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REFLECTION PAPER NO. 1: Seminar (Get the Edge!

Being a student is undoubtedly challenging, which is something the first

speaker in the webinar titled "Get the Edge" mentioned. We sacrifice several
sleepless nights in order to complete specific tasks and obligations, and we do
everything in our power to be the students our professors expect us to be. In
addition to being students, we also have challenges as friends, sisters, and
daughters in several areas of life. We face challenges from our families, our
finances, our self-doubt, insecurities, stress, and other aspects of life, but we
don't let them bother us. Instead, we persist in doing something, even if we
don't want to or are just doing it half-heartedly. However, we sacrifice
everything we have merely for the future that lies ahead.

Furthermore, I've come to understand that success rarely occurs

instantly. Even if you have the resources, you cannot become successful
overnight. Success takes time, and it also takes time for a student like myself to
develop and learn more about the types of lives and occupations that we might
want to pursue. We cannot achieve achievement merely out of desire. We need
someone who is extremely dedicated and teachable. Many businesses fail
because their owners judge their success without fully considering the
drawbacks. They preached that owning a business was a sign of success, but
they were unaware that the actual test of success is whether you enjoy it and
stick with it over the long haul.

Success is something that everyone aspires to in this life, in fact. For us

students, success entails getting high grades. We frequently feel disappointed in
ourselves because we believe that receiving a typical grade of 80 signifies our
failure. But it's important to remember that while having a strong educational
foundation is fantastic, it won't necessarily define who you will become in the
future. You might use it as inspiration to work hard in life to achieve the
success you personally define as success.

Don't give up on life; instead, select a profession that you will adore.
Make a decision that you believe will make you happy because, to me,
happiness is success and it has nothing to do with your financial situation, level
of education, or occupation. Keep in mind that everyone can succeed; it is our
choice to do so in our own way.

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