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Activity 1.

2: My Family Influence
Lesson Plan for Grade 8, Val ed
Prepared by Lorenzo Zoie, K.

1.) What do you think about the brothers’ answers?

The brothers’ answers are influenced by his dad. Their situation was the same but
perspectives were different.

2.) How did each respond to their family situation?

The two brothers’ responded to their family situation by saying “Yes Tita, partly,
it’s because of our dad!.” Jose, who was the youngest, did not copy those people
who were older than him as their actions weren’t a good influence on him and he
knew better, to never copy their actions. Mark on the other hand, who was the
oldest and only had one role model in his life as they only had one parent since
they were a child, copied or followed his dads’ steps on becoming a drunkard.

3.) How are the two brothers’ different in dealing with their family situation?

The two brothers’ are different in dealing with their family situation by Jose not
drinking and Mark who became a drunkard. As we all know our parents or
people who are older than us will be our role models or someone who we would
want to be when we grow older. In my opinion, for Jose, he did not want to
become a drunkard as he saw it as something you shouldn’t do or he saw it as a
bad influence. But, for Mark on the other hand, he saw his dad as a role model
and seeing his role model or someone who he admired, drink, became an
influence to Mark.

4.) How should you best address such a situation?

As a lady, I would address the situation by not copying my drunkard dad, by

knowing which actions are a bad or good influence, and if someone asks me “Why
do you not drink?” I would respond by saying “It just isn’t lady like and it’s bad for
my health.” I would not bring my dad nor any of my family members as it is a

family matter that should not go public.

5.) What lessons in life can we learn from this story?

The lessons we can get from this story is that no matter what your role model
does, you should always know how to identify which actions are a bad or good
influence. No matter what happens in your life, drinking will never be the
solution, your problems will never go away if you keep on drinking or running
away from it and the only way for your challenges or situations to go away is for
you to overcome them and always remember that there are people who look up at
you, who cherish and love you.

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