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To:; productdirector@officegreen.


Subject: [Action required] Decision needed to resolve issue that arose in Plant Pals

Dear Director of Operations, HR Specialist, Senior Vice President of HR, and Director of

I hope that you all are doing well. As you may know, I have been managing the launch of our
Plant Pals project.

I would like to bring an issue to your attention. As you may know, our team has already
installed software to manage orders and begun sending out test shipments to customers. But
we have encountered an issue: not having enough drivers, so we can only deliver 80% of the
orders on time.

This puts our customer satisfaction rates at risk, some customers have already canceled their

We need to raise the on-time delivery rate to at least 90% to avoid sending the next batch out
late. I have two ideas to improve our delivery rates: hiring more drivers or sourcing for a
delivery agency. Through these ways, we can have enough means to deliver our batch on
time to customers. Therefore, this issue will not be a problem anymore. Are you available for a
meeting tomorrow to discuss options and come to an agreement on the next steps of our
Plant Pals project? Please respond with the times that work best for you.

Thank you in advance for your consideration and insight,


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