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Same Sex Married

To all the panelist, to our energetic and very humble professor, sir________________ classmates
and friends.
A pleasant morning to all of you.
The first I was asked to talk about this one of the controversial issues in our society,
I was a bit hesitant knowing that this issue is really crucial and serious and would mean a
comprehensive explanation to those who will be hearing this speech. Otherwise, this talk
might bring misunderstanding and disappointment to the person involved. So I need to be
very careful and fair in giving my opinion on this very serious issue.
Same sex marriage is defined by the Webster Dictionary, is the state of being united
to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage. Based on my
research, It is often times called gay marriage. There are about 18 countries that have
legalized same sex marriage. Our country, on the Other hand is still on the stage of endless
debates and discussion.
As we always believing in, marriage is a sacred sacrament that needs to be
respected. And according to our Philippine Constitution, marriage is for male and female
only with the purpose of creating a family. In this regard the Catholic Church greatly
opposed this same sex marriage for they believe it is immoral and against the will and
words of God. Furthermore, the bible said Homosexual acts are wrong and hateful. It is
evident that the union that comes along with the same sex marriage cannot bear a child,
thus defeating the purpose of marriage.
The sad scenario regarding the issue is that we live in a judgmental and unequal
world. A lot has fought for their rights and equality. The LGBT (Lesbian Gays Bisexual and
Transgender) from our community for example continues to increase battled for their
rights. They reiterated that their rights be addressed not only by the community where
they belong but also the entire sector as well.
For me, It doesn’t matter whether we are pro or anti same sex marriage what is
really important is how you live your life to your community.
Thank You and Once again Good morning.

Diana Rose Maapoy


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