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Activity #1

Name: Pauleen Jashtine B. Ildefonso Date: 03/23/23

Section: STEM 11 Y1-30

I. Define the given terms:

1. Group
It is a collection of individuals who coordinate their efforts. In a work group, the members are
autonomous from one another and have individual accountability.

2. Family
For me, family is everything and should take precedence above anything else. My family is the
most important thing in my life; I consider them to be my rescuer, supporter, and, of course, the
first people I've known from the day I was born.

3. Bayanihan
It is a Filipino culture where people unite and work together even in complex situations where
other Filipinos need help.

4. Peer
Those are the ones with whom I get along well since we share common interests, hobbies, and

5. Primary group
They may be our parents, siblings, or someone you spend every day with; they are the ones we
frequently engage with.

6. Secondary group
They are the people we have only recently gotten to know, yet we get along with because we
need them for a certain work or goal.

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