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World War I

Wilson [Peal] of Neutrality

28th president of the united States. Professor of history, president of Princeton,
governor of New Jersey.
When he runs for reelection, he states that he kept America out of war. Runs against
Roosevelt and Wilson wins.

Peace without Victory

Doctrine. Neutrality during the war. Vision for just and peaceful war. Agreement to avoid
arms races and wants to be us main power broker.
"Victory would mean peace forced onto a loser, intolerable sacrifice, causes bitterness,
only peace between equals can last. If it provides a common benefit."
Treaties need to be accepted by everyone. If someone wins, then there is also a loser.
Navy is vital. Stability of Europe is tranquil Europe.
When war starts, everyone thinks its gonna be fast, matter of weeks, decisive victory.
That isn't what happens. Trench warfare and no end in sight. Spending money and
people with no benefit. Wilson offers his speech hoping for an end to it all. No one has
to say that they lost and they all just 'forget it ever happened.'

In response, Europe is angry at Wilson. Especially Germans, who are considering

unrestricted submarine warfare. Surprise. Submarines cannot communicate with ships
above, and blowing up ships from below. Unfortunately, its hitting any kind of ship since
there's no communication. (RMS Lusitania)
Americans are killed on a ship, carrying passengers to Europe and resources. It had
ammunition on board (secretly) to help the British.
Germans find this. They're angry that neutral countries are not acting in neutrality. They
have decided to unrestricted warfare again

Mexico is not part of the war,

Mexico is bombed, Heurta regime.

World War I 1
Zimmerman Telegram
Coded telegram sent by German ambassador to Mexico

intercepted and sent to america

states if they join war on the British side they'll help them get Mexican territory back.
pretext to America starting the war

If we enter this war, there's no prosperity from it for "anyone but a wall street broker".
People are dying and no one is gaining from it.
It increases the cost of living to those already struggling, and bringing more wealth to
the wealthy.

World War I total deaths

In some countries of Europe, one third of the whole population was killed.
First war where more people die on the battlefield then from disease.
19.7 million deaths, 21.2 million military wounded
The old empires become new countries

Treaty of Versailles
Post-War Europe
Germany: War Guilt, Reparations. They assume responsibility for the entire war. By
1930s, military leaders are looking for people to blame.

Italy: Fascism. Mussolini "prototype" of fascism.

Europe: Economic Depression

Spain: Primo Dictatorship (its elites having squandered the wealth of WWI
neutrality). Government corruption, money doesn't make its way to the poor.
Government overthrown, there's a coup. and Primo is a dictator.

World War I 2

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