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How much / How many

A. Make guesses about your partner by completing sentences 1 to 10.

B. Complete the questions with " how much" or "how many".

▢ 1) I think you drink ______ glasses of water every day.
__________ water do you drink every day?

▢ 2) I think you took ______ photos last weekend.

__________ photos did you take last weekend?

▢ 3) I think you have ______ pets.

__________ pets do you have?

▢ 4) I think you have ______ brothers and sisters.

__________ brothers and sisters do you have?

▢ 5) I think you sleep ______ hours a night.

__________ sleep do you get a night?

▢ 6) I think you went on holiday ______ times this year.

__________ times did you go on holiday this year?

▢ 7) I think you have ______ televisions at home.

__________ televisions do you have at home?

▢ 8) I think you drink ______ cups of coffee every day.

__________ coffee do you drink every day?

▢ 9) I think you eat ______ milanesas every week.

__________ milanesas do you eat every week?

▢ 10) I think you have ______ pesos in your wallet.

__________ money do you have in your wallet?

C. Now, ask the questions to your partner to find out if your guesses are right or
wrong. Put a tick next to each sentence you guessed correctly. The student with the
most correct guesses wins.

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