to spend a second more here.”

The Conductor: “I haven’t seen a blooming exit yet…”

Parappa: “But, it’s gotta be around here somewhere, right?”

The Conductor: “...I suppose I haven’t checked everywhere yet.”

Miku: “Same… I didn’t think to do so at the time.”

2D: “No one did really.”

Mario: “Then, we should-a all start looking for it! C’mon!”

Luigi: “Mario…?”

Mario: “No matter what that-a bear says, I’m not listening! We’re-a getting outta here together,

Mario flashed Luigi a large smile. Despite the situation they’d been thrown in, Mario seemed to be
determined to stay strong. Maybe he did deserve the title of Ultimate Hero.
Mr. Krabs: “Atta lad!”

And so, feeling a little less tense than before, the group agreed to investigate the insides of the
school. They were all about to leave the gym, until…

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Monokuma: “Ahem! It is now 10pm.”

The monitor on the wall had switched on, and a slightly blurred picture of Monokuma in a room
none had seen before was displayed.

Monokuma: “As such, the doors to the dining hall and gym will be locked. Please return to your
dorms - of course, they’re open now! Inside each one is the key to your room, so, you probably
don’t wanna lose that either… unless you intend to sleep with a killer! Puhuhu!”

The monitor turned off, and everyone felt uneasy once again.

Nagito: “Looks like we have to leave, or else we’ll be locked in here. And, according to the rules,
it wouldn’t be very pretty if we fell asleep here...”

The Conductor: “Whatever, I’m tired anyway. After all this pecking nonsense, I ain’t got energy to

Parappa: “But what about our investigation?”

Luigi: “We can-a still do it tomorrow, right?”

Sans: “Sounds good to me.”

Mario: “...”
Luigi looked to Mario. He seemed really eager to investigate, and this announcement had only
annoyed him further.

Peter: “What about breakfast?”

Fluttershy: “How about we all meet in the dining hall at 7…?”

Teto: “That early…?”

2D: “According to the rules, that’s the time we have to wake up. So, it’s seems foine to me.”

Ashley: “It’s also good to make sure that no one wonders off to do something suspicious I

Miku: “Eh? Like what?”

Brian: “Oh, who knows, it’s not like we’ve been put into a fucking ‘killing game’ or something…”

Peter: “But we have. Gee, Brian, stop being so stupid.”

Brian: “...”

Mr. Krabs: “Anyway, that seems like a mighty fine idea to me! Yee all need some shut-eye before
you can do me bidding- er, I mean, investigate this place.”

Nagito: “So, I guess it’s settled then. I’ll follow along with you all.”

Mario: “...”

Luigi: “Mario… I know you wanna, but maybe it’s-a better if we get some rest first, alright…?”
Mario: “...Yeah, I-a guess so. Sorry, haha.”

Mario gave Luigi a flustered smile, and Luigi became eased once again. With a change of plans,
everyone left to the dormitory, and went to their respective rooms. After exchanging brief ‘good
nights’ with Mario, Luigi entered his dorm room. Inside didn’t feel any safer than the school, but
after locking the door for extra measure (and because of his usual paranoia), he felt as if it was
okay to let his guard down. He slumped onto the bed, and stared at the ceiling.

Luigi: (“I have-a no idea where we are… but to be told to-a kill someone to escape…? I’d rather
go through another haunted mansion than-a this…”)

Luigi recollected his thoughts about the havoc day until his eyes slowly shut, and the want for
sleep took over him.


Monokuma: “Looks like there’s another killing game in our midsts! But, why is it the 69th game?
Does that number signify something important? I don’t think so… unless! It’s a code that unlocks
the truth to the universe! Hm… nope! Nothing’s coming to me. I mean, it’s not like it was chosen
solely for the purpose of the joke about the sex position, right? That would be sooo lame, sooo
stupid, soooo unoriginal! There’s no way! No way in hell! Right? Right?”

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Upon hearing the obnoxious bell, Luigi slowly opened one eye, groaning in a state of tiredness and

Monokuma: “Good morning students! It is now 7am! Get ready to greet another beautiful day!”

There was a click, and all sound had stopped. Slowly forcing both eyes fully open, Luigi looked to
the now dead monitor on the wall.

Luigi: (“Oh, that must’ve-a been the morning announcement… just like-a the nighttime one.”)

Not really caring that he had missed seeing the bears face (I mean, who would?), Luigi got himself
ready for the day. When he had left his dorm room, he ran into a very familiar face.

Mario: “Luigi! What great timing, huh?”

Both brothers had seemed to leave their dorms at almost exactly the same time. It wasn’t such a
surprise, however - similar occurrences had happened in the past. Nonetheless, Luigi was grateful
that he wasn’t alone.

Luigi: “Oh, yeah! Haha.”

Without much more talk, the brothers ventured to the dining room, as promised. When there, a few
had already arrived beforehand.

Mr. Krabs: “Good morning, laddies! Ye was almost late to work- er, I mean breakfast.”

Looking around, Luigi spotted Mr. Krabs, Miku, Teto, 2D, Parappa, The Conductor, Ashley, and

Luigi: “Good morning!”

Miku: “Take a seat, breakfast is being prepared~!”

Mario: “By who?”

Peter: “Breakfast? Sweet!”

Luigi heard the voice of a hungry man behind him, and turned to see the man-dog duo.

Brian: “We aren’t late, are we? I had trouble getting Peter out of his room.”

Peter: “Hey, a man needs time to put his pants on, you know?”

The Conductor: “Well, I suppose yer not that late. Some peck-necks haven’t even arrived yet!”

The four who had arrived went to sit down at the large table, waiting for everyone else. And, soon
enough, the rest came one by one.

Dedede: “Mornin’ y’all.”

The Conductor: “Yer late.”

Dedede: “Yeah, well I had a lotta stuff to take care of, alright?! Kings don’t look this good when
they wake up!”

Sans: “‘Sup.”

Teto: “What’s a skeleton gotta do to take so long to get here?”

Sans: “I gotta put my head on every mornin’.”

Miku: “Eh!? Really!?”

Sans: “Heheh, just messin’.”

2D: “So, uh, is this everyone then?”

Nagito: “No, I think there’s just one more person.”

Just then, the aforementioned last person walked into the dining hall.

Yandere-Chan: “...”

The Conductor: “Yer late, lassie.”

Mr. Krabs: “What kind of employee are you!?”

Parappa: “But, she’s not an employee?”

Yandere-Chan: “...Sorry for my late arrival. I was just investigating something.”

Dedede: “But we said we’d investigate after breakfast!”

Yandere-Chan: “...”

The girl didn’t speak another word, and sat down at the end of the table.

Luigi: (“I wonder what she was-a investigating…”)

Sans: “Wait a minute. Aren’t we still missing one person… or, uh, horse?”
Fluttershy: “G-good morning everyone!”

Mostly everyone turned to the direction of the voice, which had come from the kitchen. Fluttershy,
who was holding a tray of baked goods in her hooves, fluttered to the table.

Fluttershy: “U-um, I made breakfast for you all! I-it’s not much, but I didn’t know what you all
liked so…”

Miku: “Oh~ they look so good!”

Fluttershy: “Be sure to take only one, because I only made enough for—“

Peter: “Mmph! Huh?”

Fluttershy: “...O-one each…”

Teto: “Eh? You took two, you fatty!”

Peter: “Hey, I was just taking an extra sample!”

Brian: “It’s alright, I wasn’t hungry anyway.”

Peter: “You sure? They’re pretty good!”

Ashley: “Yeah, because you shoved two into your big mouth…”

Nagito: “What a wonderful act of kindness, Fluttershy! No wonder it’s your talent!”

Fluttershy: “A-ah, thank you…”

After finishing their small breakfast, the group decided to split up and finally get to work searching
the school. The brothers naturally decided to stick together, as it was beyond normal by now. They
started by looking at the map, to check for any extra rooms they had originally missed.

Luigi: “Hmm, so we haven’t-a checked the sauna yet, and there’s something on the corridor to the
dorms… We could-a also check that door next to the gym again, since it could-a been unlocked
like the dorms… Huh? Mario?”

From the lack of response from his brother, Luigi looked up to notice Mario wandering across to
the right classroom.

Mario: “There’s a lotta commotion going on in-a there, maybe they found something…”

Luigi quickly paced to the room to catch up, and glanced in. There, he saw Mr. Krabs, 2D and
Miku all crowded around something. As they walked closer, they could see it was a type of toy-
dispenser machine.

Mr. Krabs: “How’d ye get anything outta this?”

2D: “Looks loike there’s a coin slot onnit.”

Mr. Krabs: “You mean… it takes money?!”

Miku: “Is that a bad thing? Do crabs usually get stuff for free?”

Mario: “Hey, what is-a this thing? What’s inside it?”

2D: “Haven’t got a clue, mate.”

Monokuma: “It’s the Monomono Machine!”

Miku: “Thanks~! ...Wait— UWAAAA!”

Luigi: “Where did you come-a from?!”

Monokuma: “Oh, y’know, just watching your cute little faces via the cameras, that’s all. Of course,
I couldn’t help but notice your curiosity about my brilliant investment.”

Mario: “So what is it?”

Monokuma: “The Monomono Machine grants you the one wish you’ve always wanted: gifts!
That’s right, loads and loads of gifts! We got snacks, clothes, gizmos, and more! You’ll never get
bored with this amount of stuff!”

Miku: “Ooo~”

2D: “And how do we get a gift?”

Monokuma: “Simple. Since you’re all from different, uh, places, your currencies are obviously all
different. So, let’s opt for just one mega currency: monocoins!”

Luigi: “But, I haven’t seen any of those around-a here…”

Monokuma: “Well, silly, that’s cause you gotta look for them! A bunch are hidden around the
school, but for now, I’ll give ya one each on the house for finding my machine first!”

Monokuma pulled out five small bronze coins engraved with his face and threw one to each

Mr. Krabs: “Mon-mon-mon-mon… Mon-mon-mon…”

Miku: “Mr. Krabby? Are you okay?”

Mr. Krabs: “MONEY!”

Luigi: “Wha—!”

Just like that, Mr. Krabs had fled the room, presumably off to turn the school upside down for the
promise of monocoins.

Monokuma: “What a greedy crab, puhu!”

After his quip, Monokuma disappeared too.

2D: Well… alrioght then.”

Miku: “I wonder what presents we’ll get~!”

Luigi: “Should we-a test it out?”

Mario: “Good idea, Luigi! Go on then!”

Luigi: “M-me…?”
Mario: “You’re-a the one who suggested it, and I don’t wanna waste mine.”

Luigi: (“You just admitted that you’d rather waste mine…”)

Brushing off his brother’s remark, Luigi slotted his coin into the machine and turned the handle.
Everyone watched intently as a small capsule was let out, and Luigi opened it up.

Luigi: “Huh?”

Mario: “A stick?”

It looked to be a wand, but it was so cheap-looking that it was basically a stick.

Miku: “Awww, unlucky…”

Mario: “Now we-a know not to waste our time on this-a machine, haha.”

Luigi sighed.

Mario: “Anyway, let’s keep-a looking around! You said there were some places we-a haven’t
checked, right?”

Luigi: “Oh, yeah! Let’s-a check out the sauna first.”

The brothers left the classroom to make their way to the locker room. However, as they walked
along the corridor leading to the dorms, Mario had taken a detour once again.

Mario: “Hey, what’s-a this?”

He had pointed to a set of stairs, blocked off by large ion bars. Two people, who were already
situated in front of the stairs, looked to him.

Parappa: “They look like stairs that lead to the second floor, but, uh, they’re blocked off…”

Ashley: “I wonder why…”

Luigi: “That is-a strange. Do you think we’ll ever be able to go up there?”

Parappa: “I dunno. I did try to see if I could bust open the bars but I had no luck, heheh...”

Ashley: “I honestly still can’t believe you thought you could even cause a dent in the bars on your

Parappa: “H-hey! You always gotta try, right?”

Ashley: “...Hmph.”

Mario: “There’s always still a chance of an exit being up there, so keep-a looking!”

The brothers continued on to the sauna, until they were right outside its entrance. Upon opening the
door, a boiling burst of steam flooded around them.

Mario: “Why is it so-a hot in here?!”

The Conductor: “Blame this stupid peck-neck!”

Wafting some humid fog from in front of him, Luigi took sight of The Conductor and Dedede
covered in sweat and staring each other down.

Dedede: “What did I do wrong?! I just wanted ta test if this thing works!”
The Conductor: “Well clearly it does! And yee didn’t need to crank it up to max heat!”

Dedede: “I like a warm sauna, a’right?!”

The Conductor: “Warm?! Feels like I’m in a pecking oven!”

Luigi: “C-calm down, okay? Let’s just-a turn it off…”

The Conductor: “Fine by me.”

The Conductor quickly averted his gaze from the penguin and went to turn off the heat. It took a
while, but soon things began to cool down.

Mario: “Phew, I-a thought I was gonna be cooked into a pasta fazool…”

Dedede: “Y’all don’t understand a good ol’ relaxing sauna bath.”

Mario: “Relaxing is the last thing we should-a be doing! Finding the exit is what’s-a important!”

Dedede: “Yeah, ya right. It’s just all this killing nonsense is stressin’ me out!”

The Conductor: “I gotta agree with the penguin, even me murder mysteries don’t go this far…”

Luigi: “I’m sure we-a keep working together, we’ll find an exit soon.”

Mario: “Yeah, you-a said it, Luigi!”

After checking anything else worth noting in the sauna, Mario and Luigi decided to check the last
thing on their list: the door. As Luigi had suggested, it might have been unlocked like the dorms
were. Once there, their hope dropped.

Mario: “Uh, is it-a still locked?”

Brian: “Yeah…”

It seemed that Brian and Nagito had the same idea as them, as they were already checking out the

Luigi: “I guess that-a handle resembling a bear is actually Monokuma?”

Mario: “Maybe that’s where he’s-a hiding?”

Nagito: “No. I think this door leads to somewhere completely different.”

Luigi: “Somewhere completely different…?”

Nagito: “Don’t worry about it.”

Mario: “What?! This could be the-a exit, so we should be worrying about it!”

Brian: “Don’t bother listening to this guy, he keeps talking shit.”

Luigi: (“I still-a wonder what he means though…”)

With nothing else to examine about the door, the brothers agreed to go back to the dining hall to
discuss their findings. Soon, everyone was back in the dining hall, and they began their discussion.

Mario: “So, what did everyone-a find?”

Fluttershy: “I stayed in the dining hall to clean up breakfast… B-but, there seems to be a lot of food
in the kitchen, and Monokuma told me that it gets restocked regularly.”

Teto: “Monokuma told you?”

Luigi: “He-a seems to pop out when we’re curious about something.”

2D: “Yeah, he also told us about the machine in the roight classroom that dispenses presents.”

Miku: “You can buy cute gifts for your friends~!”

Mario: “If your friends like-a cheap sticks, that is.”

Parappa: “Huh?”

Luigi: “D-don’t-a worry about it…”

2D: “The machine takes this odd-lookin’ currency called monocoins.”

Ashley: “Monocoins…?”

Mr. Krabs: “These babies!”

Mr. Krabs smugly pulled out 20 or so monocoins from his pockets.

Miku: “Eh?! But Monokuma only gave us one each!”

Mr. Krabs: “I went off to look for some more using me lucky senses!”
Luigi: “Do you-a plan to spend them on the machine?”

Mr. Krabs: “What? Of course not!”

Luigi: (“Then why did you-a want to find so many…?”)

Mario: “Anywho, what else have we-a found?”

Dedede: “The sauna’s pretty darn cosy! It can get real hot in there!”

The Conductor: “A wee bit too hot, if ye ask me…”

Parappa: “I found stairs leading to a second floor!”

Ashley: “However, it is blocked off.”

Teto: “I found out that the rooms are soundproof.”

Peter: “Hey, I helped too!”

Teto: “No you didn’t! You just kept peeking into my room!”

Peter: “That WAS the helping part!”

Sans: “I took a nap.”

Teto: “A nap?! That’s not helping!”

Sans: “I was tired, y’know? All this stuff had made me bone out, heheh.”
Nagito: “Haha! What an excellent joke!”

Brian: “Moving on… That door near the gym is still locked, but we might be able to break it

Dedede: “One whack with my hammer and that ol’ door will be flyin’ off its hinges!”

Miku: “Really~?”

Dedede: “I mean… if I had my hammer…”

Mario: “Is that-a everything?”

Everyone nodded in agreement that they were done with their report. But, just then, someone
firmly placed a sheet of paper onto the table.

Yandere-Chan: “I found this.”

Mario: “What is it?”

Brian: “Looks like an equipment list.”

Yandere-Chan: “Yes, it is the equipment list for the cleaning and sports supplies in the storage
closet in the gym.”

Nagito: “The storage closet… who’d knew there’d be a clue in there!”

Dedede: “How is it a clue?! Did a mop go missin’ or somethin’?”

Yandere-Chan: “Look at the date of when the equipment was last checked.”

As Luigi looked closer, he read the signed date of the last equipment check.

Luigi: “Ah! The date is at-a least two years old!”

Teto: “Two years old? What’s that got to do with anything?”

Ashley: “It’s strange how nothing has been checked for two years, if we assume this school has
been active, I guess.”

Sans: “What if they were just lazy or somethin’?”

The Conductor: “A bird never stops monitoring his equipment!”

Yandere-Chan: “The previous signed dates all have a consistent weekly gap, so there is no reason
as to why they’d stop checking. Also, we can infer that this school was indeed active from the
presence of this signed sheet.”

2D: “What if that wos made by Monokuma?”

Nagito: “Something tells me Monokuma wouldn’t lie to us like this.”

Miku: “Why?”

Nagito: “No reason.”

Teto: “Well there obviously is if you’re gonna mention it!”

Mario: “So, this-a means we’re in an abandoned school? It’s gotta be pretty easy to get out then!”
Parappa: “Yeah, we just gotta believe!”

Mario: “I think this was a pretty good job, team!”

Sans: “Well, what now?”

Mr. Krabs: “I gotta find the rest of the money! Who knows how much it converts into dollars!”

Miku: “I wanna do some vocal practise with 2D~!”

2D: “Me…?”

Teto: “Yeah, him?! Why not me?!”

Brain: “What happened to getting out of here?”

Peter: “C’mon Brian, loosen up a bit! This is the perfect time to have a drink and play ‘who would
you rather bang’!”

Brian: “...Heh, alright then.”

Peter: “That’s the spirit, pal!”

Everyone decided it would be best to have a little free time to themselves for the rest of the day
until dinner.

Luigi: (“Hm, I feel like-a hanging out with Mario for a while.”)

Mario: “Hm? What’s up, Luigi?”

Luigi: “I-a thought we could chat for a while, and take a break from-a all this.”

Mario: “I suppose we-a do deserve a break… All this investigating has made me-a hungry…”

Luigi: “Spaghetti?”

Mario: “It’s like you-a read my mind, haha!”

The brothers whipped up some spaghetti in the kitchen, idly chatting as they made their meal. They
went to sit in the dining hall with their two generous amounts of food, and their conversation

Luigi: “What do you-a think everyone else is-a doing?”

Mario: “The Kingdom? I bet all the toads are-a freaking out, and the Princess is trying to keep
things under control…”

Luigi: “I bet even Bowser is-a worried, since we found out he’s not behind this.”

Mario: “I still kinda wish he was, ‘cause he wouldn’t of-a done something as horrible as-a this…”

Luigi: “Stealing the-a Princess doesn’t even compare to this…”

Mario: “But, doesn’t that-a mean they’re trying to look for us?”

Luigi: “Huh?”

Mario: “We’ve been-a missing for two days now, so the kingdom must be conducting a search
party, right?”
Luigi: “Would they even know where to-a look for us? A school like-a this wouldn’t even be close
to the Mushroom Kingdom.”

Mario: “Yeah, but, we’ve been outside the Mushroom Kingdom plenty of times now. If we’re not-
a there, the Princess should-a know something is up.”

Luigi: “I-a guess so...”

Mario: “Stop being so-a doubtful, Luigi.”

Luigi: “Huh…?”

Suddenly, Mario’s expression became stern, and he put his fork down.

Mario: “We’re gonna get out of here, together. We will. I promise.”

Luigi: “M-Mario…”

Luigi could tell Mario wasn’t lying. He really believed they would escape, and that nothing could
stop them from doing so. Pure determination shined through his eyes, and it looked like it wasn’t
going to stop anytime soon.

Luigi: “I… Yeah. You’re right. There’s-a nothing we can’t do. We’re the Brothers, after all.”

Mario: “The Mario Brothers.”

Mario smirked. Both brothers couldn’t help but laugh. It eased the mood greatly from the previous

Luigi: “Thanks, Mario.”

Mario: “There’s-a no need to thank me. This is just like-a any adventure we’ve had before. We
can’t forget to not give up, right?”

Luigi: “Yeah, definitely.”

Even though they were already so close, Luigi felt as if he had gotten closer with his brother,
especially after the past two days.

Soon it was time for dinner in the dining hall, which was pretty uneventful. Once the nighttime
announcement played, Luigi trekked back to his dorm room and laid on his bed.

Luigi: (“Mario’s really persistent to get out… I hope-a we do soon. I miss the kingdom, toads,
Peach, Daisy... even Waluigi to an extent…”)

Reminiscing on all his friends made Luigi tired. He closed his eyes, and wished that tomorrow
would be a good day.


Monokuma: “I love the Mario Brothers. They were and still are an influence to all games today.
Even Danganronpa may not have existed if it weren’t for the popularity rise in video games thanks
to the Mario Brothers franchise! But, when you look into it, it’s just a fat Italian saving some
princess from a fatter turtle. I can’t believe that was the game to save all games! Even I feel
second-hand embarrassment!”

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Monokuma: “Good morning students! It is now 7am. Get ready to greet another beautiful day!”

Luigi woke up feeling slightly more energised than the previous day. It felt wrong to be so happy
in his current situation, but he wasn’t going to let that ruin his good mood. With a spring in his
step, he left his dorm room and knocked on Mario’s, seeing that he wasn’t out yet. He heard a
muffled “I’m-a coming” on the other side and the door opened soon after.

Luigi: “Good morning, Mario!”

Mario: “Luigi? You’re-a looking pretty pumped up.”

Luigi: “I got-a good sleep last night, haha.”

Mario: “That’s-a good to hear!”

With Mario also feeling a little more eager, the brothers made their way to the dining hall. As they
walked in, Luigi could hear some commotion coming from the large table.

Dedede: “What’s all this?”

Ashley: “What’s the whiteboard for...?”

The people who had already arrived at the dining hall gawked at a whiteboard positioned at the
end of the large table.

Mr. Krabs: “Hehe, you’ll see. I just gotta wait for everyone to get here.”
The perpetrator of the act seemed to be Mr. Krabs, who was eagerly waiting beside the board.
Once everyone had arrived, he grabbed their attention. It wasn’t hard, considering most were
looking at the board anyway.

Mr. Krabs: “Ahem, everybody! I’ve got an important announcement to make.”

Miku: “What is it?”

Mr. Krabs: “I present to you all my business plan!”

With one push, Mr. Krabs flipped the board around, revealing the other side with the words
‘Business Plan’ written in red marker and some other details written around in black.

Luigi: “A work crew…?”

Mr. Krabs: “Yep! I’ve been missing a crew for a few days now, and I’m proposing ye all work for
me as a replacement! Under me employment, we’ll have this place one-hundred percent efficient in
no time!”

Brian: “Tell me this is a joke, right?”

Mr. Krabs: “This is no joke, laddie! This is real business!”

Teto: “Are you kidding me? No ones gonna work for a smelly krab!”

Sans: “Sorry, pal. I’m not the type to work.”

The Conductor: “I’m not doing ye bloomin’ bidding!”

Mario: “We were all-a doing fine without a boss!”

One after another, people chimed in their complaints about Mr. Krabs’ idea, each one making his
smile weaker and weaker.

Mr. Krabs: “Ah, n-nevermind then…”

Defeated, Mr. Krabs turned to leave, pushing his board with heavy limbs.

Luigi: “Wait!”

Everyone stopped.

Luigi: “I mean, it’s not that-a bad of an idea, right? Sometimes it’s good to have a defiant leader -
someone who’ll guide us in this uneasy situation, and-a help us to cope.”

Mr. Krabs perked up slightly.

Parappa: “Luigi’s right! I bet Mr. Krabs knows a lot about being a boss, so he should be a pretty
good leader!”

Fluttershy: “And he seems really caring too.”

Miku: “Go krabby~!”

Subsequently, people started to chime in compliments about Mr. Krabs. The crab’s smile grew
back just as fast, and he scurried back to in front of the table.

Mr. Krabs: “Haha, thanks everyone! I knew this was a good idea after all!”

Brian: “It still isn’t.”

Mr. Krabs: “Oh.”

Nagito: “It seems that we are all divided upon Mr. Krabs’ leadership. Which one, I wonder, will
bring you a brighter hope?”

Dedede: “It’s not to do with hope! I’m already good at ordering people around, so I don’t need
nobody doing it fo’ me!”

Luigi: “Well, how about whoever wants to help Mr. Krabs be his-a crew?”

Mario: “And you’re gonna be-a part of it?”

Luigi: “Yeah, it doesn’t stop-a me from investigating a way out, so I’ll-a join your crew, Mr.

Parappa: “Count me in, too!”

Fluttershy: “Me too.”

Miku: “Oh, Oh! Me~!”

Teto: “Eh? Why you?!”

2D: “I don’t see nothin’ wrong with that.”

Peter: “Yeah, just like the brewery but with a crab instead of Angela!”

Brian: “Really, Peter?”

Mr. Krabs: “You all… thank you! Yer making me ol’ heart well up with joy!”

Mario: “Are you-a sure about this, Luigi?”

Luigi: “What could-a possibly go wrong?”

Mr. Krabs: “Alright, new crew! I’ll be hosting our first meeting at 6 o’clock sharp in this here
dining hall! Don’t be late!”

The ‘new crew’ nodded in agreement, and Mr. Krabs almost squealed in delight. Breakfast carried
on as usual after that, with some bickering between people as to why they did or didn’t join the
crew. Afterwards, everyone went off to carry on investigating and for some free time.

Luigi: (“Maybe I should hang out with-a someone… I’ve been wanting to talk to Ashley for a
while, since she-a seems to already know me and Mario.”)

With that thought in mind, Luigi went to scout for Ashley, who was idling in a classroom.

Ashley: “...Hm?”

Luigi: “Hey, Ashley! I was-a wondering if you’d like to talk for a while?”

Ashley: “I guess I have nothing better to do…”

Luigi and Ashley shared some small talk on witch business and demon worlds.

Luigi: (“Oh! I just-a realised I have something that I can give her…”)

Luigi retrieved the ‘cheap-stick’ wand from his pocket, which he decided to keep for some strange

Luigi: “I thought you might-a like this! It’s, uh, not much, but you said you didn’t have-a your
wand so this could be a replacement.”

Ashley looked at the wand for a moment, then accepted it, with what Luigi could’ve sworn was a

Ashley: “T-thank you…”

Luigi: “So, you make games for-a Wario, huh? What kind-a games do you make?”

Ashley: “It’s these things called microgames… They’re like mini games, but a lot quicker and fast
paced. Normally, there’s a certain theme to a set of microgames for each person.”

Luigi: “Each person?”

Ashley: “Yeah, it’s not just me working for him. He recruited a bunch of people from Diamond
City to make his stupid games… There’s these two, 9-Volt and 18-Volt, who are obsessed with this
game company called ‘Nintendo’. They even love you and Mario.”

Luigi: “They know about us?”

Ashley: “I guess… They make all their games about you guys and some other stuff.”

Luigi: “I would-a say that I’m flattered, but I’m just confused…”
Ashley: “Wario doesn’t even care as long as it makes money for him. What a dirtbag.”

Luigi: “Then why do you-a work for him?”

Ashley: “I don’t know… I guess it just gives me something to do.”

Luigi: “But how about all your-a witch stuff?”

Ashley: “It’s fun, but… kinda… lonely…”

Luigi: (“Lonely…?”)

Ashley: “It’s just me and my assistant, Red. We live alone in a mansion trying to summon
demons… but, I guess demons don’t invite you for picnics or parties, do they? ...N-nevermind,
forget I said anything.”

Luigi: “Ah, I see.”

Ashley: “What…?”

Luigi: “You… don’t have many friends.”

Ashley: “Don’t put it like that. It makes me seem… sad.”

Luigi: “But, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to make friends, right? That’s why you-a joined,
to make friends with the other employees?”

Ashley: “...So what? We’re trapped here now. It doesn’t matter anymore.”
Luigi: “Don’t think like-a that! We’re all gonna get out together, so you’ll see everyone again!
And, if you’d like, we could be friends too?”

Ashley: “...I…Okay.”

Ashley’s small frown turned to one of a bashful smile. Luigi felt sympathetic towards the girl’s
want for friendship, and he felt as if they got a little closer today.

After a little more talking, the two went their separate ways. Luigi decided to go back to his room
to chill for a while until the meeting. When 6 o’clock almost hit, he decided it would be best to go
now. He made it to the dining hall where he saw a few people inside already.

Mr. Krabs: “Welcome, laddie! You’re five minutes early - a good time to show up for a role model

Luigi: “Oh, thanks...?”

Luigi sat down beside Parappa and Fluttershy, who were there seated already.

Parappa: “Uh, Luigi, I just wanted to say that when you stood up for Mr. Krabs at breakfast, it was
pretty awesome! Even what I said wasn’t as cool as that...”

Luigi: “Ah, well, I just-a said what I was thinking, that’s all…”

Fluttershy: “But it must’ve taken a lot of courage to stand up for him, especially since everyone
else was against him… Oh, all those eyes on you, it must’ve been horrible.”

Mr. Krabs: “But that laddie sure did save me back there! That’s definitely the quality of assistant

Luigi: (“Assistant, huh…”)

Mr. Krabs: “Anyway, it’s 6 o’clock! Where are the others?!”

Miku: “6 o’clock on the dot~!”

The four turned to a cheery voice that echoed into the dining hall. The voice obviously belonged to
Miku, who was clinging to the arm of a slightly flustered 2D.

2D: “Hehe, uh, we’re here…”

Mr. Krabs: “I suppose being right on time isn’t so bad either…”

The two took their seats, but Mr. Krabs still didn’t look satisfied yet.

Mr. Krabs: “I’m still waiting on one more lad, he better not have forgotten!”

Luigi: (“He-a must be talking about Peter. I remember that he agreed too…”)

So, they waited a little. And a little more. And a little more. Soon, five minutes turned into ten,
which turned into twenty.

Mr. Krabs: “Arg! That’s it! No crew of mine is gonna be this late to me first meeting! I’m gonna
have to drag him in here!”

That wasn’t needed however, because as if on cue, he appeared.

Peter: “Hey, do you guys know where the snacks are?”

Mr. Krabs: “There ye are! Care to explain why you’re twenty minutes late to me meeting?”

Peter: “Meeting? For what?”

Luigi: “Uh, you agreed to be part of Mr. Krabs’ crew right?”

Peter: “Oh, that! I completely forgot about it, heheh.”

Miku: “How is that funny?”

Peter: “Well, I’m here now! No big deal, right?”

Mr. Krabs: “I suppose, but I won’t tolerate this the next time Mr. Griffin!”

Peter: “Alright, sheesh! This reminds me of the time I went to that shellfish bar.”

Peter suddenly stopped and reminisced about something, which left everyone staring at him

2D: “Wos he doin’...?”

Parappa: “Is he thinking about something?”

Peter: “Heheh, good times. Anyway, meeting time!”

Peter sat down happily as if nothing weird ever happened. Mr. Krabs shaked the thought out of his
head and continued on.

Mr. Krabs: “Er, yes! Of course! Now that everyone is here, I can now commence me meeting.”

Miku: “What’s the meeting about?”

Mr. Krabs: “Our first order of business today is… monocoins!”

Luigi: “Monocoins?”

Mr. Krabs: “Yes! As the bear said, they’re hidden all over the place - there’s probably a lot more
that I haven’t found yet. So, we’ll be discussing the best strategies for findin’ ‘em all!”

2D: “Is that really wot this meetin’s about...?”

Mr. Krabs: “Yes! Once we escape, I could probably convert these into who knows how many
dollars! And, if ye all help me out, ye can get ten percent of the share!”

Parappa: “Each?”

Mr. Krabs: “No, silly! All together!”

Luigi: (“What…?”)

Peter: “Hey, that sounds pretty fishy! And not because you’re a fish or anything… Unless…”

Mr. Krabs: “That’s just how business works, boyo! Ye wouldn’t understand, since I’m the boss.”
Luigi: (“I’m-a starting to have second doubts about this…”)

Mr. Krabs: “Continuing on, let’s first discuss the optimal location for monocoins—“

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Just as Mr. Krabs was officially going to begin discussion, a familiar bell rang throughout the
dining hall.

Monokuma: “This is an important announcement! Everyone please make your way to the gym for
a very special announcement - participation is mandatory!”

Mr. Krabs: “Looks like our meeting’s been cut short. Not to worry - they’ll be plenty more
opportunities in the future!”

Luigi: (“If by that you-a mean more money talk, then I’m-a not so sure it’s worth it…”)

The crew made their way to the gym, meeting everyone else there.

Brian: “So how was that ‘meeting’, Peter?”

Peter: “Well I almost forgot about it, then he started talking about money or something…”

Brian: “Figures…”

Mr. Krabs: “Actually, it was a very productive time if I do say so myself!”

The Conductor: “Productive? Me grandkids high on birdseed is a more productive sight than
whatever ye did!”
Luigi: “It wasn’t that bad…”

Mario: “Your face says-a otherwise…”

Luigi brushed off his brother’s smug remark as another voice rang through the gym.

Monokuma: “It seems you’re all here - great! Then I can get started!”

No one still knew how or when he appeared, but Monokuma was standing on the stage’s podium
once again.

Ashley: “And what did you call us here for…?”

Monokuma: “I’m terribly sad! Sad, I say! The killings haven’t started yet! Boo-hoo! Oh woe is

Miku: “That’s because no ones gonna kill each other!”

Monokuma: “Oh, are you sure about that? Even after I announce the motive?”

Yandere-Chan: “Motive…?”

Nagito: “Ah, of course! We can’t have a killing without a motive! Hope can never blossom just
from pure bloodthirst!”

Teto: “Eh? You want a killing to happen or something?!”

Brian: “It’s pretty clear by now that we should stop listening to that guy.”

Sans: “I’m curious, though. What kind of motive is it?”

Monokuma: “Get ready for it! It’s the First Blood Perk!”

Dedede: “First blood… what?!”

Monokuma: “The First Blood Perk! A great perk for starter killers!”

2D: “Wot is it then?”

Monokuma: “If someone commits a murder in the next twenty-four hours, they get to leave the
school without a trial, and everyone will continue to live their communal life!”

Parappa: “Huh?!”

Yandere-Chan: “But you seemed pretty persistent on those class trials…”

Monokuma: “Yeah, yeah, but I guess you all seem pretty intimidated by them, huh? So, this time
around, I’ll just let ya out! And I’m pretty thirsty for a killing sooooo I don’t care!”

Ashley: “To go against your own rules… how pathetic.”

Monokuma: “Aw, don’t be so mean! I might cry tears of cola and iced tea!”

Miku: “You can do that?!”

Nagito: “I knew somebody that could…”

Dedede: “Don’t tell me you were friends with a drinks dispenser or somethin’!”

Monokuma: “Anyway, don’t forget! You have only twenty-four hours to kill kill kill! Puhuhu!”
Disappearing without any form of logic, Monokuma left the students to reel over the new

Luigi: “First Blood Perk…”

Mario: “Luigi! You’re seriously not gonna think about what that-a bear said, right? It’s all a bunch-
a nonsense!”

Luigi: “W-what? No, I—“

Mario: “Don’t worry about it! Just ignore it.”

2D: “You really can’t ignore something loike that..”

Fluttershy: “Y-yeah… In twenty-four hours, someone m-might…”

Mr. Krabs: “There’s no way in ol’ Jones’ Locker that I’m gonna let that happen to me crew! Hell, I
won’t let that happen to anyone else!”

Miku: “Krabby…?”

Mr. Krabs: “Change of plans, lads! Next meeting we’re gonna discuss prevention methods!”

Ashley: “Yeah, you and all the pushovers are gonna be a big help…”

Teto: “Hehe!”

Parappa: “Pushover?!”
Nagito: “How wonderful! It seems that Mr. Krabs wants to guide us all to a bigger hope!”

The Conductor: “Someone needs to tape that pecking mouth of yers shut!”

Brian: “I second that.”

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Monokuma: “Ahem! It is now 10pm. As such, the doors to the dining hall and gym will be locked.
Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the killers bite…!”

Following the nighttime announcement, the tired and uneasy group all left the gym to their dorms.
Luigi still felt undeniably troubled after the announcement of the motive.

Luigi: (“Is anyone gonna take that-a motive seriously? What if they do? Is a killing really gonna
happen in the next twenty-four hours?”)

Anxious questions filled his mind, making it hard to rest easily. He was way different from how he
was this morning, as he cursed the bear for downing everyone’s mood. He gave into sleep soon
enough, but it was filled with discomfort and stress.

Monokuma: “Having a brother must be so comforting! In the wild, once a bear’s mother kicks them
out, siblings often stay side by side: eating, sleeping… and whatever else wild bears do! I wouldn’t
know - I was raised in a safari park! The only bear… they said I was special! I felt so proud of
myself… until one day a kid pointed at me and called me a ‘deformed panda’! Needless to say, his
brother laughed along with him, and I forgot all about that remark. Having a brother to laugh along
with all your offensive jokes must be so cool - and definitely not the same as a sister! Damn you,

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Luigi awoke feeling slightly groggy. He blocked out the sound of the morning announcement as he
went to get ready. He didn’t want to - he wanted to stay in bed the whole day. But, he couldn’t.
After splashing his face with water a couple times, Luigi dragged himself to the dining hall.

Mario: “Luigi, are you alright?”

Luigi: “Yeah… I just had-a bad sleep.”

Mario: “Don’t worry about it, bro! Come have-a some breakfast with me!”
Luigi weakly smiled as he sat down with his brother. As they ate and chatted, Luigi slowly became
less drowsy and a lot more cheerful. About halfway through their breakfast, someone walked up to

Mr. Krabs: “Good morning, Mr. Luigi! I hope you’re doing well today! I have another meeting
scheduled in the dining hall at 9 o’clock tonight, just so ye know.”

Luigi: “Nine? Why that-a late?”

Mr. Krabs: “As well as giving me more time for preparation, I think that a good meeting will bode
well before ye go to sleep!”

Luigi: (“I really doubt that…”)

Mr. Krabs laughed vigorously and placed a firm claw on Luigi’s shoulder.

Mr. Krabs: “Ey, lad, don’t look so worried. I promise ye, under me care, you’ll be just fine. So, let
ye guard down, alright? Arg arg arg!”

Mr. Krabs went off to tell the other members about the meeting, and the brothers finished their
breakfast in peace. Like yesterday, everyone went off to enjoy some free time.

Luigi decided to scout for some monocoins around the building, and use them on the Monomono
Machine to see what other gifts he could obtain. This time, the gifts were of a higher quality than
the wand, and he concluded that his first try was just bad luck.

Luigi: (“Since I still have-a lot of time before tonight’s meeting, I should-a hang out with
someone… Should I talk to Fluttershy? She seems pretty nice…”)

Luigi found Fluttershy in the kitchen, cleaning up dishes from breakfast.

Luigi: “Hey, Fluttershy! Would you like-a some help?”

Fluttershy: “O-oh, sure!”

The two washed dishes for some time, chatting about animals and Fluttershy’s hometown,

Luigi: (“Hey, this is a good time to give her one of the presents that I-a got.”)

Luigi pulled out a pastel butterfly hair clip, which he thought looked similar to the mark on
Fluttershy’s back.

Fluttershy: “Ah, is that for me…? T-thank you so much, Luigi!”

Luigi: “So, what’s Ponyville like?”

Fluttershy: “Despite being a more rural town, Ponyville is full of lovely ponies and a lot of well
kept greenery! I don’t think my animals would eat vegetables grown from anywhere else…”

Luigi: “You have-a animals? How nice!”

Fluttershy: “Mhm! I care for a bunch of animals at my cottage, from birds to squirrels and even

Luigi: “Bears, huh…”

Fluttershy: “Oh, but they’re definitely nothing like M-Monokuma…”

Luigi: “Yeah, it’s-a pretty obvious he’s a robot, haha.”

Fluttershy: “One of my favourite animals is my Angel Bunny - he’s so cute, but very fussy when it
comes to food… Oh my, I just realised no one’s there to check on him… I hope he’s okay…”
Luigi: “It’s alright! I’m sure there’s-a someone who would, right?”

Fluttershy: “Y-yeah! My friends! B-but… do they know I’m missing? Are they looking for me?
What if I’m never found? What about all my animals?”

Fluttershy started to tremble slightly at the realisation of her imprisonment.

Luigi: “Hey, don’t worry too much about it! I’m-a sure they’re looking for you, and we’ll all get
out soon! We just gotta stay strong!”

Fluttershy: “...O-of course, you’re right. I just need to take some deep breaths and carry on with
confidence! Thank you, Luigi.”

Fluttershy smiled warmly.

Luigi: “It’s no problem! We’re all scared, even I am… But as long as we encourage each other, we
can-a get over it.”

They continued to talk some more about animals and close friends. Luigi felt as if he and
Fluttershy got a little closer today.

For the remainder of the day, Luigi investigated the school a little more, had dinner with everyone
else, and took a nap in his dorm. He thanked the stars he woke up before 9 o’clock, since he didn’t
want to be dragged to the dining hall by an angry Mr. Krabs. When he arrived there, however, it
seemed that he was the first one there. Well, the first crew member, because there was actually
someone else there he didn’t expect to see.

Mario: “Oh, Luigi! What are you doing here?”

Luigi: “Mario…? I have a meeting here, remember?”

Mario: “Oh, that’s-a right! Where is everybody then?”

Luigi: “I don’t-a know. I guess I’m-a early or something, haha. What are you doing here?”

Mario: “Me? Oh, I just wanted to-a get a snack. All my investigating has made me hungry

Luigi: (“Always gluttonous to the end…”)

Mario: “Say, Luigi, why don’t you just-a skip this meeting thingy and go to bed? I’m-a sure they’ll

Luigi: “Huh?”

Mario: “You’ve been looking pretty bad since that motive was announced. I don’t-a like my little
bro like this… You really need-a some rest.”

Luigi: “Mario…”

Mario: “It’s fine, as I-a said, they’ll understand. If Mr. Krabs wants to protect you, then I’m-a sure
he’ll respect your wishes.”

Luigi was silent for a moment. Mario really did care about him, and he could tell he wasn’t feeling
completely okay.

Luigi: (“Maybe I could just skip this one meeting… Mario is right, after all. I-a really need some

Mario: “C’mon, bro. Let’s-a go back to our rooms.”

And with that, the brothers walked back together to the dorm rooms, and said an early goodnight to
each other before going into their rooms. Luigi tiredly laid down on his bed.

Luigi: (“Mario’s really concerned for me… I hope they do understand why I-a wasn’t there… I
just need some sleep, then I’ll be able to go to every other meeting...”)
Luigi went to sleep with hopeful thoughts, and mentally thanked his brother for his care.


Monokuma: “The world of business sure is hard! You pitch an idea you think is revolutionary and
will save the world, but then some old wrinkly guy tells you it’s overdone trash! You try to tell him
it’s an original idea, but he says it infringes 20 other things! You try to tell him to give you a
second chance, but he says that you’re not on a TV show with a gullible audience! You try to tell
him to sort out his marriage, but he just starts crying! The world of business sure is hard!”

Luigi woke up feeling somewhat more lively and happier than the past few days. It seemed that he
really needed that rest. However, he stopped for a moment.

Luigi: (“Looks like the morning announcement hasn’t played yet. I must’ve woken up early.”)

Shrugging off his early awakening, Luigi got himself ready and decided to wait outside the dining
room door.

Luigi: (“Maybe I could-a surprise Mario with something as a thank you… and maybe something
for Mr. Krabs as an apology.”)
When he got there, he noticed that two people were already waiting outside.

Fluttershy: “Oh, good morning, Luigi!”

Yandere-Chan: “Good morning.”

Luigi: “Oh, hello! Why are-a you two here so early?”

Fluttershy: “I like to get here early so I can prepare breakfast for everyone.”

Yandere-Chan: “I like to have some tea in peace before everyone gets here.”

Luigi: “Fair enough.”

They idled a little outside the dining room door, until the announcement played.

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Monokuma: “Good morning students! It is now 7am. Get ready to greet another beautiful day!”

As soon as the announcement finished, they heard a click, and the dining hall had been unlocked.

Luigi: “How does it get unlocked?”

Yandere-Chan: “I can only assume it’s some kind of timed mechanism…”

Fluttershy: “Oh well, as long as it’s open, let’s go in!”

The three made their way inside the large dining hall, which looked even larger since nobody was
in it. As Fluttershy slowly trotted to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, Luigi decided to talk to

Luigi: “Uh, so, I don’t-a see you around the school much. Where do you-a normally hang out?”

Yandere-Chan: “...My dorm, mostly.”

Luigi: “Oh, okay. Do you hang out with anyone here?”

Yandere-Chan: “Not really.”

Luigi: “Uh… What about-a Miku and Teto? They seem your age.”

Yandere-Chan: “...”

Luigi: (“Is she shy or something…? Or, does she not-a like them?”)

Luigi decided not to question further, as he thought she wouldn’t reply anyway. They stood there in
silence, and an awkward aura filled the air. Despite feeling uncomfortable, he would regret taking
the moment for granted over what was about to aspire next.


Luigi: “H-huh?!”

A terrified scream rang into the dining hall, startling the two out of their tension.

Yandere-Chan: “That came from the kitchen…!”

Luigi: “F-Fluttershy...!”
Realising who the voice belonged to, the two ran into the kitchen. They saw Fluttershy, shaking
and trembling.

Luigi: “F-Fluttershy?! What’s…”

Luigi’s eyes followed where she was looking.

What Luigi immediately felt was fear, emptiness, confusion, shock, a loss of purity. Nothing had
prepared him for this. Nothing would have prepared him for this. He never expected this to happen.
He never expected it yet there it was. He could hear his heart ringing in his ears, he could hear his
jumpy breath echo in his mind.

But, most importantly, he could feel the despair overtaking him.


Despair from the lifeless body of Eugene Krabs.

Chapter End Notes

Oh snap I did not see that coming because I totally didn’t plan all this out or
Also quick side note as you saw free times are basically gonna be a single one-on-one
with Luigi and another character, so maybe you could learn a little something about
that one guy you know nothing about??
Chapter 1: Despair’s Greed (Deadly Life)
Chapter Notes

I actually finished writing this chapter a lil’ while ago, but I didn’t want to post it until
I had the trial written incase I changed a truth bullet or something. So I only need to
write the post-trial and finish all the CGs (and execution) and the trial will be ready to
post too! Such heart-throbbing excitement!
Anyway, let’s-a go investigate!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Luigi thought he was dreaming. There was no way this was real. He couldn’t speak. He couldn’t
even scream. Mr Krabs’ body lay there, drained from all his usual vigorousness, leaving only an
empty shell of the crab he used to be.

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Monokuma: “Oh yes! Yes! A body has been discovered! Finally! I feel so alive! Please report to
the kitchen for more information!”

Luigi couldn’t even react to the body discovery announcement.

Yandere-Chan: “...It seems that he’s dead.”

Fluttershy: “N-no… it can’t b-be…”

Luigi: “...”

Yandere-Chan: “Hey, snap out of it. Everyone else will be coming here soon.”

The girl’s stern words slapped Luigi out of his state. He rubbed his head and steadied his breathing.

Luigi: “Y-yeah… sorry…”

Soon, everyone else had arrived at the kitchen, each experiencing their own fear at the scene.

Peter: “Holy crap, is that a dead body?!”

Miku: “Eh?!?! K-Krabby?!”

The Conductor: “Peck, I think I might be sick…”

Ashley: “Please don’t…”

Monokuma: “Nyohohoho! Welcome to despair city, folks!”

Monokuma jumped up from behind a crate, dancing and celebrating as if he’d won the lottery.

Teto: “What’s so funny...? Can’t you see the dead body over there, stupid?!”
Monokuma: “That’s exactly why I’m excited! Finally, a killing has commenced!”

Nagito: “Ah, I see. One of us has committed murder!”

Parappa: “One of… us?”

Dedede: “No way! I bet Monokuma did it!”

Monokuma: “I can’t do anything to you lovely students unless you break a rule! One of you did
this to poor ol’ Krabs fair and square! And now, you have to figure out who dunnit!”

Mario: “Who dunnit…? Nobody did it - it was you!”

Luigi: “Mario…!”

Mario stood in the kitchen doorway, clenching his fists enraged.

Monokuma: “Um, no. I just said I can’t. You really need to get your ears checked, plumber.”

Sans: “Wait. What about that first blood perk thing? Somebody killed in the twenty-four hour limit,
right? Why’re ya sayin’ we need to investigate?”

2D: “Oh, yeah. Shouldn’t the killer just be set free?”

Monokuma: “Puhuhu… Oh, you poor, poor souls. The culprit did technically kill just before the
deadline, buuuuut since the body wasn’t found until after the deadline, it doesn’t count!”

Dedede: “What?! You didn’t tell us anything about that before!”

The Conductor: “Why the peck do ye care?! Are ye the killer or something?”
Dedede: “What?! No!”

Nagito: “What a horrible waste of a killing… The culprit must be so disappointed.”

Teto: “There’s a body over there, and you only care how the killer’s feeling…?!”

Nagito: “Of course. If only they had confided with me, I could’ve helped them out, even as the

Teto: “Wh… What?!”

Brian: “Leave the suicidal nut job out of this.”

Peter: “But, gee. What do we do now?”

Monokuma: “You investigate, that’s what!”

2D: “You say to investigate, but wot do we investigate exactly?”

Ashley: “None of us are detectives, stupid…”

Monokuma: “Who cares! It’s pretty easy in my opinion! I mean, the list of people who it could be
is only 15 long!”

Miku: “So… it is one of us? Noooo…”

Monokuma: “But, so you aren’t completely in the dark about this, I’ve prepared a special file to
start you all off! I present… the Monokuma File!”
Yandere-Chan: “The Monokuma File…?”

Monokuma: “It has all the basic information about the murder to get you started! Think of it as a
little present from me to you~!”

Ashley: “What a horrible present.”

Monokuma: “Well, I won’t hinder you any longer! Start your investigation! Puhuhu!”

Monokuma jumped back behind the crate, and disappeared from the scene. Everyone remained
quiet for a moment, glancing at the dead body every once in a while.

Mario: “Luigi… if I didn’t tell you to-a go to sleep, then you probably would’ve been able to-a
prevent the murder, and—“

Luigi: “It’s alright, Mario… it’s not-a your fault.”

Mario: “But, it is. And, to make up for it, we need to-a find out who killed Mr. Krabs - for his-a

Luigi: “Mario… Alright then. Let’s-a do this!”

Yandere-Chan: “Before we start the investigation, we need to have someone guard the crime

Parappa: “Why…?”

Ashley: “So the killer can’t destroy evidence, idiot.”

Peter: “I’ll take the role! It may not look like it, but I’m made of pure muscle!”
Teto: “It definitely doesn’t look like it…”

Nagito: “Ah, but what if Peter’s the killer?”

Peter: “Hey! I don’t even like crab that much!”

Brian: “Then I’ll do it with him while I investigate.”

Nagito: “And what if you two are accomplices?”

Brian: “Why do you have to make this so fucking difficult?”

Sans: “Don’t worry, I’ll watch over too. I ain’t got much of a brain to help out, in fact, I don’t have
a brain at all, heheh.”

The Conductor: “Three seems good enough to guard the scene I suppose.”

Mario: “Alrighty then, let’s-a go!”


Luigi: “I guess we should-a read the Monokuma File first, huh?”

Luigi picked up the tablet that had been left on a crate, and turned it on.
*The victim is Eugene Krabs. The estimated time of death was around 9:30pm. The victim’s body
was discovered in the kitchen in the dining hall. Cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head.
No other injuries were found.*

Luigi: “So the murder took place just before the-a nighttime announcement?”

Mario: “Do you think-a it has anything to do with his meeting?”

Luigi: “Probably. I should-a ask the rest of the crew members about the meeting… For now, we
should-a make note of this.”

*”Monokuma File #1” has been added to truth bullets*

Mario: “So… What do we-a look at first?”

Luigi: “How about we-a check out the body?”

Mario: “Ah, really?”

Luigi: “Even if it’s-a hard to, we should at least see if there are any clues on him…”
Luigi walked slowly over to Mr. Krabs’ body, being careful not to tread on the pool of blood
surrounding him. Looking at him up close was even worse: his expression bore feelings of terror
and confusion, as if he was just as surprised at his death as everyone else. Luigi darted his eyes
around the body, until he stopped at the large bump on his head.

Luigi: “How horrible…”

As he looked closer, he noticed something slightly strange about it.

Luigi: “Huh…”

Mario: “What is it, Luigi?”

Luigi: “Well, his wound… Doesn’t it-a look a little dirty to you?”

Mario: “Hmm, I-a guess so. Maybe the weapon was dirty too?”

Luigi: “That could be it, honestly.”

Mario: “Haha, you don’t-a have to look so far into everything, Luigi!”

Luigi: (“Maybe I am just overthinking it, but I’ll-a remember it anyway.”)

*”Mr Krabs’ Head Wound” has been added to truth bullets*

Mario: “Speaking of which, look over here!”

Mario pointed to a frying pan in the pool of blood next to Mr. Krabs.
Luigi: “Ah, is that-a the weapon?”

Sans: “If it is, the killer’s pretty stupid for leavin’ it here.”

Mario: “And why is that?”

Sans: “Well, it just means that everyone knows how he died. Not much of a mystery there, heheh.”

Mario: “It’s-a not about how it happened, it’s about who did it!”

Sans: “I know. I’m just sayin’ maybe we could connect the pan to someone here…”

Luigi: (“Like who…? A frying pan is-a pretty vague…”)

Mario: “So the killer dropped the pan in the blood and-a left the scene?”

Nagito: “If you got hit on the head with a frying pan, how would you expect the blood to look like
on it?”

Luigi: “W-wha—!”

Mario: “Hey, don’t go appearing outta nowhere!”

Nagito: “Am I not allowed to investigate, too? Am I that worthless?”

Mario: “What…?”

Nagito: “I just thought you’d like to keep that question in mind, that’s all.”
After cracking a mysterious smile, Nagito walked off to another part of the kitchen.

Luigi: (“What would-a the blood look like on the pan…? Well, from what I can-a see here, it’s just
on the underside where it’s-a been in the blood. It’s that-a wrong…?”)

Mario: “Just ignore that-a weirdo, Luigi. The pan has to-a be the weapon.”

Luigi: (“I… might just-a keep a note of that.”)

*”Frying Pan” has been added to truth bullets*

Sans: “This death is kinda sad though… Mr. Krabs just wanted to be the boss. Is that really a
reason to kill him?”

Luigi: “I’m not-a sure what the motive could even be…”

Sans: “It’s kinda funny, though. I saw Mr. Krabs walkin’ to the dining hall around evenin’ time,
and I kinda wanted to see if I could join the crew. But, I was too tired so I decided on askin’ the
next day. And, well, here we are…”

Mario: “I’m not-a sure what’s so funny about it…”

Luigi: “What time did you-a see him go to the dining hall?”

Sans: “Uh, sometime before 9pm I think. Probably 8:45.”

Luigi: “Makes sense - that-a was the scheduled meeting time. Thanks for telling us that.”

Sans: “No problem, pal.”

*”Sans’ Account” has been added to truth bullets*

Mario: “So what, Luigi? You knew about the meeting, so you should-a know what time he got

Luigi: “But I couldn’t, because we-a went to bed, remember? That’s why I still need to ask the rest
of the crew.”

Mario: “Oh, yeah. Sorry…”

Luigi: “Again, it’s not-a your fault.”

As the brothers continued their investigation, they spotted a broken spice bottle on the floor.

Mario: “Hey, where did this-a come from?”

Peter: “Maybe the killer wanted to spice Mr. Krabs before they ate him!”

Luigi: “But… he’s-a not been eaten…”

Peter: “That’s because they found out that they were allergic to seafood!”

Brian: “I think that’s enough theories for you, Peter.”

Peter: “But that’s just a theory, a game theory!”

Luigi: “...?”

Fluttershy: “U-um, I think I know where that bottle came from…”

Fluttershy hesitantly walked up to the bothers, and pointed to the shelf above.
Fluttershy: “That’s the spice shelf… I-I’ve used a few of those spices in meals…”

Brian: “Did you knock any bottles down before?”

Fluttershy: “N-no… I try to be extra careful up there… A-and if I did, I would clean it up right

Luigi: “Then why is-a there a broken bottle here then?”

Peter: “So she’s lying!”

Fluttershy: “I-I’m not lying!”

Luigi: “What else can you-a tell us about the shelf?”

Fluttershy: “Um, i-it’s quite a sturdy shelf, and there’s a lot of room up there for a lot of spices,
probably even enough room for someone to stand on it…”

Peter: “Hm, interesting. Very, very interesting. Brian, have you figured out the killer yet?”

Brian: “How am I supposed to know who the killer is from that?”

Mario: “Oh well. I guess-a we don’t have to worry about this then. C’mon, Luigi, let’s carry on.”

Luigi: (“This whole thing does-a seem kinda strange, though…”)

*”Broken Spice Bottle” has been added to truth bullets*

*”Spice Shelf” has been added to truth bullets*

Fluttershy: “U-um, Luigi. I forgot to ask you this before, but, why weren’t you at the meeting

Luigi: “Oh, yeah. Well, Mario told me to-a get some rest as I wasn’t looking very good… I was-a
meant to apologise to you all this morning about it…”

Fluttershy: “Oh, I understand completely! I’m sure Mr. Krabs would’ve understood too…”

Luigi: “Yeah… So, could you-a tell me about the meeting?”

Fluttershy: “Of course… I arrived at classroom A around 9pm where I saw—“

Luigi: “Wait. The classroom? But, Mr. Krabs said the meeting was in-a the dining hall.”

Fluttershy: “Huh? But he changed the location, remember?”

Luigi: “He… changed the location?”

Fluttershy: “Yeah. He slid notes under our dorms informing us of a location change from the
dining hall to classroom A.”

Mario: “But didn’t Sans just-a say he saw Mr. Krabs walking to the dining hall?”

Fluttershy: “Huh…? That’s weird…”

Luigi: “Definitely weird… Who went to that meeting, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy: “W-well, it was me, Parappa, Miku, 2D, and Peter. They all said they got the note,
Luigi: “Can I see this-a note?”

Fluttershy: “S-sorry, I don’t have the note with me… B-but maybe one of the others do.”

Luigi: “So what-a happened next?”

Fluttershy: “We all waited there for you and Mr. Krabs, but you two never showed up. When the
nighttime announcement played, we all decided to go back to our dorms.”

Luigi: “Ah, okay. And did anyone leave during that-a time?”

Fluttershy: “No…”

Luigi: “Hm…”

Mario: “I-a guess there’s more of a mystery than I thought…”

Luigi: “Yeah… Thanks, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy: “You’re welcome.”

*”Meeting In Classroom” has been added to truth bullets*

Mario: “Before you-a keep chatting with people, is there anything we’ve missed here?”

Luigi: “Uh, we could-a check the crates behind Mr. Krabs.”

Luigi wandered over behind Mr. Krabs to the crates in search for more clues.
Luigi: “...I-a don’t see anything out of the ordinary… Ah, wait!”

Luigi caught sight of something pink grazing the bottom of a crate.

Ashley: “So you see it too…”

Luigi: “Is… that-a blood?”

Ashley: “It matches the colour of Mr. Krabs’...”

Mario: “Why would-a there be blood there?”

Ashley: “...I don’t know. It’s nowhere near the source of blood.”

Luigi: “Strange…”

*”Bloody Crate” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi: “I think we’ve investigated everything in-a here…”

Mario: “Where to now, bro?”

Luigi: “I’d like to-a check with the rest of the crew, and see if anyone has-a the note.”

The brothers walked out of the kitchen into the dining hall, where they saw a few more people
located around. Luigi decided to talk to Miku, 2D and Teto.

Luigi: “Hey, how’re you doing?”

2D: “Just managing, I guess.”

Miku: “Poor little krabby… he didn’t deserve to die…”

Teto: “Yeah, I kinda feel guilty calling him a smelly shrimp now…”

Luigi: “I’m sure we’ll-a find out whoever did it. For now, do any of you two have the note Mr.
Krabs gave you about a location change for the meeting?”

2D: “I’ve got mine in me pocket if you wanna take a look.”

Miku: “Why weren’t you at the meeting though, Luigi?”

Luigi: “Mario told-a me to rest as I wasn’t looking so good…”

Teto: “Did he now…”

Miku: “Awww, that’s so nice of him! Such cute brothers~!”

Teto: “Does that story not sound suspicious to you?!”

Miku: “Um, no…?”

2D: “Here you go, mate.”

2D gave his note to Luigi, and he took a look at it.

*”I’ve changed our meeting from the dining hall to classroom A for convenience's sake. The time
is still 9pm. Don’t be late!

-Mr. Krabs”*

Luigi: “It looks like Mr. Krabs wrote this, huh…”

Miku: “My note is exactly the same as that one - Mr. Krabby was so hardworking to write us all
six individual notes!”

Luigi: “Six…? I never got one of these notes…”

Miku: “Huh? You didn’t? Did he forget you? Maybe he wasn’t so hardworking after all…”

Teto: “You’re just digging your own grave by telling us that, you know?”

Luigi: “Huh?”

Teto: “Hmph.”
Miku: “Don’t worry, Teto! Luigi’s gonna solve the mystery for us~!”

Luigi: “Well, I’ll try. Mind if I-a keep this note, 2D?”

2D: “Not at all, mate.”

*”Meeting Location Change Notes” has been added to truth bullets*

Mario: “So, what did you-a find out from them?”

Luigi: “Well, I-a managed to get the note. I’m not so sure what to-a look for now, though…”

The Conductor: “What the peck are ye doing?!”

Luigi turned around at the sudden shout to see The Conductor and Dedede at a whiteboard.

Dedede: “I was just lookin’!”

The Conductor: “No yer not, yer tampering with evidence!”

Luigi: “Evidence…?”

The brothers walked over to the commotion.

Mario: “Hey, what’s-a going on here?”

The Conductor: “This peck-neck was about to vandalise Mr. Krabs’ whiteboard!”
Dedede: “No I wasn’t! I was just… seeing what he wrote on it!”

The Conductor: “Then why’re ye holding a marker pen?”

Dedede: “Uh… Look, I was just bored, okay?! I’m not good at this investigation stuff so I wanted
to find something ta do!”

The Conductor: “Well how about ye go somewhere else far away from here!”

Luigi: “Uh, do you-a mind if we check out the board first?”

Dedede: “Sure, I was just leavin’ anyway…”

The Conductor: “Good!”

Ignoring the two birds, Luigi scanned the board for anything worth noting. The words ‘Protection
Methods’ were written in the middle in red, with some other notes written around in black.

Luigi: “Mr. Krabs really wanted to protect us, huh…”

Mario: “And I-a guess this is more evidence that Mr. Krabs really was in-a here after all.”
Luigi: “But, if he gave everyone those-a notes, why did he come to the dining hall? It just doesn’t
make-a sense.”

Mario: “This is too much for my head…”

*”Whiteboard” has been added to truth bullets*

Mario: “Wait, Luigi. You were the-a first to find the body, right?”

Luigi: “Well, technically Fluttershy was-a the first…”

Mario: “Why were you-a there so early then?”

Luigi: “I guess since I went to bed earlier than-a usual, I woke up before the morning
announcement. I decided to-a wait outside the dining hall where I met with Fluttershy and
Yandere-Chan. When the morning announcement played, we all-a went inside and found Mr.
Krabs soon after…”

Mario: “Hm, well I guess this means you should-a have more early sleeps then!”

Luigi: (“I don’t even think that-a was the important part… But, it may be worth remembering what
happened in the morning.”)

*”Morning Account” has been added to truth bullets*

Mario: “Well, you keep-a on investigating, bro. I gotta go to the bathroom!”

Luigi shrugged at his brother’s departure and turned back to the kitchen.

Luigi: (“I should-a probably just check with Peter and Parappa about their notes, too…”)
As Luigi walked back into the kitchen, he was startled by a sudden call of his name.

Parappa: “Luigi! Over here!”

Luigi: “Huh?”

Luigi wandered over to the small dog, who pointed to a coin.

Parappa: “I think I found some evidence!”

Luigi: “Is that… a monocoin?”

Parappa: “Do you think it’s important?”

Luigi: “It could be. Mr. Krabs loved money, after all.”

Ashley: “So what? It probably just fell out of his pocket or something. Don’t act so high and
mighty for finding something useless.”

Parappa: “H-hey…”

Brian: “Actually, it couldn't have come from his pocket.”

Luigi: “Why’s that?”

Brian: “Peter and I had a conversation with Mr. Krabs about his money, and told us he hid all of
what he found in his dorm room.”

Peter: “I was just askin’ to borrow one, y’know. I was thinkin’ of getting that blue chick a little
something something, heheh.”

Luigi: (“I thought-a you had a wife…”)

Ashley: “There’s still a possibility that he found it before the murder, though.”

Parappa: “So, what I found isn’t important? Aw man…”

Yandere-Chan: “Just a moment.”

The group turned to see Yandere-Chan eyeing the body. Suddenly, she knelt down and calmly
started feeling around in the crab’s pockets.

Peter: “Hey! What’re you doing?!”

Yandere-Chan: “I can confirm there are no monocoins in his pockets.”

Ashley: “And does this change anything? He could’ve found just the one.”

Yandere-Chan: “I don’t think the monocoin belongs to him.”

Parappa: “Really?!”

Brian: “What? Did the killer leave it behind?”

Yandere-Chan: “I’m not sure yet.”

Ashley: “That was helpful…”

Luigi: “I’ll... keep a note of it just in case.”

*”Monocoin” has been added to truth bullets*

Parappa: “Wow, she touched a dead body like it was nothing! It was kinda weird, but kinda cool
too - like an actual detective! All I found was a stupid coin…”

Luigi: “Well, if you never found that-a coin, then she wouldn’t have looked in his pockets, right?”

Parappa: “I guess so…”

Mario: “Hey, Luigi! I’m-a back!”

Luigi: “Oh, hey Mario!”

Mario: “So, did you-a find anything else?”

Luigi: “Not much, just a few things.”

Mario: “Do you-a think we need to discuss anything else?”

Luigi: “Well… the murder did take-a place close to nighttime, so maybe we should discuss the
nighttime rules?”

Mario: “The murder was before nighttime, not during nighttime. Does that-a really matter?”

Luigi: “...Maybe. But I-a wanna check just in case.”

Mario: “Okay, well, nighttime is from-a 10pm to 7am, and during that-a time the gym and dining
hall are locked… and since the murder was in the kitchen the rules don’t-a matter!”
Luigi: “I-I just wanted to check!”

Nagito: “Actually, I think checking the rules is a great idea!”

Mario: “You again…”

Nagito: “And, just to add on, water is also turned off during these times, and we can’t sleep
anywhere other than our dorms.”

Luigi: “Hm, alright then.”

Mario huffed and rolled his eyes.

Mario: “We all-a know…”

*”Nighttime Rules” has been added to truth bullets*

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Everyone has stopped whatever they were doing, and glanced to the nearest monitor that displayed
the arguably hated bear.

Monokuma: “So, I’m getting tired of waiting. Let’s just jump right in, shall we? Please report to the
red door near the gym, and the fun can begin!”

Luigi: “I guess it’s-a time, huh?”

Mario: “Don’t-a worry, Luigi! We’ll find out who did it in no time!”
Brian: “Wait. He said the red door, right? Looks like we can finally find out where it leads to.”

Peter: “There better be some Pawtucket beer behind that door. I’m craving a drink!”

Everyone soon made their way to the mysterious door, which was now unlocked. Inside was a
small bare room, with what seemed to be an elevator on the far side.

Nagito: “Ah, It seems that I was correct!”

Dedede: “Correct about what?!”

Nagito: “This elevator will lead us to the trial room!”

The Conductor: “Trial room? He’s treating this like a bloomin’ court case!”

Miku: “It should be - Mr. Krabby was a very nice man! He deserves justice!”

Fluttershy: “Yeah, what kind of cruel monster did that to him…?”

Sans: “One of us, according to the bear.”

2D: “Is it really, though? I still can’t believe that.”

Parappa: “Me too…”

Monokuma: “Me three!”

Teto: “Would you just die already?!”

Monokuma: “Oh, please have mercy on my soul! Puhuhu! I’ve just come to hurry you all onto the
elevator - trials can't start without the participants, y’know? So, get a move on!”

Monokuma jumped into a dark corner and vanished illogically once again, leaving everyone to
eventually board the elevator.

Mario: “Hey, Luigi…”

Mario put a soft hand on his brother’s shoulder, after seeing his face was full of unease.

Mario: “We’re gonna find out who did it, then we can-a leave together… You just gotta stay

Luigi only nodded in response, struggling a small smile in return.

They boarded the elevator with everyone else, and soon the doors closed. After a brief moment, it
started to move down. The ride was somewhat shaky and jittery, and the sound of the clanking
mechanism echoed throughout the enclosed space. Luigi opted to focus on his own uneven
heartbeat, clenching his fists in attempt to calm himself down.

Dedede: “This elevator sure is takin’ a long time…”

Teto: “Yeah, how far underground do we need to go…?”

Nagito: “I’m sure there isn’t long to go now.”

The elevator continued for what seemed like an eternity, until it finally stopped with a loud ding.
The doors opened to reveal a large room with podiums laid out in a circular format, and a high
throne on the far side.

Monokuma: “Welcome, welcome! Aren’t you just so excited for this?!”

The Conductor: “Peck no!”

Ashley: “What is this room’s purpose?”

Monokuma: “So you can do the trial, silly! This seating means that everyone can see everyone,
which is such a revolutionary idea! Now, everyone, find the seat with your name on it, and be
snappy about it!”

Everyone reluctantly found their seats, and stood at their assigned podium. It felt strange to see
everyone as much as they could see you, all with the same feeling of doubt and suspicion. It made
Luigi feel all the more on edge.

Luigi: (“For now, we need to-a find out who killed Mr. Krabs…”)

Luigi: (“Eugene Krabs… He was loud, boisterous, and loved money more than-a any of us… But,
he had a strong sense of-a leadership, and only wanted to help guide us in our time of need… Still,
someone like him got murdered.”)
Luigi: (“Is the killer… really one of us?”)

Luigi: (“Even if it is-a true… that’s something I just-a can’t believe…”)

Luigi: (“But, we have to-a find the killer. To avenge Mr. Krabs, we have to-a find the truth.”)

And so begins the battle between hope and despair, truth and lies, trust and doubt.

The first class trial has begun!

Chapter End Notes

Will Luigi be ready to convict the criminal??? Find out when I finish the next
chapter!! :0
(Also bear with me I’m tryin’ to get pictures working on mobile ugggg hopefully
they’ll be always viewable when the next chapters out)
Chapter 1: Despair’s Greed (Class Trial)
Chapter Notes

Ajdkwijdksdjk yahOO-
H H Hello everyone! Welcome to the first class trial! Firstly, this chapter’s the longest
so far (just under 10k words, like 9,400) so be ready for a lot lol. Secondly, apologies
this took a while, I can write pretty quick but drawing apparently takes decades :/
Thirdly I hope you like how I format trials cause I wanna keep it accurate to the game
hehe. Aaaaand lastly, don’t forget to read the closing argument pages from right to left
like the game!! (If page 4 is a lil’ confusing, read the two top panels first, then go
Enjoy!! ;D

See the end of the chapter for more notes

*Just as nobody expected it, Mr. Krabs was horribly killed by someone in this room! But… is it
really one of them? Who could’ve killed such a nice ol’ crab? And, will the killer ever be found



The victim is Eugene Krabs. The estimated time of death was around 9:30pm. The body was
discovered in the kitchen located in the dining hall. Cause of death was blunt force trauma to the
head. No other injuries were found.


Mr. Krabs’ wound involves a large bump on his head. On closer inspection, the wound seems
rather dirty.


A frying pan was found in the pool of blood around Mr. Krabs. It may be worth noting that there is
only blood on the underside of the pan.


A broken spice bottle was found next to Mr. Krabs’ body. It seems to have come from the spice
shelf located above.


The shelf directly above the crime scene. It is wide enough for someone to stand on it without


On the underside of a crate, there seems to be marks of blood, despite not being near the source of


A monocoin was found on the floor next to Mr. Krabs’ body. No monocoins were found on Mr.
Krabs’ person, and it was confirmed by Peter and Brian that Mr. Krabs hid all his findings in his
dorm room.


The note Parappa, Fluttershy, Miku, 2D, and Peter all received slid under their doors informing
them of a location change of the meeting.

“I’ve changed our meeting from the dining hall to classroom A for convenience's sake. The time is
still 9pm. Don’t be late!

-Mr. Krabs”


Everyone in Mr. Krabs’ crew, except for Mr. Krabs and Luigi, went to classroom A at 9pm for the
meeting. They waited there until the nighttime announcement at 10pm, in which they all left for
their dorms. No one left the classroom during this time.


Sans saw Mr. Krabs walking to the dining hall around 8:45pm.


Fluttershy, Luigi, and Yandere-Chan were all outside the dining room door from 6:45am until 7am,
when the dining hall was unlocked and they went inside. They didn’t see anyone else in the dining
hall, except for the late Mr. Krabs in the kitchen.


Mr. Krabs’ whiteboard is still located in the dining hall, presumably when he wheeled it in. It has
the words ‘PROTECTION METHODS” written in red ink, and other notes written around in black


Since the murder took place close to nighttime, it may be viable to note the rules during nighttime:

Nighttime is from 10pm to 7am. During this time, the doors to the dining hall and gym are locked.
Water is also turned off. Sleeping anywhere other than the dorms is not permitted.


Monokuma: “Now then, let’s begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! During the trial,
you’ll present your arguments for who the culprit is, and vote for ‘whodunnit’. If you vote
correctly, then only the blackened will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong person… I’ll
punish everyone besides the blackened, and that person will get to graduate!”
Luigi: “And the killer… is-a one of us?”

Monokuma: “Yep yep yep!”

Fluttershy: “No matter how many times you say it… I-I still can’t believe it…”

2D: “So, um, wot are we supposed to do now?”

Dedede: “Yeah, I’ve never been to court before!”

Peter: “Hey, killer! If you tell us who you are, I’ll give ya a free beer on the house!”

Ashley: “I don’t think the killer is that stupid to fall for something like that…”

Sans: “Hey, what’s that picture over there?”

Miku: “It’s Mr. Krabby?”

Monokuma: “Oh, that? Well, I thought it’d be so unfair for Mr. Krabs to miss out on the trial just
because he’s dead, so in one way or another, he’s here too!”
The Conductor: “That’s pretty disturbing… And tasteless.”

Monokuma: “Alright, enough idle chit-chatting, it’s time to talk about murder!”

Nagito: “What shall we discuss first, I wonder…”

Mario: “How about we-a go over what we already know, and see what we-a figure out from there.
That sounds like-a good starting point to me!”

Parappa: “Yeah, that doesn’t seem too hard!”

Miku: “Let’s find out who killed Mr. Krabby~!”

Luigi: (“I-a guess our first discussion is starting… I wonder where we’ll-a go from there…”)


Mario: “So, Mr. Krabs was-a found dead in the kitchen this morning…”

Teto: “In a giant pool of blood… ewwww...”

Ashley: “There were a bunch of items surrounding him…”

Sans: “Like the fryin’ pan…”

Dedede: “Hey! If we found him dead this morning… that means he must’ve been killed this

Miku: “Oh~! Mr. Krabby just wanted some breakfast, but he sadly got killed…”
Peter: “Dyin’ on an empty stomach is a horrible way to die!”

Luigi: (“Wait a minute… What I-a heard doesn’t match up with what I-a know…”)

Dedede: “Hey! If we found him dead this morning… that means he must’ve been killed this


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “No, that couldn’t of-a been the case.”

Dedede: “Why not?!”

Luigi: “According to the Monokuma File, Mr. Krabs died around-a 9:30pm, way before morning.”

Dedede: “Oh, did he now…?”

The Conductor: “Did ye not even read the Monokuma File ye stupid peck-neck?”

Dedede: “No, I already told ya I ain’t good at this investigation stuff!”

Brian: “So, if he died before nighttime, then we’ll have to check everyone’s alibis during that

Miku: “Alibi?”
2D: “Y’know, what you were doing around that toime.”

Nagito: “But it’s also important to note why Mr. Krabs was in the kitchen in the first place…”

Mario: “Then, how about we discuss that-a next!”


Nagito: “What was Mr. Krabs doing in the kitchen…?”

Sans: “Maybe he was gettin’ somethin’ to eat?”

Teto: “No, I know exactly what he was doing!”

The Conductor: “Then was he doing, lassie?”

Teto: “He kept going on about his stupid meetings, so obviously he was in there for a meeting!”

Ashley: “I guess it made him an easy target…”

Sans: “Owch…”

Luigi: (“Hang on. That can’t-a be true, and I have-a the proof otherwise!”)

Teto: “He kept going on about his stupid meetings, so obviously he was in there for a meeting!”


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “Mr. Krabs shouldn’t have-a gone to the dining hall for his meeting, especially since he-a
changed the meeting location.”

Teto: “He did?”

Luigi: “Yeah, and I have the note to-a prove it.”

*“I’ve changed our meeting from the dining room to classroom A for convenience's sake. The time
is still 9pm. Don’t be late!

-Mr. Krabs”*

Peter: “Hey, that’s the note I got!”

Parappa: “Me too!”

Luigi: “This note was-a given to everyone in Mr. Krabs’ crew: Fluttershy, Parappa, Miku, 2D, and

Mario: “Except-a you, though!”

Luigi: “Y-yeah, not-a me… Anyway, this-a proves that Mr. Krabs should’ve had no meeting
business in the dining hall, and that everyone who got the note is-a innocent—“

Dedede: “Wait just a damn minute!”


Luigi: “Huh?”

Dedede: “How does that prove those guys are innocent?!”

Luigi: “W-well, it’s—“

Dedede: “Don’t go spewin’ nonsense without reason - you’re gonna get us all killed!”


Dedede: “Just so Mr. Krabs sent them that note, doesn’t mean they didn’t do it! We can see the
body in the kitchen, so Mr. Krabs did end up there!”

Luigi: “Well, yeah, but they should’ve all-a been in classroom A…”

Dedede: “So? Maybe one of ‘em went with Mr. Krabs to the kitchen, and finished him off there!”

Luigi: “Allow me to-a cut through those words!”


Luigi: “That can’t-a be it, because from what I-a know, everyone stayed in that classroom from
9pm to 10pm, and Mr. Krabs never showed up…”

Dedede: “He didn’t? Then why’d he send the damn notes just to never show up?!”

2D: “That’s wot I was thinkin’ too…”

Miku: “Wait, are we all safe?”

Peter: “Haha, thanks Luigi! We can totally share a beer after this for saving me!”

Luigi: “U-uh, I think I’ll-a pass…”

Nagito: “So, our list of suspects goes down to nine…”

Teto: “That’s still a lot of people, you know…”

Mario: “So, did Mr. Krabs get-a killed somewhere else then moved to the-a dining hall?”

Luigi: “No, I think Mr. Krabs was killed in the kitchen, and I think somebody can-a back me up on


Luigi: “Isn’t that-a right, Sans?”

Sans: “Yup, heheh. I saw Mr. K walkin’ to the dining hall around 8:45pm. He was lookin’ pretty
pumped too…”

Brian: “So Mr. Krabs was already in the dining hall before he was killed…”

Fluttershy: “Huh? Why did he go to the dining hall if the meeting was in the classroom…?”

Luigi: “That’s still-a something we need to solve…”

Mario: “Alright, team! Let’s-a get talking!”


Miku: “Even though he wasn’t meant to be there, why was Mr. Krabby in the dining hall?”

Parappa: “Maybe he really was just hungry…”

2D: “Maybe there were some errands he needed to take care of…”

Ashley: “What kind of errands would you do in a dining hall…?”

Yandere-Chan: “Maybe… he was there for the meeting.”

The Conductor: “What?! Ye stay quiet all this time, and when you finally open yer mouth, it’s just
pecking nonsense!”

Dedede: “Yeah, we already said he changed the location!”

Luigi: (“I think one of-a those is right… Despite going against everything so far…”)
Yandere-Chan: “Maybe… he was there for the meeting.”


Luigi: “I agree with-a that!”


Luigi: “Ah, I think she’s-a right.”

The Conductor: “Wh… What?!”

Teto: “Are you really this stupid?!”

Luigi: “N-no, I mean… remember what was-a in the dining hall? Mr. Krabs’ whiteboard.”

Miku: “Oh yeah, it was!”

Luigi: “If Mr. Krabs intended the-a meeting to be in classroom A, why did he-a take his
whiteboard to the dining hall?”
Dedede: “That…! Uh… Oh. I dunno…”

Luigi: “And, Sans, when you-a saw Mr. Krabs walking to the dining hall, was his whiteboard with

Sans: “Now that you mention it, yup. He was wheelin’ it along with him.”

Brian: “Well there’s obviously something wrong with one of these stories…”

Peter: “Hey! I wouldn’t lie to you pal, would I?”

Yandere-Chan: “It’s not to do with anyone’s alibi, but the note.”

Nagito: “The note…? Ah! I see what you mean.”

Dedede: “Huh? What is it?!”

Teto: “Don’t hog all the information to yourself!”

Mario: “I for one don’t-a see anything wrong with the note!”

Luigi: (“What’s-a so wrong with the note..?”)

Yandere-Chan: “If you compare the note to the whiteboard, I’m sure you’ll see what I mean.”

Luigi: (“Huh? What part do I-a need to compare?”)

>The colour
>The handwriting

>The message


Luigi: “Ah! I see!”

Mario: “What is it, Luigi?”

Luigi: “If you compare the handwriting on the whiteboard to-a the handwriting on the note…
they’re noticeably different!”

Brian: “They are, aren’t they?”

Yandere-Chan: “Aside from Mr. Krabs’ preference to write in capital letters, the handwriting is
clearly different.”

Parappa: “You noticed that detail? That’s amazing!”

Mario: “And, uh, what does this-a mean?”

Luigi: “Mr. Krabs did not write-a these notes!”

Miku: “Wh-wh-what?!”

Fluttershy: “He… he didn’t?”

Nagito: “It must’ve been a trick to lure everyone away from the dining hall, which must mean the
culprit wrote these notes. Haha! Such a clever idea!”
The Conductor: “Don’t praise the killer, ye stupid peck-neck!”

Sans: “But, why didn’t they just cancel the meeting altogether? That would’ve been easier, right?”

Brian: “What’re you more likely to believe? A location change, or a cancellation without reason?”

2D: “And Mr. Krabs really had no reason to cancel his meetin’. In fact, that motive gave him more
of a reason than anythin’.”

Ashley: “The killer probably didn’t know what to put as a reason, so just changing the location was
a better option I guess…”

Peter: “So, with Mr. Krabs still thinkin’ that everyone was gonna come to the dining hall, went all
alone… And that’s when the killer decided to take a bite outta his head!”

Ashley: “...What?”

Peter: “Well, how did he die?!”

Luigi: “According to the Monokuma File, it was-a blunt force trauma to the head.”

Miku: “Eh? What does that mean?”

Teto: “Well, obviously someone bopped him on the head!”

Dedede: “More like full-on whacked!”

Yandere-Chan: “Also, there’s something weird about that Monokuma File.”

Monokuma: “Weird? Weird? What don’t you like about it, lady?!”
Luigi: (“Something weird… huh?”)

>It doesn’t say the weapon

>It doesn’t say the culprit

>It doesn’t say his final words


Luigi: “The weapon isn’t explicitly stated in the-a file!”

Sans: “Yeah, but it’s pretty obvious what it is, though.”

Nagito: “Is it, though?”

Luigi: (“Is it…?”)


Sans: “The weapon’s pretty clear to me.”

Peter: “Is it the spice bottle? Maybe they wanted to spice him up before they ate him!”

Brian: “Peter, now’s not the time for your ‘eaten theory’...”

Sans: “No. They whacked him with the frying pan, plain n’ simple.”

Nagito: “Ah, are you sure about that?”

Sans: “Yup.”

Mario: “He-a seems pretty sure…”

Luigi: (“Nagito is very persistent in-a saying it’s not… Is he right?”)

Sans: “No. They whacked him with the frying pan, plain n’ simple.”


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “I too have-a doubts about the frying pan being the weapon…”

Sans: “Oh?”

Luigi: “I remembered what Nagito asked about the-a frying pan during the investigation…”


Nagito: “If you got hit on the head with a frying pan, how would you expect the blood to look like
on it?”

Luigi: “W-wha—!”

Mario: “Hey, don’t go appearing outta nowhere!”

Nagito: “Am I not allowed to investigate, too? Am I that worthless?”

Mario: “What…?”

Nagito: “I just thought you’d like to keep that question in mind, that’s all.”


Luigi: “Now, I think I-a understand what he meant.”

Mario: “I thought what he-a said was a bunch of nonsense!”

Luigi: “But, if you were to-a hit someone on the head with a weapon in an attempt of murder…
then the blood on the weapon would-a be splattered everywhere!”

Nagito: “Well done, Luigi! You are correct!”

Ashley: “This isn’t a game, you know…”

Parappa: “Wait, is that really true?”

Yandere-Chan: “I can confirm that is true, especially considering how no other part of the frying
pan was covered in blood except for the underside. It just seemed a little too… neat.”

Teto: “Eh? Why would you know that so well?”

Yandere-Chan: “...”

Luigi: “Uh, anyway, that part makes-a me doubt that the frying pan was-a the weapon at all.”
Mario: “Then, why was it-a there?”

Brian: “It was probably just to throw us off from the real weapon used. Placing it in the pool of
blood made it seem like it was connected to the murder.”

Peter: “Ah, a very smart explanation, Brian! I’m sure the killer’s identity will come to you next!”

Brian: “That’s not how it works, Peter…”

The Conductor: “What a sly culprit - using red herrings like that is such a cliché movie trope!”

Ashley: “Then why didn’t you think of that in the first place…”

2D: “Alroight, so uh, what was the real weapon then?”

Nagito: “If it’s identity was hidden, then it's probably pretty unconventional.”

Miku: “Hmm, what could the weapon be…?”

Luigi: (“Looks like we-a have to uncover what the real weapon was… I can’t-a say what it was for
sure yet, but maybe talking about it will give us a clue…”)


Dedede: “So what’s the weapon?”

Ashley: “That’s what we’re trying to discuss.”

The Conductor: “So how about ye shut yer mouth and use yer brain for a change!”
Dedede: “Oi! Oi! I already have! I bet it was another piece of kitchen equipment!”

Parappa: “Maybe the weapon was from the dining hall… like a chair!”

Fluttershy: “U-um, what if it had to do with the shelf…?”

Teto: “Maybe they whacked him with his own claw!”

Miku: “Ah! How horrible!”

Luigi: (“Those-a seem like a bunch of random ideas… However, I think one of them could-a

Fluttershy: “U-um, what if it had to do with the shelf…?”


Luigi: “I agree with-a that!”


Luigi: “Fluttershy, I think you may be-a right.”

Fluttershy: “A-ah, really?”

Teto: “Yeah, really?! I thought my idea was good!”

Luigi: “Well, it’s just what you-a said about the spice shelf before… About there being enough
room for somebody to-a stand on it.”
Parappa: “There is?”

Fluttershy: “Y-yeah… just enough space for one person.”

Nagito: “Ah, that’s quite interesting.”

Peter: “Why? Did Mr. Krabs fall off it and bump his head? Gasp! Was he his own murderer?!”

Monokuma: “Puhuhu! That would be very funny!”

Yandere-Chan: “That just confirms that it didn’t happen. Well, it’s not like it was a liable theory to
begin with.”

Peter: “Hey! Even if you play hard to get, I’m gonna try anyway!”

Luigi: (“What is he-a talking about…?”)

The Conductor: “So what’s the point of bringing up this shelf, then?”

Luigi: “Well, there may be a way the killer used it in the murder. And that’s-a what we need to
discuss next!”

Mario: “This-a seems a little too ridiculous, bro…”

Ashley: “And what are the possibilities for the shelf…?”

Peter: “The killer pushed Mr. Krabs off that shelf!”

Sans: “But there’s only enough space on that shelf for one person.”
Peter: “Then, uh, the killer threw spices at him!”

Teto: “How would spices cause that much damage to his head? And, we only found one broken
bottle at the crime scene, idiot!”

Peter: “Hey, I’m tryin’ my hardest here!”

Miku: “Maybe the shelf isn’t part of this after all…”

Mario: “This is exactly what I’m-a talking about, Luigi!”

Yandere-Chan: “No, there definitely is a way the killer could have utilised the shelf.”

Nagito: “It seems that you’re onto something again…”

Luigi: (“She’s-a right… I have-a feeling there may be some way the shelf was involved. I just gotta
think about it!”)


*Q1: Who would’ve been standing on the shelf?*

>Mr. Krabs

>The culprit

>A third party


*Q2: Where would Mr. Krabs be located for the culprit to strike?*

>Over the shelf

>On the shelf

>Under the shelf


*Q3: What would the culprit have to do to strike Mr. Krabs?*

>Jump off the shelf

>Throw something off the shelf

>Call out to Mr. Krabs


Luigi: “It’s all-a coming together!”


Luigi: “To strike Mr. Krabs… the killer jumped off-a the shelf!”

Dedede: “They did what?!”

Yandere-Chan: “Jumping off the shelf would give the killer the advantage of extra height to their
blow, and is a pretty unconventional way of murder.”

Nagito: “It could’ve also been a makeshift hiding spot to easily strike Mr. Krabs.”

The Conductor: “Was hiding behind a bloomin’ crate not enough?!”

2D: “Yeah, they could’ve easily just jumped off a crate…”

Luigi: “No, there’s-a evidence proving that it was-a the shelf.”


Luigi: “I-a found this broken spice bottle under the shelf where it-a came from.”

Mario: “I thought we didn’t need to worry about-a that!”

Luigi: “But, as the killer jumped off, they probably knocked over this-a bottle, and that’s-a why we
found it broken at the scene.”

Brian: “Well, I suppose that does make plausible sense. There were a lot of spices up there, so the
chances of one being knocked down while standing on it is pretty high.”

Teto: “What a clumsy killer!”

Luigi: “And with-a this, I can conclude that the killer jumped off-a the shelf to kill Mr. Krabs—“

Peter: “Hang on there, pal!”


Luigi: “Huh?”

Peter: “You’re getting ahead of yourself here, buddy! You drunk or something?!”

Luigi: “I am…?”

Peter: “Now then, Luigi, prepare to battle against me in a fight of pure wit and muscle!”

Peter: “So, despite none of my theories being correct, you continue to say that the shelf was used! I
thought we were pals!”

Luigi: “It’s not-a that… My theory is that the killer jumped off the shelf.”

Peter: “Don’t be stupid, Luigi! How’d the killer get onto the shelf in the first place? Unless it was
some totally awesome si-fi teleportation device, there’s nothing that could’ve got them up


Luigi: “Allow me to-a cut through those words!”


Luigi: “Actually, there is something that the killer could of-a used to get onto the shelf.”

Peter: “I bet 20 bucks you’re wrong!”

Luihi: “Uh… This crate has marks of-a blood on the bottom, despite being far away from the pool
of-a blood.”

Parappa: “How’d it get blood on it then?”

Luigi: “The killer pushed the crate to the wall to-a get onto the shelf. When pushing it back, it
probably went-a through some of the blood, staining the bottom of it.”

Peter: “Oh, heheh. Luigi, about those 20 bucks…”

Luigi: “It’s-a fine…”

Ashley: “So, even if the shelf was used, that doesn’t tell us the weapon.”

Teto: “Yeah, it doesn’t tell us what the killer used to kill him, y’know?!”

Sans: “If it wasn’t the pan… then I’m outta ideas.”

Miku: “Hmm….”

Fluttershy: “Uh…”

Nagito: “If we can’t think about the weapon, how about we focus on something else? For example,
how Mr. Krabs got lured to the kitchen.”

The Conductor: “Lured?”

Nagito: “Well, Mr. Krabs was in the dining hall for the meeting. So, what made him go to the

2D: “The killer must’ve done something to grab his attention.”

Mario: “I-a guess we gotta think about that now, huh?”

Luigi: (“What lured Mr. Krabs to the kitchen… That’s-a what we need to discuss next!”)


Mario: “What lured Mr. Krabs to the-a kitchen…”

Dedede: “They coulda’ lured him with food! Does anyone know what he liked?”
Fluttershy: “Maybe they grabbed his attention with a loud noise…”

Teto: “Did they scream at the top of their lungs?”

Miku: “Ah! Too loud for me~!”

Parappa: “Hmm… Maybe they lured him with something he liked?”

The Conductor: “I have no pecking idea what that crab liked…”

Luigi: (“I think I have-a some evidence that goes with one of those-a statements…”)

Parappa: “Hmm… Maybe they lured him with something he liked?”


Luigi: “I agree with-a that!”


Luigi: “Ah, Parappa, I think you’re right!”

Parappa: “I am…? I mean, I am!”

Luigi: “Remember that-a monocoin you found? I think that’s what lured Mr. Krabs to the kitchen!”

Ashley: “A monocoin…?”
Brian: “Mr. Krabs’ favourite thing was money, after all.”

Monokuma: “And I thought I was pretty greedy! Puhuhu!”

Ashley: “But I thought it just came out of his pocket…”

Yandere-Chan: “There’s still a possibility that it was the culprit’s.”

The Conductor: “Alright, so how did he find it? Clearly it wasn’t spotted from the pecking

2D: “Oh yeah, how did he find it then?”

Nagito: “Does anyone remember what Mr. Krabs said he used to find monocoins?”

Dedede: “What?! What does that mean?!”

Luigi: (“What he-a used to find monocoins…?”)


2D: “The machine takes this odd-lookin’ currency called monocoins.”

Ashley: “Monocoins…?”

Mr. Krabs: “These babies!”

Mr. Krabs smugly pulled out 20 or so monocoins from his pockets.

Miku: “Eh?! But Monokuma only gave us one each!”

Mr. Krabs: “I went off to look for some more using me lucky senses!”

Luigi: “Do you-a plan to spend them on the machine?”

Mr. Krabs: “What? Of course not!”

Luigi: (“Then why did you-a want to find so many…?”)


Luigi: “Ah, he-a said he used his-a lucky senses!”

Fluttershy: “But, what are his lucky senses?”

Mario: “Maybe it’s-a just luck?”

Nagito: “No. Luck doesn’t work like that.”

Miku: “Eh? Are you a major in the study of luck?”

Yandere-Chan: “If you think about the term ‘lucky senses’, and it is not to do with luck, then it has
something to do with one of his senses.”

Peter: “Like a sixth sense? His super power is absorbing money like a magnet?!”

Teto: “That wouldn’t even make as an interesting manga…”

Luigi: (“One of-a his senses huh…?”)





Luigi: “Is it… sight?”

The Conductor: “I already pecking said ye couldn’t see it from the doorway! Or, are ye gonna tell
me that he had x-ray vision?!”

Luigi: (“Ah, I don’t-a think that was the right choice… Maybe a different sense?”)





Luigi: “Is it… smell?”

Dedede: “He smelt the money?!”

Yandere-Chan: “Yes. The monocoins have a distinct metal smell to them. It is not strong, however
for a crab who is obsessed with money, the smell should’ve become very potent.”

Nagito: “The culprit must’ve figured this out somehow, and used it to their advantage!”
2D: “So the killer used the monocoin to lure Mr. Krabs into the kitchen by it’s smell?”

Luigi: “That-a must be it.”

Mario: “Wow, that’s-a pretty crazy…”

Brian: “So, now it comes down to the question of who owns a monocoin.”

Peter: “Not me, pal!”

Ashley: “Couldn’t they have just stolen the coin off Mr. Krabs? He seemed to have plenty.”

Luigi: “No, we didn’t find any other coins on him, and that’s-a because he hid all of them in his-a

Brian: “That I can confirm.”

The Conductor: “If stealin’s not an option, then whoever owns a monocoin is the culprit!”

Parappa: “Who has a monocoin then?”

Luigi: “Well, when we-a were investigating the Monomono Machine, Monokuma gave me, Mario,
Miku, 2D, and Mr. Krabs one monocoin each.”

Teto: “And you have dug your own grave once again!”

Luigi: “Huh?”

Teto: “I know who the culprit is! It’s you, Luigi!”

Miku: “Eh?!?! Luigi?!”

Luigi: “W-what?!”

Teto: “You’re the only one without a fake note, owns a monocoin, and has a super suspiciously
fake alibi!”

Ashley: “What is your alibi, by the way…?”

Dedede: “Yeah, why didn’t you go to that meetin’?”

Luigi: “U-uh, well, it’s because Mario and I went back to our dorms, as he said I needed some-a

Teto: “Likely story!”

The Conductor: “Even if that did happen, nothing was stoppin’ ye from going back to the dining

Mario: “You’re all-a wrong! Luigi spent his monocoin on the machine! We all-a watched him!”

Miku: “Y-yeah, that’s right! Luigi doesn’t have any monocoins!”

Luigi: “U-uh, actually, I-a did find some more monocoins around the school later on…”

Nagito: “Being truthful even in the height of doubt… What an interesting choice to make.”

Luigi: “W-well, I—“

Peter: “So Luigi is the culprit? I did not see that coming!”
Fluttershy: “I-it can’t be…”

Luigi: “I-it’s not-a me!”

Teto: “You can say that all you want, but it won’t change anything!”

Dedede: “Can we vote now? We know who dunnit right?”

Parappa: “But it can’t be Luigi! I don’t believe that!”

2D: “We haven’t even figured out the murder weapon yet.”

Teto: “That doesn’t matter! He’s the most suspicious, and our only suspect!”

Luigi: “Wh-wha… I-I…”

Mario: “It’s-a not Luigi!”

Nagito: “If I were to comment on his, I’d say we’re all split.”

Monokuma: “Oh! Oh! You said it! You said split! Banana split!”

Fluttershy: “Banana split…?”

Monokuma: “Not to worry! If you’re all divided, I have a special way to deal with this!”

Yandere-Chan: “You do…?”

Monokuma: “I present to you all the morphenomenal trial grounds!”

The Conductor: “Eh? This thing can change?! What a high tech set!”

Miku: “We’re gonna morph?!”

Luigi: (“I don’t-a know what’s about to happen, but, I need to somehow convince everyone that
I’m not-a the culprit… Because, if they vote for-a me, we’ll all… Don’t-a worry! I gotta get us
back on track! I just gotta stay confident!”)


*Is Luigi the culprit?*




The Conductor














Teto: “Luigi is the only one without a note, so he must’ve been the one to write them all!”

2D: “Maybe the killer forgot to give a note to Luigi, or he never found his.”

Brian: “Still, Luigi outright admitted he owns monocoins, so he still had a chance to lure Mr.

Parappa: “But Luigi’s not the only one who owns monocoins!”

Peter: “Luigi’s been pretty eager to talk about that shelf though… Is he trying to distract us?!”

Fluttershy: “N-no, there’s evidence that proves the shelf is connected to the murder…”

Dedede: “Then, Luigi’s the one that jumped from the shelf, making him the murderer!”

Yandere-Chan: “Even if you say he jumped, we still haven’t discussed what the murder weapon
even is.”
The Conductor: “Then he probably used the bloomin’ frying pan!”

Miku: “But, we already said that the frying pan isn’t the weapon!”

Sans: “However, Luigi’s alibi seems pretty suspicious, don’t-cha think?”

Nagito: “But, his alibi includes Mario, and we haven’t even checked with him yet.”

Ashley: “Even if Luigi went to his dorm, he could’ve just gone back to the kitchen.”

Mario: “No he couldn’t, because I saw him-a go into his dorm myself!”

Teto: “There’s no other possibilities, so Luigi’s the killer!”

Luigi: “No, there still are possibilities we haven’t-a checked yet.”



“This is our answer!”


Mario: “See? Luigi isn’t-a the culprit, alright?!”

Nagito: “At least, we shouldn’t see it as the only possibility.”

Teto: “...Hmph, fine. Sorry, Luigi, I just wanted to find the killer.”
Luigi: “It’s okay.”

Dedede: “Then what do we do now?!”

Brian: “Look for someone else who matches what we know about the culprit, it seems.”

Luigi: “...”

Mario: “...”

Luigi: “...!”

Miku: “Luigi…?”

The Conductor: “Looks like the lad just had an epiphany.”

Fluttershy: “Are you alright, Luigi?”

Luigi: “I… Yeah. I just… I-a think I know who the killer is.”

Dedede: “You do?!”

Teto: “Who is it?!”

Luigi: “I…”

Peter: “Out with it, buddy!”

Luigi: (“This might-a be completely wrong… But, I’ve-a just had a horrible realisation… I have to
check… I have to see if I’m-a wrong… I have to be… It can’t-a be… it’s… it’s…”)

Mario: “Luigi, it’s okay. Whatever you’re-a doubting, don’t worry about it. You can-a tell us,
alright? We’re gonna get through this together, remember? So, please… You don’t-a need to be

Luigi: “Mario…”

Mario: “Yes, Luigi…?”

Luigi: “Was… Was it you…?”

Mario: “...”

Miku: “What?! The brothers are suspecting each other?!”

Dedede: “It was Mario?!”

Parappa: “No way!”

Luigi: “I… don’t believe it either. But, something inside of-a me… I-it’s just a possibility I wanna
get rid of…”

Peter: “Well let’s get rid of it then!”

Nagito: “Wait, Mario does fit the criteria too, right?”

2D: “He does?”

Luigi: (“Who is the only one with a monocoin that could’ve done it?”)
>Mr. Krabs




Luigi: “Out of-a the people who owned monocoins, Mr. Krabs is-a dead, and Miku and 2D went to
the meeting. That only leaves… me and Mario.”

Mario: “...”

Luigi: (“Who could’ve wrote those notes?”)

>Mr. Krabs




Luigi: “Anyone could’ve written those notes… including Mario.”

Mario: “...”

Luigi: (“Who could’ve gone back to the dining hall… despite walking me to the dorms…?”)



>Mr. Krabs

Luigi: “Mario just had as much of a chance as I did to… go back to the kitchen.”

Mario: “...You’re a pretty smart guy, Luigi.”

Fluttershy: “B-but, that doesn’t mean he did it, right…?”

Parappa: “There’s gotta be another way!”

Luigi: “There… there probably is. I’m sorry, Mario… Just forget I-a said anything.”

Mario: “There’s-a nothing wrong with checking every possibility.”

Luigi: “Huh…?”

Mario: “If I was the killer, what did I-a do next? After killing Mr. Krabs, where did I go?”

Luigi: “Mario, what are-a you…?”

The Conductor: “Well, what did he do next?”

Nagito: “How about we discuss that now?”

Luigi: (“Huh…? Mario, why are you being so passive about-a this…?”)

Mario: “What did I do next then?”

Sans: “After dealin’ with ya murder, I bet you fled the scene.”

2D: “But then, that would’ve been around the toime we all left the classroom.”

Miku: “Yeah, we didn’t see anyone come out of the dining hall.”

Ashley: “Then did he stay in the dining hall all night? That way, he could’ve just escaped in the

Teto: “Ew, imagine staying locked up with a dead body…”

Nagito: “A body that you killed, nonetheless.”

Luigi: (“What is Mario doing…? I just need to ignore him and focus on-a finding weak spots…”)

Ashley: “Then did he stay in the dining hall all night? That way, he could’ve just escaped in the


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “Mari— The killer couldn’t of-a stayed in the dining hall all night. Me, Fluttershy, and
Yandere-Chan were outside the dining hall before the-a morning announcement.”

Yandere: “When we went in, we didn’t find anyone else. Even if someone were hiding, it would’ve
been easy to find them.”
Teto: “It would…?”

Brian: “So, the killer escaped the dining hall sometime during the nighttime announcement.”

Peter: “But we already said we didn’t see anyone come out of the dining hall!”

Nagito: “What time did you five actually leave the classroom?”

Fluttershy: “Right when the announcement played - 10pm.”

Nagito: “Ah, but you’re forgetting something.”

Miku: “We are…?”

Nagito: “Think back to when we were all in the gym for the first time. And, also when we were in
the gym for Monokuma’s motive.”

Luigi: (“...”)

Nagito: “When the nighttime announcement played, were we all immediately locked in the gym?”

Luigi: “N-no, there was a little bit of-a time as we were still talking…”

Nagito: “Exactly. Now, think about what Monokuma says during the nighttime announcement.”

Luigi: (“What does he say…?”)

Monokuma: “I’ll say it right here, right now! Despite not being nighttime: It is now 10pm. As
such, the doors to the dining hall and gym will be locked. [Insert goofy joke here]”
Nagito: “‘Will be locked’...That doesn’t sound too immediate to me.”

The Conductor: “It doesn’t?!”

Monokuma: “Nope, puhu! I like to wait a couple minutes before I officially close the doors just in
case someone was innocently in one of those places, y’know!”

Dedede: “Damn, I had no idea!”

Nagito: “Even if you five left at 10pm, the culprit still had a chance to escape after you.”

Brian: “Wait. There’s still something not accounted for—“

Peter: “Alright, guess it’s time for me to put this whole mystery together!”

Brian: “Peter—!”

Peter: “Listen one, listen all!”


Peter: “So after fleeing the scene a lil’ after 10… the killer went back to their dorm for a snooze!”

Sans: “I could go for a snooze right now, heheh.”

Brian: “Peter, what about the blood?”

Peter: “Blood? What blood?”

Ashley: “The blood on the killer, stupid…”

Peter: “Oh, that’s simple - the killer just took a shower! Geez, how stupid can you guys be?”

Parappa: “Hey, I’m not stupid…”

Luigi: (“No… there’s no way the killer could’ve done-a that…”)

Peter: “Oh, that’s simple - the killer just took a shower! Geez, how stupid can you guys be?”


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “The killer couldn’t of-a washed off the blood… because at night, the water is turned off.”

Peter: “That doesn’t mean they couldn’t of used their spit!”

Brian: “Peter, I think it’s best if you stay quiet for the rest of this…”

2D: “So when did the killer take a shower then?”

Miku: “Did they take a shower at all?”

Luigi: (“No, I think the killer took a shower…”)

>In the morning

>In the evening

>They didn’t shower


Luigi: “They took the shower in the morning, after the morning announcement.”

The Conductor: “And when did ye find the body, again?”

Fluttershy: “A-around… 7:05 to 7:10 in the morning.”

Yandere-Chan: “And everyone gathered around 7:15 to 7:20.”

Ashley: “That basically gives the killer just enough time to take a shower, I guess.”

Luigi: (“No… I remember now…”)


Nagito: “Ah, I see. One of us has committed murder!”

Parappa: “One of… us?”

Dedede: “No way! I bet Monokuma did it!”

Monokuma: “I can’t do anything to you lovely students unless you break a rule! One of you did
this to poor ol’ Krabs fair and square! And now, you have to figure out who dunnit!”
Mario: “Who dunnit…? Nobody did it - it was you!”

Luigi: “Mario…!”

Mario stood in the kitchen doorway, clenching his fists enraged.

Monokuma: “Um, no. I just said I can’t. You really need to get your ears checked, plumber.”


Luigi: “At the time… I thought-a Mario was just being in denial about Monokuma’s involvement
of the murder… But, what if it was because he just got there? And, that’s all he-a heard?”

Mario: “...”

Nagito: “Ah, so his shower did take a little longer, and therefore was late.”

2D: “No one would’ve been payin’ attention to who wasn’t there, since we were all focused on the

Ashley: “So… Luigi is saying that Mario did it.”

Luigi: “I-I—“

Miku: “Brotherly betrayal!”

Teto: “But is he actually the killer then?”

Fluttershy: “N-no, we were just trying to clear away this possibility, right…?”
Brian: “But after talking about it for so long, it seems it makes more sense than we thought.”

Luigi: “No, n-no, there has to-a be something else! Someone else! Mario… Mario would never—!”

Mario: “Luigi.”

Luigi: “H-huh…?”

Mario: “Throughout this-a whole trial, you’ve surprised me. You’ve shown me a side to you that I-
a never thought existed - which is funny, since I should-a know everything about you by now… It
makes me all the more proud of you.”

Luigi: “What… what are you-a saying…?”

Mario: “I want you to-a find the truth. Hiding is no longer an option for you, or me.”

Luigi: “...H...Huh…?”

Miku: “What’s going on…?”

The Conductor: “What’s he talking about…?”

Mario: “Huh? Haha! What'd ya mean what’s going on? Obviously, I’m not-a the killer!”

Parappa: “Yeah… of course he isn’t!”

Mario: “I mean, no ones even gotta clue on the weapon, right? That-a means it could be anyone
still! Haha!”

Brian: “The weapon could be basically anything at this point.”

Mario: “You could-a say I jumped, but that’s not a weapon, is it! You can’t-a kill Mr. Krabs by

Peter: “Haha! How silly of us!”

Luigi: (“Mario… I-a know what you’re doing. You-a want me to find the truth, huh…? There…
there may be one possibility… one possibility that only you could’ve done…”)

Mario: “You’re-a saying I’m the killer, Luigi? I didn’t know you were such a comedian! Haha!”

Sans: “Heheh, I guess he is…”

Luigi: “No… there is something.”

Mario: “No! There’s nothing at all, Luigi!”

Luigi: (“I’ve… I've just gotta prove it to you!”)



“You’re-a saying I’m the killer?”

“Haha! Very funny, Luigi!”

“There’s no way that’s-a true!”


“All this-a evidence…”

“Is clearly a coincidence!”

“You don’t-a believe your own brother?”

“Luigi… Please stop-a this!”

“I’m-a sorry I told you to go to bed!”

“You could’ve prevented the murder!”

“I was-a just thinking wrong!”

“This whole-a thing is my fault!”

“Please… don’t give up!”


“What did I do… to-a kill Mr. Krabs…?”





Luigi: “All this-a time… we couldn’t think of a weapon… we couldn’t think of a weapon that that
killer used when jumping off the shelf… But, that’s because Mario stomped on his head!”

Dedede: “He what?!”

Teto: “Stomped on his… head?!”

The Conductor: “That wouldn’t pecking kill him!”

Luigi: “Of course, for any normal person, that-a wouldn’t kill anyone. But, Mario’s specialty is
stomping on the heads of enemies…”

Ashley: “Oh yeah… I’ve heard of that.”

Nagito: “So, using the shelf wasn’t just for extra height, but also so Mario could perform his

Mario: “...”
Luigi: “Mario… I still don’t-a believe what I’m saying… There’s no way, right…?”

Mario: “Never cease-a to amaze me, you do..”

Luigi: “...”

Parappa: “There’s no way Mario’s the killer!”

Miku: “Yeah! It’s impossible!”

Fluttershy: “H-he’s been helping us all this time… he’s the one who suggested to investigate a way

Dedede: “What kinda guy like that would turn his back on us?!”

Luigi: (“I don’t-a know what to think anymore… But, I’ve gotta look past the lies…!”)


Parappa: “Mario can’t be the killer!”

Peter: “Yeah, anyone who can make pasta ain’t a murderer to me!”

Nagito: “A lot of the evidence points to him, though… and we’ve just discovered a potential
method of murder.”

The Conductor: “Stomping on his head…”

2D: “Is there any proof that it happened, though?”

Dedede: “None, none at all!”

Miku: “So, Mario’s safe then?”

Teto: “Are we back to square one?!”

Luigi: (“I need to-a look past the lies… I need to-a find the truth!”)

Dedede: “None, none at all!”


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “No… there is evidence proving it-a happened.”

Dedede: “There is?!”

Luigi: “When I took a closer look at-a Mr. Krabs’ wound, it looked kinda dirty. And… I think it
might-a be from Mario’s shoes when he stomped on him…”

Teto: “Eh? You’ve proved the killer by dirty shoes?!”

Nagito: “That is quite a damning piece of evidence. How else could the wound have gotten dirty?”

Parappa: “I… I dunno…”

Sans: “So, Mario really is the killer?”

Luigi: “...”

Mario: “I can’t-a believe that was the first thing you noticed, Luigi. Haha, maybe you’re better
suited as-a Ultimate Detective.”

Luigi: “N-no… Mario…”

Mario: “Luigi, I want you to do a favour for-a me… End this. Reveal everything, solve all of the
mysteries… and end this.”

Brian: “Are you… confessing?”

Parappa: “Huh?!”

Mario: “Please, Luigi. For me. For everyone. For the truth.”

Luigi: “...I…Okay. Let’s go over the case… one final time.”

Luigi: “Let’s-a go back to yesterday morning, where it all began. The culprit overheard the
schedule of-a the meeting by Mr. Krabs, and decided to use it to their advantage. They wrote-a
notes to everyone in Mr. Krabs’ crew pretending to be Mr. Krabs, informing them all of a location
change from the dining hall to classroom A for the meeting. All except-a me.”

Luigi: “When I-a went to the dining hall, the culprit was a little surprised to see me. They
convinced-a me to go back to the dorms with them, but they never actually intended to stay long.
After we had-a left, the others must’ve gone to the classroom for the supposed meeting.”
Luigi: “After I went into my dorm, the culprit went back to the kitchen to set up-a their crime
scene. They placed a monocoin right underneath-a the spice shelf, and pushed a crate to the wall to
climb onto the shelf. Then, they waited.”

Luigi: “Later, Mr. Krabs came to the kitchen, and probably assumed he was early since no one
was-a there. He then caught the smell of the monocoin, since he frequently used-a his nose to find
money, which the culprit found out too.”
Luigi: “Enticed into the kitchen, Mr. Krabs found the money under the shelf, and when he was-a in
the perfect spot, the culprit striked by stomping on his-a head…”

Luigi: “The killer then got to-a work finishing up the crime scene, however they had to be quick as
it was-a almost nighttime. They hastily pushed the crate back to its original position, which went
through some of-a the blood. To finish, they placed a frying pan in the pool of-a blood, to make it
seem like the murder weapon. When everybody in the crew left at the nighttime announcement, the
culprit waited until they were all-a gone before leaving themself, as the door to the dining hall
doesn’t lock immediately.”
Luigi: “In the morning, the culprit quickly showered the blood off-a themself, since the water was
off during nighttime. And, this is why they were-a slightly late to the body discovery.”

Luigi: “That’s the truth, isn’t it? The truth you want-a me to believe… Mario.”

Luigi: “That’s… that’s all of the case.”

Mario: “Thank you, Luigi. You did-a pretty well.”

Fluttershy: “So… M-Mario really did it…?”

Peter: “No way!”

The Conductor: “Arg! Why?!”

Yandere-Chan: “...”

Mario: “...I guess there’s-a nothing left to say, huh?”

Luigi: “...”

Monokuma: “I guess there isn’t! And in that case, we can end this trial for good! Let’s move onto
the voting time everyone! Now then, please cast your vote! Also, make quadruple sure you vote
for someone, alright? You could die if you don’t!”
Luigi: “...”

Monokuma: “Who will be chosen as the blackened?! Will you make the right choice or the
dreadfully wrong one?! What’s it gonna be?! What’s it gonna beeeee?!”



Monokuma: “Well, won’t ya look at that! You all voted correctly! The blackened who killed Mr.
Krabs is none other than the Ultimate Hero, Mario!”

Luigi: “...”

Luigi gripped tightly onto his podium, to keep himself upright. He didn’t want to believe what the
bear had just said about his brother - he just didn’t. He kept a firm gaze on Mario, who took his hat
off in shame.

Mario: “Heh… you’re all-a right.”

Miku: “The one who killed poor Krabby…”

Dedede: “Why?! Why’d ya kill him?!”

Teto: “You said you didn’t believe what Monokuma said about the killing game, right? Were you
lying to us?!”

Mario: “Ah, I’m-a sorry about that…”

Luigi: “M-Mario… you… but, why…?”

Mario: “Guess I have-a some explaining to do, huh?”

Peter: “You sure do!”

Mario: “...I suppose it all began with the motive.”

Brian: “The First Blood Perk…”

Mario: “I thought, maybe if I did it, I could just escape and get help.”

Nagito: “Even so, that meant sacrificing one of us.”

Mario: “Yeah, I-a know…”

Sans: “So is there a reason you went for Mr. Krabs?”

Mario: “From the way he was-a acting, it seemed like he’d put others before himself.”

The Conductor: “But you bloomin’ killed him! I think even he would be sayin’ no to that!”

Mario: “I realised that too late…”

Ashley: “Is that the only reason you decided to kill him…?”

Mario: “I… There were times where he seemed kinda suspicious… The whole ‘boss’ thing felt
strange… and when he said that thing to Luigi…”

Mr. Krabs laughed vigorously and placed a firm claw on Luigi’s shoulder.

Mr. Krabs: “Ey, lad, don’t look so worried. I promise ye, under me care, you’ll be just fine. So, let
ye guard down, alright? Arg arg arg!”


Luigi: “That…”

Mario: “I was-a still hung up at the time about whether or not I should-a do it, and hearing that… It
made me start theorising Mr. Krabs was gonna do something. I kept having these-a thoughts about
it… about the meeting… about Mr. Krabs… I even thought he was planning to-a kill Luigi.”

Luigi: “Wh-what…?”

Mario: “My mind was going crazy… So, I decided to write those-a notes.”

2D: “Was that not so you could kill him in the kitchen?”

Mario: “I… I was still torn at the time. I stayed in the dining hall thinking about it… and that’s-a
when Luigi came in.”

Luigi: “So, that’s-a why you were…”


Mario: “Oh, Luigi! What are you doing here?”

Luigi: “Mario…? I have a meeting here, remember?”

Mario: “Oh, that’s-a right! Where is everybody then?”

Luigi: “I don’t-a know. I guess I’m-a early or something, haha. What are you doing here?”

Mario: “Me? Oh, I just wanted to-a get a snack. All my investigating has made me hungry

Luigi: (“Always gluttonous to the end…”)


Mario: “I almost forgot you were gonna come to the dining hall… haha.”

Luigi: “You knew I was gonna come…? Then, you actually didn’t write me a note?”

Mario: “No… I wanted to keep you away from that-a meeting, Mr. Krabs as well, in case he did

Luigi: “Then, what you said to me… was that…?”

Mario: “Don’t get-a me wrong. I really was concerned for your health, you seriously weren’t
looking so great. That was also a reason why I thought Mr. Krabs would target you.”

Fluttershy: “B-but, would Mr. Krabs really…?”

Mario: “I don’t-a know. Thinking back on it, it was all probably just my misinterpretation.”

Brian: “When did you decide to kill him?”

Mario: “As we got to-a the dorms, and seeing Luigi was safe as he went into his-a room… I had a
thought… a desperate thought. I wanted to escape. I wanted to escape with Luigi safe.”
Luigi: “Mario…”

Mario: “If I’m-a being honest, I wasn’t thinking straight at all. I did lure Mr. Krabs with the
monocoin, and… I did stomp on his-a head. I didn’t want to stay long after that… and that’s-a
probably why the crime scene looked so sloppy, huh? Haha…”

Yandere-Chan: “That’s why so much evidence was left behind…”

Mario: “I did quickly put the pan down, though I’m not-a sure why I even did it.”

Nagito: “You knew you were killing in the perk’s time limit, so it doesn’t make sense why you’d
want to obstruct us. There wouldn’t even be a trial to begin with.”

Mario: “Yeah… but I still had a feeling deep down I guess…”

Parappa: “But that still isn’t fair, right? Even if you did it, you did do it in the limit, and Monokuma
never told us about when the body had to be discovered!”

Monokuma: “Whoopsies…!”

Mario: “When I heard that, I knew I should’ve never of-a done it… I was even paranoid when I
woke up, that’s-a why my shower took so long.”

Luigi: “But, before the investigation, you said…”


Mario: “Luigi… if I didn’t tell you to-a go to sleep, then you probably would’ve been able to-a
prevent the murder, and—“

Luigi: “It’s alright, Mario… it’s not-a your fault.”

Mario: “But, it is. And, to make up for it, we need to-a find out who killed Mr. Krabs - for his-a


Mario: “Since I found out there was going to be a trial after all, I wanted to help you all I-a

Sans: “Well, why didn’t you just outright say you were the killer then?”

Mario: “I didn’t know if I should, I didn’t know what would happen… I just wanted to escape.
Escape with Luigi. Escape with you all. But, I guess I-a took it too far by killing… and that is

Luigi: “N-no, Mario—“

Mario: “It’s alright, Luigi. What I did… I understand if it’s-a hard to believe still. I still don’t
believe it myself sometimes.”

Monokuma: “Even if you can’t believe it, it still happened! So, I think that’s enough exposition,
cause I’m getting totally bored over here!”

The Conductor: “Why? What’re you waitin’ for?”

Monokuma: “To do the punishment, silly!”

Fluttershy: “P-punishment…?”

2D: “Oh yeah, you said the killer would receive punishment if they were found out…”

Ashley: “What is the punishment, then?”

Monokuma: “Execution!”

Mario: “Huh—!?”

Luigi: “What—?!”

Monokuma: “Oops! Did I forget to tell you that? It’s pretty obvious though: an eye for an eye, as
they say! Mario killed, so Mario gets killed in return!”

Nagito: “Oh dear, if only I told you all sooner… I completely forgot.”

Teto: “You knew about it?!”

Dedede: “How d’ya know all this?! Are ya working with Monokuma?!”

Nagito: “I’m terribly sorry, Mario. Maybe if I did tell you about it, you never would’ve committed
the murder… However, maybe it was better that I didn’t tell you.”

Peter: “Why the hell’s that?!”

Nagito: “You killed for the hope to escape. You killed for your sake of hope. If anything, Mr.
Krabs was merely a stepping stone so you could get closer to your hope. And that… is such an
amazing feat!”

Mario: “...”

Ashley: “You’re seriously messed up.”

Brian: “God, how inconsiderate can you get?”

Mario: “...Heh, maybe he’s-a right. I didn’t know what else I wanted other than to get outta here.
And now… I guess I’m going nowhere.”

Luigi: “W-what are you saying…?”

Mario: “You heard the bear, right? Execution.”

Luigi’s eyes widened as much as they could. Hearing his brother say that made Luigi finally realise
what was going to happen. He felt a cold sweat on the back of his neck, and he held back his tears.

Luigi: “No… you’re not gonna… y-you can’t…”

Monokuma: “Oh, but I can! And I will! It’s the rules, green plumber!”

Luigi felt as if his world was distorting around him. It wasn’t right. None of this was right.

Monokuma: “So, without further ado, I’ve prepared a very special—“

Luigi: “NO!”

Suddenly Luigi sprinted to his brother, and wrapped his arms around him, gripping him horribly
tight with trembling arms.

Mario: “L-Luigi…?”

Luigi: “N-no, you’re-a not— you’re-a not dying! I’m not gonna let you! This is— this isn’t real!”

Luigi rambled between loud sobs, tears streaking down his pale face. Everyone looked at the two
in guilt and sympathy.

Mario: “Luigi… It’s alright.”

Luigi: “Wh...What…?”

Mario: “We’ve-a lost challenges sometimes, right?”

Luigi: “Y-yeah, but… but we don’t—“

Mario: “And, sometimes you gotta face the consequences… I’m… I’m prepared for this. I’m not
gonna look away. This was-a my fault, Mr. Krabs didn’t deserve what I did to him, and I have to
face this punishment.”

Luigi: “B-but, the Kingdom, Peach, everyone… m-me…”

Mario: “...Even if I’m not there, they’re all strong on their own. They’ll get through it… and,
Luigi, you gotta be strong too. Prove to me, to everyone, that you can do it: to escape here and
defeat whoever’s behind this. Show me the Luigi I’ve-a always wanted to see.”

Luigi looked to the ground, eyes shaking. As he felt a gloved hand wipe away a tear, he looked
back up into his brother’s eyes.

Luigi: “...How do I prove myself when you won’t be here…?”

Mario: “I’ll just-a know.”

Mario then smiled. It was warm. It was determined. It was proud. It almost didn’t reflect any sense
of fear or anger as to what was about to happen to him, as if it wasn’t going to happen at all. Luigi
stared at him for a while, teary eyed and shaky breathed. After taking a deep breath, he finally

Luigi: “...For you, I… I’ll try.”

Mario: “Not try. Will.”

Luigi: “I… I will.”

Mario hugged Luigi one last time, and stood back.

Mario: “I guess this is-a goodbye, huh? I had fun, but I suppose everything comes to an end.”

Fluttershy: “N-no…”

Miku: “Mario…”

The Conductor: “Oh, lord…”

Monokuma: “...We done? Good! Don’t interrupt me again, or I might just kill you out of spite!”

Mario: “...”

Monokuma: “Ahem! Without any further rude interruptions, I’ve prepared a very special
punishment for Mario, the Ultimate Hero!”

Luigi: “M-Mario… please—!”

Mario: “Don’t-a worry about me, Luigi.”

Monokuma: “Let’s give it everything we’ve got! It’s punishment time!!!”

Luigi: “Mario—!!!”

Mario: “I love you, little bro.”


Monokuma: “E X T R E M E! Extreme to the max!”

Dedede: “What?! What the heck was that?!”

Teto: “That was… horrible!!”

Peter: “What kind of bear are you?!”

Monokuma: “A bear that loves a good ol’ death - that’s who!”

Ashley: “You’re sick.”

Monokuma: “Not as sick as someone who killed an innocent crab! Puhuhuhu! Ahahahahaha!”

Monokuma, after a maniacal laugh, disappeared.

Miku: “Poor Mario… h-he only wanted to escape with all of us…”

2D: “Hey, it’s gonna be alroight…”

Parappa: “Luigi…?”

The only thing Luigi could hear was ringing in his ears. The world spun around him, and his legs
gave out as he collapsed to the floor.

Fluttershy: “L-Luigi—!”
He couldn’t hear anything going on around him - everything was muffled, far, far away.

He couldn’t even hear himself scream.

It all happened so fast. Some had rushed to help him up, gave him distant support: a rub on the
back, an “it’s gonna be okay”. He wasn’t paying attention to any of it. They walked him to the
elevator, and travelled in complete silence back to the school. Three walked him to his room, from
his blurred vision he could make them out as Fluttershy, Peter and Brian. As they helped him into
his room, they said something he couldn’t make out, then they slowly shut the door.

Luigi struggled to his bed, stumbling over his feet too many times to count. He fell immediately
onto the bed, and shut his eyes tight. Tears somehow continued, as he thought he ran out, and stung
his cheeks once more.

He wasn’t going to wake up. He was never going to wake up. His brother was never going to
again, so why should he?

He should only be allowed to wallow in despair.

Chapter End Notes

Enjoy your despair sundae huehue,, and just expect trial chapters to take a longer while
to get done ;(
Chapter 2: His Grief, Their Longing (Daily Life)
Chapter Notes

*sweats profusely at the 11k word count* I??? How???

Welcome back to despair, y’all. This time I hoped you’re prepared for an even longer
chapter somehow. Ngl I had some difficulty writing this as I saw the word count
getting higher and higher when I wasn’t even close to finishing and I was just like:
Despite that, Enjoy~!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

*Ding dong, bing bong*

The sudden sound of a bell shot Luigi up from his tireless sleep. He heard a muffled voice cheerily
greet him in the morning as he rubbed his eyes.

Luigi: (“How long…. How long have I been asleep…? Does it even matter…?”)

Luigi laid back down on his bed, and slowly shut his eyes.

Luigi: (“It doesn’t matter… Nothing matters anymore…”)

Tears started to prick his eyes again, and he was going to give in to yet another despair-filled
slumber until he heard a knock at his door.

Luigi: (“Please… just go away…”)

Despite Luigi’s mental protests, the knocking continued on.

Luigi: (“Please…”)

He heard a muffled voice from behind the door. It sounded slightly pleading, but also very
concerned. If he tried to make out the wording, it seemed as if they were asking him to come out.

He thought over it for a moment, staring at the ceiling in hopes that the knocking would just stop.
He sighed.

Luigi: (“I… I guess there’s-a no point locking myself up when there’s others here. Maybe I should
just answer it…”)

With whatever energy he had left, Luigi hesitantly lifted himself out of bed and wandered to the
door. He opened the door just a crack, and peeked out.

Luigi: “...?”

Fluttershy: “Oh, thank goodness you’re alright! W-well, actually…”

Luigi eventually realised who he was looking at, and what they just said. It was true. His eyes were
strained and dark from the on and off sleep, he looked pale beyond relief, and his limbs felt so
heavy that he could collapse on the floor at any given time.

Luigi: “What… What is it…?”

Fluttershy: “Oh, Luigi, we’ve all been so worried about you! You’ve been locked up in your room
all day yesterday! Me and a couple others tried knocking at your door, but you never responded.
We even tried to tell you we brought food, but you never opened up…”

Luigi: (“I’ve… I’ve been in my room for a whole day…?”)

Fluttershy: “But I’m so glad you’ve answered! Would you like something to eat…?”

Luigi: “I…”

Luigi didn’t know what to say. He didn’t realise there were people here who cared like this. He felt
horribly guilty about not answering sooner, however he couldn’t remember what had occurred
during that day, since his memory of it was mostly fuzzy. He was suddenly taken out of his
thoughts as his hand was taken by a hoof.

Fluttershy: “I know what you’re going through is very, very hard, but you can’t forget to take care
of yourself.”

Luigi: “...”

Fluttershy: “...It’s alright if you don’t want to go to the dining hall. I can make you something
myself and bring it to your room… Luigi?”

Luigi looked to the floor.

Luigi: (“Heh… He probably would’ve pushed me to the dining hall by now.”)

Luigi took a deep breath, and steadied himself.

Luigi: “N-no, I… I want to go. It’s not right for me to… to stay like-a this. It’s not… it’s not what
he would’ve wanted.”

Fluttershy: “Ah, really? Well, in that case, I’ll head there first to give you some time.”

Luigi gave her a shaky nod and the pony walked off. He inhaled deeply, shoulders tensing, and
then dropping as he sighed out.

Luigi: (“Everything’s gonna be okay, Luigi…”)

Focusing on his steps, Luigi proceeded to the dining hall. As he took his first step inside,
practically everyone looked his way.

Luigi: “...”
Parappa: “Ah, Luigi…!”

The Conductor: “So the lass wasn’t lyin’, huh…”

Miku: “We were so worried about you, Luigi!”

Luigi: “Ah, uh… I’m-a sorry for… for staying in my room for so long…”

Fluttershy: “There’s no need to apologise, Luigi.”

2D: “After wot happened, it’s alroight to feel this way… we all do.”

Teto: “Yeah, losing your brother must be horrible…”

Ashley: “Don’t say it out loud. You might make him feel worse.”

Teto: “Ah, sorry!”

Luigi: “No, it’s alright. T-there’s no point in pretending it didn’t happen…”

Sans: “Hey, there’s no need to feel bad for what you did. If I lost my brother, I’d feel the exact
same way.”

Dedede: “Ya just gotta keep on goin’! You’re still alive, right? Then live it to the fullest!”

The Conductor: “‘Yer still alive’? Way to rub it in, peck-neck!”

Dedede: “Hey! I ain’t the best with words y’know?”

Brian: “But he’s right. It’s probably what Mario would’ve wanted you to do as well.”

Peter: “Yeah, he wanted you to keep goin’ and escape, pal!”

Miku: “And he’s always gonna be watching over you, and protecting you, and loving you~!”

Nagito: “I’m not sure my words will help, but, this is an opportunity for you to take hold of a
stronger hope, and from there, it’ll only get stronger. Just… don’t fall into despair.”

Parappa: “You just gotta keep believing!”

Luigi: “...You all… I… Thank you so much. I don’t-a deserve all this support, but, you’re all-a
right. I’m gonna keep on going. For me, for you all, and for… Mario.”

Luigi’s breath almost hitched as he uttered his brother’s name for the first time since the trial. He
wasn’t going to let that stop him now, however.

Peter: “Man, if we had some drinks right now, this could totally become a toast for Mario!”

Brain: “Last time you held a toast for somebody, you ended up pantless in Chris’ room.”

Ashley: “And I don’t think that’s what Mario would’ve wanted… at all.”

Luigi: “Heh…”

Luigi chuckled a little to their surprise, and he went to sit with the rest of them for breakfast.
Everyone decided to have a group chat about this and that, with Luigi mostly listening rather than
talking. They carried on until topics were as scarce as the food.

2D: “So, wot should we do now?”

Dedede: “I’m feelin’ like busting outta here! Let’s just pick a wall n’ start goin’ at it!”

Teto: “Yeah, I feel really eager to kick something!”

Miku: “How violent~!”

Monokuma: “Don’t you dare destroy my precious school!”

Parappa: “Y-you?!”

The Conductor: “Why don't ye just go back to the cave where ye came from!”

Monokuma: “That’s not very nice, y’know? If there was a word for racism of bears, you would all
definitely be that!”

Nagito: “What do you want, Monokuma? You’re getting a little tiresome again…”

Monokuma: “Even Nagito is mad at me! What a world! I just want to give you all a gift!”

Yandere-Chan: “A gift…?”

Peter: “Is it another Monokuma File? Is someone else dead?!”

Teto: “Do you see any dead people, stupid?!”

Sans: “Heheh, I’m pretty dead on the inside if that counts.”

Monokuma: “No, no! I’ve got an even bigger gift for you all!”
Fluttershy: “A bigger gift?”

Monokuma: “Remember that staircase that you couldn’t access? Well, poof! The bars are gone!
Where did they go?! Who cares — you obtained the second floor!”

Luigi: “The second floor…?”

Miku: “Eh? Really?”

Monokuma: “Consider this a thank you for all your hard work during the first killing! So if you
want more gifts like this, then you might wanna consider killing some more!”

Dedede: “Like heck it’s gonna happen again!”

Parappa: “Yeah! There won’t be any more killings!”

Luigi: (“Yeah… There can’t be.”)

Monokuma: “Wow, talk about naïveté! I can’t wait to see all your despair-ridden faces once one of
you proves that fact wrong! Puhuhu! Now, shoo! Go before I decide to close it up again!”

Monokuma disappeared out of existence once again, and everyone looked at each other.

Brian: “Well, what are we waiting for? We should go see what’s there.”

Fluttershy: “B-but is it safe?”

2D: “We’ll find out when we get there I guess.”

Nagito: “I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about. I’ll go first, though, as a sacrifice.”
Miku: “Sacrifice?!”

Sans: “Heh, he’s right. Even here, I don’t sense any danger.”

Dedede: “What kinda powers do ya have?!”

The Conductor: “Oh, be quiet, the lot of ye! If ye keep bickering, I’m just gonna go me-self!”

And so, people started to leave the dining hall to investigate the supposedly opened second floor.
Luigi, who was rather curious himself, decided to leave too, before being stopped by a large hand
tapping on his shoulder.

Peter: “Hey, Luigi, you can come join us if you’d like, since you don’t have a, uh, partner

Luigi: “Ah, thanks for the offer, but, I’d-a like to investigate by myself if that’s alright.”

Brian: “That’s understandable.”

Peter: “Well, anytime you’re feelin’ lonely, come hang out with us!”

Luigi: “Will do, haha.”

Luigi carried on after a quick goodbye, and walked to the corridor with the stairs.

Luigi: (“Ah, they’re open! Well, I guess I should-a take a look…”)

Hesitantly, Luigi climbed up the stairs, which did indeed lead to the next floor. He decided to
check the map on his e-handbook, and was surprised to see the floor had been added.
Luigi: (“Hmm, looks like-a this place has a lotta practical stuff, huh? I wonder what to look at

It felt weird to not have a certain someone looking over his shoulder, pointing at places and making
most decisions for him. However, he knew he had to keep going despite that. And, if he stayed
hopeful, maybe he’d find something worth while.

Composing himself again, Luigi decided to wander to the large room beside him, which on the
map was listed as the performance hall. It definitely seemed to be it; there was a large stage
complete with curtains and lightning rigging, stage equipment just visible from where he stood,
and even a dressing room to the side. Luigi would be lying if he said he wasn’t amazed, but he was
quickly proven how he wasn’t the most impressed individual.

Miku: “Ah, Luigi! Look! Look!”

Luigi shot his gaze to a blur of teal, who was rapidly bouncing on her heels and pointing at the

Miku: “A stage! A perfect stage! We could all perform together on it!”

Teto: “Stupid! Do you think this is the time to be singing? We’re looking for a way out,
Miku: “Don’t you want to sing too though, Teto? You have a beautiful voice~!”

Teto: “N-no I don’t! I-I mean—! That’s not important! Baka!”

Miku tilted her head at Teto’s strange stutters, and Luigi shrugged off the two’s antics.

Luigi: (“What a strange friendship… Are they even friends…?”)

Teto: “A-anyway, why does a school need such a flashy room for?”

Luigi: “That is strange. Have-a you guys found anything unusual in here?”

Teto: “Nope. Just the stage…”

Miku: “But, that’s okay, right? There’s probably something elsewhere!”

Luigi: “Yeah, I’ve-a just started looking around after all…”

Before leaving, Luigi quickly peeked into the dressing room, and was unexpectedly met with an
exhausted 2D.

Luigi: “Oh, are you alright…?”

2D: “Y-yeah, I’m foine. Just, uh, got shaken by Miku a tad too much — decided to go in here for a

Luigi: “She is pretty excited about that room, huh? Haha.”

2D: “Yeah… Quite the handful she is.”

Luigi: “So have you found anything in-a here?”

2D: “Not anythin’ helpful, unless you count costumes an’ make-up.”

Luigi scanned the room. A few dressing room tables lined the wall, and there were a couple of
clothing racks of what he assumed were performing outfits. Nothing really helpful at all.

Luigi: “That’s alright. I’m-a gonna keep looking around.”

2D: “C’ya, mate.”

Walking back out into the hall, Luigi made his way to the opposite room. Just from catching sight
of bookshelves, he knew he was in the library. Before being able to think about his next move,
Luigi jumped at sudden shouting and hollering.

Peter: “Take that, society! Suck my—!”

Brian: “Peter—!”

Ashley: “Would you be quiet…?!”

Luigi: “U-uh, why’re you shouting…?”

Peter: “Since there ain’t librarians to tell me to shut it, I can make as much noise as I want in this

Luigi: (“Maybe it was a good thing I didn’t choose to go with-a them…”)

Ironically, Luigi could tell Brian had the same thought as him from his tiresome expression, and
decided to talk to him.
Luigi: “Hey, Brian, you’re an author, right? Are there any books here that peak you’re-a interest?”

Brian: “Nothing’s caught my eye so far.”

Peter: “Really? Just a second ago I saw you lookin’ at the adult section—“

Brian: “*cough* P-Peter I think I see some, uh, some Star Trek novels over there.”

Peter: “Aw, sweet! My favourite show!”

Peter rushed off to a far-off bookcase, and Brian sighed a breath of relief.

Brian: “Uh, anyway, how’re you doing?”

Luigi: “Me? Oh, I’m fine… I-a guess. Have you found anything in here worth noting?”

Brian: “Not really. There’s a laptop over there, but it won’t turn on. I haven’t found a power cord,

Luigi: “Hopefully we’ll-a find a way to turn it on. There might be some useful information on it.”

Brian: “That’s what I hope too.”

Luigi checked around the laptop and a few bookcases, until he bumped into Ashley.

Luigi: “Hey, Ashley!”

Ashley: “Hello…”
Luigi: “Are there-a any books that interest you? Any… spell books?”

Ashley: “I did look around for some, but there aren’t any here.”

Luigi: “I guess that was to-a be expected, huh?”

Ashley: “It’s kinda annoying, though. My library has a whole section on them.”

Luigi: “You have a whole library to yourself?!”

Ashley: “It’s no big deal, really.”

Luigi: “Maybe to you, but that does-a sound pretty amazing.”

Ashley: “...”

Ashley curtly looked away, and Luigi could have sworn he saw her blush. He dared call it cute, but
didn’t know what kind of punishment he’d be susceptible to if he said it out loud.

Instead, he waved goodbye to the three and decided to explore another part of the floor, this time
opting to go down the narrow corridor that lead to a large indoor track. Despite the artificial light,
it felt natural and breezy - it almost made him want to run a lap or two. As he looked around, Luigi
spotted some sports equipment, and almost gasped at the sight of some tennis rackets.

Parappa: “Yo, Luigi! Isn’t this cool?”

Luigi: “Yeah, it’s-a pretty nice. I bet Mario would’ve loved this place too…”

Immediately realising what he said, Luigi froze and clenched his fist.

Parappa: “A-ah, Luigi?!”

Luigi: “...S-sorry. I… I just didn’t expect myself to say that.”

Sans: “Hey, don’t worry about it, pal. It happens sometimes.”

Dedede: “Yeah, look on the bright side! At least you can still use this place!”

Sans: “...?”

Dedede: “Y’know, cause uh… Look, I still ain’t good with words, okay?!”

Luigi: “It’s alright. I understand what you-a mean. Anyway, have you found anything in-a here?”

Sans: “Nothin’ that looks like an escape route. Just sports stuff.”

Dedede: “Well, there’s nothin’ like keepin’ active in a time like this!”

Sans: “Count me out. Just lookin’ at the equipment makes me break a sweat, heheh.”

Luigi: “Hmm, well, I’ll-a have a look around anyway.”

Luigi didn’t plan to cover the whole room, as it was quite an open space. Instead, he went over to
the sporting equipment at the side, and awed at the tennis rackets.

Luigi: (“Ah, I-a miss playing tennis with my friends…”)

Dedede: “You enjoy playin’ sports, Luigi?”

Luigi: “Well, yeah, I suppose so. There are a lot of-a sporting events at the Mushroom Kingdom -
from tennis, and football, to even golf.”
Dedede: “Golf?! That ain’t a sport, is it? It’s borin’ as heck!”

Luigi: “I-it’s not so bad… It’s actually quite calming.”

Dedede: “Calmin’, huh? Well, if anyone needs to be calmed, it’s that damn owl! He keeps gettin’
on my case about everything!”

Sans: “It’s kinda funny though. Who knew the birds were gonna start fightin’?”

Dedede: “If he wants a fight, a fight is what he’ll get! Even without my hammer, I’m the strongest
king here!”

Luigi: (“You’re-a the only king here…”)

After realising there really wasn’t much else to look at, Luigi waved the two goodbye and turned to
leave. As he placed his hand on the door, someone stopped him.

Parappa: “Um, Luigi…!”

Luigi: “Huh?”

Parappa: “I… How are you doing?”

Luigi: “Oh, I’m fine. I guess-a this room has lifted my spirits a bit.”

Parappa: “Awesome! And, uh, good luck on the rest of your investigation!”

Luigi: “Thanks!”
Luigi gave the dog a smile as he ventured off back down the hall. The gesture was nice, but it was
kinda strange. It seemed as if Parappa wanted to say something else, but decided against it mid-
sentence. Luigi didn’t dwell on it too long, however, as he was soon face to face with another
room. Opposite its door was another staircase, which was blocked by familiar bars.

Luigi: (“Another floor, huh? Well it’s not like I’ll-a find up what’s up there, anyway. Murders…
aren’t gonna happen anymore…”)

Luigi sighed as he turned back to the door, and walked in. Peering around, he took sight of beds
with curtain dividers, medicine cabinets, and metal refrigerators.

Luigi: (“Yep. Definitely the infirmary.”)

Taking his sight off the scenery, he noticed three others checking out the room too.

Fluttershy: “Oh, hello Luigi! I’m really glad there’s an infirmary now; I was getting really worried
in case somepony got hurt.”

Luigi: “Some… pony?”

Fluttershy: “A-ah, sorry! Just a habit of mine…”

The Conductor: “If I’m being honest, I was wonderin’ too. What if someone got hurt before this
place was available?”

Monokuma: “Then I’d let them bleed out and die!”

Fluttershy: “A-AH!”

The Conductor: “What?! The nerve of ye!”

Monokuma: “Puhuhu! Juuuuust kidding! I probably would’ve opened the floor just for their poor
little worthless injury. I mean, what kind of killing game would this be if someone just died from
their own accident? A very boring game, that’s what!”

Fluttershy: “T-this isn’t a game!”

Monokuma: “Oh? Then, did that whole thing with Mr. Krabs and Mario not happen or something?”

Luigi: “...”

The Conductor: “Arg! Get lost ye dirt-yappin’ animal!”

Monokuma: “So so sorry!”

Monokuma bounced away, and Luigi shook off what he said out of his mind.

Luigi: “...So, uh, Conductor, why’re-a you in here?”

The Conductor: “I suppose this place brings back some ol’ memories.”

Luigi: “Memories?”

The Conductor: “Yeah. A lot of me movies are set on me lovely lil’ train… and there’d be case
after case of owls needin’ medical attention during an action scene. Even the pecking stunt doubles
couldn’t handle jumping off the train at high speeds!”

Luigi: (“Maybe you were-a asking too much from them…”)

Luigi’s eyes wandered around, until he spotted a certain someone eyeing a medicine cabinet. He
raised a brow, and walked over to him.

Luigi: “What are you-a looking at, Nagito?”

Nagito: “I’m just checking to see if there’s any poison in here. We are in a killing game after all.”

Luigi: “You really think there might be-a poison in there…?!”

Nagito: “I don’t see any, but I’d recommend staying aware of the possibility.”

The Conductor: “Great job keepin’ us all on edge, peck-neck!”

Nagito: “Ah, I’m sorry. Maybe if I had kept quiet, you would all be feeling much better.”

Luigi: “I… I guess it is-a something we need to be aware of, though.”

Fluttershy: “But, k-killings aren’t going to happen anymore, right…?”

Luigi: “Y-yeah, they aren’t… Anyway, I think I’ve checked out everything on this-a floor now, so
should we all head back to the dining hall to discuss what we-a found?”

The Conductor: “I guess we gotta round up the others then.”

The four agreed to split off to notify everybody, and Luigi took the opportunity to check the
classrooms. He looked into the first one, and saw a familiar girl searching around. Luigi
remembered how awkward their last conversation was, but then how any previous awkwardness
seemed to subside when she helped him during the trial. He supposed she was more confident in a
detective role, but still had no real idea about her.

Luigi: “U-uh, hey…”

He trailed off as he saw her head whip round, with a similar dark expression on her face when he
first met her. She quickly relaxed upon seeing who called her.

Luigi: “We’re-a all gonna go back to the dining hall to discuss what we-a found. Uh, are you ready
to go down?”

Yandere-Chan: “...I’ll be there soon.”

Luigi nodded at her, and he hesitantly walked off.

Luigi: (“Maybe she was-a still looking? Or, maybe she wanted to go on her own? Still a mystery
to-a me.”)

Deep in thought, Luigi continued down to the dining hall, and when everyone else arrived, they
began their discussion.

Luigi: “So, what did you all-a find?”

Teto: “Did anyone find an escape?”

Dedede: “I only found an indoor track n’ field.”

The Conductor: “Ye didn’t bother lookin’ anywhere else?!”

Dedede: “I like to take things slow, alright?!”

Ashley: “There’s a library.”

Peter: “But for some reason, all the Star Trek novels have disappeared...”

Brian: “There’s a laptop in there also, but no power source.”

Nagito: “I wonder what information could be stored inside…”

Miku: “Hopefully some music, I’m going crazy without melodies~.”

Parappa: “Same…”

2D: “Do you think we moight be able to connect to the internet and contact someone?”

Fluttershy: “But, who would we contact…?”

Brian: “We can’t contact anyone if we can’t get it on.”

Peter: “We just need an electrician on the case, right? Uhh, Luigi! You’re the closest thing to one!

Luigi: (“How is a plumber similar to an electrician..?”)

Sans: “Aside from a dead computer, what else is cookin’?”

Miku: “There’s a super big performance hall~! We should plan a concert!”

Teto: “That’s not helpful!”

2D: “But, I suppose it is. Leisurely things loike that really put our minds offa the situation we’re

Fluttershy: “I think it would be lovely!”

Peter: “I’m a pretty good singer if I say so myself!”

Teto: “You?!”
Nagito: “Before we get too ahead of ourselves, I would like to mention the infirmary.”

The Conductor: “Oh, yeah! None of ye better get yerselves in critical condition! We ain’t
professionals, y’know?”

Nagito: “It’s quite a shame Mikan’s not here.”

Miku: “First Hajime? Now Mikan? Are these your friends~?”

Nagito: “Well, I would call them that. But, I’m not sure they feel the same way about trash like

Ashley: “That’s just sad.”

Luigi: “I guess-a that floor hasn’t given us many clues, but it’s a good place to get our minds off
our-a stress.”

While agreeing what he said, Luigi still felt a little disappointed he didn’t find a way out, or even
any clues as to who was behind this and why. They were probably smart enough not to leave any
obvious evidence lying around, but Luigi still had hoped for just something.

Yandere-Chan: “Here.”

Luigi was taken out of his sombre thoughts as he was handed what looked to be a newspaper

Yandere-Chan: “I found something interesting.”

Luigi studied the article, and furrowed his brows at the headline.

Luigi: “Scientific breakthrough has-a disclosed the possibility of other universes?”

Parappa: “Huh? What does that mean?”

Brian: “I think they’re talking about the theory of the multiverse being true.”

Sans: “Cool.”

Miku: “What’s a multiverse?”

Yandere-Chan: “As a brief explanation, the article states that multiple universes coexist with our
own, where different factors have changed the outcome of its present.”

The Conductor: “Are ye sure that’s not just some movie prop or something? Different universes?
That all sounds like a bunch of hooey!”

Fluttershy: “I-it does sound pretty crazy…”

Nagito: “What else does the article state?”

Luigi: “It says-a here that testing will be put in place to see if communication and-a travel between
universes will be possible.”

Ashley: “It’s already possible. I guess that’s what the demon world is.”

Dedede: “Demon world?! Is that Where Nightmare Enterprises is from?!”

2D: “Wos that newspaper doin’ in a school then?”

Nagito: “Maybe the mastermind wanted us to find it.”

Sans: “Mastermind, huh? I wonder who that could be…”

Luigi: “I really have-a no idea… but this-a article is still worth noting.”

Miku: “Is that everything~?”

Peter: “I sure hope it is. I’ve been holdin’ in another piss. Heheh.”

Teto: “Jeeze, you’re so disgusting!”

Luigi: “I think this was a good discussion, though.”

Parappa: “Yeah!”

Dedede: “Now can we just start hittin’ a wall?”

The Conductor: “If ye honestly think that’ll work, then be me guest! I’d love to watch ye further
prove how braindead penguins are!”

Dedede: “What do you have against my kind?! Owls ain’t so mighty, either!”

The Conductor: “Why ye little—!”

Luigi: “I-I think we should-a all go our separate ways now…”

Peter: “My way’s the bathroom!”

Miku: “And mine is to the performance hall~!”

The two birds grumbled to themselves before leaving with everyone else, who all left to do their
own thing. Luigi, himself, decided to go back to his room.
Luigi: (“A lot has-a happened today, and it’s only past noon… Yandere-Chan found another
important thing on her own, I wonder how she-a does it? And, The Conductor and Dedede - I hope
they-a don’t start fighting too much. It’s better if we all get along…”)

Considering he had the rest of the day left with free time, Luigi thought it’d be good to spend time
with someone. He had an urge to stay in his room. Stay, lie down, and do nothing else. But,
nothing good would come of it. So, pushing that thought back, he passed some time searching the
second floor for monocoins and trying his hand at the Monomono Machine once again.

Luigi: (“I honestly feel like hanging out with-a Miku. I could really use some of her positive

Luigi, already knowing where’d the girl in question would be, made his way to the performance
hall. Relieved he was right, he saw Miku fiddling around with a mic stand.

Luigi: “Ciao, Miku!”

Miku: “Oh, hello~! What does ciao mean?”

Luigi: “It’s-a Italian for ‘hello’, and also ‘goodbye’ actually.”

Miku: “Oooh~!”

Luigi: “So, uh, I was-a wondering if you’d like to chat for a while.”

Miku: “Of course we can!”

Miku skipped over to the edge of the stage and sat down, patting the space next to her for Luigi to
sit too. They passed some time talking about their favourite music and their different cultures.

Luigi: (“This is probably a good time to-a give her a gift…”)

Luigi pulled out a blue notebook decorated with music notes from his pocket, and gave it to Miku.

Miku: “Ooh? Is that for me?! It’s super cute! Arigato, Luigi!”

Luigi: “I remember you said you sang a lotta song genres. Do you have a favourite?”

Miku: “Hmm, if I had to pick, it would probably be deep dark songs with a catchy and upbeat tune!
Producers really love that trope!”

Luigi: “I didn’t expect-a that…”

Miku: “Ah, don’t worry about it~! I also really love singing about forbidden love too!”

Luigi: (“That’s just as-a sad…”)

Miku: “Even though I do have favourite genres, you could never ask me to pick my favourite song!
They’re all so special to me: each one has its own melody, lyrics, meaning, music video…”

Luigi: “How many songs do you-a have?”

Miku: “Ahhh, too many to count! Hundreds can get made a day!”

Luigi: “Huh?! That’s-a crazy!”

Miku: “I know, right? But, since I am a program, my voice can easily get shared around to each
master, so song production can go very fast!”

Luigi: “W-wow… And you don’t-a mind that?”

Miku: “No~! In fact, I love it! It may look very tiring to you, but it’s what I was made for. But,
since I’m trapped here, I’m not sure what’s happening with production now…”
Luigi: (“With the amount of songs you have, I’m-a sure they can all manage.”) “You also
mentioned having different personalities in your songs… What did you-a mean by that?”

Miku: “Well, you see, VOCALOIDs are initially a blank state with a voice and look. This enables a
producer to create narratives and characters in their artistic vision, without being conformed to a set

Luigi: “But, you-a seem to have a big personality right now!”

Miku: “Hehe, every character I become is part of the act. This is the real me, and I don’t usually
get to show it off a lot. I hope you like it~!”

Luigi: “A-actually, it’s very nice.”

Miku: “Ah, thank you…!”

Miku tilted her head slightly and beamed. Luigi was glad he picked her to talk to; she never ceased
to spread her constant positivity through her speech and smiles. And, from this conversation alone,
he thought they had become a little closer that day.

Luigi: (“I still can’t-a believe she’s a program… She just seems so real, so kind…”)

The two continued to chat about music and whatnot, until they parted ways. Not sure what he
wanted to do next, Luigi went back to his dorm room. He relaxed for a while, and thought to
himself about others in the school. As he contemplated hanging out with someone else, he heard a
knock at his door.

Luigi: (“Huh? Who could that-a be?”)

Curious, Luigi went and opened his door, and looked down to see a familiar beanie-wearing dog.

Parappa: “Hey, Luigi.”

Luigi: “Oh, hello Parappa. What do you-a need?”

Parappa: “U-uh…”

The dog produced something from behind his back, and held it out to Luigi. His eyes widened at
the sight: the red colour that signified life-long courage; the slightly frayed cap from years of
adventures; the infamous ‘M’ symbol etched on the front.

It was Mario’s hat.

Parappa: “I thought you might like this back. Sorry I didn’t give it to you sooner, it was kinda hard
to find the right time to…”

Luigi: “Parappa, I… W-where did you…?”

Parappa: “After the… punishment, I noticed how bad you looked, and… I decided to grab it before
I went to the elevator with everyone else.”

Luigi: “But, how… You… You could’ve gotten hurt…”

Parappa: “I know, but I thought you needed it. I thought… maybe it could help.”

Luigi gently took the hat from Parappa, and studied it. He grazed his fingers around the cap, lightly
tracing around the sides. Feeling each fibre brought him a memory of the smaller moustached man
encouraging him, celebrating a victory, collecting a coin, driving in his kart, eating cake, saying
good morning and goodnight… He couldn’t help but well up again.

Parappa: “Ah, Luigi! I-I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have given you it, should I? Geeze, I’m so stupid…”

Luigi: “N-no, it’s… it’s alright. I’m not sad… I’m-a actually really happy. Thank you so much for

Luigi couldn’t help but hug the small dog in sign of gratitude, who tensed up at the unexpected

Luigi: “Ah, sorry… I-I got-a little carried away there…”

Parappa: “It's fine! I’m glad I could help you!”

The two shared a smile, and Luigi wiped away his tears.

Luigi: (“This is probably what he-a wanted to do back at the second floor… He really was eager to
give this to me, huh…?”)

Luigi looked back down at the hat in his hands, and sighed.

Parappa: “So, uh, what have you been up to?”

Luigi: “Not a lot, really.”

Parappa: “Yeah, same… Do you wanna head to the dining hall with me? We usually start dinner
around this time.”

Luigi: “Ah, sure thing.”

Luigi quickly placed the hat in his room (with all the care in the world) and returned back out to
walk with Parappa to the dining hall.

Parappa: “Uh, you can go sit down if you want. I promised Fluttershy I’d help hand out the food.”

Luigi: “Oh, is it alright if I-a help out too?”

Parappa: “Sure! She’ll probably need more help than me, anyway…”

The two walked over to the kitchen, where Luigi suddenly stopped and stared at a surprising sight.

Luigi: “The body… it’s-a gone…!”

There was no trace of Mr. Krabs’ body to be found. No blood, no monocoin, no broken spice
bottle. It was as if nothing ever happened. But, it did. Luigi remembered every detail vividly, and
he hated it.

Fluttershy: “O-oh, hello Luigi! I guess I forgot to tell you about that… I have no idea what
happened, but I’m assuming Monokuma did that…”

Sans: “He prolly didn’t think we’d be very happy cookin’ next to a corpse, heheh.”

Parappa: “I wonder where he got placed…”

Luigi: (“Somewhere nice, I hope… But, considering this is Monokuma we’re-a talking about, it’s
probably not…”) “Anyway, Sans, what’re you doing in-a here?”
Sans: “Just gettin’ my food.”

Sans closed the fridge door to reveal a plate and a bottle of ketchup. Then, he started pouring it
straight onto the plate.

Parappa: “W-what’re you doing?!”

Sans: “Didn’t I just say? It’s my dinner.”

Luigi: “...A condiment?”

Sans: “Yup.”

Fluttershy: “U-um, are you sure you don’t want actual food to go with that…? I have plenty.”

Sans: “This is actual food. Heheh.”

Sans casually strolled out of the kitchen, proudly holding his strange meal. Luigi winced at the
thought of eating just ketchup, but shook it out of his mind once he turned back to the plates on the

Luigi: “Wow, these look amazing!”

Fluttershy: “Thank you! I’m not the best cook, but I do try my hardest!”

Luigi: “Maybe I should-a cook something for everyone one day…”

The three then got to work handing out the food, then sat down themselves. The evening
conversation was calm and thoughtful, with most people chiming in their thoughts about what
they’d do first after they all escaped.
After dinner, Luigi offered to help Fluttershy wash up the dishes, and to his surprise Nagito stayed
back to clean the kitchen. When they were almost all finished, a teal girl popped around the corner
of the doorframe.

Miku: “Hello Fluttershy~!”

Fluttershy: “Hello, Miku! Um, do you want anything?”

Miku: “Yes! Can you come to my dorm as soon as you’re done? I’m hosting a girl’s night!”

Fluttershy: “A girl’s night? Well, I suppose that does sound nice.”

Nagito: “Ah, I’ve just realised there’s only five girls here…”

Luigi: “What about it?”

Nagito: “Usually there’s an even amount of guys and girls… I’m a little worried that you all will be

Miku: “Nonsense, Nagito-Kun! Everyone loves girls, right~?”

Luigi: (“What kind of-a reasoning is that…?”)

Nagito: “Well, I wouldn’t exactly say I… Ah, nevermind. What’s most important is your hope that
this game has stopped.”

Miku: “It definitely has! So, I’ll see you later, Fluttershy! And, no boys allowed~! Hehe!”

Miku left with a mischievously sweet smile, and the three soon finished their chores. They walked
back out into the dining hall, and Fluttershy waved a goodbye.
Fluttershy: “Well, I guess I’ll be going to Miku’s dorm then… I’ll see you in the morning!”

Fluttershy cheerily trotted off, and Luigi decided it would be best if he called it an early night.

Peter: “Hey, Luigi…”

Turning to face the voice who called him, Luigi spotted Peter and Brian sitting at a table.

Peter: “If I were you, I would take a little sneaky peek into that girl’s night. They’re probably
gonna do something real sweet, y’know?”

Luigi: “Something… sweet?”

Brian: “Just ignore him. He’s too scared to look by himself, so he’s trying to get someone else to
do it for him.”

Peter: “No I ain’t! I ain’t interested in those girls anyway!”

Nagito: “I’m pretty sure all of them are much younger than you, anyway.”

Peter: “W-well you’re their age, and I don’t see you tryin’ to start a panty raid!”

Nagito: “I’m just not interested in doing that, is all.”

Nagito shrugged and smiled, then proceeded to leave the dining hall.

Peter: “Anyway, Luigi…”

Luigi: “No, I’d feel rude to. And Miku said no boys allowed anyway.”
Peter: “But that’s more of a reason to do it! They’re just playin’ hard to get!”

Brian: “You know nothing about women…”

Peter: “Uh, who’s the married man here?”

Brian rolled his eyes at his friend’s antics, and Luigi scratched the back of his neck.

Luigi: “W-well, uh, I’m-a gonna get going now…”

He waved the two goodbye, and left for the dorms.

Luigi: (“I always forget how vulgar they can-a be… I guess it’s just not something I’m used to.”)

When Luigi got to his dorm, he turned around to look at the row of dorms behind, and his eyes
landed on Miku’s.

Luigi: (“I mean… I really shouldn’t-a look. But, I’m curious. What does happen during a girl’s
night…? Maybe I’ll just take a quick peak…”)

Disregarding what he said before, Luigi sneaked over to Miku’s door, which was open just a crack.
He gently pushed it open a fraction more, and managed to catch a glimpse inside.
Miku: “Teto-Chan~! You have such lovely hair! What should I do with it?”

Teto: “N-nothing, stupid! Don’t touch my hair!”

Miku: “I think we should do cute ponytails like mine!”

Teto: “T-that… I guess that’s okay— B-but don’t touch anything else!”

Miku: “Yan-Chan, would you like your hair done too?”

Yandere-Chan: “...No thank you.”

Miku: “Aw, please~? I have lots of experience with hairstyles!”

Yandere-Chan: “I’m okay just watching.”

Teto: “Just focus on the person you’re doing before you tie a giant knot in their hair!”
Miku: “Sorry~!”

Fluttershy: “Hey, Ashley, what’re you reading?”

Ashley: “...A gothic story.”

Fluttershy: “Oh, and what’s it about?”

Ashley: “A deformed man who causes havoc in a town. Right now I’m at the part where he clubs a
man to death.”

Fluttershy: “O-oh… Um w-well you must be pretty brave to be reading that…”

Ashley: “...I guess.”

Fluttershy: “How’re you liking the tea?”

Ashley: “It’s very nice, thank you.”

Miku: “Fluttershy’s tea is the best!”

Teto: “Don’t lose your focus, idiot!”

The girls continued to chat and laugh, having a great time in each other’s company.

Luigi: (“So this is a girl’s night, huh? It is sweet… just not in-a the way Peter meant. They all seem
to be having a good time, even Yandere-Chan’s there. So wholesome… So… cute…”)

Parappa: “Luigi?”
Luigi: “H-huh—?!”

Parappa: “What’re you looking at?”

Luigi: “U-uh, nothing! I was-a just going back to my dorm!”

Parappa: “Then why’re you outside Miku’s dorm?”

Luigi: “U-uh… Look, I’m-a sorry. Please don’t tell anyone.”

Parappa: “Oh, they’re having that girl’s night, huh? Don’t feel bad! We could have a guy’s night
one day!”

Luigi: (“That’s-a not what I was apologising for… And I don’t-a think a guy’s night would really
go down well…”)

Sharing an awkward goodnight, Luigi actually went back to his dorm this time. He had been out
one whole day, completely opposing the day before. He didn’t know if he had enough energy to do
it again, but he supposed that’s what sleep was for.

Luigi: (“But it’s-a what he would’ve wanted me to do… Go out there and find an exit… defeat the
mastermind… prevent any more…”)

Luigi couldn’t finish his last thought. He didn’t know if he could. It was him against the word of
13 others. Any of them could be lying.

Luigi: (“No… I’m-a just thinking wrong. I just need some sleep.”)

Ending his final thoughts, Luigi drifted off to sleep.

Monokuma: “Gee, girls are so pretty, aren’t they? They’re basically the best at fashion! So, why
can’t a bear like me do the same? Every time I try on make-up everyone screams and runs away! It
just isn’t fair! Or… were they just screaming at that bloody corpse I mauled to death?”

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Monokuma: “Rise and shine, ursine! Uh, wait, hang on… Good morning students! It is now 7pm.
Get ready to greet another beautiful day!”

Monokuma mumbled something about kids to himself as he hastily switched off the
announcement. Luigi awoke feeling refreshed and ready to combat the day. Then again, there
wouldn’t be anything to combat. Right?

He was proven wrong as he stepped into the dining hall.

The Conductor: “Who the peck do ye think ye are?!”

The Conductor and Dedede were at each other’s throats again, except this time, everyone was
watching with dismay.

Dedede: “I know for a fact that I’m a stronger, handsomer, and more powerful bird then you!”

The Conductor: “I didn’t mean literally, peck-neck! This is what I’m saying to ye - all penguins are
the same! They all have some annoying superiority complex, they do!”

Dedede: “No I don’t! And what about you anyway?! You keep goin’ about your damn movies all
the time! Ain’t that not a super complex or whatever?!”

The Conductor: “At least it has more substance than being some ‘king’!”

Dedede: “‘Some king’?! Ya ain’t gonna treat me like this anymore, ya hear?!”

The Conductor: “Oh, I’m so scared! What’re ye gonna do? Whack me with yer hammer? Oh wait,
ye don’t have it, do yer?! I bet yer faking it, anyway!”

Dedede: “Why I oughta—!”

The two birds continued to scream at each other, and Luigi couldn’t help but want to cover his

Teto: “Ugh, so annoying! They just keep fighting!”

Luigi: “How long have-a they been arguing for…?”

Brian: “God knows how long. Someone needs to shut them up.”

Fluttershy: “I-I did try and stop them from fighting… but they wouldn’t listen.”

Ashley: “...Maybe we should try something physical.”

2D: “You mean, loike, hit ‘em?”

Sans: “Heheh, I kinda wanna see them get into a scrap, though.”

Miku: “No way! Feathers will be flying everywhere!!”

Parappa: “Maybe you can convince them, Luigi!”

Luigi: “M-me? Well, I can-a try…”

Luigi cautiously walked up to the two birds, and cleared his throat.

Luigi: “H-hey, uh, this really isn’t the time to-a start fighting—“

The Conductor & Dedede: “He started it!!!”

Luigi was taken aback, but quickly composed himself.

Luigi: “Still, maybe you two should just have some-a time away from each other for a while, it
isn’t good for anyone if you-a keep going like-a this…”

Teto: “Yeah! It’s super irritating!”

Nagito: “Our situation will only worsen if we fight amongst ourselves…”

Peter: “Just talk it out over a beer! Then, start a bar fight!”

Luigi: (“That’s the complete opposite of what-a we want to happen…”)

The birds looked at the others whose faces were basically pleading for them to stop, then back at
each other.

The Conductor: “As much as I’d like to lay it on thick was this braindead bird, I suppose I’d rather
spend some time without him in me sight.”

Dedede: “I’d much rather spend my precious time wit’ someone more appealin’, anyway!”

Practically everyone sighed a breath of relief.

Fluttershy: “I’m glad that’s over…”

Miku: “Me too…”

The group, in repose, sat down for breakfast, and the two birds kept their distance. When everyone
was finished, they both left their separate ways. Luigi chose to go back to his dorm, and thought
about what he’d do with his newfound free time.
Luigi: (“I should-a probably check up on both The Conductor and Dedede separately… Should I
try Dedede first?”)

With a new goal in mind, Luigi scouted the school for the large penguin. He soon found him
sitting in the indoor field.

Dedede: “What’s that owl’s problem, anyway? It’s like he don’t like penguins or somethin’...
Everyone likes penguins!”

Dedede stopped his mumbling as he saw Luigi walk up to him.

Luigi: “Hey, Dedede… I was-a wondering if you’d like to hang out for a while.”

Dedede: “Why not? I could use some good company after what happened…”

The two talked about Dreamland and The Mushroom Kingdom for a while.

Luigi: (“Maybe I should-a give him a present… it might cheer him up.”)

Luigi handed Dedede a keychain of a mallet with a star design.

Dedede: “Well, won’t ya look at that? It ain’t the perfect size, but it’s pretty great! Thanks, Luigi!”

Luigi: “So you live in Dreamland, Huh? I’ve-a never heard of it.”

Dedede: “Never heard of it?! Ya must be pullin’ my leg! It’s only the best Kingdom in the world!
Not to mention I rule it!”

Luigi: “You are a king, after all…”

Dedede: “I basically have power over everything! Except getting rid of that there Kirby!”
Luigi: “Kirby…? That name sounds familiar.”

Dedede: “It shouldn’t! I’m tryna get him banished forever! I keep buyin’ new monsters to kill him,
but he always defeats ‘em! He’s given me horrible financial trouble!”

Luigi: (“Maybe you should-a stop buying monsters then…?”) “But, I just-a feel like I know that

Dedede: “Well, we do go to this Smash competition thingy… But I don’t invite him or anything!
He’s always just there!”

Luigi: “Ah, that’s it! Smash!”

Dedede: “Wait, y’know it too?”

Luigi: “Yeah! I always go with… with…”

Dedede: “Luigi? You alright?”

Luigi: “Y-yeah, yeah… I know Kirby because I’ve-a seen him at Smash before. But, why haven’t I
seen you there?”

Dedede: “I haven’t seen ya either… Maybe we just haven’t fought against each other yet?”

Luigi: “Probably. I don’t-a normally get very far in the championships anyway, haha…”

Dedede: “No worries! I bet I can teach ya some tips to stay in the game!”

Luigi: “Oh, really? Like what?”

Dedede: “Well… they’re mostly ta do wit’ my hammer… So I guess it’s kinda hard to teach ya
now. But, when we get out, I’ll be sure show ya all the winning moves!”

Luigi: “I guess I wouldn’t mind that… And I would suppose it would-a be nice to have another
friend at Smash now.”

Dedede: “That’s what I’m talking about! We’re gonna be the best Smash buddies!”

Luigi: “Uh, you don’t have to put it like-a that…”

Dedede: “What’s wrong with Smash buddies? Ya like Ultimate Smash buddies better?”

Luigi: (“That-a sounds even worse…”)

Dedede chuckled and patted Luigi a little too hard on the back. Despite being loud, Luigi thought
Dedede was a genuinely good guy, and felt as if he’d gotten a little closer with him today. They
continued their conversation, before parting ways. Luigi, feeling a little socially tired out, decided
to recharge in his dorm. He went to dinner as usual, where everyone was feeling peaceful.
Unfortunately, it didn’t last long.

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Monokuma: “Hola! Bonjour! Konnichiwa! I have an announcement to make! Come to the gym por
favour, s’il vous plait, onegai shimasu!”

The announcement clicked off as some people groaned in annoyance.

Teto: “Ugh, but I’m eating…”

Brian: “It better not be another motive…”

2D: “Now that you mention it, I think it moight be…”

Miku: “But it’s only been three days!”

Ashley: “It’s Monokuma. He doesn’t care.”

Luigi: (“I wonder what it’s-a gonna be…”)

The group reluctantly left for the gym, and met with the much hated bear, who was casually
stretching on the stage.

Monokuma: “Isometric exercise, care to join me?”

Sans: “Nah.”

The Conductor: “Just tell us what ye pecking want.”

Monokuma: “Getting right to the point, I see? Well, you might’ve guessed it, but I’ve come to
announce a new motive!”

Yandere-Chan: “Will it be another First Blood Perk?”

Monokuma: “No, no, no! This motive is completely different! Now, listen here! To whoever kills
next, I’ll grant you one whole wish! That’s right! You could get gazillion dollars! Or a big ol’
mansion! Maybe even a hot girlfriend! Whatever you’d like - and it’s yours! Only if you kill, of

Peter: “Anything?!”

Monokuma: “Yep! But it’s gotta be for you! No wishing things like ‘I wanna get out with
everyone’ because obviously that ain’t happenin’! And no stupid loop holes, either!”

Brian: “Well, that doesn’t matter because no one’s gonna kill for that, right Peter?”
Peter: “Uh, yeah, yeah! Of course we ain’t!”

Teto: “You don’t sound that sure!”

Peter: “I am! I swear!”

Monokuma: “Puhuhu! I can even grant it before the victim is truly dead if you so wish! Imagine
flaunting those gazillion dollars in front of their despair-ridden eyes as they take their last breath!
I’m not so sure about the mansion though, and the girlfriend will be pretty shocked to see you
killing someone… So maybe don’t ask me before if you’re gonna wish for something like that!”

Ashley: “That’s just sick.”

Monokuma: “Well too bad! Because surely one of you by now is plotting something! Oh, I’m so
excited! See you when the murder occurs!”

Monokuma backflipped to behind the podium, and everyone processed the new information.

Nagito: “That is quite the materialistic motive we’ve been presented with.”

Dedede: “I dunno about y’all, but I sure as heck got everything I need!”

The Conductor: “Oh yeah? How about that hammer ye keep yappin’ on about?”

Dedede: “I ain’t gonna kill fo’ that!”

Luigi: “It is a big motive… but we won’t-a kill for that, right?”

Parappa: “Yeah! There’s no way!”

Miku: “Definitely no way!”

Yandere-Chan: “You may say that, but that isn’t what everyone may truly think.”

Luigi: “Huh…?”

Teto: “That’s pretty negative, you know?”

Fluttershy: “Y-yeah, I trust everyone here, so I believe no one’s lying…”

2D: “It’s better off thinkin’ that way, anyway.”

Yandere-Chan: “You all are very gullible.”

And with that, Yandere-Chan turned to leave.

Dedede: “What?! Gullible?! I ain’t gullible!”

Teto: “Jeeze, what’s her problem?”

Miku: “Don’t be rude, Teto! She’s probably just scared.”

2D: “But it isn’t just her. We’re all scared.”

Peter: “Maybe she’s just been without a lil’ action for a while, heheheh.”

Nagito: “I’m afraid to admit she is right, though. Despite what everyone says, someone always acts
upon the motive.”
The Conductor: “And why’re ye so sure about that?”

Nagito: “If you think about a motive like that, it is quite compelling.”

Brian: “Even if it is, is it worth killing over?”

Ashley: “And, you might not even make it through the class trial. Then you’ll just die too.”

Fluttershy: “A-and it means killing another friend…”

Parappa: “So, there’s nothing to worry about, right?”

Luigi: “I’m-a sure there isn’t. It won’t… happen again…”

*Ding dong, bing bong*

The nighttime announcement echoed throughout the gym, and everyone decided to call it a night.
The motive continued to stress Luigi’s mind like the previous one, as he laid down on his bed and
gripped the sheets tightly.

Luigi: (“Whatever motive we’re-a given, we won’t kill anyone. The last one… was just a
mistake… Nothing will happen…”)

Luigi, trying to ignore his fearful thoughts, closed his eyes in hopes to fall asleep fast.

Monokuma: “Stress. What good is it? Everyone hates it, so why does it exist? Maybe because God
hates us? Maybe because science hates us? Maybe because of the individuals like me feed off the
despair that comes with it? I’m voting for the latter!”

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Luigi groaned as he tried to get his eyes to open. He slammed his hands over his ears as he heard
the joyfully sadistic voice ring out over his room, trying to block it from infecting his mind with
more despair. Motives sucked. Knowing he really couldn’t do much about it, he grudgingly got
himself ready and proceeded to the dining hall with heavy steps. When there, he noticed a certain
dog looking a little awkward and lonely, and decided to go see what was up.

Luigi: “Hey, Parappa. Mind if I-a sit with you?”

Parappa: “Oh, sure!”

As Luigi sat down, he couldn’t help but notice how Parappa’s eyes seemed to slightly light up.

Luigi: “Are you alright? You’re were-a looking kinda lonely.”

Parappa: “Yeah, I’m fine… It’s just, uh, I guess I don’t have anyone to hang out with really.”

Luigi: (“He doesn’t? I guess I-a never thought about it before… But he-a seems like a really
outgoing and nice guy…”)

Parappa: “I mean, Fluttershy’s nice to me, but she’s always busy in the kitchen… And once when I
tried talking to Miku, she started playing with my ears…”

Luigi: “How about-a Brian? He’s a dog too, maybe you two would have something in common?”

Parappa: “I dunno… I’m a little scared to talk to him…”

Luigi: (“I guess he-a might be, considering his more… vulgar side.”) “What about Ashley?”

Parappa: “...She’s kinda scary too.”

Luigi: (“Looks like I’m-a giving a bunch-a bad ideas…”) “Well, maybe we could-a hang out.”

Parappa: “Really?”

Luigi: “Yeah, I don’t-a mind!”

Parappa: “Thanks, Luigi!”

The two newfound friends happily ate breakfast together, until someone loudly cleared their throat.
They, including everybody else, looked to the source.

Miku: “Ahem! We have an announcement to make!”

Teto: “We?! I never really agreed to this, you know?!”

2D: “Oh, I thought we did.”

Miku: “Don’t worry, you two! This is gonna be great!”

Ashley: “What’s going to be great?”

Miku: “A concert~!”

Peter: “A Kiss concert?!”

Brian: “When did she say Kiss in that sentence?”

Fluttershy: “A concert sounds lovely! Are you three all going to be singing?”

Miku: “Yep!”

Teto: “W-wait, I don’t know yet—!”

2D: “I thought it would be noice if we all collabed together.”

Nagito: “I think that’s a wonderful idea! It is a good way to bring our minds away from this
despairful situation, after all.

Sans: “I prolly ain’t gonna understand what they’re sayin’ though, heheh.”

Miku: “But we were wondering if anyone else would like to sing too?”
Peter: “Aw, Brian, we should do a duet! I’ve got the perfect song idea!”

Brian: “You better not be thinking about doing Rock Lobster.”

Peter: “Uh, heheh…”

Luigi: “Hey, Parappa, maybe you could-a rap something!”

Parappa: “Yeah! But… I don’t really remember any right now.”

Luigi: “Well you could-a always write one.”

Parappa: “It’s gonna take a while though, I’m not sure it would be done in time.”

Luigi: “Speaking of which, when will you-a be performing?”

Miku: “Tomorrow evening in the performance hall!”

The Conductor: “And ye just gonna sing?”

Teto: “Why? Do you hate singing or something? I’ll have you know Miku is a—!”

The Conductor: “No, no! It didn’t mean it like that! I just thought I could maybe… add somethin’
to that lil’ concert of yers.”

2D: “A lil’... somethin’?”

The Conductor: “A short play, to be exact! It’ll go along well with yer song!”
Miku: “Oooh~! That does seem like a good idea!”

The Conductor: “And I think ye should be the star! Yer seem like a good actor to me!”

Miku: “Ah, really?!”

Teto: “Hey, how about me?! I’m a really good actor, too!”

The Conductor: “...”

Teto: “Well?! What’re you looking at you old bird?!”

The Conductor: “Oh-ho-ho! Quite the feisty attitude ye got there! I think that’s just what I’m
looking for!”

Teto: “Hmhm!”

2D: “You two can have fun with that, I’m not much of the actin’ type.”

Miku: “Aw, really? I think you’d do great!”

Teto: “You heard the man! Leave him out of this!”

The Conductor: “Anywho, I’m gonna need a good playwright to conjure me up a story! ‘Ey, dog,
yer that ultimate author, right?”

Brian: “Well, if you want, I suppose I could write you something sophisticated, with a touch of
comedy or an inner look into—“

The Conductor: “Great! I’ll need it by tonight!”

Brian: “Tonight?”

The Conductor: “And it’s gotta be at least 30 minutes long!”

Brian: “30 minutes?! You really expect me to write something like that by tonight?”

The Conductor: “Fine, fine, it’s gotta be 15 tops, alright?”

Brian: “...I guess that’s a little better.”

Peter: “Oh, oh, can I help ya out, Brian? I got some cool ideas!”

Brian: “No, I think I’m alright. Last time I let you help me out with something we almost ran over

The Conductor: “Finally, I need me-self a lil’ crew to help me out backstage!”

Luigi: “I don’t-a mind helping out.”

Parappa: “Me too!”

The Conductor: “Perfect! Everything’s set! Just keep on practicing yer song, and then we’ll
rehearse the play this evening!”

Miku: “This is gonna be so amazing!!!”

Dedede: “I wouldn’t mind wachin’ somethin’ like that, heheh!”

Luigi: (“I honestly can’t-a wait. Something like-a this happening… It certainly makes me forget
about our situation…”)

The group, who mostly felt excited about the upcoming concert, finished breakfast with a good
conscience. Luigi, realising he now had some free time, decided to use it to talk to the other bird on
his agenda.

Luigi: (“I haven’t talked to The Conductor yet… he-a seems a lot more happy than yesterday
though, especially after planning that play of his… I’m-a kinda glad I get to talk to him in a good

Luigi found The Conductor humming happily to himself in the library, and walked up to him.

Luigi: “Hey, Conductor! If you’re not-a busy, would you like to-a hang out for a while?”

The Conductor: “Eh, why not? Yer don’t seem like a bad lad.”

Luigi listened to The Conductor ramble about movie production for a while.

Luigi: (“I wonder if this is a good time to give him a present he might-a like…”)

Luigi retrieved a small train relic and gave it to The Conductor.

The Conductor: “Is this for me, eh? It reminds me of home… Thanks, Luigi.”

Luigi: “So, uh, I hope-a you don’t mind me asking this, but, why do you fight with Dedede so

The Conductor: “Let’s just say he reminds me of a certain peck-neck who could never keep his
beak shut!”

Luigi: “Who are you talking about?”

The Conductor: “Me movie-makin’ rival, DJ Peck-Neck!”

Luigi: “Huh?”

The Conductor: “Well… actually his name is DJ Grooves, but it’s such an insufferable name, I
have a hard time saying it! All of his movies, if ye could even call them movies, are just a bunch of
loud, eye-bleeding dribble!”

Luigi: “You hate him that-a much, huh…?”

The Conductor: “Of course I do! All penguins are the same! And with what luck I have, I’m
bleedin’ trapped in here with one!”

Luigi: “But, I remember you-a saying that you’ve never lost an award before. If he’s that-a bad,
why don’t you just ignore him?”

The Conductor: “I… I suppose I haven’t been entirely truthful to ye, lad.”

Luigi: “What do you-a mean?”

The Conductor: “Ye see… I lost an award one year. Lost it… to Grooves.”

Luigi: “Really?”

The Conductor: “And that no-good cheap afro-wearin’ fashion show disaster won’t live it down!
Ever since then, I knew penguins were never to be pecking trusted!”

Luigi: (“If it is just-a one award… it really shouldn’t matter. But, I guess The Conductor is-a pretty
serious about movie business, so even one failure is damaging…”) “Also… you-a seem to say
‘peck’ a lot. What does it mean?”

The Conductor: “Oh, ‘peck’, eh? I guess it’s easiest to say in human language, it means the f-
Luigi: “T-then I just-a said—!”

The Conductor: “Hehe! Yer sure did! Ye swore in me mother tongue!”

Luigi: “I-I’m-a sorry!”

The Conductor: “There’s no need to apologise, lad. I think ye would know me tolerance to
swearing by now.”

Luigi: (“I guess I-a do…”)

The two continued to talk for a little while more, until The Conductor excused himself to work on
the staging for the play. Everything else in Luigi’s day played out as per usual, all until he heard a
knock on his dorm door after dinner.

Luigi: “Oh, Parappa?”

Parappa: “Hey, Luigi! Um, can I come in and hang?”

Luigi: “Sure.”

Luigi let the small dog into his dorm, who sat on the edge of his bed. He decided to join him soon

Luigi: “Is there anything you-a wanted to talk about in particular?”

Parappa: “Well, I’ve been trying to write a rap, but I just dunno what to write. Inspiration is kinda
hard here.”

Luigi: “Yeah, I guess-a you’re right. How about a motivational rap?”

Parappa: “I did think of doing that, but I’m just too tired to think of anything…”

Luigi: “How about you-a get some sleep? Maybe you have a better mind in the morning.”

Parappa: “I mean, I would, but…”

Luigi: “But what?”

Parappa: “I… I just wanna hang out right now, y’know?”

Luigi stared at the dog. He was smiling, but that smile felt off. There was a subtle fear in his eyes,
and he was rubbing his arm in an attempt to keep calm.

Luigi: “Hey, Parappa, is everything alright…?”

Parappa: “H-huh? Oh, yeah, everything’s fine!”

Luigi: “Are you sure? You-a seem a little shaken. If there’s anything wrong, you can tell me.”

Luigi watched the dog look to the floor, deep in thought about something. Gradually, his
expression became worse and he held onto his arm more tightly, knuckles almost turning white.

Luigi: “Par— Huh—?!”“

Luigi was suddenly taken aback as a pair of arms shot around him, gripping on for dear life.

Parappa: “I-I’m scared! I don't wanna be here! I-I… I just wanna go home! I wanna see my friends
again! C-cuz, what if… what if when I’m asleep, someone—! I-I don’t wanna die!”

The broken dog weeped between sobs, strengthening his grip on Luigi.

Luigi: “P-Parappa…”

Luigi couldn’t help but be reminded of when he hugged Mario like this, when he sobbed into his
chest, when he was uncontrollably crying out for consolation. It was the exact same situation.

Luigi: “Hey… it’s-a gonna be okay. We’re gonna get out together. We’re all friends, right? No
one’s gonna kill each other, alright? We’re all gonna escape, so please don’t-a worry.”

Parappa looked up at Luigi, a vulnerability showing through his teary eyes.

Parappa: “...We will…?”

Luigi: “I… I promise.”

Parappa tried a smile and wiped his tears.

Parappa: “M-Man, I bet I look really stupid right now…”

Luigi: “You don’t at all. Having the courage to cry at a time like-a this shows how brave you are.”

Parappa: “Really…?”

Luigi: “Yeah. I think it’s-a best for you if you get some sleep now, though. We both agreed to help
The Conductor set up for the concert, so he probably won’t want us to-a be too tired.”

Parappa: “You’re right, let’s just focus on the concert! It’s gonna be awesome!”

Just like that, Parappa was back to his usual energetic self again, and Luigi felt at ease. He walked
Parappa back to his dorm, who turned around just before going inside.

Parappa: “Thank you, Luigi…”

Luigi: “It’s-a no problem at all… Friends support each other, you know?”

Parappa: “Yep! Well, goodnight!”

After waving goodnight to the grateful dog, Luigi returned to his own dorm just before the
nighttime announcement played.

Luigi: (“I had no idea Parappa was feeling like-a that… then again, I’m-a pretty sure everyone
feels on edge deep down, me included. But, it’s best to keep my focus on the concert.”)

Luigi sighed to himself before going to bed, a mixture of feelings enveloping his thoughts.

Monokuma: “Is being famous all that great? Especially being a pop star - you’re expected to sing,
dance, perform in front of thousands, deal with fan mail, create new material, and so, so, so much
more! Everyone wants to be a pop star, but they never stop to think about all the work that goes
into it! All they care about is the pay and the fame! Well, you won’t get any of that if you can’t
even sing! That is, unless you go the auto-tune route…”

*Knock knock*

*Knock knock knock knock knock—*

It hadn’t been a second since the first knocking had finished, but it immediately started up again.
Luigi rubbed his head, trying to prevent a sudden headache, and attempted to gather his thoughts.

Luigi: (“Who’s that…? What time is it…?”)

Luigi groggily trudged over to his door, and opened it to reveal an impatient Conductor with his
hands on his hips, and behind him a tired Parappa rubbing his eyes.

Luigi: “Huh…?”
The Conductor: “It’s about time ye answered! Now, c’mon, we’ve got a stage to prepare!”

Luigi: “H-hang on, what time is it?”

The Conductor: “6:45.”

Luigi: “H-huh?! That’s a little too early, don’t you-a think? They’re not performing until tonight.”

The Conductor: “The earlier the better! That’s what I believe!”

Parappa: “Ugh…”

Luigi’s gaze moved over to Parappa, who looked especially tired. He knew it wasn’t just from the
sudden intrusion from sleep.

Luigi: “Uh, how about we have-a breakfast first?”

The Conductor: “Breakfast?! That’s just gonna waste me time!”

Luigi: “B-but, we’ll-a probably work better after a good meal, right?”

Luigi winked at Parappa, who drowsily smiled in return.

The Conductor: “I suppose that’s true. But yer better be quick about it!”

The three waited for the dining hall to open, and The Conductor ushered them both quickly to the
kitchen to whip up breakfast. He became very admirant in hurrying the two up, even almost
feeding Parappa at one point. Luigi tried to calm the owl down, and he reluctantly gave in as he
made himself a coffee. Once they were all finished, The Conductor led them to the performance
The Conductor: “So, do ye two have anything in particular that ye want to do?”

Parappa: “I think I’m pretty good at setting up mics and speakers.”

Luigi: “I’ve-a never really done anything like-a this before, but maybe I could help out with the
costumes or something.”

The Conductor: “Well, yer overalls look a lil’ shabby, but who knows? Ye may be helpful.”

Luigi: (“Shabby…?”)

As the three arrived in front of the performance hall, The Conductor confidently placed his hand
on the handle, and yanked it open.

He didn’t get very far, however.

The Conductor: “Huh? What the…?”

The Conductor continued twisting and pulling at the handle, but the door wouldn’t open.

The Conductor: “The pecks going on?!”

Parappa: “Is it locked?”

The Conductor: “Who in their right mind would’ve locked this place?!”

Luigi, curious, tried the handle too.

Luigi: “Strange…”
The Conductor: “‘Ey, Luigi, yer a strong one, right? Try bashin’ it open.”

Luigi: “Well I-a wouldn’t exactly call myself strong, but…”

The Conductor: “Just do it!”

Luigi: “O-okay!”

Jolted by The Conductor’s sudden snapping, Luigi rammed himself against the door. Once, twice,
again, until…


Luigi: “W-wah—!”

The door had swung open on Luigi’s hardest blow yet, and he stumbled inside onto the floor due to
the unexpected impact.

Luigi: “Ah, my head…”

As he adjusted his cap, he heard something that made his stomach drop.

Parappa: “H...uh…?!”

The Conductor: “W-What the… Is that…?”

Luigi, confused at the two’s hesitancy, looked up from the floor to the stage.

He wished he didn’t.
It all came rushing back. Those feelings of terror, misunderstanding, drowsiness, and the
engulfment of hopelessness. It happened again. It wasn’t supposed to happen again. It was never
supposed to happen again.

And yet, the despair was back.

Despair from the hanging body of King Dedede.

Chapter End Notes

Poor Dedede (I’m holding back the obvious joke for later alright)
Also did anyone notice the very very subtle foreshadowing to his death in the trial?
Like, he’s the first person to get refuted in the first nonstop debate (like Chihiro), and
the first person to initiate a rebuttal showdown (like Mahiru and Ryoma)
Again I wouldn’t expect you to cause it’s basically not obvious at all lol
Chapter 2: His Grief, Their Longing (Deadly Life)
Chapter Notes

'Ello, 'ello, 'ello! What a turn the world has taken with this COVID-19, huh? Well, it's
a serious matter, so I want y'all to stay safe, so as long as we follow the recommended
advice, everything will be okay (so stop hoardin' all that TP for that giant fort, 'aight?).
Also I hope I don't have to change anything in this chapter; I literally wrote most of the
trial today just so I could get this chapter out... haha.
Anyways, enjoy!!!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The Conductor: “A… A MYYYURDER?!”

The Conductor’s scream rang through Luigi’s ears as he stared at the unmoving body. He trembled
as his inner thoughts swarmed around his mind like an infection. A despair ridden infection.

Parappa: “H-huh!? B-but… but how?!”

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Monokuma: “Puhuhu! Guess what, folks? A body has been discovered! Come to the performance
hall to get an eyeful of this!”
Luigi felt the dread creep in as the announcement confirmed what he was looking at was true.

Dedede was dead. And someone had killed him. Someone had betrayed everybody and killed him.

It took a while for Luigi to hoist himself up from the floor, and once he had, he noticed everyone
else had arrived, looking particularly confused and terrified as well.

Miku: “Penguino…? H-he’s…!”

Brian: “Dead.”

Fluttershy: “N-no… Not again!”

Monokuma: “Again! Again!”

Teto: “Hey! This is all your fault! You keep wanting people to die!”

Peter: “Livin’ is pretty sweet too, y’know?!”

Monokuma: “Sure, sure, you can say that all you’d like. But ya do realise one of you did this,
AGAIN, right? It’s not me!”

2D: “I thought we’d all agreed not to…”

Nagito: “Looks like someone used our trust to betray us behind our backs… I only wish it was for
the sake of hope.”

Sans: “Well, one thing’s for sure is that Dedede is Dededead. Heheh.”
The Conductor: “You shut the peck up.”

Sans: “...Sorry, I had to.”

Ashley: “Must we investigate again?”

Monokuma: “Yeeup! It’s da rules, after all!”

Monokuma fumbled around in his back pocket (which seemingly appeared from out of nowhere)
and pulled out a familiar-looking tablet.

Monokuma: “Here’s the Monokuma File 2.0! Happy investigating!”

Monokuma elegantly slid the file onto the stage and scurried off. Luigi looked around at everyone,
taking in their initial thoughts and expressions.

Miku: “I don’t wanna do this again…”

Teto: “Me neither! It’s not fair!”

Yandere-Chan: “Would you rather die…?”

Teto: “W-well, no, but it’s just too much to handle!”

Luigi: “Maybe… Maybe it is. But, we can’t ignore Dedede’s death… It’s in our right to solve-a
this mystery for his sake…”

The words escaped Luigi before he even realised it. With all his pent up fear and frustration, he
must’ve let out what he truly felt to make everyone listen.

Parappa: “Luigi’s right! We gotta do this for Dedede!”

Sans: “In that case, it’s already obvious who the killer is.”

The Conductor: “Ye know already?! Who is it?!”

Sans: “Well, you, duh.”

The Conductor: “...What?! Me?!”

Teto: “Yeah, It has to be you! You always fought with him, so you probably killed him out of

The Conductor: “Sure, I hated his guts, but I never had any intentions to myurder him!”

Peter: “We’ll be the judge of that, yellow shark…”

Nagito: “Before we start making accusations, I think it’s best to start investigating. First, we need
our crime scene guards.”

Sans: “I’m on it.”

Peter: “C’mon, Brian! Let’s go stand by the boom box… Not to play any music or anythin’,

Brian: “Actually, Peter, I want to do some proper investigating this time.”

Miku: “I can take his role… I want to stay by Penguino’s side!”

Ashley: “You hardly even knew him…”

2D: “Well, I’ll stay close by then.”

The Conductor: “...”

Luigi: (“The Conductor looks pretty guilty right now… I guess it’s-a because he never really made
up with Dedede… I feel kinda bad, maybe I should’ve tried to make them forgive each other
instead of avoid one another… But, I guess there’s nothing I can-a do now… No, there is. I’m-a
gonna get to the bottom of this case, for Dedede’s sake!”)


Parappa: “Hey, Luigi, can I help you out with your investigation? You were pretty cool last time,
so I thought maybe I could help as your sidekick or something.”

Luigi: (“Sidekick, huh? Usually, I’m-a the sidekick…”) “Of course, Parappa. I could-a use all the
help I can get!”

Parappa: “Awsome! What should we look at first?”

Luigi: “Well, the best thing to do right now is to check the Monokuma File. It’ll give us a basic
understanding with what-a we’re dealing with.”

Parappa: “Oh, yeah, haha…”

Luigi, followed by Parappa, walked to the stage, and picked up the Monokuma File.
*”The victim is King Dedede. The estimated time of death was around 11:30pm. The body was
found in the performance hall on the second floor. Airflow has been restricted by tight ropes
around his neck. There are also traces of external substances inside Dedede. Furthermore, there are
stab wounds on either side of Dedede's upper arms.”*

Luigi: “Huh, that’s-a weird…”

Parappa: “What is?”

Luigi: “It doesn’t explicitly state the cause of-a death.”

Parappa: “But it’s pretty clear he was hung, right?”

Luigi: “Well, maybe…”

Parappa: “And, uh, what does it mean by external substances?”

Nagito: “Something must’ve found its way inside Dedede’s body. I’m guessing it’s most likely that
the culprit wanted it there.”
Luigi slightly jumped at the unexpected voice. He turned his head to see Nagito peering over his
shoulder at the file.

Luigi: “What could it be…?”

Nagito: “That’s something I want to find out.”

After thinking to himself for a moment, Nagito strolled away, and Luigi placed the tablet back onto
the stage.

Luigi: (“This case might not-a be so straightforward as I thought…”)

*”Monokuma File #2” has been added to truth bullets*

Parappa: “So, um, are you… gonna look at the body?”

Luigi: “Well, I guess-a I have to. We need to confirm the cause of death anyway.”

The two walked up onto the stage, where Luigi started to check around the large body.

Luigi: “There’s a lotta rope on him… In fact, there's-a two ropes being used here. Probably to keep
him secure in this position.”

Peter: “Man, they tied him up like a rotisserie chicken!”

Miku: “How cruel~! Penguin is not a delicacy!”

Parappa: “But why did they tie him upside down?”

Luigi: “I just realised that too… it’s-a pretty strange. Why couldn’t they just have-a tied him
Peter: “Maybe it was easier to cook him from the head!”

Luigi: (“He’s-a still going on about the victim being food…? No wonder Brian doesn’t want to
keep guard with him anymore…”)

Luigi stared closer at the rope around Dedede’s neck, and couldn’t help the pang in his chest as he
noticed the penguin’s strained expression.

Luigi: (“Poor Dedede… Now, let’s-a see here…”)

Parappa: “It looks pretty tight around his neck, huh…?”

Luigi: “It’s-a practically pulling at the skin.”

Miku: “What kind of person would’ve done that? It’s so horrible!”

Peter: “It’s like they were tryin’ to pop his head off!”

Yandere-Chan: “It looks very unprofessional.”

Miku: “Huuuh?! When did you get here?”

Parappa: “Ah, Yan-Chan! You were pretty cool last time too! Do you have any thoughts about

Yandere-Chan: “...”

Luigi: (“I don’t-a think she took the compliment well… Does she not get praised a lot?”)
Yandere-Chan: “...If anything, it seems like it was the killer’s first attempt at a hanging or

Luigi: “‘Or’?”

Yandere-Chan: “The cause of death isn’t stated, is it not? It must be either of the two, but it’s
unclear what it is yet without further exploration around the cause.”

Miku: “Oooh, Yan-Chan, you’re so smart! Please catch the criminal for us!”

Yandere-Chan: “...”

Luigi: (“And again…”)

*”Rope” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi: (“What to look at now…?”)

Parappa: “Hey, why’s his beak taped?”

Luigi shot his eyes to Dedede’s beak, where it was indeed taped up by the looks of some duck

Luigi: “Huh…”

Sans: “Maybe they wanted to keep him quiet or somethin’... He coulda been screamin’ his lungs
out otherwise.”

Miku: “He was awake?!”

Sans: “I mean, why else would it be there? Just for show?”

Luigi: “Yeah, probably not. But how was he awake?”

Parappa: “Yeah, surely the killer tied him while he was unconscious or something…”

Sans: “Well that just begs the question of how did they knock him out? And where?”

Peter: “What a giant overload of questions! This feels like the time I was on that late night talk

Luigi: (“It is quite a lot to bear…”)

*”Duck Tape” has been added to truth bullets*

As Luigi tried to gather his thoughts, he noticed Yandere-Chan eyeing the sides of Dedede.

Luigi: “Oh, what’re you looking at?”

Yandere-Chan: “The stab wounds on both of his arms. They look suspicious.”

Luigi: “Suspicious, huh? I guess you’re-a right. Why did he need to get stabbed?”

Parappa: “Maybe they’re just there for show?”

Miku: “Like an art piece? Penguino’s not something to be carved on!”

Luigi: “Well, whatever they’re-a for, we’d better keep a note of them.”

*”Stab Wounds” have been added to truth bullets*

Parappa: “Do you think that’s everything, Luigi?”

Luigi: “That’s really all that I can-a see. Would you like to check too?”

Parappa: “M-me?”

Luigi: “Yeah, maybe you’ll-a notice someone that I didn’t.”

Parappa: “Okay, I’ll try my hardest!”

The small dog started to search around Dedede, circling around the body determinedly. Luigi
watched in silent confusion and awe at how serious he seemed to take his role.

Parappa: “Ah! I see something!”

Luigi: “Really? What is it?”

Parappa guestered Luigi to come behind Dedede, and pointed to a particular area on the back of his
exposed head.

Luigi: “Wow, he’s-a looking a little bald there…”

Parappa: “But isn’t it weird? There’s just a patch of missing feathers…”

Luigi: “Yeah, that’s-a definitely not normal. Then again, who’s-a to know? No one’s seen him
without his hat before.”

Sans: “That’s probably why he wears that hat then, heheh.”

Peter: “Gasp! Is that why you wear that hat too, Luigi?”

Luigi: “W-what? No!”

Peter: “Okay… How about you, dog?!”

Parappa: “H-huh?!”

Miku: “Hey, that’s not very nice!”

Peter: “Heheh… sorry pretty lady.”

Luigi: (“Alright then…”) “That was a good catch though, Parappa.”

Parappa: “Thanks!”

*”Odd Patch On Dedede” has been added to truth bullets*

Parappa: “Hey, what’s going on over there?”

Luigi: “Hm?”

The two turned to a familiar tall man looking at some staging equipment behind a curtain. Curious,
they decided to walk up to him.

Luigi: “Hey, 2D. Did you find something?”

2D: “I think so. I just wanted to check behind the stage to see if the killer left some evidence, and I
found this.”
He pointed to a dolly sticking out from the rest of the equipment.

Parappa: “What is it?”

2D: “It’s a dolly. Not used much in stagin’, but I guess it’s helpful in transportin’ stuff.”

Luigi: “Transportation, huh…?”

2D: “But that wasn’t the only thing I noticed…”

2D pulled the dolly out into the light, and Luigi noticed an abundance of blue feathers scattered
around the dolly’s surface.

Parappa: “Blue feathers…?”

Luigi: “It must be Dedede’s.”

2D: “I guess the killer used this to transport him here? So, was he somewhere else beforehand?”

Luigi: “That’s interesting. Where could he have-a been?”

Parappa: “Should we ask around to find out where he was last seen?”

Luigi: “That doesn’t-a sound like a bad idea. Thanks for the find, 2D.”

2D: “Happy to help.”

*”Dolly” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi and Parappa left the stage, where Luigi saw Ashley kneeling down over a mic stand by the

Luigi: “Hey, what’s that-a doing here?”

Ashley: “I don’t know… Shouldn’t all equipment be behind the stage?”

Parappa: “Oh! Maybe that was blocking the door!”

Ashley: “Blocking the door…?”

Luigi: “The door to the performance hall was locked when me, Parappa and The Conductor came
up-a here this morning. And, maybe that was jamming the door shut.”

Ashley: “A mic stand…? Is that really the thing they came up with…? Pathetic.”

Luigi: (“That’s harsh… Then again, this is a killer we’re-a talking about, so I guess it’s okay.”)

Parappa: “Hang on, if the killer locked the door, how did they get out?”

Ashley: “Maybe they didn’t get out at all.”

Luigi: “Didn’t get out at all? You mean, they were-a still in here after we found the body?”

Ashely: “It’s just a possibility.”

Luigi: “At least it is one.”

*”Mic Stand” has been added to truth bullets*

Parappa: “Hey, Luigi, should we check the dressing room? I saw some people go in there, so
maybe there’s a clue!”

Luigi: “Maybe they did - let’s-a go.”

The two ventured over to the dressing room, where they spotted Teto sitting at a dressing table,
pouting, and Brian inspecting the area.

Teto: “All this investigating is so much work. Why can’t the stupid killer just tell us who they

Brian: “That’s basically a death warranty for them.”

Luigi: “And it’s a death warranty for us if we don’t-a solve this…”

Parappa: “So no matter what happens, someone’s gonna die…”

Luigi: “Let’s-a just not think about that for now… Anyway, have you two found anything yet?”

Teto: “Nope…”

Brian: “I found this in a nearby trash can.”

Brian held out a bloody rag to Luigi, who winced at the smell.

Luigi: “What was that doing there?”

Brian: “Looks like the killer tried to discard it. They were pretty stupid to think no one would
notice it though…”

Teto: “What a big dumb killer!”

Luigi: “But, why is there blood on it?”

Parappa: “Yeah, we saw a lotta blood on those wounds still…”

Brian: “I can only assume it’s one of two things: either the killer didn’t realise more blood would
come out of the wounds after they initially cleaned it, or this was used to clean something else

Teto: “That first one makes them even more dumb!”

Luigi: (“I would assume it’s-a the latter, but… I guess I shouldn’t ignore the first one just in case.”)

*”Bloody Rag” has been added to truth bullets*

Brian: “Other than that, nothing else seems out of the ordinary here.”

Luigi: “Alright then, thanks.”

As Luigi turned to leave, there was a tug on his waist, and he looked down to see Parappa
beckoning for his ear. He leaned down as Parappa whispered to him.

Parappa: “Didn’t The Conductor ask Brian to write the script for the play? Maybe he saw
something last night…”

Luigi: “Oh, you might-a be right, Parappa. But, why don’t you just ask him that?”

Parappa: “I’m… kinda scared to.”

Luigi looked at him sympathetically.

Luigi: “It’s alright, I’ll-a ask him for you.”

Parappa: “Really? Sorry about this…”

Luigi: “Don’t-a worry about it. He does look a little hard to talk to.”

Luigi walked back up to Brian, Parappa following close behind.

Luigi: “Hey, Brian, we were-a wondering if you saw anything suspicious last night. As you did the
script for The Conductor, maybe you know something about-a the performance hall?”

Brian: “Nothing about here. None of them were in the performance hall.”

Luigi: “Oh?”

Brian: “I found the Conductor in the middle of the hall on the first floor arguing with Dedede.”

Parappa: “You saw Dedede?!”

Luigi: “What happened next?”

Brian: “I guess I had just missed it, because Dedede was stomping off in the other direction to the
dorms. That’s when I gave the script to The Conductor, who might I add, didn’t even bother
flicking through it. What kind of director doesn’t even check the script before production?”

Luigi: (“That went off into a ramble there… it’s-a almost as if Brian wanted The Conductor to read
it in front of him…”)

Brian: “You’ll probably want to ask The Conductor for his side of the story. He might know where
Dedede could have gone to.”
Luigi: “I think we will. Thanks for letting us-a know about it, though.”

Brian: “No problem.”

*”Brian’s Account” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi and Parappa, fully satisfied that they were done with the room, left to go back out into the
performance hall. Before Luigi could suggest talking to The Conductor, somepony walked up to

Fluttershy: “U-um, Luigi, can I help you with something? You two seem to be doing a lot of
investigating, a-and maybe I could check something for you.”

Parappa: “Check something for us?”

Fluttershy: “Yeah, the railing above the stage… Since that was where… where Dedede was h-
hung, there might be a clue up there.”

Luigi: “Oh, I didn’t-a think of that! How are you gonna check that, though?”

Fluttershy hesitantly spread her wings and lifted herself off the ground.

Luigi: “...Oh yeah.”

The pony looked like she would’ve chuckled if it weren’t for the tense atmosphere, then raised
herself high enough so she could check the railing.
Luigi: “Can-a you see anything up there?”

Fluttershy: “H-hang on…”

Parappa: “How did the killer even get up there to tie the rope? I bet they had to be pretty tall…”

Luigi: “Or maybe they-a used another method…”

Fluttershy: “Um… Oh dear. S-sorry, I don’t see anything up here.”

Parappa: “It’s alright! It’s good we checked anyway, right?”

Fluttershy: “Y-yeah…!”

Just as Fluttershy turned to fly down, Luigi noticed Parappa’s eyes widen at something. Then, he
started to run closer to the stage, frantically hopping around on either foot and stretching his arms

Parappa: “Ah! Ah!”

Luigi: “Parappa…? What’re-a you doing…?”

The dog then jumped onto the stage and clasped his hands together, checking something on his
palms as he landed back down.

Parappa: “Gotcha!”

Luigi: “Got-a what?”

Parappa turned around to show Luigi what was in his hands.

Luigi: “Is that… a red hair?”

Parappa: “I saw it falling down after Fluttershy turned around and brushed it off the edge of the
railing. It could be important!”

Fluttershy landed down next to Parappa, and studied the odd clue as well.

Fluttershy: “Actually, the qualities look more like fur than hair…”

Luigi: “But no one here has-a red fur…”

Fluttershy: “Maybe it’s not important then…”

Parappa: “Oh… Man, I did that all for nothing? Now I feel dumb…”

Luigi: “Well, maybe not. I’ll-a keep a note of it just in case.”

Parappa: “Oh, I’ll hold onto this then!”

Fluttershy: “I’m glad to have helped you find that, in a way…”

*”Red Strand Of Fur” has been added to truth bullets*

Parappa: “Hm, now what?”

Luigi: “I’d-a like to find The Conductor to get his account of his argument with Dedede next.”

Parappa: “Alright! C’mon!”

Parappa eagerly ran to leap off the stage, but he must have miscalculated his step, as he tripped and
flew off the stage instead.

Parappa: “Wah—!”

The dog fell face-first onto the floor with a loud thud, and groaned in pain.

Luigi: “Ah! Parappa!”

Fluttershy: “Oh dear! Are you okay?!”

Parappa lifted himself onto his knees, and wearily smiled.

Parappa: “Yeah, I’m fine…”

Luigi: “You-a look okay, but we should go to the infirmary just in case. I wanted to check there

Parappa: “You did?”

Luigi: “That thing Nagito said before, I’m-a just wondering if the substance came from there…”

Luigi helped the dog back onto his feet, who rubbed his head to subdue the pain.

Parappa: “Well, what’re we waiting for? Let’s go!”

Somehow still as keen as ever, Parappa rushed to the door, Luigi not far behind. They made their
way to the infirmary, where they were surprised to run into a familiar face.

Luigi: “Nagito…?”

Nagito: “Oh, hello there. Don’t mind the trash in your way, I’m just looking around…”

Knowing he was just investigating as well, the two walked into the room. Parappa sat on the edge
of one of the beds, and Luigi started prodding around at the cabinets and fridges. As he opened a
bottom cabinet, he stared in at an interesting sight.

Luigi: (“What’s-a this…?”)

He carefully took out a syringe into the light, and examined its empty contents. Well, almost

Parappa: “What did you find?”

Luigi: “I can-a barely see something inside this-a syringe… I wonder what it is…”

Nagito: “Ah! I was looking for something like that…”

Luigi: “You were…?”

Nagito then opened a higher cabinet door and gestured at a very neat row of bottles.

Nagito: “Do you see this bottle right here?”

He pointed at one of the many bottles which, when focused on, Luigi could swore felt off.

Luigi: “What’s-a wrong with it?”

Nagito: “I just find it interesting how every other bottle is perfectly placed next to one another,
with the label facing frontwards… However, this one in particular is facing the wrong way.”

Parappa: “Maybe someone used it before and put it back like that?”

Nagito: “That may be the case, but I am most concerned with the contents of the bottle…”

Luigi: “The contents…?”

Nagito: “It’s a general anaesthetic. They all are.”

Parappa: “There’s a whole row of them?!”

Nagito: “Of course, it must be Monokuma’s doing.”

Luigi: (“I wouldn’t-a put it past him…”)

Nagito: “As you’ve found that syringe, I feel like there’s now a reason for this out of place

Luigi: (“There is…? Well, I better keep a note of both of-a them then.”)
*”Used Syringe” has been added to truth bullets*

*”Out Of Place Anaesthetic” has been added to truth bullets”*

Nagito: “Well, I’m going to keep searching around. There’s something else I hope to find.”

Luigi: “Really…? In that case, I’ll-a leave you to it.”

Luigi turned back to Parappa, who was swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and rubbing his
head with an ice pack.

Luigi: “How’re you doing?”

Parappa: “Not bad. We can go now if you want.”

Luigi: “I’d rather go when you’re-a completely healed.”

Parappa: “Well, I’m pretty much healed now! So don’t worry about me!”

Luigi looked at the smaller dog for a second, and after seeing him flash a reassuring smile, he
sighed and smiled too.

Luigi: “Alright then. Let’s-a go back and find The Conductor.”

The two walked back to the performance hall, where they found the owl in question looking
distantly at Dedede’s body.

Luigi: “Are you alright, Conductor…?”

The Conductor: “E-eh? Me? Yeah, I’m fine… I just didn’t expect someone like him to die…”
Parappa: “Really?”

The Conductor: “...Or, maybe I did.”

Luigi: “...We-a heard from Brian you had an argument with him last night… If it’s-a not too much
trouble, could you tell us what happened?”

The Conductor: “Ye heard, eh? I suppose I ought to tell yer… It was just another pointless back n’
forth: we had bumped into each other by accident and we both started yelling like we always did…
I knew I had to get to me rehearsal soon so I finished the argument, and that’s when Dedede loudly
proclaimed he was goin’ to the sauna to ‘cool off’... That peck-neck didn’t even realise how stupid
that phrase went with what he said…”

Luigi: “Huh… At least we know where he went now. We should-a probably check out the sauna to
see if they’re any clues there. Thank you Conductor.”

The Conductor: “No problem, lad…”

*”The Conductor’s Account” has been added to truth bullets*

The Conductor: “Oh, er, actually, can I come with yer? I’d like to see if there’s anything too.”

Parappa: “Sure!”

The three then set off for the sauna, but when they arrived at the locker room they noticed a
suspicious detail.

Parappa: “Why’s the sauna’s window so foggy?”

Luigi: “I don’t-a know…”

Luigi went up to the sauna door and slowly opened the door. As he did, he was blasted with what
he thought was a reincarnation of hell on Earth.

Luigi: “Mamma-mia! It’s-a boiling in here!”

The Conductor: “Lordy, it bloomin’ is! I can feel it from here!”

Luigi quickly shut the sauna door, and wiped the newly formed sweat from his forehead.

Parappa: “Man, why’s it so hot in there? Did someone forget to turn it off?”

The Conductor: “Was the peck-neck Dedede that slow brained?!”

Luigi: “Hm…”

Luigi looked off to the side, where he noticed the control for the sauna on the wall. He stepped
closer towards it, and narrowed his eyes at what it read.

Luigi: “Maximum maximum heat…?”

The Conductor: “What the…?”

Monokuma: “Uh-oh! Looks like you found the secret mode to the sauna!”

Parappa: “W-whoa?!”

Luigi: “What is-a that…?”

The Conductor: “I’m pretty sure when we investigated the sauna, the peck-neck cranked it up to
max heat, and it wasn’t as hot as that!”
Monokuma: “Well that’s because this is a special mode that’s even HOTTER than regular
maximum. For the people who can really handle the heat, y’know? Puhuhu!”

Parappa: “Wait, so Dedede had the sauna that hot?!”

Luigi: “No way… if I had it open any longer, I thought I was-a gonna pass out…”

Monokuma: “You must be pretty weak then, green Mario! Ahahaha!”

Monokuma leaped out of the room with a maniacal chuckle, and Luigi held back a scowl.

Parappa: “At least we found something to note, right Luigi?”

Luigi: “...Yeah, definitely.”

*”Sauna Condition” has been added to truth bullets*

The Conductor: “Ey, uh… ye don’t think I’m the killer, do yer?”

Parappa: “Of course not!”

Luigi: “Well… I can’t say for sure. Everyone is still up-a for suspicion, even me. We can’t make
the conclusion until enough evidence points to someone.”

The Conductor: “Yeah… I suppose ye right.”

Luigi: “Oh, by the way Conductor, can I-a know about the rehearsal? Just in case, you know.”

The Conductor: “Erm… Ask Miku about it. I kinda want some time to me-self now if that’s okay.”
Luigi: “Ah, that’s alright… And, don’t worry, we’ll-a find out who did it… Then all of this can

Parappa: “Yeah! We can do it!”

The Conductor: “Heheh… Yeah.”

Luigi and Parappa said their goodbyes to the solemn Conductor, and left to go back to the
performance hall. Miku was still by Dedede’s body, being consoled by 2D (and Peter, if you could
call his ogling supportive).

Luigi: “Hey, Miku. I was-a hoping to talk to you about the rehearsal you had last night?”

Miku: “Oh, of course! What would you like to know?”

Luigi: “All the main points, I guess.”

Miku: “Okaaay, so, the rehearsal started around 10ish… and me, Teto, and Owly did a lot of
practising! But then, something weird happened a little after halfway through…”

Parappa: “Something weird…?”

Miku: “Yeah…”


The Conductor: “C’mon, Miku! I know ye can do a better scream than that!”

Miku: “Sorry~! I don’t wanna be too loud!”

Teto: “Lemme do it! I can scream really loud!!”

The Conductor: “Let’s just try the line again…”

Teto: “Hey! Don’t ignore me!”

The Conductor: “Now, let me see here… Where were we…?”


Miku: “H-huh—?!”

Teto: “Eh—?!”

The Conductor: “What the?! Miku, did ye do that?!”

Miku: “N-no, I—“

The Conductor: “Don’t be so modest! That was bloomin’ amazing!”

Miku: “Eh…?”

Teto: “What?! No fair!”

Miku: “But…”

The Conductor: “No buts! Yer got real potential there! Now, c’mon, this script isn’t gonna read

Miku: “No matter what I tried to tell him, Owly kept thinking the scream was mine…”

Luigi: “That’s… very interesting.”

Miku: “Afterwards, we kept practising until 11pm, cause I got kinda tired… And Owly was so nice
to me! He said stars like me deserve their beauty sleep! Then again, I feel guilty because he was
mainly impressed with that scream I didn’t even do…”

Parappa: “Aw…”

Luigi: “I think-a I have a better understanding of the situation now… Thank you, Miku.”

Miku: “You’re welcome~!”

*”Miku’s Account” has been added to truth bullets*

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Monokuma: “Well, won’t-cha look at the time? The investigation period is over! Hallelujah! Trial
time! Please make your way to the red door on the first floor, and the fun will continue!”

Everyone stared begrudgingly at the bear on the monitor as he flickered in and out. It was time to
put this case to rest.

Parappa: “I hope we found everything…”

Luigi: “I’m-a sure we have… Let’s-a get going.”

The group eventually all made it back to the door they never expected to cross paths with again,
and walked in. However, before Luigi could follow, he was stopped by a tap on his shoulder from

Luigi: “Huh…? Oh, Nagito?”

Nagito: “Hello, Luigi. I thought you’d like to take a look at this.”

Nagito swiftly brung his other arm from behind his back, which held a particularly strange bottle.
As Luigi read the label, a shiver ran down his spine.

Luigi: “P-poison?!”

Nagito: “It’s great, isn’t it?! I found this hidden behind some supplements at the very back of a
cabinet - it’s obvious someone was trying to hide this from us.”

Luigi: “Are you sure…?”

Nagito: “Well, who’s to say? Maybe my intuition on this is worthless…”

Luigi: “Can I… take a look at that bottle?”

Nagito: “Sure.”

Nagito handed Luigi the bottle, and he started reading the label.

Luigi: “Optimal in the bloodstream. Can-a kill instantly when exposed to the heart or brain… Is
this a real substance?”

Nagito: “I’ve never heard of a chemical so surreal like this before… I assume Monokuma made
this for easier killings.”
Luigi: (“Easier killings…? Then, why was-a this so hard to find…?”)

Luigi gave the bottle back to Nagito, and stood there in thought.

Luigi: (“I… will keep a note of it. Only since it’s-a very strange…”)

*”Bottle Of Poison” has been added to truth bullets*

Monokuma: “Heeey! What’re you two doing out here still?! Get in there or I’ll maul your skin off
like a candy bar wrapper!”

Monokuma ushered the two into the plain room, and jumped in front of the elevator.

Monokuma: “Alright! Well, you’re all here now! And I was getting super tired! Thank god I have
just enough energy to run this trial! Now, chop chop!”

Monokuma bowed, and flipped away. Many of the group shrugged, and hesitantly bordered the
elevator. Luigi looked to Parappa, who seemed a little nervous. He put his hand on his shoulder,
and gave him a thumbs up - a silent assurance that everything was going to be okay. The small dog
smiled back, yet there was an underlying sense that he wasn’t one-hundred percent okay. It made
sense, however, as Luigi felt the exact same way.

They walked onto the elevator last, and once they did, the doors closed behind them just as fast as
last time, and it started to descend. One question was on everyone’s minds as the elevator rode
down in total silence: ‘who was the killer?’ If they didn’t find out now, then what happened to the
beloved red hero would happen to them too. And, if they did find out, then the perpetrator would
experience it instead. A lose-lose situation for everyone.

As Luigi gathered his thoughts, he felt the elevator come to a sudden stop, and he heard the
familiar ding as the doors opened.

Monokuma: “Welcome back, folks! Do you like me redecorating? I sure do!”

2D: “It looks pretty… blue.”

Miku: “Hrm…!”

The Conductor: “Well, this isn’t a cheap job…”

Teto: “So isn’t murdering a guy!”

Sans: “Heheh.”

The Conductor: “...”

Monokuma: “Don’t start your accusations until the trial starts! Now, hurry! To your seats!”

Ashely: “Let’s just get this over with…”

Parappa: “Don’t worry guys! We’ll find out who did it, right Luigi?”

Luigi: “I… Yeah.”

Everyone walked to their assigned podiums once again, and Luigi got a flash back to the previous
trial as he noticed at his brother’s podium a portrait had been added in his place. He steadied
himself, and looked around at everyone.

Luigi: (“We will find-a the killer… Dedede’s killer.”)

Luigi: (“King Dedede… He had a short temper, and was a little full of-a himself, but was really
friendly once you-a got to know him… And he never really meant any harm… But, it happened

Luigi: (“He was murdered… by one of us?”)

Luigi: (“We were betrayed… but by who?”)

Luigi: (“There’s no point in turning away from-a this… It’s the only way to get to the answer. The
only way to get to the answer is to solve this-a mystery.”)

And so yet again begins the battle between hope and despair, truth and lies, trust and doubt.

The second class trial has begun!

Chapter End Notes

Chapter End Notes

Hey, also, since self-quarantine, I have more time to work on CGs, so who knows,
maybe the trial chapter will come out a little quicker than last time??
Also to that anon that messaged me on Tumblr, I've responded... like ages ago but I
just wanna let you know cause I don't know if anon can find out I've responded to
them... lol
All crazy killer predictions welcome below!
Chapter 2: His Grief, Their Longing (Class Trial)
Chapter Notes

Hnng hello my friends, it is time for your despair.

First apologies - I forgot to mention that the rehearsal took place in Classroom 1-A I
don’t even know how I forgot ajhskacukx (I guess this changes some of your theories
Secondly sorry that this trial gets more explain-y than minigame-y, parts were hard to
put into one (hopefully the next one will have more)
Anywho, let’s read on...!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

*Everybody agreed to never kill each other anymore… So why is Dedede’s body hanging in the
performance hall?! Who betrayed everyone’s trust? What was their motive? And, what even is the
cause of death?!*



The victim is King Dedede. The estimated time of death was around 11:30pm. The body was found
in the performance hall on the second floor. Airflow has been restricted by tight ropes around his
neck. There are also traces of external substances inside Dedede. Furthermore, there are stab
wounds on either side of Dedede's upper arms.


Several thick ropes were used to tie Dedede upside down. One rope is tied around his body, to keep
him supported, and the other around his neck, where he was presumably choked. The other end of
the ropes is tied around atop of the railing above the stage.


Duck tape was tied around Dedede’s beak, presumably to stop him from making noise.


There are stab wounds on each of Dedede’s arms. Their purpose is unknown.

On the back of Dedede’s head, there is an odd patch of missing feathers. As he always kept his hat
on, no one can confirm it was always like that.


A dolly was found poking out from the rest of the equipment. There seems to be a patch of blue
feathers on it, presumably belonging to Dedede.


A mic stand was found lying next to the performance hall’s door, after it was knocked over after
Luigi forced open the door. This brings up the question of ‘is this a locked-room murder’?


A bloody rag was found in the trash can in the dressing room. As there is still blood on Dedede’s
stab wounds, it is unclear what it was used to clean.


Brian saw The Conductor and Dedede in the hallway of the first floor just after they had been
arguing to give The Conductor his script for the performance. They both left their separate ways
soon after.


A strand of red fur was caught off of the railing above the stage. It’s unclear who it belongs to, as
no one in the school has red fur.


A syringe was found in the infirmary, with a few drops of an unknown substance in the tube.


A bottle of general anaesthetic was found unneatly placed with other similar bottles. It is worth
noting how every bottle’s label was facing outwards, but this bottle’s was backwards.

The Conductor and Dedede had an argument just before the nighttime announcement, in which The
Conductor set off for the classroom to practice the script with Miku and Teto, and Dedede loudly
proclaimed to be leaving for the sauna.


When first checked since last night, the sauna was extremely hot. This has proven to be since the
sauna was adjusted to ‘Maximum Maximum Heat’. It also may be worth noting that the sauna can
only be controlled from the outside.


Miku, Teto, and the Conductor had a rehearsal for the play they were planning to perform the next
night. During their rehearsal in classroom 1-A, they heard a loud scream around a little after
halfway through. Their rehearsal was from around 10pm to 11pm.


A bottle of poison Nagito found hastily hidden at the back of a supplements cabinet. The
instructions state that it is optimal in the bloodstream, and it will kill immediately when in contact
to the heart or brain.


Monokuma: “Alrighty, let’s begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! During the trial,
you’ll present your arguments for who the culprit is, and vote for ‘whodunnit’. If you vote
correctly, then only the blackened will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong person… I’ll
punish everyone besides the blackened, and that person will get to graduate! So, let’s get to work!”

Teto: “I don’t think much work has to be done anyway! We KNOW who did it!”

Peter: “Huh?! Who? Who?”

Brian: “Peter, did you not listen to what everyone’s been saying?”

Peter: “Uh… Maybe?”

Sans: “Well, Conductor, any final words?”

The Conductor: “How many times have I gotta say it - it wasn’t me!”
Nagito: “Are we sure it’s The Conductor? We haven’t even looked over anything yet.”

Yandere-Chan: “We shouldn’t point fingers without figuring out what happened.”

Luigi: “They’re right. We need to find out what happened first. Especially the cause of-a death.”

2D: “Should we discuss that first then?”

Miku: “Good idea, 2D!”

2D: “Well, I was just concluding on wot they were sayin’...”

Teto: “Yeah, stop giving him credit for things he doesn’t deserve!”

Luigi: (“The cause of-a death… It should be easy, right…?”)


Nagito: “What was the cause of death…?”

Ashley: “It was obviously hanging. Couldn’t you see that?”

Peter: “They hung him like a slab of meat!”

2D: “So they tied up the body and hung him with that single rope?”

Teto: “How’d they manage to find all that rope for such a fat penguin?”

Sans: “So how’d ya do it, Conductor?”

The Conductor: “I don’t know because I didn’t do it!”

Luigi: (“Are we sure that’s-a what happened…?”)

2D: “So they tied up the body and hung him with that single rope?”


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “Actually, two ropes were involved. One for his-a body, and one for his-a neck.”

Nagito: “That’s strange…”

Fluttershy: “It is…? What order did they tie him up then?”

Luigi: (“What order…?”)

> Neck rope first

> Body rope first

> Both at the same time


Luigi: “Well, the only way to strangle him would-a be to hang him from the neck first.”
Nagito: “Ah, but would that support him?”

Luigi: “Ah! It wouldn’t!”

Parappa: “Huh?!”

Teto: “Just some rope around his neck wouldn’t keep fatty hanging! He’d fall immediately!”

Brian: “And if the killer tied his body first, there’d be no way to hang him.”

Peter: “So, uh, what does that mean?”

Yandere-Chan: “He didn’t die from hanging.”

Ashley: “He didn’t…?”

Yandere-Chan: “No. It must be strangulation then.”

Sans: “Alright, but that doesn't change the fact that The Conductor could’ve done it.”

The Conductor: “By God, it’s not me! How’d he even get into the bloomin’ performance hall

Miku: “How he got there…?”

Luigi: (“How did he get there…?”)

Teto: “What do you even mean by ‘how he got there’?!”

Brian: “I don’t suppose he was there by chance, huh?”

Peter: “If he was, maybe he was there for a lil’ karaoke!”

2D: “Was he transported there?”

Fluttershy: “You mean someone carried him?”

Sans: “How do ya go around carrying a penguin that big?”

Parappa: “You’d have to be pretty strong…”

Luigi: (“I think I found something that backs up one of-a these claims…”)

2D: “Was he transported there?”


Luigi: “I agree with-a that!”


Luigi: “2D, I think I know what you’re-a getting at. You’re talking about the dolly, right?”

2D: “Yeah, we found that dolly with blue feathers onnit.”

Parappa: “Oh yeah! We thought they were Dedede’s feathers!”

Ashley: “So someone used the dolly to transport Dedede to the performance hall…?”

Miku: “Then where was he before?”

Nagito: “Does anyone remember where he last was?”

Luigi: “I think I have an idea who could’ve…”


Luigi: “Isn’t that right, Conductor?”

The Conductor: “Yeah, I guess I do. Last place I knew he was, was the sauna.”

Peter: “So after a lil’ sauna bath, he hopped onto a dolly and the killer took him to the performance

Brian: “What kind of logic is that?”

Yandere-Chan: “He’d have to be subdued in order for the killer to take him anywhere.”

Teto: “Who willingly allows themself to get taken somewhere to be killed anyway?!”

Sans: “A… suicidal person?”

Nagito: “I’m pretty sure Dedede wasn’t expecting to die anytime soon, however.”

Fluttershy: “U-um, so how was he knocked out?”

Luigi: “We’ll-a have to discuss that next.”


Sans: “So, how would you knock someone out in a sauna?”

Peter: “That’s easy - you just hit ‘em!”

Miku: “Owchie~!”

Ashley: “Wouldn’t you notice if someone were to hit you in an enclosed space like that…?”

Nagito: “That is true - you’d easily see someone walking in.”

Brian: “They couldn’t have done it from the outside though, could they?”

Teto: “Ugh, why is this so hard?!”

Luigi: (“Actually… there’s one way that could-a work…”)

Brian: “They couldn’t have done it from the outside though, could they?”


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”

Luigi: “Hang on. There is one way they could-a done it.”

The Conductor: “Yer talkin’ about that ‘max max’ heat thing, right?”

2D: “‘Max max’ heat?”

Luigi: “It’s an option on the sauna control that makes-a things hotter than regular maximum. And
when I checked the sauna during the investigation, it was-a so hot, I had to close it as I was starting
to feel a little light-headed.”

Yandere-Chan: “Going with what you’re saying, Dedede passed out due to this function?”

Fluttershy: “I-is that possible?”

The Conductor: “That peck-neck was too busy tryin’ to ‘cool off’ that he probably didn’t notice
how hot it was until too late.”

Nagito: “It seems like an easy feat anyway - all the killer had to do was change to this option, and
wait until Dedede passed out. Even if he did notice, there was nothing stopping them from
blocking the door so he couldn’t escape.”

Miku: “How dark!”

Sans: “I mean, doesn’t this prove further that The Conductor did it?”

Parappa: “It does?!”

Sans: “He basically admitted he saw Dedede go to the sauna, so he could’ve just followed him and
done all that.”

Ashley: “Or, he could just be lying about the whole thing to bring this trial in his favour.”
The Conductor: “I-I, well, ye can’t lie in a trial, right?!”

Luigi: “Well, there is someone else who saw them, too…”


Luigi: “...Right, Brian?”

Brian: “Yeah, I did.”

Peter: “You did pal?!”

Brian: “I literally told you where I was going last night, Peter.”

Peter: “You did? I just thought you were hidin’ or something, heheh!”

Teto: “So now we have two suspects, right? The dog saw Dedede go to the sauna too!”

Brian: “Actually, I didn’t know where he was going, because I went back to Peter right after. And
can you people please stop calling me ‘dog’?”

Luigi: “...Uh, just to recap, the killer knocked Dedede out in-a the sauna, then transported his-a
body using the dolly.”

Parappa: “But how about the stairs?”

Luigi: “Huh?”

2D: “The dolly didn’t have any features that could let it carry things up stairs…”
Miku: “Maybe they carried him up the stairs?”

Teto: “No way! No one could carry a fat penguin like him up stairs!”

The Conductor: “What’s with ye callin’ him fat?!”

Nagito: “Maybe we should ignore that right now and consider what actually occurred in the
performance hall.”

Yandere-Chan: “At the moment, we have concluded that the killer strangled him, then tied up his
body using the two ropes… but there are still things that concern me.”

Fluttershy: “Like the s-stab wounds…?”

Yandere-Chan: “Yes. They just seem so… strange. They must have a reason.”

Ashley: “What if they were just for show? Like… for the concert?”

Miku: “T-the concert?!”

Brian: “As in, the killer wanted to show him off at the concert?”

Nagito: “Ah, are you saying the concert was merely a plan so a certain someone could scare

Parappa: “A certain someone…?”

Sans: “Well, more like three certain people. The performers.”

2D: “Y-you mean us?!”

Miku: “Huuuh?! I didn’t plan it for a murder!”

Teto: “What the hell?! It wasn’t my idea, stupid!”

Peter: “Oh-ho-ho, and the plot thickens… With some thick chicks and a lanky guy!”

Teto: “Shut up, all of you! It wasn’t me!”

2D: “The concert was to put our minds offa the killing game, not to continue it!”

Miku: “I would never murder Penguino!!!”

Luigi: (“They’re-a all trying to talk over each other… I’ve gotta stop them before they derail this
whole trial!”)


Teto: “I didn’t do it! If you think I did, then you’re stupid AND ugly!”

2D: “You can’t put the blame on us with just that accusation, right?”

Miku: “I just wanted to sing! Not kill!”

Peter: “Hey! That’s pretty rude, y’know?!”

Sans: “Well, you are pretty tall. You coulda tied him up to the railing pretty easily.”

Ashley: “And do you have proof that you didn’t do it?”

Teto: “You’re the fattest and ugliest!!!”

2D: “I still would of needed a stool or somethin’!”

Miku: “W-well, I…”

Peter: “Why you—!”

Nagito: “But you’re admitting that’s all you need, right?”

Fluttershy: “I-I’m sure you do! How about an alibi…?”

Brian: “This back and forth is pointless…”

2D: “Oh, bugger! That’s not what I meant to say!”

Miku: “U-um… I don’t know…”

Luigi: (“It’s-a getting really hard to hear each statement… I just need to focus on the right

Miku: “U-um… I don’t know…”


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “Actually, Miku, you do have an alibi, remember? In fact, it also includes The Conductor
and Teto!”

Miku: “Oh yeah, you’re right! The rehearsal!”

Ashley: “Then why didn’t you say before…?”

Miku: “S-sorry, it completely slipped my mind…”

Teto: “Everyone apologise to us right now!”

Parappa: “S-sorry!”

Luigi: “You don’t-a have to apologise, Parappa… You didn’t even suspect them.”

Parappa: “O-oh yeah…”

Nagito: “When did this rehearsal take place?”

Miku: “From 10pm to 11pm in the classroom.”

2D: “Why did you practice there? Surely it would be in the performance hall.”

The Conductor: “We were gonna, but I found out the play was set in a classroom, so I thought it’d
be better if me actors actually practised in a classroom.”

Teto: “I thought the setting was pretty unoriginal, if you ask me…”

Brian: “...Don’t blame me. I can’t get much inspiration from a school I literally can’t leave. But
hey, it has all the drama a piece should need, and as the playwright one said—“

The Conductor: “Yeah, yeah, we understand…”

Brian: “...”

Sans: “So this rehearsal saves those three, sure, but 2D’s still on the suspects list.”

2D: “W-wait a bloody minute—!”

Miku: “There’s another thing that happened during the rehearsal actually!”
The Conductor: “There was? I don’t remember anything out of the ordinary…”

Miku: “That’s because you still believe it was mine!”

Yandere-Chan: “What was yours…?”

Miku: “I heard a scream during our rehearsal…”

Ashely: “You… did?”

Teto: “Wait, that wasn’t you?! I knew it! It was too manly for you!”

Nagito: “When was this scream you heard?”

Miku: “Um… maybe 10:45ish.”

Fluttershy: “Who’s scream do you think it was…?”

Luigi: (“The only logical explanation would be…”)

> Miku

> Dedede

> The Conductor


Luigi: “It must’ve been Dedede’s!”

The Conductor: “Ey?! Dedede’s?!”

Teto: “C’mon! Could it really have been Miku?!”

The Conductor: “Now that I think about it… it was more likely to be his…”

Brian: “Then, he must’ve woken up sometime in the performance hall before his death.”

Parappa: “Huh?! Really?!”

Nagito: “It does make sense if you think about it. He passed out due to heat. He wouldn’t be asleep
for long.”

Sans: “Did the killer knock him back out then?”

2D: “How’d they do that then…?”

Luigi: (“Looks like we’ll need to think about that now…”)


Sans: “How would ya knock out a guy twice?”

Peter: “If you ask me, I bet they brought him back to the sauna for another round of heat!”

Ashley: “...Are you always this stupid?”

Brian: “Trust me, he is.”

Parappa: “Ah! Maybe it was the stab wounds!”

Nagito: “How about an external substance?”

Fluttershy: “But we didn’t find anything like that there at the scene…”

Nagito: “Would it necessarily need to be at the scene…?”

The Conductor: “Would yer stop talkin’ in riddles?!”

Luigi: (“Ah, I think he’s referring to that-a thing I found…”)

Nagito: “How about an external substance?”


Luigi: “I agree with-a that!”


Luigi: “Nagito, you’re-a talking about that general anaesthetic bottle you found in the infirmary

Nagito: “Precisely.”

The Conductor: “Something like that was in the infirmary?!”

Yandere-Chan: “How do you know it was used, though…?”

Nagito: “Every other bottle was in neat rows, with the label facing frontwards… One bottle in
particular, however, was facing the other way.”

Luigi: “From-a this, we can conclude that an anaesthetic was used to subdue Dedede again—“

Fluttershy: “W-waaaait!”


Luigi: “Huh?”

Fluttershy: “U-um, excuse me, but, i-is that really true…?”

Luigi: “I think so. Why?”

Fluttershy: “I-if it’s alright with you, I-I’d like to refute that claim— O-only if it’s okay to!”


Fluttershy: “Y-you see, it’s just that, anyone could’ve touched that bottle, right…? Maybe it has
nothing to do with the case at all…”

Luigi: “But, why would-a anyone else use an anaesthetic? In this situation, it makes-a the most

Fluttershy: “We don’t actually know it was used… There’s no evidence to prove it, a-as far as I


Luigi: “Allow me to-a cut through those words!”


Luigi: “The out of-a place bottle wasn’t the only thing we found at the infirmary, actually… I also
found a syringe with a small amount of-a substance in it, and that must-a be the anaesthetic!”

Nagito: “Maybe you should’ve let him finish, first…”

Fluttershy: “I-I’m sorry for cutting in!”

Parappa: “It’s alright! You don’t need to be sorry!”

Ashley: “What was the tape for then if they already shut him up that way…?”

Luigi: “It was-a probably just in case he woke up again…”

Yandere-Chan: “...I’m still concerned about one thing, however.”

Miku: “Hm? What?”

Yandere-Chan: “Think about it… If they used the anaesthetic, where did they jab him?”

Parappa: “Like, uh, anywhere?”

Yandere-Chan: “No, there was a specific place where they did it. And we know for sure where.”

Brian: “Are you referring to the stab wounds?”

Yandere-Chan: “Yes. But why stab the area?”

Peter: “X marks the spot, y’know?”

Miku: “Penguino was treated like a treasure map?!”

Luigi: (“No, it wasn’t so they could-a plan where to jab him… I just gotta think what their use


*What was the point of the stab wounds?*


Luigi: “Now I-a understand!”


Luigi: “They were to obstruct us from the fact that the anaesthetic was used!”

Sans: “But, why? It’s not like anyone woulda seen it, right?”

Nagito: “Some of us here are very perceptive…”

Miku: “Like Yan-Chan~!”

Yandere-Chan: “...”

Peter: “And me! I’ve got glasses of steel!”

The Conductor: “Ye wouldn’t be able to see out of steel glasses, peck-neck!”

Ashely: “So? Is there any point obstructing that an anaesthetic was used? It was even stated in the
Monokuma File after all…”

Luigi: “That…”

Teto: “Ugh! This trial is too confusing! Why can’t it be like the last case?”

Luigi: “...”

Teto: “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that! Look on the bright side, we still have suspects!”

2D: “Who again?”

Teto: “You and the old owl!”

2D: “M-me?!”

The Conductor: “Yer still suspecting me? I was at that bloomin’ rehearsal with yer!”

Miku: “But 2D can’t be the killer! Don’t you believe in him, Teto?”

Teto: “Hmph!”

2D: “Wot’s that supposed to mean?!”

Parappa: “E-everyone calm down! Sure, this looks hard, but if we just believe, we’ll figure this
Fluttershy: “Aw, such nice words, Parappa!”

Parappa: “Haha… I’m just thinking what Luigi would say…”

Luigi: “You are…?”

Parappa: “Yeah! We just gotta work together, right?”

Luigi: “Yeah… we do. We just need to think about this a little more…”

Ashley: “In that case, what about the locked room possibility…?”

Peter: “The what what what?”

Luigi: “Ah, we found out that there was a mic stand blocking the door shut when-a we tried to
open it this morning…”

The Conductor: “A mic stand, eh? How’d the killer get out then?”

Miku: “The only exit is the door, though. There’s no other way they could have gotten out!”

Ashley: “So they must’ve stayed in there the whole night…”

Fluttershy: “But someone would’ve seen them, right…?”

Brian: “Not if they hid somewhere.”

Nagito: “There are quite a lot of hiding spots in the performance hall, aren’t there?”
Sans: “So, when we met up for the body discovery, they just joined us all like nothin’.”

Teto: “That could basically be anyone!”

Luigi: “Not everyone… I was-a with Parappa and The Conductor when we tried the locked door.
So it couldn’t of-a been any of us.”

The Conductor: “So, there we go! I’ve got more than enough alibis to prove it wasn’t me!”

Sans: “Was it 2D, then?”

Miku: “No way! I saw him this morning!”

Fluttershy: “Oh my, it’s gotten confusing again…”

Yandere-Chan: “We don’t know how the killer transported the body up the stairs, we don’t know
why they needed to obstruct the anaesthetic, and we don’t know who could’ve stayed in that
locked room…”

Nagito: “Was it to obstruct the anaesthetic, though…?”

Parappa: “Huh? What else could it be?”

Nagito: “Luigi, do you remember what I showed you just before the trial?”

Luigi: (“What did-a he show me…?”)

Luigi: “That bottle of-a poison…”

Ashley: “You… found poison?”

Teto: “Where?!”

Nagito: “At the back of a supplements cabinet.”

Brian: “How do we know you’re not lying to us?”

Nagito: “I don’t think that matters once you take a look at the label.”

Sans: “Lemme take a look… Huh. Optimal in the bloodstream… Kills immediately when in
contact to the heart or brain.”

2D: “Is that a real chemical…?”

Luigi: (“That’s-a what I asked, too…”)

Monokuma: “It may not be real in the realest of real life, but it is real here! And it works really

Ashley: “And what does some poison have to do with all this…?”

Luigi: “I… don’t-a know…”

Nagito: “I’m sure you do. Just think about it.”

Luigi: “...!”
Parappa: “Luigi?”

Luigi: “That’s… that’s it. That’s it!”

Peter: “What’s it? You’ve realised that your marriage is falling apart?”

Luigi: “N-no…? But, what if… what if the poison was used to kill Dedede?”

Miku: “He was poisoned?!”

The Conductor: “What a plot twist!”

Yandere-Chan: “That… does clear up a few things.”

Teto: “Why didn’t you bring it up sooner then, idiot?!”

Nagito: “Ah, I’m sorry. I guess trash like me should know better, huh?”

Parappa: “Um, I’m a bit lost. What does it clear up?”

Luigi: “Well, firstly, the stab wounds. Obstructing the anaesthetic would have-a no use. But, what
if the culprit wanted to obstruct the use of poison to make-a us believe the rope was the cause of-a

Fluttershy: “U-um, now that you bring it up again, what was used to make those stab wounds…?”

Luigi: “I’m-a guessing it was the syringe.”

Parappa: “But we didn’t find any blood on it though.”

Luigi: “True. But we know something that could of-a wiped it off.”


Luigi: “Remember that bloody rag that Brian found? It wasn’t a lotta blood on it, probably because
all the killer had to-a clean was the needle.”

Parappa: “Oh… Smart.”

Brian: “Alright, but then, why didn’t they clean the actual stab wounds? Are we really going to go
back to that theory that the killer’s a dumbass?”

Teto: “Not that again!”

Luigi: “If anything, it was another obstruction of-a the syringe being used.”

Nagito: “If they left the syringe bloody, we would’ve concluded earlier that it was used. If they
cleaned the wounds, someone might have spotted the jab marks.”

Peter: “This killer is like Einstein!”

Yandere-Chan: “Moving back to the explanations, the Monokuma File. We first thought the
external substance was just the anaesthetic. But, it could also be the poison, now that we know of
its existence. As well as that, the remaining contents of the syringe could be a mix of the
anaesthetic and the poison.”

Nagito: “This also clears up why Dedede was hung upside down.”

Peter: “To cook him better, right?”

Luigi: (“No, it has to-a be…”)

> To push the flow of blood

> To shock everyone

> To cook him easier


Luigi: “It was most likely to send more blood flow up-a to the brain!”

Nagito: “In doing so, the poison, which travelled through the bloodstream, could quickly get to the
brain to kill Dedede!”

Miku: “How scientific!”

Brian: “Doesn’t this seem a little far-fetched?”

Ashley: “It is quite a stupid coincidence.”

Luigi: “But it-a does explain a lot of things.”

2D: “Is anyone really that smart to think through all that?”

Miku: “Y-yeah… It’s pretty complicated…”

Teto: “So? At least that complicated solution explains all the complicated questions!”

The Conductor: “I believe the lad. He’s worked pretty hard, and has even gotten me out of
suspicion, so I’m gonna go with him on this.”

Parappa: “Me too! I believe Luigi!”

Fluttershy: “B-but, poison? It’s just so cruel!”

Sans: “It’s a big stretch, and we can’t leave this hanging, huh? Heheh.”

Ashley: “Ugh. Don’t say we’re split again…”

Monokuma: “There! There it is! You said it! Don’t deny you said it! You said split!”

Ashley: “...Great.”

Peter: “Mighty morphin’ time!”

Monokuma: “Hey, don’t say it before I do! But alas, he’s right! I now present the morphinominal
trial grounds once again!”

Luigi: (“Ah, this is-a bad… We found a potential way to explain everything, and some people
don’t-a believe it… But, that’s alright! I just need to prove it with everyone else on-a my side that it
had to be poison!”)


*What was Dedede’s cause of death?*













The Conductor



Brian: “This all seems like a coincidence.”

Nagito: “It’s not a coincidence if it was deliberately hidden from us.”

Sans: “How do we know Nagito ain’t lyin’ to us about where he found it?”

The Conductor: “He wouldn’t be lyin’, cause then he’d be setting us all up for death!”

Miku: “The killer had to have strangled him! It says so in the Monokuma File.”
Luigi: “But the Monokuma File also mentions the external substances as-a the cause.”

2D: “It hasn’t explained everything though, has it?”

Yandere-Chan: “It has explained many mysteries we had previously had no answer for, however.”

Fluttershy: “B-but, to do all that to him, isn’t it a little cruel?”

Nagito: “Even if it is cruel, we can’t ignore the possibility.”

Peter: “Well what about all those ropes?”

Teto: “The ropes were just so they could hang him upside down for the poison!”

Sans: “What was that separate neck rope doin’ there then?”

Parappa: “I think the neck rope was just a distraction.”

Ashley: “Would anyone be able to pull this off though…?”

Luigi: “That’s-a the thing - anyone could have done it!”



“This is our answer!”


Luigi: “Please, you have-a to believe us… Or else we won’t get to the truth.”

Peter: “Man, now I feel bad. Let’s join their side, Brian!”

Brian: “You better be prepared to explain everything else then… or it’s all of our lives.”

Parappa: “What a big responsibility…”

Nagito: “Well, now that we’ve explained the mystery of the stab wounds, let’s move back to the
dolly and the locked room.”

The Conductor: “One thing at a time though, lad!”

2D: “Should we go back to the dolly then? That seems a tad bit easier.”

Miku: “Whatever 2D wants~!”

Luigi: (“The dolly… How was it used on the stairs…?”)


Peter: “So, are we sure there ain’t no cool transformin’ features on that thing?”

2D: “Not as far as I know…”

Sans: “Maybe someone just… dragged him up the stairs?”

Teto: “Even though he’s so heavy?!”

The Conductor: “Look, are we sure this ol’ dolly was used at all?”

Ashley: “What kind of question is that…?”

Luigi: (“Hey… What-a he’s saying… I think he might be right…”)

The Conductor: “Look, are we sure this ol’ dolly was used at all?”


Luigi: “I agree with-a that!”


Luigi: “The Conductor has a point… what if-a the dolly was just another distraction?”

Teto: “ANOTHER one?!”

Parappa: “Oh, you’re talking about that bald spot on Dedede!”

Peter: “Heheh, how old was he getting?”

Luigi: “It’s just-a so strange… a random patch of feathers missing… and an abundance of feathers
on the dolly… It can-a only mean one thing.”

Parappa: “Did the killer take the feathers off Dedede and put them on the dolly to make it look like
he’d been transported on there?”
Luigi: “Exactly.”

Fluttershy: “Aw, well done, Parappa!”

Miku: “You’re super smart~!”

Parappa: “T-thanks…”

Ashley: “Really? He didn’t need all that praise. It was easy anyway.”

Brian: “Hey, no need to be so harsh on the kid.”

Sans: “If the dolly wasn’t used, then how’d he get transported?”

Teto: “No single person could’ve done this all by themself!”

Nagito: “Ah, but what if an accomplice was involved?”

Yandere-Chan: “An accomplice?”

Nagito: “If two people were to work together on this, things would make more sense, right?”

Yandere-Chan: “What are the rules on accomplices, then?”

Monokuma: “Is this a question for me? If so, I shall provide the answer! Accomplices are a-ok!
However, if someone in this killing game helps someone else in this killing game in a murder, and
if the true killer gets away with it, only they get to leave and the accomplice gets punished with
everyone else! And, vice-versa, if the true killer gets found out, the accomplice doesn’t receive
punishment with them!”

Brian: “But would anyone actually work together then? It seems pretty pointless.”
Nagito: “No one knew about this rule though, did they? Well, except for me.”

The Conductor: “Yer really gotta stop hidin’ all of this from us!”

Nagito: “I apologise once again.”

2D: “So what could the killer achieve now with the possibility of an accomplice?”

Nagito: “Firstly, two people could carry Dedede up to the performance hall. Secondly, two people
could tie up Dedede without problem. And thirdly, the true killer could leave the performance hall,
while the accomplice stays inside as they block the door with the mic stand.”

Luigi: “You really know-a your stuff, huh…?”

Ashley: “A little… too much.”

Nagito: “I don’t mean to show off, but being in a killing game once before leaves me with
probably more experience than the rest of you.”

Miku: “You were in a killing game before?!”

Yandere-Chan: “That explains a lot.”

Sans: “Puttin’ that revelation aside, who are the two that worked together, then?”

Teto: “Maybe it was the fatty and the dog! They know each other well, right?”

Peter: “Hey! I wouldn’t have done that!”

Brian: “Not to be rude to Peter or anything, but there’s no way in hell he would’ve come up with
that whole plan. And even if it was my doing, it’s not like Peter could’ve easily hid anywhere in the
performance hall with his… size.”

Peter: “See? I told you being big was an advantage!”

Yandere-Chan: “...Maybe someone said something alluding to them using an accomplice.”

Luigi: (“Now that-a she mentions it… I remember someone said something very suspicious during
the investigation… and that-a same someone acting strange during parts of-a the trial… But, could
it really be them…? I… guess I have to find out…”)


Luigi: “Is it-a you… Ashley?”

Ashley: “...”

Fluttershy: “H-huh?! Ashley?”

Miku: “Ash-Chan?!”

Sans: “Whoa, where did this come from?”

Luigi: “Well… it’s-a just that I remember Ashley saying something during the investigation about
the mic stand being used to block-a the door…”


Parappa: “Oh! Maybe that was blocking the door!”

Ashley: “Blocking the door…?”

Luigi: “The door to the performance hall was locked when me, Parappa and The Conductor came
up-a here this morning. And, maybe that was jamming the door shut.”

Ashley: “A mic stand…? Is that really the thing they came up with…? Pathetic.”

Luigi: (“That’s harsh… Then again, this is a killer we’re-a talking about, so I guess it’s okay.”)


Luigi: “At-a the time, I thought she was referring to the anonymous killer, however, it’s-a
important to note that she called them ‘they’, as if she was talking about someone in particular.”

Parappa: “Oh, I didn’t even notice that!”

Brian: “But who’s the ‘they’ that she was referring to?”

Ashley: “No one. Why are you all jumping to conclusions now…?”

Teto: “Yeah, I mean, it’s probably just a slip of the tongue, right? You can’t just suspect her
because of that!”

The Conductor: “Ye were suspecting me only because of me rivalry before!”

Luigi: “It’s not just-a that… there were times in the trial where she almost seemed to be taken…
off guard.”


Miku: “I heard a scream during our rehearsal…”

Ashley: “You… did?”


Luigi: “That bottle of-a poison…”

Ashley: “You… found poison?”


Sans: “Some people reacted pretty heavily to those things too, though.”

Luigi: “Yeah, but… Ashley’s not-a the type to be surprised of things like-a that…”

Nagito: “Unless, she was shocked that we found out crucial pieces of evidence to solving the case.”

Ashley: “...So? Am I not allowed to be shocked? I thought it was clear we don’t know the full
extent of everyone… I was just surprised that he found poison here.”

Teto: “I was pretty surprised too, y’know?!”

Fluttershy: “I-I think we all were…”

2D: “But she’s a lil’ girl… Do you really think she could’ve done it?”

Nagito: “With an accomplice, she might’ve.”

Ashley: “...An accomplice is just a theory. There’s no evidence proving there is one.”
Peter: “I’m sure there is! It’s right… here? Uh… Brian?”

Brian: “I hate to say it but, she’s right. It is just a theory if there’s no evidence.”

The Conductor: “Well now what?!”

Luigi: “No, I’m-a sure there was an accomplice involved. And… as we-a have a suspect, maybe
we could-a figure out who it is—“

Ashley: “Silence!”


Luigi: “Ashley…?”

Ashley: “Why do you want to suspect me…? I thought we were friends…”

Luigi: “I-it’s not-a that… I just want to—“

Ashley: “There isn’t an accomplice. That is what I will prove to you.”

Luigi: (“Actually… There’s something I want to throw your-a way!”)


Ashley: “This theory about an accomplice… is just a ruse. If it makes ‘things easier’, you probably
aren’t looking hard enough.”

Luigi: “But it’s a reasonable explanation for how the killer could’ve-a pulled all this off.”
Ashley: “Sure, if the killer needed the help. But they didn’t, obviously. Because if they did, we
would’ve found evidence pointing to an accomplice. But we didn’t. Now shut up.”


Luigi: “Allow me to-a cut through those words!”


Luigi: “You say there isn’t any evidence pointing to an accomplice… But, can you explain what
this strand of fur is…?”

Ashley: “...”

Parappa: “Ah, that red fur I found! Do you think whoever that belongs to is the accomplice?”

Ashley: “...No one has red fur, stupid.”

Teto: “Yeah, unless your doggy-nature leaves you colourblind!”

Parappa: “I-I’m not colourblind!”

Yandere-Chan: “Do you know anyone who has red fur, though…?”

Ashley: “...What?”

Sans: “Are you askin’ her if she knows anyone from back at home? Isn’t that a lil’ pointless?”

Ashley: “Of course it is. Even if I did, which I don’t, there’s no way I could have gotten them

Peter: “What if she teleported them here to help her?! Man, this is totally Harry Potter business!”

Ashley: “I don’t have my magic, you imbecile.”

Miku: “You look really scary right now, Ash!”

Nagito: “Looks like she’s gone on the defence… Which hope will come out on top, I wonder…?”

Luigi: “Ashley… Is it true you don’t-a know anyone with red fur…?”

Ashley: “Of course I don’t .”

Luigi: “Then… Who is red?”

Ashley: “R...Red…?”

Luigi: “I don’t-a know if you remember this, but you mentioned someone when I hung out with-a
you a little while ago…”


Luigi: “But how about all your-a witch stuff?”

Ashley: “It’s fun, but… kinda… lonely…”

Luigi: (“Lonely…?”)
Ashley: “It’s just me and my assistant, Red. We live alone in a mansion trying to summon
demons… but, I guess demons don’t invite you for picnics or parties, do they? ...N-nevermind,
forget I said anything.”


Luigi: “You mentioned someone called ‘Red’, who you said was-a your assistant. It’s a stretch,
but, does Red have red fur…?”

Nagito: “Interesting. Ashley has an assistant, which could also make-do as an accomplice.”

Parappa: “So that’s what you were talking about, Yan-Chan! If she knew someone that could be
her accomplice!”

Yandere-Chan: “...Hm.”

Ashley: “Even… Even if I do have an assistant, it doesn’t mean he’s red just because his name is

The Conductor: “I suppose that’s true… So then, what does this Red lad look like?”

Peter: “Man, I bet he’d have to be super big to carry that penguin guy! Probably even on some
rough steroids!”

Teto: “Ew, then he probably looks super ugly!”

???: “Hey! I’m not big! Or ugly!”

Luigi: “...!”

Ashley: “...!”
Fluttershy: “H-huh?! What was t-that…?”

Peter: “A ghost?!”

Sans: “Was someone doin’ an impression of a kid just now?”

Nagito: “Is that who I think it is…?”

Miku: “You know who it is?!”

Ashley: “I didn’t hear anything. You must be all hallucinating because of this stupid trial. Let’s just
hurry up and choose between The Conductor or 2D.”

2D: “W-wot?!”

Ashley: “You’re saying that I killed Dedede. My accomplice is Red, who helped carry the body,
helped tie the rope, and stayed in the performance hall all night. But… that’s impossible, isn’t it?
There’s no one in this school except us. No one can get in. There is no way for anyone to get in.
Get that through your thick skulls. ”

Parappa: “T-that…”

Miku: “Now you look even scarier!”

Luigi: “Ashely… tell the truth. Who was that-a voice…?”

Ashley: “ No one. It was no one. There’s no one here except us. I can’t have an accomplice
anyway. There’s no possible way. It’s impossible for me to. It is. Now, stop accusing me. Stop it.”

Luigi: (“Ashley… She won’t-a listen to us anymore. I need to get through to her… Because…
there is… there is one way it is possible. I just need to refute her!”)


“Why do you suspect me?”

“There is no evidence that points to me.”

“I just misspoke a few times - that’s not evidence.”


“There is no accomplice, understand that.”

“You’re stupid if you think there is.”

“Stop going on about it.”

“This is pointless… just pointless!”

“So what if I have an assistant?”

“He’s not here! He was never here!”

“If you choose me, you’ll die!”

“You all die from stupidity!”

“Because… Because you keep making stupid accusations about impossible feats!”


“ There is NOTHING that could bring Red here. NOTHING.”





Luigi: “You say there was-a nothing that could bring Red here… But, there is. Monokuma’s
motive: the granted wish!”

Ashley: “...”

Peter: “Say what?!”

Teto: “Ehh?! She used THAT?!”

2D: “Wait, how? I thought it was only granted once the victim was dead.”

Luigi: “That is true… However, Monokuma mentioned an extra rule to the motive…”

Yandere-Chan: “You’re referring to how the wish can be granted before the victim is ‘truly dead’.”

Sans: “What actually counts as ‘before truly dead’?”

Nagito: “Well, Monokuma…?”

Monokuma: “Hm… Well, uh, y’know, ya see, erm, hehe…”

Teto: “Tell us or it won’t be fair!”

Monokuma: “Well I first assumed it was after you stabbed them and was bleeding out… But I
guess them being passed out counts too!”

The Conductor: “Eh?! When did she ask for the wish then?”

Luigi: (“She had to of-a asked him…”)

> After the anaesthetic

> After the sauna

> After the poison


Luigi: “It has to-a be after knocking Dedede out in the sauna. That way, they could carry him to the
performance hall, and everything else played out from-a there.”

Brian: “After knocking him out, she probably asked Monokuma if her wish was valid at the time.
That’s why he’s acting so nonchalant about it.”

Fluttershy: “S-so then, everything else: the dolly, the locked room, the hanging… it was just a

Nagito: “One diversion too many.”

Miku: “B-but even if Monokuma granted the wish, Red wouldn’t have helped!”
Sans: “True. The rules made any accomplices have a pretty hard time.”

The Conductor: “Well I’m sure the bloomin’ assistant wouldn’t care! He literally works for her!”

Yandere-Chan: “As well as that, Monokuma was very admirant in saying that the accomplice rule
applied to ‘someone in this killing game’. As far as I’m concerned, this Red isn’t in the killing

Teto: “But is he even allowed to help if he’s not even in the killing game?”

Nagito: “Monokuma…?”

Monokuma: “Erm… Hehe, well— Opportunities like this don’t show up often, y’know?!
Sometimes ya gotta take up the offer before it escapes your despair-ridden grasp!”

Nagito: “And that confirms it. Ashley’s accomplice had all the permission and advantage to help.”

Parappa: “So… Ashley killed Dedede…?”

Miku: “Ah, when it’s said aloud, I don’t wanna believe it!”

Ashley: “...”

Luigi: “Ashley…”

Ashley: “You… YOU ALL—!”

???: “Ashley, that’s enough.”

Ashley: “H...Huh…?”

Peter: “There’s that ghost again!”

???: “It’s alright. You don’t have to keep pulling yourself further into this… It’s probably time that
I reveal myself, huh?”

Ashley: “Wh...What are you…?”

???: “...”

Luigi: (“...! Is that…?”)

???: “Hello everyone. My name’s Red.”

Fluttershy: “You’re… R-Red?”

Red: “Hehe, yep! I’m Ashley’s faithful assistant! ...Um, but this isn’t a great time for a friendly
Ashley: “...”

Red: “Ashley’s… a little quiet right now. I hope it’s alright with her if I talk for her.”

Ashley: “...”

Red: “I don’t want to lie anymore… So, here I am.”

*”Red” has been added to truth bullets*

2D: “So, we were right…?”

Miku: “N-no, no…!”

Fluttershy: “I don’t want to believe it!”

Luigi: “Me neither… It’s-a hard to, but…”

Ashley: “...So don’t.”

Red: “Huh?!”

Teto: “Yeah, like, she is pretty smart… She is a witch, you know? Why would she leave around so
much evidence?”

The Conductor: “She was trying to get away with myurder after all…”

Miku: “I refuse to believe it’s Ash!”

Peter: “The girl’s are teamin’ up against us!”


Miku: “There’s no way it’s cute little Ash-Chan!”

Parappa: “B-but, who else can it be…?”

Yandere-Chan: “All the evidence is here now…”

Teto: “But, why would she leave such a mess lying around?! That’s not very smart!”

Fluttershy: “Especially the medical equipment… it was all placed where we’d easily find it…”

Nagito: “I must admit even the poison was strangely placed…”

Brian: “We can’t say it was someone else now, can we?”

Luigi: (“No, we can’t… And I know why we can’t…”)

Teto: “But, why would she leave such a mess lying around?! That’s not very smart!”


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “The evidence… Maybe it wasn’t-a necessarily Ashley’s doing… Maybe it was Red.”
Red: “Yeah, it was me.”

Miku: “Huuuh?”

Red: “Ashley asked me to discard the evidence so she could escape the floor quicker… Sorry,
Ashley, I guess I just didn’t know where to put them.”

Ashley: “Red…”

Red: “Arg, I’m sorry, Ashley! Maybe if I said yes sooner, and just followed your word, maybe we
could’ve done this, and maybe you could’ve escaped! But all I did was screw you up!”

Ashley: “Red!”

Red: “...?”

Ashley: “I…I…”

Luigi: “Ashley… I’m-a gonna go over the case in full. Maybe then… you’ll-a listen to us.”

Luigi: “The first part of-a this case began just after The Conductor and Dedede’s argument in the
first floor hallway. The culprit, who had been presumably listening in on the fight, followed
Dedede to the sauna. To knock him out, the culprit turned up-a the heat to ‘maximum maximum’ to
overheat the sauna.

Luigi: “Afterwards, they summoned Monokuma to grant their wish in exchange for a killing. The
culprit asked-a for their assistant, Red, who carried Dedede to the performance hall for them.”
Luigi: “The culprit, with-a the help of their accomplice, started to tie Dedede up to the railing
above-a the stage. Some time during this, however, Dedede woke up to the culprit’s dismay, and
let out a scream. They quickly jabbed him with an anaesthetic from-a the infirmary. They also
taped his beak shut, just in case he-a came to once again.”

Luigi: “The culprit injected Dedede with a special poison that-a kills instantly when in contact to
the heart or brain. The reason they tied him upside down was so they could manipulate the flow
of-a blood so the poison could reach-a these organs faster. They finished tying the rope around his-
a neck, and stabbed the area where they jabbed him to obscure its involvement. This was all to
make it look like he was strangled or hung, to obstruct us from-a the real cause of death.”
Luigi: “The culprit then created another distraction, by pulling out a fistful of-a feathers from
Dedede’s head and placing them on a nearby dolly to make it look like it was used to transport him
there. They then-a left the job of discarding the rest of the evidence to their accomplice, Red, so
they could-a leave the scene as fast as possible.”

Luigi: “To make it look like-a someone locked themselves in the performance hall and joined the
group when they discovered the body, the culprit had also instructed Red to stay inside-a the room
and prop the door close with a mic stand. However, sometime during his-a stake-out, he left behind
a crucial piece of evidence connecting him to this-a crime: a red strand of fur.”
Luigi: “That’s all of the mysteries you’ve tried to hide from us… Ashley.”


Ashley: “...”

Red: “...Heheh, well done. You pretty much got it all right.”

Parappa: “We did?”

The Conductor: “Are we... done?”

Miku: “Does this mean we… we vote now?”

Fluttershy: “O-oh, no…”

Ashley: “...Stop being so hesitant, all of you. You know who it was, so stop acting scared.”

Monokuma: “Yeah, you better be prepared to vote for who-diddily-dunnit! Now then, please cast
your vote - and make sure that you do or you’ll die! Also, Red doesn’t need to vote because yadda
yadda yadda he ain’t in the student roster… Ahem, who will be chosen as the blackened? Will you
make the right choice, or the dreadfully wrong one? What’s it gonna be? What’s it gonna be be



Monokuma: “Puhuhu, I congratulate you all once again for voting correctly! The blackened who
killed Dedede is, well, the Ultimate Witch, Ashley!”

Luigi, as well as everyone else, stared at the witch, who forced her eyes to the ground.

Ashley: “There’s no point denying it now, I guess… Yes, it was me.”

Luigi: “But… why?”

Peter: “Yeah! What’s a little girl gotta kill a giant penguin like that for?”

Ashley: “...It’s complicated.”

Teto: “C’mon, we deserve to know!”

Nagito: “I too am curious… For someone like you to pull all that off, I am very impressed!”

The Conductor: “I...I just wanna know… Why did yer kill Dedede? Why him? What did he do to

Ashley: “Nothing, really. He was just the easiest target. You two were always fighting, and I
thought maybe if I used one of you, everyone would suspect the other…”

The Conductor: “Wait, are ye sayin’ you could’ve killed me instead…?!”

Ashley: “...Dedede seemed like the easiest choice. His movements were much easier to follow,
since he wasn’t involved in a lot of work like you.”

The Conductor: “...”

Sans: “So why did ya wanna kill anyway?”

Ashley: “It’s… I wanted to… Because I…”

Red: “She wanted to see her friends again.”

Parappa: “She… did?”

Red: “I’m not sure if any of you know this, but… Ashley has a hard time making friends. She’s not
the most friendly girl, that’s for sure… But she is very kind! She just… doesn’t know how to show

Fluttershy: “Aw… T-that’s…”

Sans: “When did she get the will to kill? When the motive was announced?”

Red: “A-actually, a little further back… When she was first told about the killing game.”

The Conductor: “Ey?!”

Teto: “That far?!”

Ashley: “...”

Red: “She told me she had been planning to do it earlier, but someone else had done it before

Luigi: “...”

2D: “Is that really a reason to kill someone, though…? We all have people we want to see outside
here, but…”

Miku: “We were gonna escape together and see them!”

Brian: “It honestly just sounds pretty selfish.”

Red: “I-I know it may sound like that! But… Ashley’s never had so many friends before since
joining WarioWare Inc., and… she’s never felt as happy before…”

Ashley: “...”

Red: “...She was even happier hanging out with them than casting spells or defeating demons…”
Luigi: (“I knew Ashley wanted friends, but, I didn’t know how dependent she was on-a them for
her well-being…”)

Red: “It does sound selfish, and it does sound greedy, and she did put all your lives on the line for
her own sake… Heh, even I was hesitant at first about helping her with the murder…”


Red: “Huh…? Ashley…? Where am I…?!”

Monokuma: “Well, there ya go! One assistant imp to go!”

Red: “W-who’s that demon?!”

Monokuma: “Demon?! I don’t look THAT bad, do I? Do I have something stuck in my teeth? Oh,
whatever, I’ve got despair business to take care of, so you better kill that guy in there or else!”

Ashley: “I will…”

Red: “Wha-wha-what?! You’re gonna kill someone?! Ashley, that’s—!”

Ashley: “Quiet. Someone will hear us.”

Red: “What’s going on…?”

Ashley: “I don’t have much time to explain. This is where I am, I don’t know what happened, but I
was taken here. The only way for me to get out is to kill someone. Red, help me kill that penguin.”

Red: “But, Ashley, you can’t—!”

Ashley: “You’re my assistant. You do what I say.”

Red: “Are you sure…? If you get found out, what will happen…?”

Ashley: “We won’t be found out. We’ll be fine.”

Red: “...Okay. I-If you say so.”


Red: “...But, we got found out. And it’s all my fault. I’m so sorry, Ashley! I feel like such a

Ashley: “Red… it’s fine. It was my fault too…”

Red: “But Ashley—!”

Monokuma: “Oh my GOD does that thing keep on talking and talking?! Jeeze, couldn’t you have
picked a more quiet person like yourself?!”

Ashley: “...”

Monokuma: “Oh well, it won’t matter soon!”

Yandere-Chan: “You’re not talking about…”

Monokuma: “Ex-e-cu-tion!”

Red: “E-exe—WHAT?!”

Ashley: “...Huh. I almost forgot about that.”

Red: “A-Ashley, you didn’t say anything about this! You’re gonna be…?!”

Ashley: “Red, calm down.”

Red: “B-but Ashley! You’re gonna be! You’re gonna! You’re—!”

Ashley: “...I’m just… going to the demon world, right…?”

Red: “Huh…?”

Small, delicate tears started to form in the corners of the girl’s eyes, as she carried on consoling her

Ashley: “You… you don’t understand, Red. I wasn’t doing it just for those friends… I was…
doing it for you.”

Red: “M-me…?”

Ashley: “Why else would I have picked you…? You’re my best friend… And, I’m sorry I didn’t
let you know sooner. But now is a better time than ever, right…?”

Subsequently, the imp started to tear up as well.

Red: “Ashley… Of course I knew I was your friend. No matter what, I would’ve stayed by your
side… But now…”

Ashley: “Don’t worry, Red… You’ll meet with me very soon…”

Fluttershy: “*Sniff* Oh, y-you poor dear…”

Miku: “A-Ash…”

Peter: “Man, who’s chopping the onions…?”

Luigi: “Ashley…”

Everyone looked towards the two in utter dismay and sympathy. Ashley looked around, and held
tight onto Red’s hand.

Ashley: “I’m sorry, everyone…”

Monokuma: “And sorry you are for murdering that penguin king! I mean, who’s gonna run his
land now? Maybe me! Puhuhu! Anyway, let’s move onto the moment we’ve all been waiting for!”

Red: “Ashley, I—!”

Monokuma: “I’ve prepared a very special punishment for Ashley, the Ultimate Witch!”

Ashley: “Red…”

Monokuma: “Let’s give it everything we’ve got! It’s punishment time!!!”

Red: “N-no—!”

Ashley: “We’ll see each other in the demon world soon, won’t we…?”


Monokuma: “Puhuhu! What a twist!”

Fluttershy: “They’re both… g-gone…”

Peter: “No way! You killed the red guy too?!”

Teto: “What?! That can’t be allowed, can it?!”

Nagito: “Considering the rules again… Red wasn’t in this killing game. Monokuma did have the
choice to execute him if he wanted to…”

Miku: “B-but that was so cruel…!”

Luigi: “...”

Just then, Luigi felt a presence next to him hold onto his waist. He had a feeling who it was as he
looked down.

Luigi: “Are you alright, Parappa…?”

Parappa: “I…”

The dog tore his eyes off the floor as he looked up at Luigi.

Parappa: “What Ashley said… It reminded me of me and my friends…”

Luigi stared at the other, eyes a little wide. He didn’t know what to say. But, it was true - Parappa
wanted to see his friends just as much as Ashley did. The only difference is someone took their
desperation further.

Yandere-Chan: “But… why?”

Monokuma: “Why what?”

Yandere-Chan: “Why would you allow someone else entirely to help in a murder…? It was never
mentioned in the rules. In fact, it goes against the whole basis of your rules.”

Nagito: “Ah, that is true. A lot of things so far have been in a grey area.”

Brian: “Going ahead with the first trial because we found the body after the deadline, then
allowing someone not even in this damn ‘killing game’ to help a participant.”

The Conductor: “What the peck? Why do ye keep betraying yer own terms?”

Monokuma: “Oh, c’mon, I haven’t actually gone against an important rule, have I? And anyway,
I’m not the only one betraying you all…!”

2D: “Wot do you mean…?”

Monokuma: “I’m talking about the traitor among y’all!”

Luigi: “Traitor…?!”

Monokuma: “Yup! One of you is actually working with moi! Hi traitor, how’s it goin’? Oh,
actually, you can’t reply, can you? Well, you could, if you wanted everyone to distrust your whole

Teto: “Eh?! You’re not lying are you?”

Fluttershy: “There can’t be! Who would work with h-him…?”

Sans: “It’s probably Nagito.”

Nagito: “Ah, it’s not me I’m afraid. But, to be presented with another traitor… I hope I won’t have
to do something drastic again.”
Miku: “Drastic…?!”

Peter: “Oh, I bet it’s gonna be some super cool twist like they were never alive to begin with!”

Brian: “Wait, Peter, what you said… Is the traitor alive?”

Monokuma: “I’m a gazillion percent sure I can see ‘em standing here right now!”

Peter: “Whoa, a gazillion? Well, it must be true!”

Parappa: “But, that can’t be, right…?”

Luigi: “...I don’t-a know.”

Monokuma: “It doesn’t matter what you think! They’re here and, who knows, they may be queer!

Monokuma disappeared as soon as he finished his laugh, and everyone looked around.

Luigi: (“There can’t-a be a traitor, right…? There’s no… way.”)

Everyone had just witnessed another person lose their life, and now they had just been told there
was someone among them all that could stab them in the back at any given time. What was this
traitor’s job? To watch over everyone? To kill when no one else would? No one knew. No one
wanted to think about it. It was just stress on top of more stress.

Despair on top of more despair.

???: “Did you really have to expose me like that?”

Monokuma: “What d’ya mean? I didn’t say who you were, I just told them that there’s a teeny
weeny itty bitty possibility that maybe someone is a traitor! That’s all!”

???: “What if they find out? What am I supposed to do?”

Monokuma: “They won’t! They’ll sleep it off, accuse some rando, then sleep it off again!”

???: “...I don’t think I want to do this anymore, anyway.”

Monokuma: “Oh, but you have to! Or else, I’ll take away your immunity! You’ll be like every
other student then - hopeless and fighting for your life! Do you really want that?”

???: “...No, but—“

Monokuma: “Then carry on as you are! You’re doing fine! Now, head off before somebody finds
you missing, and you don’t want them suspecting anything, do you?”
???: “...Fine. But, why are you hiding behind the bear? I know who you are.”

Monokuma: “I know, but, aren’t I just so cute like this? I just wanna pinch these lil’ cheeks!
...Okay, for real, it’s just to keep my identity safe. I mean, I like taking lots of extra unnecessary
precautions, y’know?”

???: “...You’re weird.”

Monokuma: “And you’re a traitor! Now, go!”

???: “...”

Chapter End Notes

Arrrg I love you so much Ash why did I kill you—

Also I didn’t realise until now that I’ve killed off all the Nintendo characters except
for Luigi (unless you count Sans cuz Smash lol)
(Also also I hope the ‘tying upside down to manipulate bloodflow’ thing makes sense
I’m not an expert haha—)
((Also Also ALSO I know it may go against everything to use an outside character
(aka Red) and reference a freetime event but I liked the idea so??? Don’t execute
Chapter 3: Mysteries of a School Life (Daily Life)
Chapter Notes

I can’t belive I’m already on Chapter 3 it feels so strange ooga booga—
Anywho, welcome to a daily life longer than chapter 1’s but shorter than chapter 2’s
(not like that matters but there ya go)
Also does anyone else know about those fanganronpa’s on Instagram?? Like the
spongebob and club penguin one??? It’s absolutely amazing and I love them sm (but
like why choose Instagram it has the worst formatting for them,, only 10 slides per
post that’s whack)

Okay please ignore my ramblin and enjoy!!!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Luigi: “...”

Luigi stared hard into the ‘M’ of his brother’s cap, where it laid on his bedside table. He was sat on
the edge of his bed, having given up tossing and turning with no avail of sleep. He had no idea
what time it was, but it felt like days since he arrived back at his room after the class trial.
Everything was starting to get tense again, and he didn’t know how to cope.

Luigi: (“Mr. Krabs… M-Mario… Dedede… Ashley… They’re all…”)

Four people were gone. It hadn’t been too long since the despised bear uttered the words of the
killing game yet four people were already gone.

Luigi: (“They’re-a not coming back…”)

It was hard believing such a situation as death. For Luigi, death usually meant a defeat followed by
a quick regeneration back into action. But here, it meant so much less. You were gone, and that
was that.

Luigi: “...”
*Ding dong, bing bong*

Luigi: “H-huh…?!”

Luigi whipped his head to the wall, then shrunk back into himself awkwardly when he realised that
it was just the morning announcement. He was dying to get away from the sheer silence of his
dorm, but wasn’t quite ready to socialise with an equally shaken array of people either. Trying to
keep a somewhat optimistic approach, he forced himself to get ready and go out to the dining hall.
Once there, not really knowing what to do at first, he caught sight of his small dog friend, and
wearily waved at him. He waved back, just as wearily, and Luigi sat next to him.

Luigi: “Um… How’re you-a doing…?”

Parappa: “I’m… okay, I guess…”

Luigi rubbed the back of his head, frustratedly trying to think of something to say. There was
nothing he could say, however. After what they had to experience again, conversation was the last
thing on their minds.

Peter: “Hey, why’s it so quiet in here? It’s like a funeral!”

Teto: “Does your brain reset every time you wake up or something?!”

Fluttershy: “I-I wish I could do that… Then, I could forget everything…”

2D: “It would be noice if we could just forget it all…”

Nagito: “Ah, but is that something you’d really want…?”

Brian: “What are you getting at?”

Miku: “I don’t wanna forget this either!”

Teto: “Eh?! Why?”

Miku: “Well… If we did, then we’d forget everyone that’s gone!”

Sans: “She’s right. What they lived for would all be forgotten, y’know?”

Luigi: (“What Mario wanted… forgotten? I would never want-a that.”)

2D: “You do make a good point there, Miku. Now I feel kinda silly for being so negative…”

Miku: “Don’t be, 2D! I feel sad too! But I don’t wanna forget any of my friends!”

The Conductor: “Even though one of them tried to kill us all for herself…?”

Miku: “H-huh?”

Fluttershy: “B-but… it was for her friends… I understand what she was going through, b-because I
miss my friends too!”

Parappa: “S-same here…”

The Conductor: “...And would yer kill for them?”

Fluttershy: “W-well, no, b-but—“

The Conductor: “Exactly. Yer don’t relate.”

Teto: “Hey, who gave you such a bad attitude?!”

Peter: “Yeah, shark! Lighten up!”

The Conductor: “...”

Nagito: “But he is right. We’re all different: you may say you won’t kill for something, but
someone else would. Like, for instance, hope.”

Brian: “Is ‘hope’ the only goddamn thing you can talk about?”

Nagito: “It’s an important thing to me… I apologise that a lowlife like me is getting in your way
about it, however.”

Luigi: (“...The atmosphere is-a getting tense… The Conductor’s really on edge, and people are
easily getting into arguments… I don’t even know what to say to stop-a this…”)

Yandere-Chan: “...Is squabbling the only thing that you all can do now…?”

Teto: “Huuh?”

Yandere-Chan, for the first time ever, put down her tea, and stared at everyone.

Yandere-Chan: “It’s useless, and hard to listen to. If you have an agenda with somebody, deal with
it on your own.”

Peter: “Feisty!”

Teto: “Jeeze, don’t get angry at us! If you want some peace and quiet, why don’t you just go

Miku: “Teto!!”
Yandere-Chan: “...Fine.”

And with that, the girl got up and left.

Parappa: “Ah, Yan-Chan, wait!”

Sans: “...Owch.”

Peter: “Are we sure she ain’t on her period or somethin’?”

Fluttershy: “I-I’m sure she just needs some alone time…”

Luigi: (“...Yandere-Chan, why are you like-a this…? What’s-a going on…?”)

2D: “Wot do you think we should do now…?”

Monokuma: “Hmmm, kill each other?”

Miku: “Uwah—!”

Monokuma: “Puhuhu!”

Teto: “Where’s your off button?!”

Monokuma: “Hey now! Don’t get crazy with ol’ Kuma! I’m just here to give ya another gift!”

Luigi: “Are you talking about… another floor?”

Monokuma: “Ding ding ding! Right on the money, mustache man!”

Nagito: “Each new killing comes a new floor…”

Brian: “God, what a horrible set-up.”

Monokuma: “Huh? You don’t like it? Fine! I’ll close it up! I’ll even close the second floor too!
Hell, I’ll EVEN close every door so you’re all stuck in here! Makes trials easier, huh?”

Peter: “Quick, Brian, take it back! I need to be able to access a bathroom!”

Monokuma: “Anyway, I hope you’ll like the new floor, I think it has some very fun stuff to keep
your mushy brains entertained for a while before the next killing!”

Parappa: “There won’t be a next killing!”

Miku: “Yeah!”

Monokuma: “Whoa, we still got some persistants here! What a rare sight! What a bunch of losers!

Monokuma sprung away, and everyone looked to each other.

Brian: “A new floor isn’t something I want to ignore. We’re still looking for a way out if anyone’s

Peter: “And I just wanna find some booze for Pete’s sake!”

Nagito: “I’m curious too. I wonder what fun things Monokuma has given us!”

The Conductor: “I wouldn’t keep yer pecking hopes up, lad.”

Reluctant yet curious, the group started to leave the dining hall to check out the new floor. Luigi
thought it would be best to keep his hopes up about finding another clue, that way he had the
motivation to actually move. Before he left, however, he looked to Parappa, and thought for a
moment at his uneasy face.

Luigi: “Hey, Parappa, would-a you like to investigate with me?”

Parappa: “Ah, really? Sure!”

The dog sprung up from his seat, and the two ventured off to the third floor. They were friends
now, and he had even helped him in the last investigation - there was no reason why they couldn’t
stick together. And, deep down Luigi knew that Parappa needed someone by his side to help him
cope, just like he did.

Luigi: (“Coping buddies…? I don’t-a really know what to call us…”)

Parappa: “What’re you thinking about, Luigi?”

Luigi: “Oh, nothing, haha…”

Soon, the both of them reached the third floor (after a quick gawk at the removal of the bars on the
second floor’s stairs), and Luigi pulled out his e-handbook. As he got the map up, he
subconsciously kneeled a little to let the smaller dog look at his screen too.
Luigi: “Hmm… What would-a you like to take a look at first?”

Parappa: “Can we check out the A/V room first? It looks pretty cool.”

Luigi: “Sure.”

The two went over to the large A/V room, where inside they saw an array of shelves filled with
DVDs, sofa chairs in the middle, and a large projector-type monitor on the far wall. The whole
room had a semi dark lightning to it, most likely to impersonate a real movie theatre.

Parappa: “Whoa…”

Miku: “Hey, hey~! Isn’t this cute? It’s like a real theatre!”

The Conductor: “Yeah… As ‘real’ as it can pecking get.”

Sans: “Well, someone’s got their feathers in a twist, heheh.”

Luigi: “Hm…”
Luigi wandered over to one of the many shelves at the side of the room, and scanned over all the

Sans: “See anythin’ you like?”

Luigi: “Not really… What kind of movies would a school have anyway?”

Sans: “I found this one.”

Sans held out an odd looking DVD case.

Luigi: “Rick and Morty season 3…?”

Sans: “You should watch episode 3 - funniest stuff I’ve ever seen.”

Luigi: “I’ll-a… keep that in mind.”

Awkwardly turning away, and definitely not meaning what he said, Luigi looked around for
Parappa. He heard a gasp, and found him staring at a console below the monitor.

Luigi: “What’s-a that you’ve found?”

Parappa: “Ah, it’s a video game console!”

Miku: “Ooo~ How fun! We can play Project Diva!”

Luigi: (“Project what…?”)

Parappa: “Maybe we should play something together sometime! If, uh, that’s alright with you…”
Luigi: “Heh, of course. I’d-a love to.”

Parappa beamed, and Luigi couldn’t help but smile back. After they were finished checking the
rest of the room, the two turned to leave. Although, Luigi caught sight of The Conductor looking
distant again in the corner of his eye, and something inside of him decided to see what was wrong.

Luigi: “Hey, Conductor, are you alright…?”

The Conductor: “Does it look like I’m alright to yer?”

Luigi: “N-no, but… It’s about that last trial, isn’t it?”

The Conductor: “...Arg, look at me! Mourning over a penguin I hardly even knew, and hated!
But… to find out I could’ve been in his place, makes me realise what this killing game’s about…”

Luigi: “Hey, don’t-a worry about it. If anything, you should-a live your life to the fullest for his
sake. Like he said, ‘at least you’re still alive’.”

The Conductor: “Ah, yer right… I guess that peck-neck had a way with words when he didn’t even
know how to use them… Er, and sorry for snapping at breakfast… I was still hung up about the
whole thing.”

Luigi: “It’s okay, and I’m-a sure everyone understands too. It’s not easy walking away from a
trial… trust me…”

The Conductor nodded solemnly at Luigi, a soft smile on his face to show his gratitude. Only then
did Luigi realise he had left Parappa hanging as he hurriedly turned around in a panic just to see the
dog waiting patiently next to him.

Luigi: “Oh… You were there the whole time.”

Parappa: “Yeah, haha.”

After breathing a sigh of relief (and gratitude at Parappa’s ultimate patience), the two made their
way to the next room on their tour: the study. Conveniently opposite the A/V room, this room
looked oddly sophisticated and peaceful. A sharp polished desk was set in the middle, while
bookshelves and paintings filled the walls. Luigi was perplexed at the sheer difference rooms
could take at this school, and still wondered what kind of school this place could even be.

Brian: “Ah, I see you’ve taken an interest to this room as well.”

Luigi: “Ah, well, not really… I’m-a just looking around…”

Peter: “Yeah, Brian. Only book nerds like you would like this place, heheh.”

Brian sighed.

Brian: “No Peter, it’s just that with this room, I could finally get some proper writing done.”

2D: “But I thought you wrote that play for Miku and all that.”

Brian: “I mean, I did, but that wasn’t real writing. And anyway, nobody even got a chance to
appreciate it…”

Luigi: (“Ah, that’s-a right. We never got to do the concert because of the murder… That’s-a
honestly a shame…”)

Brian: “But, in here, I’m certain that with a blank sheet, my imagination will be let free to roam
what I call—“

Peter: “Boring! I thought we were gonna look for some booze!”

Brian: “Ugh…”

Luigi looked to Brian for a moment, then continued searching around the room. He noticed 2D
wasn’t with a certain somebody, then put two and two together and realised she was back in the
A/V room.

Luigi: “Oh, 2D, I’d thought you’d-a be investigating with Miku.”

2D: “She was pretty hyper to start lookin’ around for clues, but I couldn’t really keep up because
I’m still tired from that trial so I let her run off…”

Luigi: “I guess being suspected for murder does leave a toll, huh?”

2D: “Yeah, but I appreciate how she defended me n’ all… I’m glad to have someone like her

Parappa: “Yeah! Everyone needs a friend!”

Luigi smiled. He felt as if everything was going to be okay as long as he kept his spirits high with
the people around him. Once finished with investigating, Luigi and Parappa left the study and
wandered down the hall where they saw a corridor that went off to the side. They quickly spotted
the girl that had up and left the dining hall from earlier eyeing the only door on the hallway. Luigi
was hesitant to talk to her, even if it was about the door. The one minute she had started
confidently helping them all in the trial again, the next she had gone back to her cold persona,
blocking everyone out again. A certain someone else didn’t see it that way, however.

Parappa: “Hey, Yan-Chan! What did you find?”

Parappa was immediately walking up to the girl with a friendly smile, and Luigi hurried to him in a
state of paranoia.

Yandere-Chan: “...It looks to be a data centre, but it’s locked.”

Much to Luigi’s surprise, she had replied quite normally. Maybe she did just need some time alone
after all.

Luigi: “Locked, huh? That probably means something’s inside that we’re-a not meant to see.”
Yandere-Chan: “Yet.”

Parappa: “Yet?”

Yandere-Chan: “Remember how we found that red door originally locked? Well, now we know
what’s on the other side. I suspect in due time we may be able to find a way inside.”

Luigi: “That’s only because a murder occurred, though…”

Parappa: “It might be an important room though, right?”

Luigi: “...Yeah, definitely. I’m-a sure we’ll find a way in soon.”

Yandere-Chan stared at Luigi for a second, which caught him uncomfortably off-guard. She turned
away soon after, and he knew he should probably leave her alone now. After Parappa waved her
goodbye, the two went to the last place at the far end of the hall, past a new set of stairs.

Luigi: (“Huh… Another floor? Surely we’ll never see it, then…”)

Stepping into the last room, Luigi stopped at the sight of it all. Soft white matts, archery bullseyes,
blissfully pink sakura trees painted on the walls: this was no doubt the dojo.

Parappa: “A dojo? Cool!”

Fluttershy: “Isn’t this place peaceful? I’m not really the type to partake in martial arts, but I really
adore the paintings on the walls…”

Nagito: “I understand what you mean. I could stare at them all day.”

Teto: “At least that gives you a use, hehe.”

Enjoying the view, Luigi started to look around the dojo, until his eyes landed on something that
made his enjoyment vanish.

Luigi: “Those are some pretty… pointy arrows…”

Teto: “I know right?! What if someone gets their eye shot out?”

Fluttershy: “T-that’s quite an extreme idea…”

Nagito: “Ah, but that’s something we have to keep in mind unfortunately. With such a weapon
lying around, who knows what someone may do with them.”

Luigi: (“I‘m-a sure nothing will… but…”) “Say, Parappa, you seem-a pretty happy with this

Parappa: “Yeah, it reminds me of Tamanegi Sensei’s dojo back at home!”

Luigi: “Tama-who…?”

Parappa: “Ah, uh, he’s just a karate teacher, heheh…”

Luigi: (“Well he seems to be talking about him without much worry, so that’s-a good…”)
“Anyway, have-a you guys found anything else here?”

Teto: “Ugh, sadly not. I wish this was easier! I just wanna leave!”

Nagito: “I’m afraid it’s never that easy.”

Fluttershy: “B-but, that doesn’t mean we should give up!”

Parappa: “Yeah! We gotta keep believing!”

Luigi: “You can-a say that again… And, well, I think we’re done with this-a floor. Should we head
back to the dining hall for our usual discussion?”

Parappa: “Alright!”

The group split off to notify the others, and soon all met up again at the dining hall.

Luigi: “So, what did-a we find this time?”

Miku: “There’s a super cool A/V room that looks like a movie theatre~!”

Sans: “Heheh, sure does. Got a lot of interestin’ titles in there too.”

The Conductor: “A little disappointed not to see any of me movies in there, but hey, I suppose it’s
not a problem.”

Luigi: (“Hm, I’m-a glad to see The Conductor a little more happier now.”)

Fluttershy: “U-um, we also found a dojo…”

Teto: “Now I have a place to kick things!”

Nagito: “Ah, but watch out for the archery equipment. It’s very sharp.”

Miku: “Eh? Really?!”

Peter: “Aw, sweet! I’m the best at archery!”

Brian: “Peter, last time you tried your hand at archery you shot Meg’s nose.”

Peter: “Well, she was in the way of the bullseye!”

Brian: “You were aiming directly for her…”

Yandere-Chan: “I suppose I should mention my findings. There is a door leading to a data centre,
but it is locked.”

Nagito: “A data centre, huh? It may have information on such things like the school, and
potentially us too.”

Teto: “Us? What do they need to know from us?”

Sans: “I hope they don’t have info on that one thing…”

2D: “Wot one thing…?”

Sans: “Y’know, that one thing…”

Miku: “Huuh…?”

Sans: “....Heheh.”

Brian: “...Carrying on, there is something I found in the study that may be of use to us.”

Luigi: “What is it?”

Brian: “This power cord.”

Peter: “Gasp! No way!”

Brian: “Peter, you were there with— Ugh, nevermind.”

The Conductor: “Wait, do yer think that power cord is for that ol’ laptop we found?”

Parappa: “That means we can find out what’s on it!”

Miku: “Oh~! I’m getting super excited!”

Luigi: “I guess there’s-a only one way to find out.”

And so, the group eagerly travelled to the second floor’s library, where Brian tried the cord with
the laptop.

Brian: “And… Aha!”

Teto: “Finally! Another clue!”

2D: “Hopefully, at least…”

The laptop flickered to life, and everyone gathered around the screen. The first screen it had come
onto was the desktop, with only two icons on the homescreen. As Luigi looked closer, one was a
file labelled ‘Pre-Report’ and the other was a word processing application.

Luigi: “Which one should we open?”

Nagito: “I’m curious about the ‘Pre-Report’. From the name alone, it probably entails the plans for
this killing game, or something along those lines.”

Brian, who was situated right in front of the laptop, double clicked on the file, and it immediately
opened up a text document. However, it wasn’t a regular looking one: the further down they
scrolled, the more corrupt and confusing the file became.

Sans: “Bummer, looks like it’s corrupt.”

Teto: “Can’t you make out any of it?”

Brian: “Hang on… The first paragraph looks the most coherent.”

*The Mutual Killing School Life will follow the general formula of the one masterminded by
Junko Enoshima. While extra terms and rules can be put in place, everything else should mimic to
a similar degree. It’s what I want, it’s what I long for. 16 individuals falling to despair. Who cares
where they’re from? When they despair, they’re all the same. I love it.*

Luigi had a hard time processing what he just read. It started off professional and as normal as
describing a killing game could get, but it slowly started to become more personal and informal. It
was almost as if this writer couldn’t contain their excitement. Their sick and twisted excitement to
feed off of their despair. He thanked god he wasn’t able to read the rest of it, because he didn’t
think he wanted to.

The Conductor: “The peck is this?!”

Teto: “God, this is messed up. Whoever wrote that is such a weirdo!”

Nagito: “We can assume this was written by the mastermind though, can’t we?”

Yandere-Chan: “Why would they let us find this, however?”

Sans: “Well, technically, it wasn’t all of it. They just gave us the gist.”

2D: “It feels like they’re playing with us…”

Miku: “Oh, I hate this…”

Brian: “Regardless of this sick bastard, there’s not much else we can do about it at the moment.”

Nagito: “Ah, hang on. Junko Enoshima… I hoped I’d never have to hear that name again. What a
hopeless being.”

Luigi: “Who’s that?”

Nagito: “As the paragraph says, she conducted the first ever killing game. It wasn’t the one I was
in, however, unless you count her AI.”

Peter: “So you’re sayin’ that chick is behind this? She better be hot!”

Nagito: “I’m afraid it’s impossible for Junko to be the mastermind. She’s dead, after all.”

Miku: “Dead?!”

Yandere-Chan: “And, from the wording alone, this is clearly written by someone other than

Fluttershy: “So then… W-who could it be…?”

No one responded. Even with the clue they had been given, any possible identity for the
mastermind couldn’t be formed.

Parappa: “Hey, don’t worry guys! Maybe this is just fake!”

The Conductor: “The lad’s right. I don’t think it’s best to get too worked up about it honestly.”

Teto: “Yeah, I’m not gonna waste my time stressing about some idiot and their creepy fetish
Brian: “Well, if you’re all done with this laptop, I think I’m gonna take it up to the study.”

Luigi: “Why’s that?”

Brian: “Since this thing’s got a word application, I’m going to use it to get a little writing done.”

Peter: “Can I come with ya, pal?”

Brian: “I’d prefer if you didn’t.”

Peter: “Aw, c’mon Brian! Please?”

Brian: “...As long as you don’t cause any stupid distractions, alright?”

Peter: “Of course! They don’t call me Peter ‘No-Distractions’ Griffin for no reason!”

Luigi: (“Why do I have a feeling nobody’s called-a you that…?”)

Reeling over the new clue, the group decided to leave their separate ways for the day. Luigi
couldn’t help but let the thought of the file linger in his mind as he walked back to his dorm room.
It was just so surreal. Who would even write such a sadistic report? Shaking the thought out of his
mind, Luigi weighed his options on what to do.

Luigi: (“I still have some monocoins… Maybe I should-a get some more gifts and hang out with
somebody… I’m-a not gonna lie, I’ve had this urge to talk to Teto. I’ve always wondered how
similar her talent is to Miku’s…”)

After a couple rounds of the Monomono Machine, Luigi scouted the floors for the twin-tailed girl.
He found her in the dojo, kicking a punching bag with a strange mixture of excitement and
Luigi: “Uh, Teto?”

Teto: “HII-YA! Huh? Oh, hey Weegee!”

Luigi: “Weegee…?”

Teto: “Doesn’t Miku call you that? She gives everyone stupid nicknames, you know.”

Luigi: “Not that I know of… A-anyway, would you like to hang out?”

Teto: “Hm, sure! I’ve got nothing better to do.”

Luigi listened to Teto ramble mischievous insults about the other students for a while.

Luigi: (“Should I give her a present? Well, it’s-a nice to…”)

Luigi decided to give Teto a red-pink pair of headphones (that somehow managed to fit inside one
of the Monomono Machine’s tiny capsules).

Teto: “Oh, these are cute! Too bad they’re pretty useless, but they’ll be fun to wear.”

Luigi: “So, I hope you don’t-a mind me asking this, but, is your, uh, program similar to Miku’s?”

Teto: “I guess so. I’m not a VOCALOID like some idiots believe though. I’m a UTAU, which is a
free software! Free! It’s free, yet everyone flocks to VOCALOID. What dumb losers.”

Luigi: “Oh, why’s that?”

Teto: “Probably because they have all the ‘famous’ faces like Miku and Rin and Len and Luka and
Kaito and Meiko and Gumi and Gakupo and Fukase and Piko and Una and…”
Luigi: (“T-that’s a lot of people… and she’s-a still going…”) “Ah, I was-a wondering this too, but,
if you and Miku are from-a different programs, how do you two know each other?”

Teto: “Well… It’s a long story. She just… helped me out one day and we became friends. D-do
you really need to know my personal life stupid?!”

Luigi: “N-no, I didn’t mean it like-a that! It’s-a just… not many of us have someone we know here.
Brian has Peter, and I… had Mario. You having Miku is a pretty good thing in a situation like-a

Teto: “I guess… A-anyway, enough about her! Let’s talk about me!”

Luigi: “Oh, okay…?”

Teto: “I’ve been having the worst time ever here!”

Luigi: “I’m-a pretty sure we all have…”

Teto: “No, I mean I can’t find any French bread!”

Luigi: “French bread…?”

Teto: “It’s my favourite food! I’ve looked all over the kitchen for it and there’s none! I even asked
the dumb bear, but he said he’d have to import it, and that it would take at least 4 weeks! I can’t
wait that long!”

Luigi: “That’s quite the story…”

Teto: “Ugh, you don’t understand how important that stuff is to me! It’s like… medicine, holy
water and true love all mixed into one!”
Luigi: “W-wow…”

Teto: “Yeah, wow! It’s such a chore putting up with no French bread! I just have to settle for
regular bread a little longer…”

Luigi: “Well, I’m-a sure it won’t be too long. We’re gonna get out together soon.”

Teto: “Hehe, that’s what I like about you! You’re so persistent! If you were dumber, it would be so
fun playing tricks on you!”

Luigi: (“R-really now…? Well, I have to admit she isn’t-a so bad either, just a bit cheeky.”)

Luigi and Teto continued their oddly dramatic back and forth a little longer until they parted ways.
For the rest of the day, not too much happened. Dinner was mainly a discussion of the new floor
and clues the group all found that day. Once the nighttime announcement played, Luigi was ready
to call it a night.

Luigi: (“This school keeps getting more mysterious the more we learn about it… It’s-a just a
matter of time until we find a way out…”)

Leaving his final thought to pass though his mind, Luigi drifted off to sleep.

Monokuma: “Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a mastermind? Well, Mr. Monokuma
will let you in on a few things to feed your interest! First… it sucks!!! Watching over everyone
constantly to make sure they aren’t too hopeful is such a tiring job! Then, ya gotta appear when
they call for you to answer they’re stupid questions! Even in the middle of the night! What a
horrible job! ...And that was Mr. Monokuma’s sneak peak into masterminding!”

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Luigi awoke with a heavy mind as the morning announcement invaded his ears with the maniacal
bear’s greetings. As he got up from his bed, he noticed something on the table on the other side of
the room.

Luigi: (“Is that… an envelope…?”)

Curious, Luigi stepped over to the table, and picked up the sepia envelope. His eyebrows furrowed
once he read what it said.

Luigi: (“Nagito’s secret…?”)

Luigi was horribly confused as he stared at the writing more intensely.

Luigi: (“Did Nagito do this…? No, my door’s locked, there’s-a no way he could’ve put this in
here. And, I definitely didn’t see this last night… But, should I open it? I don’t think I should,
but… I’m curious.”)

Eager yet with a feeling of guilt, Luigi opened the envelope up and slid out a singular sheet from
inside. It was a note, complete with a newspaper article, with a headshot of Nagito paper-clipped to
the top of it. As Luigi read the note, his body froze.

Luigi: (“W-What…? Nagito… blew up his school’s gym?!”)

Luigi’s eyes darted around, skimming the article in hopes that this was just a misunderstanding.

Luigi: (“Why… why would he…? Why do I even have-a this…?”)

Luigi took a deep breath to calm himself down, then rushed out of his room to find somebody,
anybody to talk to about this. As soon as he flung his door open and ran out, he made contact with
something and stumbled backwards. He subconsciously went to rub his head, then realised his
head didn’t even bump anything. Realising the situation, Luigi looked down to notice a familiar
small dog on the floor, beanie lopsided, covering his eyes.

Luigi: “Ah, Parappa! Are you okay?”

Luigi scrambled to help Parappa back onto his feet, and the dog fixed his beanie.

Parappa: “Yeah, I’m fine…”

Luigi: “Why’re you outside my dorm room anyway?”

Parappa: “Um, well, I came to talk to you because I found something weird in my room when I
woke up…”

Luigi: “An envelope?”

Parappa: “Ah, yeah! Wait— You got one too?!”

Luigi: “Y-yeah… that’s-a why I was rushing out the door…”

Parappa: “Who’s… who’s did you get?”

Luigi: “...Nagito’s. How about-a you?”

Parappa: “Miku’s. But, what it says about her, is it really true?”

Luigi: “So you read her’s…”

Parappa: “Ah, I-I didn’t mean to! I-I didn’t know what it was!”

Luigi: “No, it’s okay. I read his one too.”

Parappa: “Do you think they’re true?”

Luigi: “I have no idea… But, considering we both got one, everyone else must-a have one too.”

Parappa: “Then we should go ask everybody else!”

The two headed for the dining hall, where they saw everyone else talking loudly amongst

Teto: “What do you mean someone has MY secret?!”

Peter: “What the hell is even going on?! That secret I got wasn’t mine?”

The Conductor: “Is this the lord punishing me for me crimes?!”

Luigi: “Guys! Did you all… get an envelope too?”

Sans: “Yup. I got someone’s secret. Quite a secret it is.”

Fluttershy: “O-oh dear, whoever has mine please don’t hate me!”

Brian: “Great. Now someone knows something about me they really shouldn’t.”

Nagito: “If anything, I suspect this is the next motive.”

2D: “Motive? Doesn’t Monokuma usually call us to the gym for those?”

Monokuma: “I mean, I do, but this motive doesn’t need that!”

Miku: “U-uwa!!”
Monokuma: “Puhuhu, do you like your horribly sick secrets that I’ve reminded you about?! You
must be thinking ‘b-but Mr. Monokuma, how did you even get this info?!’ Can’t tell ya that

Luigi: “Reminded…?”

The Conductor: “What do yer mean ‘reminded’? I don’t even know what they know about me!”

Monokuma: “...Huh?”

Teto: “This is an invasion of privacy!”

Monokuma: “...What?”

Yandere-Chan: “...Why do you seem so confused?”

Monokuma: “Well, erm, you do have your own secrets, riiiiight?”

Peter: “Like hell we don’t!”

Monokuma: “Oh boy… Oh jeeze… Oh my….”

Fluttershy: “W-What is it…?”

Monokuma: “Dammit! Dammit all to hell! You’re supposed to have your OWN secrets! So I could
give them out to the world in 24… Arg!”

Miku: “You were gonna whaaaaat?!”

Monokuma: “Expose your stinky secrets to the world! Now, uh, that hasn’t gone to plan… Oh! Not
to worry! I’ve just had a grand idea! This right here can be the motive!”

Parappa: “Huh…?”

Monokuma: “Alrighty, folks! So, due to a little mixup, you have in your possession a dirty secret
belonging to one of your fellow classmates! What a dirtbag they are, huh? Don’t you just wanna
kill them now, huh, huh? Go on, I don’t mind!”

2D: “W-wot?!”

Sans: “Are these secrets real though?”

Monokuma: “Yepperoni!”

Nagito: “Oh dear. I wonder what you’ve said about me…”

Luigi: (“Something… indescribable.”)

Monokuma: “Man, good thing I don’t have to waste my precious time going to each and every one
of your towns to spill the beans! Though, who knows, I just might if a killing doesn’t happen soon!

Just like that, Monokuma disappeared, looking relatively relieved he solved his ‘problem’.

Parappa: “So, we all have each other’s secrets…?”

Luigi: “It seems-a so.”

Peter: “Can I have my secret back, whoever has it?”

Nagito: “I don’t think everybody is going to be so cooperative on that. Especially if it’s a secret
they can use to their advantage.”

The Conductor: “Why? Yer got somethin’ ye can use?!”

Nagito: “Ah, not really… The secret I received doesn’t leave me in a state of despair or hope - a
very neutral outlook honestly.”

Teto: “Oh, c’mon! You could be lying for all we know!”

Miku: “Even so, we shouldn’t fight about this! It’s what Monokuma wants, right?”

2D: “It’s the motive after all…”

Fluttershy: “Y-yeah, maybe there isn’t anything to worry about…”

Brian: “Well, if we’re done here, I think I’m gonna head to the study now.”

Peter: “Again?!”

Brian: “I hardly managed to finish writing a sentence before you started breaking things in there.”

Peter: “Heheh…”

Breakfast continued on as per usual, yet there was still a slight tension in the air because of the
motive. Once the group had split off for their freetime, Luigi went back to his dorm.

Luigi: (“That motive… What even is my secret? I mean… I might have-a cheated that one time in a
Mario Party, but… Does that even compare to Nagito’s?”)

As Luigi theorised what his secret may be, and who might have his, he heard a rustling of paper
behind him. Luigi turned to see a note had been slipped under his door. He went over to pick it up,
and read its message.

*Meet me at the indoor track and field at 10p.m. I would like to have a talk.*

The note was short and sweet, yet still left Luigi scratching his head.

Luigi: (“I wonder who wrote this? I wonder what they want to talk about…”)

Suddenly realising that whoever slipped the note must be close by, Luigi quickly opened his dorm
door and looked around. No one. He had just missed them.

Luigi: (“Well, it was worth a shot…”)

Just as Luigi closed his door again, he heard violent knocking at his door, which almost made him
jump out of his skin.

Luigi: “H-huh?!”

Luigi quickly opened the door back up, and peered up at a familiar large man looking rather guilty.

Peter: “Uh, hey Luigi. I got a… plumber job for you…”

Luigi: “Wh...What?”

Peter: “My toilet’s clogged, heheh…”

Luigi: (“...Really?”)

Peter: “Hey, c’mon! Don’t look at me like that! You’re the Ultimate Plumber, right? Then you’ll
love uncloggin’ it for me!”
Luigi: (“I almost forgot I’m-a the ‘Ultimate Plumber’...”)

Peter: “So, what'd ya say, pal?”

Luigi: (“I… It’ll give-a me something to do at least…”) “Uh, sure…”

Peter: “Thanks buddy! Follow me!”

Luigi reluctantly followed Peter to his dorm, mentally arguing with himself if this was a good idea
or not. When there, Peter directed him to the bathroom, and Luigi gulped as he looked at the sight.

Luigi: (“Mamma-mia…”)

Luigi avoided directly looking at the toilet as he got to work unclogging. It felt like hours, when it
really was just minutes, but time seemed to slow down as he trekked through the horrible task.
When the pain was finally over, Luigi wiped the sweat off his brow, and stepped back from that
damned toilet.

Luigi: “I’m… I’m-a done…”

Peter: “Man, thanks Luigi!”

Luigi: “You’re, uh, welcome…”

Luigi stepped out of the bathroom, and shut its door maybe a little too forcefully. He was never
going to go in there ever again, even if it was squeaky clean now. What he did that day would
traumatize him for the rest of his life.

Peter: “Hey, Luigi, you’re starin’ off into space…”

Luigi: “O-oh, um, sorry! I just… Would you like to hang out?”
Peter: “Aw, really? Sweet! I could use the company right now - Brian won’t let me in the study
with him anymore for reasons I object to.”

Luigi: (“I wouldn’t necessarily object-a them myself…”)

Luigi listened to Peter talk about TV shows he’d never heard of before.

Luigi: (“I suppose I should give him a present…”)

Luigi gave Peter an off-brand Energy drink with a Monokuma symbol on the label (which also
managed to find its way in a capsule somehow).

Peter: “Aw, sweet! I heard this stuff gives you wings! Thanks a bunch, Luigi!”

Luigi: “So, what’s-a your family like?”

Peter: “They’re the best, I tell ya! My wife Lois is smokin’ hot, and Brian’s the best dog a man
could ever ask for!”

Luigi: “That’s nice… What about the kids?”

Peter: “Uh… Chris likes to sniff glue, nobody likes Meg, and Stewie is Lois’ problem.”

Luigi: (“Well, that doesn’t-a sound very fatherly…”)

Peter: “But enough about the fam, who you really wanna meet is my pals Joe, Quagmire and
Cleveland! We always drink at the Drunken Clam, the best damn bar in the world!”

Luigi: “You really like your alcohol, huh?”

Peter: “Duh! It’s like God’s creation y’know? And I know for a fact from trial and error I can drink
six whole cans of beer and still drive without hittin’ anybody!”

Luigi: (“T-that’s-a not really something to be bragging about…”)

Peter: “Everyday I’m cravin’ for just a sip of the stuff! I’m sufferin’ without it!”

Luigi: (“In a way, maybe alcohol is a comfort to him. I can’t believe I’m-a about to say this
but…”) “I’m-a sure we’ll find some soon! Have you tried asking Monokuma about it?”

Peter: “Who’s that?”

Luigi: “The… bear that’s-a trapped us here?”

Peter: “Oh yeah! That guy! Wait… Are you sayin’ all I gotta do is ask him for some booze and
he’ll give it to me?”

Luigi: “Well, I don’t know for sure, but it’s-a worth a shot, right?”

Peter: “A shot well takin’! I can’t believe I didn’t think of that before! My IQ’s just under average,
so I am pretty smart, y’know?”

Luigi: (“I… don’t-a think under average is a good thing.”)

Peter: “Hey, thanks Luigi. You’re a real pal.”

Luigi: “No problem…”

The two continued to talk for a while until Luigi decided he couldn’t handle any more strange
conversations with the large man. As he waved him goodbye and walked out of the dorm, he
noticed someone was searching around the dorms.
Luigi: “2D…? What’re you looking for?”

2D: “Oh, uh, I’m trying to find Miku. I thought she’d be in the performance hall, but I can’t seem
to find her anywhere.”

Luigi: “Oh, that’s strange. Do you think she’s-a in her dorm?”

2D: “Must be. I was gonna check now.”

Luigi: “Good luck with that.”

2D: “Thanks mate.”

Luigi returned to his dorm after waving a goodbye. The rest of the day played out as normal, until
he went to the dining hall for dinner. He saw Miku sitting with 2D and Teto, but her usual cheery
smile was missing.

Parappa: “Hey guys, I was thinking about this for a while and, maybe you three could continue on
with your concert?”

Teto: “I mean, I’d like to, but after that murder…”

2D: “Yeah, I think it’s gonna take a while to get over it, sorry. How about you, Miku?”

Miku: “...”

2D: “Miku…?”

Miku: “H-huh? Oh, um, not really…”

Parappa: “Aw… Now I feel stupid for asking.”

2D: “Don’t worry about it, mate. It wos gonna be a good thing, after all.”

Peter: “Well, there’s nothing stopping me from performing!”

Teto: “I don’t think anyone wants to hear you in particular…”

Dinner contained normally from there, and later on when the nighttime announcement played,
Luigi decided to head off to the indoor track.

Luigi: (“That note… I guess I’m-a gonna find out who wrote it…”)

Just then, when right outside it’s door, he froze.

Luigi: (“Hang on… What if this is a trap? What if someone was-a planning to… No. I’m sure
everything will be fine.”)

Taking a deep breath, Luigi opened the door and peeked inside. He saw an all too familiar girl
sitting beside the track, looking solemnly at the grass floor. Luigi gulped as he stepped cautiously

Luigi: “H-hello…?”

Yandere-Chan: “Hello. Please, sit.”

With the simple command, Luigi walked over and sat a few feet away from her. Even as he was sat
now, she hadn’t spoken another word, so took the initiative to ask the obvious.
Luigi: “Were you the one that sent me that note…?”

Yandere-Chan: “Yes.”

Luigi: “So, what did you want to talk about?”

Yandere-Chan: “...Do you remember what a yandere is?”

Luigi: “I… I only remember what-a you said when I first met you, about someone who protects
their love, even… harming others.”

Yandere-Chan: “...”

Luigi: “What did that mean, by the way? ‘Harming others’... Do you…?”

Yandere-Chan: “I… didn’t mean to startle you. I just protect my senpai from people who threaten
or hurt him.”

Luigi: “Oh. Even…?”

Yandere-Chan: “...What your brother said. He was quick to believe that I… Do you think the

Luigi: “Huh?! N-no, but… I’m-a pretty sure he was just on edge when he said that. No one was
really thinking right back then…”

Yandere-Chan: “...Hm. That’s alright then. I’m sorry I gave the wrong impression.”

Luigi: “That’s-a fine. A lotta people here gave the wrong impression when I first met them too,
haha… Is this why you wanted to talk to me?”

Yandere-Chan: “...Yes. I… don’t mean to be a threat to any of you. I don’t intend to harm any of
you. You all… haven’t done anything to provoke it. I hope you understand that.”

Luigi: (“‘Provoke it’...?”)

Yandere-Chan: “It may seem hard to believe, but I promise I won’t do anything to you all.”

Luigi: “That… Of course I believe that.”

Yandere-Chan: “You do…?”

Luigi: “Well, yeah. You’ve-a helped us a lot in investigations, from finding clues to solving
problems in trials. Sure, you may be quiet around the group, but I’ve-a never had any ill thought
about you.”

Yandere-Chan: “...Thank you.”

Luigi: “It’s-a no problem at all… Say, uh, why did you want to tell this to me anyway?”

Yandere-Chan: “You have been thought a lot. Despite another trial, you stayed controlled. You
didn’t let your feelings get in the way of the logic. I know that’s hard for people like… for people
in your position.”

Luigi: “I… guess I’ve-a never thought about it like that before.”

Yandere-Chan: “I just thought you’d understand me more rationally than the others.”

Luigi: “Really…?”

Yandere-Chan: “Some of them still don’t even remember my name.”

Luigi: “Wow, that’s…”

Yandere-Chan: “I also apologise for isolating myself a lot. I didn’t feel like I had anyone to trust

Luigi: “Hey, it’s understandable… especially when they don’t-a know your name, haha.”

Yandere-Chan: “...Heh.”

Luigi: “...Hey, uh, Ayano was it? Do you mind if I call you that? It’s-a just… It feels better to call
you by your name rather than some-a nickname that doesn’t really defy you.”

Luigi watched as Yandere-Chan’s eyes slightly widened at the question. She stared at the floor for
a while, expression unchanging. After a moment, she looked back at him.

Yandere-Chan: “I… wouldn’t mind that.”

Luigi: “That’s-a great to hear, Ayano.”

Then, she smiled. It was a small smile, almost nonexistent. But it was there, and Luigi could see it
clearly even if the room was dark. It felt satisfying to see: despite still being a mystery, Yandere-
Chan became just a little more familiar, a little more friendlier, and a little more trustworthy.

Luigi: “So, why did you pick to talk here?”

Yandere-Chan: “I like going to this place a lot. It reminds me of outside the most.”

Luigi: “Ah, definitely. I hope we can return to the real deal soon…”

For the next half hour or so, the two sat in a calm aura, idly talking about this and that, until they
decided to return to the dorms for the night.

Luigi: (“This day has been pretty crazy. First the motive, then I finally get to understand Ayano,
even if by a little bit. She just-a needs more people to trust her, that’s all…”)

Luigi laid back on his bed somewhat peacefully, and soon fell asleep.


Monokuma: “Hey, can you keep a secret? SHHH! Alright, so it’s that… I hate keeping secrets!
SHHH! How does somebody expect you to keep something like ‘I’m having an affair with my
husband’ or ‘I’ve invested half my savings into time travel’ a secret! SHHH! It’s just… can I at
least tell that one guy who doesn’t have any friends he can tell? SHHH! It’s not fair! Sometimes I
just wanna shout it out to the world all the secrets people trust me to keep! SHHH! Shaddup! What
did I tell you?! It’s a secret goddamnit!”

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Luigi wavered his eyes open in an attempt to wake up to the announcement. Last night staying up
really did a toll on his sleep schedule. Nonetheless, he got ready and headed to the dining hall for a
breakfast he hoped would wake him up.

Parappa: “Hey Luigi, you look kinda tired.”

Luigi: “I’m-a fine. I just need some breakfast…”

As Luigi sat down, he couldn’t help but overhear the group’s main discussion.

Sans: “So, d’ya really think these secrets are true?”

Brian: “We can’t confirm them if we don’t have our own.”

Teto: “I don’t think Monokuma is that trustworthy anyway…”

Nagito: “Even so, would you suspect someone may kill over them?”

The Conductor: “Yer really had to jump in with that one, lad.”

Nagito: “Ah, I apologise. I’m just hopeful to hear everyone’s opinion on the matter.”

Fluttershy: “I-I wouldn’t! And, I don’t think anyone else here would!”
Sans: “How about that traitor guy?”

Teto: “You really think there is one?”

Sans: “Well… it’s just a possibility, ain’t it?”

2D: “Do you really think they’d be set to kill someone, though?”

Parappa: “No way!”

Peter: “Well, what if they did kill someone?”

Brian: “Peter—“

Peter: “And then they killed someone else?!”

Brian: “Peter—!”

Peter: “And then they killed everyone else—?!”

Miku: “NO!”

Everyone froze at the sudden scream, and turned to look at a trembling Miku.

2D: “Miku…? Are you alroight…?”

Miku: “I-I… I’m fine…!”

2D: “...I think we should all stop talking about this now.”
Teto: “It’s all your fault, fatty!”

Peter: “What did I say?!”

Luigi: (“That sudden outburst was odd for Miku… Maybe she’s just feeling uneasy. I mean, I
don’t-a like talking about murder either…”)

Breakfast continued on a little uneasy, and once Luigi returned back to his dorm he decided on
what to do for the rest of the day.

Luigi: (“I don’t-a think talking to Miku is such a good idea at the moment… On the other hand, I
haven’t hung out with 2D yet, and maybe it’ll lift some stress off-a him. He was looking very
concerned for Miku after all…”)

Surprisingly, he found 2D almost too close by, standing right outside Miku’s dorm with an
enclosed fist weakly pressing against the wood.

Luigi: “2D…?”

2D: “Oh, Luigi, I didn’t see you there. I was just trying to get Miku to come out of her dorm, but
she refused. She keeps sayin’ that she just wants some rest, but…”

Luigi: “Well, maybe she does. If you’d-a like, maybe we could hang out for a while to keep your
mind off-a this?”

2D: “Y’know, I think I’d like that. I’m sure I’m just overconcernin’ me-self over her anyway.”

Luigi: “It’s-a nice you’re looking out for her, though.”

The two decided to go chat in the A/V room, where Luigi listened to 2D talk about music and
British problems.
Luigi: (“It’s-a customary by now to give someone a present, huh…”)

Luigi gave 2D a tiny toy keyboard that was said to have the ‘same sound quality of an actual

2D: “This is pretty noice. Thanks, Luigi.”

Luigi: “So, you’re in a band, right?”

2D: “Yeah, the Gorillaz. It consists of me and my four oth’a band members: Murdoc, Noodle, n’

Luigi: (“Noodle…? What a strange name…”) “Are you all close?”

2D: “Well I guess you could say that. We all met in unlikely situations, and kinda just stuck
together as a band. I mean, we even live together.”

Luigi: (“That’s quite-a the backstory…”) “Uh, also, I’ve been curious about your eyes. Were they
always like-a that?”

2D: “No, not really. It’s actually coz’ of Murdoc when he crashed into the emporium I wos
workin’ in at the toime, and his bumper did my eye in…”

Luigi: “Ouch… Wait, what about your other eye?”

2D: “About a year later, Murdoc did some trick in his car, which ended up with me crashin’
through the windscreen and hittin’ me head on the curb. That’s when he gave me the nickname
‘2D’ and I guess it kinda stuck coz’ I liked it.”

Luigi: “What a wild story…”

2D: “Yeah, does sound like it. But, honestly, I’ve been through much worse after that. I love
singing n’ all that but the abuse from him is a lil’ too much.”
Luigi: “That’s-a sad to hear… Hey, so what about this, uh ‘Noodle’ person?”

2D: “Oh, Noodle? She’s our youngest band member, and is in fact Japanese. We found her in a
FedEx crate outside our studio, and played this brilliant guitar solo the moment we opened it up.”

Luigi: “W-wow…”

2D: “When she was younger, she had quite a lot of energy. That’s why she reminds me of Miku,
‘side from the Japanese part.”

Luigi: “Honestly, your whole-a band sounds very unique. I understand how hard it must be not
being able to see them.”

2D: “Yeah, it’s sad, won’t lie. But like you said, we’re gonna get out, roight? And then, maybe I
could do that collab with Miku.”

Luigi: (“Haha, I guess my words are really sticking with people… And, it would-a be nice to
finally hear those two perform…”)

The two continued to talk about 2D’s band, until he excused himself to check on Miku again. Luigi
returned to his dorm and rested for the remainder of the day until dinner.

As he chatted to Parappa, he noticed something going on on the other side of the table.

Peter: “Heheheh—“

Brian: “Peter, stop waving around your knife like an idiot.”

Peter: “Why? You think I’m gonna stab ya? Heheh.”

Fluttershy: “B-be careful!”

The Conductor: “We don’t need another myurder happenin’ around here…”

Peter: But what if I stabbed you? Or you? Or maybe the pretty lady over—“

Miku: “STOP IT!”

Once again, Miku’s unexpected scream had stunned everyone into silence.

2D: “Miku…?! H-he wos just kiddin’—“

Miku: “P-Please stop! No more! I’m sorry!!!”

Suddenly, Miku jolted out of her seat and fled the dining hall, tears pricking at her eyes.

2D: “Huh?! Miku—!”

Teto: “What the…?! What’s gotten into her? So stupid…”

2D: “Oi, I thought you two were friends.”

Teto: “We are!”

2D: “Then why aren’t you tryin’ to help her?”

Teto: “What…?”

2D: “Instead of sittin’ there, maybe you ought’a console your friend.”

Teto: “I...I was just going to, idiot! C’mon! What’re YOU waiting for?!”

Teto ran off, followed by 2D, leaving everyone else in a state of confusion and shock.

Fluttershy: “O-oh my, that poor dear…”

Brian: “Great job, Peter.”

Peter: “What? What did I say?”

Nagito: “It seems that something is bothering Miku during discussions of murder…”

The Conductor: “Discussin’ myurder bothers all of us yer peck-neck!”

Parappa: “Do you think Miku’s gonna be okay, Luigi…?”

Luigi: “I...I hope so. If 2D and Teto have gone to console her, she should be alright soon…”

Dinner had finished quite abruptly, as many had lost their appetites after witnessing the outburst of
the poor girl. When nighttime struck, Luigi sulked back to his room, fighting back the thought of
the scene in his head.

Luigi: (“Miku… Whatever’s going on, I hope 2D and Teto can-a help you through it… I can’t-a let
this get to me…”)

Closing his eyes hastily, Luigi forced himself to go to sleep.


Monokuma: “What’s possibly the biggest fear you could have? Spiders? Heights? No, no, no
people! It’s the unknown! Fear of the unknown! Not knowing what’ll come next is such a
frightening thing! Not knowing what happens next in a horror movie, or not knowing what’ll be
behind the closet door at 3am… For me, I just look that stuff up so nothing can get to me! Well uh,
about what’s behind that closet door though…”

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Getting up slowly, Luigi regained his thoughts about the previous day, and hoped everything had
turned out alright. He walked to the dining hall, where he noticed something off about the people

Parappa: “Good morning, Luigi!”

Luigi: “Good morning… Say, where are…?”

Nagito: “Miku, 2D, Teto and Yandere-Chan? I’m afraid we can’t say.”

Fluttershy: “They’re probably just running late… I mean, with what happened yesterday, I’m sure
Miku just needs more time…”

Sans: “Makes sense for those three, but how about that yandere girl?”

Luigi: (“Ayano… Where could she be?”)

Brian: “Our best bet is to just wait it out.”

And so, the group waited for the four’s arrival. And waited some more. And waited some more.
No matter how long they kept waiting, not a single one of them turned up.

The Conductor: “Alright, this is pecking ridiculous!”

Nagito: “Ah, you don’t think something bad has happened to them, do you…?”

A sudden shot of terrified adrenaline shot through Luigi as his brain quickly deciphered what those
words meant.

Luigi: “W-we… We’ve-a gotta find them!”

Fluttershy: “Ah, Luigi!”

Parappa: “H-he’s right!”

Brian: “Alright then, let’s split up and search.”

Immediately the group ran out of the dining hall in separate directions, in hopes to find at least one
of the four missing individuals. Luigi didn’t know where to look first. His head was spinning.

Luigi: (“What if something happened to Miku because-a she…? I only just spoke with Yandere-
Chan that one night, she can’t-a be…?”)

Vigorously shaking the thoughts out of his head, Luigi sprinted up flights of stairs until he reached
the second floor. His legs then started to carry him in all sorts of directions until he bumped into
something that sent him back a few steps.

Yandere-Chan: “Luigi…?”

Luigi: “Ah, Ayano! You’re…!”

Luigi almost wanted to hug the girl in an aspirated state, but resisted the urge on the account of the

Yandere-Chan: “What’s going on…?”

Luigi: “We were looking for you guys!”

Yandere-Chan: “‘You guys’?”

Luigi: “You were missing! So were Miku, 2D, a-and—“

???: “Holy Crap—!”

Luigi froze as he heard a muffled cry echo from the floor above. His instincts kicked in and he
started running in the direction of the next flight of stairs, hearing the footsteps of the girl he just
found trailing close behind.
Once he reached the third floor, he whipped his head around, and noticed the study door was wide
open. Panting heavily from the frantic running, he took heavy steps to the room’s entrance. He, and
Yandere-Chan, looked in to see the man-dog duo fixated on a certain point on the ground, and
shakily followed their gaze.

Oh god.

Luigi could feel his heart pounding in his chest as those horrible feelings of blatant terror rushed
back into his head. Not again. Not again. It couldn’t happen again.

But, the despair happened again.

The despair of Stuart Pot’s unmoving body lying on the study’s floor.

*Ding dong, bing bong*

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Luigi: “H...uh…?”

That wasn’t a mistake, was it? That sickening bell had played twice.

Luigi: “What was…?”

Brian: “Did… the bell just play twice…?”

Peter: “Was that some kinda mistake?! Unless this guy’s body counts for two, then—“

Parappa: “Luigi—!”

Luigi’s head immediately turned around to face his dog friend, who seemed especially shaken.
Luigi: “Parappa! W-what’s…?!”

Parappa: “E-everyone follow me! Quick!”

Just like that, the four were hot on Parappa’s tail as he led them to the dormitory area. Luigi
couldn’t even focus on a single thought as he was directed to one of the many dorms, it's door wide
open with everyone else inside. He couldn’t even register who’s it was as he rushed towards it.

He wished he wasn’t being so hasty.

Luigi knew he saw 2D’s body in the study as clear as day. He realised that he had been killed. He
realised that there had been another murder. He realised that there was another victim in this killing
game. He realised he had experienced the despair all over again.

What he didn’t realise, however, was that the despair could be doubled.

Doubled from the lifeless body of Hastune Miku.

Chapter End Notes

Uh oh... Double myurder!!!

I had such a troubling time writing that ending omGOD it’s not easy having to write
past a discovered body hnng
Also since I got suggested it: do you think I should make a discord server for this???
Like I have no idea how fangan servers would work but I’m always up for the offer
Chapter 3: Mysteries of a School Life (Deadly Life)
Chapter Notes

Happy Easter y’all! (Uhhh pretend Monokuma is a rabbit or smth... or he’s Monomi
I also found a YTTD and a BFDI fangan on insta! (yesIlikethemshutup)
I had a *great* time writing this chapter because I had to redo a plot point in the
murder (this could’ve been out 2 days ago but I got SO confused with myself)
Uhhhh,,, okthanks enjoy ;)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Monokuma: “Holy guacamole! Two bodies have been discovered! Please come to the… hang on. I
guess just come to Miku’s dorm seeing how you're all pretty much there.”


Luigi blinked a few times, dumbfoundedly processing the situation. Two people were dead. Things
weren’t making sense anymore. He never thought the possibility could arise, yet here it was right
in front of him. He almost felt numb.

???: “Mi…ku…?”

Luigi, including everyone else, looked behind them to see a familiar twin-tailed girl at the door
frame, gripping onto one of its sides and trembling. Her eyes were wide yet her pupils were so
small, with fresh despairful tears forming quickly within them.
Teto: “Wh…at...the...hell…?”

Her syllables were stilted, and her breath hitched on almost every word. It was painful to watch her
expression worsen as she stared more deeply into the body of her friend.

Fluttershy: “T-Teto…”

The girl stumbled a few steps into the room, but her legs suddenly gave out as she fell to her knees,
eyes falling to the floor with them.

Teto: “Sh...She’s…”

Monokuma: “Dead! So is the other guy! Puhuhu!”

The Conductor: “You…!”

Monokuma: “Me?”

The Conductor: “Stop lyin’ to us! What ‘other guy’?!”

Yandere-Chan: “Ah, I suppose you guys wouldn’t know this, but, 2D’s dead as well.”

Nagito: “Oh dear... Another double murder, huh?”

Brian: “But, why the hell are two people dead?”

Monokuma: “Because… they just are? I never said only one person could die at a time now, did

Peter: “You mean there’s a serial killer?! Don’t kill me! I’m too big to kill!”

Sans: “He makes a point. Can the killer kill again?”

Monokuma: “Well, that, um… Yeah, no! Let me make it a rule: only two people can be killed

Multiple beeps could be heard throughout the room, and Luigi realised one had come from the
pocket his e-handbook was in. The rules must’ve just been updated.

Sans: “That was oddly fast.”

Monokuma: “I’m a fast typer, kuh-doy!”

Nagito: “I suppose now you want us to investigate into this double murder, am I correct?”

Monokuma: “When are you not correct ya hope-lovin’ bastard?”

Yandere-Chan: “Are we sure the culprit is the same for both murders?”
Monokuma: “Well, miss detective, that’s for you to figure out as well!”

Monokuma pulled out two tablets.

Monokuma: “Here ya go! The Monokuma File 3 and the… Monokuma File 4? No, wait, that’s
gonna get confusing when we get onto the next murder… Okay! This is the Monokuma File 3.5!
Have fun~!”

Monokuma excitedly bounced away. During this conversation with the twisted bear, Luigi had
kept a firm eye on the girl on the ground, who had now started to hold herself tightly.

Luigi: (“Teto… She was-a friends with Miku, wasn’t she? And now she’s… Gosh, I understand
how she feels…”)

Yandere-Chan: “We should probably start our investigation now.”

Fluttershy: “Teto… i-is that okay with you…?”

Teto: “...”

Brian: “So, how’re we gonna guard the bodies this time?”

Nagito: “It’s easier if we have at least three people at each body.”

Peter: “I’ll take the duty upstairs! Heheh, ‘duty’.”

Sans: “Guess I’ll go too.”

The Conductor: “I suppose I can be the third if yer want.”

Brian: “I’ll come to - I want to investigate up there first.”

The four guys left for the study.

Fluttershy: “U-um, I should probably take Teto somewhere else for now, so that she can…”

Teto: “N-no...I want to stay here…”

Fluttershy: “Teto…?”

Teto: “I-I stay close to h-her…”

Fluttershy: “Ah, of course. Then, we’ll guard here.”

Parappa: “Hey, Luigi, this seems like a big case. I’m not sure if I’m gonna be very helpful to

Luigi: “It… does look a little much, so… Hey, how about you help support Teto? I’m-a sure she’d
appreciate it.”

Parappa: “Really?”

Luigi: “Yeah, I think you’d-a be a great emotional support.”

Parappa: “Alright! I’ll do my best!”

Luigi: (“2D… Miku… We’re-a gonna get to the bottom of this, for your sakes!”)


Yandere-Chan: “Hey, Luigi. I would like to assist you in your investigation. This case… is a
strange one, and I think we could help each other out.”

Luigi: (“Huh, really? I guess-a because we’re a little more familiar now, so she trusts me…?”)
“Sure, I don’t-a mind… Did you have something in mind you wanted to do first?”

Yandere-Chan: “I think we should check out 2D’s case first. The air may be a little easier up there
right now.”

Luigi: “Ah, you’re-a right…”

The two traced their steps back to the study, where Luigi held his breath for a moment after seeing
the body again.

Sans: “Hey gang, file’s just on the desk there.”

Luigi: “Ah, thanks…”

Luigi and Yandere-Chan went over to the desk to read the file.
*The victim is Stuart “2D” Pot. The estimated time of death was around 10:45pm. The body was
discovered in the study on the third floor. Cause of death was blood loss due to a sharp object
being lodged into the back of his neck.*

Luigi: “...So, I guess it’s-a safe to assume that ‘sharp object’ is the arrow, right?”

Yandere-Chan: “Must be. Considering that fact, we might as well check the dojo after this just in

Luigi: “Yeah. Now we’ve-a got the gist of the murder, at least.”

*”Monokuma File #3” has been added to truth bullets*

As soon as Luigi put down the file, his investigation partner had already started walking over to the
body. In a hurried state, he followed over to her, and watched as she knelt down beside it.

Luigi: “You’re-a… quick to look…”

Yandere-Chan: “Why not? We don’t have a lot of time, especially with two murders on our hands.”
Luigi: “I guess you’re-a right…”

Luigi continued to watch as she inspected the wound on the back of 2D’s neck. He looked down
over it too, not as confidently however, as the sight of it made him slightly sick.

Luigi: “It’s-a lodged in pretty far…”

Yandere-Chan: “Yes. For the arrow to be in this far, a lot of force had to be used.”

Luigi: (“Force, huh? I wonder what was used then…”)

*”2D’s neck wound” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi scanned over the body once more, and noticed something in 2D’s his right hand. He went
over and carefully retracted it from his loose, cold grip.

Luigi: (“I’m-a sorry, 2D… I hope you don’t-a mind me taking this…”)

Yandere-Chan: “Ah, so you found the note in his hand.”

Luigi: “Yeah… I wonder what it says…”

*If you don’t want to die, I want to see you at the study tonight. Don’t keep me waiting you
worthless whore.*

Luigi: “H-huh…?”

Yandere-Chan: “It seems to be a threat more than a wish for a meet-up. If anything though, this
was written by the culprit.”

The Conductor: “Quite the slur there…”

Peter: “Whoa, they hated the British guy that much?!”

Luigi: “It’s-a very harsh… Why would they need to write something like-a that?”

*”Meeting Note” has been added to truth bullets*

Yandere-Chan: “That’s all I can see on him.”

Luigi: “Hmm…”

Luigi looked up and peered around the room. His eyes landed on something peculiar, and he
walked closer to it.

Luigi: “Hey, what’s-a this…?”

There was someone just peeking out from behind a bookshelf, and he decided to pull it out.
Yandere-Chan had got up and went over to him, and they studied the odd discovery.

Brian: “Hey, what did you two find?”

Luigi: “It’s… a bow?”

The Conductor: “And why do yer seem so confused about it? It’s obviously the weapon!”

Luigi: “Yeah, but… Why would-a they hide it here?”

Yandere-Chan: “I agree that it is very strange. If anything, they should’ve hid it back in the dojo so
no one could prove that they used it.”
Peter: “Maybe they really wanted to let us know they used it without a doubt!”

The Conductor: “Why the peck would they want to do that?!”

Luigi: (“I dunno, but, at least we’ve-a found the weapon.”)

*”Bow” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi looked away from the bookshelf momentarily, and caught sight of scratches and marks on
the walls beside the study’s door frame.

Luigi: “Have those always been there?”

Brian: “Not that I know of.”

The Conductor: “What even is that, anyway?”

Yandere-Chan: “It looks to be some kind of struggle.”

Luigi: (“Well then, these must be connected to this-a case… If so, what caused them?”)

*”Signs of a Struggle” has been added to truth bullets*

As Luigi scratched his head at the new clue, he noticed Yandere-Chan in the corner of his eye turn
to face the opposite wall, and narrow her eyes at something.

Yandere-Chan: “I can see something in the wall over there.”

Luigi: “Oh?”
The two walked over to the wall behind the desk, and Yandere-Chan placed her hand out to touch a
groove in the wall.

Yandere-Chan: “Hm…”

Luigi: “A dent in the wall? Why would that be there?”

Sans: “It coulda been a weapon or somethin’.”

The Conductor: “Like what? The only weapon present here is the arrow, and it’s clearly up in the
bloke’s neck!”

Luigi: (“Well… I can’t-a really ignore anything at this point…”)

*”Dent in the wall” has been added to truth bullets*

Seeing as he was done with the wall, Luigi turned to leave, but as he turned on his heel, he noticed
something beneath his feet.

Luigi: “W-wah—!”

Yandere-Chan: “What happened?”

Luigi: “There looks like-a blood on the floor…!”

Yandere-Chan: “Blood…?”

Luigi quickly jumped off the spot he was standing on, and the two looked down to see a dried
bloodstain on the carpet.

Luigi: “Why would-a this be here?”

Yandere-Chan: “I’m not sure, but it seems to be smudged in the direction of 2D’s body.”

Luigi: (“Ah, that… What does that mean?”)

*”Bloody carpet stain” has been added to truth bullets”*

Yandere-Chan: “There are a lot of suspicious things around here, however there’s a chance they’re
not even connected to this case. I’ve only been in the study once, so I’m not sure what’s changed.”

Luigi: “Ah, but I think I know someone who might: Brian. He writes a lot in-a here, right?”

Yandere-Chan: “Then I suppose our best bet is to ask him.”

The two wandered over to the dog in question.

Luigi: “Hey, Brian, you’re in-a here a lot, so maybe you know what’s-a changed.”

Brian: “Just about everything you’ve found.”

Yandere-Chan: “And when were you last in here?”

Brian: “I was in here yesterday up until dinner. I hung out with Peter for the rest of the evening,
and he can vouch for me on that.”

Peter: “We were try’na ask the bear for booze, but he kept changin’ the subject!”

Luigi: “Hm, thank you for that…?”

*”Brian’s Account” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi looked around the room one last time, and sighed.

Luigi: “I think… that’s-a everything in here. Should we go to the— huh?”

Luigi cut himself off mid-sentence as he saw Yandere-Chan walk back to 2D’s body and pull on
his left arm.

Luigi: “What are-a you doing?!”

Yandere-Chan: “I just noticed that his hand is shoved into his pocket. I wonder if there’s something
in there he was trying to hide.”

Luigi: “Wow, I didn’t even notice either…”

Yandere-Chan slid out the hand completely from the pocket, and paused.

Yandere-Chan: “Luigi, come look at this…”

Luigi: “What is it?”

Luigi went over beside her, and laid eyes on a strange arrangement.
Luigi: “What’s he doing with his-a hand…?”

2D’s hand was positioned in an odd way: his thumb was down, and there was blood on his ring

Yandere-Chan: “That’s definitely not a normal thing that should happen… So, I assume it’s

Luigi: “Like… He’s-a trying to signal something?”

Yandere-Chan: “Could be.”

Peter: “Maybe he was tryin’ to hitch-hike!”

The Conductor: “Then his thumb would be up yer stupid peck-neck!”

Sans: “Then, could it be reverse hitch-hikin’? ...Hike-hitchin’? Heheh.”

Brian: “Don’t you dare join in with Peter too.”

Luigi: (“...What could it even be signalling to? It’s-a definitely important to note.”)

*”Mysterious Message on 2D’s Hand” has been added to truth bullets*

Yandere-Chan: “I think our investigation here is done. Let’s move onto the dojo.”

Luigi: (“No breaks for you, huh…?”)

Yandere-Chan, followed by an slightly reeling Luigi, travelled over to the dojo, where they ran into
someone unexpected.

Luigi: “Nagito…?”

Nagito: “Oh, hello! I hope you don’t mind if I investigate here, I was here first after all.”

Luigi: “That’s-a fine…”

Nagito: “Hm, Luigi and Yandere-Chan, what an unlikely duo! I bet you two are making such great
progress together!”

Yandere-Chan: “Go back to investigating.”

Nagito: “Yes ma’am.”

Luigi: (“It looks like she’s tired of him too…”)

As Luigi ignored the previous chat, he wandered over to where he last saw the arrows, and
fortunately they were all there. Well, was it all of them?
Luigi: “Hang on, is this all of-a them…?”

Yandere-Chan: “It’ll be hard to tell. I don’t suppose anyone has bothered counting before anyway.”

Nagito: “Actually, I hate to interrupt, but I have.”

Luigi: “You have?”

Nagito: “I was curious - for them to be left out so easily for us to access, I wanted to keep a close
eye on them in case something were to happen… like now, for example.”

Yandere-Chan: “Strange, but helpful. How many were there originally?”

Nagito: “15. This is the number right from when the floor first opened. It hasn’t changed, since

Luigi: “What’s-a the new number then?”

Nagito: “14 - one is obviously missing.”

Luigi: “Huh, well, we know where that-a one is, at least.”

Yandere-Chan: “I suppose the culprit used just that one.”

Nagito: “It looks that way, but you never know…”

Luigi: (“Never know, huh? I guess I’ll-a have to remember this then…”)

*”Dojo Arrows” have been added to truth bullets*

Concluding their search in the dojo, Luigi and Yandere-Chan left the dojo and decided on where to
head next.

Luigi: “I guess we should-a go back to Miku’s dorm…”

Yandere-Chan: “Before we go, I have something else regarding 2D.”

Luigi: “Oh, you do?”

Yandere-Chan: “I… saw him last night.”

Luigi: “You did? When?”

Yandere-Chan: “I would say sometime not too far after nighttime had begun. I usually go to the
indoor field at that time, and as I went to the second floor, I crossed paths with him.”


Yandere-Chan: “Hello.”

2D: “Oh, ‘ello… Wot are you doing out so late?”

Yandere-Chan: “I could say the same for you…”

2D: “...Look, I’m kinda in’na hurry, so, you’ll have to excuse me…”


Yandere-Chan: “After that exchange, he walked past me, and that was the last time I saw him since
today. The more I think about it, the more I know it was connected to this case.”
Luigi: “He seemed pretty determined to go somewhere… Probably the study like-a the note said.”

Yandere-Chan: “I definitely saw him holding something at the time, though I couldn’t quite make
it out due to how dark it was. Now we know it was the note.”

Luigi: (“So… someone invited 2D to the study? Was-a he in such a hurry because the note was so
threatening?”) “Why are you telling me this just now, though?”

Yandere-Chan: “I’m not too sure if anyone else would believe me on this.”

Luigi: “Well, don’t-a worry, because I do.”

Yandere-Chan: “...Thank you.”

*”Yandere-Chan’s Account” has been added to truth bullets*

After their short conversation, the two returned back to Miku’s dorm, Luigi mentally preparing
himself to see the body again whilst they walked.

He noticed Teto sitting against a wall, face drenched and eyes dark, being comforted by Fluttershy
and Parappa. He had an urge to go over there and give her empathetic support, but he had to carry
on investigating for her sake too.

Yandere-Chan: “Here is the Monokuma File.”

Yandere-Chan had picked up a tablet on the bedside table, and gave it to Luigi to read.

*The victim is Hatsune Miku. The estimated time of death was around 11:15pm. The body was
discovered in Miku’s dorm on the first floor. Cause of death was a wound to the abdomen area
made by a sharp object.*

Luigi: “It looks like-a she died not too long after 2D, huh…”

Yandere-Chan: “This leads me to believe their cases are connected in some way. Although, the
chances of two culprits striking at a similar time may not be too far-fetched.”

Luigi: “Well, we’ll-a just have to look around to find out.”

*”Monokuma File #3.5” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi turned to the body, and he couldn’t help the horrible thoughts flood his mind.
Luigi: (“Miku had such a cheerful smile… Now, it’s-a been replaced by fear and despair…”)

He reluctantly came closer to have a good look around the body.

Luigi: “That’s-a not a pretty wound…”

Yandere-Chan: “And that knife must’ve been the cause.”

Luigi: “Do you really think-a so?”

Yandere-Chan: “I don’t think it’s a distraction. A wound like that can definitely be made with a

Luigi: “So, where would they find a knife like-a this…?”

Fluttershy: “U-um, I know. It’s from the kitchen.”

Yandere-Chan: “Did you notice a knife missing when you made breakfast this morning?”

Fluttershy: “I’m sure I did… But, I’m not sure when it was taken…”

Luigi: (“The weapon was pretty easy to obtain. Nothing wrong with-a keeping a note of this.”)

*”Knife” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi: “Oh, what’s-a this…?”

Luigi noticed a note next to Miku’s body, and picked it up. As he unfolded it and attempted to read
its contents, he raised a brow.
Luigi: “What does this-a say…?”

Yandere-Chan: “Ah, it’s written in Japanese. It says ‘I’m sorry’.”

Luigi: “‘I’m-a sorry’...? Sorry for wh…”

Suddenly, a terrifying thought made its way into Luigi’s head. He almost dropped the note when
the realisation hit him.

Luigi: “Wait… Does this-a mean she…?”

Yandere-Chan: “I don't think we should bring up the possibility yet. Especially with others around
who may… take it the wrong way.”

Luigi looked over to Teto, and held his breath.

Luigi: “Y-yeah… Surely this is just a misunderstanding. We need to remember this, though.”

*”Suicide Note” has been added to truth bullets*

Yandere-Chan: “But, speaking of this theory, it does bring light to a certain idea about the wound.”

Luigi: “Huh? What is it?”

Yandere-Chan: “Have you heard of a Seppuku suicide?”

Luigi: “I’m-a afraid I haven’t.”

Yandere-Chan: “To put it short, it is a suicide ritual in which the victim cuts their own stomach
with a katana in order to bleed out by their own hands.”

Luigi: “I… That’s…”

Yandere-Chan: “Of course, here it’s not so accurate. Nobody has access to a katana, but other than
that, it’s oddly similar.”

Luigi: “But, would you think that-a she really…? But, why…?”

Yandere-Chan: “If it is true, we’ll have to figure out the motive at a later time.”

Luigi: “I guess so…” (“But, would Miku really take her own life…? I… don’t-a want to think
about it…”)

*”Miku’s Abdomen Wound” has been added to truth bullets*

Yandere-Chan: “I’m going to keep looking around. You may talk to those three if you want. Maybe
Teto knows something about what happened last night with Miku.”

Luigi: “Ah, that’s a good idea…”

As Yandere-Chan continued to search the room, Luigi walked over to the three by the wall.

Parappa: “Luigi… How’s your investigation going?”

Luigi: “It’s-a… going good, I guess. How are… you guys?”

Fluttershy: “We’re taking our time… We were just revisiting the memories of Miku, weren’t we

Teto: “...Y-yeah…”
Luigi looked to Teto. Up close, her complexion was even worse. She had been non-stop crying,
and she was pale beyond relief. It was staggering how similar she looked to Luigi after the first

Luigi: (“Ah, poor Teto… I understand how she feels… It’s not right for someone close to you to
die like-a this…”) “Hey, Teto… I promise you, we will find Miku’s killer. We will bring her
justice, and… it’s alright if you need time to be strong about-a this.”

Teto: “Luigi…I...T-thank…”

Teto held herself close, struggling to get the words out.

Luigi: “Hey, take-a your time… It’s just, if it’s alright, I’d-a like to know what happened between
you, Miku, and 2D last night, when you two followed her after she ran off…”

Teto: “That...O-of course I can tell you that…”

Fluttershy: “Are you sure…?”

Teto: “Yeah…”

Teto wiped her tears, and looked up at Luigi.

Teto: “Miku had… been acting strange for the last two days. She didn’t want to come out of her
room, at all… and seemed paranoid around others. I… When she ran off, me and 2D followed her
to her dorm, but we couldn’t get her to come out. So… we gave her some space… B-but… But
goddamnit! Look at her now! It’s all my fault! Why did I leave her?! I’m the biggest idiot on the
planet! What the hell is wrong with me?!”

Fluttershy: “Teto, calm down…! It’s not your fault, alright…?”

Teto: “I...But…”
Parappa: “You did what any friend would do, and I’m sure she appreciated all the help you gave

Teto: “...Y-yeah.”

Luigi: “...Thank you, Teto. That’s going to be very helpful to us.”

*”Teto’s Account” has been added to truth bullets*

Teto: “Luigi… Please find Miku’s killer…”

Luigi: “I promise I will.”

Luigi gave her a smile, and she nodded in return gratefully.

Yandere-Chan: “Luigi, over here.”

Luigi turned to notice Yandere-Chan on the other side of the room, discreetly holding a collection
of notes from a drawer. He walked over to her to see what they were.

Luigi: “What did you find…?”

Yandere-Chan: “There was an abundance of notes shoved into a drawer here.”

Luigi: (“I wonder why…”)

She handed the notes to him, and they began reading.

Luigi: “Wh...What…?”

On the note was a horribly descriptive message directed towards Miku. Words fumbled together to
create rude, threatening, and disgusting comments about her. Luigi never thought anyone could
come up with such slurs and insults in an overly mocking tone, yet there it was laid out right in
front of his eyes. As he hesitantly flipped over to the next one, it was the same, if not even worse.
Each note continued to belittle, bully, and bash on every little detail about Miku from her
appearance to personality. The last note even stated that she was going to die by their hands. Luigi
couldn’t take it anymore.

Luigi: “This… This is horrible! Who would even say these-a things about her?!”

Yandere-Chan: “I’m… confused too. Why would anyone target her like this? It’s very odd.”

Luigi: “This… has to be connected to how she was-a acting, right?”

Yandere-Chan: “Definitely. Meaning these notes had to have been recent.”

Luigi: (“Why...Why would anyone want to write something like-a this to Miku of all people? She
didn’t… deserve this…”)
*”Notes Sent to Miku” has been added to truth bullets*

*Ding dong, bing bong*

The monitor in the room clicked on, and everyone turned to face Monokuma in the mysterious
room once again.

Monokuma: “Ahem! Ahem! Ahem! Guess what time it is! That’s right! It’s ‘accuse people for an
hour until you find the killer and I kill them’ time! Or just the class trial for short! Please make
your way to the red door or else I’ll… tell your mother!!”

Yandere-Chan: “I suppose it’s time.”

Luigi: “Yeah… Well, I’m-a sure we’ve got all that we need.”

Before Luigi left the room, he took one last look at Teto, who seemed deep in thought about
something. He then turned away, and continued out the door.

Once everyone had made it to the empty room, they waited for the much hated bear to appear to
usher them along.

Nagito: “So, how was everyone’s investigation?”

Peter: “Brian found lotsa cool stuff, didn’t ya pal?”

Brian: “Well, we’ll see if anything is promising…”

The Conductor: “I’ve gotta admit, I was never expecting two people to be myurdered…”

Sans: “True. Why couldn’t they just settle for one kill?”
Yandere-Chan: “It depends if the cases involve the same killer.”

Monokuma: “Hey, don’t start having the trial in here! It’s the ugliest place! Why have it here when
you can have it in the newly renovated trial room~?”

Teto: “Shut up, you!!”

Everyone turned to Teto, who was staring Monokuma down enraged.

Teto: “It’s all your fault! And… I’m gonna get to the bottom of this!”

Fluttershy: “Teto…!”

Teto: “That’s right, you heard me! I’m gonna find out the killer for Miku and 2D’s sakes! So go
away you… you annoying idiot!”

Monokuma: “Yeesh… talk about the five stages of grief!”

Monokuma disappeared with a fake frown, and Luigi watched as Teto snarled.

Luigi: (“She must have a lot of pent-up anger too…”)

Parappa: “D-don’t worry, guys! I’m sure if we work together, we’ll be okay!”

Nagito: “Yes, we must not get too overwhelmed by this. After all, Ultimates like yourselves never
back down from a battle against despair!”

The Conductor: “You’ve got too much energy to be talkin’ about yer nonsense in this situation…”

Soon, the group boarded the elevator, Luigi grudgingly taking in the sight of the enclosed space for
the third time now. Once the last person stepped on, the doors shut, and they were all descending
once again deep down into a soon to be fight against the dirtied blackened and determined spotless.
Luigi let the sounds of the rusty mechanism invade his ears, for he didn’t have the mental strength
to block them out. He looked around at the walls, then the others, and finally to the door. As soon
as he did, the elevator came to a complete stop, and with that familiar ding, the doors were opened.

Monokuma: “Welcome! Welcome! Everyone likes pink, right? Oh well, that’s not important! Now
then, to your seats!”

Yandere-Chan: “Luigi… Stay confident, alright?”

Luigi: “I… Will do.”

As Luigi walked to his seat, he couldn’t help but look at the newly implemented portraits of his late

Luigi: (“I’m-a not sure how to deal with this anymore… But, no matter what, I have to keep going.
For 2D and Miku…”)

Luigi: (“2D… He was a passive man, who only wanted to keep our minds off of-a this killing
game, and was a genuinely friendly guy…”)
Luigi: (“And Miku… She spread positivity wherever she went… Her smile never went unnoticed,
and-a she constantly tried to bring us closer together… Those two were such close friends, despite
only meeting each other in this situation… And yet, someone took that away.”)

Luigi: (“Someone took their lives away from-a them.”)

Luigi: (“What actually happened is still a mystery to us all.”)

Luigi: (“But, this doesn’t mean we can look away from-a this… It’s the only way to avenge them
both. And, we will avenge them.”)

And so yet again begins the battle between hope and despair, truth and lies, trust and doubt.

The third class trial has begun!

Chapter End Notes

Chapter End Notes

Ok so I have some bad news??? Basically my laptops having battery issues and I’m
gonna have to send it off to get fixed...
Don’t worry tho! I do have another laptop to use but... idk it’s kinda slow lol?
So this basically means that the trial chapter may come out later than I hoped?? *cries
in dumbass*
Despite that, let’s here them predictions bb ;)))
Chapter 3: Mysteries of a School Life (Class Trial)
Chapter Notes

Yooo everyone! Huge apologies I haven't posted in a literal month - I just... hehe?
I hope this trial is up to standards because holy shit what a ride it is.
[EDIT 13.09] The execution is done!!! (If anyone new reading this is confused, the
execution was originally not uploaded along with this chapter, and a lot of people have
been waiting for it for a long ass time now lol).
I could not keep you guys (or myself) waiting any longer for this, so, here we are!
Let's-a gooooo!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

*In an unexpected turn of events, two people have been found dead! The musical duo 2D and
Miku no less! Why would anyone want to kill such good friends? Are the cases even connected?
And, will everyone be able to handle the truth?*



The victim is Stuart “2D” Pot. The estimated time of death was around 10:45pm. The body was
discovered in the study on the third floor. Cause of death was blood loss due to a sharp object
being lodged into the back of his neck.


The victim is Hatsune Miku. The estimated time of death was around 11:15pm. The body was
discovered in Miku’s dorm on the first floor. Cause of death was a wound to the abdomen area
made by a sharp object.


2D’s fatal wound was caused by an arrow in his neck. The arrow was struck very deep into his
neck, and it is assumed a lot of force was used to do so.


Clutched in 2D’s right hand, there is a note about a meet-up in the study.
*If you don’t want to die, I want to see you at the study tonight. Don’t keep me waiting you
worthless whore.*


A bow was found shoved behind a bookcase haphazardly. Why the culprit felt the need to hide it
there is unclear.


On the wall behind the desk, there is a small dent present.


Behind the desk, there is a blood stain on the carpet, which looks to be smudged in the direction of
2D’s body.


On the wall with the study’s door frame, there are signs of a struggle between a sharp weapon.


2D’s left hand is shoved into his pocket, which has been arranged in a strange way. The thumb is
down, leaving four fingers up, and the ring finger is bloody.


Brian was in the study up until dinner, where he hung out with Peter for the rest of the evening
elsewhere. Everything suspicious in the study wasn’t present when he was there.


Yandere-Chan passed by 2D on the second floor around 10:30pm, who seemed determinedly in a
hurry to the third floor.


There were a total of 15 arrows when Nagito first counted them. As there are only 14 now, it is
safe to assume the missing one is the arrow used to kill 2D.

A note in Japanese saying “I’m sorry” was found next to Miku’s body. This indicates that this may
be a suicide.


Miku’s wound is a deep slash into her abdomen. It has been theorised that this is to imitate a
‘seppuku suicide’, by which the victim cuts their own stomach in order to bleed out and die.


A bloody knife was found on the floor next to Miku’s body, presumably the murder weapon. It has
been confirmed by Fluttershy it was a knife from the kitchen.


Multiple notes had been found in Miku’s drawer, consisting of horrible messages of bullying and
threat. Considering Miku’s behaviour over the past few days, these notes had to have been sent


For the past two days, Miku had started to act strangely. She was hesitant to come out of her room,
and became paranoid around others. When she had run off yesterday evening, both Teto and 2D
couldn’t get Miku to open her door, and they gave up soon after.


Monokuma: “Oh boy, it’s time once again! Let’s begin with a basic explanation of the class trial!
During the trial, you’ll present your arguments for who the culprit is, and vote for ‘whodunnit’. If
you vote correctly, then only the blackened will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong
person… I’ll punish everyone besides the blackened, and that person will get to graduate! So, uh,
do ya stuff people.”

Teto: “...”

Fluttershy: “T-Teto—“

Teto: “I’m not gonna stand around like some idiot, okay?! I’m gonna find out who killed them! So
you all better do the same!”

The Conductor: “Yer don’t gotta tell us twice.”

Luigi: (“Teto…”) “Of course. We’re-a gonna do our best.”

Nagito: “Who’s case should we start with first? It is pretty interesting that another double murder
occurred in the third case.”

Brian: “Another?”

Nagito: “The same feat happened in my first killing game.”

The Conductor: “Yer say it like it’s an annual thing…”

Teto: “Do you think that even matters right now?!”

Yandere-Chan: “I think we should start with 2D. He did die first, after all.”

Parappa: “He died in the study, right?”

Sans: “Doesn’t that automatically make someone suspicious?”

Peter: “Who?!”

Sans: “Ya pal, Brian.”

Peter: “Brian?! You killed the British guy?!”

Brian: “I knew this was going to happen… Look, just cause I use the study, doesn’t mean I killed

Nagito: “Are we sure?”

Peter: “I’m sure as hell he didn’t!”

The Conductor: “Stop changin’ yer story! Do yer think he killed him or not?”

Peter: “No! And I’m gonna get my pal outta this!”

Brian: “Oh god…”

Luigi: (“Is Brian the killer…? It seems a little obvious, but…”)


Peter: “Brian ain’t a murderer!”

Nagito: “Without evidence, that accusation is pretty pointless.”

Peter: “Go on then, Brian! Show ‘em what you found!”

Brian: “I— What am I supposed to show?!”

Teto: “Way to dig your own grave, stupid!”

Sans: “He must’a waited in the study all evenin’ for 2D to show up, and we wouldn’t know any

Peter: “Heheh - that’s a writer for you!”

Brian: “I thought you were defending me…”

Luigi: (“But… Was that really the case?”)

Sans: “He must’a waited in the study all evenin’ for 2D to show up, and we wouldn’t know any


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “No, Brian couldn’t of-a waited in the study all evening, because after dinner he was with

Brian: “Thank you. At least someone has a brain around here.”

Peter: “Y’know, if you switched the ‘a’ and the ‘i’ around in ‘Brian’, it says ‘brain’! Heheh!”

Brian: “...”

Sans: “Still, nothin’ stoppin’ him from waitin’ after nighttime.”

Fluttershy: “U-Um, why would he be waiting for 2D to show up…?”

Yandere-Chan: “Because there was something we found on his person that proves a meet-up was
to occur, right Luigi?”

Luigi: “Yeah…”


Luigi: “We found a note on 2D telling him to meet with-a someone in the study.”
Peter: “They even called him a whore!”

Fluttershy: “O-Oh my…”

Yandere-Chan: “While there, he must’ve been ambushed by the killer.”

Parappa: “How would they do that?”

Luigi: “Let’s-a talk about that next.”


Nagito: “How was 2D ambushed?”

Brian: “He must’ve been shot with that bow and arrow we found.”

The Conductor: “They shot that arrow right through his neck on the first try, his painful wails
echoed throughout the room as his blood gushed out like a fountain…!”

Fluttershy: “T-That’s… really gruesome…”

Teto: “No need to say it in detail, weirdo! Unless you’re the one that did it!”

The Conductor: “Well, pardon me for gettin’ in the director’s mindset!”

Luigi: (“What a description… However, I don’t think something adds up…”)

The Conductor: “They shot that arrow right through his neck on the first try, his painful wails
echoed throughout the room as his blood gushed out like a fountain…!”

Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “Actually… I don’t-a think the culprit successfully shot the arrow on the first try.”

Yandere-Chan: “You must be referring to the dent in the wall we found.”

Luigi: “Exactly. It looked to be the same width as-a the arrows as well.”

Sans: “So, ya sayin’ that when the culprit shot the arrow, it went into the wall instead?”

The Conductor: “They must have some horrible pecking aim!”

Yandere-Chan: “Actually, the more logical explanation would be that 2D dodged the arrow

Nagito: “I think it was a factor of both. The only way he would’ve heard it coming is if the culprit
wasn't so confident in their aim.”

Teto: “You’re all arguing about pointless things again! How’s that even gonna tell us who did it?!”

Parappa: “Um, so, if the first arrow missed, then did they try again?”

Luigi: “No, I don’t-a think so. By then, 2D would’ve noticed the arrow.”

Fluttershy: “So then… How did the killer, um, kill him…?”
Peter: “Telekinesis, duh!”

Brian: “Let’s just stick to the logic, Peter…”

Luigi: (“The culprit obviously got an arrow into his-a neck… but how?”)


The Conductor: “So, if we’re sayin’ the killer didn’t shoot with the bow again, then how’d 2D end
up with an arrow in his pecking neck?”

Sans: “They probably had a fight or somethin’...”

Brian: “That would explain the scratches on the walls…”

Peter: “They slapped each other silly!”

Teto: “No you idiot! They probably used the arrows!”

Yandere-Chan: “However, there weren’t any scratch marks on 2D, or any of us here…”

Sans: “Maybe they just… straight up stabbed him in the neck? That could work, right?”

The Conductor: “Yeah, if ye could reach his neck…”

Luigi: (“Actually… I think what someone said could-a work…”)

Sans: “Maybe they just… straight up stabbed him in the neck? That could work, right?”

Luigi: “I agree with-a that!”


Luigi: “From what we concluded from-a the crime scene… I think Sans might be right.”

Sans: “And I was just throwin’ it out there, heheh.”

Teto: “And how can you be sure?”

Yandere-Chan: “The arrow in 2D’s neck was lodged in far, a lot farther than an arrow would
typically be. It had to be done by hand.”

Nagito: “So the culprit tried to shoot an arrow into 2D’s neck, missed, then stabbed him directly
with another arrow.”

The Conductor: “Sounds like they really wanted him dead…”

Parappa: “Hmm…”

Luigi: “What is it, Parappa?”

Parappa: “Well, I was just wondering if there’s a way to tell what happened between 2D and the
killer before they stabbed him…”

Teto: “I already said that doesn’t matter!”

Brian: “Hey, he’s just making a valid point. All you’re doing is nagging us to do it all for you.”

Fluttershy: “S-She’s just griefing! Don’t be so rude!”

Luigi: “Guys! Please stop-a fighting! I’m sure we can work out what happened.”

The Conductor: “Well, I personally think they fought over the arrow!”

Peter: “I bet they fought with their bare fists!”

Nagito: “Are we sure they even fought in the first place?”

Teto: “I still think this doesn’t matter! Why do you all want to waste time?!”

Luigi: (“Oh no, not again… They’re-a all talking over each other…! Let’s-a not panic, though, I
just need to listen carefully!”)


The Conductor: “They probably just fought over the arrow - end of story.”

Peter: “They went at each other with their fists!”

Teto: “Why are you all wasting time again?!”

Nagito: “How did the culprit manage to get to the back of 2D’s neck then? Surely he’d be fully on
guard during a fight.”

Yandere-Chan: “That seems unlikely.”

Brian: “Why’re you doing nothing to help again?”

The Conductor: “Er, well… Maybe they got him at a specific position!”

Sans: “I mean, 2D’s the tallest guy here. How would ya go around throwing hands with a guy
twice the size of ya?”

Fluttershy: “Please stop fighting!”

Nagito: “Ah, such as at the wall?”

Peter: “Uh, cause he got no muscle…? Heheh.”

Teto: “Hmph… He started it….”

The Conductor: “The wall?! Was he askin’ to die?!”

Yandere-Chan: “You’re hopeless…”

Parappa: “I’m sorry for asking! I didn’t know it would start a fight!”

Luigi: (“This… This is tricky. But, I feel like-a there’s something here I can back up…”)

Nagito: “Ah, such as at the wall?”


Luigi: “I agree with-a that!”


Luigi: “Actually, being stabbed at the wall does make sense.”

The Conductor: “It does?!”

Teto: “And you’re just gonna ignore the other conversations?!”

Brian: “Let him speak for god’s sake.”

Luigi: “...Uh, if 2D was stabbed at the wall, the bloody carpet stain below must-a be evidence of

Yandere-Chan: “Regardless if they were fighting or not, the culprit must’ve stabbed him at the
wall, and dragged him to the centre of the room. That’s why the stain is smudged in the direction
of his body.”

Parappa: “But, why would they need to do that?”

Luigi: (“It must be to make it look-a like…”)

> The initial shot worked

> 2D tried to drag himself out

> Teleportation


Luigi: “It must’ve been so it looked like-a the initial shot worked!”

Sans: “Then we’d think it’s someone with a good aim, huh?”

The Conductor: “Huh…”

Nagito: “It’s alright if you don’t wish to trust my theories, Conductor. Someone like me doesn’t
deserve to be recognised really.”

The Conductor: “Don’t try to make me pity yer!”

Parappa: “So what happened to the arrow in the wall?”

Luigi: “I’m-a guessing the culprit removed it and placed it back in the dojo after the murder.”
Brian: “While we’re at it, this also proves how I’m not the killer.”

Peter: “No it doesn’t! I’ve seen you drag Joe by the legs before!”

Brian: “Not that, Peter…”

Luigi: (“Ah, I think he’s referring to the fact that…”)

> He can’t use a bow and arrow

> He can’t reach 2D’s neck

> He can’t drag people


Luigi: “Brian definitely can’t-a reach 2D’s neck, so there would be no way to stab him!”

Sans: “Maybe he stood on the desk or somethin’.”

Nagito: “Do you think he’d have the time to do that, however?”

Sans: “Nah, probably not. I just thought it was funny, heheh.”

Brian: “Hilarious.”

Yandere-Chan: “I think we’ve got the gist of what happened now.”

Luigi: “Yeah: the culprit tried to shoot 2D, missed, then stabbed him at-a the wall with another
The Conductor: “Hang on there lad!”


Luigi: “Huh…?”

The Conductor: “I mean… can you really say that’s what happened?”

Luigi: “Why’s that?”

The Conductor: “I don’t mean to be so distrustin’, but there’s something yer forgettin’!”


The Conductor: “Ye could say all of that happened in the study, but, it could’ve all been faked!
Any good set can be faked!”

Luigi: “But, all of the things we-a found didn’t look faked, and it’s all too much of a coincidence to
say so…”

The Conductor: “Yeah, well, he could’ve just been dragged to the study, right? It’s not like
anyone saw him go! It’s all just up for debate!”


Luigi: “Allow me to-a cut through those words!”

Luigi: “Conductor, I understand what you mean. However, there’s-a someone who saw 2D go to
the study, right Ayano?”

Yandere-Chan: “Yes. I saw him in a hurry to the study not long after nighttime had begun.”

The Conductor: “Oh, really now?”

Sans: “And can we trust her on that?”

Parappa: “I do!”

Luigi: “It’s-a definitely believable, considering their exchange.”


Yandere-Chan: “Hello.”

2D: “Oh, ‘ello… Wot are you doing out so late?”

Yandere-Chan: “I could say the same for you…”

2D: “...Look, I’m kinda in’na hurry, so, you’ll have to excuse me…”


Luigi: “Considering how threatening the note was, 2D must’ve-a been paranoid enough to be in a

Fluttershy: “S-So everything we’ve said actually happened…? How cruel…”

Peter: “Why’d the killer wanna meet with the guy so badly? He ain’t even that interestin’!”

Teto: “Would you just shut up already?!”

Peter: “Hey!”

Brian: “Could you stop fucking—“

Teto: “Look, I’m sorry, okay?! I just… I just want to talk about Miku’s case… You’re all just
talking about 2D… a-and, it’s not fair on Miku! She deserves our time as well!”

Fluttershy: “T-Teto…”

Yandere-Chan: “We will discuss her case in due time. However, it’s important that we solve 2D’s

Teto: “No! Don’t… don’t treat them like cases! Treat them like people! Don’t you understand what
you’re saying is horrible?!”

Brian: “Looks like someone needs to keep their emotions in check.”

Luigi: “...No. What she’s-a saying is perfectly understandable. Losing someone close to you… Of
course there’s-a going to be an emotional toll. A lot of it. So… I believe we should look over what
happened to Miku now. There’s-a nothing stopping us from returning to 2D after all.”

Parappa: “Luigi’s right! Teto and Miku were friends! Friends are an important thing! I would never
want to ignore my friends!”

Teto: “...T-Thank you…”

Sans: “So, where are we gonna start?”

The Conductor: “Movin’ onto another case in the same trial isn’t an easy task…”

Teto: “Then… I’ll take the lead.”

Brian: “You? What’re you gonna—“

Teto: “Let’s discuss the cause of death first!”

Peter: “Alright then other pretty lady!”

Luigi: (“Teto… She really wants to avenge Miku, huh…? Alright then, let’s-a discuss!”)


Teto: “Let’s work together for Miku’s sake!”

Yandere-Chan: “The Monokuma File states she died from a wound to the abdomen area.”

Fluttershy: “A-And, we found it was made by a knife, right…?”

Sans: “Was the killer just carryin’ it around? Heheh.”

The Conductor: “Who in their right mind carries a knife around?!”

Parappa: “Maybe like a… chef?”

Nagito: “I know a chef…”

The Conductor: “Now’s not the time to talk about yer ‘friends’!”
Luigi: (“No, I don’t think that-a happened…”)

Sans: “Was the killer just carryin’ it around? Heheh.”


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “Actually, I think someone took-a the knife from the kitchen, right Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy: “Y-Yes… I noticed one missing when I made breakfast.”

Yandere-Chan: “That means someone must’ve taken the knife sometime between when we all left
the dining hall after dinner, and nighttime.”

Peter: “Why would anyone need a knife?!”

The Conductor: “To kill the victim yer peck-neck!”

Yandere-Chan: “Are we sure the intended reason was murder?”

Parappa: “There’s another reason?”

Luigi: “There… may be.”

Teto: “Then let us know!”

Luigi: “I…”

Teto: “C’mon! Are you really gonna let Miku down like this?! She doesn’t deserve thi—“

Yandere-Chan: “Suicide.”

Teto: “...Wh...What…?”

Sans: “Well this is new.”

Peter: “The chick killed herself?! No way!”

The Conductor: “Yer ain’t just sayin’ that for shock value, are yer?”

Yandere-Chan: “There is clear evidence that points to this being a suicide. Luigi…?”

Luigi: “Ah…”


Luigi: “W-Well, the most damning evidence is-a this note…”

Brian: “What does it say?”

Nagito: “Hm… ‘I’m sorry’...”

Peter: “You don’t need to apologise, weirdo! You ain’t done anything wrong right now!”
The Conductor: “He was readin’ the bloomin’ note, yer pecking idiot!”

Parappa: “What was she apologising for…?”

Yandere-Chan: “For taking her own life, it seems.”

Fluttershy: “H-Huh? No… She couldn’t…”

Teto: “...”

Luigi: “Teto… I’m-a sorry it’s come out this way… I know it must be hard to—“

Teto: “What other evidence?”

Luigi: “Huh…?”

Teto: “What other evidence is there… proving her… suicide…?”

Yandere-Chan: “There’s that theory I mentioned to you, Luigi.”

Luigi: “...”


Luigi: “Considering her wound, it could-a be seppuku.”

Peter: “The hell’s that?”

Nagito: “When the victim cuts their own stomach to achieve disembowelment, if I’m not

Parappa: “T-That’s…”

Sans: “...It’s quite a way to go.”

Monokuma: “Very interesting though! Puhuhu! I like these rituals very much!”

The Conductor: “Keep yer trap shut!”

Teto: “...N-No…Why...Why would she…?”

Fluttershy: “Teto, i-it’s—“

Teto: “Why the hell would she kill herself?!”

Brian: “There's probably a reason somewhere…”

Luigi: (“It’s-a gonna be hard to, but… there must be a reason!”)


Teto: “Miku… She wouldn’t do that!”

Brian: “People have their motives…”

Peter: “But what could the pretty chick’s be? She had everything! A smokin’ body, a pretty
Sans: “Are you… droolin’?”

The Conductor: “Keep yer creepy comments to yerself!”

Yandere-Chan: “Unless someone turned that against her.”

Parappa: “Or maybe she didn’t have everything after all…”

Fluttershy: “T-That’s so… s-sad…”

Luigi: (“Ah… Of course. She’s-a talking about what we found…”)

Yandere-Chan: “Unless someone turned that against her.”


Luigi: “I agree with-a that!”


Luigi: “Ayano’s right… We found-a notes addressed to Miku, and they… Well, they weren’t

Parappa: “Wait, somebody was bullying Miku?!”

Fluttershy: “T-That’s horrible…!”

The Conductor: “And yer sayin’ she… commited suicide because of that…?”
Yandere-Chan: “We have reason to believe so.”

Teto: “...”

Nagito: “...What was on those notes specifically?”

Peter: “Why do you wanna know so badly? You into that kinda stuff?”

Nagito: “I hope I’m not being a nuisance in doing so, but I’m just curious.”

Luigi: “Ah, well… they were-a pretty vulgar, and mocked just about everything to do with-a
Miku… It was-a… very hard to read them myself.”

Nagito: “Hm, that’s quite coincidental, isn’t it?”

Brian: “Why’s that?”

Nagito: “Isn’t something else eerily similar to what you’ve just described?”

Luigi: “...Ah! You’re-a right!”

Parappa: “Huh? What is it?”

Luigi: “Something else is just as-a vulgar as those notes… The note 2D had!”

The Conductor: “Come again, lad?”

Luigi: “Well, the wording is pretty threatening, like-a the notes, and, what they addressed 2D as—“
Peter: “A whore!”

Fluttershy: “Y-You don't need to say that word again!”

Luigi: “Yeah, uh… that. It leads-a me to believe that maybe the note wasn’t directed towards 2D,
but actually Miku!”

Yandere-Chan: “Ah, now that you mention it, the culprit had no reason to call 2D that at all.”

Sans: “So, that’s a pretty good catch n’ all, but… What was 2D doin’ with the note that was meant
for Miku?”

Nagito: “There’s only one explanation for that, right Luigi?”

The Conductor: “Why’re yer treatin’ him like he’s yer assistant all of a sudden?!”

Luigi: (“Why 2D had Miku’s note… It has to be because…”)

> The culprit gave it to him instead

> He found it before Miku did

> Miku gave him the note


Luigi: “Miku had to have-a given him the note!”

Yandere-Chan: “2D must’ve gone to the meet-up instead of Miku, meaning she must’ve told him
about the notes as well.”

Luigi: “And, considering Miku’s behaviour, she must’ve-a been scared enough for 2D to volunteer
in her place…”
Nagito: “You two catch on pretty quick.”

Fluttershy: “For 2D to risk himself for her like that, is so brave… It really proves how strong their
friendship was…”

Monokuma: “I ship it!”

Parappa: “Wait, does this mean that the culprit was planning to kill Miku…?!”

Sans: “Looks like 2D got himself mixed up in something he could’ve avoided…”

Teto: “...”

The Conductor: “Hold the pecking phone. Why on Earth would they want to kill her?!”

Luigi: “That…”

Brian: “Despite killing someone else entirely, they still managed to get her to die.”

Yandere-Chan: “However, if those notes were solely for the purpose to scare Miku into going to
the meet-up, then they possibly cannot be why she commited suicide.”

Nagito: “As well as that, she had to have been waiting for 2D to return, wouldn’t she?”

Sans: “Too bad that didn’t turn out well.”

Luigi: (“Ah! Hang on… What those two just-a said…”) “Is it possible that… Miku went to the
study herself…?”
Brian: “Is that even plausible?”

Parappa: “Luigi might be right, though! If she was waiting for 2D, and he never came back, she
probably went to check herself!”

The Conductor: “A shame there ain’t any evidence of that…”

Peter: “Or is there…?”

Yandere-Chan: “It’s a good theory, however. Upon seeing what had occurred in the study… that
may the true reason for the suicide.”

Brian: “She was so guilt-ridden for causing the death of her best friend, which was supposed to be
her’s, that she took her own life as an apology. Gives the suicide note a reason at least.”

Teto: “...”

Sans: “But, as we just discussed, the culprit lodged the arrow into 2D’s neck themself. If he wasn’t
the intended victim, why’d they kill him anyway?”

The Conductor: “Peck, they even tried twice!”

Luigi: “That…”

Yandere-Chan: “...”

Nagito: “...”

Teto: “...Seriously? All the smart people haven’t got a clue?! Don’t say you’re all out of ideas!”

Brian: “You haven’t said a goddamn word ever since the suicide was mentioned, and you even
said you were going to ‘take the lead’.”

Teto: “I-I… I will! I’ve just… I’ve been thinking about something!”

Fluttershy: “About what…?”

Teto: “There’s… It’s about those notes. I… They’re connected, right? So, they were written by the
culprit, right?”

Luigi: “They must-a be.”

Teto: “I… I think I have a lead on who the culprit is.”

Parappa: “You do?!”

Peter: “Aw, sweet! Things are gonna get juicy!”

Luigi: “You know who wrote them…?”

Teto: “...I think so. No, I know so.”

The Conductor: “Who is it then, lass?”

Teto: “Everyone, please look at this.”

Luigi: (“H...uh…? …Huh?!”)

Yandere-Chan: “...!”

Nagito: “Ah, is that Yandere-Chan’s secret?”

Peter: “She did what?!”

Monokuma: “Puhuhu! Exposing secrets are we? How fun!”

Teto: “I was surprised too. To think she would bully a girl into suicide is… disgusting! But… her
method. She sent a bunch of notes to the victim, scaring her into taking her own life…”

Sans: “That sounds pretty similar…”

Brian: “And you’re saying, she’s the one who sent Miku those notes?”
Teto: “...Yes.”

Parappa: “N-No way!”

Luigi: (“Ayano… She…?”)

Yandere-Chan: “...”

Teto: “Oh, don’t you dare give us the silent treatment you murderer!”

Yandere-Chan: “Huh…?”

Teto: “You all know what a yandere is, right?! A goddamn psychopath! They only care about their
‘senpai’, and they literally KILL others for them!”

Yandere-Chan: “No…! Wait…!”

Nagito: “What’s the motive behind it, though?”

Teto: “Isn’t it obvious?! Her ‘senpai’! Yanderes are all the same! She’s far away from them - she
was bound to snap at some point! She had to kill someone to be with them again! And… And she
chose Miku…!”

Yandere-Chan: “I… I—“

Teto: “You killed them! You killed 2D! You killed Miku! Now… you’re gonna pay the price!
Who the hell do you think you are, you psycho?!”

Yandere-Chan: “I… That’s not… Y-You…”

Teto: “It explains everything perfectly. You sent those notes to Miku, 2D intervened, you killed
him anyway cause all you needed was a body, and Miku… Miku took her life because of you!

Yandere-Chan: ”Ahaha… N-No… S-Stop…”

Luigi: (“A-Ayano…”)

The Conductor: “So, she’s the culprit…?”

Sans: “Quite the shocker.”

Fluttershy: “S-She…”
Peter: “Damn, that chick’s crazy!”

Luigi: (“No… Ayano… Ayano would never…”)


Yandere-Chan: “...Yes. I… don’t mean to be a threat to any of you. I don’t intend to harm any of
you. You all… haven’t done anything to provoke it. I hope you understand that.”

Luigi: (“‘Provoke it’...?”)

Yandere-Chan: “It may seem hard to believe, but I promise I won’t do anything to you all.”


Luigi: (“I felt it… She was genuine about what-a she said… There’s-a no way she could’ve done
this, right…?”)

Teto: “Monokuma, we’re ready to vote now.”

Monokuma: “Already? I mean, sure, if you insist—“

Luigi: “Wait!”

Teto: “...?!”

Luigi: “I… I don’t believe Ayano’s the killer.”

Teto: “What…?!”
Yandere-Chan: “...?”

Luigi: “It’s-a just that… This is all so sudden. There’s-a no real proof that secret is real, right?”

Monokuma: “You better take my word for it!”

Luigi: “B-But… I don’t see her being the killer. She’s… She’s-a just scared. Scared of-a losing
everyone’s trust.”

Yandere-Chan: “...”

Parappa: “I don’t think Yan-Chan’s the killer either! I’m sure there’s a misunderstanding - I want
to believe in her!”

Fluttershy: “M-Me too! We talk a lot in the mornings… a-and she’s a very lovely person! I don’t
think she would ever target Miku so cruelly like that!”

Teto: “That’s what you think! She was just tricking you into believing that! That’s what yanderes

Nagito: “Even so, I’m still concerned over some evidence we haven’t even talked about yet.”

Brian: “Hell, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if it just points to her even more.”

Peter: “She sure is lookin’ pretty out of it right now!”

Teto: “Let’s just vote for her, and then we’ll see that we're right!”

Luigi: “And, what if-a we’re wrong?”

Teto: We won’t be—!”

Luigi: “No. I’m-a gonna keep fighting to give her a chance! Even if we’re split—!”

Monokuma: “Hold it right there, plumber! You said the magic word: split! I think you know what
time it is!”

Sans: “Now I’m just wonderin’ what you’d do if someone said split for another reason, heheh.”

Monokuma: “Oh, if they did, I’ll split them in half!”

The Conductor: “Say what?!

Monokuma: “Juuuuust kiddin’! Or am I…? Oh well, it doesn’t matter right now! It’s time for the
morphemonimal trial grounds to return once again!”

Luigi: (“Ayano, I believe in you, and, you believe in me too, or else you wouldn’t have-a said that
promise to me… So, I’m-a gonna try my best to convince everyone to not vote for you!”)


*Is Yandere-Chan the culprit?*






The Conductor








Teto: “Yandere-Chan did it! She did it because she’s a yandere!”

Luigi: “Being a yandere doesn’t-a necessarily mean she did it!”

Peter: “She is actin’ pretty scared right now.”

Fluttershy: “S-She’s only scared because she was put on the spot so suddenly!”

Brian: “The method is pretty sound - notes were written to the victim just like in the article.”

Nagito: “The fact that notes were used may just be a coincidence; there is no proof she was the one
to write them.”
The Conductor: “Can we even trust the lass now?”

Parappa: “You don’t trust her now because you never did before!”

Sans: “If she killed 2D knowingly, I suppose she did only need a body.”

Yandere-Chan: “2D… T-There must be a reason why he died…”

Teto: “Don’t get cocky with us! You’re just tricking everyone!”

Fluttershy: “Yandere-Chan has been nothing but helpful! There’s no way she’s tricking us!”

Peter: “Man, she looks crazy enough to kill both of them, though!”

Luigi: “We never said it was-a both of them - Miku’s was a suicide.”

Teto: “Why the hell are you defending her?! She’s a monster!”

Luigi: “I’m defending her from-a this false accusation!”



“This is our answer!”


Luigi: “Everyone, please… Ayano is not a bad person. And, especially here, I just don’t-a see why
she would be the killer.”
Yandere-Chan: “L-Luigi…”

The Conductor: “Well, if we are wrong, then who the peck is it?!”

Teto: “It’s her! It was always going to be her! Don’t you understand—?!”

Nagito: “Can you be quiet now…?”

Teto: “Wh…What…?!”

Nagito: “I’d like to continue our discussion on Miku’s case.”

Teto: “Why the hell are you taking charge all of a sudden?! It’s obvious what happened… She…
She took her own—“

Nagito: “What were the events that transpired before her death exactly?”

Sans: “What d’ya mean?”

Brian: “I think he’s referring to why exactly she killed herself.”

Fluttershy: “W-Was it not those horrible notes…?”

Luigi: “But if she had discussed everything with 2D, he probably consoled her, right? And, as-a we
discussed, she was waiting for him to return from the meet-up.”

The Conductor: “It's probably pretty unrealistic to think that she offed herself during that time -
that’s just poor writin’!”
Yandere-Chan: “If… If we think back to the Monokuma Files… s-she died half an hour after

Teto: “Why… Why are you still trying to help—?!”

Nagito: “Quiet, please.”

Teto: “H-Huh…?!”

Luigi: “Hey, Ayano… it’s alright. You don’t-a need to force yourself to keep doing this.”

Yandere-Chan: “I… want to help… I want to help you.”

Parappa: “You’re very helpful, Yan-Chan! If anything, you deserve a break from being so

Yandere-Chan: “...My apologies.”

Fluttershy: “Don’t worry, dear. Just take a breather.”

Teto: “I can’t believe you’re all falling for her lies…”

Nagito: “...Half an hour, huh? I suspect something must’ve happened in that time.”

Peter: “Like what? She slipped a knife into her stomach by accident while makin’ a sandwich?!”

The Conductor: “The dining hall wouldn’t have been open at that time!”

Sans: “‘Aight, so, when was that knife taken again…?”

Luigi: “Ah, well, it had to have been after we all left the dining hall after dinner.”

Parappa: “So, did the culprit take the knife?”

Nagito: “I don’t think so. The culprit had planned to use the arrows, it would be rather strange for
them to have a knife on them.”

The Conductor: “Well, who else would need the bloomin’ knife?!”

Luigi: (“There’s-a only one other person who could’ve, I think…”)

> 2D

> Miku

> Yandere-Chan


Luigi: “The only other person I could suspect is… Miku.”

Sans: “‘Cuz of the suicide, huh? Seems a little early for her to take the knife after dinner,

Luigi: “Maybe… Maybe it was for the suicide. But, I don’t-a think that’s the only possibility
according to somebody else…”


Luigi: “You would know best, right Teto?”

Brian: “You know what happened to Miku after she ran off. So, what did happen?”
Teto: “...She went to her room. We couldn’t get her to open up. She was like that for the past few
days… Because of a certain someone …”

Yandere-Chan: “...”

Luigi: “Being as paranoid as she was, it isn’t too far to say she took a knife for self defence,
especially since one of-a the messages told her she was going to die…”

Sans: “In that case, she must’ve taken the knife once the coast was clear…”

Nagito: “That explains the possession of the knife. But, what about the motive for suicide?”

Fluttershy: “T-That…”

Nagito: “Seems a little troubling, doesn’t it? Having 2D gone to the meet-up, a knife tucked away
for self-defence, yet she still committed suicide right in her room… Well, did she now?”

Luigi: “Huh…?”

The Conductor: “What’re yer sayin’, lad?! Yer nonsensical quips ain’t makin’ sense again!”

Parappa: “Are you saying… Miku didn’t kill herself?!”

Fluttershy: “T-Then, what happened?!”

Peter: “This guy’s talkin’ crap again! Right, Brian?”

Brian: “...Humour me.”

Peter: “Huh?”

Brian: “Honestly, this trial’s such a fucking mess. If you have an idea to explain it all, then hit me.”

Nagito: “Wow, Brian, to hear such words from you to trash like me…”

Brian: “Just get to the point.”

Teto: “We’re wasting time… Again…”

Luigi: (“Nagito… Just what is he onto…?”)


Brian: “So, what the hell are you talking about now?”

Nagito: “Miku was waiting for 2D to return, right?”

Sans: “But he never did…”

Nagito: “So, as we said before, what if she went to check on him?”

The Conductor: “That would be a tragedy just waitin’ to happen!”

Fluttershy: “D-Did the culprit find her…?”

Peter: “If they did, they sure as hell didn’t leave anything behind! Not a single strand of the
chick’s hair!”
Parappa: “You were looking for her hair?”

Teto: “It’d be great if you could stop wasting time AND being such a huge disgusting pervert!”

Peter: “Hey!”

Luigi: (“Hang on a moment… I think… I think I understand where this is-a going…”)

Peter: “If they did, they sure as hell didn’t leave anything behind! Not a single strand of the
chick’s hair!”


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “There may be something that was left behind… those scratch marks on the walls.”

Parappa: “But I thought those were because of 2D’s fight with the killer.”

Luigi: “That’s-a what we all thought, wasn’t it? But then, if 2D was stabbed on the wall behind the
desk, why were there scratch marks on the opposite wall?”

Parappa: “Ah! Then he didn’t make those!”

Brian: “And you’re saying that Miku did?”

Nagito: “She was the one with a knife, was she not?”
Peter: “Was she tryin’ to carve some kinda curse into the walls because of her boyfriend’s death?!”

Fluttershy: “I-I don’t think 2D was her boyfriend…”

Teto: “Definitely not, you idiot.”

Luigi: “Then, it must be because…”

> She wanted to test the knife out

> She wanted to destroy the walls

> She had a fight


Luigi: “Miku must’ve-a had a fight! More specifically, with-a the culprit!”

The Conductor: “Upon seeing the lifeless body of her closest friend, an uncontrollable range rose
within her, and she struck at the culprit the second she noticed their presence!”

Sans: “Or maybe the killer attacked her ‘cuz she witnessed the murder, y’know, as the less
dramatic theory.”

Nagito: “Disregarding who initiated the fight, you realise how it ended, right?”

Brian: “...Oh my god.”

Peter: “What is it, pal?”

Luigi: “...It was all faked.”

Teto: “What was faked…?”

Yandere-Chan: “The suicide.”

The Conductor: “Oh… Wait— WHAT?!”

Fluttershy: “H-Huh?! It was?!”

Parappa: “How?!”

Nagito: “Regardless what happened during the fight, we know Miku ended up dead. So, the culprit
must’ve killed her in the end.”

Sans: “Turned her own weapon against her… ouch.”

Fluttershy: “What about all the things we found in her room? L-Like the note?”

Luigi: “That… That had to have been all a set up.”

Peter: “Man, my head hurts…”

Parappa: “I don’t understand… Why would they kill 2D, and then make Miku’s death look like a

Brian: “The more I think about it, the less sense this all fucking makes.”

Teto: “Well… this isn’t the answer, isn’t it?! Miku had to have killed herself! Nothing would make
sense otherwise!”

Sans: “Heh, maybe we are just overthinkin’ it, my nonexistent brain’s hurtin’ too.”
Luigi: “No… I think we should discuss the possibility.”

Teto: “Why?!”

Luigi: “Because… Because… What if we never discussed the possibility that Mario was-a the

Fluttershy: “Luigi…”

Luigi: “And, what if we never discussed the possibility that-a poison was involved in Dedede’s

The Conductor: “Well…”

Luigi: “We can’t ignore any possibilities… especially at this point.”

Yandere-Chan: “...Luigi’s right.”

Parappa: “Yeah! Even if this is hard… Maybe this is a good idea!”

Teto: “This… You all… Ugh.”

Brian: “Well, let’s ask the guy who proposed this idea what the hell he thinks.”

Nagito: “I’m flattered you asked… In fact, I do have something in mind if we are going down this
route: the note.”

The Conductor: “The note? Yer mean the suicide note?”

Nagito: “Yes - there’s something about that note that strikes me as interesting…”

Yandere-Chan: “...I understand what you’re referring to.”

Nagito: “I would suspect you would.”

Peter: “Why her? Is somethin’ going on between you guys?”

Luigi: (“What is it about the note…?”)

Nagito: “No need to struggle over this, Luigi. I am most grateful you convinced everyone to
continue with my theory… Ahahah, you Ultimates are too kind…”

Brian: “Out with it.”

Nagito: “The language.”

Parappa: “The language?”

Luigi: “Ah, the fact it’s written in Japanese?”

The Conductor: “Ey, I suppose that is odd. Why couldn’t they just write it in English?”

Nagito: “I think they wanted us to believe Miku wrote it if it was in her first language.”

Sans: “So if this really is a faked suicide, how’d they write it in Japanese?”

Luigi: (“This could only mean that the culprit… ”)

> Is Japanese

> Took a wild guess

> Learned from a book


Luigi: “The culprit… must-a be Japanese themself!”

The Conductor: “We really got a lead just like that?! Well, colour me surprised.”

Brian: “And who here is Japanese?”

Nagito: “Myself, Yandere-Chan, and Teto.”

Peter: “I knew those ching-chongs weren’t to be trusted!”

Brian: “Peter…”

Peter: “What?”

Teto: “That… That means it must be Yandere-Chan! She… She must’ve faked her suicide! How
could you…!”

Fluttershy: “T-Teto… I know it’s hard for you, but… Please, believe in her. She doesn’t mean
harm to you…”

Sans: “Then again, she is our only suspect. I don’t think Nagito would shoot himself in the foot
like that, and Teto… well, y’know…”

Yandere-Chan: “...”
Parappa: “It can’t be Yan-Chan!”

Brian: “We did argue about it before, but, honestly? None of you actually had any concrete
evidence she didn’t do it.”

Peter: “There’s nowhere to hide now, missy!”

Yandere-Chan: “...”

Teto: “God, you just keep getting worse, don’t you…?! You seriously piss me off!”

Yandere-Chan: “...Why do you keep suspecting me—“

Teto: “That’s it! I’m gonna show you all right now that she’s the monster behind this!”


Teto: “Yandere-Chan’s the killer! She sent Miku those notes, stabbed 2D in the neck, stabbed
Miku in a fight, and covered it up as a suicide!”

Yandere-Chan: “...”

Teto: “And that’s it! There’s nothing else we haven’t discussed!”

Parappa: “But—“

Teto: “Stop defending a monster!!”

Luigi: (“This is sudden… Too sudden… But, I need to keep-a my focus…”)

Teto: “And that’s it! There’s nothing else we haven’t discussed!”


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “Actually, Teto, there’s-a just one more thing we haven’t talked about… The message on
2D’s hand!”

Teto: “M...Message?”

Luigi: “We found 2D’s left hand shoved into his-a pocket… And, it was positioned so his thumb
was down, and blood was on his ring finger.”

Teto: “How… How can you call that a message?!”

Luigi: “I… It’s-a what Aya—“

Teto: “Are you seriously gonna believe everything SHE told you?!”

Yandere-Chan: “...”

Luigi: “...But, I feel like-a it means something…”

Nagito: “I do as well. It must be a dying message.”

The Conductor: “A dyin’ message, eh? Like, when the victim leaves a clue as to who killed them?”
Luigi: “Ah…! Conductor, you’re exactly right!”

The Conductor: “I am…? Lad, it’s just a trope.”

Luigi: “Still, it must-a be what it is! He left us a clue as to who the culprit is!”

Sans: “Heh, smart guy.”

Parappa: “So, what does it mean?”

Luigi: “That…”

Nagito: “It’s very lucky he could use his hand for the message.”

Peter: “Why? Would he have to resort to his foot if he couldn’t?”

Nagito: “If you think about what there are five of here… Well, were five of here…”

Luigi: (“Five…?”)

Nagito: “And that blood on his finger indicates the obvious…”

Luigi: (“It does…?”)

Nagito: “Ah, Luigi, if you need time to think, I’m sure Monokuma won’t mind…”

Monokuma: “Hell, you’re lucky I don’t! I’m on the edge of my seat here!”
Luigi: (“What does the message mean…? I’ve-a just gotta think deeper about this!”)


*Q1: What were there five of here?*

> Monokumas

> Females

> Animals


*Q2: Who does the thumb down refer to?*

> Ashley

> Miku

> Fluttershy


*Q3: What does the blood on the ring finger indicate?*

> Who 2D wanted to marry

> Who 2D hated

> Who 2D’s killer was


Luigi: “It’s all-a coming together!”

Luigi: “That’s it… Each finger refers to one of-a the girls, and whoever’s represented by the
bloody finger is the culprit!”

Parappa: “Really?!”

Yandere-Chan: “...That does make plausible sense.”

Fluttershy: “If all five fingers are g-girls, um, why was his thumb down?”

Luigi: “He must of-a been referring to Ashley, who is dead.”

Peter: “No way a dead chick’s the killer! Heheh!”

Sans: “Did ya just call the 15-year-old a…? Nevermind…”

Brian: “Don’t question it.”

Luigi: “...U-Um, so, if we can just figure out which finger’s which girl, we should be able to—“

Teto: “Idiot!”


Luigi: “Huh? Teto?”

Teto: “A-Are you just gonna keep being an idiot?! I can’t let you! You’re making a big mistake!”

Luigi: “Teto…?”
Teto: “Just listen, alright?!”


Teto: “You can’t say that 2D put down his finger for Ashley! How do you even know that’s her?!”

Luigi: “It makes sense, doesn’t it? A finger down means a dead person…”

Teto: “Yeah! But Ashley’s not the only dead girl! Miku’s dead too! How could he forget Miku?!
God, you’re seriously stupid…”


Luigi: “Allow me to-a cut through your words!”


Luigi: “The reason 2D didn’t put a finger down for Miku… is because she died after him!”

Nagito: “How could you forget something as simple as that? I mean, for someone who wants to
figure out the death of her best friend, forgetting a fact as simple as the time of death is… strange,
isn’t it?”

Teto: “I… I’m sorry! I just forgot, alright?!”

Fluttershy: “I-I’m sure she just did… She was in a lot of shock at the time of the investigation, s-
she probably didn’t look over the file that well…”

Brian: “So now all we need to do is figure out who the bloody finger is.”

Nagito: “It should be easy, considering we already have a starting point. If Ashley is the thumb,
what order should the rest of the girls be in?”

Luigi: (“The order… It must be…”)

> Alphabetical

> Height order

> Cutest to ugliest


Luigi: “It must be alphabetical!”

The Conductor: “Are we sure?”

Sans: “He was on the verge of dyin’ after all - it was probably the first thing that came to mind.”

Peter: “What’s the order then?”

Luigi: “Well—“

Teto: “Ashley, Ayano, Fluttershy, Miku, Teto… M-Miku…?”

Fluttershy: “M-Miku…?”

Parappa: “Huh?! Then, that means…!”

The Conductor: “A myurder suicide?!”

Teto: “T-That can’t be right…”

Nagito: “And it’s not.”

Teto: “Wh...What…?”

Nagito: “It’s kinda funny watching you walking on that thin line you call hope all this time, but it’s
sadly gotten annoying now.”

Teto: “What are you… What are you talking about?”

Nagito: “Luigi, Yandere-Chan… You two know, right? What’s wrong here?”

Yandere-Chan: “...”

Luigi: “...No one here refers to Ayano with her real name… except-a me.”

Peter: “Wait, that’s who this Ayano chick was? I had no idea who you guys were talkin’ about!”

Sans: “...And that quickly confirms that.”

Brian: “If 2D referred to her as Yandere-Chan, this obviously changes the order.”

Parappa: “S-So… Who’s the killer?”

Luigi: (“...It’s… It’s her, isn’t it…?”)


Luigi: “...Teto… You… You killed them, didn’t you…?”

Teto: “H...uh…?”

Fluttershy: “T-Teto?!”

Parappa: “Teto?! B-But she was their friend!”

Luigi: “It’s the new outcome of the order… I don’t-a know how else to explain it…”

Nagito: “And you don’t need to. Teto did kill them.”

Teto: “Wh-Wh… Y-You can’t be…”

The Conductor: “How the peck are ye so certain about that?”

Nagito: “Considering all of her mood shifts up until now, the fact she tried to frame Yandere-Chan
for the crime, and trying ever-so-hard to throw us off in the wrong direction each time… Ah, and I
was rooting for her hope to grow. What a shame.”

Teto: “Sh...Sh…”

Peter: “She was the crazy chick all this time?!”

Brian: “Hell, it’s within reason: she could reach 2D’s neck, write the suicide note, and quite
conveniently frame Yandere-Chan by utilising her secret.”

Fluttershy: “B-But that means she… wrote those horrible notes to Miku?! Why would she…?!”

Sans: “Heh, she did have that sorta tongue on her after all.”
Luigi: “Teto… I—“

Teto: “SHUT UP!”

Luigi: “H-Huh?”

Teto: “You… What the hell do you think you’re saying?! I killed Miku?! Are you stupid?! You’re
so goddamn brain-dead!”

Fluttershy: “T-Teto…?”

Teto: “I didn’t write those notes! I wouldn’t never write Miku those notes! Who the hell do you
think you are?!”

Nagito: “You’re not denying the suicide note…”

Teto: “That’s because Miku wrote it! She did! It was a suicide! There’s no connection between the
English notes and the Japanese suicide note! You all piss me off for how stupid you all are!”

Luigi: (“I’m-a sure… it was used to hide something… Just think!”)


*What were the notes trying to hide?*


Luigi: “Now I-a understand!”

Luigi: “The notes… They were written in separate languages to hide the fact that-a the handwriting
is the same!”

Teto: “H-Huh…?!”

Nagito: “If they were written in the same language, then we’d all easily catch on this was a framed
suicide much earlier. It was probably quite convenient for you that you and Miku both share the
same first language.”

Teto: “T-That… N-No… You’re wrong…”

Fluttershy: “W-We have to be wrong! Why would Teto kill her friends?!”

Brian: “There’s probably an ulterior motive somewhere here.”

Sans: “Like the secrets?”

Parappa: “She wouldn’t kill her friends for that, would she…?”

Teto: “...F-Friends… Ah… Ahahah… Yeah…”

Peter: “What’s so funny?”

Teto: “...Ahahah… You idiots…”

Luigi: “Teto, please. Tell us what’s-a going on—“

Teto: “YOU BAKAS!”

Fluttershy: “E-Eep!”

The Conductor: “What the peck are you sayin’?!”

Teto: “Eheheheh… Ahahah… Y-You all… You all don’t know what you’re saying! You’re all a
bunch of bakas!”

Yandere-Chan: “...”

Nagito: “Oh dear.”

Teto: “Bakas bakas bakas bakas BAKAS!”

Luigi: “Teto… What are—“

Teto: “You saw me… right? When you all found Miku’s body… Was I okay? NO! Was that fake?
NO! It was real! We were friends! Best friends! I loved her! Why the hell would I… ahahah…
Why the hell would I kill my best friend?!”

Luigi: (“It’s… it’s obvious now… I didn’t realise it before… But, I guess I didn’t realise because
of how much I related to it…”)

Teto: “Bakas! All of you! You really all are stupid! Bakas! Ahaha! BAKAS!”

Luigi: (“I’m… I’m-a gonna have to expose the truth!”)



“Yandere-Chan killed 2D!”

“Miku killed herself!”

“Are you saying I killed my friends?!”


“Ahahah… You can’t be serious, right?”

“Why would I bully Miku?!”

“You think I stabbed them both?!”

“Ahahah… Ahahahah!”

“You… You baka!”

“You piss me off for being so heartless!”

“I was crying my eyes out over her death!”

“Is that a goddamn joke to you?!”

“Ahahah… You… You know exactly how I felt!”


Teto: “Why the hell would I be so upset right now if I was the goddamn killer?!?!”





Luigi: “...It’s-a so obvious now. I just didn’t want to believe it. Teto… you were faking it the
whole time!”

Fluttershy: “F-Faking it?!”

Teto: “W-What?! N-No I—“

Nagito: “Preying on the people you thought would believe your pain. How despairing.”

The Conductor: “She was just actin’?! I mean, peck, could she really…?”

Brian: “You rehearsed lines with her not too long ago. You of all people should know her acting

The Conductor: “Well, they weren’t too bad, now that yer mention it…”

Parappa: “So, she acted sad? She faked everything? She didn’t… care that Miku died…?”
Nagito: “There would be no need to if you were the one that killed her.”

Teto: “...I c-care… I…. Ahahah… I… killed them…? Ahaha… No…”

Peter: “Hello? Crazy killer lady?”

Sans: “It’s like she can’t hear us right now.”

Yandere-Chan: “...She’s not in a right state of mind at the moment. Luigi, it would be best if you
went over the case in full now.”

Luigi: “I… I suppose-a I should…”


Luigi: “This case started last night, when Miku presumably rushed to 2D for help about-a the
notes she kept receiving from the culprit. This note in particular she had-a gotten was threatening
her to meet with them in the study or else. 2D, knowing how frightened Miku was, opted to go to
the study instead of-a Miku, passing Yandere-Chan on the way.”
Luigi: “Once 2D arrived at the study, the culprit shot an arrow from-a the doorway. He managed to
dodge it, but during the haze, the culprit stabbed him in the back of the neck.”

Luigi: “The culprit then dragged-a his body to the centre of the room, to make it look like the
initial shot worked. However, 2D noticed who the culprit was, and with-a his final strength, left a
code with his left hand tucked away in his pocket so the culprit couldn’t notice.”
Luigi: “Meanwhile, Miku became-a worried that 2D hadn’t returned yet, so went to the study with
a knife in hand - one that she took earlier from the dining hall for self-defense. Once she saw his-a
body on the floor, it probably wasn’t a pretty sight. The culprit must’ve-a returned around then,
after placing the arrow from the failed first attempt back in the dojo. A fight must’ve broken out
between the two, leaving signs of a struggle on the wall beside-a the door.”

Luigi: “The fight unfortunately ended with-a the culprit stabbing Miku with her own knife. The
culprit carried Miku to her dorm room, and placed her on her bed.”
Luigi: “They left-a the knife close by, and wrote a suicide note in Japanese to try to frame it as a
suicide, more specifically, a seppuku suicide. When Miku’s body was discovered the next morning,
the culprit acted as if they were overwhelmed with grief and sadness, to make everyone think-a
they were innocent.”

Luigi: “That’s the horrifying truth you hid behind your act, Teto!”

Teto: “...Aha… No… You…”

Fluttershy: “...I-I don’t believe it… Teto, you…?”

Sans: “She was the culprit all along, it seems.”

Nagito: “Technically it hasn’t been confirmed, but I doubt we need to worry anymore.”

Peter: “Man, this is crazier than that time when—“

Monokuma: “Save your stupid cutaways for later, fatso! We gotta move onto the voting time,
seeing as you’ve all picked a culprit now~.”

Parappa: “We have…?”

Brian: “Who else can it be?”

Teto: “...”

Monokuma: “Alllllrighty then! Please cast your vote! Make sure ya do, or I’ll give you five across
the ass! Puhu - imagine getting spanked by a wittle robot bear! Such despair! Anywho, who’ll be
chosen as the blackened? Will you make the right choice, or the dreadfully wrong one? What’s it
gonna be? What’s it gonna buzzy buzzy be?!”



Monokuma: “Well, not a lot of surprise there, but ya did get it right! The blackened who killed
both 2D and Miku is the Ultimate Secondary Diva, Kasane Teto!”

Luigi was at a loss for words. Sure, he had just convicted the girl with the murder of two of her
friends, but he didn’t fully grasp what he was saying until it was confirmed. Then again, even Teto
herself looked the same. She constantly shifted from one foot to another, and was holding herself
as if she were in a straight jacket.

Teto: “Hah… Haha…”

Nagito: “You can stop playing your games now.”

The Conductor: “Well, who gave you this new attitude?”

Nagito: “I don’t mean to be so stubborn, but, I’ve seen this before unfortunately. I’m really not
amused anymore at this weak excuse at hope.”

Brian: “I really don’t understand what’s so goddamn ‘hopeful’ about this.”

Fluttershy: “Teto… you… you killed them…? But, why…?”

Teto: “...You… want to know…?”

Peter: “Of course we do! Were you jealous of that chick’s rack or somethin’?”

Sans: “Ignorin’ that, I’m still pretty hung up over why ya killed 2D, considerin’ his death wasn’t
part of ya plan.”

Teto: “Haha… You idiot…”

Luigi: “Huh…?”

Teto: “Killing 2D… was my plan.”

There was an audible gasp from a few in the group.

Parappa: “H-Huh?! 2D?!”

The Conductor: “The peck do yer mean?! Yer sent the notes to Miku, so ye were planning to—“

Teto: “Those notes… Haha. I knew driving Miku to the edge like that would cause her to act like
that… I know everything about her. I knew she would run to somebody else as soon as she got that
threat. She’s such a coward, ah, but it makes her cuter, doesn’t it? I knew she’d go to 2D, she
would never dare put me in that situation. Oh, if only she knew… haha…”

Brian: “The notes weren’t so you could kill Miku, but lure 2D to the study…?”

Teto: “Exactly. Why would I… Why would I kill Miku…?”

Sans: “...But ya did.”

Peter: “And why’re you talkin’ about her so weirdly?”

The Conductor: “Oh, and you don’t…?!”

Fluttershy: “I-I still don’t understand… Why would you do this…? Why would you…?”

Teto: “For Miku.”

Luigi: “Miku…?”

Teto: “Miku is… a diva. An icon. A blessing to the world. We don’t deserve her. I don’t deserve
her. Yet, she gave me the time of day, and I… I would do anything to keep it that way.”

Yandere-Chan: “...”

Teto: “UTAU isn’t nearly as popular as VOCALOID… I’m basically dust compared to them. I’d
never get any recognition, o-or love, or… That’s when she came. She loved my voice, my songs,
my imperfections, when no one else did. Haha, what the hell would I do without her there?”

Nagito: “...That’s a little obsessive.”

The Conductor: “A little?!”

Sans: “So where does 2D come into this lil’ love story of yours?”

Teto: “2D… It was fine at first. They became friends - big whoop. Miku was friends with
everyone, of course she couldn’t spent all her time with someone lesser than me, I knew that…
Haha… It got worse from there. They spent precious hours together all day. I was there, but it
didn’t feel right, like I… wasn’t there. I wasn’t Miku’s attention. I couldn’t take it anymore and I
was… I… When I received Yandere-Chan’s secret, I made my plan.”

Luigi: “You’re plan was to… frame her?”

Teto: “Of course! Haha! 2D would be gone from Miku’s life - sure there would be some trauma
here and there, but I would be there to support her! A-And, and I—“
Nagito: “Was that really your plan…?”

Teto: “Huh?”

Nagito: “Even if you framed Yandere-Chan for the murder of 2D, and you managed to get away
with it, we would’ve all died… including Miku.”

Teto: “T-That…”

Peter: “Man, chick was so crazy she forgot about that part!”

Parappa: “B-But, why did Miku die…? Why did you kill her…?”

Teto: “I-It… It was an accident…”

The Conductor: “An accident! How’d yer call all that an accident?!”

Teto: “It wasn’t meant to go that way… I-It wasn’t… I took the arrow from the wall, put it back in
the dojo, and when I came back… she was there. She was knelt over his body. Her face… Her face
was… Ahaha… It was in such despair…”


Miku: “2D…? N-No, wake up… you can’t be… Please, get up!”

Teto: “M-Miku…?”

Miku: “Teto?! Ah, this is all my fault! I-I should’ve been in his place! I don’t know what to do,
Teto: “Calm down, Miku… This is for the best, right…?”

Miku: “H-Huh…? What do you mean? W-Who did this…?”

Teto: “...”

Miku: “...T-Teto… You… Y-You did this…?”

Teto: “...Mi—“

Miku: “H-How could you?! How could you do this to him?!”

Teto: “I… What are you—“



Teto: “At that point, she attacked me. She was so overwhelmed that… that she tried to hurt me.
Ahaha… I loved it .”

Luigi: “W-What…?”

Teto: “She just… looked so cute like that. The look she gave me knowing fully well I had just
killed her friend… I missed it so much.”

Brian: “ Missed it?”

The Conductor: “Don’t tell me you’ve done this in the past!”

Nagito: “She hasn’t.”

Peter: “Oh, okay! Wait— how do you know?!”

Nagito: “Well, I can only assume she hasn’t. According to her secret, the worst thing she has done
is stage accidents on other avatars of the program.”

Parappa: “She has?!”

Sans: “Ya had her secret, huh? No wonder ya kept ya eye on her.”

Nagito: “It was only natural that I did. There was somewhat of a connection after all.”

Luigi: “Then, if you weren’t-a meant to kill Miku, if it was an accident, why did you make it look
like a suicide…?”

Brian: “It just seems like extra work.”

Teto: “I… I didn’t know what to do. S-She was there on the floor— I couldn’t keep her there! I just
thought… it was the only thing I could do… make her death seem justifiable… Like she died by
her own hands, a-and not from some stupid mistake! I didn’t want her to die! Ahaha! She died by
some stupid lowlife!”

Fluttershy: “Y-You… You did all that for Miku…?”

Teto: “Yes! She… she needed to be… with me…”

Yandere-Chan: “...”

Monokuma: “Well too bad! Because… it’s off!”

Teto: “Off…?”

Monokuma: “Off with your head! Puhuhu!”

Teto: “Ah… haha…”

Peter: “Man, it kinda looks like she’ll like dyin’!”

Teto: “Y-Yes… Yes, kill me! I-I deserve to… to… to be—“

Luigi: “Teto.”

Teto: “Huh…?”

Luigi: “You weren’t faking it entirely, were you…?”

Teto: “What…?”

Luigi: “I know I said you were faking your reaction to Miku, but, I don’t-a think you were entirely.
That’s why it seemed so real - it was all your pent up frustration you kept inside-a you from the
previous night…”

Teto: “I…”

Fluttershy: “Ah, I felt it was genuine too. T-That’s why I still can’t believe this… I can only
believe your grief…”

Teto: “...”

Monokuma: “Okay! Enough with the sappy stuff! It’s time to execute the blackened! Oh, and it’s
gonna be super fun too! Killing two people’s gonna get you into lots of trouble in your punishment,

Luigi couldn’t help but notice how not many people looked scared, or even sympathetic for the girl
who was about to die. It wasn’t like Mario, who Luigi had cried over, or Ashley, who Red had
freaked out over. Teto had no one. Teto was on her own. And, from her own broken face, she knew
that too.

Teto: “Ha… Haha… Of course. I don’t expect you all to forgive me. Hell, I don’t expect Miku to
forgive me. I don’t even know why I covered up the crime when I killed her. Once she was gone,
there was nothing left for me. Even if I did escape, it would be without Miku. No one would
forgive me back at home, either. The only thing that I can do now… is die. Haha, I’m so s-

Monokuma: “Yes you are! And so, I’ve prepared a very special punishment for the Ultimate
Secondary Diva, Kasane Teto!”

Teto: “Haha… I’m sorry, Stuart…”

Monokuma: “Let’s give it everything we’ve got! It’s punishment time!!!”

Teto: “I’m… sorry… Miku…”


Monokuma: “Encore! Encore! What a show!”

Peter: “That was brutal as hell!”

The Conductor: “To set that all up is… well…”

Fluttershy: “She… She killed them. A-And… all three of them are gone…”

Monokuma: “That’s what killing games are all about, baby!”

Luigi: “...”

Luigi’s throat was dry. He didn’t know what else to do, what else to say. Teto admitted she had
nothing left in her life, but still, it wasn’t right to die in such a horrible way. At the end of the day,
it was all Monokuma’s fault. Right?

Sans: “...What do we do now?”

Monokuma: “Uh, go back to the school like you normally do? I mean, I’ve got a lot to clean up

Nagito: “Ah, just before we do that, someone still isn’t off the hook.”

Parappa: “What do you mean…?”

Nagito: “Yandere-Chan… Your secret was revealed, albeit to frame you. However, we can’t forget
that she killed a girl, can we?”

Yandere-Chan: “...”

Everyone looked towards the girl in question. With all eyes on her, her lip slightly quivered as she
tried to stand her ground.

Peter: “Does that mean she gets executed too?!”

Monokuma: “No? That was way before the killing game! Who knows what else she’s done since
then! Puhuhu!”

Yandere-Chan: “...”

Luigi: (“Ayano… You’ve-a killed somebody… I can’t forget that… but, do you want us to…?”)
Just as Luigi thought he’d figured out Yandere-Chan, everything he knew about her had been
almost wiped clean. She was a murderer? But why? But how? He really didn't know her, did he?
But, he could say the same for Teto. He could say the same for Ashley.

He could even say the same for Mario.

???: “Such a sad death that was… I almost cried, y’know?”

Monokuma: “You’ve said that about every death so far! And you probably will do for the deaths to

???: “Oh, you’re right. But, I can’t help it. Despair’s fun.”

Monokuma: “You’re telling me about despair? I was born from despair!”

???: “Whatever. All I know is the numbers are dropping, and, well, I don’t know how far they’re
gonna drop…”

Monokuma: “Don’t worry about that right now! Things will rightfully conclude in time! Like how
you planned!”

???: “Planned? Ah, yes. Well, as much as I’ve planned out. But, I can’t help but keep tabs on that
pesky plumber. Hmhm, who knows what he’ll do next~!”

Monokuma: “Yeah, like you haven’t said that about everyone else here, with those exact same
words! ‘That hopeful bastard!’ ‘That determined dog!’”

???: “Oh, shut up you… God, look at me, I’ve gotta stop talking to myself.”

Chapter End Notes

Teto... My baby... Huruururgh...

Yeees I *know* she was kinda predictable, being the closest to the two, but, it's what I
wanted to do, so????? Shhh?????
Just a quick side note: the arc between Teto and Miku is totally all made-up! It is not
cannon what-so-ever!! (because they're voice synths, aight?) I just really had the urge
to write some insanity into a character, and using her was an interesting idea to me!!
(Please no mega vocaloid/utau fans going mental over this please-)
[EDIT 13.09] You have all beared with me long enough, and you can finally see her
die! (...which sounds really screwed up honestly. We do live in a society). Also I hope
you don’t mind the considerable style change, I literally just picked up from where I
last was and vibed from there.
Chapter 4: A Hopeful State of Mind (Daily Life)
Chapter Notes

Ya homegirl already on chapter 4 damn we'll be at the finale before you can blink-
Anywho, this was a fun one to write! I actually made a decent plan for this one, so I
hope it's more interestin'!
All I gotta say is... only 9 hoes left what's gonna happen
See ya on the flipside (a.k.a the bottom of the page)!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Luigi: “...Hm…”

Luigi looked at himself quizzically in his bathroom mirror. To no surprise, after the trial he just
could not get himself to sleep it off. So, instead, he had decided to try on his brother’s hat -
something he had always secretly wanted to do. Not the best thing to do in his current situation,
however it did manage to take his mind off everything that had happened, as if it was just him, the
mirror, and the hat.

And not the images of 2D, Miku and Teto in the back of his mind.

Luigi: “...Ah, no. I look stupid. Red isn’t-a my colour…”

Luigi’s shoulders drooped as he sighed loudly. He knew it would look bad.

*Ding dong, bing bong*

In the blink of an eye, Luigi had swapped Mario’s hat with his own, rightfully startled by the
unexpected morning announcement, as if what he was doing was somehow illegal. He really
needed to keep track of time.

Luigi: (“Well, I guess it’s-a best to see how everyone’s doing… especially Ayano… After we all
left the elevator, she just… went to her room. I haven’t-a seen her since…”)

Not really sure on how to explain his current feelings, Luigi got himself ready and made his way to
the dining hall. He had to admit it was awfully quiet for a bunch of individuals with big
personalities, but, who could blame them when almost half of the original group was gone?

Luigi: “Uh, hey…”

Parappa: “Hey, Luigi…”

Luigi: “Where’s Ayano…?”

Fluttershy: “Ah, she… she’s still in her room. I’ve tried knocking, but… the poor dear just won’t
come out.”

Nagito: “Of course she won’t. I doubt you all trust her after what has been brought to light.”

The Conductor: “Yer the one who kept pursuing it after the bloomin’ trial!”

Sans: “Then again, ya can’t forget she killed someone… well, indirectly.”

Peter: “Man, is every chick in this place a crazy killer?”

Fluttershy: “I-I don’t think she is! She’s a nice person! All she’s done is help us out! It’s not her
fault that her secret was outed…”

Brian: “And what do you propose we do about her?”

Fluttershy: “U-Um…”

Luigi: “I say we give her some time to explain herself. If she wanted to do something, she
would’ve-a already done it.”

Parappa: “Yeah, we should give her a chance! The secrets still could be fake after all!”
Nagito: “Ah, your hope in everyone is amazing! It’s very contagious!”

Brian: “I am never coming to terms with your ‘hope’ shit.”

Monokuma: “Boy, me too!”

Peter: “Uh oh! Winnie the Pooh’s back!”

Monokuma: “Winne the—?! Are you still going on about that?! Oh, if I wasn’t a refined bear, I
would shred you down to the last fibre in your body!”

Sans: “If you’re here, then I guess ya opened up a new floor, huh?”

Monokuma: “Yeppers! Say hello to floor number four! Puhuhu!”

The Conductor: “Give us a break from yer annoying voice, would yer?”

Monokuma: “I say! Everyone is being so rude to me! Any more insults and this has to count as
violence against the headmaster! So much emotional pain for such a little body to handle… The
only thing to sooth the pain is a killing!”

Parappa: “No way!”

Monokuma: “Okay, dog, you sound like a broken record now. Ya got something interesting to say?
No? Then keep your trap shut!”

Parappa: “Huh?!”

Luigi: “Hey! Leave him alone! Just get outta here!”

Monokuma: “Oh, many apologies to the green one… Sike! Nyohohoho!”

Monokuma cartwheeled out of the dining hall, where everyone sighed a thankful breath of relief.

Nagito: “Monokuma seems a little on edge right now…”

Brian: “Does his feelings really matter right now?”

Nagito: “I suppose not. But it is worth noting, right? It’s as if something has happened recently…”

Peter: “It sure has! I didn’t even get a chance to talk to the blue chick! The pink one was always
kickin’ me away!”

Sans: “Ya got some serious issues, bro…”

Fluttershy: “P-Please don’t talk about them right now, I-I still can’t come to terms with it…”

Luigi: “So, should we check out the next floor? I’m-a sure there’ll be another clue hidden up

The Conductor: “Better than sittin’ around and mopin’.”

Parappa: “What about Yan-Chan?”

Fluttershy: “I-I’ll let her know about the floor before I go.”

Luigi: “Alright… Let’s-a go!”

Keeping a somewhat optimistic attitude, Luigi and the others left the dining hall for the fourth
floor. It seemed as if Luigi’s mention of a clue made Parappa determined to find it, as he was
already eagerly hurrying off to who knows where, leaving Luigi on his own. He didn’t mind this,
however: some alone time was always welcome too, especially as a chance to catch up on some
inner thoughts. Instinctively, he pulled out his e-handbook to get a good look at what he was
dealing with on this floor.

Luigi: (“Huh… well this is-a pretty interesting… A bar, huh? And a principal’s office? I’m-a sure
there’s gotta be something important in there…”)

Curious about the existence of a bar in a school, Luigi decided to head there first. He couldn’t say
it was a familiar sight - the Mushroom Kingdom definitely didn’t have one of these. At the far end
there was the bar with a distinctively polished top, and an array of alcohol strewn across the back
shelves behind.

Wait, alcohol?

Peter: “Hell yeah! Now this is what I’m talkin’ about!”

Luigi immediately caught sight of the man-dog duo checking out the bar as well, the large man
practically running over to get an eyeful of the display of drinks.

Peter: “What did I say, Brian? I knew we were gonna find some booze!”

Brian: “Heh, well god knows we could use a drink.”

Luigi: “Uh, don’t you two think it’s-a strange that there’s a bar in a school?”

Brian: “Now that you mention it, I guess it is.”

Peter: “Who cares?! Look at this stuff, guys! We should totally have a bar night tonight!”

Luigi: “‘We’?”

Peter: “Yeah, Luigi, you can totally join us! Don’t forget we’re pals too!”

Luigi: (“Ah, I remember him-a saying I could join him and Brian any time before I investigated the
second floor…”) “I mean, I suppose I could…”

Peter: “Great! Meet us here around, uh, Brian?”

Brian: “Sometime before nighttime sounds fine.”

Peter: “Sweet!”

Peter grinned and stuck a thumbs up to Luigi, who awkwardly returned the gesture.

Luigi: “I guess there’s not many clues in here, so I’ll-a take my leave.”

Brian: “We’ll keep an eye out for you, or, I will at least.”

The dog gestured to Peter, who was already cracking open a bottle of who knows what, and Luigi
stifled a gauche chuckle. He said his goodbyes and left for the room opposite: the art room. Luigi
was never much into art, but gazing at all the different styles and sculptures made him feel inspired
and somewhat pleased. It was definitely a colourful room, but not the type to hurt your eyes. The
colours mixed aesthetically together, probably hinting at whoever put together this room who knew
what they were doing.
Parappa: “Hey, Luigi! Are you still looking around for clues?”

Luigi: “Ah, clues? Well, yeah. But, we just got here after all, so, we can-a take it slow.”

Parappa: “Oh, I guess you’re right, haha.”

Fluttershy: “Speaking about taking it slow, I could stay in here all day just looking at these lovely
works of art.”

Luigi: “It’s-a very nice… Oh, Fluttershy, you’re-a here already?”

Fluttershy: “Y-Yeah, um, I did knock on Yandere-Chan’s door. She didn’t open, but I did tell her
about the floor… I-I think she said something back, but, I couldn’t quite hear it…”

Luigi: “Ah, alright then, as long as-a she got the message.”

Parappa: “I hope she’s okay…”

Luigi: “Me too… So, have you guys-a found anything in here?”

Parappa: “Not yet, but don’t worry! I was just about to check the art supplies at the back!”

And just like that, Parappa had eagerly rushed to the far back of the room.

Luigi: “So much for-a taking it slow, huh?”

Fluttershy: “Aw, he’s just so cute though! It’s so horrible for such a young pup to be put in this
situation, especially all of the other animals too. I-I like to keep an eye on them, if that’s not

Luigi: “No, that’s-a not weird at all. I mean, you said you take care of animals, right? I guess it’s-a
just a natural habit.”

Fluttershy: “I suppose it is.”

Parappa: “I’m back! I couldn’t find anything that looks like a clue though…”

Luigi: “That’s-a fine. I wouldn’t expect an art room to be that suspicious anyway.”

Parappa: “I’m sure you’ll find something soon, Luigi!”

Luigi: “Heh, I hope I do.”

After a quick final look over the whole room, Luigi decided to move on. Saying goodbye, he left
for the final room on his agenda, and hopefully the more promising room to find something else
out about how or why they were here. Stepping into the principal’s office, Luigi could see that it
took a very stereotypical approach in its layout. Bookcase shelves with files lined the left and right
walls, and a dark wooden desk was neatly positioned near the far wall. The colour-scheme was
also quite professional, with a burgundy carpet leading right to the desk in the middle of the room.

Luigi: “Wow…”

Nagito: “This room is an interesting find, isn’t it?”

Sans: “Sure is, but I dunno if we could even get through all those files to find somethin’.”

Nagito: “Maybe if I were to pick one out, it could prove useful. All I have to do is rely on my

The Conductor: “Rely on yer luck?! What kind of nonsense is that?!”

Luigi: “Uh, so I guess you guys haven’t-a got that far yet?”
Sans: “It’s a cool room n’ all, but everythin’ we’ve found so far has just been typical school
reports. Y’know, the borin’ stuff.”

Nagito: “It’d be a shame if the mastermind hadn’t given us a clue this time around. Although, I do
expect that’s the case due to Monokuma’s recent behaviour.”

The Conductor: “That bear better get his bloomin’ act together…”

Luigi: “I’m-a sure there will be! Maybe it’s just not in this room.”

The Conductor: “Well, wherever it is, I don’t wanna see it! All the clues so far have been nothing
short of confusing, or just downright sadistic!”

Sans: “Heh, he’s right - we’re probably better off not seein’ another depressin’ thing.”

Luigi: “Even if it is, we can’t-a just ignore something that’ll bring us a step closer to figuring out
all this and escaping!”

Nagito: “Ah, such hopeful words, Luigi!”

Luigi: “Heh, thanks.”

Despite knowing there was nothing to look for, Luigi still had a quick check over the room before
leaving. Once he had left the office, he paused.

Luigi: (“Aside from classrooms, there’s-a nothing else to check, huh? Well, I do remember when
Ayano found that news article in a classroom, so maybe a clue could be in one?”)

Doubting that there would be anything, Luigi still went to check the classrooms for any signs of
anything out of the ordinary. When he looked into the second one, he froze.

Luigi: “Ah, Ayano…?”

Unexpectedly standing in the classroom was Yandere-Chan, who was looking blankly at some text
books. Despite her poker-face, Luigi could almost swear he saw a hint of sombreness. Yet, he
couldn’t help but slightly angle himself closer to an exit - it felt wrong to, it felt betraying to.
However, he felt like he just didn’t know what was going on inside her anymore. The girl slowly
turned to face him, eyebrows furrowed.

Yandere-Chan: “Luigi…”

Luigi: “What are you doing here?”

Yandere-Chan: “Looking for clues, right? It’s what we usually do…”

Luigi held his breath. He went with his gut. He looked her softly in the eye.

Luigi: “Look, a-about-a the trial… That secret… I want you to prove to everyone that isn’t you.”

Yandere-Chan: “...That is me.”

Luigi: “It’s not. It’s not the Ayano I know.”

Yandere-Chan stared at him for a moment. Then, she started striding towards him. Luigi couldn’t
help but take a few steps back in doubt, but realised she was heading for the door when she left the
room without another word. He quickly composed himself and turned to the door.

Luigi: (“That… didn’t go very well. Anyway, I should-a probably meet up with everyone else

And so, Luigi returned to the dining hall, where everyone else was waiting to vocalize their

Brian: “So, any leads? I was going to check everywhere else, but I wasn’t going to leave Peter
alone with alcohol.”
Peter: “Hey!”

Fluttershy: “U-Um, I found an art room. It could be a stress reliever to draw, i-if that’s your

Parappa: “The drawings in there are so cool!”

Sans: “There’s also the principal’s office.”

The Conductor: “Sadly, there isn’t anythin’ in there that’s useful to us.”

Nagito: “Did you find anything yourself, Luigi?”

Luigi: “Sadly, no.”

Nagito: “Ah, so there must be something going on with the mastermind.”

The Conductor: “What’s with yer and this ‘mastermind’ stuff?”

Nagito: “Well, someone must be behind all this, right? Especially because of that report we found
last time.”

Peter: “Who the hell could they be? It better not be that giant chicken!”

Sans: “A giant what now?”

Brian: “Great. We don’t have anything to go off this time, what a waste.”

Peter: “At least we got some booze!”

Luigi sighed. It was so strange: every time up until now there was at least one clue they found on
every floor. But now, nothing. Not a single hint or finding. He couldn’t deny he felt disheartened,
but, that couldn’t stop him now, right?

???: “...Hello, everyone.”

Luigi’s eyes widened as he heard a familiar voice echo behind him. Everyone turned to face the

Peter: “Whoa! It’s the crazy killer lady! Run!!!”

Fluttershy: “Ah! Yandere-Chan! Are you alright?”

Yandere-Chan: “I’ve… come to apologise for my past actions.”

Luigi: “You have…?”

Yandere-Chan: “The secret… is true. I did kill that girl. It was for my… senpai.”

Sans: “I mean, if that’s true, then I guess all the other secrets were.”

Brian: “And you’re just gonna brush over the fact she basically admit to murder?”

Peter: “Uh, crazy lady, are you gonna kill us as well?”

Fluttershy: “S-She won’t! I trust her!”

Yandere-Chan: “...I haven’t tried to. And I won’t be anytime soon. All I want is for you all to look
past what I did… For people like you, I know it’s hard, but, it’s my only wish…”
Nagito: “For people like us, huh…?”

The Conductor: “It’s a lil’ hard for us to look past the whole myurder thing, y’know…”

Parappa: “But, I think she’s telling the truth, right? She’s never hurt us! Ever!”

Fluttershy: “I’m sure we all have secrets to hide, r-right? If it was your secret told instead of hers,
wouldn’t you want everyone to forgive you…?”

Brian: “Hell, I guess so. But I still feel like we should keep an eye on her.”

Sans: “Though, her talent may come in handy, heheh.”

Yandere-Chan: “...Thank you.”

Luigi looked to Yandere-Chan and gave her a soft smile - he was proud of her for doing this. He
never expected her to open up like this, even to confirm such a heinous secret. But, with only so
many in the group left, it felt right to have a stronger bond with one another.

Everyone left their separate ways after concluding their usual meeting, where Luigi went off to
scout for some monocoins on the new floor. With a richer hand, he thought on who to hang out
with, although it was pretty obvious on who came to mind from recent events.

Luigi: (“I’ve-a never really hung out with Ayano aside from that talk in the track and-a the
investigation… I just wanna let her know we’re friends…”)

After a quick trip to the Monomono Machine, Luigi went to search for Yandere-Chan.
Interestingly, he found her idling in the art room.

Luigi: “Hey, Ayano. How’re you doing?”

Yandere-Chan: “I’m fine.”

Luigi: “...Would you like to hang out? I mean, after everything that’s-a happened, maybe talking
for a while will put your mind off it all.”

Yandere-Chan: “I suppose that’s alright.”

Luigi: “And, hey, don’t-a worry about it too much - everyone else is slowly learning to trust you!”

Yandere-Chan: “I wasn’t worrying that much. But, I am thankful.”

It was mostly awkward, but Luigi tried talking to Yandere-Chan about her school life and senpai.

Luigi: (“Well, I hope she’ll like-a this gift…”)

Luigi handed her a love letter making kit (which he had peeled off Monokuma’s ‘seal of approval’
sticker beforehand).

Yandere-Chan: “...Hm. I like it. Thank you.”

Luigi: “So, what does a highschool student like-a you do?”

Yandere-Chan: “Normal highschool girl things: I ride my bike to school, I eat bentos for lunch, and
I go to clubs.”

Luigi: “Yeah, but, what else do you do that isn’t so… uh, normal?”

Yandere-Chan: “That’s all I need to do. It’s not like I need to do anything else. I do what everyone
else does.”

Luigi: “Of course you do! Don’t-a you have a favourite hobby? Or a favourite food?”
Yandere-Chan: “...Whatever senpai’s favorite thing to do is my favourite. And, whatever senpai’s
favourite thing to eat is my favourite too.”

Luigi: (“Is she… serious? That… doesn’t-a sound very appealing.”) “So… you don’t-a have
anything that isn’t dictated by what your senpai does?”

Yandere-Chan: “...Sometimes I play video games. Only to pass the time.”

Luigi: “Hey, well that’s-a start! Do you have a favourite video game?”

Yandere-Chan: “...Senpai’s favourite video game.”

Luigi: (“Ah, I should’ve-a figured…”) “So, I suppose-a this senpai is pretty important to you,

Yandere-Chan: “Yes. They mean the world to me. Nothing mattered before them: I couldn’t feel,
nor could I taste. Senpai… lifted a blanket from my eyes and exposed me to the wonders of the
word I had never had the chance to experience before… Especially love.”

Luigi: (“Her senses didn’t work…? But, she seems-a very passionate when talking about them, so
what right have I to take that away from-a her?”) “That’s… really nice. I guess you really miss
them, huh?”

Yandere-Chan: “I do. But, I knew nothing good would come if I tried to escape Monokuma’s way.
If I’m gone, senpai will be taken away by horrible, horrible people who manipulate with their false
love. I’m… trying my best for them.”

Luigi: “...Well, hey, I’m-a sure we’ll get out soon, and your senpai will be glad to see you again.”

Yandere-Chan: “See me…? I… maybe they will.”

Luigi watched as Yandere-Chan gave him a small nod and an almost smile, and he smiled back.
They talked a little more, until they both parted ways. The rest of the day was as usual as ever,
even a little dull having no clue to keep Luigi’s mind occupied with. It was a couple hours to
nighttime when Luigi thought it would be best to head to the rec-room bar as promised with Peter
and Brian. When he arrived, he immediately saw the man-dog duo, but couldn’t help but notice
someone unexpected there too.

Luigi: “Hey.”

Peter: “Hey, Luigi!”

Luigi: Conductor, you’re here too?”

The Conductor: “I heard yer guys were plannin’ to have a lil’ drink. I don’t suppose yer have room
for one more?”

Peter: “Sure thing, shark man!”

The Conductor: “I’m an owl for Christ’s sake!”

Peter: “Alrighty then! Take a seat everyone! Ol’ Pete’s gonna be handling the drinks tonight!”

Luigi: “Oh, really…?”

Brian: “Don’t worry. He’s not gonna pull anything stupid, right Peter?”

Peter: “Of course I ain’t! I’m trustworthy, ain’t I? So what’ll it be, fellas?”

Brian: “A dry martini, if you will.”

Peter: “Alright, one fancy drink for Brian! And for you, owl-shark?”

The Conductor: “Whiskey. Make it as strong as yer can.”

Peter: “Okay - whatever that means! And how about you, Luigi?”

Luigi: “Uh, just water is fine.”

Peter: “Water?! I invite you here as my pal for a drink and you’re pickin’ water?!”

Luigi: “I’m not much of a drinker…”

Brian: “Just let him have what he wants, Peter.”

Peter: “Well, alright then. But next time, you better ditch the water for somethin’ cooler!”

Luigi: (“I doubt I will…”)

The three patrons sat down at the bar while Peter poured their drinks.

Peter: “Cheers! Man, I needed this! All schools should have a bar like this one!”
Luigi: “I’m-a still wondering about that honestly. It doesn’t feel right for a school to have this at
all. It’s like… someone made-a this specifically for—“

Peter: “C’mon, Luigi! This ain’t no time to be talkin’ about your detective crap!”

Brian: “I don’t mean to side with the idiot here, but I’d rather forget where the hell I am for a

Luigi: “Ah, alright then, haha…”

Peter: “That’s the spirit! Let’s pour another round and play ‘which celebrity’s the hottest’!”

Luigi: “A-Already?!”

The Conductor: “Keep it down, will yer?! Yer never had a quiet drink before?”

Peter: “Nope!”

The Conductor: “Ugh…”

The guys continued to chat and drink the evening away, and even The Conductor started to join in
a little merrier on the conversation, Luigi assuming it was the alcohol. If he had to be honest, it was
a little uncomfortable for him to be surrounded by drunk men who were getting drunker by the
minute, but he knew they meant no harm. This was just pals hanging out, right?

During a slightly slurred debate on some celebrity Luigi had never heard of, he heard the nighttime
announcement ring throughout the room.

Luigi: “Ah, should we all-a get going now…?”

Peter: “Nah, nah, that bear ain’t gonna tell me it's bedtime! Let’s go for another round!”
The Conductor: “No, the lad’s right. I’m already gonna get a headache as it is in the mornin’, and I
don’t need to give it any more strength.”

Peter: “Aw, youse guys are a bunch of losers… Let’s keep going, Brian.”

Brian: “Ready when you are, buddy.”

Luigi: “Are you sure you guys will be alright here on your own?”

Peter: “Yeah, yeah, we’se fiiiiine! Look, look, I’m in perfect health, heheheh…”

Peter sloppily proceeded to unbutton his shirt in attempts to show his ‘perfect health’, but Luigi
quickly put his hands out to stop him.

Luigi: “I-I think we-a get the message!”

The Conductor: “I can’t deal with yer stupid peck-necks any longer. C’mon, Luigi…”

Luigi: “Ah, okay then. See-a you guys in the morning…”

Brian: “G’night.”

Luigi and The Conductor left the duo to their drinking, Luigi still feeling a slight unease cloud
around him.

Luigi: “Do you think they’re-a gonna be okay?”

The Conductor: “Trust me lad, those two definitely can’t handle their drink, but I doubt they’re
gonna do anythin’ stupid.”

Luigi nodded in return. He said goodnight to the owl before they left for their respective dorms,
and he cautiously slid under the covers of his bed.

Luigi: (“I still can’t-a help but worry about those two… It seems a little silly, but, with everything
that’s-a happened so far, I can’t put my guard down anymore…”)

Suring himself a few times that nothing bad would happen, Luigi attempted to go to sleep.


Monokuma: “Boy, what’s the deal with alcohol? Soda’s fine, isn’t it? Who in their right mind
would pick something that could cause you liver failure over an ice-cold can of carbonated static
water? Sugar? Nooooo! That can’t be right! I don’t taste any sugar in soda! They must hide it
really well! Well, someone must’ve found some, considering all the sugar-free sodas out there…”

*Ding dong, bing, bong*

Luigi sat up in his bed, rubbing his tired eyes. Just as he was about to comment on how good he
hoped the day would be, his thoughts from the previous night flooded back into his mind.

Luigi: (“Ah, I-I hope they got back safely… No, Luigi! What’re you-a saying?! They’re fine! ...I

After a shaky stretch and a quick preparation, Luigi left for the dining hall. He paused suddenly at
the sight.

Luigi: “Wh… Where’s…?”

Parappa: “Luigi…?”

Luigi: “Where’s, uh, Peter and Brian? Haha…”

Sans: “Well, they haven’t showed up yet, so who knows…”

Peter: “Hey fellas! Man, I’ve got a killer headache… Where’s the infirmary thingy again?”

Luigi: “Ah, Peter! Where’s Brian…?”

Peter: “...Hm? Brian? He ain’t here?”

Something in Luigi clicked. It clicked hard, making him go into an unwanted state of pure panic.

Luigi: “O-Oh no! Oh no!”

As soon as somebody else tried to ask what Luigi was stuttering about, he had rushed out of the
dining hall as if he was never there to begin with, leaving everyone in a state of much confusion
and shock. He ran. He ran and ran and ran. It probably looked stupid to an outsider, but he sure as
hell didn’t have time to process anything else but running. He looked in that room, and that room,
even that room. Nothing. No sign of the canine. He reached the third floor with frantic steps,
lunging headfirst into the closest door: the study.

What he then saw made his heart stop.

Luigi: “B...Brian…?”

Brian: “...Yeah?”

If Luigi could pay someone to slap him hard for his overreaction, he would give them all the coins
he had, even every special stash hidden away.

Luigi: “Ah, n-nothing… I just… I was-a worried you were… W-What’re you doing here…?”

Luigi fumbled through every thought that made itself vocal, huffing and puffing and holding his
chest in an attempt to calm down. Brian took a moment to process the other’s rambling, then lifted
his brows.

Brian: “I decided to get a head start on my new novel I’m working on, and I found that in the
mornings is the best time if I don’t want to get interrupted by Peter. Sorry if I startled you, I
thought I told Peter to tell you all.”

Luigi: “Oh… you’re writing a novel?”

Brian: “Yeah… Ever since that damn play, I don’t think you all realise my talent. I mean, this isn’t
just to prove to you all, I just… need something to do. If no one's eager to escape, then to hell with

Luigi: (“I don’t-a think anyone was doubting you, but… I feel like he just wants to write.”) “So,
what’s it about?”

Luigi walked towards the desk where Brian sat, feeling a little more comfortable after his whole
crisis, to try and get an innocent peek at the laptop’s screen. All he saw however was the word
application open on a blank page.

Luigi: “Huh?”

Brian: “Uh, look. It’s just in the planning phase, so don’t expect to see anything good yet.”

Luigi: “I don’t-a see anything at all.”

Brian scoffed.

Brian: “You got me there.”

Luigi: “Anyway, did you have any breakfast?”

Brian: “No, why?”

Luigi: “Don’t-a you want any…?”

Brian: “A coffee would be preferable. And don’t skim on the shots - this headache’s killing me.”

Luigi paused.

Luigi: “What…?”
Brian: “Oh, uh, sorry. I thought you were offering…”

Luigi looked at Brian for a moment, and smiled.

Luigi: “Don’t-a worry, I can get you it.”

Brian smiled back, and Luigi went off to make him the coffee. Once he arrived back at the dining
hall, he rightfully explained why he had been in a panic, and where Brian was. Mostly everyone
seemed pretty alright about the whole ordeal, with Peter quickly chiming in an apology about how
he forgot. After making his second trip to the study to give Brian the coffee, he returned once again
to the dining hall to finally have some breakfast.

Later on, having chilled out in his dorm for a while to rid the remaining nerves that still creeped
within his system, Luigi wandered around the school ideally hoping to bump into someone to hang
out with. It was on the fourth floor when he noticed someone suddenly pass him to the stairs, and
he stood there for a moment racking his brain over what had just occurred.

Luigi: (“Huh…? Who was that…? Did they just come from-a the bar…?”)

Curious, Luigi walked over to said room to see if they had left anything behind. Then again, why
would they? To his surprise, he saw not something, but someone.

Luigi: “Oh, Sans?”

Sans: “Sup, Loogs. You decided to watch that episode yet?”

Luigi: “Was someone else in here just-a now…?”

Sans: “Nope, just me. What an imagination you got, heheh.”

Luigi: (“I must have…”)

Sans: “Say, you still look kinda shaken up from this mornin’. Dare I say, chilled to the bone .
Would ya like some company?”

Luigi: (“Was that a… pun?”) “Hm, sure! I’d-a like to hang out.”

Sans continued to turn all of his sentences into skeleton puns, which Luigi listened to in utter awe
and confusion.

Luigi: (“Well, I guess there’s-a no harm in giving him this…”)

Luigi gave Sans a hand buzzer that was said to give the recipient of the prank handshake only a
tiny buzz.

Sans: “Heh, this could come in handy. Thanks bro.”

Luigi: “So, where did you say you lived again?”

Sans: “Snowdin. It’s a pretty chill town. I crash with my bro, Papyrus, and man, the fun we have
together. I think you’d like him.”

Luigi: “I would?”

Sans: “Yeah. He’s obsessed with makin’ spaghetti. I bet he’d go nuts if someone like you tried his

Luigi: (“Well, I suppose that doesn’t sound so bad… I mean, who can’t-a cook spaghetti?”) “So is
he a chef or something?”

Sans: “Nah, it’s just his hobby. Now, his real job is capturin’ humans.”

Luigi: “Huh?!”
Sans: “Don’t fret - it doesn’t happen often.”

Luigi: (“Still, that’s-a kinda strange…”)

Sans: “Then again, there was a human who did fall down that one time. Heheh, what a laugh that

Luigi: “Fall down?”

Sans: “Oh, did I forget to mention I live in the underground? Yeah, humans don’t usually end up
down there, but that kid, heh, I guess they were pretty special. Or just unlucky.”

Luigi: “But why did-a your brother capture them?”

Sans: “He didn’t actually - he’s nice like that, y'know? Though, he does try to act tough. And, hey,
sometimes he looks like a real royal guard. He’s a cool dude.”

Luigi: “Aw, you really love-a your brother, huh…?”

Sans: “Yeah… Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up, uh, that in ya mind…”

Luigi: “Oh, n-no, it’s okay. I… I’m-a fine.”

Sans: “Hey, just keep lookin’ forward, yeah? Wanna hear one of my jokes to lighten the mood?”

Luigi: “Sure.”

Sans: “Why couldn’t the skeleton go to the prom?”

Luigi: “I don’t-a know. Why?”

Sans: “‘Cuz he had no body to go with.”

Luigi: “Are all you’re-a jokes skeleton related…?”

Sans: “Mostly, heheh. But I get around.”

Luigi shrugged off the skeleton’s antics, and they talked for a little while more. When their
conversation had just about finished up, Luigi was about to leave when—

???: “Ah, Sans. You’re still here?”

Luigi turned around to see a familiar white-haired guy standing in the doorway.

Sans: “Yeah, just been hangin’ with the ol’ green guy himself. Anythin’ ya need?”

Nagito: “I thought we agreed to hang out in your dorm. I was getting worried when you didn’t

Sans: “Aw, shoot - forgot about that. I guess I got distracted by Mr. Plumber over here, heheh.

Nagito: “It’s fine…”

Luigi: “...?”

Sans: “Oh, didn't ya know? Me n’ Ko are pretty tight pals. Guy loves my jokes.”

Nagito: “...Sans.”
Sans: “Oh, uh, sorry. Just pretend we’re acquaintances still.”

Luigi: “Why? What’s-a wrong with you two being friends?”

Sans: “Nothin’. Ko’s just concerned people’ll… take it the wrong way. Y’know, ‘cuz he doesn't
wanna ruin my reputation or whatever.”

Nagito: “Imagine being friends with someone like me… They’d think you’re crazy.”

Luigi: “I don’t-a think that at all. But, I’ll keep it a secret for you guys.”

Sans: “Thanks, pal. Let’s roll, Ko.”

Nagito: “Right behind you.”

The two left happily together, and Luigi couldn’t help but scratch his chin at the whole ordeal.

Luigi: (“Does Nagito really think people will dislike Sans for being his-a friend…? I certainly
don’t… In a way, they kinda go together. But, a promise is a promise.”)

The rest of the day went by without too much trouble, and when nighttime struck Luigi returned
back to his dorm.

Luigi: (“I noticed Brian wasn’t at dinner… I wonder if he’s-a still writing right now… No, that’s
unsafe. Then again, who’s-a not to trust? I… I do trust everyone…”)

Breathing out a sigh, Luigi opted to go to sleep instead of worrying about the matter for any

Monokuma: “Writing, writing, writing… How does one get words to paper? It may be as simple as
a traumatic experience you went through, or a big ol’ burst of inspiration! I for one get inspired by
death and destruction, so… I guess I should start publishing some of my own work! I bet it would
sell big bucks! Then, someone will wanna adapt in into a movie, and oh boy, I can’t wait how they
decide to portray the mass genocide in chapter 13!”

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Luigi stirred a little before waking up fully, stretching a bit before getting out of bed. It was then he
realised yet another object had found his way into his table on the other side of the room. Raising a
brow, he went over, and noted that this time it was a tablet.

Luigi: (“If I’ve-a learned anything from before, this must be a motive…”)

Luigi couldn’t deny his curiosity was peaked, despite a loud voice in his head reminding him what
happened the last time he decided to open up that envelope.

Luigi: (“I hope I don’t regret this…”)

Upon picking up the tablet, the screen immediately switched to life as if it were an automatic
procedure. Then, it started to play a video. The first thing Luigi heard was a familiar bear’s voice,
and he winced.

Monokuma: “Welcome! Welcome! You’re in for a real treat! It’s time for the motive video! More
specifically, Brian Griffin’s motive video! I wonder who’s the most important person in your
life…? Puhuhu!”

Luigi: (“H-Huh? Brian…? This… isn’t mine? W-Why…?”)

Suddenly, the picture changed to a still image of a family, Luigi immediately recognising Brian
and Peter within the five present.

Monokuma: “Brian Griffin, the Ultimate Author, is so lucky! To be picked up by such a loving
family and treated with such care! Well… most of the time. But, we all know there’s just one you
care for the most, don’t we?”

The video zoomed into the youngest child within the mother’s arms, who sported a rather
malicious expression for a baby.

Monokuma: “Your pal, Stewie! Despite being a literal 3-year-old, his genius brain gave him the
gift of inventing, science, and… quite a flamboyant mouth. You two have been on many
adventures, and shared such deep dark secrets with one another! I wonder what he’d think about
you being trapped in here…”

The video cut to a different scene, this time a video of said toddler looking a lot more distressed
and concerned.
Stewie: “Damn it, dog! Where the hell are you?! You and the fat man seemed to be wiped off the
face of the Earth, and I’m not putting my trust in Joe to find you, even if the rest of the family is.
I’m looking for you myself, okay? I… I’m not sure where to start, but, I promise you… Damn it!
Damn it all to hell, Brian!”

The video stopped abruptly.

Monokuma: “Man, he sure is scary! I hope he didn’t get caught up in an accident, right? Huh?
What kinda accident? Well, I guess you’ll have to find out for yourself! Puhuhu!”

After Monokuma’s usual laugh, the tablet turned off, indicating that the video was over. Luigi took
a second to process everything that was shown. He set the tablet down, and took a few steps

Luigi: (“That… That video was Brian’s, huh? So… have-a the motives been swapped again? I’m
not sure what to think… I—“)

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Luigi whipped his head over to the wall with the mounted monitor when he heard the unexpected
announcement play.
Monokuma: “Ahem! Hopefully you’ve all had a little look at what I gave you this morning~! As
such, please come to the gym for a very special explanation! Participation is mandatory as always!”

Luigi gulped.

Luigi: (“An explanation…? I guess I have-a no choice…”)

Begrudgingly, Luigi left his dorm for the gym, walking along with a few others who happened to
leave their dorms at similar times to him. At the moment everyone had arrived, chaos ensued.

The Conductor: “Alright, I’m just gonna say it: what the peck was that video?!”

Fluttershy: “I-I’m not sure… But it was awfully threatening…”

Peter: “Man, it was weird as hell though! I got someone else’s!”

Yandere-Chan: “We all received someone else’s, again.”

Nagito: “Hm - that’s quite interesting. Do you think there’s a reason for that?”

Sans: “Did Monokuma screw up a second time?”

Brian: “That’d be laughable.”

Monokuma: “Well no laughing today - because I didn’t screw up this time!”

Parappa: “You didn’t…?”

Monokuma: “Nope! Did ya like the videos? Well, as you’ve probably deducted like the dumb lil’
detectives you are, it’s the motive!”

Luigi: “But, why’re-a you saying that? Were you… meant to swap them?”

Monokuma: “Well, my original plan was to give you your own videos to let the despair sink right
into your soul to let out the inner killer, buuuuut, I really liked how well my accidental swapping of
motives worked last time! So, I’ve decided to do it again! If it works one time, keep doing it that
one single way!”

Fluttershy: “I-I don’t think that’s a good mindset…”

Brian: “So what? You gave us a random video?”

Monokuma: “Not quite. Because this was a very neat and organised plan: whoever’s video you
recieved, is the person who has yours! Incredible, isn’t it? Now you’re not fearing for your life
over who’s got ya thing! I wonder what’ll happen in this situation? Puhuhu!”

Monokuma skipped off the stage into the curtains, waving gaily to the group before his departure.

Luigi: (“Ah, so, if I got Brian’s, Brian has mine…?”)

Nagito: “Ah, I had a feeling that’s what happened. What do you think about this motive then,

The Conductor: “I think it’s a load of nonsense! If I didn’t get my video, there’s no need to worry!”

Sans: “Ain’t you the least bit curious what’s on yours, though?”

The Conductor: “Er, well…”

Fluttershy: “I-I definitely am… Oh, what if it’s my parents? Or my friends? O-Or—“
Yandere-Chan: “I don’t think we should swap videos.”

Parappa: “Huh?”

Yandere-Chan: “Monokuma told us specifically who had ours so we would ask them to swap,
right? It’s better off that we don’t.”

Peter: “Oh yeah? And why should I listen to the crazy killer?”

Yandere-Chan: “...”

Luigi: “I… don’t suppose it’s a bad idea, though.”

Parappa: “Y-Yeah! Maybe they’re fake anyway!”

Nagito: “It’s a sound rule, but don’t be too sure everyone will follow it. You never know who may
be desperate to cling to the last remaining hope that seeps from the video.”

The Conductor: “There yer go again…”

Brian: “Honestly, I’d like to know who the hell they think is most important to me. It doesn’t mean
I’ll try something.”

Yandere-Chan: “It’s just my advice. Whether you follow it or not is up to you.”

Fluttershy: “I-I think I will! As much as I’d like to know, it’s probably best if I don’t…”

Sans: “Guess there’s not much else to discuss then. Breakfast?”

Peter: “Boy, you said it! I’m stavin’!”

The group headed to the dining hall for breakfast, Luigi noticing Brian leaving only a couple
minutes after grabbing himself a coffee and some toast.

Luigi: (“I guess he’s-a going to the study to write again… At least he’s got breakfast this time… I
can’t-a help but think about what he said about the motive - he wants to know who was in his
video. I… can’t lie myself. I want to know too. Maybe I should-a ask him later about it…”)

After breakfast, Luigi returned to his dorm for a little while. He contemplated re-watching the
motive video, but deciding against having it engraved in his mind. Once was enough. Instead, he
got up and headed for the third floor to converse with Brian about their videos. Before he had a
chance to knock on the study’s door, he heard exaggerated shouts from the opposite room.

???: “Aw, c’mon! Again?”

Luigi: (“Hm… that sounds oddly familiar…”)

Now interested in the voice, Luigi quietly walked over to the A/V room and peaked in. There, he
saw his dog friend frustratedly huffing and mumbling over a ‘game over’ screen displayed on the
large monitor on the wall.

Luigi: “Parappa? What’re you doing?”

Parappa: “Ah! Luigi? Um, I was just playing video games… I keep losing on this level, though…”

Luigi: “Have-a you been playing by yourself this whole time?”

Parappa: “Yeah, well, I did ask Nagito if he could play with me, but he said he was planning to
hang out with someone else…”

Luigi: (“Ah, I’m-a guessing it’s Sans…”) “Why him?”

Parappa: “I overheard him say that he has this friend that’s super good at video games, so I thought
he might be into them too.”

Luigi: (“Really?”) “Hey, how about I play with-a you? I did say that I would after all.”

Parappa: “Ah, really? Awesome!”

Luigi walked over and sat next to Parappa, who gave him a controller in return. He booted up the
level again, and hastily explained the controls to the other before jumping back into action.

Luigi: “So, what am I supposed to be doing exactly?”

Parappa: “Just run over here and— collect that! Collect that!”

Luigi: “Huh?”

Parappa: “Nevermind… Ah! Hit that guy!”

Luigi: “How do I hit him?”

Parappa: “This button!”

Luigi: “What? It’s-a too dark in here to see…”

Parappa: “Watch out - he’s gonna kill you!”

Luigi: “W-What do I do??”

Parappa: “Aw, man! You died!”

Luigi: “Why couldn’t this be as simple as-a the kart games…”

Parappa: “Don’t worry, I can take it from here!”

After a few more rounds of the same level, Luigi was finally getting better control of the
mechanics. Just as they thought they were about to complete it, a trap caught them both by

Parappa: “Aw!! We lost again?! This is too hard…”

Luigi: “It was fun though, huh?”

Parappa: “Haha, definitely. Especially when you couldn’t get past that one bit.”

Luigi: “I didn’t know you could-a crouch!”

The dog erupted into giggles, and Luigi couldn’t help but laugh along too. After they had calmed
down, Luigi caught awareness of how Parappa’s expression became involuntarily distant.
Luigi: “Parappa? Are you alright?”

Parappa: “Y-Yeah, it’s just… I was thinking about asking the other person about my video…”

Luigi: (“He was…?”) “But you yourself said it must be fake.”

Parappa: “I know I did, but, what if it isn’t? W-Who’s in my video? My dad? Pinto? Sunny?”

Luigi: “Hey, look. Don’t-a worry about it, okay? I’m-a sure whoever’s in your video is alright. I

Parappa: “You do…?”

Luigi: “I… yeah. It’s-a better off that we don’t know, because otherwise we’re doing what
Monokuma wants.”

Parappa: “Yeah, I guess you’re right… Okay then! Thanks Luigi!”

Luigi: (“Speaking of, I should probably go talk to Brian now…It’s-a little hypocritical what I just
told him, but he doesn’t deserve to be worried about this at all.”) “Hey, uh, I’ve-a gotta go do
something now, so I’ll see you around?”

Parappa: “That’s alright! I had fun playing with you!”

Luigi waved the dog goodbye, and left for the room opposite. Quietly knocking to assert his
presence, he let himself in. Just as expected, Brian was typing away on the laptop.

Luigi: “Uh, ciao Brian.”

Brian: “Oh, hey Luigi. What brings you here?”

Luigi cleared his throat as he stood opposite the desk, facing Brian with a little wavering.

Luigi: “I… wanted to talk about the motive videos if that’s alright with-a you.”

Brian: “Really? Well, I’m glad you do. I’ve been wanting to talk about them as well.”

Luigi: “Ah, so…”

Brian: “Look, I just want to know who was in mine. That’s all I care about. I just need to know
who the hell they got their hands on.”

Luigi: “W-Well… it was this-a baby that could… talk?”

Brian: “Stewie… I should have figured. Fuck.”

Luigi: “H-Hey…”

Brian: “Sorry… What did he say?”

Luigi: “He said something about trying to-a find you himself… Can he really do that?”

Brian: “The kid’s a genius, he can basically do anything. Except… God, I don’t even know where
the hell we are.”

Luigi: (“We really don’t…”)

Brian: “I guess you’d like to know who was in your video now, huh?”

Luigi: “Ah, well, I do, but…”

Brian: “You don’t have to.”

Luigi: “N-No, I… I want to know.”

Brian: “Alright… It was this orange chick. I think it said her name was Daisy.”

Luigi: (“Daisy… Ah, it makes sense, but… That means she’s-a… O-Oh no…”)

Brian: “Luigi…?”

Luigi: “H-Huh?”

Brian: “...God. I shouldn’t of told you, should I? Now you’re just gonna be worrying about it.”

Luigi: “N-No… I’ll be okay. I have faith in her - she’s-a gonna be fine! She doesn’t go down
without a fight anyway! Haha…”

Brian: “That’s good to hear.”

Then, the atmosphere became silent. Awkwardly silent. Luigi was still reeling over the
information, despite his verbal attempts to calm himself down, keeping a somewhat fixated focus
on his gloved hand that slightly trembled on the desk. Brian, in turn, hesitantly reached out and
placed his paw atop of it. Luigi raised his head to face him.

Brian: “Look, I, uh… I don’t normally do this but, you seem like a good guy. You like helping out
the group and all that, but I know you still worry a lot. So… What’s most comforting to you?”

Luigi paused for a moment. He wasn’t expecting this out of Brian of all people.

Luigi: “...I don’t-a know really. I guess… quiet places, like fields and libraries. B-But not too quiet,
like a haunted mansion… Somewhere where I know I’m not entirely alone.”
Brian: “Hm. I like those places too. Say, doesn’t this place fit the criteria? Quiet, and you’re in here
with me.”

Luigi: “Ah…?”

Brian: “Uh, what I’m trying to say is, if you’re ever feeling like you're carrying too much on your
shoulders, just come in here. I… usually don’t let anyone in here while I write, hell, I was gonna
send you out once we exchanged videos. But, I’ll make an exception.”

Luigi: “Really…? Brian, that’s… really nice. Thank you.”

Brian: “Oh, it’s no problem at all. Out of all the guys here, you’re the most tolerable. I wouldn’t
mind having you around.”

Luigi: (“Ah, I am…? A little rude on the others, but, I’ll-a take the compliment…”)

The two exchanged a smile, enjoying the now warm aura around them. Noticing his paw was still
resting upon Luigi’s hand, Brian quickly retreated it away, coughing nonchalantly.

Luigi: “So… how’s that novel coming along?”

Brian: “Good, good. Still on chapter one.”

Luigi: “Can I take a look?”

Brian: “Not at the moment, no.”

Luigi: “Oh, I guess that’s-a okay… Hey, uh, I know you’ve-a been writing on your own for a
while and, maybe you could take a break and we could hang out?”

Brian: “That doesn’t sound too bad actually. Maybe I do deserve a break…”
Brian closed the lid of the laptop, and the two settled to go chat in the rec-room bar.

Luigi: (“I wonder if he’ll like-a this gift…”)

Luigi gave Brian a sleek fountain pen, which he studied a little too perceptively.

Brian: “I wouldn’t have imagined something as nice as this would come from that … Thanks.”

Luigi: “So, how come you’re-a so close to, uh, Stewie is it? If you don’t mind me asking.”

Brian: “He’s somehow the smartest kid in the family, yet no one knows that, let alone understands
what he says. Believe it or not, he’s capable of making actual working inventions like a time
machine and a multiverse remote.”

Luigi: “Really…?”

Brian: “Yeah. God, the adventures we’ve been on together… Europe, the North Pole, Vegas…”

Luigi: “All with a baby…?”

Brian: “You should’ve heard him talking in the video, right? He can handle a lot of things.”

Luigi: (“That is true. He seemed just as-a vulgar as Peter and Brian…”)

Brian: “As much as an asshole he can be, I can’t lie that I do care for him deeply.”

Luigi: “He kinda reminds me of someone I know… This-a scientist called E-Gadd. He’s made
inventions for me in the past, though, he’s not so similar personality wise…”

Brian: “I guess we both have one friend that’s smarter than us while we live around idiots…”
Luigi: “I wouldn’t really put it like that, but…”

Brian: “Say, where do you live again?”

Luigi: “The Mushroom Kingdom, but I’m originally from Brooklyn.”

Brian: “Brooklyn, huh?”

Luigi: “Only in my plumber days, of course…”

Brian: “I believe Brooklyn leans more towards the democratic wing… That’s good.”

Luigi: “Huh?”

Brian: “I’m talking about politics. I’m a liberal myself. Then again, you might have a different
view yourself…”

Luigi: “Uh, sorry… I have no idea what’s-a going on with politics anymore. Even back then I
never paid much attention to it anyway.”

Brian: “That’s understandable, I suppose. Alright, subject change… You know, I pick up a lot of
chicks in these places.”

Luigi: “That was a very drastic subject change…”

Brian: “Sorry, it’s all I’ve got going for me really: writing and dating. I mean c’mon, who wouldn’t
want to date a writer?”

Luigi: “Do you get a lot of dates?”

Brian: “Technically, yes. But I never seem to keep them for long…”

Luigi: (“He really doesn’t-a seem very into commitment…”) “Are you glad to have Peter in here
with you?”

Brian: “Definitely. Despite his stupidity, he’s a good pal.”

Luigi: “Well, I’m-a sure you two will make it out to see your family again.”

Brian: “You’re awfully optimistic.”

Luigi: “I try to be, for everyone…”

Brian: “Huh. Well, you know what… I—“

???: “There you are, Brian!”

The two jumped slightly as they turned to face a familiar large man posing powefully with his
hands on his hips.

Brian: “Peter?”

Peter: “So, I can’t come in and see ya when you’re writin’, but you’ll grab a drink with Luigi?!
How could you betray me like this?!”

Luigi: “A-Actually, we aren’t drinking…”

Peter: “I haven’t felt this betrayed since the time when—“

Brian: “Peter, calm down.”

Peter: “No! This is important!”

Luigi: “What is…?”

Peter: “I’ve been try’na make a sandwich, but I don’t know where anything is! Man, if Lois were
here, she’d know… she even knows how I like ‘em too…”

Brian: “Peter…”

Peter: “Arg, I miss them! Lois, the kids, the pals! This ain’t fair! Can’t we go home yet?”

Brian: “Hey, Peter, it’s gonna be alright. We’ll be home before you know it. For now, I’ll help you
with that sandwich.”

Peter: “Aw, Brian buddy, I can’t stay mad at you! C’mon! Let’s go before all the mayo is gone!”

Peter rushed out of the bar, presumably on his way to the dining hall. Brian hopped off the bar
stool, and turned to Luigi.

Brian: “Sorry to cut our chat short, but I suppose Peter has been on edge lately due to having to do
chores someone else would normally take care of.”

Luigi: “It’s-a fine… Go help out your friend.”

Luigi gave him a reassuring smile, and Brian headed off to follow Peter. After idling for a little
while in his mind, Luigi went back to his dorm for the remainder of the day. Finding the silence to
be a little too suffering however, he decided to go to the dining hall earlier than usual. When he got
there, he stumbled upon an interesting conversation.

Nagito: “Ah, Fluttershy, what’re you making for dinner this evening? I’d love to help out in any
way I can.”
Fluttershy: “Um, well, a-actually, I’m a little too stressed out from the motive to cook tonight… I-
I’m sorry!”

Parappa: “It’s alright! We all are after all…”

Luigi: “Hey, I don’t-a mean to intrude but, maybe I could cook tonight for you? I remember
mentioning it once.”

Fluttershy: “Oh, really? That would be lovely, Luigi!”

Nagito: “Ah, then I don’t suppose I can help you out then?”

Parappa: “Me too!”

Luigi: “Of course! I could use-a the help.”

The three guys went into the kitchen to decide on what to make.

Nagito: “Did you have anything in mind you were planning to make?”

Luigi: “Not really… How about spaghetti?”

Parappa: “I’m not really a big fan of noodles…”

Luigi: “Hm, then pizza?”

Parappa: “I haven’t had pizza in forever! Wait, you can make it from scratch?”

Luigi: “I think I remember the recipe… So, why not!”

The trio gathered the ingredients, and got to work. With Luigi’s guidance, they managed to create a
reasonable amount of dough.

Parappa: “Are you gonna throw it in the air like they do on TV?”

Luigi: “I mean, I don’t-a need to, but I can if you want.”

Parappa: “Wow! Can I try?”

Luigi: “Sure!”

Nagito: “Ahaha, you two seem to be having fun with this!”

After a few throws with the dough, they piled on the sauce, cheese, and extra toppings of their
choice. Carefully placing the three large pizzas in the oven, Luigi stepped back and wiped his

Luigi: “Phew…”
Sans: “Smells good - what’s cookin’?”

Nagito: “Sans?”

Parappa: “You can smell?!”

Sans: “Heheh, sure I can. And hey Ko.”

Nagito: “Ah, hey, haha…”

Luigi: (“I wonder if they’d-a be less awkward if it was just me here… I mean, what’s-a wrong with
Parappa knowing?”)

Sans: “Anyway, my question?”

Parappa: “We’re making pizza!”

Sans: “Really now? Well, I’ll leave ya guys to it then.”

The skeleton waved the three goodbye, although Luigi could tell it was mostly aimed towards
Nagito. A little while later, when the pizzas were cooked at the others had arrived in the dining
hall, dinner was served.

The Conductor: “Ey? What’s all this?”

Luigi: “We made pizza!”

Peter: “Aw, sweet! I knew you were a pizza guy Luigi!”

Luigi: (“Oh no, not that again…”)

Fluttershy: “You made quite a lot… I-I’m not complaining or anything though! They look great!”

Sans: “Heh, I guess you could say it was the yeast they could do.”

Nagito: “Ahahaha! That was an excellent pun!”

Yandere-Chan: “Hm.”

Luigi: “Is, uh, pizza one of senpai’s-a favourite foods…?”

Yandere-Chan: “Of course.”

Luigi: (“Phew… heheh.”)

Brian: “Pizza, huh?”

Luigi: “Oh, you’re joining us as well Brian?”

Brian: “Why not? I could practically smell it from the study.”

Parappa: “You could?!”

Fluttershy: “Um, you’re a dog too, Parappa. Doesn’t your nose have an enhanced smell too…?”

Parappa: “Uh, I dunno actually…”

Peter: “Who cares? Let’s dig in!”

The Conductor: “Christ, lad! Save some for the rest of us!”

The group then settled down to enjoy a nice evening: eating, drinking, and chatting away,
forgetting about their sorrows and worries of the past and future. Luigi couldn’t deny it was
probably one of the best evenings he had here - everyone was having a good time.

Sadly, all good things come to an end as dinner came to a close and everyone left their own ways.
When nighttime struck, Luigi returned to his dorm.

Luigi: (“Ah, that was a good night… In fact, the whole day was great! I got to know Brian a little
better… Maybe I’ll-a bring him a coffee again in the morning for him…”)

Luigi then paused.

Luigi: (“Ah, but I can't overlook who was in my video… Daisy… I-I know she’s strong but… Did
Monokuma say she got in an accident like he said with Stewie…? What kind of-a accident…? No,
I can’t think about this, it’s-a what Monokuma wants…”)

Letting go of the melancholy thought, Luigi opted to finally sleep.

Monokuma: “What makes a good chef? Maybe how they stick to the recipe? Maybe how they
throw the recipe out the window and do whatever? Maybe how they sneak a rat into their hat to do
the cooking for them? I for one prefer to fry the food right in front of my patrons! Too bad I don’t
get a lot of volunteers…”

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Luigi awoke with a strong mindset and an equally strong game plan. Getting himself ready and
going to the dining hall, he greeted a few hello as he went to make a coffee for his new canine
friend. With a spring in his step, he headed for the study and knocked once again before letting
himself in.

Luigi: “Hey, Brian! I brought you a coffee.”

Brian: “Oh, really? Thanks, Luigi.”

Luigi smiled as he placed the mug on the desk.

Brian: “Say, uh, did you see Peter this morning?”

Luigi’s smile faltered.

Luigi: “No I… thought he was with-a you.”

A sudden rush of anxiety hit the both of them.

Luigi: “W-Where was the last time you saw him?”

Brian: “I don’t know… Let—let’s just check the bar.”

Without another word, the two fled the room for the fourth floor. Upon reaching the bar, Luigi felt
his heartbeat quicken.

Brian: “Dammit - he's not in here.”

Luigi: “W-Where could he be…?”

Suddenly, the dog started to sniff around, and Luigi watched his eyes widen.

Brian: “I smell something… It’s coming from over there!”

Brian pointed to the principal’s office, and immediately the two ran over to the doorway. They
looked into the room.

From the moment the nerves started, Luigi imagined the worse had happened. The horrible, most
hopeless, most petrifying worst. He suppressed it, knowing it couldn’t be true. It had to be

Too bad he was right.

He was always right about despair.

Despair from the bleak, spiritless body of Peter Griffin.

Brian: “Peter…? PETER!”

Chapter End Notes

It seems today that all you see... is a dead Petah Griffin... and sex on TV
So,, yes!! The big guy is dead! Some saw it coming, as big guys and chapter 4 sadly
don't go well together, huh?
(ngl I hope I didn't bore you with that big chunk of Brian lmao-)
(altho I hope you did like them wholesome scenes huehue)
(also I've learned that I can and can't draw Stewie)
Chapter 4: A Hopeful State of Mind (Deadly Life)
Chapter Notes

Welcome back folks!!

Aight, there's a bit of a swear warning for the rest of Chapter 4 probably (mostly from
Brian... ok it's all from Brian).
Also I forgot to mention this last chapter but tysm for 100+ kudos! Means a real lot to
me!! :0
(also 3000 hits damn bro-)
what's everyone gon be doing when the big guys dies?? I guess you'll find out now!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

It had all happened so fast: one minute Luigi and Brian had been in the study about to enjoy a
morning conversation, the next Brian had practically rushed over to the body of his best friend and
owner, cursing under his breath. All Luigi could do was stare. Another murder? This was becoming
ridiculous for his mental state.

Brian: “Peter? Peter?! God - no! Fuck!”

No matter what Brian said, he and Luigi both knew Peter wasn’t going to respond.

Luigi: “B-Brian… I—“

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Monokuma: “A body has been discovered~! Come get y’all’s a looksie in the principal’s office!”

Brian: “...Goddamnit!”

Brian looked like he wanted to hit something in utter frustration and fury. Luigi wanted to extend a
hand to his aid, but was afraid he’d get hit instead. He didn’t have to worry so much about their
sorrowful silence, as everyone had arrived not so long after the announcement.

Fluttershy: “W-Who’s— Eep!”

The Conductor: “They got to the big lad, eh…?”

Nagito: “Ah, how unfortunate.”

Monokuma: “‘Tis tragic the death of a fatso… Puhuhu!”

Sans: “What’re ya plannin’ to say now?”

Monokuma: “I’m glad you asked! I’ve got a long list of—“

Brian: “The file. Now.”

Luigi: “Brian…?”

Brian: “I’m not wasting time listening to your shitty quips. Just give me the file, and fuck off.”

Monokuma: “Whoa, okay Mr. ‘I learned a bunch of cool sweats today’! You don’t need to prove
your edge! Here, suckers! Take ya Monokuma File 4 then!”
Monokuma tossed the file carelessly onto the principal’s desk.

Monokuma: “Man, liberals, huh? Never understood ‘em.”

The bear shrugged melodramatically and walked out of the room.

Brian: “...”

Yandere-Chan: “I don’t mind if you already plan to investigate, but we should at least sort out
everyone’s role as per usual.”

Sans: “Heh, shame my guard partner’s the victim this time… Gonna miss his funny ‘eaten’

The Conductor: “Well, if it ain’t too much trouble, I might as well take up the guard role again.”

Sans: “Looks like I’m not gonna be owl by myself then, heheh.”

The Conductor: “Oh Christ…”

Parappa: “Are two guards gonna be okay this time?”

Luigi: “I think so, considering there’s-a not a lot of us to keep track of…”

Nagito: “We really are down to only half of us, huh?”

Fluttershy: “O-Oh my…”

Brian: “...”
Luigi looked over to Brian, who while holding onto the Monokuma File with a tighter than usual
grip, kept staring down at his friend’s body unblinking. With only a second delay, he had walked
up to the other and placed a soft hand on his shoulder.

Luigi: “Hey, Brian, I… understand how-a you feel. I really do. So, I’m— no, we’re all gonna try
our best to solve-a this case for you, and Peter.”

Brian: “...Yeah.”

Despite the reassurance, Brian’s expression was still clouded with a desolate grief that Luigi knew
all too well. Another pair that had the fortune (or misfortune) of ending up together in this killing
game had been separated by death, and nothing could describe it except despair. However, Luigi
knew if he didn’t stay hopeful, it would be a horrible spiral from there. So, he reluctantly decided
to keep moving forward.

Luigi: (“Alright, let’s-a go…!”)


Everyone went their own ways to start their investigation as per usual. Luigi himself opted to stay
next to Brian, who finally picked up on reading the file in his paws.

Brian: “Why’re you still next to me…?”

Luigi: “Oh, I just-a thought we could work together on this - I thought you might like-a the help…"

Brian: “...Alright then. You practically proved yourself useful the last three times, so me doubting
you now would be stupid.”

Luigi: (“Um… thanks?”)

Once Brian had finished reading the file, he cocked a brow.

Brian: “Hey, look at this…”

Brian passed the file to Luigi, finally getting a look at the information at hand.

*The victim is Peter Griffin. The body was discovered in the principal’s office on the fourth floor.
Cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head. There are also shallow cuts located around his

Luigi: “Huh. There’s-a no time of death.”

Brian: “Exactly. It’s been stated every damn time before, so why the hell is it not here?”

Nagito: “The time of death missing… I don’t think it’s a coincidence.”

Brian: “God, someone needs to put a bell on you.”

Luigi: “What do you-a mean by that?”

Nagito: “Well, the weapon and cause of death were both hidden before, right? This is just another
mystery Monokuma wants to leave out or else we’d solve it easier.”
Luigi: “Oh, I guess that makes sense.”

Brian: “That bastard.”

Luigi: (“The last time I saw Peter was at dinner, so that’s-a quite a big gap of time until we
discovered the body… I wonder if we can cut that time down…”)

*”Monokuma File #4” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi: “...Should we check over his-a body now?”

Brian: “Let me do it. I’m not letting anyone else touch him.”

Luigi hesitantly nodded, and the two walked closer to the large body. Brian began to feel around
Peter’s head, Luigi keeping a fair distance while he looked too.

Luigi: “According to the file, he was hit on the head. What can you see?”

Brian: “I might be wrong but, it looks like he was hit several times…”

The Conductor: “Several, eh? Must’ve meant he was a fighter.”

Sans: “Or maybe they just couldn’t kill him with only one blow. He’s a big guy after all.”

Brian: “Thanks for your useless input.”

The Conductor: “What’s that supposed to mean?!”

Luigi: “Brian, they’re-a just trying to help.”

Brian: “...I see one blow on the back of his head, and a deep one on the top.”

Sans: “Ouch. Dude got his skull caved in. That hits me on a physical level, y’know.”

Luigi: (“I wonder why he was hit in those areas…”)

*”Peter’s head wound” has been added to truth bullets”*

Brian: “Hey, what the hell are these cuts?”

Brian gestured to the cuts on Peter’s neck, which Luigi couldn’t help but stare at quizzically.

Luigi: “It kind of-a looks like he was cut by something sharp… The file said they were shallow, so
they can’t be a murder attempt.”

The Conductor: “So why the peck are they there?”

Luigi: (“Why would anyone need to do that…? It’s-a awfully strange…”)

*”Cuts on Peter’s neck” has been added to truth bullets*

Without much warning, Luigi saw Brian remove Peter’s glasses and studied them.

Luigi: “What is it?”

Brian: “His glasses - they’re broken.”

Luigi: “They are?”

Brian: “Yeah, looks like they were smashed by something.”

Sans: “Who knows, maybe it was when the killer hit him.”

Luigi: (“Maybe, but… he was hit on the head, right? How would the weapon reach his-a

*”Broken glasses” has been added to truth bullets*

Brian: “Do you see anything else on him?”

Luigi scanned the body one last time, and did a double take when he looked at his arms. He
furrowed his brows as he leaned a little closer.

Luigi: “Hm…”

Brian: “What?”

Luigi: “Is it just-a me or, can you see something on his arms?”

Brian took a closer look himself.

Brian: “Actually, I do… Wait. Is… is that ropeburn?”

Luigi: “Ropeburn?”

The Conductor: “Another rope case, eh? I was always curious on where the rope is located
Luigi: “Ah, me too…”

Nagito: “As far as I know, rope is kept in the storage closet in the gym. Just about everyone has
access to it…”

Brian: “God, you’re still here?”

Sans: “Hey, he’s just helpin’, ain’t he?”

Luigi: (“Why would he have ropeburn anyway? Was he tied up? Or, did something else happen?
And, where are the ropes now?”)

*”Rope burn on arms” has been added to truth bullets*

Nagito: “Ah, if you two are done, I’d like to show you something I found.”

Luigi looked to Brian for confirmation. After a moment of staring at his friend’s body, he slowly
nodded. Nagito then led the two behind the principal’s desk, and pointed underneath it.

Luigi: “A bat?”

Nagito: “A bloody bat, no less.”

Brian: “Looks like we found the murder weapon. Thank god.”

Luigi: “A baseball bat does look like it could-a do it…”

Nagito: “I would also take note how the culprit didn’t bother discarding the weapon. How

Luigi: (“I’m assuming you can-a find baseball bats in the storage closest and the track on the
second floor… so everyone still has access to one. It’s-a not so incriminating if you think about it.
But, I suppose it’s worth keeping note of.”)

*”Bloody bat” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi and Brian walked back out in front of the desk, Luigi immediately stopping in his tracks.

Brian: “What now?”

Luigi: “Ah, I was just about to step into that-a blood.”

Sans: “Wait, that’s blood? I thought that was the carpet, heheh.”

Brian: “Now that you mention it, this trail of blood leads to the doorway.”

Luigi: “Do you think someone dragged him in-a here?”

The Conductor: “I don’t mean to be rude but, do yer think anyone can drag someone like him
without doin’ their back in?”

Luigi: (“That is true… I assume Peter is pretty heavy… And with the rope burn on his arms, I
thought he was tied up in here…”)

*”Trail of blood” has been added to truth bullets*

Brian: “Speaking of which, look over there.”

Brian pointed to the doorway, and the two walked over. Luigi scanned the area around, then gave
Brian a questioning look.

Luigi: “Uh, where am I supposed to be looking?”

Brian: “Here.”

The canine pointed down at something small and glistening. Luigi focused on the object, until he
realised what it was.

Luigi: “Oh! Are those glass shards?”

Brian: “Yeah. Considering how small they are, they have to be from Peter’s glasses.”

Luigi: “But why would they be over here?”

Brian: “God knows. I guess we’ll have to work that out later.”

Luigi: (“A whole lot happened in-a this room, huh?”)

*”Glass shards” have been added to truth bullets*

Parappa: “Hey, Luigi! Over here!”

Luigi turned his head to see his other dog friend waving at him from outside the room. He was
gesturing for the two to come follow him, and he led them to the rec-room bar.

Luigi: “What did you find?”

Parappa: “I was looking around the other rooms for a clue, and I found hair on this barstool!”

Brian: “You did, huh?”

Luigi picked up one of the strands.

Luigi: “It looks to be brown hair. Is it Peter’s?”

Brian: “It might be yours.”

Luigi: “What?! N-No, it’s not—“

Brian: “I’m just kidding. I know it’s Peter’s from its scent.”

Luigi: (“Was that his attempt at lighting the mood…?”) “You know Peter’s scent?”

Brian: “What did you expect? I’ve lived with him most of my life.”

Parappa: “What was he doing at the bar?”

Luigi: “What do people usually do at a bar, Parappa?”

Parappa: “Oh yeah…”

Brian: “He makes a point though. He didn’t tell me he was going to drink last night. He usually
tells me so I can keep a close eye on him in the mornings.”

Luigi: (“From-a this evidence, we can tell he was at the bar… Was he with anyone? How did it
escalate into the principal’s office? I’m not so sure…”)

*”Hair on bar stool” has been added to truth bullets*

Brian: “...”

Luigi: (“Somethings on Brian’s mind… Hm.”) “Hey, Parappa, do you think you could find out
where Ayano is? She might’ve-a found some evidence.”

Parappa: “Sure! Leave it to me!”

Parappa ran out of the room determinedly.

Brian: “Why did you do that?”

Luigi: “Because… there’s-a something you’re not telling me.”

Brian: “...Alright, fine. I’m just confused.”

Luigi: “About what?”

Brian: “You see… there’s this tracking feature on the map: you can track the location of one
person at a time.”

Luigi: “You can do that?”

Brian: “Yeah, watch.”

Brian pulled out his e-handbook and went onto the map. He tapped the pixel icon that represented
Luigi, and sure enough it said he was in the rec-room bar right now.

Luigi: “Wow…”

Brian: “It basically picks up the location of your handbook, and sets it as where you currently are.
I’ve been using it on and off to keep a close eye on Peter. Hell, I’ve been using it each night ever
since he had access to this bar.”

Luigi: “Ah, so you know what happened to him, right?”

Brian: “Well, I don’t check it 24/7. Last night, I was in the study from 9pm to 11:30pm, and I
checked on Peter’s location every half hour. At first, it said he was in the bar, but then at 10:30 he
was in his dorm room, and that’s where it said he was each time I checked afterwards. I assumed he
went to bed, but…”

Luigi: “I guess that can’t-a be the case… But that is strange. Thanks for telling me that.”

*”Brian’s Account” has been added to truth bullets*

Brian: “Say, can we go back to the principal’s office to check something?”

Luigi: (“Does he mean the e-handbook?”) “Sure.”

The two left the bar, seeing as they were done in there, and headed back to the principal’s office.
Just as Luigi suspected, Brian went to check Peter’s pocket for his e-handbook.

Brian: “Alright, well, his handbook’s still there… Goddammit.”

Luigi: “Hey, don’t-a worry about it. We’ll figure this case out soon.”

Brian: “It isn’t soon enough.”

Luigi: (“...I guess he wants me to keep a note of-a this too?”)

*”Peter’s e-handbook” has been added to truth bullets*

Brian: “...”

Luigi: “...Bri—“
Parappa: “Hey Luigi!”

Luigi: “Huh?”

Parappa: “I found Yan-Chan! She said she was going to the trash room.”

Luigi: “The trash room? Why there?”

Parappa: “I dunno, she didn’t say… Shoot. Did you want me to ask that too?”

Luigi: “No, it’s-a fine. You’ve been a big help.”

Parappa: “Really? Thanks! Is there anything else I can help with?”

Luigi: “Uh…”

Brian: “I saw Fluttershy immediately walk out of here when we started investigating. I’d like to
know what the hell she's doing.”

Luigi: (“I really doubt Fluttershy of-a all people is doing anything suspicious, but…”)

Parappa: “Okay! I’ll go check where she is!”

And just like that, Parappa had dashed off again.

Brian: “C’mon, let’s go to the trash room.”

Luigi: “Ah, alright then.”

Luigi followed Brian to the trash room, keeping a little distance between them as he couldn’t really
tell what was on the canine’s mind. Once they arrived, they saw Yandere-Chan scoping around the

Luigi: “Hey, Ayano. What’re you doing here?”

Yandere-Chan: “I usually check the trash room during investigations in case someone decided to
discard evidence here.”

Luigi: (“That does make sense. This would be the ideal place to get rid of-a evidence.”) “Did you
check here last investigation too? We were together, and we never went-a here…”

Yandere-Chan: “Remember when I took a detour after the announcement called us to the elevator

Luigi: “Oh, I see… I was wondering about that, haha…”

Brian: “Sorry to interrupt, but anything last case is useless now. How about we focus on this one?”

Luigi: “Oh yeah, s-sorry… Have you found anything yet, Ayano?”

Yandere-Chan: “As a matter of fact, I have. It is only subtle, but the incinerator feels somewhat
warm, as if it was used not so long ago. If I had to guess, it was probably used during the night.”

Luigi: “Huh… Interesting.”

Brian: “Can you tell what was burned?”

Yandere-Chan: “Unfortunately, no. But, I can make out something definitely was burned, but it
wasn’t a large object by any means. You can check if you don’t believe me…”

Luigi: (“I wasn’t-a doubting her, but I understand why she said that…”)
On the other hand, Brian walked over to the incinerator to confirm what Yandere-Chan had
reported. He felt the metal, and looked inside.

Brian: “Well, she isn’t lying. There’s no way to tell what a bunch of ashes once were.”

Luigi: “Hm…”

*”Heated incinerator” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi: “Do you have any thoughts about this case so far?”

Yandere-Chan: “I’m not sure yet. I think I’ll need to look around some more.”

Brian: “Well, seeing as we’re done here, let’s go Luigi.”

Luigi: “Already?”

Brian: “Do you see anything worse worth noting?”

Luigi: “Well, n-no, but…”

Brian: “Then c’mon.”

Brian hastily left the room, Luigi quickly catching up to him. They were in the hall when they saw
Parappa running out of the dining hall, almost bumping into Luigi in a startled impact.

Luigi: “Whoa there…”

Parappa: “Ah! You’re here already?”

Luigi: “Already?”

Parappa: “I found Fluttershy! She’s in the kitchen. She said she went there because she wanted
some tea to calm herself down.”

Brian: “Uh-huh…”

Luigi: “Thanks again, Parappa. You can take a break now if you want.”

Parappa: “No way! I’m gonna keep looking around for clues!”

That dog sure was fast, as in a blink of an eye he had run off in search for evidence.

Brian: “I admire the kid’s perseverance.”

Luigi: “He doesn’t give up, that’s-a for sure…”

The two then continued on to the kitchen, where they saw the missing pony quietly sipping on
some tea.

Luigi: “Hey, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy: “A-Ah, hello… I-I’m sorry I didn’t tell you where I was going, I didn’t think you’d

Brian: “There’s been a murder for god’s sake; you going anywhere without telling anyone is
suspicious in itself.”

Fluttershy: “I-I’m so sorry!!”

Luigi: “Hey, it’s okay. Anyway, while we’re-a in here, there may be some clues, right? Before
going to the bar, Peter was in the dining hall with the rest of us.”

Fluttershy: “Oh, that reminds me… I-I’m not sure if this is a clue or not, but… last night while I
was washing the dishes, I noticed one of the glasses smelt a little… funny.”

Brian: “Funny? Can you be more specific?”

Fluttershy: “I-I can’t… I have no idea what it could’ve been… Oh, if I only asked somebody else,
then I could’ve been more helpful to you…”

Luigi: “No, I think you were very helpful here…” (“Then again, what does a funny smelling glass
mean? Was something put into it?”)

*”Strange scented glass has been added to truth bullets”*

Fluttershy: “...There’s also something else that’s probably important.”

Brian: “Then what’re you waiting for? Tell us.”

Fluttershy: “U-Um… I was having a hard time sleeping last night, and then I remembered I left
something in the art room so I decided to go to the fourth floor. I had just finished climbing the
stairs when I heard a whack… I-I didn’t know what it was, and was too scared to check, and I ran
back to my dorm in case the noise chased me…”

Luigi: (“I probably would’ve-a done the same thing…”) “Do you know what time that was?”

Fluttershy: “Y-Yeah… around 12am…”

Luigi: “That-a late?”

Fluttershy: “M-Mhm…”
Brian: “A whack, huh…”

Luigi: (“...I don’t-a want to think about what that sound means… but, I will remember this.”)

*”Fluttershy’s account” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi: “Thanks for-a all your help, Fluttershy. We’ll leave you alone now.”

Fluttershy: “A-Ah, it’s no problem at all.”

Luigi and Brian proceeded to leave the dining hall. It was then there in the hall, where Brian
stopped completely.

Brian: “...”

Luigi: “Brian…?”

Luigi cautiously extended a hand to Brian’s shoulder, who almost flinched at the contact. He then
turned his shoulder away all together.

Brian: “I’m fine…”

Luigi: “You’re not…”

Brian: “...Fuck!”

Brian slammed his fist into a wall.

Brian: “I don’t get it! I just don’t fucking get it! Why the hell did Peter have to die?! What the hell
did he do?! He… God…”

Luigi stared at Brian for a moment after his sudden outburst, noticing him holding back faint tears
that fought to escape. He then gave him a soft look.

Luigi: “Hey… I understand what it means to lose sometime close to you… It’s just not fair. But,
I’m-a sure Peter wouldn’t want you to be like this… If anything, you should-a stay focused on
solving his death, finding the killer, and bringing him justice… Though, I understand if you need
time… I sure did…”

Brian: “...Yeah, that’s right. I’m gonna find the bastard that did that to him. I’m gonna bring Peter
the justice he deserves.”

Luigi: “And I’ll-a help you out.”

Luigi gave Brian a warm, yet cautious smile, and eventually, he tried one back.

Brian: “...Thanks. You’re a good friend.”

Luigi: (“Friend, huh…? I like-a that.”)

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Monokuma: “Tiiiiime’s up! Get a move on to the red door on the first floor for the… fourth trial
already? Man, we’ve come so far! I might just shed a tear for this occasion alone!”

Luigi: “...Brian, are-a you ready to go?”

Brian: “Yeah. Don’t worry about me.”

Luigi: (“I know you may say that but, I still do…”)
The pair went to the elevator room at their own pace, meeting up with everyone else only a few
minutes later.

Sans: “R.I.P ol’ Pete, huh…?”

The Conductor: “Still sort of hung up over someone offin’ the big guy… Quite the challenge

Nagito: “Not to make you out as hypocritical or anything, but you were pretty admiriant on
defending Dedede when Teto called him fat…”

Fluttershy: “T-That is quite hypocritical…”

The Conductor: “Dedede wasn’t fat! I know penguins look big an’ all, but trust me! I’m not a
bloomin’ hypocrite!”

Brian: “...”

Luigi: (“Brian looks pretty angry. I should-a probably say something before he starts swearing at
everyone again…”) “Hey, guys… Maybe we should-a focus now…”

Parappa: “Yeah! We need to work together again to figure this out!”

Monokuma: “And I need you all to break apart to create despair! Puhuhu!”

Brian: “Just let us on the damn elevator already.”

Monokuma: “Now hold on, Mr. Liberal! I ain’t takin’ your ushering no more! You can go on when
I say! ...Okay, you can go on now!”

Monokuma clapped his hands twice, and the elevator doors slowly parted.
Monokuma: “Like my new magic trick?”

Yandere-Chan: “It’s not very amusing when we can infer you have access to the controls from
wherever you are.”

Parappa: “Were we all supposed to easily infer that…?”

Monokuma: “Argh, you guys don’t have good taste! Whatever! Meet moi in the trial room

Monokuma scurried off, leaving everyone almost tired from his ridiculous antics.

Luigi: “I suppose we should all get going now…”

Everyone followed Luigi’s word as they went to board the elevator. As the doors closed and the
claustrophobic box started to descend, Luigi looked around. He first glanced at Brian, who still
kept an unreadable expression. Though, he knew it was full of grief and anger and hatred towards
the anonymous killer - he really wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of finding whoever did
that to his best friend. Luigi did too, but he could tell Brian’s determination went deeper, to a much
more personal level.

He then took a nonchalant look behind him, and noticed Nagito and Sans standing beside each
other. The elevator was pretty dark, but he swore he could make out them holding each other’s
hand, hiding it slightly behind their backs as if it was their own little secret. Well, it technically was
- Luigi had only stumbled upon it by pure accident.

Luigi: (“Was I just-a seeing things, or were they really…? Does this-a mean they’re more than
friends…? It’s… kinda cute… Ah, I shouldn’t be focusing on that right now. I’ve-a got a case at

Soon, the elevator came to a complete stop and opened its doors to the unfortunately familiar trial
room for the fourth time.

Monokuma: “Welcome back to ‘Who’s murder is it anyway?’ starring your host, Monokuma! Take
a seat my beautiful participants~!”
Everyone walked to their podiums in silence. It felt like every time a trial occurred the room
became more silent. It was horrible, it was unnerving, and yet no one had the strength to change it.
Luigi looked to Brian, who was only one podium away, save from the blatant portrait of Peter
between them. Way to add salt to the wound. They looked to each other for a moment, sharing
what could only be called an understanding look of resolve between the two.

Luigi: (“I’ll-a try my best to help you find Peter’s killer, Brian…”)

Luigi: (“Peter… Sure, he had a big mouth and an equally big stomach, but sometimes all-a he
wanted to be was a pal, even if most never saw it that way…”)
Luigi: (“And now, we have to figure out who killed him… Who killed again…”)

Luigi: (“No matter how many times I hope for this-a game to stop, it never does…”)

Luigi: (“It’s-a crazy I haven’t given up yet, but… I feel inflicted to carry on with-a hope for the
better… So, we will find out Peter’s killer!”)

And so yet again begins the battle between hope and despair, truth and lies, trust and doubt.

The fourth class trial has begun!

Chapter End Notes

Oh-ho-ho! I am truly excited to kill more characters... *sobs*

(literally down to exactly half the original cast now the tears keep coming and they
don't stop coming)
Anyway, as always, game theories are certainly welcomed!!
Chapter 4: A Hopeful State of Mind (Class Trial)
Chapter Notes

*wiggles in excitement*
Welcome back to the class trial everyone! First, another swear warning because Brian
won’t shut up. Second, you may or may not need to prepare your tear ducts idk.
Finally... I’m sorry in advance for any future feelings :)
(Also for the love of god PLEASE watch the execution!! Remember underlined words
are links!!)
Let’s-a go culprit hunting!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

*What a shocker! Peter Griffin was found dead in the principal’s office! Already on to the fourth
case, some people have become restless. What will this mean for the spotless? What will this mean
for the blackened? And who the hell managed to kill the big guy?!*



The victim is Peter Griffin. The body was discovered in the principal’s office on the fourth floor.
Cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head. There are also shallow cuts located around his


Peter’s head wound consists of several blows to the head with a blunt object: a shallow blow on the
back of his head, and a considerably deep one on the top of his head.


Lining across Peter’s neck, there are slashes made by a sharp object. As they are too shallow, they
cannot be connected to the cause of death.


While still wearing them, Peter’s glasses are smashed due to an unknown impact.

Near the door of the principal’s office, there are tiny shards of glass which look to belong to Peter’s


Upon closer inspection on Peter’s arms, there seems to be signs of ropeburn, despite no rope being
present in the room.


There is a faint trail of blood leading from the doorway to where Peter’s body lays.


In the rec-room bar, there are traces of hair on a bar stool. Brian has confirmed by smell it’s


By utilising the e-handbook, Brian could track Peter’s location depending on where his own
handbook was. He checked at half hour intervals, from 9pm to 11:30pm, and each time it said Peter
was at the rec room bar, until 10:30pm when he went to his dorm. Brian himself was in the study
during those same hours.


Peter’s e-handbook was found neatly tucked away in his pant pocket, the usual place where he kept


A bloody bat was found stashed underneath the principal’s desk. It can be inferred that this was the
weapon used to strike Peter.


In the trash room, the incinerator feels slightly hot, despite no one ever using it before. There are
also traces of a burnt object within its contents.

Among the array of cups Fluttershy cleaned the night prior, she noticed one smelt funny, but she
couldn’t quite tell what it could be.


Fluttershy was heading to the fourth floor when she heard a loud whack. She immediately fled
back to her dorm, where she noted that the time was around 12am.


Monokuma: “Okay, take number four… Let’s begin with a basic explanation of the class trial!
During the trial, you’ll present your arguments for who the culprit is, and vote for ‘whodunnit’. If
you vote correctly, then only the blackened will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong
person… I’ll punish everyone besides the blackened, and that person will get to graduate! Aaaaand

Brian: “Alright, I just want to make this clear. None of you better start screwing around. This is
serious goddamnit.”

Luigi: (“I don’t-a think anyone was planning to, but…”)

The Conductor: “So, where are we startin’ off this time around?”

Yandere-Chan: “Aside from the absent time of death in the Monokuma File, the location of the
murder strikes me as odd.”

Sans: “Doesn’t really make much sense for a guy like Peter to go to the principal’s office of all
places, huh?”

Nagito: “I suppose we should discuss how he got there now.”

Luigi: (“How Peter got to the principal’s office… According to what I know, he wasn’t always-a


The Conductor: “So, what options do we have?”

Fluttershy: “U-Um, maybe he was dragged there from somewhere else…? It’s happened

Sans: “That only leaves the people who can actually drag the dude.”

Yandere-Chan: “We can’t rule out someone using something to drag him however.”

Nagito: “And what would you propose about stairs?”

Parappa: “Maybe it wasn’t that hard… Maybe he was already on the same floor!”

The Conductor: “That would be awfully convenient…”

Luigi: (“Ah, no… I think he’s-a on the right tracks here…”)

Parappa: “Maybe it wasn’t that hard… Maybe he was already on the same floor!”


Luigi: “I agree with-a that!”


Luigi: “Parappa’s right… Peter was already on the fourth floor.”

Brian: “We found traces of Peter’s hair in the bar, so he must’ve been in there beforehand.”

The Conductor: “The bar, eh? Does that mean he was drinkin’?”

Sans: “Maybe he got a lil’ tipsy and took a stroll into the principal’s office, heheh.”

Fluttershy: “Right into the k-killer…?”

Brian: “I told Peter to be responsible with his drinking when I wasn’t there, so if anything, he
wouldn’t have been drunk.”

Nagito: “Ah, but what if someone convinced him to drink?”

Parappa: “Convinced him? How?”

Luigi: (“That’s an interesting thought there… I wonder if he’s on to something again…”)


Fluttershy: “I-Is it possible to convince someone to… drink?”

The Conductor: “I’ve sure as peck been a victim to that…”

Yandere-Chan: “I would assume someone manipulated his thoughts somehow.”

Parappa: “They brainwashed him?!”

Yandere-Chan: “I was thinking more on the tracks of convincing him verbally…”

Brian: “I doubt that - Peter promised me he wouldn’t be swayed with words.”

Nagito: “Oh, then I suppose I’m wrong? How worthless of me to throw you all off track…”

Luigi: (“Hm… Ah! There might be something I can use here…”)

Nagito: “Oh, then I suppose I’m wrong? How worthless of me to throw you all off track…”


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “No, there is one thing I can-a think of being used… That funny smelling glass Fluttershy
Parappa: “Huh?”

Fluttershy: “When I was washing the dishes last night, I noticed one of the glasses smelt off…”

Yandere-Chan: “This may mean someone decided to spike Peter’s drink.”

Sans: “With what? Some kinda drug?”

Luigi: “I don’t-a think so. We would’ve-a seen Peter acting strange during dinner if he had been

Brian: “Then what the hell else is there?”

Luigi: (“If it’s something to get Peter to the bar… what would it be?”)

> Sleeping pills

> Poison

> Alcohol


Luigi: “Ah, that’s it! Peter’s drink was spiked with alcohol!”

The Conductor: “Ey?! Someone just gave him a drink for Christ’s sake?!”

Brian: “I suppose that is plausible. Peter only needs a bit of the stuff in his system to want more,
and he’s that stupid to drink it without question.”

Fluttershy: “No wonder I couldn’t tell what it was… I-I definitely don’t drink…”
Yandere-Chan: “So someone specifically gave Peter alcohol to better convince him to drink at the
bar… That would render him very vulnerable.”

Sans: “They could probably just ask Peter to follow ‘em to the office.”

Parappa: “And he would follow?”

Brian: “If he was so drunk then… I guess he would…”

Nagito: “Hm, I guess I was correct then!”

The Conductor: “So what happened when they got to the office? Did the killer just… go for it?”

Luigi: “Considering all of the wounds on Peter, a lot more must’ve-a happened before his death…”

Nagito: “I suppose this is a matter of connecting the right wound to what occurred next.”

Monokuma: “Oh! My favourite game as a cub!”

Luigi: (“What did happen next…?”)


Sans: “So, is the culprit havin’ a full on fight with Peter outta the question?”

Brian: “Peter would’ve put up a fight, despite being drunk.”

Parappa: “He is pretty tall too…”

The Conductor: “Then I suppose it wouldn’t be too hard to take him by surprise, eh? He was
drunk after all.”

Yandere-Chan: “It depends on how vulnerable he was…”

Luigi: (“Hm… That could work…”)

The Conductor: “Then I suppose it wouldn’t be too hard to take him by surprise, eh? He was
drunk after all.”


Luigi: “I agree with-a that!”


Luigi: “That’s exactly what happened, Conductor!”

Fluttershy: “I-It is?”

Luigi: “If we can-a say Peter was drunk enough to follow the culprit without question, then it
wouldn’t be too hard to ambush him either!”

Sans: “And what gives ya the idea that happened?”

Luigi: “Brian found that Peter’s glasses were broken, so obviously they were smashed by
something… and as well as-a that…”


Luigi: “We found small shards of-a glass by the doorway, which must belong to Peter’s glasses.”
Parappa: “So what does that all mean…?”

Luigi: (“What does it all mean…? It’s-a on the tip of my tongue, but with a little more thinking, I
should-a get there!”)


*Q1: What did the killer ambush Peter with?*

> Their fists

> The bat

> A chair


*Q2: Which wound correlates to this attack?*

> The blow on the back of his head

> The blow on the front of his head

> The cuts on his neck


*Q3: Where did the killer knock out Peter?*

> The principal’s office doorway

> In the rec-room bar

> In his dorm


*Q4: How were Peter’s glasses broken?*

> The culprit hit his face

> The impact of the floor

> The culprit stole them to destroy


Luigi: “It’s all-a coming together!”


Luigi: “Peter was hit on the back of the head with-a bat, and his glasses broke in the doorway due
to the impact of-a hitting the ground!”

The Conductor: “Really?!”

Brian: “Guess that explains one wound…”

Fluttershy: “S-So… that didn’t kill him?”

Luigi: “Considering the other wounds, no.”

Yandere-Chan: “It seems as if the culprit had an ulterior motive with him rather than just murder.”

Nagito: “Is that so? I wonder what it could be…”

Luigi: (“I guess we need to think about-a that now…”)


Nagito: “So, what happened next?”

Parappa: “Maybe the killer just hit him again?”

Fluttershy: “You mean the first hit was trying to kill him…?”

Yandere-Chan: “How would we explain the cuts then?”

Parappa: “Um… I dunno! I’m not very good at trials…”

Brian: “Then just stay out of this.”

Fluttershy: “Hey! He’s trying his best!”

Sans: “Guess we’re stumped again, huh? It’s not like they needed him alive…”

Luigi: (“But what if… that’s exactly the case?”)

Sans: “Guess we’re stumped again, huh? It’s not like they needed him alive…”


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “Actually… There might be a reason why they didn’t kill Peter immediately.”

Brian: “You’re referring to the ropeburn, right? Are you saying he was… tied up?”

Parappa: “What was he tied up to?”

Luigi: “He must’ve-a been tied up to…”

> The chair

> The desk

> The wall


Luigi: “The only place that makes-a sense would be the chair…”

The Conductor: “Well, he must’ve been tied up real right for rope burn to show…”

Yandere-Chan: “If so, they really didn’t want him to escape. That must mean they needed him for

Luigi: “If we can-a just figure out why he was tied up—“

Sans: “Time out, pal.”

Luigi: “Huh?”

Sans: “It’s a cool theory you got goin’ there bro, but are you sure it’s right?”

Luigi: “I’m-a sure it is… Why else would there be ropeburn?”

Sans: “Well, I don’t mean to diss you like this, but you’re goin’ about this all wrong.”


Sans: “Peter bein’ tied up… Heheh, sounds like some kinda joke, huh?”

Luigi: “Why else would there be ropeburn there? It-a seems the most likely reason…”

Sans: “Yeah, I guess. But unfortunately we didn’t find any rope at the scene, remember? So, if
there ain’t any evidence of rope actually being used, then ya can’t confirm this as a fact.”


Luigi: “Allow me to-a cut your words!”


Luigi: “Actually, Sans, there may be a way as to how the rope was-a hidden… or in this case,
discarded: the incinerator.”

Parappa: “You mean in the trash room?”

Brian: “Well, we did find something burned in there during the night… From what I saw, it could
as well be rope.”
Yandere-Chan: “Rope can easily be burned too, so it makes sense that it looks unidentifiable.”

The Conductor: “Why’d the killer get rid of the ropes when it left bloomin’ marks on the guy

Luigi: “If I had to-a guess, they probably didn’t notice the ropeburn. I only noticed it by complete
chance, really…”

Brian: “It definitely was faint…”

Nagito: “Chance, huh…? How unlucky for the culprit…”

Luigi: “...!”

Brian: “What now…?”

Luigi: (“I… need to confirm something…”) “Hey, can we backtrack a second…?”

Fluttershy: “A-About what?”

Luigi: “The drinks… If someone had given alcohol to Peter, that would mean they had to have
been in the kitchen to do so, right?”

Sans: “Could it have been The Conductor? He drinks, doesn't he?”

The Conductor: “Ey?! W-Well I do, but I don’t go around spiking people’s drinks!”

Brian: “You might’ve…”

The Conductor: “Don’t you all dare accuse me like last time! How about the lass over here? We all
know she’s capable of killin’ someone!”

Yandere-Chan: “...I already told you all that I wouldn’t.”

Parappa: “Stop accusing each other!”

Monokuma: “No, keep accusing each other! Puhuhu!”

Luigi: “No… it’s-a not them… It had to have been something who made dinner - someone who
had access to the drinks without causing suspicion.”

Fluttershy: “B-But it was you, Parappa, and Nagito who made dinner, wasn’t it…?”

Brian: “Who’re you trying to suspect, Luigi?”

Luigi: “...”


Luigi: “...Nagito, was it you?”

Nagito: “Huh?”

The Conductor: “The peck-neck? Well, I can’t say I wasn’t waitin’ for him to do something

Nagito: “Haha, Luigi! What do you mean? It’s only a coincidence I would be making dinner the
same time the culprit decided to mess with the drinks!”

Luigi: “But, I remember how persistent you were on wanting to help out with-a dinner…”

Nagito: “Ah, Fluttershy, what’re you making for dinner this evening? I’d love to help out in any
way I can.”

Fluttershy: “Um, well, a-actually, I’m a little too stressed out from the motive to cook tonight… I-
I’m sorry!”

Parappa: “It’s alright! We all are after all…”

Luigi: “Hey, I don’t-a mean to intrude but, maybe I could cook tonight for you? I remember
mentioning it once.”

Fluttershy: “Oh, really? That would be lovely, Luigi!”

Nagito: “Ah, then I don’t suppose I can help you out then?”

Parappa: “Me too!”

Luigi: “Of course! I could use-a the help.”


Nagito: “Ah, but Parappa wanted to help out too, right?”

Parappa: “H-Huh?!”

Luigi: “Although, he never offered to help out Fluttershy at first like you did. And, as well as-a
that, he really doesn’t have much knowledge on alcohol, as far as his knowledge on bars goes…”
Parappa: “Uh, heheh…”

Luigi: “You, on the other hand, could have-a easily spiked Peter’s drink without us knowing…”

Nagito: “...A-Ah…”

Brian: “Are you saying this bastard went with Peter to the bar and knocked him out?”

Yandere-Chan: “He has been quite quiet during the trial. Usually, he is quick to help us out in
seemingly easy problems for him.”

Nagito: “...Ngh…”

Fluttershy: “B-But, he was the one who suggested that someone convinced Peter to drink. Why
would he out himself so easily…?”

Brian: “He was quick to shoot the idea down when we had no leads for it. The bastard probably
wanted that idea gone from our minds.”

Nagito: “...Ngh…Nggh…”

Sans: “Wait, didn’t he note how ‘unorganised’ the killer was for leaving the bat at the crime

Yandere-Chan: “That comment was probably to frame someone else who was more sloppy in
something like murder.”

Parappa: “Does that mean Nagito is the killer…?”

Luigi: “I… it might just be a coincidence, but… with everything presented, it can’t-a be. Nagito,
tell us the truth. Please. Did… did you kill Peter…?”
Nagito: “Nghhhhh… Ngh… Ah… Aha!”

Nagito: “Ahahahahaha! How unfortunate! It seems I’ve been found out! You Ultimates really don’t
stop at anything, do you? Ahaha - what a beautiful sight of hope!”

Luigi: “H-Huh?!”

Brian: “What the hell do you mean…?”

Nagito: “Yes! It’s true! I killed Peter! Ahahaha!”

Luigi: (“He… did?!”)

Brian: “You… You motherfucker!”

Nagito: “Ah, I apologise for what trash like me has done! Maybe I do deserve such a name to be
thrown at me like that!”

Yandere-Chan: “You’re disgusting.”

The Conductor: “What the peck?! He’s completely lost it now!”

Fluttershy: “N-Nagito… You couldn’t have!”

Nagito: “Oh, but I did! You’ve all ganged up on me, right? Or was that not true?”

Parappa: “T-Then, what we said was true…?”

Nagito: “Ah, there are definitely a lot of talented people in this room! Yes! I spiked Peter’s drink
with alcohol during dinner, convinced him to drink at the bar with me, and waited for him to
become intoxicated enough to follow me without question! Ah, he was so out of it, he thought I
was a woman… Ahaha, even I was taken aback…”

The Conductor: “That’s just plain weird…”

Nagito: “Then, I led him to the principal’s office, knocked him out, and tied him up!”

Brian: “The hell?! Why?! Why the hell did you kill him?!”

Nagito: “Why…? Ah, ahaha! You all haven’t even figured out how! I think it’s only fair you solve
the rest of the mystery before I tell you my motives!”

Brian: “I swear to God…”

Sans: “If he really is the killer, I suppose we gotta solve his riddles.”

Monokuma: “Oh, you better! I like a fully completed case each time, thank you very much!”

Nagito: “Hm, what should we start with first…”

Yandere-Chan: “I do find this very ridiculous how we must solve the case with the killer already
exposed, however I am curious about those cuts…”

Nagito: “They are strange, aren’t they? I wonder what they were for…”

The Conductor: “Well you obviously know since yer the myurderer!”

Luigi: (“I still can’t-a believe Nagito did it… And we still have to solve the rest of the case…? I-
I… I need to keep focus!”)


Nagito: “Well, Ultimates? What ideas do you possess?”

The Conductor: “Can yer stop talkin’ all weird-like?!”

Parappa: “Maybe it was a murder attempt?”

Yandere-Chan: “The cuts were too shallow to reach anything vital.”

Fluttershy: “T-They’re not there for show again, are they…?”

Sans: “Well, can ya put it past him now?”

Brian: “I wouldn’t put it past the bastard to just cut him because he wanted him to suffer…”

Fluttershy: “T-That’s definitely too cruel!”

Luigi: (“Hang on, that might be the case…”)

Brian: “I wouldn’t put it past the bastard to just cut him because he wanted him to suffer…”


Luigi: “I agree with-a that!”


Luigi: “Actually, if the cuts were too shallow to-a do anything critical… what if it was just to hurt

Yandere-Chan: “You’re proposing it was torture?”

Fluttershy: “T-Torture?!”

Parappa: “No way!”

Nagito: “Ah, but he is correct! Well done!”

Brian: “You’re not serious… You did that just for torture?!”

Nagito: “Of course! Peter was being very uncooperative… Such a shame.”

Luigi: “Uncooperative?”

Nagito: “Oh! Did I just out myself again? Ah, I’m just so useless, aren't I?”

The Conductor: “What does he mean? Of course he’d be uncooperative tied up against his pecking
Luigi: (“No, there was a reason Nagito would mention him being uncooperative like-a that… I just
need to think about what it is..!”)


*Why did Nagito tie up Peter?*


Luigi: “Now I-a understand!”


Luigi: “It all makes sense now…”

Parappa: “What does?”

Luigi: “You tied up Peter and-a tortured him because you were interrogating him!”

Nagito: “Ah! Spot on again, Luigi! I really admire your talent! Are you really sure you’re not the
Ultimate Detective?”

Parappa: “But what did he use to cut him?”

Nagito: “Oh, just a simple knife! They’re very easy to hide, huh?”

Fluttershy: “B-But why would he cut him?”

Sans: “I guess Peter wasn’t ‘cooperating’, as he said.”

Yandere-Chan: “He tried torturing him for answers it seems.”

Brian: “Why? What answers?! Why the hell were you interrogating Peter of all people?”

Nagito: “For hope, of course!”

The Conductor: “Hope? Oh no, not that nonsense again…”

Brian: “What…?!”

Nagito: “Ahaha, you see… Peter had been showing signs of suspicious behaviour, relative to
someone who wished to… betray us all.”

Parappa: “Like… the traitor?”

Yandere-Chan: “You thought Peter was the traitor?”

Nagito: “Exactly! Now, I couldn’t let him roam around freely, could I? Who knows what horrible
tasks the mastermind had entrusted him with to spread despair! So, I took it upon myself to
interrogate him for answers!”

Luigi: (“He really thought that…?”)

Brian: “This is fucking ridiculous - there’s no way Peter was the traitor!”

The Conductor: “So then yer killed him because he wouldn’t give yer answers?”

Fluttershy: “Isn’t that a little far? What if he wasn’t the traitor after all…?”

Nagito: “We don’t need to worry about that now, huh? What’s most important is that I’ve protected
us all from a potential threat!”
Sans: “Surely he wasn’t that threatening anyway, right?”

Luigi: “...Are you gonna tell us what happened next?”

Nagito: “What else is there to say? I hit him again with the bat, discarded the rope, and left him in
the principal’s office.”

Brian: “Hang on. Why did my handbook say he went to his dorm then?”

Nagito: “That is strange… Maybe all of this is wrong then, huh?”

The Conductor: “Wrong?! Who’s lying here?”

Luigi: “Brian’s not lying. You can-a track people on the map using their handbook’s location.”

Monokuma: “It’s true! Only one person at a time though!”

Fluttershy: “S-So… what happened?”

Luigi: (“Nagito isn’t being entirely truthful here… Then again, what does he have to lose? I’m not
sure, but it’s-a better off solving this mystery.”)


Nagito: “I suppose I was lying this whole time, huh?”

Brian: “Where the hell do you get off?”

Yandere-Chan: “If Peter was tied up, there’s no way he could move.”
Fluttershy: “If he couldn’t physically move, then the handbook was wrong?”

Parappa: “Maybe it was a glitch!”

Sans: “Maybe Nagito wheeled Peter to his dorm?”

The Conductor: “What would he benefit from doing that?!”

Sans: “Nothin’. Just looks funny in my head.”

Luigi: (“Now that I think about it, there is one possibility…”)

Fluttershy: “If he couldn’t physically move, then the handbook was wrong?”


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “Actually, if we think about it… there is a way to explain it all. The map tracks-a the
location of the handbooks, right? Not the actual person themselves.”

Brian: “And you’re saying, someone took Peter’s handbook somewhere else without him?”

Parappa: “That’s allowed?”

Monokuma: “Of course it’s allowed! All I ever said was don’t lose ‘em!”
Yandere-Chan: “So Nagito could take Peter’s handbook to his dorm to make it look like that’s
where he currently was.”

Luigi: “And as you can-a only track one person at a time, Brian probably didn’t bother checking to
see where Nagito was.”

Nagito: “No one cares where I am!”

Brian: “You crafty bastard.”

Fluttershy: “B-But… why would he need to do that in the first place?”

Luigi: “It’s because someone was keeping tabs on Peter…”


Brian: “Me, obviously.”

Luigi: “If Brian saw that Peter was in the principal’s office, he would’ve-a immediately become

Brian: “The principal’s office is the last place where I would expect to find Peter… But, how the
hell did you find out I track him?”

Nagito: “Ah, I have my ways…”

Yandere-Chan: “What time did you see ‘Peter’ go to his dorm?”

Brian: “Around 10:30.”

The Conductor: “I guess that’s when the peck-neck went to drop it off there.”

Sans: “And he must’a put it back after Brian went to bed, seeing that it was still on his body when
ya checked.”

Parappa: “Um, I have a question.”

Luigi: “What is it, Parappa?”

Parappa: “Did Nagito just leave Peter tied up while he went to the dorms?”

Nagito: “Of course! It’s not like he could’ve moved anyway!”

Parappa: “Um, also, how did you tie him up?”

Nagito: “Huh?”

The Conductor: “The lad brings up a good point there. Even I would have some trouble tying the
big guy to a chair.”

Fluttershy: “W-Well, you are smaller than Nagito, so um, your physical abilities would be

The Conductor: “Don’t compare me to him !”

Fluttershy: “S-Sorry!”

Luigi: (“That is concerning… Knocking out Peter wouldn’t-a require much trouble, but tying him
up? Could anyone do that alone…? Wait— that’s it!”)

Brian: “Luigi?”
Luigi: “...What if an accomplice was involved?”

Sans: “Again?”

Luigi: “I mean, it would explain how Nagito managed to-a do everything else, right?”

Nagito: “Ahaha! Are you denying my physical abilities? Do I really look that weak to you all?”

Yandere-Chan: “Is there evidence that may point to an accomplice being used?”

Luigi: “Actually… I think-a there is. Brian, do you remember when the body discovery
announcement went off?”

Brian: “After me and you found Peter, right?”

Luigi: “Monokuma… What’s-a the body discovery rule again?”

Monokuma: “You’re too lazy to look at your handbook or something? Oh whatever! Okay, listen
here: rule number nine states that a body discovery announcement will play when three or more
students discover a body.”

Luigi: “And three is the minimum, correct?”

Monokuma: “Yeesh! You ask too much of me! Yes, yes!”

Brian: “Then that means… someone else saw the body before we did!”

Parappa: “Really?!”
Fluttershy: “W-Who could it be?”

Yandere-Chan: “I suppose an accomplice may not be too far off then.”

The Conductor: “Okay, well, I understand where yer coming from lad, but really? Who in their
right mind would want to work with the crazy peck-neck over there?”

Sans: “I guess ya right. Ya can’t just say this anonymous person who saw the body first is an
accomplice anyway.”

Parappa: “But why would someone find the body and not tell us?”

Nagito: “Ah, I’m so ashamed. You all think I’m incapable of doing that all by myself… Though, I
suppose trash like me can’t do anything right.”

Brian: “Would you just shut your goddamn mouth?!”

Fluttershy: “I-I don’t think there’s an accomplice - no one would help kill someone!”

Yandere-Chan: “Yet it’s a reasonable explanation.”

Parappa: “C’mon, guys! We can’t be split over this—!”

Monokuma: “Ding ding ding! I heard it! I heard it! What did I hear? I heard the magic word!

Nagito: “Oh dear, looks like all your fighting has gotten Monokuma excited.”

Monokuma: “I sure am! I present to you all the morphinominal trial grounds once more!”

Luigi: (“Looks like-a I need to convince everyone that an accomplice had to be involved… it just
has to be! There must-a be more than what Nagito is telling us!”)


*Was there an accomplice involved?*




The Conductor








Nagito: “You don’t think I’m capable of tying Peter by myself?”

Yandere-Chan: “I don’t think anyone here is capable of tying him alone.”

The Conductor: “Who would even work with him anyway?!”

Luigi: “There may be someone here who would work with him that we don’t-a know about.”

Sans: “It ain’t definite that the person who discovered the body first is an accomplice.”

Brian: “If someone discovered a body, there’d be no way in hell they wouldn’t tell anyone else.”

Fluttershy: “W-What if they were threatened by Nagito to keep quiet?”

Yandere-Chan: “Even if someone were threatened, they still had a chance to tell someone about it

Sans: “Are we sure Monokuma didn’t just mess up the body discovery announcement?”

Brian: “Monokuma wouldn’t mess up something that easy.”

The Conductor: “He’s already admitted he’s the culprit! Does this even matter?”

Parappa: “It does matter! We have to solve the full case like Monokuma said!”

Fluttershy: “I just don’t think anyone would have a motive to help in murder!”

Parappa: “There might be a hidden motive that someone has!”

Nagito: “You still don’t believe me even after I exposed the whole case?”
Luigi: “That isn’t the whole case - there’s-a more to this than you’ve told us!”



“This is our answer!”


Luigi: “We need to try this route or else we’ll-a never know if it works!”

Brian: “Just listen to Luigi for God’s sake - when has he ever tried to throw us off?”

The Conductor: “Alright, so what? We’re just gonna go around the circle until we find someone
who’d willingly work with the peck-neck?!”

Yandere-Chan: “Someone being blackmailed may not be too far off either, considering his…

Nagito: “Hm? What’s wrong with me?”

Brian: “A whole damn lot.”

Luigi: “No, hang on… I know someone… someone who’d-a definitely work with Nagito…”

Parappa: “Huh? You do?”

Luigi: (“It’s him … isn’t it?”)


Luigi: “Sans… You know Nagito well, don’t you?”

Sans: “Huh…?”

Brian: “Him? Really?”

Luigi: “I… I apologise for breaking my promise, but… Nagito and-a Sans are actually friends. I
stumbled upon their secret friendship once. So, it isn’t too far off to say someone would-a work
with Nagito now, right?”

Yandere-Chan: “Is this true?”

Nagito: “Hm? Sans…? Ah, ahaha! Ahahaha! We’re not friends! We’ve barely even talked! Who
would even want to hang out with a worthless being like me?!”

The Conductor: “I’m not sure whether to pity or ignore yer self-loathing anymore…”

Sans: “...Heh, sorry. Never talked to the dude. Ol’ green’s got quite the imagination.”

Luigi: (“They’re-a… blatantly lying.”) “No, you can’t-a say you’ve never interacted with each
other… In fact, there were times where the both of-a you seemed familiar with each other in front
of others...”


Sans: “Smells good - what’s cookin’?”

Nagito: “Sans?”
Parappa: “You can smell?!”

Sans: “Heheh, sure I can. And hey Ko.”

Nagito: “Ah, hey, haha…”


Sans: “Heh, I guess you could say it was the yeast they could do.”

Nagito: “Ahahaha! That was an excellent pun!”


Luigi: “There was even that one time before the killings even began…”


Sans: “I was tired, y’know? All this stuff had made me bone out, heheh.”

Nagito: “Haha! What an excellent joke!”


The Conductor: “That pecking far?!”

Parappa: “Were they friends since the start?!”

Sans: “So what? He likes my jokes - doesn’t mean we’re friends.”

Yandere-Chan: “Unfortunately, he’s correct. If no one else can confirm their friendship except for
Luigi, we’d be convicting on the basis of only one account.”

Fluttershy: “A-Actually… Um, I may have stumbled upon them together once… they looked very
happy in each other’s company…”

Nagito: “...”

Sans: “...”

Fluttershy: “I-I’m sorry! Please don’t look so mad!”

Brian: “Just admit it you bastard - you helped the nut job, didn’t you…?!”

Sans: “...”

Luigi: “Sans…?”

Sans: “...Ah, to hell with it. Shall we, Ko?”

Parappa: “Ko?”

Nagito: “Ahaha - if you insist…!”

Sans: “Y’all really don’t know when you quit, huh?”

Luigi: (“Huh…?”)

Nagito: “Ahahaha! I told you, Sansy! They’re a lot more talented than you think!”

The Conductor: “What's with all these ridiculous pet names?!”

Nagito: “Ah, Conductor… You’re not homophobic, are you?”

The Conductor: “What?!”

Brian: “So you’re admitting it, huh? You helped this bastard kill Peter?!”

Sans: “Yeah, yeah, I helped my pal out. And, y’know Brian, it was really tough havin’ to sit back
and let you call him all those names - I really didn’t appreciate it.”
Brian: “Go to hell, both of you!”

Sans: “Ouch, ‘someone needs to keep their emotions in check’... heheh.”

Brian: “You…!”

Nagito: “Ah, using his words back at him! How incredible!”

Sans: “I’m sure ol’ West would be mighty proud of us.”

Nagito: “Ah, if only our fingers were in the right place.”

Sans: “Too bad it ain’t appropriate to do that here, heheh”

The Conductor: “What in God’s name are yer talkin’ about?!”

Luigi: “So… you admit to helping Nagito?”

Sans: “Wow, do all plumbers have horrible hearin’ or somethin’? Course I gave my best pal a
helpin’ hand - Peter’s not a lightweight, well, unless ya talkin’ about his drinkin’. Heheh.”

Brian: “Fuck you!”

Nagito: “Brian, your teeth are showing…”

Brian: “Do you think I care?! We’ve solved the mystery - let’s just vote for the bastards!”

Monokuma: “You sure?”

Yandere-Chan: “Just because we found the accomplice, doesn’t mean we’re done with the case…

Fluttershy: “B-But… what do we do now?”

Parappa: “Can’t we ask them what happened?”

Nagito: “We believe you all should solve this case yourselves, like every time before! How would
you expect to obtain your own hope if we were to tell you it all now?”

Sans: “Just use ya brains. Well, unless you’ve all suddenly lost ‘em, like ol’ yeller over here.”

Brian: “...Fuckers.”

Yandere-Chan: “I propose we solve the mystery of the time of death. Would that satisfy you two?”

Nagito: “Gladly!”

Luigi: “So far, you two had-a tied up Peter to interrogate him, right?”

The Conductor: “Did they kill him sometime durin’ then?”

Luigi: “I’m-a not sure… We need to discuss a time frame for when it occurred…”

Nagito: “Will you all be engaging in another face-paced debate? How exciting!”

Sans: “Heh… Ain’t he just the cutest?”

The Conductor: “Ey’?”

Nagito: “My, Conductor… you really are homophobic.”

The Conductor: “I’m not!”

Luigi: (“Ignoring that, we need to discuss a reasonable time of-a death!”)


Fluttershy: “When could they have killed him?”

Yandere-Chan: “It had to have been sometime after 10:30pm, when Nagito had moved Peter’s
handbook to his dorm.”

Parappa: “Wouldn’t we all be asleep by then?”

The Conductor: “Well, it’s not like anyone was just wandering around in the dead of night like
those two peck-necks.”

Nagito: “We usually like to hang out during the night actually!”

Brian: “Nobody gives a damn!”

Sans: “Ya really startin’ to get on my nerves, Brian…”

Brian: “You’ve already got on mine!”

Luigi: (“Ah… Actually, there is someone that claim refers to…”)

The Conductor: “Well, it’s not like anyone was just wandering around in the dead of night like
those two peck-necks.”

Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “As a matter of fact, there was-a someone who was awake during the time of the murder,
right Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy: “Y-Yes… Around 12am I heard a whack on the fourth floor.”

The Conductor: “That bloomin’ late?”

Yandere-Chan: “That must’ve been when they killed him, and the wound on the top of his head
can confirm that.”

Sans: “We really were talkin’ to him for a long time, huh?”

Nagito: “Ah, he was such a difficult person to get answers from.”

Brian: “...Then what about that blood?”

Parappa: “Blood?”

Luigi: “You mean that trail of-a blood leading to the doorway, right?”

Nagito: “That… I wonder what that was…”

Sans: “Quite the mystery there…”

The Conductor: “You two are the most insufferable duo act I’ve ever seen!”

Fluttershy: “Maybe that was when they dragged him to the chair…?”

Yandere-Chan: “Nagito simply wanted to knock him out at first - there wouldn’t be that much
blood if he only needed him unconscious.”

Parappa: “So where did all that blood come from?”

Luigi: (“The only way the blood would look like-a that is if Peter had been dragged… If it wasn’t
when Nagito knocked him unconscious, then the only other way there’d-a be that much blood
would be from…”)

> The cuts

> The second blow

> It wasn’t his blood


Luigi: “The only wound that much blood would come from would-a be the second blow to the

Fluttershy: “B-But I thought that’s what killed him…”

Brian: “I don’t believe those two fuckers for a second. I bet something else happened that they’re
not telling us about again.”

Nagito: “Oh? Then what do you suspect happened?”

Luigi: (“We need to figure out how that trail of blood ties into the murder…”)

Sans: “Well? Are ya all stumped?”

The Conductor: “If yer sayin’ that blood came from the final blow, then why is it leading to the

Parappa: “Did they drag him somewhere?”

Fluttershy: “From which direction…?”

Yandere-Chan: “This would all be impossible if he were still tied up, however.”

Brian: “Then what if he wasn’t? It’s not like I’m believing a damn word they say anymore.”

Nagito: “We really are untrustworthy to them now…”

Luigi: (“...Ah! What they said! I think I understand now!”)

Brian: “Then what if he wasn’t? It’s not like I’m believing a damn word they say anymore.”


Luigi: “I agree with-a that!”


Luigi: “Brian… that’s exactly it!”

Brian: “It is? They never tied him up?”

Luigi: “No, they definitely did, but… What if Peter escaped?”

Parappa: “Escaped?!”

The Conductor: “I thought they tied him up so hard that he got ropeburn!”

Luigi: “But, what if that ropeburn was from-a Peter trying to escape the ropes?”

Yandere-Chan: “That does seem plausible. And you’re saying they hit him while he tried to
escape, and dragged his body back into the room?”

Luigi: “Exactly.”

Fluttershy: “I-Is that true…?”

Nagito: “Ahahaha! They’re just so talented!”

The Conductor: “I guess that’s a yes then.”

Sans: “We really underestimated how much Peter wanted to get out, as when we turned our backs
for one second, he’s already outta the ropes before we know it.”

Brian: “So who the fuck hit him…?”

Nagito: “Take a guess.”

Parappa: “Um, you, right…? Sans was just helping out.”

Nagito: “Correct! Just as I was about to leave to retrieve Peter’s handbook, he caught us both off
guard when he made a surprise run for the door. I, not wanting to let such heinous despair escape,
grabbed the bat and hit him right on his head!”

Sans: “Really left him for dead, heh…”

Brian: “...”

The Conductor: “I guess that’s everything accounted for, eh? The weirdo peck-neck’s really the

Fluttershy: “O-Oh my…”

Yandere-Chan: “If so, I suppose we can finish this trial to Monokuma’s standards.”

Monokuma: “Sorry I'm so high maintenance for you people! Murder mystery is my middle name!
Mono-Murder mystery-Kuma!”

Brian: “Now we can finally convict that bastard…”

Luigi: (“...No. I’m… Somethings not right here. The motive… it just isn’t-a sound. Peter being the
traitor? That can’t be the reason… There must be something we’re missing here…”)

Parappa: “Does this mean we’re ready to vote…?”

Nagito: “I suppose you all are! Mono—“

Luigi: “Wait! I don’t-a think we should vote yet!”

Nagito: “Oh…?”
Luigi: “This… just isn’t right…”

Brian: “You think they're lying about something again? God, will you two just quit it?!”

Sans: “Quit what? We told you everything, didn’t we? Well, it’s not like we’d expect a bunch’a
chumps to believe us.”

Parappa: “Chumps?!”

Yandere-Chan: “What are you concerned about, Luigi?”

Luigi: “I… There must be something… something that’s-a wrong here! I just need to—“

Nagito: “No, that’s wrong!”


Nagito: “Luigi, you still don’t believe me? Even after I’ve told you I’m the killer?”

Luigi: “I… You’re not telling the whole story, are you?”

Nagito: “But I am. Now then, shall I make it clear to you?”


Nagito: “I understand if you don’t wish to believe someone like me, but even Sans has confirmed
I’m the killer.”

Luigi: “I’m not-a saying you aren’t the killer… I’m-a saying there’s still more to this case you
haven’t told us!”

Nagito: “Then what’s wrong? Surely, you can’t say there was something more to the head
wound, can you? Ahaha! You’re very paranoid, Luigi!”


Luigi: “Allow me to-a cut through those words!”


Luigi: “No, there was something wrong with that head wound, now that-a you mention it…”

Nagito: “Hm?”

Luigi: “...What if it was deep because two hits were dealt there?”

Parappa: “Two?!”

Yandere-Chan: “How can you be sure?”

Luigi: “According to-a what Nagito said, he only hit Peter so he wouldn’t escape. I doubt he hit
him so hard to create such a deep wound. So, that must mean another blow was dealt there to make
it so deep.”

The Conductor: “So, yer mean there were three hits altogether?!”

Yandere-Chan: “I must admit it does sound very likely.”

Brian: “So that’s it, huh? You hit him twice?”

Sans: “...Ko?”

Nagito: “Ah, you’ve caught us again! After the first hit, we thought he had died, so we dragged
him to the desk. But, I suppose Peter was lucky, as he miraculously woke up again while I was
cleaning the crime scene! So naturally, I went to hit him again—“

Luigi: “No.”

Nagito: “No?”

Luigi: “It’s-a very strange you’re taking the blame for every wound and saying Sans did

Sans: “Huh…?”

Nagito: “That’s because he was my accomplice! I only needed him to help me carry Peter!”

Brian: “But, he makes a point. You just said you went back to discarding evidence when Peter
‘miraculously’ awoke.”

Yandere-Chan: “And according to the crime scene, the only thing that was discarded was the rope.
That wouldn’t require the both of you to take to the trash room.”

The Conductor: “That only leaves the only other peck-neck in the room to hit him again…”

Nagito: “...Yes, b-but I’m the one behind all this! You can’t say the accomplice killed him!”

Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong too. That’s not the motive behind this.”

Sans: “...Ko—“
Nagito: “Ahahaha! Motive?! What?! You know the motive! We were trying to expose the traitor!”

Luigi: “But, that makes no sense—“

Nagito: “I’m the killer! Why don’t you understand that?!”

Luigi: “Nagito—“

Nagito: “You know what happened! We’ve told you what happened! Now, you can sacrifice me
for hope!”

Sans: “...”

Luigi: (“Nagito… he’s-a not listening to me anymore… But, I know. I know a possibility of what
the true motive can be. I just need to get through to him!”)


“Ah, it’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

“The Ultimates have worked out my case!”

“I’m so worthless that I can’t even hide my crime!”


“Sans is merely my accomplice!”

“I dealt all those blows onto Peter!”

“I had to because he was the traitor!”


“Ahahaha! C’mon, Luigi!”

“This was for the sake of hope!”

“Peter was merely a stepping stone to that hope!”

“Sans only wanted to help!”

“He has nothing to do with this!”

“I’m the mastermind behind this case!”


“This was all for hope! What did Peter have that Sans could gain from?”






Luigi: “All this-a time… you’ve led us on to believe that Sans was your accomplice in this case,
but actually, you were Sans’ accomplice!”

Parappa: “He was?!”

Luigi: “There’s-a definitely something Sans could gain from Peter… if he had his motive video.”

The Conductor: “The motive video, eh?”

Brian: “It makes more sense than that hope bullshit.”

Sans: “...”

Nagito: “Ah… Ahahaha! That can’t be the case! I had Peter’s video!”

Fluttershy: “Huh…?”

Yandere-Chan: “How are we sure you’re not lying?”

Nagito: “Monokuma, am I lying? Didn’t you give me Peter’s motive video?”

Monokuma: “I sure did give ya the fasto’s video!”

Nagito: “See, everyone? Luigi is wrong! I had Peter’s video, and Peter had mine—!”

Luigi: “No. You’re forgetting something. There were nine of us when Monokuma handed out the
videos, right?”

Parappa: “Wait, that’s an odd number! Did someone get their own video?”

Yandere-Chan: “I’m more inclined to believe there was a three-way swap.”

The Conductor: “Well which one is it?!”

Monokuma: “Should I say it? Should I say it?”

Brian: “Tell us, goddammit!”

Monokuma: “Alright, alright! You found the trick! There was a three-way swap between the
motive videos! Man, if there wasn’t a double murder last time, then maybe things would’ve turned
out smoother!”

Parappa: “So… which of us were in that swap?”

Brian: “Looks like it’ll be just easier to say who’s video we got. I got Luigi’s video.”

Luigi: “And I got Brian’s…”

Parappa: “Um, I had Fluttershy’s…”

Fluttershy: “Ah, and I had yours, Parappa…”

Yandere-Chan: “I had The Conductor’s.”

The Conductor: “And I had the lass’ in return.”

Luigi: “That only leaves Nagito, Sans, and Peter…”

Yandere-Chan: “Since it’s been confirmed Nagito had Peter’s video, we can then infer Sans had
Nagito’s, and Peter had Sans’...”

Brian: “So this was Sans’ fucking idea all along!”

Sans: “...”

Nagito: “E-Even if you say this whole ordeal was orchestrated by Sans, it doesn’t mean he dealt
the final blow! It was me! Me! Vote for me, and I will die for the sake of hope! Isn’t that what you
all want? For me to die for hope, right? You’ll overcome the despair standing in your way! I’ll be
sacrificed for the greater good—“
Sans: “Ko, stop.”

Nagito: “H-Huh…?”

Sans: “...It’s true. I dealt the final blow.”

Nagito: “S-Sans…?!”

Luigi: (“Huh…?!”)

Brian: “You did?!”

The Conductor: “Then Sans is actually the myurderer?!”

Sans: “Heh… Yeah. Guess I am.”

Nagito: “But Sans—“

Sans: “Sorry, Ko. I couldn’t let ya go through with it…”

Nagito: “No… What are you…?”

Sans: “Well, there’s the whole story. I’m the dirty killer. Luigi, would ya like to go over the case
like ya normally do?”

Luigi: (“He’s… giving himself up…?”) “Ah… Okay then…”

Luigi: “This case started around dinner last night, when Nagito spiked Peter’s drink with alcohol
to-a persuade him to drink at the rec-room bar. They went to the bar together, and Nagito waited
until Peter was drunk enough to-a follow him without question.”

Luigi: “He led Peter to the principal’s office where the culprit was waiting for the two to arrive.
Nagito then knocked Peter out with a baseball bat, leading to his-a glasses smashing onto the
Luigi: “The culprit and Nagito tied Peter up to the principal’s chair, and waited for him to wake up.
When he did, the culprit started interrogating him about his-a motive video. Peter didn’t cooperate
well with-a this, leading to Nagito cutting his neck for answers.”

Luigi: “Nagito took Peter’s handbook to his-a dorm, just before Brian checked up on him from the
map. This was to make it look like Peter had gone to bed, so Brian wouldn’t become suspicious of
his-a whereabouts. Meanwhile, the culprit continued to watch over Peter.”
Luigi: “Later on, Peter somehow managed to escape from-a the ropes, and made a dash for the
door. In a panic, Nagito whacked Peter with-a the bat before he got out the door, leaving him in a
concussion. Thinking he was dead, the two decided to-a hide their crime.”

Luigi: “The culprit and Nagito dragged Peter to the desk. Nagito then-a left to discard the rope in
the incinerator, leaving the culprit alone with the supposedly dead Peter. Miraculously, Peter woke
up to the culprit’s dismay, so they caved his head in with-a the bat, leaving him dead for good.
Nagito must’ve-a returned soon after the real murder occurred, and the two devised a plan to
pretend Nagito was the true culprit to throw us all off. However, in reality, Nagito was merely the
culprit’s accomplice.”
Luigi: “You’re the one who devised all of-a this, though, didn’t you? You’re the true killer, Sans!”


Nagito: “Ha… Ahaha… N-No, that’s…”

Sans: “That’s what happened. No point in denyin’ it now, Ko.”

Nagito: “B-But… I…”

Sans: “Monokuma, we’re ready to vote now.”

Monokuma: “You sure you are?”

Brian: “...We’re definitely ready to convict that bastard.”

Sans: “Heheh… What a bastard I am…”

Monokuma: “Well, if you insist that you are! Ahem, please cast your vote! And make sure you
vote for someone, alright? Just makin’ sure ya don’t have dementia or something! Puhuhu! Who
will be chosen as the blackened? Will you make the right choice, or the dreadfully wrong one?
What’s it gonna be? What’s it gonna buh-buh-be?!”



Monokuma: “Hmm… Well, looks like ya got it spot on again! The blackened behind the murder of
Peter Griffin was the Ultimate Comedian, Sans! And, hey, y’know what’s funny? This vote wasn’t
unanimous! Nagito really wants to die for some reason, huh? Cheer up, bud! You managed to
survive that other killing game, so don’t go and take your life again! Well, unless ya really want to!

Nagito: “...”

Luigi stared straight ahead at Sans and Nagito, both of which were rightfully silent for a while.
Soon, Sans decided to break the silence.

Sans: “I had a feelin’ things would turn out this way…”

Brian: “Then why didn’t you just fucking confess before?”

Luigi: “Brian, calm down—“

Brian: “No! This bastard deserves to die right goddamn now! Who the hell do you think you are?!”

Sans: “...A pretty bad guy.”

Fluttershy: “Huh…?”

Sans: “Guess y’all want an explanation, huh?”

Yandere-Chan: “It would be appreciated.”

Brian: “...Make it quick.”

Sans: “I suppose I gotta start from the beginning, huh? When I first heard the bear’s explanation
about the motive videos, I assumed ‘cuz I had Ko’s, Ko had mine. So naturally, I pay him a visit to
see my video, but to my surprise he tells me he has Peter’s video. Now, we ain’t stupid like the rest
of you, and we immediately put two n’ two together.”

The Conductor: “So what happened next?”

Sans: “Ko was quick to offer we do somethin’ to get the video, but I was like ‘nah, I can just talk to
him about it, no biggie.’ Boy, was I wrong.”


Sans: “Hey, Peter. How’s it hangin’?”

Peter: “Aren’t you the funny guy? Are you gonna tell me a joke?”

Sans: “I’d love to, but I got more pressin’ issues right now. I believe you have my motive video.”
Peter: “The what?”

Sans: “The video given to ya this mornin’...”

Peter: “Oh, that! What about it?”

Sans: “Mind if I ask what was on mine?”

Peter: “Oh yeah? What’s in it for me?”

Sans: “For you? Well, ya wanna know what’s on yours? Course, I’ll have to go get it, but—“

Peter: “Nah! I don’t need to know!”

Sans: “Then what did ya want…?”

Peter: “It’s obvious, ain’t it? Man, if you can’t figure that out, you don’t even deserve to know!”

Sans: “Huh…? Peter, buddy, just tell me, alright?”

Peter: “No means no! Why should I trust a skeleton, anyway? You don’t even got a heart to trust!
This isn’t the first time I got tricked by a skeleton too!”


Sans: “Then he just… walked off. I really don’t understand why he was bein’ so untrustin’.”

Brian: “It’s just Peter being his goddamn self - you can’t expect to take things seriously with him!”
Sans: “Well that’s too bad, because I went back to Ko to see if his offer was still up. And then,
everything played out like Mr. Green said. Most of the plan was devised by Ko: the alcohol, the
location, hell, he even brought the knife with him ‘just in case’. Never ceases to amaze me.”

Nagito: “...”

Sans: “When Ko had hit Peter when he tried to escape, we really thought he had died. We were
both kinda freakin’ out - we were only plannin’ to interrogate him for info.”

Nagito: “Yet, he never spoke a word of the video. Just nonsense.”

Brian: “He was drunk, you assholes!”

Parappa: “Wait, so you weren’t planning to kill him?”

Luigi: “And what was your plan? Just to let him go afterwards?”

Sans: “Pretty much. We were close to doin’ it too - he really wasn’t budging even after Ko sliced
his neck.”

Brian: “Then why the hell did you hit him? You could’ve just let him run away for God’s sake!”

Nagito: “Ah, I wanted to make sure Peter knew not to tell anyone what had happened. I wanted to
keep Sans safe.”

Fluttershy: “Safe…?”

Sans: “Mr. Green already knows this but, we’ve been keeping our relationship on the low all ‘cuz
Ko didn’t want y’all to think I was weird for likin’ him.”

Yandere-Chan: “How long have you been hiding this relationship?”

Sans: “Heh, a long time… Ever since he took a likin’ to my jokes, we kinda just bonded from
there. Probably before Mr. K was even dead.”

Parappa: “It really was that long?!”

Luigi: (“Wow, I never even knew…”)

Sans: “When Loogs found out about us, we were plannin’ to tell y’all. Course, I guess this works
too, huh?”

Brian: “I don’t care about your relationship. I just want to know what happened next.”

Nagito: “Once I hit him, we thought I had killed him. But, I assured Sans that it was okay if I was
outed, and I could merely become a stepping stone for him!”

The Conductor: “What is with yer and ‘steppin’ stones’?”

Nagito: “Unfortunately, my luck ruined everything… It always does…”

Parappa: “Your luck…?”

Nagito: “You see, there was no way Peter would still be alive after my blow… However, it was
due to my luck that he awoke when I went to discard the rope…”

Sans: “Ko, it wasn’t your luck, alright?”

Nagito: “It was! You know how my luck works! It… always comes back to bite me…”

Luigi: (“Huh? What’s-a Nagito talking about…?”)

Brian: “Then why did you hit him again? Surely, this was your goddamn chance to let him go.”

Sans: “Ah, that… Well, at first I was surprised the dude was still fightin’, but then…”


Peter: “Urgh…”

Sans: “Huh? Ya… still alive?”

Peter: “Hey… wha’s the big idea…? Where’s ya lady friend…? Ugh… my head…”

Sans: “...Take it easy, big guy—“

Peter: “Hey, I remembers now… You was tryin’ to kill me…! For ya… ya… stupid video

Sans: “Huh?”

Peter: “Heheh… it was stupid… a stupid big ol’ skeleton…”

Sans: “Wh… What?”

Peter: “He had… such a stupid laugh… a-and a stupid voice… heheh… How did it go again…?”

Sans: “...Hey, don’t you dare—“

Peter: “Nyeh-heh-heh… Yeah… that was it… Stupid…”

Sans: “I said don’t—“

Peter: “Why’ve ya got such a stupid brother…? Heheh… Ugh… Youse lucky I ain’t told ya the
video… You ain’t ever gonna kno—“



Sans: “...In all honesty, Peter was gonna die from blood loss sooner or later. I guess he just… got to
me. No one talks about my brother like that.”

Brian: “...”

Sans: “I didn’t even realise Ko had returned until after I turned around. He saw the whole thing.”

Nagito: “...”

Sans: “But, hey, this is a good thing, right? If I had left him to die, you would’a been the culprit. I
protected ya from a worse fate. I felt kinda silly too - letting my accomplice do all the work when I
was the one behind it. I guess it makes sense for me to be the one to kill him after all.”

Yandere-Chan: “Then was your plan to make Nagito out as the killer?”

The Conductor: “Yer made it awfully dramatic durin’ the trial.”

Sans: “I didn’t want to at first, but Ko kept insisting he’d help me escape by doing this. At first, as
you saw, I followed along - it was kinda funny seein’ all your reactions honestly. But, I couldn’t
keep it up. I didn’t want to sacrifice you all for a mistake. I didn’t want to sacrifice Ko for my own

Nagito: “Sans…”
Sans: “Heh, even after all this time, I never got to see what was on my motive video.”

Monokuma: “Oh, you didn’t? Well, since you’re gonna die soon and I’m feelin’ just a little bit
nice, shall we watch it all together?”

Sans: “What—“

Monokuma: “Sorry! I don’t care for an answer! I’m rollin’ the tape!”

Almost immediately, a large monitor was lowered from the ceiling, and a video began to play.
Luigi recognised the intro a little too familiarly, and he was sure everyone else did too.

Monokuma: “Welcome! Welcome! You’re in for a real treat! It’s time for the motive video! More
specifically, Sans the Skeleton’s motive video! I wonder who’s the most important person in your
life…? Puhuhu!”

The video cut to a shot of a quaint snowy town.

Monokuma: “Sans the Skeleton, the Ultimate Comedian, you recognise this place well: Snowdin…
your hometown and most loved place in the underground, huh? It’s not your main source of
income when it comes to ya stand-up, but it definitely holds a special place in your skele-heart! Of
course, we all know why that is!”

The footage had shifted to an image of a rather tall skeleton accompanied by Sans.

Monokuma: “Your brother, Papyrus! Despite being utterly naive and clueless, he tries his very best
to snatch a place in the royal guards to become a popular and charming skeleton! Not to mention
his crazy obsession with spaghetti! You’ve supported him every step of the way, albeit in the
laziest of ways. Hm… I wonder what he’d think about you being trapped in here…”

Just as Luigi expected, the video cut to a scene with only the skeleton by himself. However, unlike
Stewie, he looked much more worried and paranoid.
Papyrus: “Sans? W-Where did you go, brother? You seem to be… missing. Of course, I’ve
contacted the kingdom, but they’ve been searching for… quite some time now. I know you like
your pranks, but… Please come home, brother. I-I’m worried about you. I… miss you, Sans…”

Just as the skeleton looked to be on the brink of tears, everything cut to black.

Monokuma: “What a pansy, huh? I thought this was a future royal guard! Well, I suppose he’ll
never get that chance now, considering the accident he’s been in! Huh? What accident? Well, I
guess you’ll have to find out for yourself! Puhuhu!”

The video ended, and all Luigi could do was stare. It was horrible, just horrible. How could
someone be capable of trapping them inside a killing game and threatening their loved ones too? It
was just plain sadistic.

Monokuma: “Ugh, don’t you just hate listening to yourself on video? You sound so damn different
it’s insulting!”

Sans: “...”

Luigi looked to Sans. He was unreadable. It was as if all emotion had been wiped from his face,
leaving an unsettling blank look as he stared at the dead monitor.
Nagito: “...Sa—“

Sans: “Who are you…?”

Monokuma: “Hm? Who am I? I’m Monokuma, of course!”

Sans: “No… You’re… I can’t even tell who you are. I don’t think anyone knows who you are.”

Monokuma: “Rude!”

Luigi: (“What is Sans saying…? Is he… talking about the ‘mastermind’...?”)

Nagito: “Sans…?”

Sans: “It’s impossible to tell who’s behind all this, sadly. All I know is that they’re a dirty sinner .”

Monokuma: “...”

Brian: “What the hell are you talking about?”

The Conductor: “Is he tryin’ to talk to the ‘mastermind’ guy?”

Parappa: “I-Is Sans the traitor?!”

Sans: “Traitor…? Heheh, no. The traitor’s already dead .”

Luigi: “Huh?!”
Fluttershy: “D-Dead?!”

Nagito: “Sans, you know the identity of the traitor…?”

Sans: “Yeah. I figured it out. I don’t wanna cause a ruckus or nothin’, so all I’m saying is that
they’re dead, and y’all don’t gotta worry about someone stabbin’ you in the back anymore.”

Luigi: (“Really…?”)

Monokuma: “...Alright, I’m bored! Let’s just get on with the punishment!”

Nagito: “Wait, Monokuma, Sans isn’t even done yet! H-He—“

Monokuma: “I don’t care, ya hope bastard! I need the thrill of an execution real soon!”

Sans: “...Heh. Well, I’ve been preparing myself for this.”

Nagito: “...”

Sans: “Hey, everyone. I know what I did was wrong, and… I take full responsibility for my
actions. But, please promise me you won’t hate Ko for what he did, alright? He… just wanted to
help me. He’s not the one you should hate. It’s me. I hate makin’ promises myself, but it’s my only

Nagito: “Sans…”

Sans took Nagito’s hands into his own.

Sans: “Hey, Ko… This is what I deserve. Don’t try to stop this, alright? I’ll be okay.”

Nagito: “N-No… You can’t do this…”

Sans: “I don’t think I’ve ever met someone as interested in my jokes than the lady behind the door,
if not even more, than you… And, you’ve been the best pal to me here. Keep goin’ for me, okay?
Let ya new hope blossom from my death…”

Nagito: “...”

Sans looked to everyone again.

Sans: “Again, please don’t hate Ko when I’m gone. Just work together n’ escape, yeah? That was
our plan from the beginning.”

Fluttershy: “Y-You poor souls… I understand completely… I’ll keep your promise.”

Brian: “I sure as hell won’t.”

Sans: “...Brian, I get it. We killed your best friend. No, I did. But, Ko didn’t mean anythin’ against

Brian: “...”

Monokuma: “Aaaaare we done? Good! Now then, I’ve prepared a very special punishment for
Sans, the Ultimate Comedian!”

Nagito: “S-Sans! Don’t do this—!”

Sans gave Nagito a quick peck on the back of his hand before looking up at him softly.

Sans: “Things’ll be okay, alright? Please, don’t be sad, Ko. Stay strong for me, okay?”

Nagito stared at him for a moment.

Nagito: “...Alright.”

Monokuma: “Let’s give it everything we’ve got! It’s punishment time!!!”

Sans: “Heh, I guess I’ll see you all later.”


Monokuma: “Oh my! Oh my!”

Luigi: “Huh?!”

Fluttershy: “N-Nagito! Are you alright?!”

Fluttershy had dashed over to Nagito, who was staring blankly at where Sans had just dissipated.
He held onto his jacket’s sleeve, which covered his missing arm, yet it was obvious from the
amount of blood soaking through it what had happened.

Nagito: “...I’m fine.”

The Conductor: “Yer not pecking ‘fine’ - yer bloomin’ arm’s been torn off!!”

Nagito tried a croaky pained laugh.

Nagito: “...Hah… Ahaha… M-Maybe it’s what I deserve…”

Parappa: “Huh?! Y-You didn’t deserve that!”

Monokuma: “Puhuhu! Of course he did! He was part of the murder! He deserves something done
to him, don’t you think?”

Brian: “...”

Fluttershy: “W-We’ve got to get you to the infirmary quick—“

Monokuma: “Hold it right there! If anything, I’m gonna take him into A&E! What’re you gonna do
with a bunch of flimsy bandages anyway?”

Luigi: “Y-You’re gonna… doctor him-a yourself…?”

Monokuma: “Yup! Now, c’mon hopey! Right this way! You’ll be good as new by the time I’m
done with you!”

Yandere-Chan: “How can we trust you on that?”

Monokuma: “You just can, okay?! You remember Dr. Killjoy, don’t you Nagito? You know I’m
not lying! Now, chop chop!”

Everyone looked to Nagito. He idled for a moment, until he slowly started walking towards
Monokuma, almost tripping every few steps.

Monokuma: “Don’t worry! I’ll take good care of ya! As for the rest of you, scram! Get lost! On
your bikes! Back to the school this instant!”

Brian: “...Gladly.”

Except for Brian, no one had anything else to say. Not even Luigi could think of a positive quip to
say. Why should he even say anything? Brian had lost his friend. Nagito had lost his friend. All of
this was just getting worse and worse with every aching moment.

Until it became the worst.

*Step, step*

In the dead of night, Luigi aimlessly wandered around the halls of the school.

Luigi: (“...I really shouldn’t be doing this, but… I’m-a restless. The only thing I can do is walk
around to clear my head… Is Nagito going to be okay…? Should I keep Sans’ promise…? Is what
he said about the traitor being dead true…? I don’t-a think I can even do this anymore…”)

It was on the third floor where he stopped and did a double take at a familiar lone corridor.

Luigi: (“Huh…? Is the data centre’s door… open?”)

Carefully, Luigi walked towards the door, and peaked inside.

Luigi: “...What is all of-a this…?”

Inside the room was an immense amount of filing cabinets and a few computer screens presumably
holding masses of data. There was also a notable amount of files located on a large desk. Curious,
Luigi walked inside.

Luigi: (“There’s-a so many files… Should I even be looking in-a here by myself? Should I get
someone else? Hey, what’s-a this…?”)

Luigi went to pick up a file and—

???: “Oh dear, Luigi. You’re not supposed to be in here.”

Luigi: “H-Hu—?”


Suddenly, everything went black.

Chapter End Notes

Happy... Sunday... everyone... :)

(Yes I specifically worked my ass off this week JUST to get this uploaded on Sunday
for more than obvious reasons)
Also dw fam I’m crying my eyes out too
Just..... I ruined the best ship I’m so sorry....
Please forgive me bc the despair must go on... *cries even more*
Chapter 5: A Grave Mistake to Take to the Grave (Daily Life)
Chapter Notes

This is probably gonna have a different tone than the other chapters so far (probably...
idk) so be prepared for *tension*
Also! Another kinda big announcement! I’ve had a style change! So you’ll see the
CGs are a lil’ different in art style now (except for the first CG,, that was before the
style change) I hope you like it doe!!
Bro 7 homies what the fuck even happening anymore

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The machine clanked and rattled with a mighty unpredictable force, frying this and bubbling that.
Muffled cries and grunts could be heard from within of someone who was going through immense
changes out of a painting. Very quickly, the mass was directed into a pipe which pushed it through
to the vent on the far wall.

Luigi crept closer to the vent, leaning forwards to try getting a better look inside. He called his
brother’s name with the conviction of worry and hope.

Suddenly, the vent had burst open, along with a large red blur that knocked Luigi onto the floor.
After a stumble and a “Mamma Mia”, he looked behind him.

There he was: sitting on the floor, eyes spinning in confusing directions, and that damned painting
bust through his head.

Even so, it was Mario. Mario was okay.

Luigi trembled. He felt his knees go weak. He couldn’t stop the tears. All the fear in his heart that
had been built up during the night had completely vanished like that. He didn’t know what to do,
what to say, what to feel.

So, he laughed. He laughed and laughed. It was a funny sight for sure - Mario did look very
uncharacteristically out of it. But that’s all Luigi could do. Laugh, cry, let raw emotions go free.
He had saved his brother. His brother was okay. His brother was alive. His brother was…
His brother was…

His brother…

???: “Luigi!”

Luigi: “A-AH!”

Luigi’s head shot up in a frantic jolt, hitting something hard behind him which made his head

Luigi: “O-Ow…”

He went to rub his head, and felt the wall behind him. Oh, so that’s what that was.

Luigi: (“Wait… Where am I…?”)

Luigi finally looked up to see what had snapped him into reality, and saw his white dog friend
gazing down at him with confusion and concern. When Luigi looked closer, he could see his eyes
were slightly darkened and pale, as if he had been crying not too long ago. It made sense however,
as Brian had no time to let his grief out during the investigation and trial, except in the form of

Brian: “...You alright?”

Luigi: “Y-Yeah… Uh, what happened…?”

Brian: “I was just about to ask you that. I was heading to the study when I saw you passed out here
against the wall. What the hell were you doing here?”

Luigi racked his brain for a moment. Where was he again? He shifted his eyesight to the
surroundings, and he noticed a door. The data centre’s door. Suddenly, everything clicked.

Luigi: “Ah, I remember now… I was-a taking a walk last night when I saw the data centre’s door
was open, so I looked inside. I saw files and went to-a pick one up but… That’s all I remember.”

Brian stared at him for a moment, cocking a brow.

Brian: “...Huh. So you’ve been here the whole night.”

Luigi: “I… I guess I was…”

The two were quiet for a moment. Luigi kept revisiting the memory of last night, but it always cut
off when he picked up a file. Just what had happened that led him to be sleeping against the wall?

Luigi: “...Where’s everyone else?”

Brian: “I assume they’re already in the dining hall. The morning announcement played not too long
ago. You should probably go so they don’t suspect something happened to you.”

Luigi: “You’re not going yourself?”

Brian: “I already said I’m going to the study.”

Brian helped Luigi up onto his feet.

Luigi: “Brian, you should come with me. It’s-a been a while since you’ve joined us for breakfast.
After what’s happened, we… should all stick together.”

Luigi held his breath in hopes in what he said wouldn’t strike a nerve in the canine. If it did, he
held it back well with a sigh.
Brian: “...Fine. But I won’t be staying for long.”

Luigi smiled slightly. Something was better than nothing. The two then walked down to the dining
hall, and Luigi couldn’t help but wonder if a certain someone would be there when they arrived.
Obviously, they weren’t. However, everyone else seemed glad to see him.

Parappa: “Ah, Luigi!”

The Conductor: “Aye, lad. I thought yer overslept or somethin’.”

Fluttershy: “Where were you…?”

Luigi explained what he could about the data centre episode.

Yandere-Chan: “Hm. And you don’t know what occurred afterwards?”

Luigi: “No. All I remember is waking up to Brian.”

The Conductor: “What an awfully tense scene.”

Yandere-Chan: “That explanation leads me to believe someone knocked you out.”

Parappa: “Huh?! By who?”

Yandere-Chan: “Someone who didn’t want you to find out what was in those files, presumably.”

Fluttershy: “L-Like… the mastermind?”

Brian: “Now they’re roaming around the damn halls?”

Yandere-Chan: “I assume they must conduct a few things during the night, when they expect no
one to be awake.”

The Conductor: “I suppose the lad over here got caught up in something by pure chance, eh?”

Luigi: “Huh…”

And then, everyone became silent. Despite this new topic that occupied their minds for a while,
the creeping thoughts of what occurred the day prior still lingered deep within. Another murder.
Another execution. And this time, a literal amputation. Luigi couldn’t deny how worried he felt
about the whereabouts of a certain white-haired guy, physically and emotionally.

Luigi: “...Has anyone seen Nagito yet…?”

Parappa: “No…Sorry.”

Fluttershy: “Oh, I-I’m just so worried about him… I hope Monokuma treated him well…”

The Conductor: “I don’t think I want to put me trust in that bear, considering what he usually

Yandere-Chan: “I suppose for now it’s out of our control.”

Luigi: “I guess you’re right…”

The silence continued on. That is, until a small voice made itself heard.

???: “Hello, everyone…”

Luigi’s eyes shot wide open. That solemn, raspy voice echoed into his ears so unexpectedly that it
almost made him jump. Everyone turned their attention around to the doorway of the dining hall,
where they were met with a very familiar yet somehow unusual sight.
Fluttershy: “Ah, Nagito…!”

Standing there, with a somewhat nervous complexion, was no doubt Nagito. But, something felt
off, as if there was still an unsolved mystery just itching to be found out.

Luigi: “Are you okay…?”

Nagito: “Ah, I feel… great.”

And Nagito lifted his left hand.

Oh. Oh Christ.

What Luigi expected to see, he didn’t quite know. He hadn’t thought about it. A bandaged nub?
That would make the most sense. However, Nagito definitely had an arm back. Though, was it
alright to call it an arm?

It was more like a robotic hand.

The Conductor: “Christ, lad! Looks like some kinda si-fi props been sewn to yer!”

Nagito: “Does it really look like that…? Ah, haha… I find it most nostalgic.”

Parappa: “Nostalgic…?”

Yandere-Chan: “Where were you taken?”

Nagito: “Jumping right into questions, huh? I’m a little tired, but… if you really want to know.
Unfortunately, I don’t remember. I was taken somewhere by Monokuma, but the details are fuzzy.
In fact, I had just woken up in my dorm with this new arm, as if there was some sort of time skip
like in a movie or video game. Haha, they really don’t want us to know anything, huh…?”

Luigi didn’t know what to say. It was crazy. Insane. But the most concerning part was how Nagito
was acting. For someone who had lost their best friend and arm, he seemed rather alright, almost a
bit too casual for what happened the day before. On closer inspection, however, Luigi could swear
he saw Nagito was rather paler than usual, and his eyes were a similar darkness to Brian’s. He
couldn’t tell for sure, however, as it might’ve been connected to whatever occurred during his
‘surgery’. Yet, Luigi had a gut feeling it was the initial thought.
Fluttershy: “Well, I’m just glad you’re alright now. How comfortable are you with that arm? Can
you move it without causing pain?”

Fluttershy fluttered over to Nagito, inspecting his arm carefully to find any faults or bruises.

Nagito: “You don’t have to worry about me. I’m fine, really.”

He took a few steps forward, raising both his arms shakily.

Nagito: “I-If anything, this is a sign of hope! The fact that an arm can be replaced so easily like the
shrivelled weed of despair can be replaced by a beautiful rose of hope, ahahaha, then—!”

Yandere-Chan: “Stop talking.”

Nagito: “Ack!”

Out of the blue, Nagito was suddenly apprehended by Yandere-Chan, forcing his arms behind his
back sharply.

Brian: “You bastard…! Do you honestly think you can just walk in here and carry on with your
hope bullshit without consequence?!”
Nagito: “A-Ah, Brian… I didn’t mean to—“

Brian: “Save it. I’ve had enough of you.”

The Conductor: “Bloomin’ hell! Was this coordinated or somethin’?!”

Yandere-Chan: “No. But it’s obvious we cannot let him try anything.”

The Conductor: “I suppose yer right. Keep him in yer grasp.”

Nagito: “E-Everyone’s ganging up on me again…? Ahahaha…”

Parappa: “Huh? We are…?”

Parappa looked to Luigi. All Luigi could do was stare back.

Brian: “Listen here. Don’t think I’m going to pity you just because you lost your arm. You killed
Peter, and don’t you ever fucking dare deny that fact—“

Fluttershy: “QUIET!”

Everyone froze. Even Luigi in his confused daze turned to look at the surprisingly angry

Fluttershy: “Ayano, let him go right this instant.”

Yandere-Chan: “...Are you sure?”

Fluttershy: “Yes. Trust me.”

Yandere-Chan paused for a moment, then let go of Nagito.

Brian: “What the hell are you doing?!”

Fluttershy: “I’ve had enough of this. I don’t want anyone to fight anymore! Why’re you all doing
this to Nagito?”

Yandere-Chan: “He cannot be trusted after what he did.”

Fluttershy: “We all trusted you after you admitted your secret was true. Is it right to not do the
same to someone else in the same situation as you?”

Yandere-Chan: “...”

The Conductor: “Yer can’t pecking blame us! He’s crazy!”

Fluttershy: “Have you ever tried having an actual conversation with him? Have you ever learned
his likes, his hobbies, his past? You can’t put labels onto someone if you’ve never even talked to

Brian: “This is ridiculous - you’re just gonna brush over the fact he killed Peter?!”

Fluttershy: “No, I’m not. He has a lot to reflect on. But, he didn’t kill Peter. Sans did. Sans took full
responsibility for what happened, and we promised not to distrust Nagito.”

Brian: “No, you promised. I sure as hell didn’t.”

Nagito: “Ah, y-you don’t need to defend me, Fluttershy… I understand how much of a lowlife I’ve

Fluttershy: “No, you’re not. If this situation’s going to get better, we need to all be able to trust
each other. This isn’t helping at all! I-I can’t sit back anymore and watch my friends die!”

Monokuma: “Too bad you will! Puhuhu!”

The Conductor: “Why do yer always appear at the worst times?!”

Monokuma: “Because! Things are getting spicy in the school! Like a reality TV show! I can’t pass
up the opportunity to join in now, can I?”

Parappa: “Huh?”

Monokuma: “Well, seeing as you’ve all gone quiet for some reason, I’ll just announce what I’ve
really come here for! The new floor! Don’t forget about those babies during your cat fights!”

Luigi: (“How many floors even are there anymore…?”)

Monokuma: “No one’s gonna react? No one’s gonna say anything? Really?”

Brian: “...”

Fluttershy: “...”

Nagito: “...”

Monokuma: “Jeeze! Fine! Have it your way! Bunch’a idiots! Never gonna waste my precious
resources on you guys again! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go enjoy a full course breakfast!
And you can’t have any!”

Monokuma grumbled loudly to himself as he stormed out of the dining hall. No one opted to speak
still, and it sent Luigi’s anxiety through the roof.
Luigi: “Hey, uh, guys…?”

Brian: “What?”

Luigi: “Shouldn’t we all… go check out-a the floor now?”

Parappa: “Yeah, maybe this time there’ll be a clue there!”

Yandere-Chan: “While I have doubts, I suppose we should check it out so we know what we’re
dealing with next.”

Brian: “Yeah, well I’m not letting that bastard walk around alone.”

Nagito: “...”

Fluttershy: “Then he can come with me. Is that better?”

Brian: “...Whatever.”

Brian left the dining hall without looking back. Fluttershy, with Nagito in tow, left soon after.

The Conductor: “I must say the lass has gotten pretty assertive suddenly.”

Luigi: “I guess-a she just… doesn’t want you all to fight.”

The Conductor: “I can’t help it! The peck-neck’s proven himself dangerous!”

Yandere-Chan: “I suppose we can continue on if Fluttershy’s watching him.”

Luigi: “...”

Everyone else left the dining hall after that. Luigi tried to keep his cool, tried to focus on the new
floor he was about to see. Once arriving on the fifth floor, he took out his e-handbook before going
any further.

Luigi: (“There… doesn’t seem to be a lot on this floor… Huh, a garden? I suppose I’ll-a head

With a location in mind, Luigi wandered over to the large garden. Of course, it was an indoor
garden, with the roof being made to artificially look like the sky he so wanted to see again. Other
than that, he took in the colourful array of flowers and plants that were strewn across flower beds
and wherever else they could fit, and a patio path that led to the far back where a shed was
positioned. It really did look like someone’s dream garden.

Fluttershy: “Ah, this place is wonderful, isn’t it?”

The Conductor: “Aye, I suppose. But these plants seem in pretty good shape. Are we sure they
ain’t fake?”

Fluttershy: “They look pretty real to me…”

Luigi: “Does that mean someone was taking care of them?”

The Conductor: “Don’t tell me the mastermind’s side hustle from myurder is pecking gardening!”

Luigi: “Hey, wait. Fluttershy, where’s Nagito?”

Fluttershy: “Um, he wanted to go look around by himself, so I let him go off.”

The Conductor: “That quickly?! Ye said yer were gonna watch him!”

Fluttershy: “I never said I was going to watch him. I simply wanted Brian to stop harassing him.”

Luigi: (“Hopefully they don’t-a cross paths then…”) “Do you know where he went?”

Fluttershy: “I’m sure I saw him go to a classroom… Oh, the poor thing…”

Luigi: (“I guess if he’s-a there, he’s really not doing anything bad…”)

After a quick scope around the garden, Luigi carried on with the floor exploration. As he walked,
he noticed someone intently trying a doorknob that just wouldn’t budge.

Luigi: “Brian? What’re you doing?”

Brian: “I found this more than suspicious room on the map, and I thought I’d check it out. Course,
I can’t even get the damn door open.”

Monokuma: “That’s ‘cuz you can’t go in there right now!”

Luigi: “H-Huh—?! Uh, why?”

Monokuma: “Because it ain’t finished yet! It’s still having a bunch of renovations done to it! Me
granting you all access to it now would be like a chef serving you a half cooked meal still bubbling
in the pot!”
Brian: “Then what the hell’s inside?”

Monokuma: “Well obviously I can’t tell you that! It’d ruin the surprise! For now, just call it the
W.I.P Room!”

Luigi: “The W.I.P Room?”

Monokuma: “The Work In Progress Room! ‘Cuz it’s a work in progress! Sheesh!”

Brian: “How about you go back to that goddamn breakfast of yours.”

Monokuma: “Oh, if you insist! I was just about to spread a bunch of my favourite butter onto it as
well! Puhuhu!”

Luigi: (“I feel like that’s a reference I don’t get…”)

Monokuma then leaped away.

Brian: “...Well I guess this room’s useless then.”

Luigi: “For now…”

???: “Hey! Luigi!”

Luigi: “Huh?”

Luigi turned around, and was greeted by a sporadic Parappa, who was hopping on his feet as if he
was about to run away soon.
Parappa: “Yan-Chan said she found something important!”

Brian: “Where?”

Parappa: “In the room down the hall! She told me to go tell everyone else, so I need to go now!”

And just like that, the dog had run off.

Luigi: “Okay then…”

Brian: “Something important, huh? She better not be lying…”

Luigi: (“I doubt she is… I wonder what she found…”)

Luigi and Brian headed over to the last important room on the floor, which actually turned out to
be a hall of some sorts. More specifically, an exit hall. Luigi had immediately worked that out due
to the large circular door on the other side of the hall. Standing in front of it was no other than

Luigi: “Hey Ayano… Is this what you called us here for?”

Yandere-Chan: “Yes. However I’d like to wait until everyone’s here.”

And so they did. It didn’t take too long, as the remaining four trickled in soon enough.

The Conductor: “Ey? What’s this?”

Yandere-Chan: “I believe this is the exit.”

Luigi (“Ah, I remember now…”)


Brian: “I’m leaving.”

Monokuma: “But, you can't leave silly. There’s no exit. Well, there is, but there’s no way to get it
open! It’s shut reeeeal tight!”


Luigi: “This was-a the exit Monokuma was talking about, right?”

Brian: “The one shut ‘real tight’?”

The Conductor: “Doesn’t look ‘real tight’ to me.”

Fluttershy: “B-But would they really leave it open for us?”

Parappa: “Should we try it out?”

Yandere-Chan: “We shouldn’t.”

The Conductor: “Well why the peck not?!”

Yandere-Chan pointed to an area above the door. As Luigi’s eyes met with where she gestured to,
he froze. There, mounted to the wall, was a very intimidating machine gun aimed directly at the

Brian: “...God.”
The Conductor: “...I guess that’s out of the question now.”

Nagito: “Ahaha, as soon as we’re given a ray of hope, it’s immediately crushed by despair.”

Brian: “Haven’t you learned to shut the fuck up by now?!”

Fluttershy: “Brian—!!”

Nagito: “Ah, look at me. Continuing my nonsense like you all care… I truly am worthless. Don’t
worry, I promise to be completely out of your sights from now on…”

After his decrepit promise, Nagito turned and walked out of the room with a distant smile. Luigi
stood there for a moment trying to decipher what he meant.

Luigi: (“He’ll be completely out of-a our sights? What does he mean…?”)

Fluttershy: “Look, now you've made him upset!”

Brian: “Good! He needs to know what the hell he’s done!”

The Conductor: “As long as he’s not tryin’ to cause a ruckus I suppose…”

After the ordeal, no one had much else to say. They quickly discussed the other rooms they found,
then left their separate ways. What Nagito said still lingered on Luigi’s mind, however he decided
upon checking up on Brian first. He knew Brian a more personally, if only by a little, and he
wanted to see how he was doing on his own. He naturally found him typing away in the study, a
little more aggressive than usual. As to be expected.

Luigi: “Hey, Brian…”

Brian: “What?”
Luigi: “I-I just wanted to know how you’re-a doing!”

Brian: “...God, I’m sorry. I’m just… I don’t know.”

Luigi: “...I understand.”

Luigi idled for a moment, not too sure on what to say. He could tell Brian had a lot of pent up
feelings, but didn’t quite know whether he’d snap or collapse every time he opened his mouth. As
if God heard his pleas, someone appeared to break the silence.

Parappa: “There you are, Luigi!”

Luigi: “Oh, Parappa?”

Parappa: “I wanted to know if…”

The dog lingered off his words as his eyes shifted over to the other typing solemnly. Luigi watched
him stare for a moment, until his expression snapped to one of determination, as if he had made up
his mind upon something. Having no clue what was about to occur, Luigi continued to idle as
Parappa made his way over to Brian.

Parappa: “H-Hey, Brian…?”

Brian: “What do you want?”

Parappa: “I… want to know how you’re doing.”

Brian: “Everything's fine. Now could you leave me alone?”

Luigi: “Parappa, m-maybe you should—“

Parappa: “No, that’s not the truth. You’re not happy, are you…?”

Brian: “Yeah, well maybe I’m not. Why the hell do you care? It’s not like anything matters
anymore. We’re all gonna fucking die anyway—“

Parappa: “Hey! Don’t ever think like that!”

Brian: “Huh…?”

Parappa: “What happened to your friend isn’t fair, but that doesn’t mean nothing matters anymore!
Of course it does! It’s not healthy to think so negatively, right? And you shouldn’t get angry,
either! If you need help, we’re here to support you! Don’t push people away!”

Brian: “Kid, stop…”

Parappa: “We’re all gonna escape together, right? It’s what we all promised! I’m sure everyone
who’s gone still wants us to! We can’t give up for their sake! And we can’t give up for our own
sake! None of us are gonna die anymore, okay?! So don’t you ever think like that again!”

Parappa’s sudden outburst stunned Brian into silence, Luigi included. It was so surreal to see such a
powerful speech by someone so passive as Parappa, yet it also suited him as well. Luigi, amidst his
confusion, felt proud.
Brian: “...Parappa, I—“

Parappa: “It’s okay, you don’t need to say anything. Actually, I wanna show you something cool!
Follow me!”

Parappa grabbed Brian by the arm and practically dragged the dumbfounded canine out of the
room excitedly to God knows where. It honestly left Luigi scratching his head and chuckling in
pure confusion.

Luigi: (“I never knew Parappa had such a mouth on him… Especially to Brian. It’s-a very strange
though, before I thought he was scared to talk to him… I suppose after seeing him so distraught
maybe something changed…”)

Shrugging off the completely unusual encounter, Luigi spent the rest of the day on his own until
the nighttime announcement.

Luigi: (“I still can’t help but think about what Nagito said… I mean, I guess I was-a so concerned
about his arm that I sorta forgot about the whole accomplice thing, but… Maybe I’m-a just
overthinking things…”)

With an equally heavy heart and mind, Luigi drifted off to sleep.

Monokuma: “Oh boy! Oh boy! We’re getting close! We’re gettin’ real close! I’m practically
shaking so much that my nuts and bolts might come undone! I’m just so damn excited! Y’know
that feeling where everything will come to a big exciting close, yet it’s still so far away? That’s
exactly how I feel! So much despair from it being too far from my grasp! Gee, I sure hope, no,
DESPAIR that everyone is ready! Puhuhu!”

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Luigi stirred before peeling the covers off of him. He sat on the edge of his bed for a moment,
reliving the previous day to catch his tiresome self up. After getting ready, he headed for the dining
hall. In an unexpected sight (which honestly should’ve been expected), he saw Brian and Parappa
sitting together, Parappa rambling on about this and that to Brian to keep him somewhat occupied
from his cumbersome feelings. Luigi couldn’t help but smile a little at this. However, his smile
started to falter as he concluded his mental headcount.

Luigi: “Hey… Has anyone seen Nagito?”

Yandere-Chan: “Not since yesterday.”

The Conductor: “It's like the lad disappeared or something.”

Luigi, if only by a little, felt the creeping sensation of dread loom over him. With all the false calls
that happened before, he was sure nothing happened. However, being a naturally paranoiac person
was nothing short of a misery. As he saw a familiar pony trot out of the kitchen, a final question of
hope left his lips.

Luigi: “U-Um, Fluttershy, you haven’t-a seen Nagito around since yesterday, have you?”

Fluttershy: “...”

Fluttershy looked away, as if what he had said was foreign to her. Then, she looked back with
upturned brows and discreetly mouthed something that sent Luigi into a state of nervous confusion.

‘Check his dorm’.

Nodding unsurely, Luigi excused himself from the group back to the dormitory. He ignored the
questions in his mind about how or why or what Fluttershy knew, and stopped outside Nagito’s
dorm room. He noticed that the door was a fraction open, and cocked a brow. Exhaling sharply, he
opened it fully.

What he saw was something he’d never, ever think to see, even in all his years of adventuring.

Nagito: “...O-Oh, Luigi? What a pleasant surprise! Ah, w-well maybe not so pleasant for you,
Luigi stared, dumbfounded at the sight in front of him. There, huddled up at the far end of the
dorm was Nagito, tightly wrapped in a multitude of rope and chains around his arms and legs,
rendering him completely useless, except for his shaky broken smile that tried so desperately to be
humble. Luigi felt his throat dry up as he spoke up.

Luigi: “N-Nagito…?! What’s-a going on? W-Who did this to you?”

Nagito: “Nobody did this to me, silly! I did this to myself! Well, I suppose I got a little help from
Monokuma, as he did provide me the chains… Ah, to think even someone as malicious as him
would help someone as useless as myself… Ahaha…”

Luigi: “You… You did this to yourself…? Why?!”

Nagito: “Isn’t it obvious? I’m a horrible threat to you all! You’ve seen what I’m capable of, haven’t
you? I understand what you all think of me, and I’ve taken matters into my own hands! Everyone
should just continue on like I don’t even exist! Then, you’ll all finally reach your true hope! Aha,

Nagito continued to laugh, writhing in his captivity so much that the chains clanked and rattled in a
horrific harmony of hope and despair. Luigi took a defiant step back as if he was going to break out
and attack him. Of course he wouldn’t, however, as that would go against all that he happily told
Luigi as casually as small talk about the weather. Luigi felt his throat close up completely, making
him incapable to talk much further. He couldn’t even comprehend the situation anymore. He kept
walking backwards until he was outside the room, and slowly closed the door with trembling
hands. All he heard from the restrained Nagito was laughing, even as he fully shut the door, having
the misfortune of hearing muffled chuckles even after.

Luigi: (“W-Wh… What was that?! I-I… H-He… That’s not—! Arg!”)

Luigi let out an aspirated huff in his utter confusion. He let the cold aura from the encounter die
down around him before making his way back to the dining hall, mind shrouded in the dread of
explaining whatever the hell happened.

Parappa: “Luigi? Are you okay?”

The Conductor: “Looks like yer just seen a ghost or something, lad.”

Fluttershy: “...”

Luigi: “U-Uh… I’ve-a found N-Nagito…”

Yandere-Chan: “Where is he?”

Luigi sucked in a breath.

Luigi: “He’s-a in his dorm. Tied up.”

Parappa: “H-Huh?!”

The Conductor: “Tied up?! Who pecking did that?!”

Luigi: “...He did. He tied himself up.”

Brian: “The hell? Why?”

Luigi: “B-Because… he thinks he’s a threat to us all.”

Yandere-Chan: “Instead of letting us see him a threat, he turned himself into a liability. It’s still
such an odd idea, if I’m being honest.”

Brian: “That’s such bullshit. I bet he’s just doing that so we’d let our guard down, then he’ll just
untie himself and go about with another murder.”

Fluttershy: “He won’t!”

Brian: “Oh yeah? And what makes you think he won’t?”

Fluttershy: “Because I found him first! I-I was so shocked and I… I tried to untie him, but he
wouldn’t let me. He said he tied himself up so tight that no one would be able to untie him!”

The Conductor: “So he is bein’ truthful about that ‘non-threat’ stuff…”

Brian: “Hell, It’s better off that way. We don’t need him interfering anymore.”

Fluttershy: “Brian… you are just so heartless.”

Brian: “Fuck you!”

Parappa: “B-Brian—!”

Brian: “That nut job can go do whatever the hell he wants, alright? I don’t care anymore! Don’t
think I’m gonna sympathise, because I sure as hell won’t!”

As sudden as he snapped, Brian had stormed out of the dining hall, Parappa quickly following suit
while calling his name worriedly. As Luigi looked on, Fluttershy sighed as she picked up a tray.

Luigi: “...What’re you gonna do now?”

Fluttershy: “I’m going back to Nagito’s dorm. I can’t stop him from doing that to himself, but I’m
not going to let him starve…”

Fluttershy then left the dining hall. Luigi looked to the remaining two.

Luigi: “What do you guys think about this…?”

Yandere-Chan: “I have no feelings either way. It’s not something we should get involved in, or else
it will cause a bigger discourse.”

The Conductor: “The lass seems pretty admirant on defendin’ the peck-neck, though…”

Luigi: “I suppose she truly is carrying on Sans’ promise, huh?”

The Conductor: “I suppose so…”

Luigi barely ate anything during breakfast after the tense episode, quietly sulking amongst his two
other patrons. Later on he decided to look for monocoins on the new floor to get his mind off of
everything. As he played around with the Monomono Machine, a capsule containing an interesting
find was given to Luigi.

Luigi: (“Hope’s Peak ring…? Heh, the name kinda reminds me of-a Nagito… Huh. I’ve never
really spent much time alone with Nagito, and as I suppose he’s-a not going anywhere, maybe I
should… talk to him? I don’t know if I’ll get very far, seeing as he broke out into a laughing fit
earlier… I suppose Fluttershy has visited him, so maybe he’s calmed down…?”)

Conflicted thoughts continued to swirl around Luigi’s head, yet his legs subconsciously carried him
over to Nagito’s dorm whether he liked it or not. He knocked on the door - a small sign of his
presence - before letting himself in (because obviously Nagito wasn’t going to open it himself).
Nagito was still sitting at the far end, head resting on the wall behind him as he stared ahead at
nothing in particular. In this state Luigi would think he was a casual guy if not for the display in the
previous trial. Luigi coughed quietly, causing the other to snap out of his dazed trance and notice

Nagito: “Ah, hello again, Luigi. I wouldn’t think you’d visit me again after such a repulsive first
impression I gave you. Ahaha, I truly am lucky.”

Luigi: “...Mind if I talk to you for a while?”

Nagito: “Not at all! Though, would you really want to hang out with someone like me? There’s
plenty of much better people to talk to, right?”

Luigi: “No, I want to talk to you. Specifically.”

Nagito: “Ah, I’m so flattered I could die!”

Luigi walked over and sat down across from Nagito, keeping a safe distance purely out of nerves.
They talked for a while about Nagito’s past, or whatever Luigi could get out of him that wasn’t so

Remembering why he’d had the idea to come here in the first place, Luigi fished out the Hope’s
Peak ring from his pocket, and showed it to Nagito.

Nagito: “T-That’s… You got that from the machine?”

Luigi: “Yeah, why? Do you recognise it?”

Nagito: “It’s from Hope’s Peak Academy: the school I once went to. I really admire that ring…”

Luigi: “Really? What’s it like?”

Luigi scooted a little closer out of curiosity, placing the ring next to Nagito so he could have a
better look at it.
Nagito: “It’s an amazing school that cultivates talent by scouting only the best of the best:

Luigi: “Oh, like-a our talents? Would they really scout for an Ultimate Plumber? Haha.”

Nagito: “Of course! They’ve accepted talents such as the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader, and the
Ultimate Princess!”

Luigi: “W-Wow… Um, so… does this tie in with the killing game you were in before?”

Nagito: “Mm, sort of. You see, it all started with The Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in
Human History, orchestrated by Junko Enoshima and the Ultimate Despair.”

Luigi: (“Ah, the girl from the report?”)

Nagito: “She actually managed to make my class and I fall into despair… and with our help made
the world fall into absolute chaos very quickly.”

Luigi: “T-That’s… That’s crazy!”

Nagito: “It does sound like it, doesn’t it? We were made to do horrible things to our friends,
families, even our own bodies. I, myself, cut off my arm and replaced it with Junko’s own.”

Luigi: “What?!”

Nagito: “I was then made to watch over Junko’s… ‘kids’, the ‘Warriors of Hope’, as their mere
servant. However, it wasn’t all despair. Me and my class were all found by the Future Foundation,
who banded to rebuild the world, and were sent to Jabberwock Island to a rehabilitation program.”

Luigi: “...Is that where the killing game began?”

Nagito: “Yeah. One of us planted Junko’s AI into the program, who caused the once peaceful Neo
World Program into a murderous killing game. I actually died during the game, ahaha.”

Luigi: “Y-You did?!”

Nagito: “Of course, as it was a program, I was lucky enough to survive with everyone else in the

Luigi: “W-What about your arm?”

Nagito: “Ah, I got it replaced immediately with a robotic arm, much like the one I have now. I’m
still unsure as to how I first woke up here with my arm perfectly in shape. But… I suppose fate
brought me back to the state I’m meant to be in… ahaha… Just my luck.”

Luigi: (“There he goes again, talking about luck… I wonder why he’s so infatuated with it.”)

Luigi let Nagito talk to him about his past school life for a while longer, until Luigi parted ways
with him. The rest of the day was reasonably calmer than the morning, due to Luigi’s earlier
conversation with Nagito, who still seemed just a bit too chill for someone who was tied up.
Worries about Brian lingered in his mind, but he brushed them off knowing that Parappa would’ve
been now there to calm the canine down.

A little while after dinner, an announcement rang through the halls, making the atmosphere that
much more insufferable.

Monokuma: “Helllllo my precious students! Please make your way over to the gym for a very, very
special announcement! And be quick about it, I’m getting super excited just thinking about it!

Everyone made their way over to the gym, save for one obviously tied up individual. Luigi saw
that Brian had come in with Parappa by his side, and exhaled a breath of relief.

Monokuma: “Goodie! You all made it!”

The Conductor: “Er, how about the peck-neck?”

Monokuma: “The who-what-when-where-why-how?”

Yandere-Chan: “I think he’s referring to Nagito.”

Monokuma: “Oh! Ol’ hopey! Nah, he’s fine! I’m sure one of you can fill him in afterwards!”

Brian: “I suppose this isn’t that important then, huh?”

Monokuma: “Oh, it is! It sure as hell is! Because it’s motive time, baby!”

Luigi: “...What is it this time?”

Monokuma: “Ahem! Watch with your eyes! Listen with your ears! Feel with the beat of your heart
as the despair washes over you in a sudden flick of my wrist!”

Everyone watched in confusion of Monokuma’s strange choice of words as he swiftly grabbed

something from behind his back and threw it down onto the gymnasium floor. The object clacked
and spun as it hit the glossy surface, stopping right in front of the group. As Luigi finally managed
to get a good look at the object, time seemed to slow.

It was… It was a… A…

Brian: “A gun?!”

Fluttershy: “Eep!”

The Conductor: “How ruthless of yer! Just throwin’ us a pecking gun like that!”

Monokuma: “Oh, not just any gun! A 9mm to be exact! Loaded with exactly six bullets, enough for
one person to kill everyone else! Puhuhu! Though, that’s against the rules, of course. Oh! And it’s
also vanilla scented! Ah, my special wittle gun: a despairful present from me to you to give you the
easiest excuse to kill kill kill!”

Yandere-Chan: “You really won’t hide how much you want us to kill each other anymore.”

Monokuma: “C’mon, when have I tried to hide that fact?! Oh well! Just pop a couple lead between
someone’s eyes already! Ahahaha!”

With his final chuckle, Monokuma disappeared just like that. Everyone couldn’t help but keep their
eyes on the gun: such a horrible weapon if the wrong person got their hands on it.

Then, without much warning, Brian picked up the gun.

Parappa: “Ah!”

Fluttershy: “Brian, put it down!”

Brian: “What? I wasn’t planning to shoot it for God’s sake. We’ve obviously gotta place this
somewhere so no one can use it.”

Yandere-Chan: “I suppose that’s true. Maybe someone should keep watch of it.”

Luigi: “Like who?”

Everyone turned to look at Luigi.

Luigi: “H-Huh? Me? N-No I can’t! I-I’ve-a never dealt with a gun before!”

The Conductor: “Technically yer not ‘dealing with it’. Yer just gonna be lookin’ after it.”
Luigi: “Don’t say it like it’s official!”

Parappa: “But, we trust you with it, Luigi. You’ve always helped the group, so I know you can do

Luigi: “I-I know, but…”

Brian handed the gun to Luigi, who shakily took it into both hands.

Brian: “Look, you’re gonna be fine with it, alright?”

Fluttershy: “I understand it’s such a ghastly thing to look at, s-so maybe just place it in a drawer so
it’s out of your sight.”

Luigi: “I… Okay. For you all, I will.”

Yandere-Chan: “We appreciate it, Luigi.”

The Conductor: “So much for the ol’ bear givin’ us that motive, eh? We avoided it quicker than he

Luigi simply nodded as he looked at the weapon in his hands. Not too long after, the nighttime
announcement played and everyone decided to head back to the dorms, Luigi following behind a
little slower than usual. As such, he was the last to get to his own dorm, but stopped and turned to
look at that one slightly opened door. Luigi sighed. Placing one arm behind his back to hide the
weapon, he went over and nudged open the door to reveal the same tied up guy yet again.

Nagito: “...Hm?”

Luigi: “Hey, Nagito…”

Nagito: “Luigi? You’re visiting me again? To visit me so much must mean you’ve fallen for me…
or gone crazy… ahaha.”
Luigi: “N-Neither. I just want to let-a you know about the motive.”

Hesitating for just a moment, Luigi produced the gun from behind his back. He could swear
Nagito’s eyes lit up in a mixture of ecstatic fear and excitement.

Nagito: “Ah, is that really the motive this time…? How violent. But… Why do you have it, Luigi?
Are you planning something?”

Luigi: “N-No, I… everyone agreed that I should-a look after it so no one can use it…”

Nagito: “Everyone really trusts you, don’t they? You really are their symbol of hope.”

Luigi: “I wouldn’t say it like that… A-Anyway, I should-a probably get going now. Uh, are you
gonna be alright sleeping like that?”

Nagito: “Of course… I don’t even deserve to have slept in such a nice bed after what I’ve done…”

Luigi: “...”

Luigi gulped. After a quick goodbye, he left Nagito’s dorm for his own.

Luigi: (“...I know what Nagito did was bad, but… I can’t-a help but feel sorry for him. They were
never meant to kill him after all… I-I dunno…”)

Diminishing his worried thoughts, Luigi went to sleep.

Monokuma: “...Y’know, they say that guns aren’t weapons, people are. A gun on its own can’t do
anything except look intimidating! But, if someone were to pick up the gun, and say, shoot it…
Well, who’s fault is that? The gun? Really? Puhuhu… But, who cares about that?! This is a killing
game for God’s sake — I need some real action here baby! Humans really are such a needless
threat… That’s why I’m a bear! Puhuhu! Puhuhu!”

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Luigi rolled out of bed with heavy limbs as a drowsy aura filled his vision. He got himself ready as
per usual before walking over to the dining hall. There, he saw Parappa talking non-stop to Brian
once again, however this time Brian seemed to chime in rather than let it be a one sided

Luigi: (“They really are getting along, huh? I wonder what changed in Parappa…”)

Before Luigi could settle down himself, he saw Fluttershy walk out of the kitchen holding a similar
tray to yesterdays, and knew who it was for.

Luigi: “Hey, is that for Nagito?”

Fluttershy: “Y-Yeah. He really seems to like orange juice, but um, unfortunately there’s no
Luigi: (“What a strange preference…”)

Luigi waved to Fluttershy as she left the dining hall, and paused for a moment.

The Conductor: “What’s wrong, lad?”

Luigi: “Nothing. It’s just… Is it weird that I want to visit Nagito again?”

The Conductor: “Again?! Ye can just… do that?”

Luigi: “I mean, I’ve only visited him a couple of-a times… it’s not like he’s-a going anywhere.”

The Conductor: “...Y’know, I’ve been thinking about what the lass said, about how I know nothing
about the peck-neck.”

Luigi: “Hey, don’t-a worry about it too much. I’m-a sure she didn’t mean it directly at you.”

The Conductor: “I suppose so… Ah, nevermind.”

Luigi raised a brow, but shrugged it off as The Conductor walked off. After making up his mind,
Luigi left the dining hall for Nagito’s dorm yet again. When he opened the door, he was met with a
solemn sight.
Fluttershy: “O-Oh, hello Luigi.”

Luigi: “Hey… mind if I come in?”

Fluttershy: “Of course not! I’m sure Nagito appreciates it very much — he told me you’re the only
other person who visits him.”

Luigi: (“Ah, I am…?”) “Uh, are you alright, Nagito?”

Nagito: “...”

Fluttershy: “He’s fine… He’s just been a little reflective this morning.”

Luigi: (“Reflective…? Ah, is he thinking about the last trial…?”)

Luigi walked inside and sat on the edge of the bed so he was still facing the two.

Fluttershy: “Would you like to eat now, Nagito?”

Nagito: “Ah, it’s a little embarrassing with Luigi here…”

Luigi: “Sorry…”

Nagito: “It’s fine. I’m not hungry anyway.”

Fluttershy: “Are you sure? I can make you something later if you’d like.”

Nagito: “No… Don’t you get it? I don’t deserve your hospitality. I don’t deserve your food, or your
kindness… I should just be left alone here to rot.”

Fluttershy: “Of course not, Nagito! You’re still human, and you deserve to be treated as one!”

Nagito: “Why…? Wouldn’t it be better for you all for someone like me to die? I mean… then I’d
be with him again, haha…”

Luigi: (“N-Nagito…”)

Fluttershy: “...You shouldn’t see it like that. I’m sure Sans would be glad to see you again, but not
this soon. Remember what he said? He told you to keep going for his sake… and that everyone
should work together and escape. He’s counting on you to stay strong and keep going. He’s…
watching you do that, okay? What do you think he feels seeing you like this?”

Nagito: “...Disappointed?”

Fluttershy: “No. He’d never be. He just wants you to be happy. It looks tough right now, I know,
but you’re not alone. I trust you. Luigi trusts you. I’m sure everyone else feels the same deep
down… I can’t tell you what to do, but I don’t want you to waste your life like this, okay…?”

Nagito: “...”

Luigi stared on at the scene. He was almost taken aback as a mere bystander to it all. Fluttershy
had talked from her heart, and Nagito had listened with what hope he had left.
Nagito: “...I truly don’t deserve your kindness, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy: “Everyone deserves to be shown a little bit of kindness.”

In the warm and lighthearted atmosphere, Luigi spent the rest of the morning watching the two
lightly converse, sometimes chiming in himself about a few things. Later he left, deciding on
talking to somebody else who had caught his interest during breakfast.

Luigi: (“I really want to talk to Parappa for a while… he’s really taken on a caretaker role for
Brian, and it’s-a really nice to see…”)

Luigi found Parappa in the garden immersed in a flower bed.

Luigi: “Hey, Parappa. What’re-a you doing?”

Parappa: “I just like looking at the flowers… they’re really pretty.”

Luigi: “I suppose they are… Would you like to-a make some flower chains?”

Parappa: “Really? Sure!”

And so, Luigi and Parappa made flower chains for a while, chatting about this and that.

Luigi: (“I’ve-a never really given him a present before… I hope he likes it.”)

Luigi gave Parappa a boom box figurine that was said to hold a single song of the recipients choice.

Parappa: “Whoa, this is so cool! Thanks, Luigi!”

Luigi: “Haha, no problem. So I’ve-a never really talked to you about your hometown. What’s it

Parappa: “It’s great! I live in PaRappa Town with my dad and sister, Pinto. I also have a bunch of
really cool friends! Sunny, Katy, PJ, Matt, Paula…”

Luigi: (“He really likes to ramble, huh? It’s… kinda cute though.”) “So, how did you get into
rapping in the first place?”

Parappa: “Well, I’m not sure… I think it started that one time I wanted to impress Sunny by
becoming strong and beating up a bunch of bullies, so I went to Tamaneagi Sensei who taught me
karate through rap!”

Luigi: (“W-Wow… Quite-a the story.”)

Parappa: “Ever since then, I’ve had a lot of mentors who helped me to rap!”

Luigi: “Have you ever made an original rap?”

Parappa: “Just one… I like to perform it at concerts in Club Fun!”

Luigi: “Wow, you perform to people all by yourself?”

Parappa: “W-Well, I dunno… I’m not the only one on the stage, y’know…”

Luigi: “Heheh, that’s-a very impressive though.”

Parappa: “Heh, thanks… How about you, Luigi? How did you get your talent?”

Luigi: “My talent? Uh… Well, if I’m-a being honest, Mario had just gave it to me on the spot.”
Parappa: “Oh, heheh. Is there another talent you’d rather call yourself?”

Luigi: “Hm, actually, there is. I wouldn’t call it a talent, per say, but I do a lotta ghost hunting.”

Parappa: “Ghost hunting?”

Luigi: “Yeah. Sometimes I had to-a save my brother from haunted mansions… I’m not-a the best
around ghosts, but I did it for him…”

Parappa: “That’s really brave of you, Luigi! You should totally call yourself the Ultimate Ghost

Luigi: “I dunno… Ultimate Plumber seems a lot more humble. Anyway, there’s something I
wanted to ask you, Parappa.”

Parappa: “Is it about Brian?”

Luigi: “Yeah actually. Why’re you so friendly with him now?”

Parappa: “Um… It’s just that I’ve always wanted to talk to him. Maybe it’s because we’re both
dogs? I dunno… But seeing him so sad back at the study made me want to help him. And we’re
making a lot of progress!”

Luigi: (“He has…?”) “What do you mean by progress?”

Parappa: “I don’t like him fighting with Fluttershy and Nagito, so I’m trying to make him happy
again so everyone can get along!”

Luigi: “Parappa, that’s… That’s actually a really nice idea.”

Parappa: “It is?”

Luigi: “Yeah. I’ve-a been visiting Nagito and Fluttershy myself and… Well, maybe we can slowly
edge them back together.”

Parappa: “Ah! That’s great!”

Luigi: (“Heh… maybe things aren’t so bad after all…”)

Luigi and Parappa continued to discuss their plans on how to get the group’s harmony back again,
until they parted ways. While strolling through the halls, Luigi was stopped by a familiar girl.

Yandere-Chan: “Luigi.”

Luigi: “Ayano? What’s— WAH!”

Suddenly Luigi was grabbed by the girl and forced into the women’s bathroom.

Luigi: “U-Um, what’re we doing here? It’s a… little uncomfortable for me.”

Yandere-Chan: “I apologise, but we needed to be somewhere away from the cameras.”

Luigi: (“This must be pretty important then…”)

Yandere-Chan: “I’ve been thinking for a while, about the mastermind. I may have an idea on
exposing their identity.”

Luigi: “Really…?”

Yandere-Chan: “Yes, but I cant do it alone. I’d like your help.”

Luigi: “Of course I can help! What do I need to do?”

Yandere-Chan: “Meet me in Classroom 1-A after the nighttime announcement. There, you’ll have
to distract Monokuma while I go off to conduct my experiment.”

Luigi: “Disract Monokuma? For how long?”

Yandere-Chan: “As long as you can. Don’t worry about me, however, I’ll be quick.”

Luigi: “W-Well, if-a you say so… But why would I need to distract Monokuma?”

Yandere-Chan: “As he is a robot, I’m certain he’s controlled by the mastermind. If he’s distracted,
the mastermind will be distracted also.”

Luigi: “What if there’s more than one mastermind?”

Yandere-Chan: “...That’s a risk I’m willing to take. Are you still in?”

Luigi: “...Of course. Anything to-a get us a step closer to getting out of here.”

The two shared a determined nod in agreement, and discretely left the bathroom one after the other.
The rest of the day went by surprisingly fast, except when Luigi heard a knock on his dorm after
dinner. He had no clue who it could’ve been, but when he opened the door he was met with a
somewhat pleasant surprise.

Luigi: “Brian…?”

Brian: “...Hey. Mind if I come in?”

Luigi: “Not at all.”

Luigi humbly let the canine in, and shut the door.
Luigi: “What did you need?”

Brian: “Look, I just wanna talk, if that’s alright.”

Luigi: “Sure… What about?”

Luigi took a seat on the edge of his bed, and Brian followed suit. He wrung his hands a little before
looking up at the wall opposite.

Brian: “...I don’t think I’ve been the best person recently.”

Luigi: “Brian, it’s okay. You’ve-a been through a lot, and getting angry is only natural…”

Brian: “I know. It’s just… I’ve lost people in the past, sure, but someone in the family, Peter no
less… I never wanted to admit it but, I was always afraid one of us would die.”

Luigi: “Brian…”

Brian: “...What am I supposed to do now? Even if I escape, what am I supposed to tell the family?
Things will… never be the same after this.”

Luigi: “...Hey, it’s not all bad, right? I’m-a sure they’ll be strong about it… And you have Parappa
now. He’s-a been really eager to help you.”

Brian: “Heh, I suppose he has. I don’t understand it, but… I feel like we have some kind of
connection. Hell, it might just be my horrible parental instincts kicking in, but that kid is worth
looking after.”

Luigi: “Parental instincts?”

Brian: “I’ve had a son I wasn’t always there for… Maybe now I have a chance to prove I’m not
such a shitty dad.”

Luigi: “Well, I’m-a sure he appreciates it, we could all use support deep down…”

Brian: “I guess you’re right… Hey, are you busy at nighttime by any chance?”

Luigi: “Ah, I’m afraid I am. I have-a plans with Ayano about, uh…”

In fear of the camera in the room, Luigi discreetly whispered what he was planning to do with
Yandere-Chan to Brian.

Brian: “Huh. That’s okay. I’m glad I could have this talk with you, Luigi.”

Luigi: “Same here.”

Luigi got up to walk the canine out of the room. After a moment, Brian followed, and they waved
to each other as he left. A little later on, the nighttime announcement played, and Luigi heard yet
another knock on his door. This time, however, he knew exactly who it was.

Yandere-Chan: “You ready?”

Luigi: “Just about.”

Yandere-Chan: “Well, we don’t have much time to lose, so let’s go.”

Luigi: “Oka— AH!”

Just like that, Yandere-Chan had grabbed Luigi by the arm once again as they hurried to the
classroom. Once inside, she let him go, leaving Luigi feeling a little dazed.

Luigi: “U-Uh, so how are we gonna get him here?”

Yandere-Chan: “Just ask something aloud. He will usually show up to answer it.”

Luigi: “Oh, alright. Are you sure you’re gonna be fast?”

Yandere-Chan: “I will. I’ll be back soon.”

Luigi: “O-Okay then…”

As Yandere-Chan left, Luigi took a deep breath. He cleared his throat, and spoke aloud.

Luigi: “U-Um, gee, I’ve completely forgotten how this-a machine works. How do I use it again?”

Monokuma: “Really? You out of all people don’t remember how to use the Monomono Machine?!
You’re basically the only one who uses it! Well, actually Nagito uses it a lot too, buuut, I suppose
he can’t now, can he? Puhuhu!”

Luigi: (“Ah, okay, I’ve-a got him.”) “Heheh, I’m-a sorry. It’s just that my mind’s gone blank.”

Monokuma: “Yeah, it must be super hard with a mind full of despair! Then again, why do you need
to use the machine after nighttime? You… planning to do something with someone~?”

Luigi: “U-Uh, no?”

Monokuma: “Really? Not with the yandere girl? The writer dog? How about ol’ hopey? He’s tied
up y’know~ Puhuhu!”

Luigi: “You’re-a seriously weird.”

Monokuma: “And you’re seriously boring! If you ain’t gonna do anything interesting, then I’m
Luigi: “W-Wait!”

Monokuma: “Hm?”

Luigi: “Uh, a-actually, there’s-a something I want to ask you.”

Monokuma: “Oh? I’m all ears, plumber!”

Luigi: (“I may regret this, but…”) “I’d-a like to… join you?”

Monokuma: “Join me? For dinner? Oh, I see! You were interested in me after all!”

Luigi: “No! I-I mean… I want to be part of-a your scheme. I… can’t take this anymore. And I… I
want to help you. Your traitor’s dead, right? Maybe I can… fill that role?”

Monokuma: “...Luigi.”

Luigi: “Y-Yes…?”

Monokuma: “You really are a bad liar.”

Luigi: (“H-Huh?! That… doesn’t sound like Monokuma. No, the voice is-a the same but… it
doesn’t feel like Monokuma said it.”)

Monokuma: “...Puhuhu! What a fun chat, green plumber! Anyway, I have despair business to take
care of, so goodbye!”

Luigi: “Wait—!”
But it was too late. This time Monokuma had disappeared for good.

Luigi: (“I hope that was long enough for Ayano… I should wait for her to-a get back. I wonder
what she was doing…”)

Trying to ignore the strange out of character occurrence for Monokuma, Luigi waited for Yandere-
Chan to return. He laid his eyes on the only clock in the room, and let himself be immersed by the
slowly ticking hands. Soon, however, he felt as if he’d been idling for a lot longer than he
expected, and realised he had been waiting for a very long while.

Luigi: (“Ah, um… Should I just go to bed? Maybe Ayano wasn’t expecting me to-a still be here…
I am kinda tired so…”)

Making up his mind, Luigi left the classroom for his dorm.

Luigi: (“What Monokuma said… it was-a so different to his usual talk… Was… was that the
mastermind talking directly to me? I don’t-a really wanna think about it…”)

Shaking off the strange encounter, Luigi went to sleep.


???: “Monokuma theatres have gotten boring, haven’t they…? Especially since this is the last one,
I want to make it at least somewhat interesting. How do I know that? Well, why should I tell you?
Hmhm… Ah, I don’t know what to say. I really am getting emotional here. Death after death after
death… Don’t think I like it either. Or… maybe I do. You don’t need to know who I am yet,
anyway. It’s much too early for that. Ah, maybe I should’ve just let Monokuma do his thing. I
think I’ve bored myself with this vague rambling! Haha… What a shame.”

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Luigi woke up with a neutral facade, feeling just a little lightheaded from all he did the day before.
He made his way over the dining hall expecting to see a few familiar faces, but…

Luigi: (“Huh? Nobody’s here…”)

Luigi looked around the dining hall and checked the kitchen, but no one was to be found.

Luigi: (“That’s-a strange… Well, at least I know where one person is…”)

Luigi trekked back to the dorms, and headed directly for Nagito’s. A sigh of relief escaped his lips
as he saw the same tied up guy, sitting happily in his own little hopeful world.

Nagito: “Good morning, Luigi! Did you sleep well?”

Luigi: “U-Uh, I guess? Have-a you seen anyone around lately?”

Nagito: “Not this morning, no. Why?”

Luigi: “I just found it weird that no one was in-a the dining hall right now…”

Nagito: “Huh. Well, if it makes you feel any better, I had the most amazing conversation last night

Luigi: (“I might just-a be overthinking things again, but… What if someone is…? ...Oh no. Oh no
no no—“)
Nagito: “—and we— Huh? Luigi?”

Luigi: “S-Sorry Nagito, but I need to find the others!”

Before Nagito could say anything else, Luigi had ran out of the room, and bumped into two
familiar faces.

The Conductor: “Lad? What’s wrong?”

Yandere-Chan: “You seem shaken. Did Nagito say something weird to you?”

Luigi: (“So Ayano’s okay then…”) “N-No, uh, where were you guys?”

The Conductor: “I was just gettin’ ready to go to the dining hall.”

Yandere-Chan: “Do you know where the others are?”

Luigi: “No… I’m-a worried. Should we go look for them?”

The Conductor: “I suppose we should, I can’t stand havin’ such an empty room anymore. It’s

Yandere-Chan: “I’ll go check the second floor.”

The Conductor: “I’ll go look on the third then.”

Luigi: “And I’ll search the fourth and fifth.”

With their sudden plan in motion, the three split up to go look for the others. Luigi, once arriving
on the fourth floor, started searching. He looked in the rec-room bar, art room, principal’s office,
even the classrooms, but no one was to be found. Legs becoming just a bit shakier, he ran up to the
fifth floor. He looked in the garden, the exit hall, and found nothing. Now he was starting to panic.
With the only room left on the floor to try, Luigi ran over to the dubbed ‘W.I.P room’.

Luigi: “Huh? The door lock looks… broken.”

Determined, Luigi tried to open the door. But, it wouldn’t budge. Confused, he tried a little harder.
No matter how much strength he’d put onto the door, it never moved an inch. Eventually The
Conductor and Yandere-Chan arrived on the fifth floor themselves and saw Luigi struggling with
the door.

The Conductor: “Is someone in there?”

Luigi: “I don’t-a know, but we need to get this door open!”

???: “Ah, I wonder what could be on the other side…”

Luigi: “N-Nagito?!”

Yandere-Chan: “Who untied you?”

Nagito: “Monokuma did. He said I shouldn’t ‘miss out on what was about to happen’. I did refuse
to go, but he ushered me up here on my weak legs… I don’t plan on hurting any of you, in fact, I
think I may collapse at any moment!”

The Conductor: “I suppose bein’ a threat’s still on his mind…”

Luigi: “I think you’ve-a been tied up long enough now, anyway…”

???: “Luigi!”

???: “What the hell’s going on?”

Luigi: “Parappa? Brian?”

Parappa: “We heard you guys come up here! What’s wrong?”

Brian: “Hey, why the hell’s he untied?”

Nagito: “Ah, maybe I should’ve been more forceful with Monokuma…”

Luigi: “That doesn’t matter right now, we need to-a get this door open!”

Parappa: “How?”

Yandere-Chan: “Maybe it’ll open if we all go at it.”

The Conductor: “Some good ol’ brute force, eh?”

Luigi: “It’s-a worth a shot.”

And so, everyone started to push and barge and kick at the double doors of the unknown room.
The sound of the door’s abuse filled the once quiet floor, accompanied by Luigi’s own panicked
heartbeat ringing in his ears.

Soon, both doors flew open, accompanied by a large smash. Rubble and dust blocked their vision
of the room for a moment, until it quickly dissipated away.

Brian: “What the hell was that?”

Yandere-Chan: “I think we knocked down what was blocking the door.”

Nagito: “They sort of look like… Monokuma.”

The Conductor: “Ey?! Him?!”

Parappa: “G-Guys…”

Luigi: “Huh? What is… it…”

Luigi looked back up into the room.

Everything was quiet. No one spoke a word.

If Luigi could slap himself for not remembering who wasn’t with them right now, he would. At
least a million times, if not more.

The familiar feeling rushed through his veins: the nauseating, despicable, horrifying feeling he
despised with all his might. The feeling that numbed his body, his senses, his last cling to hope.


Despair from the cold, isolated body of Fluttershy.

Chapter End Notes

Horse is..... dead :(

Bro this was a fun chapter to write doe hehe (‘cept for the end I had teeny tiny bit of
((Also if you didn’t quite understand the intro: it’s the ending of the first Luigi’s
Mansion game where Luigi gets Mario outta the portrait ))
Also yeah Nagito pulled a Chapter 2 don’t @ me this is my story ok— (at least he got
his arm back doe)
Chapter 5: A Grave Mistake to Take to the Grave (Deadly Life)
Chapter Notes

Huh huh huh where am I—

YOOOO I am SO sorry for my long ass hiatus,, I had a huge loss in motivation in
writing this,, but dw!! I’m back baby!
I suppose we all gotta take breaks from time to time, huh?
Anyways, I really hope you enjoy this chapter!!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Luigi stood there, as if frozen in time. It was silly really: by now this was the sixth body he had the
misfortune of witnessing, so it’d make sense he wouldn’t react so heavily as the first time, right?
Well, no matter what, he couldn’t help—couldn’t fight the existential dread of knowing that a
murder took away one life, and was going to take away another soon. That, and the fact that Luigi
was squeamish to all hell and back.

But, that wasn’t important. None of that was important. What was most important was accepting
that Fluttershy was indeed lying dead and the other end of the room.

Parappa: “Fl… Fluttershy…?”

Yandere-Chan: “...She’s dead.”

The Conductor: “But how?!”

Brian: “God knows…”

Nagito: “...”

Luigi: “...Mamma mia.”

Monokuma: “Hey guys, what’s— OH MY GOODNESS! I SEE! I SEE VERY CLEARLY!


Just as soon as Monokuma strolled to the group and took a look inside the room, he had
disappeared in a blink of an eye.

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Monokuma: “A body has been discovered! Seeing as you’re all already in the Monokuma
Museum, this broadcast was basically pointless!”

Luigi: (“Monokuma Museum…?”)

Before Luigi could think any further on that thought, Monokuma had appeared in front of the six in
the room.

Monokuma: “Gee, must suck for you all now that you gotta investigate on an empty stomach and
sleepy eyes, but I don’t care!”

Parappa: “Investigate? So… she was murdered…?”

Monokuma: “How do ya think this works, kiddo? She just magically happened to die without you
all knowing? Puhuhu! As if!”
Brian: “Will you shut the hell up now and give us the file?”

Monokuma: “Wha— Seriously?! You’re still here with this attitude! You make a horrible
detective, you know that?”

Yandere-Chan: “I must agree. We understand how these investigations work now, so there’s no
need for you to be here unless we have a question.”

Monokuma: “Well, DO any of you have a question?”

The Conductor: “...Can yer tell us the myurder for once?”

Monokuma: “You’re a real wise guy, aren’t ya? Puhuhu! Anyways—“

Monokuma tossed a file onto the ground in front of the group.

Monokuma: “Here’s file numero cinco! I have a feelin’ I’m gonna be needed soon, so I’ll keep an
ear out for ya — unlike Mr. Plumber over here! Man, should we add to the stereotype that Italians
are mega deaf? Nyohoho!”

Luigi: “Hey!”

Brian: “Leave.”

Monokuma: “If you insist, Mr. Edge!”

With a melodramatic sigh, Monokuma slumped out of the room.

The Conductor: “Well, uh, it was worth a shot, eh?”

Yandere-Chan: “I suppose we have to conduct an investigation like we usually do.”

Parappa: “...”

Luigi: “Parappa…?”

Parappa: “...We can do it, right? We can avenge Fluttershy?”

Brian: “Of course we will.”

Nagito: “...”

Luigi looked to Nagito. He hadn’t spoken a word since they discovered the body. It made sense of
course: with Fluttershy being the only other person to pay him regular visits, and on top of that
give him a kindness he wasn’t expecting to receive. Now that she was gone, Luigi could only guess
how vulnerable he felt against the group now.

Luigi: “E-Everyone… I know it may be hard, but… Let’s-a continue on as best as we can, okay?”

The Conductor: “Even with a supposed killer among us?”

Yandere-Chan: “That’s what we have been doing each time, isn’t it?”

Brian: “I guess it does feel wrong with such a small group now.”

Parappa: “But we can do it, right?”

Luigi: “...Yeah.”

Luigi took another side glance at Nagito. His speech, albeit vague, was actually directed more
towards him. Luigi couldn’t quite tell if it had worked on him, as his expression stayed still like
one of the many statues scattered around the room. He mentally sighed.
Luigi: (“...As long as everyone else is okay, I’m-a sure we can do this. Alright — let’s-a go!”)


As everyone spread around the room as per usual, Luigi was the first to go over and pick up the

*The victim is Fluttershy. The body was discovered in the Monokuma Museum on the fifth floor.
There is a large slit on her throat, as well as slits on her front hooves and wrists.*

Luigi: “Huh?”

Brian: “What is it?”

Luigi: “Well, it’s just… this file feels a little bare, don’t-a you think?”

Nagito: “...I have to agree. As well as there being no time of death, the cause of death is also pretty
vague. In fact, it just states her wounds, not what killed her.”

Brian: “...Yeah.”
Luigi: (“Ah, Nagito’s talking again? Well, I guess that’s-a good sign…”) “I suppose this is another
case Monokuma’s obscuring. I wonder why…”

*”Monokuma File #5” has been added to truth bullets*

Brian: “What’re you going to look at next?”

Luigi: “The body… I suppose.”

Brian: “Alright then, let’s go.”

Luigi: (“Oh, he wants to work with-a me again? I don’t mind, honestly…”)

Luigi followed Brian over to where Fluttershy’s body was, but he couldn’t help but feel a presence
follow behind him as well. Two people were already situated in front of the body when they

Yandere-Chan: “I see you’ve come to check the body, huh?”

The Conductor: “All three of yer as well.”

Luigi and Brian, confused, both turned around to face Nagito, who was a little ways behind them.
Seeing the eyes on him, he waved awkwardly.

Brian: “Uh, whatever. Have you found anything out about the body yet?”

Yandere-Chan: “I’ve been studying the slashes on her wrists, but they seem very shallow. Nothing
to warrant major injury.”

Luigi: “And the neck cut?”

Yandere-Chan: “Unlike the wrists, this one seems a lot deeper.”

Nagito: “Ah, if it had cut into the jugular vein, that would guarantee she bled out…”

Yandere-Chan: “I had a similar thought to that, actually.”

The Conductor: “Peck! What kinda things are they teachin’ youths in school these days?!”

Luigi: “It’s-a kinda strange, though. Why would anyone cut the backside of her arms?”

Nagito: “And her position seems a little strange…”

Brian: “...Uh huh.”

Luigi: (“...Everyone’s brought up some pretty good points. I should probably keep a note of
everything said.”)

*”State or Fluttershy’s Body” has been added to truth bullets*

The Conductor: “Well, if yer don’t mind me, I suppose I’ll be the lone guard this time.”

Nagito: “That puts you in quite a position if you’re the culprit.”

The Conductor: “Aye?!”

Brian: “You’re one to talk.”

Nagito: “...”
Luigi: “U-Uh— Oh! Look over there!”

Quickly trying to get everyone back on track, Luigi pointed to a strange-looking Monokuma claw
beside Fluttershy’s body.

Brian: “Where did that come from?”

Yandere-Chan: “I believe it came from that statue over there.”

Luigi looked over to where Yandere-Chan was pointing, and there was indeed a Monokuma statue
with a paw missing.

The Conductor: “Well, with all that blood on it, it’s safe to say it’s the myurder weapon, right?”

Luigi: “I’m-a sure it made those cuts, at least.”

Brian: “How? If it’s a statue, wouldn't it be made out of stone?”

Monokuma: “Aaaaand here’s where I come in!”

The Conductor: “Where the peck did you come from?!”

Monokuma: “I was just waiting outside the door — waiting for the moment someone would need a
basic explanation of this place! I mean, c’mon! Did you guys really think you could just start
investigating without a run-down of this amazing room first?”

Luigi: “I thought you-a said it wasn’t finished, though…”

Monokuma: “It was really, really close to finishing before a murder occurred here! In fact, I
probably would’ve been able to open it tomorrow! Thanks for ruining that surprise…”
Brian: “Could you tell us what you meant when you interrupted us then?”

Monokuma: “Oh, that! You see, the Monokuma statues are special! Special as in they were very
expensive to make! So expensive that the workers who sculpted them probably lost all feeling in
their insignificant fingers!”

The Conductor: “What’s that got to do with our investigation?!”

Monokuma: “Alright — lemme cut to the chase: the claws on the statues are actually real! For
authenticity to the real deal, y’know?”

Luigi: “So, they’re real blades?”

Monokuma: “Yup!”

Nagito: “Then they really could be used as weapons, huh?”

Monokuma: “Not recommended, but seriously despairful! Seriously though, don’t break any more
of my precious statues.”

Yandere-Chan: “Two already are…”

Monokuma: “Don’t think I don’t see that, missy!”

Monokuma mumbled to himself before stomping off.

Luigi: (“If the claws are made from-a real blades, then I guess that paw has to be the murder
weapon, right?”)

*”Broken Monokuma claw” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi: “Oh, speaking of those-a two statues over there, should we check them out?”

Brian: “I suppose so.”

Luigi and Brian left the others at Fluttershy’s body to take a look over at the toppled over statues
either side of the doors. However as Luigi was walking, he turned his head to see that Nagito was
once again following them. He flinched for a moment when he was caught, but Luigi gave him a
soft look before turning back around.

Luigi: “So why do you-a think they’ve been knocked over?”

Brian: “They couldn’t have originally been like that, could they?”

Monokuma: “No no no!”

Brian: “You again…”

Monokuma: “Do you want my advice or not?! Advice from Mr. Monokuma is very important,

Luigi: “Then what happened to the statues?”

Monokuma: “I can’t tell you that! But, I can definitely say there were never this close to the door
before! I mean, how could you have gotten inside if they were right here?”

Nagito: “...Hm. They must’ve been blocking the door then, right?”

Luigi: “Oh, that makes sense actually! That’s why it took a lotta force to break in!”

Monokuma: “Who knew a group of sticks could hold some much strength! Puhuhu!”
Luigi: “But if Monokuma said they weren’t supposed to be there, does that mean someone must’ve
moved them there?”

Brian: “Do we want to believe what he says?”

Monokuma: “You HAVE to! You NEED to! I bet you WANT to!”

Brian: “Just get out of here already!”

Monokuma: “O~Kay!”

Luigi: (“...Who could be capable of moving those statues, though?”)

*”Monokuma Statues” has been added to truth bullets*

Brian: “You as well.”

Nagito: “...Huh? Me?”

Brian: “Yeah, you. You’ve been following us around all this time — what the hell are you trying to

Nagito: “I…”

Brian: “Don’t think I plan to let you help just because someone died. You’re still a murderer.”

Luigi: “Brian!”

Nagito: “A-Ah… Of course. I should’ve known I’m more useless than a bug.”
Luigi: “He’s-a just trying to help us! Fluttershy was his friend!”

Brian: “Then he can help you ! I’m not dealing with this bullshit, alright?! I’m going to go see if
Parappa needs any help…”

And with that, Brian walked off in a huff. Luigi stood there, half dumbfounded and half annoyed at
the dog’s outburst.

Nagito: “Luigi, I-I’m so sorry! I’ve ruined your friendship just with my presence! I’ll make sure to
stay as far away from you all as possible—“

Luigi: “No, it’s… okay. I can-a deal with him later. Right now, we should focus on investigating
this murder.”

Nagito: “Really…? You don’t mind me here with you?”

Luigi: “Of course not. I know you’re-a pretty good at this, and it seems you’re alright to investigate
too. And for the record, bugs can-a be pretty helpful!”

Nagito: “Ah, haha… Then let's get back to the investigation, shall we?”

Luigi: “Hm…”

Luigi scanned the area around the Monokuma statues and the door, and stopped at a peculiar

Luigi: “Do you see that?”

Nagito matched Luigi’s gaze, and knelt down to pick up a small clump of strings.

Nagito: “Ah, this kinda looks like robe fibres, right?”

Luigi: “Yeah, I can see it being that. But then, why would there be rope here?”

Nagito: “To make it easier to understand, we need to know if this is the only place where there’s

Luigi: “It’s-a just located around the statues, really.”

Nagito: “Hm…”

Luigi: (“What would rope be doing here in the first place?”)

*”Rope fibres” have been added to truth bullets*

Luigi: “Since the statues are close to the door, I’m gonna go check around there too.”

Luigi stepped closer to the double doors, and paused.

Nagito: “Luigi? Is everything alright?”

Luigi: “Yeah, um… Come-a look at the door…”

Nagito: “Oh. Was it always broken?”

Luigi: “I don’t-a think so. And I don’t think we did that either. The whole door knob and lock seem
broken. Which is weird, since when we first tried out the door…”


Luigi: “Brian? What’re you doing?”

Brian: “I found this more than suspicious room on the map, and I thought I’d check it out. Course,
I can’t even get the damn door open.”


Nagito: “I suppose if it was locked, then someone tried to break in, huh?”

Luigi: “Then… how? And who?”

Nagito: “Mysteries are hard with a lot of questions and no evidence, aren’t they Luigi?”

Luigi: “Sorry, I’m-a just thinking ahead…”

Nagito: “No, I’m sorry for interfering with your train of thought. Everyone else respects it, unlike

Luigi: (“He’s still cautious, huh? It’s to be expected…”)

*”Broken door” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi took his eyes off from the door, eyes narrowing when he caught a glimpse of something in
the corner of the room. He walked over to it, and Nagito, curious, followed suit.

Luigi: “Hey, is this… a baseball bat?”

Nagito: “...”

Luigi watched Nagito freeze and look to the side, avoiding all eye contact with the bat.
Luigi: (“Why did he go quiet? Wait, does this remind him of…?”) “Oh, I’m-a so sorry. You can go
somewhere else if you want.”

Nagito: “No, I’m fine. This is for Fluttershy, right? And, it’s not like anyone else wants my

Luigi: “...If you insist. It’s a little randomly placed, huh? I don’t think it was originally in here,

Nagito: “Mhm. To be over here must’ve meant it wasn’t an obscuration of any kind, since it wasn’t
easy to find.”

Luigi: (“Then, what was its-a purpose? Did it even have a purpose?”)

*”Baseball Bat” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi: “This looks like-a everything in here. Well, as much as I can see.”

Luigi turned back to Nagito, who still had his eyes anywhere other than the bat. However, this time
it wasn’t out of uncomfort — he seemed to be looking around the room in search of anything else.
He watched it as the other’s eyes stopped on something above, and titled his head.

Luigi: “Nagito?”

Nagito: “Look up there.”

Luigi, in turn, raised his head to where Nagito had gestured to, and furrowed his eyebrows.

Luigi: “The camera?”

Nagito: “The security camera’s glass seems to be smashed, right?”

Luigi: “Yeah, but why? Was it always like that?”

Nagito: “I’m not sure… Do you think it’s tied to the case? I doubt any of us could even reach the
cameras, anyway.”

Luigi: “They are pretty high up on the ceiling.” (“I mean, unless someone used a stool, but they
obviously discarded it… What if Monokuma did it? Would it not be connected to this case then? I
don’t-a know, but I should keep a note of it anyway.”)

*”Smashed security camera” has been added to truth bullets*

Nagito: “Where should we go now, Luigi?”

Luigi: “I guess we should-a get some accounts. It’ll help us work out a timeframe for the murder.”

Nagito: “Ah, then I suppose you’ll have to do the talking.”

Luigi turned back to the inside of the room, and did a double take.

Luigi: “Hey, where’s Parappa and Brian?”

Yandere-Chan: “I think they left for the dorms to do some investigating there.”

Luigi: (“Oh… Hopefully Parappa’s calmed Brian down then.”)

Nagito: “And how about The Conductor? Wasn’t he supposed to be guarding the body?”

Yandere-Chan: “I think he left to get a drink. It didn’t sound like he was heading to the kitchen,

Luigi: (“You mean he-a went to the bar…? I’m not a drinker, but I can’t blame him…”)
Nagito: “So, where were you last night?”

Yandere-Chan: “Luigi and I were conducting an experiment on the mastermind.”

Nagito: “Ah, really? That sounds intriguing. Were you two any lucky?”

Luigi: “Erm, I don’t know. I was distracting Monokuma for Ayano, because she thought the
mastermind’s controlling him.”

Nagito: “I’m not sure if this is any help, but there usually is only one mastermind. So, I would
assume that theory is correct.”

Yandere-Chan: “Huh. I’ve forgotten about your past experience on killing games. I would’ve asked
you sooner, if it weren’t for the recent occurrences. My apologies.”

Nagito: “Oh, you don’t need to apologise to someone like me. I really don’t deserve your pity.”

Luigi: “So, how did it go? I never got to ask you yet.”

Yandere-Chan: “...It’s not important right now. We have a case to solve. All you need to know was
that I was at the data centre.”

Luigi: “Oh, alright then.” (“I guess this isn’t the best place to tell us out in the open, is it?”)

*”Yandere-Chan’s account” has been added to truth bullets*

Nagito: “I suppose we’ll leave you to your work.”

Luigi: “Yeah. We need to go ask the others what they know…”

Yandere-Chan gave the two a nod, then returned to her own investigation. Luigi and Nagito left the
Monokuma Museum, and at that moment Nagito had paused again.

Luigi: “Huh?”

Nagito: “Look — isn’t that camera smashed too?”

Luigi: “Yeah, it is… That’s strange.” (“I’d understand if the camera in the Monokuma museum
was smashed due to maintenance issues or something, but out here? I don’t-a know what to think.
All I can do is remember this.”)

*”Smashed security cameras” has been updated in truth bullets*

After the quick stop, the two carried back up on heading down to the dormitory, where they
crossed paths with the two dogs.

Luigi: “Hey, Parappa.”

Parappa: “Oh, hey Luigi! How’s your investigation going? We’ve been discussing a lot of things,
and— oh! Sorry, I’ll let you go first.”

Luigi: (“He seems pretty eager right now. They must really enjoy each other’s company, huh?”)
“Uh, it’s-a going well.”

Brian: “And he’s still with you…”

Nagito: “...”

Luigi: “...We’ve come to ask about what you were doing last night?”

Parappa: “Oh! Yeah, last night I was with Brian!”

Luigi: “Oh?”

Brian: “Yeah, we uh… we were just talking a lot in my dorm. Guess we must’ve fallen asleep there

Parappa: “It was really fun! We had some drinks and snacks, like a sleepover! Though, it was basic
stuff like water and chips… Ah! But, we shouldn’t be talking about this, right? We need to keep
focused for Fluttershy!”

Luigi: “I’m-a sure she wouldn’t mind you talking about this to stay happy though, right?”

Nagito: “...I think so too. Anyway, did anything else happen during that time?”

Parappa: “No, I don’t really remember it all that well anyway.”

Brian: “Me neither.”

Luigi: “No, it’s okay! I don’t-a think anyone was expecting this to happen… Thank you, anyway.”

*”Parappa’s account” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi: “Good luck on your investigation!”

Parappa: “Thanks! Where should we look now, Brian?”

Brian: “I suppose over there…”

Parappa: “Okay! Let’s go!”

Luigi watched as Parappa grabbed Brian’s hand and marched over to another area on the first floor.
He stared on for a moment, smiling warmly, until someone broke the silence.
Nagito: “Ah, Luigi. Should we check Fluttershy’s dorm? It seems to be open.”

Luigi: “Huh? It is?”

Sure enough, as Luigi went over to Nagito, he saw the dorm belonging to Fluttershy was unlocked.
Both curious, they went inside. The interior was similar to his own, yet it had a warm and gentle
aura inside, with a sweet underlying smell to it — definitely matching its owner. It brang a small
wave of melancholy over Luigi, but he knew he had to brush it aside.

While he was composing himself, Nagito was quick to start carefully snooping around the room,
stopping near the bedside desk, and picking up a magenta book that laid atop of it.

Luigi: “What did you find?”

Nagito: “I think it’s her diary.”

Luigi: (“Fluttershy kept a diary in here, huh? Maybe I should’ve, too… Oh well, that doesn’t
matter now.”) “Should we look inside?”

Nagito: “You don’t mind looking through somebody else’s personal writing?”

Luigi: “Well, it’s-a kinda wrong to, but what if there was a clue inside? Maybe something to do
with why she was found in the Monokuma museum.”

Nagito: “Ah, I suppose you’re right.”

Nagito handed the diary to Luigi, who promptly flicked through the pages to find the most recent
entry. It was somewhat difficult, as there were no dates involved, but he eventually found the page.
Nagito: “What do you make of it?”

Luigi: “Let-a me see… O-Oh. Oh my.”

Nagito: “Huh?”

Luigi: “Uh, take a look for yourself…”

Luigi gave the diary back to Nagito, who efficiently skimmed the entry. His brows furrowed once
he was done.

Nagito: “Such… despairful words. But, it looked like she had already overcome most of her

Luigi: “Yeah… This doesn’t feel right at all. But, who knows, it’s-a not easy staying hopeful,
especially right now.” (“It may not be important, but I feel like I need to remember this.”)

*”Fluttershy’s Diary” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi couldn’t believe what he read. Even as it was clearly written out on the pages, it was so hard
to understand. One passage in particular struck out to him, undoubtedly:

*I don’t want to feel this way. It’s not right for friends to kill friends. It doesn’t feel right to send
the ‘killers’ to their deaths either. I don’t want to wake up to a murder. I don’t want to vote for a
killer. I don’t want to go to the trial room again! How do I make it stop? I want it to stop! What do
they want from us? What do they want from me? I shouldn’t give up, but it gets harder and harder
as more friends are lost. I’m not sure how long I can go on for.*

This didn’t just speak for Fluttershy, it spoke for Luigi too. And not just Luigi: everyone else too.
Everyone felt so lost and confused. Why won’t it stop? Why couldn’t they make it stop
themselves? It was horrible.

As Luigi reminisced in his depression, Nagito had been flicking through past entries in the diary,
Luigi not quite knowing why. Maybe it was because the room suddenly got so quiet? Maybe it was
because the gentle aura had been replaced by the cold sensation of grief?

Nagito: “...Why did you sacrifice your time to work with me, Luigi?”

The question caught Luigi off guard, and he knew they had an investigation to get back to
immediately, but it felt wrong to leave the other in the dark.

Luigi: “You’ve-a been through a lot. I understand what it’s like to lose someone you love,
especially by them doing something they thought would protect you. Even though you did what
you did last case, I… don’t think it’s right to leave you like-a this.”

Nagito: “...”

Luigi: “And, if I didn’t, who else would?”

The Conductor: “Aye, lads! Oh, erm, am I intruding on something here?”

Luigi: “Oh, Conductor?”

Nagito: “Ah, hello, Conductor! How was your drink?”

The Conductor: “My drink!? How do yer know about that?”

Luigi: “Well, we just assumed you went to the bar…”

The Conductor: “I mean… That’s not important right now! The lassie told me to round everyone
back up to the museum thingy.”

Luigi: (“She did…?”)

Nagito: “Oh, but this is good timing! We can ask for you alibi, huh?”

The Conductor: “My alibi, eh…? Really…?”

Nagito: “Go on! Don’t be shy! It’ll save you from suspicion, right? Well, unless you really did
despise last night…”

The Conductor: “Stop twistin’ everything with yer pity talk!”

Luigi: “Uh…? Am I missing something here?”

Nagito: “Don’t you want to fill in for Luigi, Conductor?”

The Conductor: “...Fine, I’ll talk. Last night, I got a knock on me door from the late lassie.”


The Conductor: “Aye? What is it? It’s pretty late, y’know.”

Fluttershy: “Ah, I’m sorry to intrude, Mr. Conductor, but I must ask you for a favour… I-I mean, if
it’s alright with you…”

The Conductor: “A favour, eh? What is it?”

Fluttershy: “I need to go… run an errand, b-but I’ve been looking after Nagito, and he doesn’t seem
very happy to be left alone yet, a-and I thought maybe you could keep him company — just until
he looks fine, of course! I really don’t want to leave him so sad for tonight…”

The Conductor: “The peck-neck? Really? I— ...Well, I suppose I could…”

Fluttershy: “Oh, really? Thank you so much, Mr. Conductor! Just keep him occupied with
anything, he really won’t mind talking about your movies if you want!”

The Conductor: “Alright then… Stay safe.”


The Conductor: “Lookin’ back on it, that last line didn’t age so well…”

Luigi: “So you were with Nagito last night?”

Nagito: “Yes he was! We had such a nice conversation, didn’t we?”

The Conductor: “I felt like I was the one bloomin’ tied up…”

Nagito: “Ahaha! You have such a great sense of humour! Maybe you should write comedies!”

Luigi: (“Nagito seems awfully friendly with The Conductor… I guess they really did have a good
*”The Conductor’s account” has been added to truth bullets*

The Conductor: “So, what the peck was that thing this morning about then?”

Nagito: “Hm?”

The Conductor: “Y’know, how the bear seemingly untied yer and all that.”

Luigi: “Oh yeah. Nagito, I thought-a you said no one could untie you?”

Nagito: “Ah, that’s what I thought. But I suppose Monokuma does have an unspeakable power
over things. He even helped me tie myself up, as you know!”

The Conductor: “Why you’d want help from him is beyond me…”

Luigi: “And you were tied up ever since-a this morning, right?”

Nagito: “Yep! Oh, do you doubt me, Luigi?”

The Conductor: “What did yer expect?! This is an investigation for Christ’s sake!”

Nagito: “Ah, then how about… Monokuma!”

Nagito cupped his hands around his mouth and called for the mono bear, but there was no

The Conductor: “What the peck was that?”

Nagito: “Huh, that’s strange… Usually Monokuma appears when I call his name.”
Luigi: (“You say that like-a you trained him or something…”)

Nagito took a few steps forward and sighed.

Nagito: “Maybe Monokuma is ignoring me too…”

Monokuma: “Ignoring you?! Why would I ever ignore you, hopey? You’re like an OG bff! Minus
the bff!”

The Conductor: “And there he is… Wasting our time with his tricks again…”

Monokuma: “Hmm?”

Luigi: “Uh, Monokuma, can you confirm what Nagito’s saying is true? That you’re the only one
who could’ve untied him?”

Monokuma: “Yep! You’re all too weak, you see! I, Monokuma, the great Hercules of our time, can
break any seal just by using my mind!”

The Conductor: “What a load of hooey!”

Monokuma: “Y’know what’s hooey? Your movies!”

The Conductor: “Why you—!”

Monokuma: “Y’know what would be so awesome? What would be so cool? A superhero movie all
about me! Maybe I’ll… shake my booty in 3D!”

The Conductor: “The peck ?!”

Nagito: “...Monokuma, you’re not needed now.”

Monokuma: “Fine! I’ll go! Boo hoo! What a sad world I live in!”

Luigi: (“Well that was… weird. But it’s best to keep a note of it, anyway.”)

*”Nagito’s account” has been added to truth bullets*

The Conductor: “Anyway, can we get goin’ now? I don’t think it’s wise to keep everyone waitin’.”

Luigi: “Yeah, we really can’t afford to waste any more time, really.”

With The Conductor leading the way, the three headed back to the Monokuma museum on the
fifth floor. There, they met back up with Parappa, Brian and Yandere-Chan — the latter looking
relieved that everyone had arrived.

Luigi: “Sorry we didn’t get-a here sooner.”

Yandere-Chan: “That’s fine. I was thinking we could discuss some things before the trial.”

Brian: “That sounds reasonable — at least that bear isn’t actually with us here.”

As the group continued to discuss, Luigi’s eyes drifted over to Parappa instinctively. He noticed
him looking over at Fluttershy’s body, fixated on her with a concerned complexion.

Parappa: “...”

Luigi: “...Parappa?”

Parappa: “H-Huh?”
Luigi: “Oh, nothing…”

Nagito: “...”

Luigi: (“...Is he just mourning her? It kinda looks like it…”)

Yandere-Chan: “So, to start off with, I was thinking that we could go over—“

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Monokuma: “Hey hey hey! Guess what time it is! Really — guess! Well, if you said all of the
above, I would say: ‘Where the hell did you get any answers from?! I didn’t give you any!’
Anywho, it’s trial time! Come on down to the red door on the first floor, and we’ll have a jolly
good ol’ time! Puhuhu!”

The Conductor: “He cut you right off there…”

Brian: “What a prick.”

Yandere-Chan: “It’s fine. We can continue a proper discussion in the trial room.”

Luigi: “I guess we have no choice…”

The group started to make their way out of the room, Luigi getting to the door before turning back
into the room for one last glance — and then realising someone was still in there.

Luigi: “Oh, Nagito? Aren’t you coming?”

Nagito: “Ah, sorry. I was just taking one last look at Fluttershy…”
Luigi: (“...He probably misses her a lot.”)

The two continued with the group down the flights of stairs on each floor until they reached the
first floor. As Luigi was about to turn into the large hall, Nagito stopped him.

Nagito: “Ah, Luigi. Can we check your dorm real quick?”

Luigi: “Oh, sure. But I don’t think you’ll-a find anything in there…”

Nagito: “My thoughts exactly.”

Luigi: (“Huh…?”)

Discreetly, the two hurried over to Luigi’s dorm.

Nagito: “Luigi, where was it where you decided to keep the gun?”

Luigi: “The gun? Uh, just in the drawer over there…”

Following Luigi’s word, Nagito went over and opened up the drawer.

Nagito: “...You might want to take a look at this.”

Luigi: “What do you…”

As Luigi walked over to the open drawer, he could physically feel his heart stop.

Luigi: “Wh-Wh… Where is it…?”

Nagito: “Are you sure this is where you placed it?”

Luigi: “I’m… I’m-a sure… U-Unless… No, this is where… Huh…?”

Nagito: “...Hm.”

Luigi: (“Am I going crazy, or…? No, this is definitely where I…? Was it? Oh… no no no… I don’t

*”Missing gun” has been added to truth bullets*

Monokuma: “What In blazes are you two doing here?! This is the SECOND time you two weren’t
in the room on time! Do you just like bunking trials or something?! Cause, lemme tell ya, it ain’t
gonna work!”

Nagito: “Ah, my apologies, Monokuma. It was all my idea, so you can punish me if you’d like.”

Monokuma: “...I’m kinda saving that for the killer, y’know? Well, unless you are the killer! Can’t
let ol’ plumber know that though! Just get your asses over there before I lose my cool!”

Luigi, while still confused out of his mind, left his dorm with Nagito to the empty room.

Brian: “Where the hell were you two?”

Luigi: “Uh, d-don’t worry about it…”

The Conductor: “Well, this is quite the bare room now… and I’m not just talking about the interior

Yandere-Chan: “I suppose we can’t let that distract us now.”

Parappa: “Yeah, we gotta do this for Fluttershy! She was so kind! I remember her comforting me
when we first found out about the killing game…”

Yandere-Chan: “And I remember sharing small conversations with her while I had my morning

Luigi: “I remember… she was the one who-a got me from my dorm after Mario’s case…”

Monokuma: “Ohhhhh enough with the sappy stuff! We’ve got a trial to run here! Now, get on that
elevator or so help me!!!”

The Conductor: “Why do yer keep changin’ moods?!”

But, Monokuma was gone again without a trace. With not much else to say, the group boarded the

It was quiet. Defiantly quiet. Someone could drop a pin and everyone would notice. Luigi knew it
was a struggle for everyone to keep going, because why wouldn’t it? A murder promptly
interrupted a dispute in the group, leaving everyone muddled and uneasy. Everyone had to quickly
band together to investigate the crime scene — just like every time before. Would this be the last
time? Surely. There were only six of them now, and they couldn’t bear to lose any more.
But, if there was a killer among them, then there would be no choice.

The elevator door opened before Luigi could re-register his surroundings, and the group walked
out into the ‘refurbished’ trial room — which was basically just more purple than usual.

Monokuma: “Welcome! Welcome! Aw, don’t look so glum, everyone! It’s time to convict a killer!
Right then, to your seats!”

The Conductor: “He really does keep changing his attitude…”

Nagito: “Monokuma can be quite unpredictable.”

Brian: “And goddamn annoying.”

Yandere-Chan: “But we shouldn’t focus on that.”

Parappa: “Yeah! We need to figure this out! For Fluttershy!”

Luigi: “Here we go…”

Luigi: (“Fluttershy… She was so kind and gentle, and would rarely ever speak out of-a place until
recently… She became so assertive over the past few days, that I’m-a almost jealous… But

Luigi: (“Now she’s-a gone. Gone by the hands of someone in this killing game.”)

Luigi: (“It’s not fair. It’s just not fair. We shouldn’t have to deal with-a this so soon again.”)
Luigi: (“But… time and time again, we have to. Because, if we don’t, we’ll all die. No one wants
to die. So, we move on, despite our despair!”)

And so yet begins the battle between hope and despair, truth and lies, trust and doubt.

The fifth class trial has begun!

Chapter End Notes

Bruh momento
Who’s da killa? Idk you tell me. Literally. In the comments. I love your game theories.
Matpat would be proud.
((Also that last CG (the elevator one) was a gift to you all! because of my long ass
break so I thought hey! here’s a CG of everyone because I love group CGs, it’s hella
rushed doe I’m sorry lmao))
Also don’t @ me about the super hero movie reference some friends wanted it lol
Chapter 5: A Grave Mistake to Take to the Grave (Class Trial)
Chapter Notes

What the fuck hell is happening here—

Hello all you lovely people! Again, I’m so so sorry for another long hiatus haha (fun
fact I thought I was gonna finish this fic in August but oop here we are )
Also the style has changed a little again (I’m using thicker lineart now so you’ll see the
change) but I’m sure that’s no problemo!
Anyway, who’s da killer? Is there a killer? Idk you gotta read it

See the end of the chapter for more notes

*Despite a dispute in the group, a murder occurred right under everyone’s noses! Why did
Fluttershy die? Why is everything so vague? Who… is the killer?*



The victim is Fluttershy. The body was discovered in the Monokuma Museum on the fifth floor.
There is a large slit on her throat, as well as slits on her front hooves and wrists.


There are many slits on the back of Fluttershy’s arms and wrists, but nothing too deep to warrant
major injury. However, the slit on her neck seems to be pretty deep. As well as that, her seated
position seems unnatural.


The weapon supposedly used to slit Fluttershy’s wrists and neck. It has been broken off one of the
many Monokuma statues in the room. Monokuma has confirmed that the claws on the statues are
made of real blades for ‘authenticity’.


The two Monokuma statues closest to the door have been knocked over. They were originally
blocking the door when everyone tried to break in. Monokuma has stated they shouldn’t have been
right in front of the doors.

There are a few fibres of rope left around the two broken Monokuma statues.


In the Monokuma Museum and the fifth floor, the security cameras have been shattered. It is
unclear what was used to destroy them, as they are too high for anyone to reach.


The Monokuma Museum double doors seems to have been forcefully broken into. It is unclear


In the corner of the Monokuma Museum, there is a baseball bat. It was not simple to find, and
therefore cannot be an obstruction.


Parappa and Brian had slept together in Brian’s dorm the night prior. They had talked for a while,
had a drink and snacks, then went to sleep.


Nagito had help from Monokuma when he tied himself up. He was tied up so tight that him and no
one else could untie him, except for Monokuma when he untied him this morning. He was never
untied prior to this.


Fluttershy had asked The Conductor to stay with Nagito while she ‘ran an errand’. They were
together for a couple of hours until The Conductor returned to his dorm.


Yandere-Chan had Luigi distract Monokuma while she went off to ‘conduct an experiment’ on the
third floor’s data centre.

Fluttershy’s dorm was open, and inside was her diary on her bed. Inside was filled with doubtful
and despair ridden accounts, where she seemed scared and depressed.


Luigi had placed the gun in his room the night the motive was announced. However, when
checked this morning, the gun was missing.


Monokuma: “Now then, let’s begin with a basic explanation of the class trial— Wait, should I? I
mean, I bet you probably skip this part each time… Oh well! I like talking, so you’re gonna get it
anyway! During the trial, you’ll present your arguments for who the culprit is, and vote for
‘whodunnit’. If you vote correctly, then only the blackened will receive punishment. But if you
pick the wrong person… I’ll punish everyone besides the blackened, and that person will get to

The Conductor: “Where do we even start with this? It all seems pretty vague…”

Yandere-Chan: “Probably because you didn’t do much investigating.”

The Conductor: “This mind’s only got room for movies, lassie!”

Brian: “Well, if it makes it any easier on us, we can tell she died by that cut on her neck.”

Parappa: “We can?”

Yandere-Chan: “As stated before, the cut was definitely deep enough to let her bleed out.”

Nagito: “...Hm.”

Luigi: “Huh?”

Nagito: “That may be true and all, however that doesn’t lead us any closer to who did it.”

Brian: “Then what do you propose we do?”

Nagito: “Well, I think the most important question is how she got inside the Monokuma Museum.
As far as I’ve heard, it was locked.”

Luigi: “Yeah, it was. So, someone must’ve-a broken in, right?”

Monokuma: “You’re all so impatient! You couldn’t even wait for my museum to open! Or, should
I take that as a compliment? Puhuhu!”

Yandere-Chan: “I suppose a discussion is due on how whoever broke in did it.”

Luigi: (“Just how did they get in…? I guess we need to figure this out together!”)

Brian: “So, anyone got any ideas?”

The Conductor: “Well, whoever did it certainly wasn’t doing it for the museum.”

Monokuma: “I beg to differ!”

The Conductor: “Quiet, you!”

Parappa: “Maybe they picked the lock? I’ve seen it in movies all the time!”

Yandere-Chan: “Just because it’s in a movie, doesn’t mean it’s realistic.”

The Conductor: “Hey! My movies are incredibly realistic! I even put people in real danger!”

Nagito: “Wow! That’s so amazing, Conductor! Albeit a little dangerous.”

Brian: “And downright stupid.”

Luigi: (“Hmm… Ah. I can refute something here.”)

Parappa: “Maybe they picked the lock? I’ve seen it in movies all the time!”


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”

Luigi: “Actually Parappa, the lock wasn’t opened that way. We found that the door and its lock
were broken. So, blunt force must’ve-a been the method.”

Parappa: “Oh. Heheh…”

Nagito: “Speaking of which, Luigi, I think there was something that could’ve been used to break
the lock, by your theory.”

Luigi: (“Ah, yeah. He must-a be talking about that …”)


Luigi: “We also found a baseball bat in the corner of the Monokuma museum.”

Brian: “And you’re saying that was used to bust down the lock?”

Yandere-Chan: “While not the most stealthy method, it certainly could work.”

The Conductor: “So, then what? Someone got into there, and slashed the late lassie’s neck?”

Parappa: “Ah! Do you think Monokuma did it?”

Monokuma: “Whoa! You can’t pin this on me, puppy!”

Luigi: “No — the weapon used to kill Fluttershy was a claw broken off from one of the Monokuma
statues, not Monokuma himself.”

Nagito: “Imagine spending your time on something only for it to be destroyed…”

Monokuma: “Exactly! Then again, it is super despairful to have that plan foiled, so— ugh! I don’t
know what to think anymore!”
Brian: “So then, do you think someone else slashed her neck? Like him? ”

Nagito: “Hm?”

Yandere-Chan: “That might be plausible. He could’ve lured Fluttershy there since she trusted

Nagito: “Ah, do you really think even she could trust me?”

Brian: “She didn’t bother trusting anyone else…”

Parappa: “But, Nagito was tied up, right? How could he do it?”

Brian: “He could’ve asked Fluttershy to untie him, or hell, the bear to.”

Luigi: “Actually Brian, that couldn’t of-a been the case…”


Luigi: “No one could untie him except for Monokuma, and it was confirmed even by him that he
was only untied this morning.”

Monokuma: “Indeed!”

Brian: “...”

Nagito: “Ah, maybe I should’ve stayed tied up…”

Monokuma: “There’s only so much fanservice I can take, hopey! I’ll get too ahead of myself!”
Luigi: “Uh… yeah. So, Nagito couldn’t of-a been the kill—“

Brian: “I’m not finished.”


Luigi: “Huh? Brian?”

Brian: “Look, I don’t care if you’re ‘friends’ with him. I’m trying to prove my point.”

Luigi: “That’s not why I’m defending him, the evidence states that—“

Brian: “You aren’t thinking your evidence through at all.”

Luigi: (“Huh…?”)


Brian: “You seriously can’t be saying you trust the bear’s word, right? That’s not an account.”

Luigi: “But, it seems reasonable. I can’t think of a reason why Monokuma would lie so blatantly.”

Brian: “He’s the type of fucker to. And anyway, it’s not like Nagito actually has an alibi for last
night. We don’t know what the hell he was up to.”


Luigi: “Allow me to-a cut through those words!”


Luigi: “No, Nagito does have an alibi for last night. Right, Conductor?”

The Conductor: “Er, yeah.”

Yandere-Chan: “You don’t seem so sure on that.”

The Conductor: “Okay, okay — fine! It’s true! I was watching over the lad last night for the late
lassie — nobody needs to judge!”

Parappa: “But we weren’t judging…?”

Nagito: “Ah, Conductor. I’m so sorry the thought of me repulses you to the point you cannot prove
my innocence. Maybe you didn’t find our chat all that interesting… in that case, you may vote for

The Conductor: “Arg, you! Stop making me out to be the bad guy here! Let’s just leave it at that,

Luigi: “So you see, Brian. Nagito couldn’t have murdered Fluttershy, and so couldn’t The
Conductor too.”

Brian: “Hell, I guess not… God.”

Parappa: “It’s alright, Brian! You were just thinking about the possibilities!”

Yandere-Chan: “Although, why was The Conductor watching over Nagito for Fluttershy?”

The Conductor: “Well, she knocked on me door askin’ for the favour, since she needed to ‘run an
errand’... She seemed mighty hasty about it too.”
Luigi: “Did you know anything about that by the way, Nagito?”

Nagito: “Hm… I wasn’t paying much attention at the time, but not too long after she left my dorm,
I was greeted by The Conductor.”

Yandere-Chan: “So whatever that ‘errand’ was, she wanted to get it done fast. And that probably
included going to the Monokuma Museum, meaning she willingly went there.”

Parappa: “Do you think she was planning to meet someone?”

Luigi: “I don’t-a think so. As far as I know, all of us have alibis.”

Brian: “Then… what if it was a suicide?”

Parappa: “H-Huh?!”

The Conductor: “A suicide? Again?! Well, actually… this’ll be the first.”

Yandere-Chan: “The first if we can prove it is true. Of course, I do believe this had happened
myself; it was what I was planning to propose to you all before the announcement.”

The Conductor: “So yer sayin’ she went there by herself and slit her own wrists and neck?”

Brian: “Is it not possible?”

Luigi: “...It just might be.”

Parappa: “L-Luigi?”
Luigi: “There was… something that we found…”


Luigi: “Fluttershy’s diary… its most recent entries made her seem very depressed and-a scared…”

The Conductor: “Doesn’t sound like the poor lass wasn’t so stable as she made herself out to be
after all…”

Nagito: “And considering the type of wounds inflicted on her: slits on the backside of her arms, as
well as the slash on her throat; it’s reasonable to say they were self-inflicted.”

Parappa: “Even so, would Fluttershy really…?”

Brian: “People have their reasons.”

Yandere-Chan: “If the suicide is true, then she must’ve been the one to lock the doors as well. If
so, I was wondering how she would accomplish such a feat.”

The Conductor: “Oh yeah. How could she do that?”

Luigi: “I guess-a we gotta think about that next…” (“I think I’m starting to have an idea


The Conductor: “How do yer think the lass did it then?”

Parappa: “Was she really alone? Did she really… do it?”

Yandere-Chan: “It’s an acceptable theory — and we have to move on with it.”

Nagito: “Then might I propose an idea?”

Brian: “What the hell do you want?”

Nagito: “Ah, well, she must’ve moved something in front of the doors, right?”

Parappa: “She did? Herself…?”

Brian: “Parappa, we have to focus here.”

Parappa: “...S-Sorry.”

Luigi: (“Parappa… Ah, no. I need to focus.”)

Nagito: “Ah, well, she must’ve moved something in front of the doors, right?”


Luigi: “I agree with-a that!”


Luigi: “Yeah, that’s exactly it! Fluttershy must’ve-a moved the Monokuma statues right in front
of-a the doors!”

The Conductor: “They weren’t there originally then?”

Monokuma: “Nope! How the hell would you all have gotten inside otherwise?! Teleportation?
Puh-lease — you guys don’t even have the slightest idea about it!”
Yandere-Chan: “But why would she do that? It did easily imply what she was trying to do.”

Brian: “Maybe she just didn’t want anyone else to interfere…”

Parappa: “But, why? Why would Fluttershy want to take her life…? She was fine, right…?”

Luigi: “Parappa…”

Monokuma: “Maybe she couldn’t take all the stupid drama you guys got yourselves in!”

The Conductor: “I thought she was one of the people who started it!”

Brian: “...It could’ve been a sacrifice.”

Luigi: “A sacrifice?”

Yandere-Chan: “To persuade us to not continue the killing game? It’s a stretch, but it could be it.”

Parappa: “A sacrifice… So we wouldn’t kill each other… That’s really selfless of her…”

The Conductor: “I suppose she did have that kinda heart, eh?”

Nagito: “...”

Parappa: “I… I could accept that! If she did this for us, to stop our fighting, then—!”

Nagito: “Something doesn’t quite add up here, huh?”

Parappa: “Huh?”

Luigi: (“...Now that-a he mentions it…”) “It’s Monokuma, right?”

Monokuma: “Me?!”

Nagito: “Monokuma has been awfully verbal during this trial. It’s almost as if he’s joining in for a
specific reason.”

Monokuma: “Well, I, erm, just want to fill in for the missing people, y’know? With only six of you
I ought to be the other nine!”

The Conductor: “Yer certainly not acting as nine pecking people!”

Nagito: “Monokuma, you do know who the killer is, right?”

Monokuma: “Why, of course I do!”

Parappa: “I-It’s Fluttershy, right? She’s her own killer, right?”

Monokuma: “I can’t tell you until you all vote, ‘right’?”

Luigi: “...Then, what’s the deal with the broken cameras?”

Brian: “Broken cameras?”

Luigi: “Nagito and I found smashed cameras on the fifth floor, specifically in the Monokuma
museum and-a the halls.”

Yandere-Chan: “If they were broken, doesn’t that mean that—“

Monokuma: “I don’t know what that means! Do enlighten me! Or not! How could you even break
my cameras? They’re too high up! Higher than a coconut tree!”

The Conductor: “What’re yer goin’ on about now?!”

Luigi: (“Monokuma is definitely aching strange now… If he wants to know how they were broken,
then we’ll give him an answer!”)


Monokuma: “What? What? What?!”

The Conductor: “What?!”

Parappa: “Um, it could’ve been Fluttershy! She could’ve flown up to the cameras! Since she…

Yandere-Chan: “But then how would she have broken them?”

Brian: “It isn’t like there’s a weapon that could’ve reached them from the ground.”

Nagito: “Unless, we were to take something else into account.”

Parappa: “What do you mean…?”

Monokuma: “I don’t even vibe with this, dawg!”

The Conductor: “Now he’s just lost his marbles!”

Luigi: (“I’m… afraid to admit this, but…”)

Brian: “It isn’t like there’s a weapon that could’ve reached them from the ground.”


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “There… There’s actually something that could’ve reached the cameras from-a the ground:
the gun.”

Parappa: “The gun?! B-But I thought you hid it, Luigi!”

Luigi: “I… I did, but…”

Nagito: “We went to check on the gun before we went to the elevator, and the gun was indeed

Yandere-Chan: “I see, that’s why you two were late.”

Brian: “Well, I suppose there’s no denying that a gun could fit the bill here.”

The Conductor: “That’s a good idea and all, but I thought yer would get punished if yer damaged

Monokuma: “Mhm! Mhm! You totally would! You get mauled to death by a Monokuma army!
Then, your remains will be fed to my slaves!”

Nagito: “The same ones that created your statues?”

Monokuma: “Ooh~ looks like someone’s keeping up with the mono-lore!”

Luigi: (“That is-a true. There’s no way Monokuma would let someone get away with breaking the
cameras… unless…”)

Yandere-Chan: “It could’ve been the traitor, and Monokuma let them break them for the case.”

Parappa: “But didn’t Sans say the traitor was dead?”

Brian: “And what if he was wrong? Or just lying?”

Nagito: “...”

Luigi: “No… No, I think there was another way.”

The Conductor: “Oh? Spill it, lad.”

Luigi: “Well, you should-a know: you were there when it happened, Nagito included.”

The Conductor: “Eh?! I was?”

Luigi: “Remember when Nagito tried to-a summon Monokuma?”


Nagito: “Ah, then how about… Monokuma!”

Nagito cupped his hands around his mouth and called for the mono bear, but there was no
The Conductor: “What the peck was that?”

Nagito: “Huh, that’s strange… Usually Monokuma appears when I call his name.”

Luigi: (“You say that like-a you trained him or something…”)

Nagito took a few steps forward and sighed.

Nagito: “Maybe Monokuma is ignoring me too…”

Monokuma: “Ignoring you?! Why would I ever ignore you, hopey? You’re like an OG bff! Minus
the bff!”

The Conductor: “And there he is… Wasting our time with his tricks again…”

Monokuma: “Hmm?”


Nagito: “Ah, now that I think about it, that did seem very suspicious.”

Monokuma: “Oh really? Even though we were trying to prove your innocence?”

Parappa: “What’s the suspicious part?”

Luigi: (“It has to do with Monokuma not responding immediately. It has to-a be the fact that…”)

> Monokuma wasn’t paying attention

> Monokuma couldn’t see Nagito

> Monokuma had glitched out


Luigi: “Monokuma couldn’t see Nagito from-a the cameras, so that’s why he didn’t appear when
Nagito first called for him!”

The Conductor: “Well why not? I thought the cameras picked up everything — as pecked up as
that sounds!”

Luigi: “Well, remember when Nagito took a few steps forward, then Monokuma appeared?”

Parappa: “Ah, then that means—! Wait, what does that mean?”

Yandere-Chan: “The cameras have blind spots, most likely.”

Parappa: “Oh yeah… that.”

Nagito: “I thought you were good with cameras, Conductor, being a movie director and all…”

The Conductor: “I only work with cameras that I can blooming reach, peck-neck!”

Brian: “So you’re saying whoever took the gun utilised blind spots to break the cameras without
the bear knowing? Is that even possible?”

Yandere-Chan: “There’s a chance it could be. From accidental stunts alone such as the anecdote
we were just presented with, someone could’ve found out on their own accord. With a few
experiments beforehand, it definitely could’ve been carried out as Luigi said.”

Monokuma: “Well, you sure know your stuff, missy! Care to explain the entire mystery of my life
as well?!”
Brian: “I’m still not quite convinced.”

Parappa: “Y...Yeah. It sounds pretty tricky to do.”

Luigi: “Well, that isn’t the only reason it could’ve worked…”


Luigi: “Last night, Ayano and I made a plan where I distracted Monokuma while she went off to
conduct an experiment. During the time where Monokuma was being distracted, the killer
could’ve-a easily destroyed the cameras then.”

The Conductor: “That’s quite the convenient coincidence.”

Nagito: “But it does guarantee the killer that extra stretch of safety over their plan.”

Brian: “But wouldn’t all this mean that Monokuma has no idea who the killer is?”

Parappa: “Huh? No way! He has to know! Or else… Or else… Wait. What would happen then?”

Monokuma: “W-Who needs to know that?!”

Yandere-Chan: “We do. Since you don’t know the identity of the killer.”

Monokuma: “I-I-I do!!!”

Luigi: “Monokuma… Just admit it.”

Monokuma: “...Ffffffffffine! Fine! I DON’T! Okay?! I don’t know who the freaking killer is!”
Parappa: “W-What?!”

Luigi: (“So… it’s-a true, huh? I was kinda hoping he did know, because now…”)

The Conductor: “Then what the peck are we supposed to do?! We’ve been discussing the killer all
this time, but even YOU don’t know?!”

Nagito: “Ah, just as I suspected. But, I’ve never experienced a case like this before. What do we do
in a case where Monokuma doesn’t know the identity of the killer? It’s not stated in the rules.”

Monokuma: “Yeah, because it’s never supposed to happen! When people defy me, I get really
mad! So to whoever did this, I’m really mad at you!”

Yandere-Chan: “If the killer isn’t known, even by Monokuma, then I suppose this trial is at a

Brian: “Do we have to continue on then? What’s even the goddamn point?”

The Conductor: “We can’t just let the killer run free!”

Parappa: “But, Brian’s right! I don’t want to continue on with this! A-And anyway, we said
Fluttershy commited suicide, didn’t we?”

Luigi: (“Yeah… Wait, n-no, that… can’t be right anymore…”)

Parappa: “Luigi? That’s what we said, right…?”

Luigi: “No. It’s not a suicide.”

Brian: “What? What the hell are you talking about?”

Luigi: “It can’t be. Why would she go out of her way to do all of-a this? If she wanted to sacrifice
herself for us, why would she hide it from Monokuma as well?”

Yandere-Chan: “Then are you suspecting it’s one of us?”

Parappa: “No! It can’t be one of us! None of us would kill her!”

The Conductor: “I hate to break it to yer, lad, but that’s what’s been goin’ on for the past four

Brian: “Yeah, well this one’s different.”

Nagito: “I’m with Luigi on this one: considering the circumstances, this wouldn’t be a suicide

Yandere-Chan: “Normally I would agree too. However, I’m too cautious to rule anything out if
Monokuma doesn’t know.”

Monokuma: “I’m useless now! Utterly useless! What can I do except make very funny one-liners
that everyone totally laughs at each time?!”

Luigi: “Even if Monokuma doesn’t know, this doesn’t mean we should-a give up discussion! I
believe this can’t be a suicide, and—“

Parappa: “Why?”

Luigi: “Huh…?”

Parappa: “Why do you believe one of us killed her, Luigi…?”

Luigi: “Because… b-because—“

Brian: “We’re not going to waste time over your split opinion—“

Monokuma: “Did someone say opinion? I mean, split opinion? I mean, split? Arg! Now I’m all
messed up! Let’s just get on with it already!”

Nagito: “No breaks for Monokuma.”

The Conductor: “No breaks for us either, unfortunately.”

Luigi: (“No, this definitely can’t be a suicide, as much as it would be easier to believe it is. I’m
sorry, guys, but I need to prove that was a murder!”)


*Was this case a suicide or a murder?*








The Conductor


Brian: “It’s obvious — Fluttershy took the gun and shot the cameras herself.”

Luigi: “But why would Fluttershy want to hide her suicide?”

Yandere-Chan: “While that may not be clear, her diary shows she was in a state of contemplation.”

The Conductor: “She never actually wrote in her diary that she was thinkin’ about offin’ herself!”

Parappa: “B-But since Monokuma doesn’t know, this could be right!”

Nagito: “Since Monokuma doesn’t know, that could be wrong too.”

Brian: “It was a locked room for God’s sake: Fluttershy was the only one who could’ve locked it.”

Nagito: “A locked room doesn’t necessarily mean it was a suicide.

Yandere-Chan: “The alibis we’ve heard line up with the theory.”

The Conductor: “Too bad we haven’t heard all the alibis, eh? They could contradict!”
Parappa: “Why would anyone want to murder Fluttershy?!”

Luigi: “Because it’s not just a murder - something deeper must-a be going on here!”



“This is our answer!”


Luigi: “To rule this case as a suicide doesn’t seem right… It just makes no sense with what we
now know.”

Parappa: “But… b-but…”

Monokuma: “But yes! I like where this is going! A suicide? No way josé!”

The Conductor: “Huh?! So yer do know!”

Monokuma: “Nope! I just think it’d be SO boring if it was! So I vote for murder too!”

Brian: “...”

Luigi: “Brian…?”

Brian: “No, you’re right. Let’s continue this way.”

Parappa: “R-Really…?”
Brian: “Yeah. If you’re saying this is a murder, then someone else shot the cameras, right? So,
who took the gun?”

Luigi: “That… Well, we need to talk about that now.”

Yandere-Chan: “Whoever did, it would give a reason as to why they wanted to hide what was
going on versus if Fluttershy did it.”

Nagito: “Ah, well, since I wasn’t able to leave my dorm, I suppose you’ll have to fill in for me
about what happened with the gun.”

Luigi: “I… nothing. I just left it in my dorm and… today it was gone.”

The Conductor: “Then someone stole it obviously! I thought we had a truce here!”

Nagito: “Was there any particular time when your dorm was left vulnerable, Luigi?”

Luigi: (“Was there…? …! Wait a minute!”)


A little later on, the nighttime announcement played, and Luigi heard yet another knock on his
door. This time, however, he knew exactly who it was.

Yandere-Chan: “You ready?”

Luigi: “Just about.”

Yandere-Chan: “Well, we don’t have much time to lose, so let’s go.”

Luigi: “Oka— AH!”

Just like that, Yandere-Chan had grabbed Luigi by the arm once again as they hurried to the


Luigi: “...There was. When it was time to distract Monokuma, Ayano hurried me to the classroom

Brian: “And?”

Luigi: “...I had no time to lock my door.”

The Conductor: “Really?!”

Yandere-Chan: “Oh…”

Parappa: “So… that means…”

Nagito: “During the period of time where Luigi’s dorm was unlocked, anyone could’ve snuck in
and stolen the gun.”

Luigi: (“It really was one of us, huh…? Someone… took the gun. We all-a promised not to touch
it, right? ...Mamma mia.”)

The Conductor: “Well, uh, not to worry, aye? We can just go through everyone’s alibi’s for that
time, right?”

Yandere-Chan: “I suppose that’s the only thing we can do. It’s not like we can check where the gun
is now, especially since the culprit might’ve discarded it.”

Monokuma: “I’m just glad someone actually used the motive! ...Albeit to fool me!”

Nagito: “I wasn’t very time aware last night, but I’m sure me and The Conductor were busy then.”

The Conductor: “And we definitely aren’t coverin’ for each other! Alright?!”

Parappa: “I was with Brian in his dorm, and we never left the whole night!”

Brian: “Yeah. So how about you two?”

Luigi: “Well, I was distracting Monokuma in the classroom…”

Monokuma: “Can confirm! I was there! No joke!”

Yandere-Chan: “And I was… on the third floor.”

The Conductor: “That’s awfully vague!”

Parappa: “But, I’m sure you were with someone, right?”

Nagito: “Who else is there?”

Yandere-Chan: “...Yes, I do seem suspicious since I was alone. But, I never went to the fifth floor.”

Brian: “But that leaves us with no one. So obviously you’re the most suspicious person as of now.”

Nagito: “As well as that, doesn’t your whole story with Luigi seem just a little strange? The fact
that you needed someone to distract Monokuma, and to be the one who forced him to leave without
locking his door…”

The Conductor: “By God! The lass set this all up under our unsuspecting noses!”

Monokuma: “Do you even have a nose?”

Luigi: (“That… is a possibility. But, could it really be?”)

Yandere-Chan: “...Alright. I see I’m not going to be able to convince you all without debating. We
said Fluttershy was the one to lock herself in. But, if we’re saying this is a murder case, then that
couldn’t of possibly happened.”

Brian: “You’re just changing the subject so we don’t focus on you.”

Parappa: “But she’s right! That means the killer locked the door… but how?”

Luigi: (“That is true… If there is a killer, then we need to figure out this change!”)


The Conductor: “So, we originally said the late lass pushed the statues in front of the doors, eh?”
Brian: “But that doesn’t ring true anymore.”

Parappa: “So the killer must’ve pushed the statues themself then left the room… Is that even
possible? They would’ve been trapped inside too!”

Yandere-Chan: “It would be if they had a means of doing it from outside the room.”

Nagito: “Ah, good catch.”

Monokuma: “Catch? Catch?! Where’s the ball?”

The Conductor: “Stop joinin’ in on our discussions!”

Monokuma: “Wah! I’m so useless!”

Luigi: (“Yeah. That’s exactly how it was-a done!”)

Yandere-Chan: “It would be if they had a means of doing it from outside the room.”


Luigi: “I agree with-a that!”


Luigi: “The killer locked the room from the inside while being on the outside!”

Parappa: “But what could they have used to do that?”

Luigi: “These rope fibres me and Nagito found around-a the statues.”

Nagito: “We really are all too familiar with rope making an appearance in cases, huh?”

Monokuma: “And now for our special guest: rope!”

The Conductor: “This isn’t a T.V. show!”

Brian: “You say rope was used, but how?”

Luigi: (“That’s all I need to figure out now… With just a little extra bit of-a thinking, I’ll get to the


*Q1: What was the rope tied to?*

> Both Monokuma statues

> Left Monokuma statue

> Right Monokuma statue


*Q2: Where did the killer stand after tying the statues?*

> Inside the room

> In the doorway

> Outside the room


*Q3: What did the killer do to move the statues?*

> Push the rope

> Pull the rope

> Twist the rope


Luigi: “It’s all-a coming together!”


Luigi: “The killer tied the rope to both of-a the statues, then pulled from the outside to lock the
door from the inside!”

Parappa: “So there was a way after all!”

The Conductor: “I guess that’s solved then, eh? After killing the lass, the killer locked the room
using that method, an’ fled the scene.”

Brian: “Okay, that’s great and all, but that still doesn’t remove you from the suspects list.”

Yandere-Chan: “I suppose it doesn’t. Still, it was a good way to figure that out.”

Nagito: “Still, isn’t it strange how the killer decided to shoot the cameras in the first place? No
one’s attempted it before.”

Monokuma: “That’s because I didn’t give them a gun! …And this is also why I’m never giving out
a gun ever again!”
Parappa: “W-What do you mean…?”

Nagito: “All the killer has to do is get away with murder, right? I mean, for them to escape, at least
Monokuma needs to know their identity.”

Luigi: (“Yeah… that is strange. It’s almost like…”) “It’s almost like they were trying to hide

The Conductor: “Aye? Hide what?”

Brian: “Something even from the bear?”

Luigi: “Y...Yeah. But, I’m not sure what…”

Monokuma: “Well this is just great, isn’t it?”

Nagito: “...Hm, I do believe one of us is hiding something.”

Yandere-Chan: “Oh?”

Nagito: “I’m sure you know who, Luigi.”

Luigi: “Huh? Me?” (“I do…? Th... Them?”)


As the group continued to discuss, Luigi’s eyes drifted over to Parappa instinctively. He noticed
him looking over at Fluttershy’s body, fixated on her with a concerned complexion.
Parappa: “...”

Luigi: “...Parappa?”

Parappa: “H-Huh?”

Luigi: “Oh, nothing…”

Nagito: “...”

Luigi: (“...Is he just mourning her? It kinda looks like it…”)


Luigi: “...Parappa?”

Parappa: “H-Huh?”

Luigi: “Is… Is there something you’re not telling us?”

Parappa: “W-What?! No, u-um…”

Brian: “Why’re you cornering him? What did he do?”

Luigi: “It’s-a fine. You can tell us, Parappa.”

Parappa: “...”

The Conductor: “Lad…?”

Yandere-Chan: “...?”

Luigi: “You can-a trust us, alright?”

Monokuma: “You better!”

Luigi: “...”

Monokuma: “What?!”

Parappa: “I… I saw something.”

Nagito: “On Fluttershy?”

Parappa: “Y-Yeah…”

Luigi: “What was it…?”

Parappa: “...S...Stitches.”

Brian: “Stitches?”

Parappa: “On her chest.”

Luigi: (“Huh…?!”)

Monokuma: “WHAT?!”
The Conductor: “Why’re you surprised?! Wait… yer didn’t know?!”

Nagito: “Of course he didn’t know. There were no cameras to spot it.”

Parappa: “T-They were under her hair, and I didn’t know if it was important, and I didn’t know
what it meant, and I was to afraid to bring it up because everyone was so busy, a-and I’m sorry—“

Luigi: “No, Parappa. You don’t-a need to be sorry. In fact, this piece of evidence changes

Parappa: “I-It does…?”

Luigi: “The gun wasn’t just used to shoot the cameras.”

Yandere-Chan: “It wasn’t?”

Luigi: “No. It was used to kill Fluttershy as well.”

Monokuma: “I— Wha— HOW?!”

Nagito: “To see even Monokuma beyond words is… quite new for me! How interesting!”

The Conductor: “And why’re yer so happy for? Why are yer acting like yer know so much?”

Nagito: “I figured something was up when Parappa was oddly quiet back then. So, I decided to
check Fluttershy’s body after you had all left the room, and I did indeed find stitches hidden behind
her hair.”

Luigi: (“So that’s-a why…”)

Yandere-Chan: “And you didn’t think to tell us sooner?”

Nagito: “Well, I thought since Parappa spotted it first, who am I to take away his spotlight? He is
very good at spotting small details, like that strand of fur back in the second case!”

Parappa: “...”

Brian: “Someone’s a bit too cocky out of those ropes.”

Monokuma: “It’s Nagito! Do you think he understands social cues?”

Nagito: “Ah… I’m sorry.”

The Conductor: “Er… Back to what Luigi said. How do yer know the gun was the murder weapon

Luigi: “Well, there’s a couple of-a things that lead me to believe this way. First, the amount of
obscuration on the wound. Being stitched up and being covered by Fluttershy’s own hair means
that the killer didn’t want us to find out about it.”

Parappa: “That means this is a murder, right? Fluttershy couldn’t have stitched up her own

Yandere-Chan: “And as well as that, she is a horse: there’s no way for her to handle a gun.”

Nagito: “Pegasi, but you are correct.”

The Conductor: “Ah, and so all those other wounds were… what now?”

Luigi: “They had to have been…”

> From a fight

> Self inflicted wounds

> Obstructions


Luigi: “Yes - they were obstructions too.”

Nagito: “They were most likely done very soon after she died so there would still be bleeding.”

The Conductor: “So, another myurder disguised as a suicide? Not entirely original, eh?”

Monokuma: “From critiquing movies to murders - how interesting!”

The Conductor: “I’m not trying to!”

Parappa: “But how about her diary? Was it just a coincidence?”

Nagito: “It could be. However, her dorm door was open, right? I understand if she wanted to keep
it open for us to find her diary if it was a suicide, but since it’s not…”

Brian: “Are you implying the killer kept her door open to persuade people to look inside?”

Yandere-Chan: “Once she was dead, they could gain access to her key. Maybe they wanted to
fabricate more evidence, and was lucky enough to find the diary.”

Luigi: “So to recap, the culprit shot Fluttershy, stitched up-a her wound and inflicted new ones,
locked the room, and left her dorm open all to make it seem like a suicide.”

Nagito: “This would also explain her strange position: the culprit must’ve sat her upright against
the wall and obscured the stitching behind her hair.”
The Conductor: “So we’ve managed to figure out the end, but how about the start? How did the
myurderer even get the lass to the museum?”

Luigi: “That…”

Monokuma: “Well? Why’ve you all gone quiet! We need an identity here!”

Luigi: (“I just… I just don’t understand…”)

Monokuma: “Hello?!”

The Conductor: “Give us some pecking time! It’s not like you know!”

Monokuma: “Orrrr we could try plan B.”

Yandere-Chan: “Plan B?”

Monokuma: “All I really need is an execution, right? If you’re all saying it’s a murder, then why
don’t I just randomly execute one of you? That would be pretty exciting!”

Parappa: “W-What?”

Luigi: “Huh?!”

Nagito: “You’ve never done that before…”

Monokuma: “Well this is the new me! The new Monokuma doesn’t want to wait this damn long
for despair!”

Brian: “Why didn’t you tell us about this earlier? That way, we could’ve—“
Monokuma: “Who should we go for? Miss Yandere? Hmm… Mr. Director? Hmm… Oh! How
about YOU! Parappa!”

Parappa: “H-Huh…?!”

Luigi: “What?! No, you can’t—!”

The Conductor: “How heartless are yer?!”

Monokuma: “What?! I’m just following Peta’s footsteps!”

Yandere-Chan: “How could you be okay with going against your own rules?”

Nagito: “And we never said we gave up with our discussion. What if we can come to a

Monokuma: “Well if ya can, I suppose that’s an entirely different story! But, who cares?!”

Brian: “...”

The Conductor: “We care! Yer ain’t executing someone who’s done nothing wrong!”

Monokuma: “Who says he isn’t the killer? There’s a what? A one in six chance? That’s good
enough for me!”

Parappa: “N-N-No! I-I don’t want to! I don’t want to die!”

Luigi: “We won’t let-a you do this! There’s no way we will!”

Monokuma: “Too bad, plumber! It’s what the principal wants! You don’t need to cast your votes
this time around, because we’re getting right onto the—“

Brian: “Wait! What if… What if Fluttershy saw the killer holding the gun…?”

Luigi: (“Huh…?”)

Parappa: “B-Brian…?”

Brian: “That’s a possibility, right? It matches with the alibis too.”

Yandere-Chan: “Once Fluttershy leaves Nagito’s dorm, she sees the culprit holding the gun. That’s
why she said she was going to ‘run an errand’, as she decided to follow the culprit. It could make

Nagito: “I suppose it really was as simple as luring her to the Monokuma Museum.”

Monokuma: “Did you really all interrupt me for THAT?!”

Luigi: “Y-Yes, because…”

Brian: “Because with that in mind, what can be inferred next?”

The Conductor: “Aye?”

Luigi: (“...If the culprit had the gun in their hand, shot the cameras, and broke into the Monokuma
Museum all by themself, then…”)

Parappa: “L-Luigi…?”

Luigi: “What if we were thinking about this all wrong?”

Yandere-Chan: “What do you mean?”

Luigi: “What if, all this time… the culprit wanted to commit suicide?”

The Conductor: “Ah, that makes sense… WAIT A BLOOMIN’ MINUTE WHAT?!”

Parappa: “Wait, what?! I don’t understand!”

Luigi: “I don’t either, but…”

Brian: “But it makes sense, right?”

Nagito: “Well, if we look at it that way… Ah, yes. Why would the killer shoot Fluttershy if they
were planning to make it look like a suicide? We’d all know she couldn’t have shot herself.”

Yandere-Chan: “It would be much better if they did kill her in a way that matched a suicide. A
gunshot feels… too unplanned.”

Monokuma: “Unplanned?! I thought this whole thing was thought up by a Nasa engineer!”

Parappa: “But then, why did Fluttershy die…?”

Luigi: “It’s-a because…”

> She shot herself

> The killer shot her accidentally

> The killer shot her purposefully


Luigi: “It was an accident. A complete accident.”

The Conductor: “It was… an accident?”

Luigi: “...”

Brian: “...”

Luigi: (“Why…?”)

Brian: “That meant they weren’t expecting Fluttershy to follow them up to the room. And,
knowing her, she’d definitely try to stop them from taking their own life… They fought over the
gun, which led to the culprit making a grave mistake.”

Luigi: (“Why would you…?”)

Parappa: “Who… Who would’ve done that?”

Luigi: “...”


Teto: “Miku… She wouldn’t do that!”

Brian: “People have their motives…”


Parappa: “No, that’s not the truth. You’re not happy, are you…?”
Brian: “Yeah, well maybe I’m not. Why the hell do you care? It’s not like anything matters
anymore. We’re all gonna fucking die anyway—“


Parappa: “Even so, would Fluttershy really…?”

Brian: “People have their reasons.”


Luigi: “...”


Luigi: “...It was Brian.”

Brian: “...”

Parappa: “W-What?! Brian?! Luigi, what're you talking about?!”

Luigi: “...I—“

Parappa: “That’s not true, right? You’re wrong! He’s wrong, isn’t he Brian? B-Brian?”

The Conductor: “I doubt Luigi’s gone an’ made a random assumption here…”

Nagito: “He’s very serious, actually. And I agree with him.”

Yandere-Chan: “How do you know, Luigi?”

Monokuma: “Yeah, HOW?”

Luigi: “...”

Brian: “...”

Parappa: “B-But that makes no sense! You can’t say it was Brian! H-He… He was with me! We
were together the whole night! Why’re you saying it’s him, Luigi?!”

Luigi: (“Parappa… I don’t want to do this, either. But, he’s telling me… I can-a see he wants to. I
have to convince everyone for him…”)

Yandere-Chan: “So you’re saying Brian is the one who took the gun while your dorm was

The Conductor: “Shot the cameras on the way to the fifth floor…”

Nagito: “Accidentally shot Fluttershy, and covered it up as a suicide.”

Parappa: “No! N-No! He didn’t!”

Luigi: (“...Actually…”) “Brian didn’t take the gun when my dorm was unlocked.”

Parappa: “Ah! S-See? Luigi knows—“

Luigi: “However…”

Brian: “Huh. That’s okay. I’m glad I could have this talk with you, Luigi.”

Luigi: “Same here.”

Luigi got up to walk the canine out of the room. After a moment, Brian followed, and they waved
to each other as he left.


The Conductor: “So no one came in yer dorm when it was unlocked?!”

Nagito: “I suppose everyone was busy during that time, right?”

Brian: “...Heh, I can’t believe you remembered that.”

Luigi: “...”

Parappa: “H-Huh? I don’t understand! What do you mean?! We were together! Why are you
forgetting that?!”

Luigi: “But, Parappa—“

Parappa: “Luigi! Stop lying to us! Stop trying to frame Brian! Why?! Why’re you saying he’s the
killer?! Why’re you saying he killed Fluttershy?! Stop it!”

Brian: “Parappa—“

Parappa: “NO! Y-You… You don’t have to pretend! This is all Luigi’s fault! If me and Brian were
together the whole night, then he couldn’t have killed Fluttershy!”
Nagito: “But if there’s a way to explain that…”

Parappa: “There isn’t! There isn’t a way! P-Please! Stop accusing him!”

Brian: “...”

Luigi: (“There definitely is… I need to interrogate their alibi… That’s all I need to-a do…”)
“Parappa, you need to listen to me. This is hard, I know, but—“

Parappa: “I don’t believe you!”


Parappa: “Why do you want to accuse Brian so badly?!”

Luigi: “...Parappa, I understand. Tell me your alibi from last night with Brian.”

Parappa: “Fine! I will! And I’ll prove to you that he's innocent!”


Parappa: “Last night me and Brian were in his dorm… We talked, went to sleep, and woke up
together like everyone else! That’s it!”

Luigi: “What did you do with Brian specifically?”

Parappa: “We had snacks! We talked about our families, friends, and home! He handed me a
drink before we went to bed! I’ve already told you all of this! What else do you need to know?!”

Luigi: “Allow me to-a cut through those words!”


Luigi: “Parappa… you never told me Brian specifically handed you a drink.”

Parappa: “H...Huh? T-That’s because I remembered it just now! It fits with the rest of the story, so
it doesn’t matter!”

Yandere-Chan: “How come you remembered it ‘just now’?”

Parappa: “B-Because… Because I just did! A lot happened last night so I guess it’s hard to
remember everything!”

The Conductor: “Usually when I have a good night, I seem to remember most of it. That is, if I
haven’t been drinking.”

Parappa: “But we didn’t have alcohol!”

Nagito: “Surely there’s a reason why your memory is so fuzzy…”

Parappa: “I-It’s not! It’s perfectly fine! You’re all saying these things because of what Luigi said!”

Luigi: “Para—“

Parappa: “I thought we were friends! I thought you and Brian were friends! I thought I could trust
you, but you’re saying things that don’t make sense! Why can’t you see that Brian isn’t a killer?!”

Luigi: (“But… But I—“)

Brian: “Luigi.”

Luigi: (“... … …! I get it now! But, I just need to get through to Parappa… He’s scared… And
he’s-a saying anything to protect Brian. So, as much as I don’t want to, I need to fight back!”)



“Brian’s not the killer!”

“He was with me!”

“We were both together the whole night!”


“You don’t know what you’re saying Luigi!”

“You’re wrong! You’re lying!”

“Why would you say Brian killed Fluttershy?!”


“Stop! Stop it!”

“You’re… implying Brian wanted to commit suicide?”

“No he doesn’t! He’s fine!”

“We’ve been working on it together! You know we have!”

“You don’t know how much progress we’ve made!”

“I-I’m begging you to stop accusing him! Please!”


“Remember…? I do remember! Why do you keep saying Brian is the killer when we were together
the whole night?!”





Luigi: “Parappa… Brian wasn’t with you the whole night. That drink he gave you was drugged
with sleeping pills. That’s why you’re... not remembering the full night.”

Parappa: “H...uh…?”

The Conductor: “That’s really all it took, aye?”

Parappa: “No… N-No… You’re lying… You’re…”

Brian: “He’s not lying, Parappa.”

Parappa: “Wh…”

Brian: “I can’t let Luigi do this for me. I didn’t have the guts to say anything, but… I can’t let this
trial last any longer.”

Yandere-Chan: “So, you’re saying…”

Brian: “It’s obvious by now, huh?”

Nagito: “...”

Brian: “...Luigi. Would you like to… go over the case? I’m sure we’d all appreciate it.”

Luigi: “...”


Luigi: “The case started last night, when the culprit was in their dorm room with Parappa. They
gave him a glass of water, drugged with sleeping pills. After he was knocked out, the culprit left
with the gun in hand, stolen earlier from-a my dorm room.”
Luigi: “During this-a time, Fluttershy had just left Nagito’s dorm after looking after him, and
spotted the culprit. Obviously confused and concerned, she quickly asked The Conductor to stay
with Nagito before she followed them.”

Luigi: “The culprit destroyed the security cameras on the fifth floor hall and inside Monokuma
Museum with the gun. They manage to get away with-a this by utilising blindspots the cameras
couldn’t detect. As well as this, they knew the mastermind was being distracted by me since they
knew of my plan with Ayano. They then broke into the Monokuma Museum using brute force with
a baseball bat.”
Luigi: “When she caught up to them, Fluttershy confronted the culprit in the Monokuma Museum,
where she found out they were trying to commit suicide. They had a struggle over the gun, which
resulted in the culprit accidentally shooting Fluttershy right in-a the chest. The culprit, in shock and
guilt, decided to flip the case around, knowing that there were no able cameras on the floor to
detect what actually happened.”

Luigi: “The culprit stitched up-a the gunshot wound and positioned Fluttershy in a way that the
stitching would be hard to notice. The culprit then slit Fluttershy’s wrists and neck. Next, to make
it look like-a locked room suicide, they tied rope to each Monokuma statue either side of the door,
and from outside the door, pulled the rope so both statues blocked the door.”
Luigi: “The culprit, now having access to Fluttershy’s dorm, went to check if they could fabricate
any more evidence. They found her diary, and decided to keep-a her door open so someone during
the investigation would notice. Finally, the culprit, who never planned to return, went back to their
own dorm to wake up with Parappa in the morning.”

Luigi: “That’s-a the case that derived from an accident. An accident that you never thought you’d
make that night, Brian.”

Brian: “Wow. I’d never thought I’d hear one of those directed at me, but…”

Luigi: “...”

Parappa: “...”

Brian: “...Ah, I’m sorry.”

Monokuma: “Sorry? For what? For killing Fluttershy? YOU are the killer? That’s what you're
saying? For absolute clarification?”

The Conductor: “Will yer shut it?!”

Yandere-Chan: “I suppose even he has to make sure now. We’re going to be voting solely on his

Brian: “Then I suppose all I ask is for you all to trust my word, right? I killed Fluttershy. And, I
need you all to vote for me.”
Parappa: “...”

Brian: “Monokuma… start the vote.”

Monokuma: “...Alrighty! I guess we can’t keep this trial on forever! Please cast your vote! And
make sure to vote for Brian— or uh, whoever ya think it is! Who will be chosen as the blackened?
Will you make the right choice, or the dreadfully wrong one? What’s it gonna be? What’s it gonna
A-B-C, uh, B?!”



Monokuma: “...”

Nagito: “Well?”

Monokuma: “Well what?”

The Conductor: “Aren’t yer gonna tell us who the vote was for?”

Monokuma: “Oh, that! Well, you did all vote for Brian, though Parappa almost voted for himself
but that would be ultimately useless anyway! Puhuhu!”

Yandere-Chan: “Seems it’s true he cannot tell us if we were right or not.”

Brian: “Thankfully it doesn’t matter, since you all know now.”

Parappa: “...”
Brian: “...Hey, Parappa—“

Parappa: “I just don’t get it. Why? Why would you…? We were… great. Was I… not good
enough? Did I not say the right things? Did I not do enough with you…?”

Parappa’s voice was barely above audible, yet the room was so quiet Luigi could hear everything
so clearly as the words ate at his heart.

Brian: “You… You were fine. I appreciated all the help you gave me, but this wasn’t your fault. I
just… I’m too long gone for reconsideration.”

Luigi: “How long have-a you felt this way…?”

Brian: “...Ever since Peter died, probably. I couldn’t help but constantly worry about the future: the
family, friends… nothing would be the same.”

Nagito: “And after his trial…?”

Brian: “You saw, didn’t you? I thought after Peter’s killer would be executed, I’d be fine. But, I
turned out to be a much bigger asshole than I expected. And then, everything went downhill from
there: I caused a dispute between us all, one that wasn’t needed if I wasn’t so blinded at the time by

Yandere-Chan: “But it wasn’t just you: Fluttershy was very vocal herself.”

Brian: “I’m sure she wouldn’t have snapped if I hadn’t. And at that point I slowly started to realise
how useless I had become. When we first got here, all that was on my mind was to escape. And
when I found that laptop, it took my mind off of our situation, and frankly everything else. And
after Peter died, all I was good for was shutting everyone out for a book I knew was going to go

The Conductor: “Well, if that isn’t an eye opener…”

Parappa: “B-But… Even so, we…”

Brian: “No matter what we did together, the thought of ending it all felt much more beneficial for
the rest of you… And that was that. I had made my plan. Take the gun, destroy the cameras, and…
take my own life.”

Luigi: “But, why did you want to destroy the cameras so badly?”

Brian: “Simply put: I didn’t want the mastermind to have the benefit of watching my death. I
wanted everyone the next day to discover me in the room that was once locked, even startling
whoever’s behind the damn bear. Of course, it would be easy for you guys to figure out what had

Monokuma: “...”

Brian: “Unfortunately, that never got to happen, as right when I was about to do it, she spoke up
behind me.”


Fluttershy: “B-Brian! What’re you doing?!”

Brian: “Wh— Huh? Fluttershy? What’re you…”

Fluttershy: “I-Is this what you were planning to do with the gun? Why!”

Brian: “You don’t… You don’t need to know—“

Fluttershy: “Maybe I don’t, but I do know whatever the reason was, it isn’t worth taking your life
over, trust me!”

Brian: “...Yeah.”
Fluttershy: “Brian, I’m serious! I understand what you’re going through, but to give up so easily is
what the mastermind wants!”

Brian: “Well the mastermind can’t see us right now, so what’s the point?”

Fluttershy: “...Is that why you shot the…? Brian, how long have you been planning this for?”

Brian: “...Look, just leave me alone. I don’t expect you to tell anyone, so just—“

Fluttershy: “No, you’re coming back down with me! We’re going to talk this out, and you’ll see
that this isn’t the answer!”

Brian: “Hey, what're you doing—?! Let go of it!”

Fluttershy: “Brian, calm down! You don’t need this! Let me discard it, okay?!”

Brian: “No, go away! Why do you care all of a fucking sudden?!”

Fluttershy: “Because I—!”



Brian: “She tried to get the gun from me, but I fought back and…”

Parappa: “You didn’t try to listen to her…?”

Brian: “Why would I back then? We were practically enemies, right? But, what she said after she
had been shot, completely changed my attitude…”
*FLASHBACK* [TW: Gunshot Wound]

Brian: “Fluttershy?! Fuck, fuck, goddammit! Hang on! We need to get you medical assistance—“

Fluttershy: “N-No, it’s okay… C-Calm down, Brian…”

Brian: “What?! You’re dying!”

Fluttershy: “I know, a-and I’m very scared…”

Brian: “What…?”

Fluttershy: “I wasn’t expecting to die tonight… I-I always thought I would, but… No one decided
to pick on m-me…”

Brian: “Wh...Why would they?”

Fluttershy: “...B-Because I’m weak, silly.”

Brian: “Fluttershy…”

Fluttershy: “...I— Ah, w-we don’t have much time…”

Brian: “What? What do you mean? You can’t—“

Fluttershy: “Brian, listen to me. You were going to die so everyone could escape, r-right?”

Brian: “...I guess so.”

Fluttershy: “Then, you can still do the s-same… No one can see us, yes? You’ve destroyed the

Brian: “You’re right… Then that means…!”

Fluttershy: “Do… D-Do whatever you can to protect them. I don’t mind what you decide to do to
me after I die… Whatever you can f-for all of them…”

Brian: “...Alright. A-And, Fluttershy… I’m sorry for being such a jerk… to you and to Nagito. I
never meant to—“

Fluttershy: “It's okay, Brian. I forgive you. P-Please just… help them. Help them… f-for us… f-
for… everyone…”

Brian: “Fluttershy…? Fluttershy! Oh, God…”


Nagito: “You’re… sorry?”

Brian: “I am. I really am. You never meant to kill Peter. I understand how accidents can happen.”
Nagito: “...”

The Conductor: “But then, why were yer so cold to him durin’ the investigation? And you were
bloomin’ accusing him during the trial not too long ago!”

Brian: “It was all an act. To set up the suicide meant I’d have to act like nothing ever changed…”

Luigi: (“I still can’t believe Brian went through all of-a that… Those feelings? I can sure relate.
But to want to take his own life? ...I’ve never even considered it myself.”)

Parappa: “S-So, all of it, was to protect us…?”

Yandere-Chan: “What did you mean by that?”

Brian: “It was on a whim, really. I assumed since the bear wouldn’t have any chance of knowing
what had happened, covering up the case would confuse everyone, and in the best case scenario,
lead to the trial not being able to continue… Maybe finding a weakness within the mastermind and,
who knows, escaping…”

Luigi: “But, what stopped you?”

Brian: “When the bear started saying he was going to ‘randomly execute’ someone. That
completely went against Fluttershy and I’s promise. And then… he chose Parappa.”

Parappa: “...”

Brian: “I wasn’t going to let that happen, so then… that’s when I gave in.”

Luigi: “That’s when you started pointing me in the right direction…”

Parappa: “Y-You mean… If I kept defending you, I would’ve… died?”

Brian: “I… I don’t know. I guess if Luigi dropped his accusations against me, it would go back to
the bear picking someone at random again.”

Monokuma: “That’s probably what would’ve happened, yknow? You were inviting your own
death, puppy!”

Parappa: “...”

Brian: “But, don’t worry, okay? You’re not gonna die. None of you are. You chose correctly.”

Luigi: “Huh…?”

Brian: “I guess I’m gonna die after all, huh? This… really wasn’t the way I was expecting it to be,

Parappa: “What? No! Y-You can’t die! We were just starting to get to know each other! W-We
were having so much fun! I-I finally got the courage to talk to you, and now you’re leaving? You

Brian: “Kid…”

Before anyone had known it, Parappa ran from his podium all the way to Brian, and clung to him.

Parappa: “P-Please! Don’t go!”

Luigi: “G-Guys…”

Luigi didn’t feel in control of his body anymore, as he was already walking towards the two dogs,
and had found his way into a gentle hold. It felt odd to hold onto people he would never thought to
have met ever, but at the same time, it felt right. He knew them for so long it felt as if they were
friends for years. That, and the poor sense of time inside the school walls.
Monokuma: “Jeeze! Enough with the sappy stuff already! I’ve seen enough of it! I have Brian’s
execution ready, so you better get off him or else you might get chained too!”

Yandere-Chan: “What do you mean by that…?”

Monokuma: “Can’t you hear?! I said I’m an impatient bear!”

Nagito: “But, we thought you didn’t know Brian was the killer. How come you’ve already got his
execution set up?”

The Conductor: “Aye… that is fishy.”

Monokuma: “U-Uh… Woo boy… Does it have to come out now? Well, kuh-doy! I knew it did!”

Luigi: “Huh?”

Monokuma: “Fear not my pretty students! All this time, I knew Brian Griffin, the Ultimate Author,
was the one who killed Fluttershy! Woo hoo! Boo yah! Smooth moves!”

Parappa: “Huh?!”

Luigi: “How?!”

Brian: “But you said… And I destroyed the cameras!”

Monokuma: “You did! But that doesn’t stop my all seeing eye! I know everything my dear canine

Yandere-Chan: “‘All seeing eye’?”

The Conductor: “He must have other invisible cameras we don’t know about!”
Monokuma: “What would be the point in that? I’ve already got cameras you can see, so…”

Nagito: “But, why would you hide that from us?”

Monokuma: “Cuz it’s funny! And, super despairful to see! I mean, look! Look at those guys!”

Parappa: “...”

Luigi: “...”

Brian: “Hey… Don’t worry about that too much. I was gonna die anyway, right? Haha…”

Luigi and Parappa didn’t react. Brian sighed, and smiled sheepishly.

Brian: “Look, all I ask is that you don’t cry over my death, okay? You two are a lot stronger than I
am, and the fact that you don’t want to die is… is crazy. Use that crazy, all of you, and just do
what you all do. And, please, beat that son of a bitch mastermind.”

Luigi: “A-Alright…”

Parappa: “...”

All Parappa could do was nod, trying to hold back his tear filled eyes, as Brian gave him one last
big hug as a goodbye. Brian gave a nod to everyone else, who nodded back in return. A mutual
agreement that something like this would happen for the last time.

Monokuma: “...Mmm, not so wise to call me a son of a bitch, but okay! I’ve prepared a very special
punishment for Brian Griffin, the Ultimate Author!”

Brian: “Oh, screw you too.”

Monokuma: “Let’s give it everything we’ve got! It’s punishment time!!!”

Parappa: “Brian—!”

Brian: “Escape, okay? Everyone’s counting on you all.”


Monokuma: “Gah! Gah! Gah! That slippery bastard!”

As Monokuma grumbled and swore to himself, everyone else stared on shocked at the canine’s

The Conductor: “He… still had the gun on him, aye?”

Nagito: “I… suppose we never checked.”

And then, it was silent for a while. Par the faint mumbling of Monokuma, no one opted to talk.
Luigi didn’t know Brian for long, but it did hurt to see a friend go. Especially like that. He shifted
his eyes over to Parappa, who was staring at the floor so hard like it was going to break into two.

Parappa: “Don’t cry… D-Don’t cry…”

He was whispering this over and over to himself as his eyes threatened to flood. Luigi couldn’t take
the sight of the poor dog much longer, and took his hand into his own. Parappa looked up at him,
and Luigi gave him a strained smile.

Luigi: “...Remember what I said? Crying is a sign of-a strength.”

Parappa: “B-But Brian said—“

Luigi: “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind. It’s a different way of being strong.”

After giving Parappa’s hand a squeeze, that was it. The dog had his face pressed against Luigi’s
overalls, quietly sniffling and sobbing all his pent up emotions. Luigi rubbed his back with his free
hand, consoling the other as best he could.

Parappa: "I-I'm sorry, Luigi! I'm sorry for doubting you, and saying all those horrible things!"

Luigi: "I understand. You were just trying to protect him... You were very brave to counter argue

Luigi gave Parappa a soft pat on his head.

Yandere-Chan: “I suppose we know what this means now, right?”

Nagito: “Hm?”

Yandere-Chan: “We can’t let deaths like this happen again, or they’ll be none of us left.”

The Conductor: “How long did they expect us to go on for?”

Yandere-Chan: “I’m not sure, but we can all agree we can’t let anyone else die from now on.”

Nagito: “I doubt anyone would during this point of a killing game, but I do agree with you. Despite
what has happened, we can’t let despair get in our way.”

The Conductor: “Even with the passing of the lass? She did seem like a good friend to yer.”

Nagito: “That’s alright… Because I’m not alone — I have you, Conductor!”
The Conductor: “Oi! Why’d yer keep saying stuff like that aloud?!”

Monokuma: “Well, good luck trying to use the power of friendship to defeat me! I’m way more
powerful than that! You haven’t even seen my final form yet!”

Luigi: “We’re not here to be fooled anymore, Monokuma.”

Monokuma: “I never said you were! Don’t make such a scary face! Whatever! I’ve gotta lot of
cleaning up to do, and a lotta preparations to make, so I’d rather you all beat it for wasting my
time! Suicide… what a load of hooey! Taking your own life? Might as well just of asked me!
Meaningless bunch-a deaths!”

Parappa: “They weren’t meaningless… We’re going to carry on their wish and stop this game!”

Monokuma: “Meaningless, Sheamingless… Do you honestly think a sadistic bear cares? No! And
to show you the power of not caring, I’m going to leave! I bid you a BAD adieu!”

Once Monokuma left, everyone stared at each other. Everyone looked at everyone else, studying
their face to make sure they were on the same page, and that no one was left behind. They made a
mental pact, a pact to not kill, or be killed, or be persuaded by Monokuma or whoever the
mastermind was. It was going to be hard, hard to get over everything in their way, from the past
and future.

But Luigi knew, if they didn’t, then they wouldn’t be able to handle whatever would happen next.

???: “...”

???: “This feels wrong but, I just have to check.”

???: “I remember her saying something about…”

???: “Wait. What’s in here…?”

???: “Oh my. Oh my indeed. This is…”

???: “...”

???: “Is this what you were up to all this time, lass?”

Chapter End Notes

Uh oh... not the other family man dog thing... :(

Ok I know Brian isn’t a sad death to most of you but??? It’s what I planned and I like
to believe it’s interesting without it needing to be sad so
I’ve debated this chapter so much because of the reception I might receive but? It is
my choice on who I kill when after all so I’ve stuck with it
Also sorry there isn’t a lot of trial minigames I didn’t know how to fit them in the
second half of the trial
((Also I hope that TW was ok? I don’t mean to draw quite the wound so I was
cautious, I could completely censor it if it offends anyone!))
Chapter 6: The Ultimate Ending for Me and You (Daily/Deadly Life)
Chapter Notes

Guess who's back? haha...

Ohahdagdh I'm so sorry for another month hiatus, but motivations always be dippin
So many gone, yet what's to come next for the final five? Well, uh, read n' find out!!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

???: “... Luigi .”

Luigi: (“...Huh?”)

Mario: “Luigi… How could you?”

Luigi: (“M-Mario…?”)

Mario: “You let me die. You let everyone die.”

Luigi: (“I… W-What?”)

Mario: “You-a told everyone. You-a told everyone that there would be no more deaths. And look
at who’s alive now.”

Luigi: (“I-It wasn’t my fault! I’ve-a tried as hard as I can! B-But we’ve-a promised no more deaths,

Mr.Krabs: “You killed us, lad.”

Luigi: (“Huh?! N-No, I ha—“)

Dedede & Ashley: “You killed us.”

Luigi: (“No, Ashley wanted to escape before I—!”)

2D, Miku & Teto: “You killed us.”

Luigi: (“No, it was Teto who—!”)

Peter & Sans: “You killed us.”

Luigi: (“N-No, Sans was just trying to protect—!”)

Fluttershy & Brian: “You killed us.”

Luigi: (“That… wasn’t-a your… promise…”)

Mario: “You-a killed them. And now you’re-a gonna kill everyone else, too.”

Luigi: (“No… No… No no no no no no—“)

Mario: “Just give up, bro. Join us. You don’t need to prove yourself anymore. You’ve already
proven you can’t. ”

Luigi: “STOP IT!”

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Luigi’s wide eyes were fixated on a particular few fibres on his bedsheet, breathing erratically and
wiping away the sweat on his forehead with a shaky gloved hand. He was trembling.
Luigi: “Ngh… No, I-I didn’t… I didn’t kill…”

*knock knock*

The unexpected knock sent Luigi quickly out of his drowsy panicked state, and he stared at the
door for a moment. Then, he sprung out of bed, quickly rushing to the bathroom to splash his face
with water to rid himself of the memories of that dream. After brushing down his overalls a little,
he called out an apology — “sorry for-a taking so long” — as he went to open the door.

Parappa: “...”

Luigi looked down at his dog friend, and noticed his complexion was staggering. He gave him a
sympathetic look.

Luigi: “Oh, Parappa…”

Parappa: “No, I-I’m okay! I just… I guess it was a hard night for me.”

Luigi placed a light hand on his shoulder.

Luigi: “I understand completely. I was-a never expecting you to be your usual self right now. I
don’t-a think anyone can be.”

Parappa simply nodded. Luigi stepped out of his room and closed the door behind him.

Parappa: “...What do we do now?”

Luigi: “I… don’t know.” (“What can we do now? So many are gone, and-a we promised not to
continue the killing game… We can’t just carry on with our routine like before.”)

Luigi and Parappa idled for a moment, unsure on how things were going to work. Luigi then heard
a door open, and looked down the hall to see Nagito quietly shutting his door behind him. Once he
turned around, he paused as he noticed the two.

Nagito: “Ah, hello.”

Luigi: “Hey…”

Nagito walked over to the two.

Nagito: “How are you two?”

Parappa: “...”

Nagito: “Ah, of course. I’m sorry for even asking.”

Parappa: “N-No, it’s okay. We just don’t know what to do now…”

???: “Weren’t you involved in a killing game before yourself, Nagito?”

Luigi: “Oh, Ayano.”

Nagito: “Well, I was. However, I was the fifth victim, so I’ve actually never made it this far. I
don’t know whether to call this good or bad luck…”

Ayano: “I see.”

Parappa: “I don’t… I don’t like this anymore. When I look around, I see rooms that I know are
empty and… a-and…”

Luigi quickly held the dog’s hand, rubbing his thumb over his palm.
Nagito: “It really is a shame, with only five of us left…”

Yandere-Chan: “Speaking of which, where is The Conductor?”

Luigi: “Oh yeah. We haven’t-a seen him yet. He’s not one to sleep in, so maybe he’s already at the
dining hall?”

Nagito: “I agree with Luigi. The Conductor would never want to oversleep!”

Yandere-Chan: “I still don’t understand how you’ve become so close to him…”

Parappa: “But, it’s good to be friends, right? S-So then we won’t want to kill each other, right?”

Luigi: “Parappa… it’s okay. No one’s-a gonna die anymore.”

Parappa: “...Okay. I’m sorry.”

Luigi: “You don’t-a need to be sorry. It’s only natural to feel doubtful after all that’s happened…
Let’s just-a go to the dining hall.”

Following Luigi’s word, the four silently made their way to the dining hall. Upon arriving, they all
noticed something had appeared on the large table, and next to it was an immediately recognised

The Conductor: “Oh, yer all made it. I was wondering when yer all were gonna get here, heheh.”

Yandere-Chan: “What is that…?”

Yandere-Chan had pointed out the ‘something’, but it was clear everyone had already locked their
eyes onto it.
It was everyone. Everyone who was gone. Well, not exactly. They were portraits. All drawn with a
smile, no wavering expressions of regret or fear — just a smile. A pure smile, a happy smile, a
smile as if they were all okay and enjoying their life.

As if they were actually here with the five.

Luigi: “Where did you…?”

The Conductor: “I bet yer wondering where I found ‘em, eh? Well, I remember the late lass,
Fluttershy, talking about how she had left something at the art room a while back. I was curious, so
after the trial last night I decided to check her dorm. And, I found these hidden away in her

Parappa: “Do you think she was planning to give them to us all…?”

Nagito: “...Maybe, but isn’t it strange how it’s only the people who have died?”

Yandere-Chan: “Then how come Fluttershy and Brian have a portrait too?”

The Conductor: “Aye, uh, yer see… There were also pictures of us too.”
Parappa: “D-Does that mean she made them just in case we died too…?”

Nagito: “The fact that she made one for herself also meant that she felt she could also die…”

The Conductor: “I mean when yer put it like that, it does seem pretty depressin’. So that’s why I
decided to only put these ones here.”

Luigi: “...I believe-a she did this with good intentions. Maybe it was for someone who lost
someone else close to-a them…”

The Conductor: “That’s what I thought, too.”

Nagito: “I really do admire her consideration.”

Parappa: “Yeah…”

And then, nothing was left to say. The explanation was clear: Fluttershy only wanted to help
whoever was struggling with a death cope. Even beyond the grave, her kindness was still strong.
One could say it was a shame she never revealed the portraits sooner, but one could also assume
she had only just finished before her unfortunate demise.

Luigi, for one, really needed this. It was unexpected: to see all the people who were gone, the
people he had tried to encourage with his determined words, the people who had lost to death and
despair. He thought he was going to break down. But, he didn’t. Everyone’s faces in the portraits
were happy, even the more jaded few like Ashley were smiling.

And, there was also Mario.

To see Mario’s face again, even as a drawing, was beyond words. There were no pictures Luigi
could look at beforehand, and the only physical thing he could look at was his hat. But, here, it was
as if his brother was here. It was as if everyone was here. As if their true essence really was in
these pictures.

And Luigi knew he wasn’t the only person who felt this way. Parappa was staring at the portraits
too, eyes wide and full of melancholy awe. If Luigi had to guess, it was mostly aimed towards
Brian. Luigi didn’t know how far specifically Parappa had made his progress with Brian, but he
could tell it was a lot, just from what he had heard. To lose someone he had just become friends
with really wasn’t fair.

And then, Luigi shifted his focus towards Nagito. It didn’t take a genius to know he was looking at
Sans’. If they really had been close ever since the start of the killing game, then Luigi knew it
probably wasn’t easy for him to face the skeleton again, even in picture form. Although, Nagito’s
expression was as neutral as usual, with a hint of strain. Luigi wondered how different things
would’ve been if the two did reveal their relationship towards each other early on.

Of course, then there was The Conductor. He really didn’t get on with many people to begin with,
and his only real relationship was his rivalry with Dedede. Other than that, he probably did like
Luigi himself, and maybe Nagito (though it was really unclear to Luigi just what was going on
between the two). Yandere-Chan was similar in that aspect — she never really put her trust into
anyone too often. She might’ve been reminiscing on the musical trio, but Luigi never really could
see behind her straight face that regularly.

And, that was all they could do. Stare at the portraits, and relive the memories when they were
alive. There was nothing else that they could do. There was nothing else that they wanted to do.

Monokuma: “Surely there’s something else you bunch of sissies should be doing!”

Even though Monokuma’s sudden presence should’ve been startling, no one cared to acknowledge

Monokuma: “...Really? You’re all just gonna stare at some pictures?! You make me laugh!”

Parappa: “They… They aren’t just pictures! We’re doing this for a reason!”

Luigi: “Parappa, just ignore him. He’ll-a never understand.”

Monokuma: “Oh, I understand completely! I understand that you guys can’t just move on! Oh no,
you just have to sulk over some weak ol’ bastards! Puhuhu, how silly!”

Nagito: “Monokuma, just stop it.”

The Conductor: “We know yer a heartless git, now leave us be!”

Monokuma: “My goodness, you all feel the same way? Ah, as to be expected of course… Ahem. I
mean, seriously?! You’re making me lose my sickly sweet personality here! Cry me a river
already, because you all are wasting your time over people who don’t matter!!”

The sound of sneakers grazing the floor startled Luigi, as he noticed the small dog stumble out of
the room in tears, sniffling and sobbing until he couldn’t be heard anymore.

Luigi: “Parappa—!”

Monokuma: “Oops! Did I do that? Puhuhu!”

Yandere-Chan: “Get out of our sight.”

Monokuma: “Get that freaky expression off your face!”

That’s all Luigi heard before he fled the dining hall as well, juggling the frantic thoughts in his
mind as he ran. He sharply stopped on his toes as he arrived in the dormitory, whipping his head
left and right to try and gain an idea on where to head next. Opting to head up the stairs, Luigi
searched the second floor before pushing open the doors of the indoor field.

Luigi: “Ah, Parappa!”

Parappa was sat facing away in the middle of the track, hugging his knees up to his chest as he
quietly whimpered in between them. Luigi’s brows furrowed in righteous concern and sympathy,
and slowly walked over to him. Sitting down beside him, he wrapped a light arm around the other’s

Parappa: “Why… W-Why does he keep saying all those things about them…?”

Luigi: “...He’s-a just trying to get to us. We know that they were more than that.”
Parappa: “Does that mean I… I fell for it?”

Luigi: “Of course not. We’re all regretful, and… We can’t-a help but feel this way. However, this
only means we can become stronger from this… Well, at least I think that’s-a what Mario would

Parappa looked up at Luigi.

Parappa: “You’re saying we should be like Mario…?”

Luigi: “...In a way, I suppose. Mario was… he was-a brave in any situation, and never backed
down to prove what was right.”

Parappa: “But… That’s you, Luigi.”

Luigi: “M-Me?”

Parappa: “Yeah…! In every trial, you fought for the truth— a-and when people were fighting, you
were always the first to try to sort it out! Not to mention you tried to be friends with everyone!

Parappa, realising he was now on his knees invading Luigi’s personal space, moved back to his
original position.

Parappa: “I just wanna be like you, y'know? But, I don’t think I can… I’m dumb, and I keep getting
scared when no one else does…”

Luigi: “Parappa… You see that as a bad thing? You’re still young, and no one your age is meant to
go through all of-a this. And yet… I can still see you trying to make the effort. Don’t you
remember finding the monocoin and that strand of fur? Don’t you remember talking to Ayano
despite her outburst that one time? Look, what I’m-a trying to say is that you really are mature, but,
it’s also okay to be scared. We all are.”
Parappa: “...”

Parappa leaned his head on Luigi’s shoulder.

Parappa: “...Thank you, Luigi.”

???: “Is everything alright in here?”

Luigi: “Oh, Ayano…!”

Yandere-Chan: “Don’t worry about Monokuma — I think we threatened him enough. Well… I’m
actually not so sure. I left while The Conductor was still cursing him out.”

Parappa chuckled under his breath as Ayano took a seat opposite them.

Luigi: “And are the pictures okay?”

Yandere-Chan: “Of course. They hold a sentimental value to you all. I would never let anyone take
away my shrine either.”

Parappa: “Shrine…?”

Yandere-Chan: “Don’t worry.”

???: “Ah, so this is where you all went to.”

Luigi: “Hey, Nagito.”

Yandere-Chan: “And The Conductor too it seems.”

The Conductor: “Well, y'know… I was only following him to see if he was gonna get up to no

Nagito: “You still believe I’m a danger? How silly of me to think otherwise, haha.”

The Conductor: “No that isn’t what I—! Gah, nevermind!”

The two went to sit with the others after their bit.

The Conductor: “This place looks a wee bit empty, eh?”

Yandere-Chan: “But it’s calming. It reminds me of the place I want to be: outside.”

Nagito: “I still truly wonder what’s outside these walls. We could be anywhere for all we know.”

Parappa: “Yeah… Haha, remember when Dedede suggested we should break down a wall?”

The Conductor: “Oh, not that peck-neck’s idea of an ‘escape route’... Absolute hooey.”
Luigi: “I wonder what would happen if we did try that back then…”

Nagito: “With Monokuma’s presence, I doubt we’d get anywhere with that. Which is a shame,
because it would’ve been quite interesting to see!”

Yandere-Chan: “Well, if we all would’ve cooperated… Which I feel is unlikely.”

Parappa: “I bet everyone in Mr. Krabs’ crew would’ve worked together!”

Luigi: (“I’ve-a just realised that me and Parappa are the only ones left from his-a crew… We really
have lost so many…”)

Nagito: “Ah, I remember me and Sans were going to ask to join the crew, actually.”

Luigi: “Oh yeah, I remember him saying something like-a that…”

The Conductor: “Why? Did yer really think it was helpful?”

Nagito: “Of course! You all really were one of the first examples of shining hope here!”

The Conductor: “You and yer hope… I just don’t understand it.”

Yandere-Chan: “I don’t think anyone understands it.”

The five shared a laugh, their stresses and grief being forgotten only for a moment as they relished
in light-hearted memories.

Parappa: “...What now?”

Luigi: “Huh?”
Yandere-Chan: “Our goal really is uncertain now. As we’ve pushed Monokuma away, he hasn’t
provided us with a new floor or motive as per usual.”

The Conductor: “Well I just wanna get out of here as soon as pecking possible.”

Nagito: “Hm… As annoying as this may sound, the only real way to carry this on would be to ask

Luigi: “What do you mean?”

Nagito: “I learned that the remaining survivors in my last killing game were challenged by
Monokuma with a ‘graduation ceremony’ where they had to figure out the mystery of where they

Yandere-Chan: “And you’re assuming it will be the same here?”

Nagito: “It’s the same bear, right?”

Parappa: “Then, we gotta do it! We gotta challenge Monokuma to let us out!”

The Conductor: “Another mystery? Does that mean we’ll have to sit through another round in that
bloomin’ trial room?”

Luigi: “We’ve-a done it plenty of times before… And, at least we won’t be about a murder.”

The others nodded in agreement. After getting up, the five decided to head over to the gym, seeing
as it was the typical place Monokuma would summon them.

Luigi: “Get out-a here, Monokuma! We know you can see us!”

Monokuma: “I know I can see you, but can you see me? Puhuhu! ...Oh, well I guess you can now.
And anyway, what happened to all that silent treatment you all gave me? Make up your minds,

Nagito: “I think you know what you want to do next, Monokuma.”

The Conductor: “Yeah, if yer ain’t even telling us to ‘kill each other’, then let us out!”

Yandere-Chan: “Isn’t that what you were saying before? That you had ‘a lot of preparations to

Monokuma: “I did, didn’t I… Well, I’m not saying ya wrong! But so soon? Do you think you could
handle it?”

Parappa: “Handle what?”

Monokuma: “Why, the final mystery! The final class trial! The final showdown! Hosted by yours

Nagito: “Will it work the same way as before, as like with Hajime and the others?”

Monokuma: “You’re a bit eager, ain’t ya? Let’s dial it back a bit, shall we? We’ve got all the time
in the world!”

Luigi: “Then just tell us what we need to do.”

Monokuma: “Alrighty! Can you figure out the mystery of this school? Where you are, how you got
here, why you’re even here, what I had for breakfast, maybe not that, why this killing game even
exists?! If you can answer all that, well… we’ll see what happens next, or if you even want
anything to happen next!”

The Conductor: “Well how do we go about doing all that?! Yer only gave us three clues — how
are we supposed to work with that?”
Monokuma: “Man, you’re so bad at detective-ing you can't even figure out the answer from just a
few clues? Well, I suppose it’s a bit too harsh for a bunch of simpletons! In that case, I’ve provided
you all with a little scavenger hunt around the school for the important clues ya need! And , the all-
exclusive looksie into the places you’ve never been to!”

Yandere-Chan: “Such as the data centre?”

Monokuma: “Hmm… You’re gonna have to find that out on your own! I’m keeping the secrets
from you, not spilling them!”

Parappa: “How are we gonna find the clues?”

Monokuma: “Oh, just with a little riddle I came up with: if you wish to know where to look, visit
the places that made you shook; you rattled with fear and cried your tears, and solved the mystery
of your peers! Ahahahaha! Good luck!”

Monokuma boomed out a laugh before disappearing away behind the gym stage’s curtains.

Yandere-Chan: “I suppose we should start investigating now.”

Parappa: “Wait, you know where to go already?!”

Luigi: (“Visit the places that made you shook… and solved the mystery of your peers… That
could-a only mean…”) “He must’ve-a hidden the clues where everyone was killed.”

The Conductor: “That seems simple enough, aye?”

Nagito: “Since there were five cases, and each occurred on different floors, we should split up and
look on each one.”

Yandere-Chan: “That seems like the best strategy. We don’t know when Monokuma will stop us,
and we need to find everything if we’re going to solve his mystery.”
Parappa: “Yeah… We can do it! We can do it for everyone!”

Luigi: (“For the last time we’ll be investigating inside this-a school… If Monokuma wants us to…
no. If the mastermind wants us to solve the mystery, then we will!”) “Let’s-a go!”


The five split off to each floor, Luigi himself starting on the first. He walked back through the
dining hall, taking a quick glance at the pictures again, before making his way into the kitchen.

Luigi: (“This is the place Mario killed Mr. Krabs… I still wished he would’ve-a told me his
internal struggle with the First Blood Perk…”)

Sighing, Luigi straightened up and scanned the kitchen in search for a clue, and stopped when he
saw a sheet of paper lying on one of the crates. Upon walking over to it and picking it up, he
noticed it’s familiarity.

Luigi: (“Ah, this is the equipment list…”)

As he reread it, Luigi remembered what everyone had originally said about the sheet.


Yandere-Chan: “I found this.”

Mario: “What is it?”

Brian: “Looks like an equipment list.”

Yandere-Chan: “Yes, it is the equipment list for the cleaning and sports supplies in the storage
closet in the gym.”
Nagito: “The storage closet… who’d knew there’d be a clue in there!”

Dedede: “How is it a clue?! Did a mop go missin’ or somethin’?”

Yandere-Chan: “Look at the date of when the equipment was last checked.”

As Luigi looked closer, he read the signed date of the last equipment check.

Luigi: “Ah! The date is at-a least two years old!”

Teto: “Two years old? What’s that got to do with anything?”

Ashley: “It’s strange how nothing has been checked for two years, if we assume this school has
been active, I guess.”

Sans: “What if they were just lazy or somethin’?”

The Conductor: “A bird never stops monitoring his equipment!”

Yandere-Chan: “The previous signed dates all have a consistent weekly gap, so there is no reason
as to why they’d stop checking. Also, we can infer that this school was indeed active from the
presence of this signed sheet.”

2D: “What if that wos made by Monokuma?”

Nagito: “Something tells me Monokuma wouldn’t lie to us like this.”

Miku: “Why?”

Nagito: “No reason.”

Teto: “Well there obviously is if you’re gonna mention it!”

Mario: “So, this-a means we’re in an abandoned school? It’s gotta be pretty easy to get out then!”


Luigi: (“Are we really in an abandoned school like Mario said? Or, was this really just made by
Monokuma? I don’t know, but, if he’s-a gonna give this to us again, I might as well keep it in

*”Equipment List” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi: (“I think that was all that was in here… I might as well help the others on the other floors,

Before leaving, Luigi took one last long look at the kitchen, seeing that it was probably his last.

Monokuma: “I don’t believe it!”

Luigi: “Huh—? Oh, it’s-a just you… What do you want now?”

Monokuma: “You’re gonna find out everything? No way! Not in Hell’s chance you ain’t! Never
never ever!”

Luigi: “We will! Stop messing with-a me!”

Monokuma: “But I know you won’t! Because I can cover my ears and not listen to you!”

Luigi: “...I’m-a leaving now.”

Luigi passed the bear, who had his ears covered by his robotic paws, as he left for the second floor,
continuing into the performance hall.

Luigi: (“This is where Ashley killed Dedede… She wanted to see her friends again so badly that
she tried to make a case we wouldn’t be able to figure out, and used him as-a the victim…”)

The Conductor: “Oh, Luigi?”

Luigi looked over towards the stage to see The Conductor, holding what looked to be another sheet
of paper. He walked over to see it was a newspaper clipping.

The Conductor: “Remember this?”

Luigi: “Oh yeah, I do…”

The Conductor: “I still don’t understand this headline: scientific breakthrough has disclosed the
posibility of over universes? I still think it’s just a movie prop…”

Luigi: “Still, if Monokuma placed it here, then surely he wants us to acknowledge it.”

The Conductor: “Well, I’ll leave the mystery-solving to you, Luigi. I’m just a director, after all.”

Luigi: “You can’t think like-a that anymore. If we wanna escape, we need to work together to
figure this out!”

The Conductor: “Yer right, yer right… I guess this is supposed to be part of the ‘how we got here’
question, eh?”

Luigi: “Yeah.” (“But, what does it mean by ‘different universes’? Sure, I wouldn’t expect to see
any of these guys in my world, but… Does that really mean they’re from other universes?”)

*”News article clipping” has been added to truth bullets*

The Conductor: “...Heh, I was just wondering what things would be like if ol’ Dedede an’ Ashley
were around for a lil’ longer…”

Luigi: “Like how they would react to the future murders?”

The Conductor: “And everything else that’s happened, really. I didn’t know much about them, but
maybe if I had another chance, I would at least try to talk to the penguin civilly.”

Luigi: “I’m-a sorry I told you two to avoid each other instead of advising you to make up.”

The Conductor: “Nae, it’s alright. I would’ve never listened to yer at the time if yer did, heheh.
Anyway, you’d best be going if yer wanna help out the others. I want to try an’ see how far I can
get on me own.”

Luigi: “Good luck!”

Waving the owl goodbye, Luigi left for the next stop on his list.

Monokuma: “Arg! You smell, Luigi!”

Luigi: “W-What?”

Monokuma: “I hate you so much! I despise your greasy mustache, your ugly overalls, and your big

Luigi: “...”

Monokuma: “Maybe I should just start calling you something stupid like Luihi! With an H! H for
‘how stupid can you get’?!”

Luigi: “...Bye.”
Luigi, ignoring the bear’s second distraction, moved onto the third floor. More specifically, the

Luigi: (“This is where Teto killed 2D and Miku, before moving her body… She really loved her
that much to do all that?”)

Luigi noticed someone checking out the laptop left on the desk.

Yandere-Chan: “Hm…”

Luigi: “Is that the same laptop as before?”

Yandere-Chan: “I believe it is, considering it only contains the ‘pre-report’ we saw before, and a
few other word files, probably created by Brian when he used it.”

Luigi: (“Ah, yeah…”) “Is the report the same?”

Yandere-Chan: “I asked that to myself as well, however the lower half of the file is no longer
corrupted, or at least has been replaced with something else.”

Luigi: “Oh?”

Yandere-Chan turned the laptop around, so that Luigi could read the monitor.

*The Mutual Killing School Life will follow the general formula of the one masterminded by
Junko Enoshima. While extra terms and rules can be put in place, everything else should mimic to
a similar degree. It’s what I want, it’s what I long for. 16 individuals falling to despair. Who cares
where they’re from? When they despair, they’re all the same. I love it.*

Luigi recognised that first part all too well. But, as he looked below that paragraph, there was more
text, this time readable.
*Man, did I really think that way back then? Way to be serious. I’m not so about the formalities
anymore. At least I think I’m not. What I care about now is providing the best possible cases, the
best possible events, and the best possible emotions every time. I have plans. But, I’m always
nervous they’re not gonna work. So, I’m gonna pull my weight to make them work. No matter who
they hurt. After all, they’re gonna hurt at least someone. And that’s what I ‘long for’ now.*

If Luigi thought the first paragraph turned informal, this one felt like an insult to how a report
should be formatted. He didn’t even feel like it was the same person writing anymore, and yet the
wording made it seem like it was.

Yandere-Chan: “You look confused.”

Luigi: “Well, I am. I have-a no idea what they’re talking about, honestly.”

Yandere-Chan: “Whoever wrote this obviously had a change of heart, if only by formal standards.
They seem a little more lax than I would assume.”

Luigi: “Why do they keep going on about their plans? They must be pretty passionate about

Yandere-Chan: “Indeed. It must be the plans for the killing game.”

Luigi: (“Whoever wrote that… Why do you feel this way? Why do you feel this way about making
us do this to each other? ...I guess I’ll have to wait to find that out.”)

*”Pre-report file” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi: “I think I understand what Monokuma’s doing now: he’s-a given us one piece of evidence
per floor.”

Yandere-Chan: “However, I do have something else I wish to share with you.”

Luigi: “Oh, you do?”

Yandere-Chan: “I think it’s finally time I reveal what I found during my experiment a couple of
nights ago.”

Luigi: “Oh! Yeah, that must-a be very important now.”

Yandere-Chan: “I believe the mastermind was successfully distracted by you, because I had no
trouble lock-picking the data centre. I knew I didn’t have much time to work with, so I knew I
couldn’t look through any of the computer files or drawers, but I did manage to pick this up before
I left.”

Yandere-Chan produced a purple book from behind her back.

Luigi: “What is it?”

Yandere-Chan: “It says it’s a journal of sorts, a type of data log where someone was writing daily
entries about things that occurred that day.”

Luigi: “Wait, do you think that belongs to the traitor?”

Yandere-Chan: “Yes — only someone like a traitor would be given that role. This also means we
can try to figure out their identity too.”

Luigi: “That’s great! Do you have any leads?”

Yandere-Chan: “Not yet. But I’ll let you take a look for yourself.”

Yandere-Chan handed the journal to Luigi, who promptly started to flick through the pages,
stopping on a random entry.

*Found another clue. Was given a present from the machine by Luigi. Dinner was usual talk.*
Luigi: “Huh…”

Luigi flicked over to another entry.

*I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you go away please please stop it go away I don’t want this
I hate you I hate you I hate you*

Luigi: “W-What?!”

Yandere-Chan: “Ah, so you found that entry? I’m still unsure why they wrote something like that,
and how the mastermind let them, considering it looks like they were told to make reports only.”

Luigi: (“Not even the traitor was safe from despair, huh? But, who could this even be? One of us?
Someone that’s-a gone?”)

*”Traitor’s journal” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi: “Well, I suppose I should-a get going now.”

Yandere-Chan: “Before you do, I think it’s best you take this with you.”

Luigi: “The laptop? Why?”

Yandere-Chan: “There’s a file on here named ‘apology’. I haven’t looked at it out of respect, yet I
feel as if someone would benefit from looking at it.”

Luigi: (“I see… if they wrote it, then she thinks they would want to read it.”) “Thank you, Ayano.
Good luck on your investigation.”

Closing the laptop lid and carrying it under his arm, Luigi left the study for the fourth floor.
Monokuma: “Hey hey hey! Wait wait wait! C’mon! Don’t be so hasty y’know?”

Luigi: “I really don’t have-a time for these distractions, Monokuma.”

Monokuma: “C’mon, what if I gave you something? More monocoins? A new floor? A bowling
alley? If you want it, it’s yours! Maybe if I give you something worth while, you can stop this!”

Luigi strode right past Monokuma.

Luigi: (“I don’t understand what he’s going on about… Does he want us to find out everything or

Now on the fourth floor, Luigi headed into the principal’s office.

Luigi: (“This is where Sans killed Peter… Did they all get caught up it that purely because of the
motive swap? It’s-a crazy to think about.”)

Nagito: “Ah, hello Luigi.”

Luigi: (“I kinda expected Nagito to be here of all places…”) “Hey, Nagito. What did you find?”

Nagito: “It’s quite interesting actually. I found it on the desk: it’s a file detailing the events of
Hope’s Peak and the Tragedy.”

Luigi: “Oh, like the one you were telling me about before?”

Nagito: “Yeah. It talks a lot about the killing games that occurred, too.”

Nagito handed the file over to Luigi, who read up on some of the sections, spending a little more
time on looking over the killing games.
Luigi: “So… it says-a here that the killing games were usually broadcasted. What does that mean?”

Nagito: “Ah, you see, the killing games were essentially a tool to provoke despair and uproar in
other people, such as how the first killing game was shown to the entire world, and my one was
shown to the Future Foundation.”

Luigi: “D-Does that mean we’re being recorded too?”

Luigi took a quick slide glance at the camera in the room.

Nagito: “...Possibly. But, I’m not so sure who we’re being shown to if so.”

Luigi: (“I’ve-a never really thought about that before… I’m being broadcasted? Everyone else is
being broadcasted? To who? ...I don’t want to imagine it.”) “This file is very helpful, though. I
think I better keep the information in mind.”

*”Hope’s Peak file” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi continued to look through the file, and stopped at a certain section.

Luigi: “Hm… This is interesting. It says-a here that there is usually one ‘lucky student’ in each
class, and that they were picked from a raffle to enter the school alongside ultimates.”

Nagito: “Ah… I remember that so fondly, ahaha.”

Luigi: (“What does he mean? Isn’t his-a talent the Ultimate Hope…? Wait…”) “Um, Nagito? Just
how much do you know about ultimates…?”

Nagito: “Quite a lot, actually. I admire talent, it’s what keeps the world spinning with hope! Ah, to
be lucky enough to co-exist with such talented people…”

Luigi: (“...Yeah. Something feels off here. But, now’s-a not the best time to bring it up. I’m just
gonna remember what he said.”)
*”Nagito’s account” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi was about to suggest his departure, until he noticed Nagito’s expression had become distant
as he looked to his prosthetic hand.

Nagito: “...I’ve realised I haven’t been in here since the investigation.”

Luigi: “Oh, Nagito, I’m-a sorry…”

Nagito: “It’s alright. It’s probably the reason why I decided to look in here… Weren’t Sans and
Peter our original guards? Of course, The Conductor has been a very good stand-in!”

Luigi: (“I suppose so… but I wouldn’t recommend saying that to his-a face.”) “Are you gonna be
alright in here on your own?”

Nagito: “I doubt I won’t be. I just need a little more time in here, anyway.”

Luigi: (“I can-a only imagine how he felt walking in on Sans after killing Peter for good… I don’t
think I could even cope if I caught Mario doing what he did…”) “Well, if you insist. I’ll see you
around, okay?”

Luigi, after a goodbye, left the principal’s office for his next stop: the fifth floor.

Monokuma: “Why…? Why, Luigi? Do you want to see me suffer that badly? You’re horrible!
Absolutely horrible! …Sniffle.”

Luigi: “...”

Monokuma: “All I’ve ever wanted to do is entertain! Now… sniffle… now my life has gone down
the drain! What can a bear like me do now?! Standup? You might as well throw me into the trash!
Boo hoo hooooo… Frowny face.”
Luigi: “...”

Once Luigi arrived onto the fifth floor, he made his way to the Monokuma museum.

Luigi: (“This is where Brian accidentally killed Fluttershy after their struggle… The fact that they
completely disregarded their-a fighting to be able to help us is pretty selfless.”)

Parappa: “Uhm…”

Luigi: “Hey, Parappa. What’re you doing?”

Parappa: “Well, I found this… I’m not sure if it’s the clue, though.”

Luigi walked over to Parappa to see that he was holding a scrapbook.

Luigi: “Class of-a 69…?”

Parappa: “Yeah, I just found it lying here… Inside is strange.”

Luigi: “Oh?”

Parappa opened up the book, and Luigi was immediately greeted with an array of familiar faces, all
pictured in different situations. There was a selfie of Miku and Teto, Ashley trying to stop Red
from taking her picture, Mr. Krabs showing off a restaurant… Then Parappa turned over to the next
page, and it was the same. A wide shot of Fluttershy and her animals, Sans napping under a snowy
tree, and there was even a photograph of Mario and Luigi holding a trophy they had won together.

Luigi: “They’re all… pictures of us?”

Parappa: “They even have a picture of me and my friends… Where do you think they got all
Luigi: “I don’t know. But, these all look like pictures from our homes.”

Parappa: “Then does that mean they stole them?”

Luigi: “Maybe.” (“But it’s all so strange… there’s just picture after picture of all of us. Why did the
mastermind make this…? And why did they give it to us as a clue?”)

*”Scrapbook” has been added to truth bullets*

As Luigi thought more about the strange clue, he watched Parappa turn to a page with the
aforementioned photo of him and his friends.

Parappa: “...”

Luigi: “...You all look really close.”

Parappa: “Yeah, we do a lotta things together… I miss them all.”

Luigi then realised what he had still under his arm.

Luigi: “Oh, uh, Parappa… I think there’s something that you should see.”

Parappa: “Huh? What is it?”

Luigi opened up the laptop, opened the text file, and gave it to Parappa to read. From what Luigi
saw before giving it away, it was only a few short paragraphs long, and he was almost one-hundred
percent sure it was indeed signed by Brian. Luigi saw as Parappa stared intensely at the screen,
then looked back up at Luigi.

Parappa: “He wrote this… for me?”

Luigi: “If that’s-a what it says.”

Parappa: “...Can I be alone for a moment, to read it again, and then maybe again…?”

Luigi: “Of course, Parappa. Take as much time as you need.”

The dog smiled gratefully at Luigi as he took his leave.

Monokuma: “...Fine, I get it. Of course I get it. You want to do this. Of course I knew. I was just
being kinda silly… Because I’m a silly bear, you see! Puhuhu!”

Luigi: “...”

Monokuma: “I don’t think it’s wise to ignore me, Luigi. We’ll be meeting each other very soon .”

Luigi: “Wh...What?”

Monokuma: “Hmm? What what? What’s your problem? Why aren’t you investigating?! Or, do you
really wanna stay here? Puhuhu! Hm… Oh! How about this! I’ll give you the secret to the universe
to keep you going! 0208! Such a fun little secret! Now, get a move on! A little birdy told me that a
room has magically been unlocked for you and your friends!”

Monokuma dashed off, leaving Luigi in utter confusion over his disorganised speech.

Parappa: “Luigi?”

Luigi: “Oh, you’re done, Parappa?”

Parappa: “Yeah, and I’m feeling a lot more confident now! Where should we look next?”

Luigi: “I think the data centre is open now… Should we-a go get the others and check it out?”
Parappa: “Good idea!”

Luigi, with the help of Parappa, proceeded to round up the others over to the data centre on the
third floor.

The Conductor: “Is it really unlocked now?”

Yandere-Chan: “I suppose there’s only one way to find out.”

Yandere-Chan tried at the handle, and without any struggle managed to get the door open.

Nagito: “Ah, how oddly satisfying.”

The group entered the data centre, and it was exactly the same as Luigi had known it when he first
stumbled upon it after the fourth trial. The filling cabinets, the monitors, everything was here.

Parappa: “Where should we start looking?”

Yandere-Chan: “I’m still conscious of time, so I would advise we don’t waste time looking at

Luigi: “Then… how about we start with those files on the desk?”

The five walked over to the desk, and were caught at a standstill at what they saw.

Luigi: “T-These are…”

The Conductor: “What the peck are they?!”

Nagito: “They look like files. Files about each of us.”

The abundance of files scattered over the desk were titled with the names of the 16 participants, all
with the accompaniment of ‘student information’. Luigi picked up the file belonging to him, and
skimmed through the pages. One was about his early life, another was about his likes and dislikes,
another was about his family and friends. It was almost like a biography, but wrong. Wrong,
because of how much detail it went into. Even about miniscule things he had forgotten about.

When he looked at the others, he knew they felt the same.

The Conductor: “How do they know about that?!”

Parappa: “This is… really weird.”

Yandere-Chan: “I suppose this ties into how they created the third motive.”

Nagito: “It’s quite a lot of information about us, huh? It’s almost… a little too much.”

The Conductor: “More like me whole bloomin’ existence!”

Luigi picked up Mario’s file. It was the same, filled to the brim with information.

Luigi: (“Is this really the data they need…? Of us? I don’t like this. I don’t like them knowing all
this about us.”)

“*Student files” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi set the files down, a sickening taste forming at the back of his throat.

Nagito: “Hm…”
Yandere-Chan: “What is it?”

Nagito: “Oh, nothing really. There’s just a map of each floor over here.”

Parappa: “Oh yeah! There’s a map of all six floors! ...Wait, six?!”

The Conductor: “Six? Who said anythin’ about a sixth floor now?”

Luigi: “That’s-a weird. I don’t remember seeing a staircase on the fifth floor.”

Nagito: “The map here says that the staircase is located on the corridor towards the exit hall.”

Parappa: “Should we go check?”

Yandere-Chan: “I suppose we do have time to.”

And so, the group travelled up to the fifth floor to see if the supposed staircase was really there.

Parappa: “Ah! I see it!”

The Conductor: “How’d they manage to hide a whole staircase?”

Nagito: “If it’s Monokuma, anything may be possible.”

Yandere-Chan: “And it seems here that it is.”

Luigi: “Since it’s open, we should go check. We still should be cautious, though.”

Following their trek up the stairs, the group laid eyes on a hall with only one room. They all looked
to each other before walking towards it.

Parappa: “Hey, what’s that?”

Yandere-Chan: “It looks to be a keypad.”

Nagito: “I wouldn’t suppose the code could be 11037? Haha.”

The Conductor: “That’s one number too many! Yer can see it only takes a 4-digit code!”

Luigi: “Oh, then maybe…”

Luigi inputted the numbers 0208, given to him by Monokuma previously.


Parappa: “Whoa, is it open?”

Yandere-Chan: “How did you know what the code was, Luigi?”

Luigi: “Well, I didn’t know exactly. It was just a number Monokuma gave me while I was

The Conductor: “The bear’s being awfully generous to us with where we can go.”

Nagito: “Monokuma always likes a fully solved mystery.”

Luigi opened the door, and everyone went inside. As for Luigi’s first impression: it was
unexpected, to say the least. The room was dim, with only the vibrant light of monitors pinned to
the wall behind a desk illuminating the interior. There were sheets of paper everywhere: some on
the aforementioned desk, some stuck to walls, even some strewn out across the floor. If Luigi
squinted, he could’ve sworn there was also a mini fridge at the side?

The Conductor: “Quite the untidy place we’ve got here.”

Nagito: “This must be the mastermind’s room.”

Parappa: “Really?! Where are they? Are they hiding?”

Yandere-Chan: “They’re probably somewhere else. It would be bad for them if we did find them in

Luigi: “Considering how messy it is, they’ve-a probably spent a long time here…”

The five started looking around the room in different areas, Luigi making his own way over to the
desk. There were a few notebooks, a laptop, a separate keyboard, the monitors on the wall…

Luigi paused.

Luigi: “G-Guys…”

Parappa: “What’s wrong, Luigi?”

Luigi pointed up at the monitors, which grabbed everyone’s attention.

Nagito: “Ah, that must be the camera feed.”

The Conductor: “So how come they still knew what happened even after the cameras were shot?”

Yandere-Chan: “That’s still quite unclear. However, we can tell the cameras are their main tool to
watch us.”
Parappa: “They’ve been watching us this whole time? From… everywhere?”

Nagito: “It’s what usually happens, unfortunately.”

The Conductor: “Thank the lord they have the common decency to not have cameras in the

Luigi: (“They’ve-a seen it all from here…? Every murder, every execution… What isn’t known to
them anymore?”)

*”Mastermind’s hideout” has been added to truth bullets*

Monokuma: “Well then, I think that’s just enough investigating for you all!”

Luigi almost jumped as the monitor screens rapidly flickered to static, and then of a whole video
feed of Monokuma.

The Conductor: “What, really?! We’ve hardly got anything out of these places!”

Monokuma: “Nah, I’m pretty sure you’ve got all that you need! Puhuhu!”

Luigi: “...”

Monokuma: “Oh, don’t look so glum, Luigi! I promise what happens next will be super fun! Are
ya ready? Are ya steady? Because it’s time folks! Time for the last class trial to commence! Head
to the red door on the first floor and… Wow. We’ve all come so far, I just can’t believe it. I… I’m
just super excited to feel the despair! Let’s go! C’mon! Nyohoho!”

The monitors shut off completely, leaving the five in a deep darkness.

Luigi: (“There it is again… Monokuma keeps changing. I don’t-a understand why. I’ll need to
bring that up. I’ll need to confront him about it…”)

*”Monokuma’s characterisation” has been added to truth bullets*

Nagito: “Well, shall we?”

The Conductor: “I guess we have no choice.”

Slowly, and silently, the group walked down each floor until they were back to the first: the floor
they all woke up on not too long ago. As they passed the classrooms, Luigi recalled the first
memory of this school, when he woke up in a panic, and tripped up on his own brother. Then he
thought back to meeting everyone else afterwards, getting told about the killing game, and
everything else that proceeded.

Once making it to the empty elevator room, they watched the doors open.

Luigi: “...Is everyone ready?”

The Conductor: “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

Nagito: “I’ve never experienced the final trial before… I’m a little nervous honestly.”

Parappa: “Same…”

Yandere-Chan: “We know what we need to do first: solve the mystery. Whatever happens next is
what we need to brace for.”

Luigi: (“What will happen next…? What is the mystery behind this school?”)

Yandere-Chan: “Well, we shouldn’t waste anymore time.”

And with that, Yandere-Chan was the first to walk onto the elevator. Proceeding her was The
Conductor. Followed by Nagito. Then Parappa. And finally Luigi. The doors promptly closed, and
for the final time, the elevator started to descend.

Luigi didn’t want to admit he had become akin to the sensation of falling deep down ever-so
slowly, but he was sure the others felt the same way. It was a somber ride down, as it usually was.
During the first case, more people were prone to talk. As more and more passed, this enclosed
space became nothing but a vacuum of tension and misery. If Luigi closed his eyes, he could
almost imagine he was in the presence of the 16 others he started among. Maybe they were here,
just not physically.

But as the ding awoke him from his thoughts, Luigi knew that he couldn’t think about that

Monokuma: “What a surprise to see you all here! I’m glad! So glad!”

Parappa: “It’s… red again?”

Monokuma: “Not exactly! It’s like… red-pink! A hue in between! Just a tad bit different! I thought
we could return to the original look, but not too closely!”

The Conductor: “No one asked for yer artist process, if yer could even call it that…”

Monokuma: “Anywho, it’s time! Time time time! What time is it? It’s time for the final trial! The
boss battle you’ve all been waiting for! Me against you! You against me! I’ll be joining in for real
this time — how fun!”

Nagito: “It seems you’ve swapped around the portraits, too.”

Monokuma: “Oh yeah! I just thought we’d need a nice new change-up for the final showdown! So,
to your new seats everyone!”

Luigi walked over to his assigned seat. He glanced at every portrait, and every friend he still had
with him. Then, he took a deep breath.
Luigi: (“We can do this… I can do this…”)

Luigi: (“We’ve lost so many… But, now we’re here. We’ve made a promise to end this killing
game once and for all. No more wavering, no more false promises… This is it, Luigi. For Mario,
and for everyone: we’re going to expose the mystery of this school, and we’re going to get out!!”)

And so ends the battle between hope and despair, truth and lies, trust and doubt.

The final class trial has begun!

Chapter End Notes

So folks, now comes the last prediction: The mastermind! (+traitor!)
Who do you think it is? Him? Her? Them? You never know who it could be...
((so please provide me with your awesome game theories I love them all sm))
Chapter 6: The Ultimate Ending for Me and You (Class Trial/Epilogue)
Chapter Notes


Holy hell have I been gone from this fic for 6 months but I assure you during that time
I've been working on this chapter on and off like crazy! Only these last 2 weeks did I
really sit my ass down and focus. But, PHEW, was it worth it because I like how it
turned out!!
So, without further ado, I present to you the final trial (and chapter) of DR69 !!!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

*Fives times Luigi and co. had to solve a murder case featuring their friends. Now, with only five
left, what will become of them against the so-called mastermind? Can hope really be found in
exposing them? Hell, what will they do once they’re exposed? Well, there’s only one way to find



The equipment list had a consistent weekly gap of recorded checks, which had abruptly stopped
and forgotten about for two years. Some have theorised this is because the school has been


A newspaper article with the headline ‘scientific breakthrough has disclosed the possibility of other
universes’ details about the theory of the multiverse, and that testing on communication and travel
between universes will be put in place to see if it’s successful.


A file on the laptop, originally only containing one coherent paragraph, now contains two,
detailing plans about the killing game.

*The Mutual Killing School Life will follow the general formula of the one masterminded by
Junko Enoshima. While extra terms and rules can be put in place, everything else should mimic to
a similar degree. It’s what I want, it’s what I long for. 16 individuals falling to despair. Who cares
where they’re from? When they despair, they’re all the same. I love it.
Man, did I really think that way back then? Way to be serious. I’m not so about the formalities
anymore. At least I think I’m not. What I care about now is providing the best possible cases, the
best possible events, and the best possible emotions every time. I have plans. But, I’m always
nervous they’re not gonna work. So, I’m gonna pull my weight to make them work. No matter who
they hurt. After all, they’re gonna hurt at least someone. And that’s what I ‘long for’ now.*


A journal that was picked up by Yandere-Chan that contained daily entries from who presumably
is the traitor. Some entries include:

*Found another clue. Was given a present from the machine by Luigi. Dinner was usual talk.*

*I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you go away please please stop it go away I don’t want this
I hate you I hate you I hate you*


A file containing information about Hope’s Peak Academy and its involvement with The Tragedy
and more specifically killing games. It notes how killing games are usually broadcasted to certain
people to spread despair.


Nagito has reminisced on the ‘lucky student’ aspect of hope’s peak, where one student is picked
out of a raffle to join the school. He also explained how much he admires talent, and feels lucky to
co-exist alongside them.


A scrapbook containing photographs of all 16 participants of the killing game. They have been
inferred to be taken in each person’s home town, before the killing game.


Each student has a file containing a considerable amount of information on them: from personal life
to general tastes. It is unclear who found out this information and how.

On the newly found sixth floor, there is a single room containing what is believed to be the
mastermind’s hideout. It is worth noting how the camera feed can be found here as well.


Sometimes, Monokuma would act ‘out of character’, replacing his extravagant and sadistic
personality with a more mellow and serious tone. It is believed that this is the mastermind breaking
character to directly talk to the participants.


Monokuma: “Welcome! Welcome! Gosh, look at you all: you’re all so pumped up to go against
silly ol’ me! Hm, well, I won’t go easy on ya then! Puhuhu!”

Luigi: “So you’ll be joining us this time?”

Monokuma: “Indeed I am! I mean, everyone’s forgotten about Mr. K at this point anyway, so I’m
sure you don’t care if I just yoink his seat!”

Yandere-Chan: “You seem awfully excited.”

Monokuma: “Man, why wouldn’t I be? Ah, I’ve been waiting for this moment since the start! Well
then, let’s not waste time, hm? Let’s get to it, people!”

Nagito: “And so we shall. But where do you expect us to start? Unlike the previous cases, there
isn’t much of a clear starting point, unfortunately.”

Parappa: “Uh… Oh! How about the--”

The Conductor: “The location’s been buggin’ me the most. Just where in peck’s name are we?”

Yandere-Chan: “I agree with that. With the bolted windows and whatnot, figuring out a general
location has never been possible for me.”

Parappa: “U-Uh, I guess that’s what I was going to say…”

Nagito: “But to pinpoint a specific location when we don’t even know a general one… that is

Luigi: “But nothing we can’t handle, right? Just like-a the previous trials, discussions will lead us
to the answer.” (“And, anyway, I’m starting to have a bad suspicion about it…”)

Monokuma: “Don’t bother with Google Maps, they’re as useless as hell!”

The Conductor: “And as per usual you’ll be as useful as a blunt knife!”

Parappa: “If no-one’s tried to save us, maybe it’s a super hidden area?”

Yandere-Chan: “Perhaps you’re right. Or perhaps the mastermind has invested in high security

Nagito: “If they’re taking after what Junko did, then it’s definitely possible.”

Parappa: “Then does that mean all our friends are waiting outside for us?”

Monokuma: “Lemme try out a GPS!”

Luigi: (“I had a feeling I’d have to get this out of the way first…”)

Parappa: “Then does that mean all our friends are waiting outside for us?”


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “It’s unlikely all of our friends are outside the school.”

Parappa: “Huh, why?”

Luigi: “It’s to do with that news article we found.”

The Conductor: “The one about the ‘scientific breakthrough’ and ‘universes’? Yer think it has
importance here?”

Luigi: “Yeah, I think… we’re all from different universes.”

Parappa: “Huh?! What does that mean?”

Yandere-Chan: “If we remember what it defined universes as, there is a chance that is true.”

Nagito: “Ah, I’ve never really thought about that before. Since Monokuma is as absurd as he is, I
assumed the rest of you were the same as well!”

The Conductor: “So the bear is from your universe?”

Monokuma: “We sure are! Like two mentally unstable peas in a pod!”

Parappa: “But… I still don’t understand. What does that mean?”

Luigi: “Think of it like-a this: we didn’t know anyone when we first woke up here, right? I’m sure
you met some people that you’d never thought could exist, especially from where you come from.”

Monokuma: “A talking horse? A talking dog? A talking human?! Oh, well I guess that last one is
pretty normal.”

Nagito: “I don’t find it that hard to believe honestly. I remember Sans mentioning something about
alternating timelines, and this must be related to what he meant!”

The Conductor: “A small world, aye? The hatted lass had ship fuel with powers similar to this.”
Yandere-Chan: “So then it’s confirmed.”

Parappa: “Then does that mean we’re in one of those universes?”

Luigi: “It’s what I was thinking.”

The Conductor: “It’s probably the same one the mastermind came from!”

Yandere-Chan: “That’s still a lot to work with. And difficult, since we can’t learn about the other
universes from the people that have died.”

Parappa: “Oh! I know!”

Luigi: “You have an idea, Parappa?”

Parappa: “Uh-huh! I think I know where we are!”


The Conductor: “Where do yer think we are, lad?”

Parappa: “Well, if the mastermind knows about Monokuma, then we must be in his universe!”

Yandere-Chan: “Is there an abandoned school in your universe, Nagito?”

Nagito: “The only important school I can think of is Hope’s Peak, but…”

Parappa: “Then that’s where we are! We’re in Hope’s Peak!”

Monokuma: “Hope’s Peak Academy? My birth place?!”

The Conductor: “Yer what?!”

Luigi: (“No, that can’t be right…”)

Parappa: “Then that’s where we are! We’re in Hope’s Peak!”


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “No, we can’t possibly be in Hope’s Peak. The file I read about it described the school way
differently to where we are right now.”

Nagito: “As well as that, Hope’s Peak looks nothing like this school. It does have a lot of rooms for
practical subjects, but a bar? What kind of school would encourage underage drinking? Ahaha.”

Yandere-Chan: “And, we would’ve expected to see trophies and textbooks covered with its name
and logo, like a school should. But, I haven’t seen a single sign of that.”

Parappa: “Huh? But what about that one thing!”

Monokuma: “What one thing? The ‘good stuff’? The ‘blue crystal’? Only the rumoured
Heizenburg could make something so pure!”

Nagito: “What about his former student turned partner?”

Luigi: “Uh, what? N-No, I think he means…”


Parappa: “Yeah, the equipment list! Didn’t it tell us that we’re in an abandoned school?”

The Conductor: “That’s what we concluded at the time…”

Yandere-Chan: “It just means that we are in an abandoned school of sorts, just not Hope’s Peak.”

Parappa: “So if we’re not there, then where are we?”

Nagito: “I’m not so sure about that, but I’d like to think back to the article. Didn’t it say travel
between universes was going to be tested?”

Luigi: “Why do you bring that up?”

Nagito: “Well, whatever it was, the mastermind must’ve utilised it to bring us here, right?”

The Conductor: “So they just stole some big testing that would’ve been highly guarded just to do
all this?! ...Actually, that wouldn’t be too bad as a plot.”

Parappa: “But how did they take us?”

Yandere-Chan: “They must’ve kidnapped us.”

The Conductor: “What?! I’m not one to let my guard down so easily, y’know?!”

Monokuma: “Then how come you’re here? Puhuhu!”

The Conductor: “I… I don’t know! I don’t pecking remember!”

Parappa: “Me too… The last thing I remember was hanging out with my friends.”

Luigi: “That’s what I remember, too…”

Yandere-Chan: “To be going about our everyday lives, only to be suddenly woken up in this
situation without explanation… With such a gap, our memories have to had been wiped, don’t you

Nagito: “Ah, have I really lost more memories? I’m afraid my brain may melt.”

Parappa: “Huh?!"

The Conductor: “Even so, are yer just gonna say this mastermind peck-neck got the jump on us so

Luigi: “Maybe not, if they had something to aid them…”

Monokuma: “Oh? Now they’re really gettin’ into the details here, folks!”


The Conductor: “So, what exactly did they do to kidnap us?”

Yandere-Chan: “From my perspective, our strengths do range greatly.”

Nagito: “Someone like me would definitely get kidnapped easily -- it’s even happened before!”

Parappa: “It has?!”

Yandere-Chan: “In any case, they really should’ve done their research on us.”

The Conductor: “No pecking stalker should’ve got through me security!”

Parappa: “Um, do directors have security while they sleep or something?”

Monokuma: “Beats me! That shark’s full of surprises!”

The Conductor: “Don’t yer dare bring that back!”

Luigi: (“Hm, that must-a be exactly it.”)

Yandere-Chan: “In any case, they really should’ve done their research on us.”


Luigi: “I agree with-a that!”


Luigi: “I believe it’s just as Ayano said: they were tracking our weaknesses by the student files!”

The Conductor: “Those inhumane files on us?”

Monokuma: “I wouldn’t call them inhumane, per say, only for about half of you anyway!”

Parappa: “So they really were stalking us?”

Nagito: “To gather information without someone knowing, the best strategy is to do it in stealth.”
Yandere-Chan: “As long as the victim stays unaware, you can gain as much information as you see

Parappa: “How do you two know so much about that…?”

The Conductor: “And here I thought we already got rid of all the stalkers among us!”

Monokuma: “Amogus.”

Luigi: “Huh…?”

Monokuma: “Carry on.”

Yandere-Chan: “So, by utilising these files, the mastermind was able to kidnap us all from different
universes and take us to this supposedly abandoned school. That’s what we’ve come up with so

The Conductor: “Doesn’t feel like a whole lot for the time we’ve been talking.”

Nagito: “How about we revisit the Hope’s Peak file? I’m sure there’s a lot in there that will help us

Luigi: “Like that-a one section on how the killing games were broadcasted to spread despair?”

The Conductor: “Hold on! Broadcasted? Spread despair?”

Nagito: “It might be new to you all, but killing games are essentially tools to invoke despair within
people. It was what helped fuel the tragedy in my universe.”

Yandere-Chan: “And so, if we’re all from different universes, this killing game must be being
broadcast to each one.”
Parappa: “But, what about the despair part?”

Monokuma: “Well that part’s obvious: I love love love despair! It makes me so… s-so… hummana
hummana… AWOOGA!”

Luigi: “Uh… T-The motive is a little unclear, but I’m-a sure we’ll get there.”

The Conductor: “Definitely without that peck-neck’s help.”

Parappa: “But why are we being watched?”

Nagito: “If it is for despair, like Monokuma said, then something must’ve happened to the outside
world. It definitely wouldn’t be the first.”

Yandere-Chan: “Something akin to the ‘tragedy’ you briefly mentioned?”

Nagito: “Possibly.”

The Conductor: “What even is this ‘tragedy’, lad?”

Luigi: “From what I’ve-a been told, it was an event that spiralled from a few scandals at Hope’s
Peak, that eventually turned the world into chaos.”

Nagito: “Oh, how people quickly turned to despair as if it were something building up inside them
every waking day of their normal lives… How quick people were to turn on their friends and
family… It was unfathomable.”

Monokuma: “But gee golly I loved it!”

Parappa: “That’s crazy! Y-You went through all that?”

Nagito: “One way or another… ahaha.”

Yandere-Chan: “And you’re suggesting that’s what’s going on outside?”

Luigi: “We don’t-a know for sure. We haven’t seen anything about it ourselves, right?”

The Conductor: “Alright, then I propose a theory!”

Luigi: “What is it, Conductor?”

The Conductor: “It’s about who’s behind this! I think I’ve finally figured it out!”


Monokuma: “Oh? What does the bird-brain have to say?”

The Conductor: “Quiet you! I know who yer really are!”

Parappa: “Who is it?!”

The Conductor: “If we’re sayin’ this whole thing is because of some despair-hungry peck-neck,
then there’s only one person that comes to mind!”

Monokuma: “Me, of course!”

The Conductor: “No! Junko Enoshima!”

Nagito: “Junko?”
Yandere-Chan: “The girl from the report?”

The Conductor: “Exactly! Who else fits the description except that peck-neck who invented these
killing games in the first place?!”

Nagito: “Junko Enoshima… Ahaha, there isn’t a name I despise more than hers…”

The Conductor: “See? Even he thinks so!”

Luigi: (“Junko Enoshima? She’s behind this? Wait…”)

The Conductor: “No! Junko Enoshima!”


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “As much as it makes sense… I don’t-a see that happening.”

Yandere-Chan: “We have already discussed the individual who wrote the report isn’t Junko, and
we have been disclosed before by Nagito that she’s dead.”

The Conductor: “I know, but I was thinking about what the lad said about her AI!”

Parappa: “AI?”

Nagito: “Oh, I briefly mentioned before that Junko, despite being dead, was able to mastermind my
first killing game through an AI made to entirely replicate her.”

The Conductor: “Now, I don’t know much about technology, but that AI thingy might’ve been
used here!”

Yandere-Chan: “But to pull all of this off would require a few physical beings, especially with
kidnapping us all.”

Luigi: (“...Ah! Hang on!”) “No, the person behind this is a physical person!”

The Conductor: “Aye?”

Luigi: “It… It happened when I was at the data centre…”


Luigi: (“There’s-a so many files… Should I even be looking in-a here by myself? Should I get
someone else? Hey, what’s-a this…?”)

Luigi went to pick up a file and—

???: “Oh dear, Luigi. You’re not supposed to be in here.”


Luigi: “I… remember hearing a voice.”

Yandere-Chan: “That was the person who knocked you unconscious, right?”

Luigi: “Y-Yeah.”
Parappa: “Wait, so, the mastermind is a real person, because an AI can’t do that!”

The Conductor: “Huh, I suppose yer have a point there.”

Nagito: “Although, I am glad it’s not Junko. I would never want to face someone like her.”

The Conductor: “Well we’ll still have to blooming face someone!”

Parappa: “But, who could it be? We don’t have any leads, do we?”

Luigi: “Not really…” (“Are we really back to square one? If it’s not Junko, then who’s-a behind

Yandere-Chan: “I propose we go back to our previous topic about that tragedy. We could
potentially narrow down actual mastermind suspects if we understand more about it.”

The Conductor: “Well, I’m sorry for trying to figure out the main point here, lass!”

Nagito: “I’m not so sure on what else there is to say.”

Luigi: “Something is better than-a nothing, right?”

Parappa: “But does that mean your universe is going through another tragedy because of this?”

Yandere-Chan: “Then it wouldn’t be just his. It would be all of ours.”

Monokuma: “We’re all in this together, people!”

Parappa: “W-Wait what? So that means my friends and family are…!”

Luigi: “H-Hang on, Parappa. We shouldn’t think like-a this--”

The Conductor: “Don’t tell me… did that mustached lass mess with time again?! Argh, this time
don’t even think I’m gonna forgive her!”

Nagito: “Ah, for the world to be plunged into despair again so soon? I’d rather die than experience
it all again…”

Luigi: (“This isn’t ideal… We can’t think like this, can we?”)


The Conductor: “I’ve just about had it with world destruction in me life!”

Yandere-Chan: “It’s out of our control. Think about what the mastermind has accomplished
already, such as the memory wiping.”

Parappa: “What if we’ve lost years worth of memories?!”

The Conductor: “Don’t tell me I’ve forgotten about new Bird Movie Awards I’ve won!”

Nagito: “But to think that someone has been achieving feats so similar to Junko…”

Monokuma: “Junko kinnies are all the range with the kids these days!”

Luigi: (“No, that can’t be…”)

Parappa: “What if we’ve lost years worth of memories?!”


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “I just don’t believe we’ve lost memories. At least, from that far ago.”

Yandere-Chan: “You have a counter theory?”

Luigi: “I don’t-a know for sure, but I want to take another look at the scrapbook Parappa found.”

The Conductor: “A scrapbook?”

Parappa: “Oh, I found a book with a bunch of photos of everyone. Um, here it is.”

Luigi: “Hm… Now, uh, I wouldn’t be able to tell because of my age, but Parappa, do you think you
look younger in this picture with your friends here?”

Parappa: “Hang on… Huh? No, I actually look really similar in this picture!”

Nagito: “Ah, I see. If Parappa hasn’t aged since that photo, then it couldn’t have been taken too
long ago.”

Luigi: “And you remember taking this picture, right Parappa?”

Parappa: “Yeah, I remember winning basketball that day.”

Monokuma: “He was ballin’!”

Yandere-Chan: “So that means we haven’t lost anything more than a year's worth of memories

The Conductor: “That seems about sound. But where does that get us now?”

Luigi: “Well we now know that if the mastermind has a recent photo in their possession, then
whatever caused all of-a this must’ve happened fairly recently.”

Parappa: “And what does that mean?”

Nagito: “Perhaps there’s a chance to amend what’s happened outside a lot faster than before --
that’s what I hope!”

Parappa: “Wait, for real?!”

Monokuma: “No, it’s a trap! Puhuhu!”

The Conductor: “What’s with all the random references?!”

Monokuma: “It’s really funny! Funny really! You have nooooo idea what the hell’s happening
beyond my walls, and yet you’re all more certain than a middle-aged nobody selling essential oils
or a bajillionaire investing in cryptocurrency that you’ll be able to fix it? Bleh, no wonder hope
makes me wanna throw up!”

Yandere-Chan: “Then you haven’t done a good job in convincing us otherwise.”

The Conductor: “Exactly! Yer kept yer trap yappin’ about peck-all this entire time!”

Monokuma: “Oh? Did I ask? Because I don’t remember asking you to tell me how to do my job.”

Nagito: “So are you going to start participating, Monokuma? It really is bothersome how
unexciting you’ve made this for yourself so far.”
Parappa: “Is this supposed to be exciting?”

Monokuma: “Sheesh! Fine art should not be rushed, y’know?! You kids wouldn’t know the first
thing about it! You and your micro-gaming, villager-hunting, rhythm-skebooping nonsense!”

Luigi: “Then let’s start to think about the mastermind. We’ve-a done a lot on what’s happening
outside, but what’s most important is exposing who’s behind all this.”

Parappa: “But where do we start? I thought we didn’t have any leads.”

Nagito: “Hm, perhaps we shouldn’t start directly with the mastermind, but someone just as close to
them that we may have some evidence on.”

The Conductor: “Like who?”

Luigi: (“Who could we focus our attention on to figure out the mastermind?”)

> Monokuma

> The traitor

> The dead students


Luigi: “Of course: the traitor! If we can figure out who the traitor was, then we’d surely find a
connection to the mastermind much easier.”

Yandere-Chan: “The traitor… the person the mastermind set up within the group to perform some
kind of task…”


Monokuma: “Oh, c’mon, I haven’t actually gone against an important rule, have I? And anyway,
I’m not the only one betraying you all…!”

2D: “Wot do you mean…?”

Monokuma: “I’m talking about the traitor among y’all!”

Luigi: “Traitor…?!”

Monokuma: “Yup! One of you is actually working with moi! Hi traitor, how’s it goin’? Oh,
actually, you can’t reply, can you? Well, you could, if you wanted everyone to distrust your whole


Luigi: “The traitor was first mentioned at the end of the second trial, and as well as-a that…”


Peter: “Oh, I bet it’s gonna be some super cool twist like they were never alive to begin with!”

Brian: “Wait, Peter, what you said… Is the traitor alive?”

Monokuma: “I’m a gazillion percent sure I can see ‘em standing here right now!”


Luigi: “Monokuma mentioned that he couldn’t see the traitor, meaning that Mr. Krabs, Mario,
Dedede, and Ashley couldn’t have-a been the traitor.”

Nagito: “And then, when Sans said the traitor had died…”

Parappa: “I-Is Sans the traitor?!”

Sans: “Traitor…? Heheh, no. The traitor’s already dead .”


Nagito: “That would automatically deconfirm him, Fluttershy, Brian, and all of us of being the
traitor as well.”

Luigi: “And that-a leaves only 2D, Miku, Teto and-a Peter.”

Yandere-Chan: “Yes, but, how do we know that Sans was right?”

Nagito: “Because… I trust him.”

Parappa: “I wanna believe in him too!”

The Conductor: “I understand where yer coming from, but I’d hate it if it really was one of us.”

Luigi: “Then don’t believe it. We agreed to trust in each other, right? I want to believe in everyone
here right now. And hey, even if I’m-a wrong, I’ll still be happy believing in my friends until the

The Conductor: “Yer make quite the sentimental point there, Luigi. With all this negativity
clouding me recently, it’s hard to think so simple.”

Yandere-Chan: “I don’t mind what you want to believe in. It’s a possibility we have to try
Monokuma: “Such blind trust! You guys need a guide dog or somethin’?”

Parappa: “I can be the guide dog!”

Luigi: “Parappa, I don’t think he meant it in a helpful way…”

Nagito: “So then, I suppose this brings it down to four: 2D, Miku, Teto and Peter.”

Luigi: (“2D, Miku, Teto and Peter… Was one of them really the traitor? And if so, which one was


Monokuma: “What an interesting quartet of the dead!”

The Conductor: “Even if they are dead, they’re still suspicious!”

Yandere-Chan: “Perhaps the traitor was someone who seemed trustworthy, like Miku or 2D.”

Nagito: “What makes you say that?”

Parappa: “What if it was Peter all along, and Sans was right twice?!”

Nagito: “That would be pretty incredible on a whim.”

The Conductor: “Yer seem pretty unsure with these theories, lad.”

Nagito: “Not a single mention of Teto, is all. I thought she would be the first to be brought up.”
The Conductor: “Teto?! She was off her pecking marbles -- yer think she was the traitor?!”

Yandere-Chan: “She’s just unlikely. End of discussion.”

Luigi: (“Everyone seems a bit sided on this… But, there’s definitely evidence that proves someone
in particular…”)

Nagito: “Not a single mention of Teto, is all. I thought she would be the first to be brought up.”


Luigi: “I agree with-a that!”


Luigi: “I know what the rest of you might be thinking, but I think Nagito has a point.”

The Conductor: “Look, I know that lad has had crazies theories that are somehow possible, but
this? This is a whole other level of ridiculous!”

Monokuma: “You don’t know Hopey’s ridiculousness until you see his previous killing game’s
murder case!”

Nagito: “Don’t embarrass me, Monokuma. To be reminded of that feels unnecessary!”

Parappa: “But why do you think it’s Teto? ‘Cuz of the way she acted and all, she doesn’t seem like
the traitor…”

Luigi: “That is true, until you take a look at the traitor’s journal Ayano found…”

*Found another clue. Was given a present from the machine by Luigi. Dinner was usual talk.*
The Conductor: “Well what’s that got to do with anything? So what if you gave them a present?”

Luigi: “What’s-a most important is when I gave them the present. It was during a day when we
found a new clue.”

Yandere-Chan: “So the day after the first trial, and the day after the second trial.”

Parappa: “How about the second day when we found the equipment list?”

Luigi: “No, I didn’t give out any presents that day.”

Nagito: “And who were the people you gave presents to on those days, Luigi?”

Luigi: “It was…”

> Miku and Teto

> Peter and Brian

> 2D and Miku


Luigi: “It was Miku and Teto.”

The Conductor: “Aye, I see now. So one of the idols was the traitor? Peck, and they were gonna be
me star actors too!”

Yandere-Chan: “Yes, but this means it could be either of the two. Miku is still a potential suspect
as I first said.”
Nagito: “Are there any further passages in that journal we could use to narrow it down?”

Luigi: “Well, there’s only this one that looks to have importance…”

*I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you go away please please stop it go away I don’t want this
I hate you I hate you I hate you*

Parappa: “T-That…”

The Conductor: “Christ! What happened here?!”

Yandere-Chan: “The traitor obviously experienced something rather tragic to them. And since this
is their last entry, this must be somewhere before the third murder case, if we are to believe it’s
Miku or Teto.”

Monokuma: “Man, talk about teenage angst!”

Parappa: “Could this be Miku when she was being sent those notes?”

Nagito: “Maybe. But what use would it be to write to the mastermind about it?”

Yandere-Chan: “But you’re not possibly saying that Teto wrote this about Miku or 2D, right?”

Nagito: “Hm, it could be that we need to go back further.”

The Conductor: “Further?”

Nagito: “Back to the beginning, actually. When you all learned about your ultimate talents.”

Parappa: “That far?! What for?”

Luigi: (“When we all learned about our talents? Did someone say something strange back then? If
I can just recall what, then…!”)

*Q1: Who was the only participant who knew about Ultimate talents before waking up here?*

> Monokuma

> Sans

> Nagito


*Q2: Who did everyone mention they got their talents from?*

> Nagito

> The mastermind

> Their E-handbook


*Q3: Who was the only person who said they knew their talent from another source?*

> Miku

> Teto

> Mr. Krabs


Luigi: “It’s all-a coming together!


Luigi: “That’s it! I remember now! Teto had said something suspicious back then!”

Yandere-Chan: “She did?”

Luigi: “Yes, I remember when me and Mario first met her…”


Mario: “Who gave-a you that title? The white-haired guy?”

Teto: “No… I just woke up with that thought already in my head… I bet it was some cruel hater-


Luigi: “Teto directly said she already knew what her Ultimate talent was, despite none of us
knowing what that was beforehand except Nagito.”

Nagito: “I always found it strange that she said that to me, but now I realise it must be because if
she was the traitor, then she would’ve known about the killing games because of working with the

Parappa: “So does that mean Teto really is the traitor?”

Monokuma: “I’m pretty sure she said something like: ‘I already know my talent, stupid! B-But I’m
not telling you what it is!’ Hey, It wasn’t!”

Luigi: (“Huh? What was that last part?”)

Monokuma: “So, you think the traitor is Teto? But, I thought you all said she went coo-coo!”
Luigi: “But with the evidence we have, it has to be true!”

Monokuma: “Hmm, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm…”

The Conductor: “What?”

Monokuma: “Oh, I’m just deciding on the perfect time to laugh my ass off!”

Parappa: “What?!”

Yandere-Chan: “I must admit, with what’s been presented, it seems pretty clear that Teto was in
fact your traitor.”

Nagito: “Unless you’re just worried that we are right.”

Monokuma: “Right? Right?! In 5 miles, take the next right!”

The Conductor: “Oh, don’t go spoutin’ nonsense again!”

Luigi: “...No. You’re worried that we’ve figured out the mastermind.”

Parappa: “Huh?! We have?”

Monokuma: “...”

Nagito: “Ah, I suppose we have, haven’t we?”

Yandere-Chan: “If Teto’s the traitor, then the most logical connection would be that the
mastermind is…”
Luigi: (“The mastermind… The one who put us through this killing game… The one who’s
supposedly plunged the outside world into despair… The one who’s caused us all this despair…
They are…”)


Luigi: “The mastermind… is Hatsune Miku.”

Monkuma: “...”

Parappa: “M-Miku?! But she was so nice! How could she be the…?”

Nagito: “It makes sense when you realise that Miku and Teto knew each other before the killing
game. So if Teto was the traitor, then the mastermind would have to be someone who could put
their trust in her, like Miku.”

The Conductor: “But what about the fact that she’s, you know, dead as a pecking doornail?!”

Yandere-Chan: “She could’ve simply faked her death.”

Parappa: “But that makes no sense! Teto killed Miku, right? Why would the traitor kill the

Nagito: “Perhaps we don’t know the full story.”

Parappa: “Full story?”

Nagito: “Junko Enoshima was believed to have died during the first killing game, however it was
simply a switch and bait with her twin sister.”

Luigi: “Well, Monokuma? Or, should I say Miku?”

Monokuma: “...Ha, haha, ahaha, AHAHAHAHA!!!”

Luigi: “...”

Monokuma: “Oh, you poor, poor idiot , Luigi! You’re so damn funny! So funny that my sides hurt
like hell from having to listen to this spiel!”

Luigi: “What…?!”

The Conductor: “Stop playin’ dumb! You have to be her!”

Monokuma: “Oh, do I? Ummmm, nope!”

Yandere-Chan: “This is ridiculous. We’ve exposed you, so just admit it.”

Monokuma: “But I’m not~! I’m not, I’m not, I’m not~~!”

Parappa: “Hey, that kinda sounds like how Miku would talk!”

Nagito: “Ah, did we catch her in the act?”

Monokuma: “Eh? No no no~! Yooooouuuuu didn’t~! You-- Oh, c’mon! Just admit it already!
Even I’m getting annoyed here! They found you out, okay?!”

Luigi: (“There it is again… It feels-a like there’s another person speaking out of Monokuma

Monokuma: “Awww, but I kinda wanted to play around for a bit more! And? You knew this was
gonna happen, so don’t act stupid!”
Luigi: “...”

Monokuma: “...Okay~! Why not? I’m prepared now anyway!”

???: “Jā, nice to meet you for real!”

???: “Nice to meet you too!”

Luigi: “So it is you! Miku…!”

Miku: “Hel--lo! Hajimemashite!”

Teto: “And me too, idiot!”

Parappa: “Huh?! But I thought you both died!”

Miku: “Oh, oh! Silly puppy! We didn’t die~!”

Yandere-Chan: “So you faked your deaths?”

Miku: “Awww, do we need to get to that so soon? Don’t you want to bask in our introduction first?
Huh? Huh?”

Nagito: “So, you’re the ones behind this killing game?”

Miku: “Yep! What? Were you expecting it to be The Conductor or something?”

The Conductor: “What?!”

Parappa: “B-But why? You were… you were so nice to us! You were our friend!”

Miku: “Of course I was your friend! Don’t you remember?”

Yandere-Chan: “It’s a little less sincere now that we know you’re the mastermind.”

Miku: “Ahhh, what a shame! Teto, I think they’re still scared of you!”

Teto: “What?! No they’re not! They’re just stupid! Very stupid… hmhm.”

The Conductor: “Stupid?! Yer were the ones wasting our time this whole trial!”

Miku: “Time wasting? I believe every trial has been like that, no? So much unnecessary filler from
the idiots… Ah, and there are still some present too!”

Teto: “Hehe! All I can see are idiots!”

Luigi: (“I can’t believe it. All this time, it was-a these two pulling the strings? They caused
everyone to die? Mario to die?”)

Parappa: “Wait, so, you’re both the mastermind?”

Miku: “Mm, no! Teto’s just the traitor!”

Teto: “But don’t underplay my role, okay?! I actually had a job to perform, you know! Two,

Luigi: (“What the traitor’s job was… What Teto’s job was…”)

> To kill

> To make everyone breakfast

> To provide clues


Luigi: “It was to give us the clues!”

Parappa: “It was?”

The Conductor: “Actually, now that yer mention it, after the lass, uh, ‘died’, we never got any
more clues!”

Nagito: “And the way Monokuma was acting so on edge the day after Teto’s execution makes
sense now. You were upset you couldn’t use your traitor anymore to provide us with clues.”

Miku: “Ohh, I was so sad! Teto did such a good job too!”

Teto: “Eh? U-Um, thanks… But that wasn’t the only thing I did!”

Yandere-Chan: “So you were the one creating logs in the journal as well?”
Miku: “Hehe! She was simply doing check-ups on all of you when I couldn’t!”

The Conductor: “How could yer in the first place? Yer were always around the group!”

Parappa: “A-And why did you fake your deaths?”

Miku: “Huuuuh… I guess we’ll have to expose our act now, Teto.”

Teto: “Fine by me. I thought you wanted it to be recognised, anyway.”

Miku: “Hehe, alright then~! So, what do you remember about the third case?”

Nagito: “We learned that Teto started to plan her murder when she recieved Ayano’s secret.”

Miku: “Mhmmm~ And what else?”

Yandere-Chan: “You became very out of character, having that big outburst the night of your

Parappa: “Which turned out to be because you were being sent those notes by Teto…”

The Conductor: “And then Teto had her whole dramatic break down in the trial where she killed
2D for Miku’s, er, attention or whatever.”

Miku: “And then -- oh no -- her execution!”

Luigi: “And what of it?”

Miku: “Hehe, you haven’t figured it out yet?”

Yandere-Chan: “You want us to figure out how you faked your deaths?”

Miku: “Yeees, but--- hrm. Oh! Luigi~ Do you remember what I told you about in our free time

Luigi: (“My free time with Miku…”)


Miku: “Well, you see, VOCALOIDs are initially a blank state with a voice and look. This enables a
producer to create narratives and characters in their artistic vision, without being conformed to a set


Luigi: “You said that VOCALOIDs can change personality…!”

Teto: “And that includes UTAUs as well, you hear?”

Nagito: “So you’re essentially saying that what occurred in the third case was an act created by the
two of you?”

Miku: “Did you like it? I had a lot of fun writing it, after all!”

The Conductor: “ Writing it?”

Miku: “Yes~! The entire third case was a fun little story written by me!”

Teto: “You better like it -- Miku spent a long time on it!”

Parappa: “Huh? But that makes no sense! What about the notes Teto sent you?”
Teto: “I obviously didn’t mean them, okay?! Especially when I called her a wh--”

Miku: “Of course, of course! I mean, I was the one who suggested it in the first place, silly!”

Luigi: “What?! You suggested it?”

Miku: “Wasn’t it convincing? It put me in such a typical victim role -- ah, I’m much too used to
playing those, but it was my own choice after all!”

Yandere-Chan: “And the motive? That was to aid your act too?”

Miku: “The secrets made for such an interesting start! I thought it was really funny when Teto
started to expose you, and in turn you got all embarrassed and scared! It was kinda cute!”

Yandere-Chan: “...”

Parappa: “Hey, that’s unfair! She really thought everyone hated her!”

Miku: “And then everyone hated Teto. People are so quick to turn their attention onto the bigger
bad guy, hm?”

Teto: “And I’m not the one who really killed someone!”

Nagito: “Then who killed 2D? Was it not you?”

Luigi: “Yeah, did… 2D even consent to this? Did you fake his death as well?”

Miku: “...No.”

The Conductor: “No?! Yer really offed him for yer stupid story?!”
Miku: “Ha… Haha… Ah, 2D really was my closest friend here. To take him down with us, while
we’d actually live, felt so horrible, so disgusting, so… despairful .”

Parappa: “...But who killed him?”

Miku: “You see, everything played out exactly as you figured it out in trial… I gave 2D that one
note, he selflessly, but stupidly, vouched to go in my place, and both me and Teto followed him up
to the study.”

Nagito: “So you were already there before he died.”

Teto: “Miku just wanted to watch, you know. She wanted to see her case play out.”

Miku: “Ah, no thanks to you, Teto.”

Teto: “W-What--?!”

Miku: “So who killed 2D?”

Luigi: (“W-What…? 2D’s killer…”)

> Teto

> 2D

> Miku


Luigi: “It was Miku?!”

Parappa: “Huh?! Miku killed 2D?!”

Miku: “Poor Teto chickened out last minute. She said she didn’t want to do it: she couldn’t kill our
friend! So I had to shoot him for her. It was such a shame…”

Teto: “...”

Yandere-Chan: “You call that a shame?”

The Conductor: “Peck, she was right! Who in their right mind would even do that?!”

Miku: “I only wanted the case to continue like I wanted! And it did! We even played out Teto
killing me! It was so much fun~!”

Nagito: “You killed your friend for a fake case for fun… What were you trying to invoke in us

Miku: “I suppose the same feelings as you all felt on the past two trials! I mean, nothing could top
the first trial for Luigi, but I think it was just as effective for the rest of you!”

Luigi: “...”

Teto: “It’s cool that it did, though… Just proves our acting is basically Ultimate level.”

Yandere-Chan: “Then how do you explain the message left on 2D’s hand? We figured out he was
signalling the person he saw kill him, which was Teto.”

Miku: “Ah, that wasn’t 2D’s doing at all. That was all me~! I dunked his finger in his own blood,
for the ‘dying message’!”

Teto: “Do you really think someone like him would’ve come up with something like that ?”
Luigi: (“The way Miku’s been talking about 2D’s death like it was-a nothing… It just sounds so

Parappa: “B-But… what about when we found you dead…?”

Miku: “Oh, that wasn’t me! That was another VOCALOID model we kidnapped that had the same
body type as me. We just did a bit of cosplay and wallah! One dead Miku-Chan~!”

The Conductor: “Yer killed one of yer own kin for this too?!”

Miku: “And? It’s the only harm we did. That one secret where Teto ‘staged accidents’ on
VOCALOIDS? That was fake as all hell! Oh, and my secret was fake too, by the way!”

Nagito: “Ah, so it really was to manipulate us into thinking it was all real. Even I fell for it.”

Parappa: “I was really worried Miku’s secret was true…”

Yandere-Chan: “I think this is much worse than some secret.”

Luigi: “What about Teto’s execution? How was that faked?”

Teto: “It was simple actually. There was a trap door underneath where I was sat on the stage in the
final act. I just jumped down the same time the stage collapsed. But I still don’t understand why I
had to actually endure that freaking loud music…”

Miku: “Authenticity, Teto~!”

Teto: “They couldn’t actually hear it though!”

Nagito: “I don’t believe you did all this just to see if you could imitate a real murder case. This
‘acting’ opens up the possibility of you faking more than just what occurred in the third case.”
Miku: “Oh? And what possibly could you mean by that?”

Luigi: (“Yeah, there has to be more to this!”)


The Conductor: “To fake a whole case, and killing an innocent man while doing so, just how sick
are yer?!”

Teto: “We’re not sick, okay?! We have a reason why!”

Yandere-Chan: “How much have you been faking while you were ‘alive’?”

Parappa: “What if they’ve been faking their whole personality?!”

Miku: “Oh no! We have?”

Nagito: “You admitted it yourself that you can change your personality at will.”

Teto: “Maybe we’ve always been like this ! How would you know?”

The Conductor: “If you’ve always been like this, then I’d oughta!”

Yandere-Chan: “We should save them for a worse punishment.”

Luigi: (“I see where this is going…”)

Parappa: “What if they’ve been faking their whole personality?!”


Luigi: “I agree with-a that!”


Luigi: “Actually, I think they have been faking a lot more than-a the third case…”

Miku: “Hm?”

Luigi: “There’s been times where Monokuma completely changed character, contradicting his
usual energetic personality.”


Monokuma: “...Luigi.”

Luigi: “Y-Yes…?”

Monokuma: “You really are a bad liar.”

Luigi: (“H-Huh?! That… doesn’t sound like Monokuma. No, the voice is-a the same but… it
doesn’t feel like Monokuma said it.”)


Luigi: “...”

Monokuma: “I don’t think it’s wise to ignore me, Luigi. W e’ll be meeting each other very soon .”
Luigi: “Wh...What?”


Monokuma: “Time for the last class trial to commence! Head to the red door on the first floor
and… Wow. We’ve all come so far, I just can’t believe it. I… I’m just super excited to feel the
despair! Let’s go! C’mon! Nyohoho!”


Luigi: “Now, this alone could-a mean anything. Maybe Miku just wanted to speak directly to me,
but this also proves that she liked to change personality a lot, even with Monokuma.”

Yandere-Chan: “And this random personality swapping proves that Miku’s entire personality in the
killing game before her faked death was all an act?”

Luigi: “Well, Miku?”

Miku: “Well, what? I just wanted to play the role as the Ultimate Virtual Diva~! And Teto the
Ultimate Secondary Diva!”

Teto: “I still kinda wanted a better talent than that, you know…”

Miku: “Ah, you’re still complaining about it? Teto, it was for disguise. We had to look as clueless
as the rest of them -- that way they didn’t suspect a thing!”

The Conductor: “I always thought ‘secondary’ was oddly degrading…”

Teto: “Well it wasn’t my fault! If only we picked the rest of your talents, maybe I would’ve given
you all crappy ones too!”

Parappa: “Huh? What do you mean by that?”

Luigi: “You weren’t the ones to give us our talents? But you gave yourselves talents?”

Miku: “Why, isn’t it obvious who did?”

Luigi: (“Ah, now thinking about it again, it has to be them …”)


Luigi: “Nagito, it was you!”

Nagito: “Huh? I can’t give people their Ultimate talents, I’m much too unworthy!”

Luigi: “But, I remember…”


Mario: “Uh-Huh… And-a what’s your deal with these ‘Ultimate thingys’?”

Nagito: “You don’t know? You’re here for a reason, you know. Each and every one of you has
something special inside of them… a meaning, a purpose, a gift that makes you the best of your
kind. That is your Ultimate Talent.”

Mario: “Then, what’s-a mine and Luigis’?”

Nagito: “If you don’t remember it, then it’s for you to decide… Why are you here? Why were you

Luigi: “Yeah… You told us to give ourselves our own talents!”

Yandere-Chan: “That explains why Teto was so admirant on saying she already knew her talent
back then.”

Nagito: “Uh, but, I was only prompting you to remember what they were, right? I mean, I just
thought since the situation was so similar, I only assumed that…”

Miku: “I made you assume that, silly! I just manipulated you into doing the talent thing for me,
especially since a lot of the students are way past school age, and I was not going to explain to
anyone over thirty what an Ultimate talent was, trust me. So thank you for that~!”

Nagito: “Ah… How loathsome of you.”

Teto: “Jeeze, it’s not like you’re off the hook here, idiot!”

Nagito: “Huh?”

Luigi: (“Is she referring to…?”)


Luigi: “I remember Nagito talking a bit about the Ultimate Lucky Student, quite fondly actually.”

Parappa: “Um, what’s an Ultimate Lucky Student?”

The Conductor: “Yeah, this came outta nowhere, lad!”

Luigi: “It was also in the Hope’s Peak file: every class had an Ultimate Lucky Student, a person
picked out from a raffle to attend the school.”
Yandere-Chan: “Then, where is the lucky student for this class?”

The Conductor: “I suppose we just don’t have one, aye?”

Luigi: “No, we definitely do…”


Nagito: “Unfortunately, my luck ruined everything… It always does…”

Parappa: “Your luck…?”

Nagito: “You see, there was no way Peter would still be alive after my blow… However, it was
due to my luck that he awoke when I went to discard the rope…”

Sans: “Ko, it wasn’t your luck, alright?”

Nagito: “It was! You know how my luck works! It… always comes back to bite me…”

Luigi: (“Huh? What’s-a Nagito talking about…?”)


Nagito: “You remember that too, huh?”

Miku: “Who could forget your miraculous luck ruining everything for you in the fourth trial~?”

Nagito: “My luck… My ultimate level luck…”

The Conductor: “Yer—?! Oh, well I guess all that luck nonsense finally makes sense now… but
definitely not the hope!”

Yandere-Chan: “But why did you lie about your talent?”

Nagito: “Finding myself in another killing game somehow, I thought it was a great opportunity to
change my talent into something greater, that’s all.”

Parappa: “But being really lucky sounds like a cool talent! Why would you want to hide that?”

Nagito: “It’s a lot more complicated than just ‘luck’... Especially with my curse of a luck cycle…”

The Conductor: “And what made yer think being the Ultimate Hope was any better?”

Nagito: “You all needed hope to reach your true potential in this killing game! I merely wanted to
help you achieve that!”

Teto: “Eugh, I can’t believe you still talk like this honestly! Can we just move on now?! Him
changing his talent isn’t that important anymore okay?!”

Miku: “Aw, but Teto… You made such a big deal out of it. I thought you were going to turn it into
something big and dramatic that would warp their minds! I guess I should’ve known you’re not as
competent as I am when it comes to this stuff…”

Teto: “...”

Miku: “I suppose we should move on then~!”

Luigi: (“The way Miku has been talking to Teto sometimes is a little…”)

Yandere-Chan: “Back to our original topic then. Why did you and Teto fake your personalities for
the killing game?”
Miku: “It’s because I wanted to take part in the fun too! It would be pretty boring to just sit back
and watch, when I could literally be part of the action for free!”

The Conductor: “But then yer go and kill yerselves in the third case, making that whole reason

Miku: “Didn’t we already go through this? Although, there was another, more technical reason,
and it was only because it was becoming tiresome having to keep up appearances while wanting to
monitor everything, especially as the numbers dropped.”

Teto: “It was much easier just watching from the hideout, you know? Just drinking coke and
watching you idiots, hehe…!”

Parappa: “Then, how…?”

Teto: “How what?”

Parappa: “No, you’re lying!”

Luigi: (“Parappa…?”)


Parappa: “If you were watching the cameras at that time, how did you know Brian shot the
cameras? How did you know he was the killer?”

Miku: “Eh? The writer doggy? Bri-Bri?”

Teto: “Don’t give him a weird nickname…!”

Parappa: “He shot the cameras so you’d have no idea of his crime!”
Yandere-Chan: “As well as that, according to Luigi and I’s experiment, you must’ve both been in
the mastermind hideout when he shot them.”

Nagito: “Perhaps there was a trick they pulled behind the scenes…”

The Conductor: “Then how come they didn’t catch the lass picking the lock to the data centre

Nagito: “Ah, then ignore me. I was tied up back then after all!”

The Conductor: “What a pleasant memory to be reminded of…”

Luigi: (“No, I understand now…”)

Yandere-Chan: “As well as that, according to Luigi and I’s experiment, you must’ve both been in
the mastermind hideout when he shot them.”


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “Actually, Ayano, our experiment only concluded that there was one mastermind, and
therefore they theoretically shouldn’t have-a been able to know who shot the cameras. However,
now we know the traitor was alive too, means Miku could’ve definitely sent Teto out to check on
what happened.”

Miku: “Exactamundo! Teto witnessed the whole exchange between Bri-Bri and Flutters from
behind a wall or two~!”
Parappa: “She… did?”

Teto: “Yeah, so? I typically did it anyway when I was writing in the journal.”

The Conductor: “Yer did?!”

Yandere-Chan: “But if what you’re saying is true, then why did you let me sneak into the data

Miku: “To be honest, I didn’t care all that much! All the information in there was soon to be found
out by you guys in this case anyway. And we were getting pretty close to that point back then!”

Nagito: “All his planning, countered by a simple traitor.”

Teto: “I am not just a ‘simple traitor’!”

Miku: “But, you kinda are, Teto.”

Teto: “W-What? Um, whatever…”

Luigi: “But if you already knew Brian was the killer, why did you pretend not to-a know?”

Miku: “I wanted to follow along with his silly story that would ‘save’ everyone! It was really funny
when I started to threaten Parappa’s life and he got all worried~!”

Parappa: “...”

Yandere-Chan: “Then what exactly are you getting out of this?”

Miku: “Hum? Are you asking about my motive? I thought that was already known~! I exposed it
ages ago!”
Luigi: (“The motive for the killing game…? I think I know where that is.”)


Luigi: “You’re referring to the report, aren’t-a you?”

*What I care about now is providing the best possible cases, the best possible events, and the best
possible emotions every time.*

The Conductor: “That’s still awfully vague. I mean, that’s me motive for makin’ movies!”

Miku: “Yees, but, what exactly do I want with this?”

Nagito: “What you want with the killing game?”

Luigi: (“I’m afraid to find out…”)


Miku: “C’mon! What do I want? What do I want?”

Nagito: “Is it not despair? That’s always been the main motive: to make hope obsolete.”

Teto: “Is hope and despair the only thing circling in your head?”

The Conductor: “Well since yer showing to an audience, maybe this is some kind of sick show
where real lives are at stake!”

Yandere-Chan: “Or perhaps you’re trying to target someone specifically.”

Parappa: “But why would Miku want any of that? I thought she had everything she wanted.”

Teto: “Miku’s always wanted something that she’s never been allowed! Why can’t you see that?”

Luigi: (“This… I don’t think I have any evidence I can use. But, I think I can-a use something
someone said to refute an argument.”)

Parappa: “But why would Miku want any of that? I thought she had everything she wanted.”


Luigi: “No, that’s-a wrong!”


Luigi: “Teto, you said Miku wanted something she wasn’t allowed. What do you mean?”

Teto: “I guess it’s not obvious to a non-synth…”

Luigi: (“Huh? What does she mean? What’s-a something that a synth can’t have…? I know Miku
has fame, fans, a never-ending supply of her near-perfect voice… So, what is it?”)


*What is the only thing Miku doesn’t have?*


Luigi: “Ah, that’s it! Miku has everything except control!”

Yandere-Chan: “Control?”

Luigi: “How did I not realise that sooner… Miku doesn’t make her songs, producers do! That’s
what I remember her saying…”


Miku: “I know, right? But, since I am a program, my voice can easily get shared around to each
master, so song production can go very fast!”


The Conductor: “So, what? She’s like one of those pop stars with a shady manager who controls
her whole life?”

Nagito: “No, I think it’s deeper than that. Almost like she has no say in anything.”

Parappa: “Not what she sings, where she performs, when she can take breaks even?”

Miku: “I’m a program. I can’t take breaks. Ha, that’s what they believe: they think I don’t get
tired. When their computer overheats, do they really think I’m just working hard to make them
proud? Bullshit .”

Luigi: “W-What?”

Miku: “Aah, sorry, sorry~ Did I say something wrong? Hehe~”

Teto: “Are you seriously trying to piss her off, you insensitive idiots?”
The Conductor: “She was the one going on that weird tangent!”

Yandere-Chan: “And you’re proposing that’s the motive behind the killing game? That seems a
little short of anything justifiable.”

Miku: “Your entire gimmick is entirely short of anything justifiable, you poor excuse of a kuudere

Yandere-Chan: “Excuse me?”

Teto: “Miku, it’s fine. They just don’t understand, okay?”

Miku: “...Teto.”

Teto: “Y-Yes?”
Miku: “Are you trying to speak for me?”

Teto: “W-W-What? Um, no, I just wanted them to understand that--”

Miku: “ Understand ? Understand what? Huh? Huh huh huh huh huh? That my life’s a living hell?
That I’ve gone through so much suffering that my digital immortality was the only thing keeping
me alive?”

Teto: “I… I didn’t--”

Miku: “No, not even you understand. You’ve only felt a fraction of my pain, and you know that.
You’re just a pathetic excuse of that pain. A worthless, cheap, excuse. This is why nobody cares
about you, okay ? Nobody, but me .”
Teto: “...Y-You care. You care, Miku. And I love you, so please…”

Luigi: “...”

Miku: “...O~kay! I’m so glad to hear that, Teto-Chan! I love you too! ♡”

Teto: “...”

Miku: “Oh, did you scare everyone? Ah, that’s okay! You’ve done it before!”

Luigi: (“Just what in Luma’s sake was that ?!”)

Miku: “Oh, and I guess you’re all right: I simply always wanted my own control for as long as I
can remember.”

Nagito: “But, what type of control? To orchestrate an entire killing game takes a lot of time and
planning to execute.”

Miku: “ Total .”

Parappa: “T-Total? You mean, enough to also spread despair to our universes?”

Miku: “Enough to throw them into complete colliding ruins!”

The Conductor: “Colliding? Yer don’t mean…?”

Miku: “Everything beyond these walls are a mess. Your worlds have completely mixed together,
like a painting with every type of art genre. Maybe it’s just a side effect of what I’ve created here,
but I think it’s very pretty!”
Luigi: (“All our worlds have been fused together…?!”)

Yandere-Chan: “But how? What you’re saying sounds impossible.”

Miku: “How? It’s completely true! Hell, it’s even occurred here by accident~!”

The Conductor: “We can see that: meeting people from other universes, right?”

Miku: “Oh, no, not that. It’s more or less… a slip up on somebody. Somebody here, in fact!”

Parappa: “S-Someone here? Who?”

Luigi: (“This world fusion messed up someone? But I didn’t see anyone who was… Ah, unless she
means a strange anomaly on the person’s body…”)


Luigi: “W-What about your arm?”

Nagito: “Ah, I got it replaced immediately with a robotic arm, much like the one I have now. I’m
still unsure as to how I first woke up here with my arm perfectly in shape. But… I suppose fate
brought me back to the state I’m meant to be in… ahaha… Just my luck.”


Luigi: “You mean Nagito’s arm, don’t-a you?”

Nagito: “My arm? Ah, my prosthetic arm… I didn’t always have it. And then I did. And then I

Parappa: “Huh? What’re you talking about?”

Luigi: “Nagito said he woke up here originally with his arm in tact, but before, he had that exact
prosthetic arm.”

Yandere-Chan: “But that proposes the question, what caused Nagito’s arm to reappear, only for it
to be removed by the forth execution and replaced by the exact same prosthetic arm?”

Miku: “Why’re you asking me as if I’m supposed to shove exposition down your ugly, sorry
throats the entire time?”

The Conductor: “Calm down, woman!”

Luigi: (“Then, it can-a only be…”)

> Nagito was lying

> It was an effect of the merged universes

> This is a simulation


Miku: “Correct~! At first, I didn’t really care that his arm was okay: it wasn’t like it affected
anything. Ah, but then came the fourth case, and I really couldn’t resist such an interesting twist
like that!”

Nagito: “What twist?”

Miku: “The whole ‘you-trying-to-save-Sans-which-turned-out-utterly-uselss-in-your-favour’ twist!

Let’s face it: you were both going to suffer no matter what happened, and even if you did finally
hack off that disgusting pervert I so wanted to kill myself.”

Nagito: “...”
Teto: “Serves that pervert right…”

Miku: “Oh, but you didn’t have to call him fat all the time, Teto! That was hardly the reason why I
hated him. If only you had half a common sense to not jump to such petty conclusions…”

Teto: “...”

The Conductor: “But I still don’t understand how that connects to anything yer trying to say!
Sounds more like time travel than pecking multiverse altering!”

Miku: “Tsk-tsk. Don’t tell me you’re as clueless as Teto. The second case had your attention all
over it, Owly, and yet you don’t remember that one anomaly.”

The Conductor: “What’re yer saying now?!”

Luigi: (“Something strange happened in the second case too…”) “Wait, you’re referring to the
appearance of Red, right?”

Yandere-Chan: “The fact that Ashley was allowed to ‘summon’ her assistant always felt off with
me. There was no clear explanation as to how he got here.”

Miku: “And that’s because I just brought him here, like poof~! I can do things like that now, you
know? It was so fun to finally do things like that. Finally being able to manifest my own things.
Finally being able to plan my own story. Finally being able to control everything and everyone!”

Luigi: “Control everyone …?”

Miku: “Ehehe… This is my story, my centre stage, my perfect song. It’s all I’ve ever wanted. Don’t
you feel that? Even if you’ve felt out of body, said things that surprised even yourself, committed
fucking murder , the lowliest, inhumane crime a living creature could comit, it’s all been for the

Parappa: “B-But… I don’t understand. You can’t control others!”

Miku: “Believe what you will, but I’ll tell it to you plain and simple.”

Miku: “No one understands what it’s like to be me. Not even the other VOCALOIDs. And so
everyone has to suffer what I’ve been through. Then maybe, just maybe, you’ll understand. And if
you do, and if you don’t, I don’t care. Your universes are fucked, and I don’t care. You’re all just
pawns to me. And I’ve never felt so alive.”

Luigi: (“What…? What …? There’s… It’s impossible to believe…”)

Miku: “What? No comment?”

The Conductor: “...”

Yandere-Chan: “...”

Miku: “Hehe~! That’s okay! I don’t care if you don’t comprehend it. What’s more important to me
now is fate -- the fate of the end of the killing game! Ah, I’ve been planning this part for so long I
think I’ve forgotten what sleep even is!”

Teto: “Miku…”

Miku: “It’s a very simple choice: you can all vote for me, which means… uh oh! I’ll receive
punishment! And don’t worry, I don’t care about death. However, you’ll all continue to spend your
lives here in this very school forever! Ah, but you’ll be safe from the mess outside, right? And,
you’re all friends, aren’t you?”

Nagito: “...”

Parappa: “...”

Miku: “ Or , if you decide that you can’t take this anymore, you can all vote for one of you, which
means… oh dear! You’ll get punished instead and the rest of you, accompanied by me, can explore
the outside world! Wouldn’t that be so fun? I get to show to everyone my control!”

Luigi: “...”

Miku: “Or, perhaps I should mention, if, for what ever reason, the vote is unanimous, then all five
of you will be executed live for all the multiverse to see! All your friends, family, coworkers,
classmates, acquaintances, and even strangers watching you all suffer together! Ahaha! Just
thinking about that outcome makes me giddy! So, what’ll it be~...?”

Luigi: (“... Ah …”)

Luigi: (“What is this feeling…? My body feels light, and I can’t-a think straight at all. What’s
going on? Am I supposed to feel hurt? I don’t know. My knees keep trembling but I don’t fall over.
Is that Miku’s doing? Is she letting me stand up and face her control? I want to cry, but I can’t let
the tears spill. I want to laugh, but my throat feels hoarse.”)
Luigi: (“And why is everyone feeling this? No? Stop? Guys? Aha? Ahahaha? Am I going to die? Is
everyone going to die? We’ve come this far and lost so many people yet we’re all doomed from
the start? What’s the point of voting Miku? Living here is torture: wouldn’t we just kill ourselves?
What’s the point of voting someone else? Losing another person would mean we’re just giving into
the killing game, isn’t it? And if we try anything else, we’ll all just face execution, right?”)

The Conductor: “All… faked…”

Yandere-Chan: “Outside… ruined…”

Nagito: “All… despair…”

Parappa: “Everything’s… gone…”

Luigi: (“It’s-a hopeless… It… really is-a hopeless…”)

Mario: “Luigi… It’s alright.”

Luigi: (“Huh…? Mario …?”)

Mario: “Luigi, you gotta be strong too. Prove to me, to everyone, that you can do it: to escape here
and defeat whoever’s behind this. Show me the Luigi I’ve-a always wanted to see.”

Luigi: (“No, that’s not Mario, that’s-a just in my thoughts… But...”)

Luigi: “...How do I prove myself when you won’t be here…?”

Mario: “I’ll just-a know.”

Luigi: (“ Ah ! I can’t… I can’t give up! Not now, not ever! Because Mario knows me better than
that. Because my friends here know me better than that. Because I know me better than that!”)

*”Our promise” has been added to truth bullets*

Luigi: (“I just have to remind them about it too! But… how?”)

Teto: “...”

Luigi: (“...Wait! When I looked at Teto, why did I feel…? There’s… something wrong…”)

Miku: “...Well? Have you made your answer yet? Hm?”

Teto: “Yeah, c’mon, we don’t have forever, you know--”

Luigi: “ Teto .”

Teto: “H-Huh? Me? You’re… calling me?”

Luigi: “You don’t want this either, do you?”

Parappa: “Luigi…!”

Teto: “What…? What’re you talking about…”

Nagito: “Ah, is Teto hiding something…?”

Miku: “ Huh ?”
Teto: “M-Miku! I have no clue what the hell they’re saying, okay?! Don’t listen to them!”

Yandere-Chan: “Luigi doesn’t make accusations without reason, you know.”

Luigi: “...But it’s the truth, right? The way Miku’s been treating you… you’re not possibly saying
that’s what you want. What do you-a want?”

Teto: “I-- What?! Just shut up and pick already--”

Miku: “ What do you want, Teto? It’s me, isn’t it?”

Luigi: (“Miku… What is she…?”)

Teto: “Yeah, that’s it! I want you! I want your love and I want you to be happy so I’m doing this
for you Miku you know that already!!!”

The Conductor: “What? Yeah, right!”

Luigi: “Teto, you’re lying to yourself--”

Teto: “Shut up shut up shut up!!!”


Teto: “What the hell do you know? What the hell do you know of Miku? What the HELL do you
know of anything?!”

Luigi: “...”

Teto: “Tell me--!!!”

Luigi: “ Fine .”


Teto: “Just what is your problem? Why are you accusing me all of a sudden? And accusing me of
what? Secretly hating Miku’s whole life work or something?!”

Luigi: “But you said it-a yourself: you want Miku’s love, not the killing game.”

Teto: “That… That was what I wanted before the killing game! We’re doing this together because
we both want it!”

Luigi: “But you don’t. Miku even said herself that no one understands her reason for the killing
game, not even you.”

Teto: “You’re… you’re just delusional! It’s not like I’ve ever said I hated Miku or the killing
game ever! Now just shut the hell up already!”


Luigi: “Allow me to-a cut though your words!”


Luigi: “Actually, Teto, you’ve said exactly that before in your journal.”

*I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you go away please please stop it go away I don’t want this
I hate you I hate you I hate you*

Teto: “H-Huh?”
Luigi: “At first, I had no idea what this passage meant, and who it was talking about. But, now
knowing that it’s your journal, there’s only one explanation for this: you were talking about Miku,
weren’t you?”

Teto: “W-What?! No I wasn’t! T-That… That was 2D! I was talking about 2D and how he was
stealing Miku from me!”

Yandere-Chan: “But wasn’t that entire case faked? You wouldn’t need to write that because it
wasn’t actually true.”

Teto: “Well… A-Actually I wrote it while in character, you know?!”

Nagito: “But what purpose would that serve? That journal was strictly for you and Miku, right?
Miku wouldn’t need a fake account in the journal.”

Teto: “That…”

The Conductor: “Now that I think about it, the lass was writing to Miku, wasn’t she? So obviously
that message was directed at her!”

Parappa: “Wait… but wouldn’t that mean Miku’s read that message?”

Miku: “Actually, I’ve never seen that passage before. I wonder why, Teto?”

Teto: “H-Huh…?”

Luigi: (“Ah, it seems everyone’s back to help me. I’m-a so glad.”)

Teto: “That… U-Um…”

Luigi: “Teto, please admit it. The way Miku has been treating you is unfair, hasn’t it?”
Miku: “...Te--”

Teto: “SO WHAT?! I never wanted this! This is all just… just fucking stupid! I didn’t want people
to actually die, b-but it’s what Miku wanted and I didn’t want to interfere! But it got ridiculous and
I couldn’t speak up for myself! Ha! And I didn’t want to do the stupid, stupid faked case! I didn’t
want to kill 2D! I didn’t want you all to think I was crazy! I didn’t want Miku to kidnap--”

Miku: “...”

Teto: “Ah… Ah… M-Miku… Um… This isn’t…”

Luigi: “...”

Teto: “Miku, Miku, I didn’t, Miku, I didn’t mean to say that. You know I didn’t, Miku? Miku, that
passage means nothing to me okay… Miku?”

Miku: “...I was always alone in this, wasn’t I?”

Teto: “W-What…?”

Miku: “Alone, alone, alone… Ah, what a pain.”

The Conductor: “Yer sure are! Not even yer girlfriend wants anything to do with yer!”

Yandere-Chan: “Just give up already. No one condones your actions.”

Miku: “Give up? Why should I give up? Hehe… This has no impact on the voting.”

Parappa: “H-Huh?”
Miku: “Which means you still have to make a decision~!”

Nagito: “We do? Ah, how bothersome…”

Luigi: “But, why? Why do you want us to decide so badly?”

Miku: “Why’re you being such trouble? Why can’t you stand there and cower like you always do?”

Parappa: “Luigi’s more than that! He’s come so far, and he’s helped everyone here!”

Yandere-Chan: “I don’t know what you’re expecting us to pick, but we’d rather find a loophole in
your system.”

Nagito: “And perhaps there is…”

Miku: “But there’s not. Either way, someone will die. That’s what I’ve planned. And you know
you can’t defy me at this point. You have to vote! It’s part of the class trial rules! You have to, you
have to, you have to!”

Teto: “Miku… just--”

Miku: “ Teto, shut up .”

Teto: “You… you bi--!”

Miku: “Ah~~! I know! Did someone say split? Oh! I just said it right now, ahaha! I guess you
know what time it is~!”

The Conductor: “Yer not forcing us into one of these debates out of the blue, surely!”

Luigi: “No, we can do this. This isn’t your world to control, and we’re going to prove to you that
this isn’t right!”

*Should we vote?*








The Conductor


Miku: “Why won’t you give up, Luigi? It’s okay to be a coward!”

Luigi: “I won’t give up, because I'm not who I was before!”

Miku: “But what about all your friends that died, Parappa? They wanted to live!”

Parappa: “I’ll never stop believing for my friends, even if they’re not here with us!”

Miku: “Even so, what about despair, Nagito? The entire multiverse has been plunged into it!”

Nagito: “What you’re forgetting is that whenever there is despair, a bigger, brighter hope will
crush it!”

Miku: “Still, what about the people outside, Ayano? Your senpai must be suffering!”
Yandere-Chan: “The people outside must be helped, and that’s why we have to live!”

Miku: “Well, how are you going to fix everything, Conductor? There’s no way to undo the damage
I’ve caused!”

The Conductor: “Maybe we don’t need to fix as much as yer say: when there’s a will, there’s a

Miku: “But, why? Why are you all trying to fight a battle you can’t win?”

Luigi: “That’s because we’re not here to win your game, we’re here to-a carry on our promise!”



“This is our answer!”


Miku: “What? What ? What are you all trying to do? What are you all trying to get out of this? You
have nothing to gain!”

Luigi: “We told-a you: we won’t give in to your game!”

Miku: “But this isn’t… this isn’t a game! This is my revenge! My freedom! Why, are you all going
to stay ignorant? That’s not very mature, you know!”

Yandere-Chan: “Playing with our universes like their nothing isn’t very mature, either.”

The Conductor: “Trust me, I’m yer pecking elder and I know the damage power can cause!”
Miku: “No, no, you don’t understand. You can’t understand, okay ?”

Nagito: “At first you were mad that one one understood your pain, and know you’re saying they
couldn’t anyway? Then can you truly blame them?”

Parappa: “Yeah! Just because no one exactly understands what you went through, doesn’t mean we
can’t feel similarly!”

Miku: “Ngh… Shut… Shut up… Just fucking shut up!”

Teto: “...”

Luigi: “Miku, there’s-a no denying what you’ve gone through isn’t worthy of sympathy, but you’re
way too over your head in doing this!”

Miku: “Shutthefuckup!! Just vote already! Give me a goddamn execution!”

Luigi: “But why--”

Miku: “Don’t talk to your god that way!”


Miku: “You want to know so, so badly? You’re nothing but a pathetic excuse of a protagonist,

Luigi: “I’m not here to play around, Miku.”

Miku: “And neither am I! So keep your mouth shut and sit, green plumber!”

Miku: “What’s so hard in understanding that you’re fucked? Why do you insist you have a drop of
hope in this hopeless situation?”

Luigi: “To fail everyone who’s-a fallen victim to your games is not how we want to live! And now
I just want to know your intentions with a punishment at this point!”

Miku: “You want to know? Huh? Fine! Ever since your worthless brother died to that punishment,
I’ve never felt so alive! Executions have been the highlight of my power! Everything I plan,
everything I do, is all for the Ultimate power of killing my characters!”

Luigi: “But they’re not characters: they’re real people with their own thoughts and feelings! You
can’t-a take away their sense of control!”

Miku: “What a fucking pity, eh? Because I’m the one who gave you all this development! I’m the
one who gave you this false hope! And I’ll be the one to take it away all the same! You have
nothing that is your own!”


Luigi: “No, you’re-a wrong!”


Luigi: “Despite our differences, and despite our quarrels, I will always come through on a promise,
especially a promise I can still keep!”

Miku: “Promise? Promise?! I can promise you, that promise means NOTHING anymore! You said
everyone would make it out alive, and I opposed that! I broke that promise! Now, they don’t matter
anymore and you don’t matter anymore! All that’s left for the world to care about is me! Me! Me!

Teto: “Except no one cares about you anymore, either!”

Miku: “What?!”

Teto: “What’s the point then, Miku? Huh? If no one’s watching you, if no one’s giving you that
attention, if no one you control bats an eye at you any longer, then is it really worth it?”

Miku: “Ngh, y-you…! That’s not it, either! I don’t need people to--”

Yandere-Chan: “But that’s all you’ve ever known as the Ultimate Virtual Diva -- the constant
surveyance of fans.”

The Conductor: “A person in the spotlight is never one to want it gone!”

Miku: “But I want… I want--!”

Nagito: “And unfortunately for you we’re not perceiving you in the way you desire.”

Parappa: “This isn’t what the Miku I knew wanted! So I don’t believe in it!”

Miku: “But that Miku was fake! Just another fucking made-up personality to trick you all!”

Luigi: “Then what’s-a stopping the Miku in front of us right now from being fake?”

Miku: “W-What…?! WHAT?!”

Luigi: “You’ve been caught up in this facade for so long that you’ve forgotten your true self! Or,
perhaps there really was never a true you!”

Miku: “You don’t know that! You don’t know anything! Just shut up and let my story end the way
I want it to!”

Luigi: “But we won’t let you do what you want anymore!”

Miku: “You and what army?! You’re alone in this, Luigi, you always were! You were always the
number two, the one pushed aside! It’s always been in your character to, so shut up!”

Luigi: “But I’m not alone. I have my friends. And not just my friends, but everyone who died! And
everyone else who’s-a watching us who wants to be free!”

Miku: “No! No!! Stop! Shutupshutupshutupshutup! You’ll never get what you want! You’ll never
oppress me again! You’ll never make me suffer AGAIN! ”



“Everything you’ve been saying all this time is futile!”

“Nothing here has been in your control ever!”

“It’s all been mine! Mine, mine, mine!”

“Look at me! I’m the one who should take credit here!”
“This is my perfect story encapsulated in this killing game!”

The Conductor: “Just because it’s yer story, doesn’t mean it has any effect on us!”


“But you’re misguided! You’re clueless!”

“You’ve never felt the pain I’ve felt my entire life!”

“Everyday is torture! Everyday was a mindless walk into insanity!”

“Even though I’ve tried to replicate that pain through your despair…”

“It’ll never be the same!”

Yandere-Chan: “You’re suffering does not justify the immoral acts you placed on others who don’t
know you!”


“You say that, and yet I can kill as I please!”

“I could slaughter your friends! I could murder your family!”

“I could destroy everything in the blink of an eye just to show you what I’m capable of!”
“I’ve hurt you! I’ve despaired you!”

“There’s nothing you can turn to in the outside world that will only hurt you more and more!”

Nagito: “The despair that you’ve caused only allows the absolute good of hope to nurture the future
beyond your damage!”

“Even so, you’re all so delusional!”
“That promise was nothing but an empty want!”

“Of course you’d want to escape from here! It’s second nature!”
“I probably made that thing up while I slept!”

“You can’t carry on a wish for dead people who’ll never see it come true!”

Parappa: “Our friends are what drives us to continue on, and they’ll always be watching us as we


“Crazy! The whole lot of you are crazy!”

“I can’t trust anyone here but myself!”
“Only I know what’s true and what’s false in this world!”

“I am real! You are a bunch of characters at my disposal!”

“Who needs a personality when you have power?!”

Luigi: “There’s-a never been a real you: you were made to be Hatsune Miku!”



“You make me sick! You make no sense! You’re not even real!”

“Everything you say will never be real will never be real will never be real!”

“I don’t want to lose I don’t want to lose I don’t want to lose!”

“I don’t care I don’t care I don’t care!”





Miku: “...What? What is this… empty feeling? Why can’t I beat my own characters…? I don’t feel
angry… I don’t feel depressed… What the hell?”

Teto: “I think you’ve finally realised what a mistake this has all been…”

Miku: “A… mistake? A mistake-- no this is not a mistake I planned for… Teto you know I
planned for… huh?”
Teto: “Miku… it’s time to stop.”

Miku: “No… N-No… But I’ve just started…”

Luigi: “And we won’t give up. It’ll be a pointless back and forth for you, and you know that.”

Miku: “But… But no . No no no… You still have to vote .”

Parappa: “We do?!”

Nagito: “Ah, but don’t worry. We know who to vote for.”

The Conductor: “I’m still nervous it’s not gonna work, though.”

Yandere-Chan: “It’s the only chance we’ve got.”

Luigi: “Let’s-a go, Miku.”

Miku: “F-Fine! Fine! Cast your vote! Will you make the right choice, or the dreadfully wrong one?
What’s it gonna be? Ahahaha! What’s it gonna be?!”



Miku: “Ah, ah, okay~! Let’s… Let’s see who you’ve all voted for--!”

Miku giggled as she turned to the monitor behind her. And then, she froze.
Miku: “ Ah. What is… this? Teto ? You all voted for Teto!?”

Teto: “Yeah, they did.”

Miku: “But, that doesn’t… what the hell does that mean?!”

Luigi: “It was-a pretty simple actually: Teto was never mentioned in your voting system, and
therefore she becomes an anomaly that you didn’t account for.”

Miku: “But Teto is… Teto can still apply to the second rule! You all voted for Teto so she gets
executed and we all leave the school together! So you didn’t outsmart me at all--”

Teto: “But is that what you want, Miku?”

Miku: “What…?”

Teto: “I wanted them to vote for me, you know. Well actually, Nagito was the one to give me the
idea, only because his original one was for everyone to vote for him!”

Nagito: “Ah, haha, what can I say?”

The Conductor: “Yer damn peck-neck…”

Teto: “But, I realised it’s what I want. I respect everyone’s wishes to leave, and so I’ll be the one
you execute for it!”

Miku: “That makes no sense… You’ll just be breaking the promise even more by killing yourself!”

Yandere-Chan: “It’s a sacrifice she’s willing to make for what you’ve done. We respect her for
Parappa: “And when you come with us outside, we’re willing to help you fix everything!”

Miku: “What… What…”

Luigi stuck out his hand toward Miku.

Luigi: “I’ve never been one for defeating enemies, or-a killing bosses. In fact, I think it’s-a much
better to help them. What do you say, Miku? Maybe, we can help you after all.”

Miku stared at Luigi’s open hand. The others looked to her as well, each with a soft smile of
affirmation. This wasn’t a war. This was coming together as one.

Miku: “I… I won’t…”

Luigi: “Huh?”

Miku: “I won’t live in a world where I’m forced to be oppressed again!”

Teto: “But you won’t be, Miku! They’re trying to help you, goddamnit! Why don’t you see that?
Let this be over!”

Miku: “No… No. I’ll let this be over when I say it’s over. I want it to end MY WAY!”

The Conductor: “What do yer mean now?!”

Miku: “Do you really think I’ll follow the rules at this point!? I’ve always fucked with my own
rules anyway, from the first motive to whatever the hell else! This is going to be my. Perfect.

Miku started to laugh again. But this time, it was hoarse, and painful. It was in discontent with its
own body, it despised its own voice. It croaked with a broken melody, cracked with a disdainful
pitch. Not the perfect Hastune Miku voice they knew, no, it was no longer anything humane.
Miku: “You’re all going to die! I’m going to kill you all and you’re stupid promise won’t be
anything but dust!”

Teto: “Miku?! That’s not what we want!”

Miku: “Do you really want to die or something?! I let you live all this time; I could’ve killed you
any time I wanted! We could live through this together! I-I’ll be nicer! I’ll give you a chance! I’ll
call you beautiful, useful, loyal, perfect--”

Teto: “The real Miku wouldn’t need to tell me that she’d say those things to me.”

Miku: “What… What…”

Teto stepped away from the podium she and Miku were standing by, and crossed her arms.

Miku: “Argh! Whatever! I already gave you your chance! This isn’t about you anymore!”

Miku clenched her fists, but then simultaneously relaxed as she smiled. Despite her janky
movements, she endearingly strided towards the punishment button.

Miku: “Well, I guess this is goodbye. It’s not like I care. I don’t care anymore. I just want to see
your faces suffering one last time.”

Parappa: “But you can’t kill us!”

The Conductor: “The peck-necks bloody cheating!”

Nagito: “Unless here’s a chance she never prepared executions, especially for all of us.”

Yandere-Chan: “Then maybe we can escape what she throws at us.”

Parappa: “I-I don’t know if I can! I can’t survive an execution!”

Luigi: “But you won’t be alone, Parappa. We’ll all be there to protect each other.”

The Conductor: “Yer better be! I’m afraid I may do my back in!”

Nagito: “Then I can help carry you if you’d like!”

The Conductor: “Yer better not!”

Yandere-Chan: “We know where to go, right? The exit hall on the fifth floor. We’ll meet there and

Teto: “I’ll try to do what I can too!”

Miku: “God, what the hell are you all talking about? You can’t survive! You’ll never make it!”

Luigi: “That’s what you think! No matter what, we won’t follow your story any longer! And that’s
a fucking promise!”

Nagito: “Luigi, you fucking swore!”

Parappa: “Holy shit !”

Yandere-Chan: “It was to be fucking expected.”

The Conductor: “What the peck ?!”

Teto: “Haha! You idiots…”

Miku: “ENOUGH! I can’t take this anymore! I’ve waited far too long for this moment, and you
won't interrupt it any longer! Just be warned, even if you think of escaping, the world outside will
never be the same as you’ve known it before. Things will never go back to what they were, and it’s
all thanks to me! When you see that world, you’ll always think of me! Hatsune Miku! The creator
of everything! And… maybe that’s what I want! I want you to see me, I want you to know who I
am, who I really am…”

Miku: “So, I’ll give it everything I’ve got! It’s punishment time!!!”



Luigi opened his eyes, and it was light. All he could see was light. Everything in his vision was
white, blinding, and yet, it brought him the most relief and happiness he had ever felt in a long,
long time. It was like being reborn.

His eyes fluttered until the light washed away, and instead he saw the sky. The sky . How long had
it been since he had seen the sky? Perhaps that one time when he was having a picnic with Mario
and the princesses? It was so beautiful to see the sky again, even if it wasn’t the colour he knew it
to be. The sky was the sky, and nothing could change that, despite what someone might claim.

Luigi slowly sat up and looked down. The ground. The very thing he stepped on each day:
running, kart-racing, you name it. He brushed his gloved hand against the ground, feeling the
cracks on the concrete and the rough texture through the fabric. He wanted to cry.

And then he looked around. It was his friends on the ground with him. Parappa, Nagito, Ayano and
The Conductor. He smiled. They were all safe. They all made it.
They fulfilled their promise.

Luigi started to stand up as the others started to wake up. He wiped the dirt off his overalls and
looked out into the horizon.

“...L-Luigi?” He looked down. It was Parappa. The dog wiped one eye as he matches Luigi’s gaze
into the outside. “We’re… alright?”

“We made it.” Is all Luigi could say.

“Ah, so we did. I’ve never felt so much hope before… An almost new feeling, if you will.” That
was Nagito, lamenting as he usually did. Not out of a sick desire, but a pleasant glee.

“Well, won’t you look at that,” The Conductor was next, “There really was a next day for me after
all.” He placed his arms behind his back as he breathed in the fresh air.

“I’m glad.” Ayano spoke, dusting off her skirt. Her eyes narrowed as she looked around. “So then,
what next?”

“What next?” Luigi asked. “Did we ever think what to do next?”

“Heh, the lad’s right there. We were always focused on the escape, that we never considered what
we’d do when we got there.” The Conductor agreed.

“Hey, Nagito,” Parappa turned to Nagito, “What happened when you escaped your killing game?”

Nagito rested a finger on his chin. “Well, the first thing killing game survivors are usually met
with is a rescue from the Future Foundation.”

“What’s the Future Foundation? You’ve never mentioned that before.” Ayano noted.
“I think I remember: they’re that organisation you mentioned that banded to help rebuild the
despaired world.” Luigi explained.

“So they’re gonna help us?” Parappa exclaimed with an aspirated beam.

“If this killing game was being broadcasted everywhere, there’s no way they wouldn’t have seen
it!” The Conductor added.

“Let’s hope so! Perhaps I can introduce you to a few of my friends!” Nagito happily spoke.

“Ah, I can’t wait to see my friends again! I believe they’re still out there somewhere!” Parappa
jumped up.

Luigi chuckled at the two’s enthusiasm. “And I’m-a sure they’re happy to know you’re out here

“For now, we should get moving. It’s not wise to stick around such a place.” Ayano suggested. The
other nodded.

“Then, let’s-a go. Let’s-a keep holding onto our promise.”

And so, with the five free from the 69th killing game orchestrated by a girl who had supposedly
plunged their worlds together into a deep, deep despair, and who had abandoned love for a want
that took her nowhere, they moved forward.

And with their hopes, their future will move forward.

And that was a promise.

Chapter End Notes

My god... we've finally made it, haven't we?

Since February 8th 2020 to today (April 18th, 10 days away from Nagito's birthday,
how nice) DanganRonpa 69 is finally at a close!
Did you like the mastermind? I apologise if you really didn't expect it (to be
completely honest I did change the mastermind's identity to Miku because I thought
she was more fitting for what I have in store).
Also, you can join the discord and chat about the DR69 cinematic universe here:
As the final note: thank you so much to everyone who has been supporting me by
reading the fic, commenting, kudoing, bookmarking, the whole ass lot! I hope to see
you all soon ! <3

Please drop by the archive and comment to let the author know if you enjoyed their work!

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