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Fireside chat
wants people to have peace and not believe everything in the news and is in the
rumors. War in Europe doesn't affect the us at some poi t it will, us to do its best t0 stay
neutral and make noone believe they chose a side. don't let americans believe false
rumors, differentiate rumors and truth. thins noone has the right to profit off the war

september 3rd, 1939

Lent Lease early 1940

America should help others
still talking about neautrality, analogy of neighbors house catches on water, neighbor
asks to borrow hose, of course you have to say yes. Not sending troops, just giving
them equipment "As good neighbors" wants to help the british by lending ammunition to
them, when war ends they give it back, and america has no involvement in the actual
war itself.
Like Quarantine Speech; in how he guages support and not being specific, urges
helping those who cant help themselves, Roosevelt seems to have the same idea as
lent lease but cant find the right ways to do it. Roosevelt eventually abandons the idea,
but this time he has the chance to do it again, and they'll back him on this, which is what
he needs. Democracy defending itself against fascism. Can't abandon the British or
they'll 'be the next spain'

Charles Lindbergh April 23 1941

War is over six months old. THE pilot, most famous pilot in America, transatlantic
voyage. America should not enter the war unless they have a reasonable chance of
winning. He gets criticism for being too materialistic, but America is not prepared for the
war. Shows map and says no much how much America extends help they cannot win.
He's a Nazi sympathizer. He wants Hitler to win, that's why he doesn't want America to
get involved in the war. Philip Roth made a novel that this speech was Lindbergh's
campaign against Roosevelt.

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Creates group called "America First", America Firsters have leverage until Dec. 7th
1941,(Pearl Harbor) changes everything. Anything Roosevelt wants he can get and
Lindbergh and similar are pushed aside. Roth imagines December 7th never happens if
Lindbergh is elected.

Problems dont end.

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