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Colegio Marista Champagnat

4º Eco y Adm.
Lengua Adicional (Inglés)



1. Complete the texts with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. [7]


new deposit of lithium 0 has been discovered (discover) in Portugal. It

(think) to be a major business opportunity.
I’d appreciate ____________________ (give) prior notice next time
customers 3 ____________________ (be) disrupted by the noise from
roadworks. 4 
Recently, we ____________________ (move) into a temporary office
because our main office 5 ____________________ (redecorate).
In all likelihood,7  the new branch 6 ____________________ (manage) by
Karen, so she ____________________ (replace) by a new assistant

2. Rewrite the sentences starting with the underlined words. [12]

1- They had to develop the product in record time last year.
2- They were shipping the goods into the country when a problem at the port slowed
everything down.
3- Our star salesman has sold more than fifteen cars this month.
4- We can store up to a thousand palettes of products in this warehouse.
5- They are going to announce the winners of the local business awards tomorrow
Colegio Marista Champagnat
4º Eco y Adm.
Lengua Adicional (Inglés)

6- They expect the boss to give all his staff a big bonus.


1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. [6]

bricks and mortar cost-effective

launched quotes turnover venture

1- We ____________________ this business ten years ago.

2- When I decided to build a garage behind my house, I got ____________________
from three builders. They were all similar amounts.
3-All our retail sales take place online, so we don’t need a ____________________
store on the High Street.
4- One of the things I picked up from my father is that you must have a clear plan
before you start any business ____________________.
5- You’d expect him to drive a more luxurious car when his company has a yearly
____________________ of more than one million dollars.
6- It is simply not ____________________ to manufacture these products here
because of the high labour costs.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs from the box and a
preposition. [6]

break knock pass set sign win

1- Hundreds of people have already ______________ for this fantastic online course.
2- For the past five years, our company has been trying to ______________ ______ the
Chinese market because that’s where we believe the future lies.
3- Make sure you don’t ______________ ______ this great opportunity because it isn’t
likely to come along again any time soon.
Colegio Marista Champagnat
4º Eco y Adm.
Lengua Adicional (Inglés)

4- It’s still too expensive, but if you are willing to ______________ something ______
the price, I’ll consider buying it.
5- My grandfather ______________ ______ this company eighty years ago and it’s
been passed down through two generations since.
6- She didn’t want to buy the car at first because she’d read a few negative reviews,
but in the end I ______________ her ______ by taking her out for a test run and
showing her all the features.

3. Choose the correct option to complete the text. [5]

Paul explains the idea behind his company’s

venture / turnover.
‘As some of you might have read in my recent interview for the
Gazette, I started my record shop two years ago, and fortunately, it
has been quite successful up to now. I was advised by
a financial expert I met some years ago to make

a USP / an upfront investment of about £10,000 in the first year to
get things rolling. I was prepared for the fact that I’d be unlikely to
make much money at first because the 2 profit margin / price tag
on records is quite small. As had been predicted, I had very few
customers in the beginning, but then people got to hear about my
shop through 3 word-of-mouth / customer service and things
started to change for the better. You’re no doubt aware of the fact
that not many people buy records. It’s a 4 venture / niche market,
but seeing as my shop is the only one in town of its kind, I’m
cautiously optimistic about the future. I’m thinking about going
online too, so I’m doing a course in 5 sales gimmicks /
e-commerce as I’ve been told that this will be time and money well

4. Complete the definitions with the missing words. The first letters are given. [5]

1- A c _ _ _ _ _ person is devious and clever and often gets their own way.
2- When you s _ _ _ _ _ someone, you entice and persuade them to do something,
sometimes when they are reluctant.
3- A c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ person easily believes what they see and is very trusting.
4- You s _ _ _ an argument when you make it lean more heavily in one direction.
5- When you p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in something, you keep going, standing firm and not
giving up
Colegio Marista Champagnat
4º Eco y Adm.
Lengua Adicional (Inglés)


1. Complete the text with the correct words formed from the words in bold. [5]

Thank you for the invitation to write a short entry for your blog for
teenagers. Your 0 tradename (NAME) has become known amongst
students as the ‘go-to’ place to find out exactly what they need to know
about their chosen career paths. I hope this post is as useful as some of
the others I’ve seen.
I’ve decided to write a little bit about these new companies which are
often set up by young entrepreneurs to develop a product or
 ______________ (SERVE) and sell it. Yes, you’ve guessed correctly. This
post is all about how to create a 2 ______________ (START). The first thing
that you need to be aware of is that you can’t really do anything at all in
the world of business without money. Usually, the 3 ______________
(FRONT) investment needed for such a project in the initial stages comes
from family and friends. Another thing to consider is that before these
young companies can make a profitable 4 ______________ (OVER), they
need to raise a lot more investment to bring the product to market. It’s
common sense when you think about it. In the initial stages of building the
business, companies are, usually under 5 ______________ (PRESS) to
prove the product is successful to attract investment. so a carefully
planned step-by-step approach is crucial.

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