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By: Giveni Marito Sinaga


Language is a means of human communication. Language is

the only human property that is never separated from all activities
and human movement throughout the human being, as a creature
cultured and sociable. Without language, people would not be able to
interact in society. It is often said that culture
formed because of language. Man as a biological being
interact and communicate in social groups. Ideas, actions, and
the results of human work will be realized through interaction or communication.
To hold the interaction and communication, humans as
social beings must have language. Language develops through reason
and human knowledge system, which regulates and builds the
his life.
The gift in Darma (2009:1) states with language
humans can convey a variety of news, thoughts, experiences,
ideas, opinions, feelings, desires, others.
Therefore, language is a very important communication tool
in conducting socialization in society.
Interaction in society that tends to be done through
communication, memoositioning language as a phenomenon that is always present
in human activities, and used by social groups
diverse for various purposes. Through good language will be established
interaction and social relationships are good, otherwise the language is not
good will result in interaction and social relationships are not good
also, it can even destroy the interaction and social relationships
it's been good. So, the meaning of language is a determinant of the success of
interaction and
social relations of the users of the language itself.
The intensity of the presence of language for communication in the interaction and
social life does not rule out, even often
cause problems in society. As
examples of frequent brawls, both conducted between students, in
students, the general public, and even the
conducted by officials and representatives of the people who are instrumental in
Failure in communication activities can be caused by
factors limitations contained in the use of forms of communication
that's done. Oral form of communication will be effective only if
used in communication that is prioritizing togetherness
and kinship or with a controlled expression of emotions. Meaning
users of oral communication should be able to control themselves when
communicate. Self-control is necessary because of the form of oral communication
very give users the flexibility to express
message, idea, notion, thought, opinion, feeling, or desire,
so that opens up the possibility of failure to communicate.
While written communication lies in the limited author
display a real expression of the context of communication. Author only
can express verbally, so demanding level
thinking skills and strategies of its users for the presentation of the message,
ideas, thoughts, opinions, and so on in writing. Though
the establishment of communication interaction between the author degan readers only
sought on how the author is able to convey meaning
communication through words without the context of communication in writing.
The success of written communication will be realized when the message or information
intended by the author to be accepted or understood by
Writing is a very important activity for all
subjects, through writing skills, students can learn
how to make a variety of essays such as generalization, analysis,
definition, and apply the Schemata to something that is
In everyday life, students are not separated by activity
writing. But writing skills remain an issue
they face. It is caused by the inability
develop ideas in written form. Not even rare,
a person stops writing after pouring an idea in a paragraph or
the first sentence. What happens then is a sense of confusion and
it's frustrating to keep writing. One of the factors that cause this to happen is
students ' lack of understanding of an idea. Students only
pay attention to the main points of the problem, especially in general.
Writing skills are also difficult language skills
and don't just rely on theory alone. Lack of attention to
writing skills cause weak ability of students in
develop these skills.
Based on its purpose, there are five types of discourse, including
narrative discourse, description, exposition, persuasion, and argumentation discourse.
Discourse argumentation is a discourse that raises the problem
by taking a definite stance to reveal all
with all their intellectual pursuits, not just
which likes or emotional approach. Writers should try
investigate; what is the question, What is the hidden purpose, what is there
advantages and disadvantages
In Language Teaching there are four language skills
what we know is; listening ,speaking, reading, and writing.
These four skills are closely related between skills
the one with the other. Writing is one of the four
language skills that students must have. From writing
students can express and express their opinions to
others about what is felt, what is desired, and what
thought through written language. Therefore, the language
used in writing must be coherent, both in writing essays
narrative, description, exposition, and speech script. All of that
requires accuracy and precision in stringing sentences
so that the results of the writing that we want are formed. Before
a person starts a speech, necessarily in advance prepared script
speech. To compose this speech, a person's expertise is needed
in stringing words, must be good at stringing sentences, structure,
the degree of cohesion and coherence, argument, and rhetoric in a manuscript
podato, so that the composition of the text of the desired speech is formed.
In writing a speech required art or rhetoric / ordinances
language. This is two aspects of language, namely writing and
talking very closely related to one another.
Script means we write a concept or text in this case a speech script.
One disclosure language that requires rhetoric or
structuring language is a speech discourse. Speech is one
speech skills, one of the genres of human communication
as a medium to convey one's personal expression
and use a distinctive style of expression. Speaking skills
or rhetorical speech is also necessary to achieve effectiveness
talk in communication. It cannot be denied that in
dynamics of life there are always differences
raises questions in writing a speech. In this case
course will be experienced by the students, both in script writing and
in a speech.
This rhetorical problem needs to get the attention of
educators, especially Indonesian teachers who will develop
writing and speaking skills of students to put forward ideas and
his thoughts. They are trained to utilize rhetoric in
talk, write, especially when conveying ideas and ideas
in a forum. For this, speaking and writing skills are necessary
trained early to avoid possible errors.
For this reason, researchers want to examine the rhetoric of script writing
The researcher wants to know the rhetoric / structure that students write. Before
students appear to make speeches, students need to prepare themselves with
write a script or text of speech. Students pay close attention
how is the rhetoric of the desired speech text.
The structure and patterns of rhetoric writing the text of this speech need to be known
by teachers, students, and people who want to speak in the future.
Anyone who speaks in public / Mass, need to prepare
text / speech script for the purpose to be desired through the content of the speech
achieved well. The study of this discourse is
tracing the patterns and styles of individual speakers. For that, it is necessary
mature and adequate description of the speech as
Definition Of Terms

In order not to happen kerincuan problem, then here the author limit
definition of terms.
1. Rhetoric Patterns
The ability of the author in concocting language closely
hubugannya with rhetoric, the art of Use and arrangement
form of organizing language based on
technical skills of a knowledge or method
organized and good. Rhetoric is seen as the art of producing
and produced from sebuak shape, pattern or technique
organizing messages, ideas, ideas, feelings, and desires
author. Forms, patterns or techniques of organization in art
communicating or rhetoric is called rhetorical pattern.
2. Speech is the use of language for artistic purposes
speaking and communicating in public convey ideas
and ideas with the aim of influencing, entertaining or
3. Argument is a writing or paragraph
trying to convince or prove the truth of a
statements, opinions, attitudes, beliefs.
4. Top-Down process is a dialogue process used in
essay argument between the author and the reader.
Composition of elements of argumentation essay with dialogue process
is the introduction, the problem /claim with or without rebuttal
rebuttal, solution, evaluation, and conclusion. With
this composition to construct an argumentative text will
demonstrate understanding of the meaning of a text.
5. Bottom-Up process is a monologue process used
in the argumentation essay, characterized by the problem/ claim / subclaim, followed by
justification/ justification, and
ends with induction. The monologue will show
the integration of each part in the text of the argument
6. The structure of speech in speech consists of three parts, namely
introduction( opening), content (discussion), and closing


A. Discourse in speech
Human beings as social creatures did not escape the use of language
in communicating. Interact with each other with beaneka adat
and culture. To interact required an ethical or manner, in order to
there is no misunderstanding in communication. In studying
language, both oral and written language both require
a pattern or regularity. Assessment of rhetoric or regularity will
useful in coaching and language development, related
and interact jointly with the field of Language Teaching and
field of communication. This study of the rhetoric will provide an overview
to readers, especially high school students for understanding and
language development in speech
Speech rhetoric is closely related to the technique
proper disclosure and proper judgment as well. Through
proper disclosure and assessment will produce a
mutual agreement in a speech between speakers with
listeners or between writers and readers.
Given the importance of rhetoric as an effort to communicate
especially a good speech, it is necessary understanding of
rhetoric. To get a clear picture of rhetoric,
especially rhetoric in student speech, the relevant theory is needed
to be used as writing guidelines, so as to obtain
an accurate and correct description of the rhetoric of the student's speech.
1. Discourse
Discourse is a picture of human life forms
expressed through language. According to Alwi in Ekoyanantiasih,
et al., (2002:9) discourse is a series of related sentences
connecting one proposition with another paoposisi and
form a union. Talk about discourse patterns in use
language is culturally linked to rhetoric. The study of rhetoric
discourse both orally and in writing will be useful for teaching
language and communication success. Tarigan (1987) in Sukino (2004:
81) say that good discourse is discourse
contains a set of interconnected propositions for
creating cohesiveness or cohesiveness. In addition, discourse also
requires the existence of unity of meaning and coherence.
Discourse is the highest level in the grammatical hierarchy
after the sentence. As the highest level, discourse is certainly
a unit of language, both oral and written composed
solid and sustainable (Sukino, 2004: 1). In other words discourse
is a complete language unit in which there
concepts, ideas, thoughts, or ideas that are intact and can be understood by
reader or listener, without any doubt, by paying attention to the cohesive relationship
among its elements
thus creating coherence. The dream is a wake-up
formed from the semantic relationship between the unity of language in a cohesive and
tied to context.
According to Alex (2001) in Darma (2009: 3), discourse is
a series of words or series of speech acts that express something
(subject ) presented in a regular, systematic, in a unity
coherent, formed by segmental and nonsegmental elements of the language.
Furthermore Syamsudin (1992: 1) suggests that language was
only meaningful in its context of situation. So, the discussion of discourse
is the discussion of language and speech that must be in a series
unity of the situation or in other words, the meaning of a language is
in different contexts and situations. language. A discourse is not
determined by the length of the short form/ series of language, not
determined by the complexity and not the level of language, but by
completeness of meaning. So that series of utterances or utterances
categorized as discourse should be seen from the meaning contained in
inside it. In this case,the discourse must be understood precisely, with
pay attention to the existence of the discourse itself.
Discourse is also said to be a complete linguistic record
about the events of communication both oral and written. In other words, discourse
is the highest grammatical element that contains a message or mandate
complete formed with strong coherence and cohesion. The whole discourse
formed by consideration of coherent content and consideration
the breakdown of supporting elements or cohesive forms. Coherence
is the integration of discourse that forms one idea, while
cohesion is the interrelationship of elements in a discourse.
Coherence and cohesion discourse will show the integrity of a discourse
and both will form a communicative discourse.
Discourse is a communication process related to
interpretation and events in the social system
spacious. Discourse cannot be viewed as something that is good, because in the
system of society there is a positive interpretation
and negative. Alex in Darma (2009: 3) asserts that through
discourse approach, communication messages such as words, writing,
these images and others are not neutral or sterile. Extension
determined by the people who use, context of events
with regard to him, the situation underlying the wider community
existence, and others..According to Carlson (1983) in Tarigan
(2009: 22) in a broad sense, discourse is a range of speech
continuous. Discourse does not only consist of strands of speech or
sentences are grammatically regular and neat.
Based on the above description can be concluded, that the discourse
is the most complete and highest linguistic unit, and wider than
sentence. Discourse that has a proposition or statement containing
full meaning /complete information to be submitted to
listener or reader.
2. Discourse Analysis
Discourse analysis is a new science that emerged several decades
years ago (Lubis, 1994: 12). In the world of public communication
there is a need for large-scale research, such as
sociology, linguistics, and other fields related to
the use of symbols (semiotics ) that many use the method
content analysis. Discourse analysis is a discipline that seeks
study the use of language in communication. Stubbs
in Darma (2009: 15) said that discourse analysis
is a study that examines and analyzes the language
used naturally, either orally or in writing. Next Kartomiharjo
(1999: 21) revealed that discourse analysis is a branch
linguistics developed to analyze a language unit
bigger than a sentence. Discourse analysis examines language
integrated, not fragmentary, all elements of the language bound to the context
Zelling Harris in Darma (2009:17) suggests analysis
discourse is the right way to peel the forms
series of language or support as contained in
discourse or a larger unit of language. Next Labov
said that basically the discourse analysis is
rational depiction of the relationships of the sequences that are
in an organized union, so that it is clear how the connection elements in the union or
how the network
coherence and connection with the external elements of the Union.
Brown and Yule (1996) in Sukino (2004: 12) summarize:
understanding discourse analysis as an analysis of the language used
Denan speakers refer to the phenomenon of language. Here, more
it is appropriate to say that discourse analysis is a form of language study
within the framework of its use both oral and writingwhich is supported
with the understanding of the discourse environment. Haliday and Hasan
(1979) said, discourse analysis is the analysis of language
is a semantic unit, and not a structural or grammatical unit such as
clauses and sentences. Coulthard (1977) revealed, discourse analysis
is an analysis of language units above the sentence that not only
using formal methods of language but also take into account aspects
According Tarigan (2009: 23) discourse analysis is the study
on the various functions (pragmatic) language. Next Lubis (1994:
120) reveals, discourse analysis is a new emerging science
a few decades ago..
So, it can be concluded that discourse analysis is a study
discourse that positions the discourse as a unified whole,
in the form of a series of actions said and illocutionary Act, which not only
based on the formal aspects, semantics, pragmatic aspects, but also
have a proposition as the realization of the context in which the discourse
used. Discourse formed not only display completeness
elements of its formation, but also displays a picture of how
the user community uses language through a series of utterances.
3. Rhetoric
Rhetoric is a term traditionally given
on a technique of using language as art, which is based on
a well-structured knowledge. There are two aspects that need
known to someone in rhetoric, the first is knowledge of
language and the use of language well, and both knowledge
about a particular object to be conveyed with the language.
Therefore, rhetoric must be learned by someone who
use language in a way that is best for the purpose
certain. In other words, rhetoric means a clever talk or
make a speech.
Hornby and Parnwell in Suharang ( 2008: 25) say
that rhetoric is the art of using words
impressive, both oral and written, or talk to a lot of
people by using show and design.The rhetoric is
how to use and arrangement of language in art, both in language
oral and written language, which is based on a
knowledge or method that is regular and good. According To Achmad H.P.,
et al., (2007: 225) the purpose of rhetoric is to foster mutual
understanding that develop cooperation and cause
peace in the life of society through speaking activities.
Furthermore Suhand (2008: 26) revealed, rhetoric is not
limited to the delivery of messages orally but also
in writing, the activities of rhetoric is broader than just speech
which has the sense of being limited to public speaking only.
With this broader definition of rhetoric allows the style
delivery of messages in communication not only looks at the style
verbal delivery only, but also appears in the delivery
message in writing.
In general, rhetoric is a science that teaches action and
effective effort in preparation, styling, and appearance
talks and writings to foster mutual understanding, cooperation and
peace when communicating in community life.
Modern rhetoric is a harmonious combination of knowledge,
mind, artistry, and speech. In popular language
rhetoric means at the right place, the right time, the right way
effectively, pronounce the right words, correctly and impressively
when speaking or writing. Keraf (2010: 1) provides a limitation
rhetoric as follows:
"Rhetoric itself is a term that
traditionally given to a technique the use of language as
art, which is based on a well-structured knowledge.
So obviously there are two aspects that one needs to know in
rhetoric, namely knowledge of language and use
language well, as well as knowledge of certain objects
which will be delivered with the language itself.”
Based on the above description can be concluded that the rhetoric
is the way the use and arrangement of art, both in language
oral and written language, which is based on a
knowledge or method that is organized and well arranged.
In other words, rhetoric is a science that teaches action and effort
effective in the preparation, arrangement and appearance of speech
and writing to build mutual understanding, cooperation and peace,
when communicating in social life.
4. Rhetorical Analysis
It has been explained above that rhetoric is an art and
techniques of Use and structuring the language appropriately in
communicate both orally and in writing. Means the speaker is prosecuted
have knowledge and understanding of rhetoric to obtain
description of the art and techniques of arranging or forming communication
he did. To understand rhetoric as a picture of art and
structuring techniques or the establishment of good communication and can
this is done through research or analysis. According To Trianto (2000: 8)
the essence of rhetorical analysis is as follows:
(1) questioning precisely: understanding how
creating meaning, how texts construct knowledge,
and how the text makes the reader act. (2) Analysis
rhetoric then helps the reader understand explicitly
(not just implicit) how text language works and
how we can use language works for us.
Based on the above description can be concluded, the analysis of rhetoric
is a study of rhetoric or the art and techniques of good communication
oral and written so as to obtain an idea of how
speaker or writer arrange or arrange communication and
able to create meaning from what it conveys both
expressed or implied. In addition, rhetorical analysis was conducted to
assess, how speakers or writers construct or
build organizational forms of communication, so that listeners or
readers respond to communication heard or
read it.
5. Rhetoric Patterns
To achieve a good communication process can be done
with an effort to use the language properly, effectively, and correctly.
For example, a writer who wants to convey messages, Ideas, Ideas,
feelings, or desire to the reader, need to do a
efforts so that what is set forth in his writing can be understood by
readers so that kommunikasi do said well and
Good communication and communicative can not be separated from
the ability of writers to use language as a medium of communication.
The ability of the author in concocting language closely
hubugannya with rhetoric, the art of Use and arrangement of
organizing language based on technical skills of
a knowledge or method that is regular and good. Rhetoric
seen as the art of producing and produced from sebuak form,
style or technique of organizing messages, ideas, ideas, feelings, and
desire of the author. Forms, patterns or techniques of organization in art
communicating or rhetoric is called rhetorical pattern.
Coulthard in Safnil (2010: 11-12) revealed that each
the author or authors attempt to compile ideas or messages
in such a way that they are easy to
understood or read by the reader. Efforts of the compiler is what akhinya
deliver the author on the choices that produce and resulting from
form, model, or pattern of rhetoric according to the purpose of their written
Furthermore, Safnil suggested that the pattern of rhetoric of a
essay is determined by such things as the communicative purpose of
the essay, the level of knowledge of the reader to whom the text
is written, the author's writing style, and the rules that apply
common in the media essay is published or written.

Writing A Speech Script

1. Writing
According Tarigan ( 1981: 3), writing is a skill
language used to communicate is not
directly, not face to face with others. It's writing is
productive and expressive activities. Next write is
lower ideas or paint a graphic symbol
describe a language used and understood by
someone so that people can read the symbols tesebut
this graph and guess its meaning. In another sense write
is to reduce or draw graphic symbols
describe a language that is understood by someone, so
others can read the graphic symbols.
Writing as a component of language skills,
requires kehlian from someone in using the form
written language for communication purposes. As revealed by
Keraf (1989: 42) that the ability to write as one of the activities
form syntax as basic pengetahuann language plus
with some good reasoning ability knowledge about
its object.
Writing is the creation of ideas or ideas
expressed in the form of a bouquet. According To Musaba ( 2012: 24)
writing means expressing thoughts, feelings, experiences, and
others through the lens. Writing requires its own skills
not owned by everyone. In other words, writing is a
activities pour ideas, ideas, opinions, experiences,feelings,
knowledge in written form.
Writing as one of the language skills, requires
expertise of a person in using a form of written language to
communicate (Keraf, 1990: 42). Therefore, the ability to write
must involve a variety of skills, as follows :
(1) the ability to express ideas,
(2) skills
organize the idea know the idea,
(3) skills
is grammatical and syntactic patterns, and
(4) skills
choosing structure and vocabulary (Harris, 1969: 14).
According Susetyo (2009: 1), writing is an activity for
give birth to thoughts or feelings. Next in another book
Susetyo (2010: 67) said, writing is communicating
to express thoughts, ideas, feelings, and will to
others in writing. By writing, one can
express thoughts dann ideas to achieve the purpose and
the goal. So, the result of writing it is writing or essay.
Cere (1985) in Ridwan (2011: 84) suggests that :
Writing is actually a communication tool. In
in okmunikasi there emapat elements, namely: 1) Write
is a form of expression itself; 2) writing is a
general delivered to the reader; 3) writing is a rule
writing; and 4) writing is a way of learning.
As a form of self-expression, writing aims
communicate or convey an idea across borders
time and space.
Based on the opinion of some sense of writing above, can
concluded that writing is an activity pour ideas,
ideas, feelings, and messages by using graphic symbols
which describes a language that can be understood by others
to be used as a means of indirect communication.
2. Speech
Oratory is in essence one genre of speaking in advance
general monologue because communication is one-way, which
demand the ability or proficiency in the language optimally to
can express and convey thoughts, feelings, or
ideas to others or mass groups to achieve goals
certain. According to Arsyad and Mukti (1993: 5) revealed, speech
is the activity of conveying thoughts, ideas, or messages to
others / listeners.
According to Surono, et al. (2008: 115) suggests that the practice
language can be done.through two ways, namely with a variety of oral and
variety of writings.Both oral and written varieties, both demanding
there are language skills. An orator is someone who
make good use of rhetoric, can choose the words
selective, organize the sentences spoken, have a sense of language
strong, able to process the tone of voice, tempo of speech and
the articulation. Speech tools and motor movements run
automatic, occurs in the process of intuitive and instinctive describe
insight and level of education so as to provoke sympathy
3. Speech Structure
Structure means the way in which something is structured or constructed.
Structure means arrangement or building. Meaningful speech structure
how the Arrangement, Order and systematics of rhetoric of a speech
built by a speaker. How does a speaker
build a sequence of framework or flow of a conversation that will
implemented. Each orator must prepare systematically
his speech. For the purpose of conversation can be achieved and the material
delivered can be arranged according to what is desired. It is
done to avoid unguided talk, repel
feeling of anxiety and psychological tension when talking because
high concentration.
Speech structure according to Surono, et al, (2008: 122-123), there are three
parts used in writing the speech are : (1) part
introduction/introduction (orientation), regarding what will be described
try to explain each part. (2) Material parts /
content paragraphs take precedence over the important parts that have been mentioned
in the orientation. (3) Closing / conclusion of the entire description, with
the purpose of this is for the audience to get an overview of the material.
In this section should not be too long and not stiff impression.
Another opinion about the structure of pidatoTrianto (2007: 101) states,
a speech/ lecture / sermon has three main parts, namely
introduction (opening), content (discussion), and closing (conclusion).
The function of the three parts is as a guide for delivery
thoughts are more systematic (sequential).
Based on the above description, researchers formulate that the structure
speech script consists of: introduction( opening), content (discussion),
, and closing (conclusion). Description of speech structure according to Trianto is
as follows:
a. Introduction
The first part of a speech is known as the introduction .
A good introduction, includes three things, (1) attract attention
listener, (2) Create a topic of conversation that is appropriate for the listener
by connecting the contents of the conversation with the needs
beneficial to the listener, and (3) deliver the main thoughts
called Statement of intent
b. Contents
The content in the speech should be delivered with
good reasoning (logical) for the listener to understand. So
before making a speech, you need to think about how
how to get the message to the listener and understood.
c. Cover
The final part of the speech is the conclusion or conclusion.
A good conclusion in a speech is that it can
a reflection of the tree of thought
Some ways that can be done are
(1) using
conclusion expression,
(2) repeat something appropriate
with the needs of listeners,
(3) repeating the core of things
which has been delivered,
(4) summarize the subject matter, and
(5) using an impressive final statement.
d. Acknowledgements
Thank you expressed as an appreciation for
people are willing to listen to what we say.
Apologies should also be made to
avoiding the possibility of offensive speech
feelings of listeners.
e. Greetings.

Argumentation is a form of rhetoric that seeks
to influence the attitudes and opinions of others, so that people
believe and ultimately act in accordance drngan what is desired by
writer or reader.(Keraf, 1982: 3). Through writing or essays
arguments of the author should try to string up the facts
in such a way, so that he was able to show an opinion that
true or not. The word argumentative means reason. So essay
argumentative essay is a strong reason and
convincing. In argumentative, the authors express the opinion
accompanied by a strong explanation and reason with a view to
influence the reader.
Keraf (2000: 136) essay argument is a type of paragraph
which expresses the idea, ideas, or opinions of the author with
with evidence and facts (bena-really happened). The goal is to
the reader believes that the idea, notion, or opinion is correct
and proven. Characteristics of argumentation essay: (1) explain the opinion
for the reader to be sure ,( 20 require facts for proof in the form of
images / graphics and others, (30 dig out the source of ideas from pengmatan, (4)
experience and research, and (5) conclusion contains conclusions.
Furthermore Keraf (1982: 5-9) describes some important elements
it should be noted in the argumentation writing as follows:
a. Proposition
Proposition is a thought process that attempts to connect known facts to a conclusion.
Reasoning can be done using the facts that have been
formulated in sentences in the form of opinions or
b. Inference and implication
Inference is a conclusion derived from what is
or from the facts. While implication is a summary,
that is, something is considered to exist because it has been summarized in that fact
c. The evidence (fact)
The most important element in argumentative writing is evidence.
Evidence is all the facts, all the testimony, all
information or authority, and so are connected to
prove a truth. Facts in the position as
evidence should not be confused with what is known as
statement or affirmation. Statement does not have any effect on an evidence, it only
confirms whether
a fact is true or not.
Another opinion on the argument is an attempt to support
a certain view for a reason. Arguments in this sense
also not meaningless, but very essential (Weston: 2007: 1-
2)..Arguments are the way we explain and defend them.
A good argument doesn't just repeat a conclusion.
However, we offer reasons and evidence so that people
others can compose thoughts for themselves.
Minto Rahayu (2009: 168) revealed, wrote the argument
means raising the issue with the adoption of a definite attitude
to express all matters with all seriousness
intellectual, not just any liking or emotional approach.
In argumentation requires the author to disclose
all facts, opinions, or evidence are critical and logical.Here, it should be
conduct a selection of the facts and which authorities can
used, which data to get rid of. If the material has been
collected, the author must be prepared with the best method for
summarize it in a logical and convincing form. In the pattern
argumentation known two models of text analysis, namely the Top-Down model and
Bottom-Up model.

1) top-Down text analysis

Top-down text analysis is an analysis model used
for argumentation text because according to Tirkkonen-Condit (1994) in
Safnil (2010: 82-83) can be considered as a process of dialogue between authors
and reader (top-down process )
The process of dialogue in an Argumentative Essay
Introduction / situation: a statement that introduces the reader to
issues to be raised.
Problem: statements about conditions or things that are not
desirable presented to the reader.
Objection: a statement describing an opinion
Solution: Statement of ideal conditions according to
opinion of the author.
Evaluation: a statement to test the results of a solution
Part of the rebuttal or refutation in an argumentative essay
it is an important tool to help build
trust in the reader to the opinion of the author (Levin, 1966
in Safnil, 2010: 83). Furthermore, Franklin (1988) makes it clear that
opposition opinions may have some degree of truth. By
therefore, the author must submit it honestly to
show the reader that he thinks, thinks honestly and
objective not emotionally or blindly (Safnil, 2010:84).
If the argumentative essay does not have a refutation section called
one-sided argument (Hatch, 1992: 185). According to Hatch,
argumentative essay without rebuttal impressed more emotional and
less objective so that it feels less persuasive
2) Bottom-up analysis Model
Bottom-up analysis Model is the analysis model used
to examine the essay argumentation by looking at the argument
as a monologue. The focus of bottom-up analysis is to look at
the relationship between the sequence of speech acts in argumentative essay only
in the problem section . According to Aston in Safnil (2010: 84) sequence T –
unit in this part of the issue has a speech act of the claim, justification
and induction. Furthermore, Toulmin et al. says that the author
begin the problem section with a claim or statement about
opinion of the author to the reader, and this claim is supported by
justification in the form of experience, facts, statistics or events
authentic (Connor and Lauer in Safnil 2010: 10). The last part, the author
suggests an induction or logical conclusion drawn from

Rhetoric is usually synonymous with the art or skill of speaking, while the
purpose is to convey thoughts and feelings to others so that they There are three types
of speeches based on their purpose, viz informative, persuasive, and recreational
speeches. Apart from that there is t also several types of speech based on the method
of delivery - the paian, namely impromptu, script (manuscript), memorize, as well as


1. Rhetorical sentences (figurative rhetoric) are figurative language in the form of

interrogative sentences
A. no need to answer
B. need to be answered
C. really need to be answered
D. nothing is right

2. To use rhetoric you must first, expect ………

A. Analyze the rhetorical situation you are in
B. Identify what needs to be communicated.
c. Provide a strategic response using rhetorical tools.
d. understand listeners

3. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), rhetoric is

A. it’s a letter to boyfriend
B. notice of injustice
C. effective language skills.
D. nothing is right
4. Persuasive speech is speech that aims to
A. angry at friends
B. love, care and care around
C. nothing is right
D. influence opinions, attitudes, traits, and behavior audience
5. Rhetorical Characteristics, except Sentences
A. Sentences do not require an answer.
B. Sentence forms can be in the form of affirmations and questions.
C. Sentences sometimes use question words in them.
D. words of affection among friends


1. For first time audiences times me listening to the topic, do four ways?
2. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), rhetoric is?
3. Principles and Types of Speech , mention three kinds informative speech, namely
4. State the outline of the speech text
5. write the preparation of a good speech text must have the principle of unit

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. D

1. - statement the importance of the subject matter and show how they need to
know more about the subject
- Illustrate, give some excamples
- Affirmation present additional facts, figures, and quotes han
- Designation show that the subject matter relating to the interests, welfare, and
audience success

2. rhetoric is an effective language skill. In addition, rhetoric is also understood as

the study of the effective use of language in composing. In another sense, rhetoric is the
art of grandiose and bombastic speech.

3. 1) oral reports (oral report) that Meli put scientific reports, committee reports,
annual reports, project reports, and so on.
2). Oral instructions (teaching), for example the teacher who explains the lesson,
superiors who explain the work, or leaders who divide tasks to subordinates,
3) in formative lectures (lectures), such as public lectures, presentations in front of
participants conferences, presentation of papers, lectures. Regardless of the type, an
informative speech is an effort to instill understanding.

4. Speakers, listeners and topics

5. form and content according to purpose

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