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Talent acquisition plays a critical role in the success of organizations, particularly in the
technology sector. This is evident in the case of Brillio, a technology company that attributes
its ability to deliver disruptive solutions and capture business value faster to a sharp and
focused talent acquisition strategy. According to the HR Head at Brillio, when talent
acquisition effectively aligns with market needs, HR transforms from a support function into
a strategic partner. However, talent acquisition also faces significant challenges that need to
be addressed in order to fulfil this strategic role. This essay will explore the key challenges
faced by the talent acquisition team at Brillio and their implications for the organization.


Competitive Talent Market: One of the major challenges in talent acquisition is competing in
a highly competitive market for skilled professionals. In the technology sector, where Brillio
operates, there is a scarcity of qualified candidates with specialized skills. The demand for
such talent often exceeds the supply, making it challenging to attract and retain top talent. To
address this, the talent acquisition team at Brillio must employ innovative strategies to stand
out from competitors and attract the right talent, such as building strong employer branding,
establishing partnerships with educational institutions, and leveraging technology platforms
for effective candidate sourcing.
Rapid Technological Advancements: Another challenge faced by the talent acquisition team
is keeping up with the rapidly evolving technological landscape. Technology trends and
emerging skills constantly reshape the requirements for various roles. The team needs to stay
updated on the latest advancements, industry trends, and skill requirements to accurately
identify and assess candidates with the right expertise. This necessitates ongoing learning and
development initiatives for the talent acquisition team itself, ensuring they are well-informed
and equipped to identify and evaluate the most suitable candidates.
Cultural Fit and Diversity: Finding candidates who not only possess the necessary technical
skills but also align with the organizational culture and values can be a challenge. Cultural fit
is crucial for team cohesion, collaboration, and employee satisfaction. However, balancing
cultural fit with the need for diversity and inclusion can be complex. The talent acquisition
team must develop effective strategies to assess cultural fit during the hiring process while
also promoting diversity to foster a diverse and inclusive work environment.
Talent acquisition plays a vital role in the success of technology companies like Brillio.
However, it faces several challenges that need to be navigated effectively. These challenges
include competing in a highly competitive talent market, keeping pace with rapid
technological advancements, and ensuring a balance between cultural fit and diversity.
Overcoming these challenges requires innovative approaches, continuous learning, and a
strategic mindset. By addressing these challenges head-on, the talent acquisition team at
Brillio can enhance their ability to attract, select, and retain the best talent, thus enabling the
organization to meet market demands and drive business success.

Implementing a new appraisal system can have a significant impact on employees'
understanding, perception, and satisfaction with the performance evaluation process. In the
case of the HR manager, the follow-up survey conducted after the implementation of the new
appraisal system revealed positive outcomes. This essay will explore modern appraisal
methods that have contributed to these positive outcomes, highlighting their concept,
application, and examples.


Continuous Feedback and Coaching: One modern appraisal method that has shown positive
outcomes is the emphasis on continuous feedback and coaching throughout the performance
evaluation cycle. This approach focuses on regular check-ins between managers and
employees to provide ongoing guidance, support, and development opportunities. For
example, instead of relying solely on annual or biannual performance reviews, managers at
the organization might have implemented weekly or monthly feedback sessions to discuss
progress, provide constructive criticism, and offer support.
Goal Setting and Objectives Alignment: Another modern appraisal method that has resulted
in positive outcomes is the establishment of clear and measurable goals that align with the
overall objectives of the organization. This approach emphasizes setting SMART (Specific,
Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals and ensuring that employees'
individual objectives are aligned with the broader goals of their work group and the
organization. For instance, employees may have been provided with specific performance
targets and key result areas to focus on, enabling them to better understand their work group
objectives and meet their personal and work objectives.
360-Degree Feedback: The utilization of 360-degree feedback is another modern appraisal
method that can contribute to positive outcomes. This approach involves gathering feedback
from multiple sources, including managers, peers, subordinates, and even external
stakeholders, to provide a comprehensive view of an employee's performance. This multi-
perspective feedback helps employees gain a holistic understanding of their strengths, areas
for improvement, and impact on others. For example, employees might have received
feedback from their colleagues, subordinates, and customers, enabling them to assess their
performance from various angles.

The implementation of modern appraisal methods can lead to positive outcomes in terms of
employees' understanding, perception, and satisfaction with the performance evaluation
process. Continuous feedback and coaching, goal setting and objectives alignment, and 360-
degree feedback are examples of such methods. These approaches emphasize ongoing
communication, clarity of goals, and multiple feedback sources to foster employee
engagement, development, and alignment with organizational objectives. By embracing these
modern appraisal methods, organizations can enhance their performance management
practices and contribute to a more effective and motivating work environment.

Apex Door, led by Jim Delaney, is facing a problem with employees consistently
disregarding instructions and opting to do their work their own way. This leads to
disagreements and errors, causing financial losses for the company. The current training
process at Apex Door lacks formal training manuals and relies heavily on on-the-job training,
often conducted by outgoing employees or occasional fill-ins. This essay will evaluate Apex's
training process and its effectiveness in improving employee performance.


Apex Door's training process exhibits several shortcomings that hinder the improvement of
employee performance.
Lack of Formal Training Materials: The absence of training manuals or up-to-date job
descriptions limits the consistency and standardization of training across different roles
within the company. This lack of structured guidance can lead to confusion, mistakes, and
deviations from desired procedures. Employees may struggle to understand expectations and
perform their tasks accurately, as evident in the door-design department and order processing
department examples.
Reliance on On-the-Job Training: Depending on outgoing employees to train their successors
during brief overlap periods can be unreliable and inadequate. This approach assumes that the
departing employee possesses the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively transfer them
to the new hire. Additionally, when there is no overlap, new employees receive training from
ad hoc trainers who may not possess comprehensive knowledge or experience in the specific
role. This haphazard training approach increases the risk of incomplete or inaccurate
knowledge transfer.
One-Size-Fits-All Approach: The current training process treats all positions equally,
regardless of their unique skill requirements. From machinists to secretaries, engineers to
accounting clerks, the training is standardized without considering the specific needs and
competencies of each role. Different job functions require distinct knowledge and skills, and
a uniform training approach may not effectively address these specific requirements.

Apex Door's training process, characterized by the absence of formal training materials,
heavy reliance on on-the-job training, and a one-size-fits-all approach, hampers the
improvement of employee performance. The lack of structured guidance and standardization
contributes to errors, conflicts, and financial losses within the organization. To enhance
employee performance, Apex Door should consider implementing a more comprehensive and
tailored training program. This program should include updated job descriptions, formal
training manuals, and dedicated trainers who possess the necessary expertise to impart job-
specific knowledge and skills effectively. By addressing these shortcomings and investing in
targeted training initiatives, Apex Door can promote consistent and proficient performance
across its workforce, leading to increased productivity, reduced errors, and improved
organizational outcomes.

Apex Door currently faces challenges with employee performance due to ineffective training
processes. The lack of formal training materials, reliance on on-the-job training, and a one-
size-fits-all approach hinder the improvement of employee skills and adherence to desired
procedures. This essay will outline a set of strategies to enhance the training process at Apex
Door and address the identified shortcomings, ultimately leading to improved employee


Develop Comprehensive Training Manuals:
To provide clear guidance and promote consistency in training, Apex Door should develop
comprehensive training manuals for each job role within the company. These manuals should
include detailed instructions, standard operating procedures, and best practices relevant to
each position. By having up-to-date and easily accessible training materials, new employees
can refer to them for a better understanding of their responsibilities and expectations. The
manuals should be periodically reviewed and updated to reflect any changes in processes or
Implement Structured Onboarding Programs:
Rather than relying solely on outgoing employees for training, Apex Door should introduce
structured onboarding programs for new hires. These programs should include a combination
of on-the-job training, mentorship, classroom sessions, and e-learning modules. By assigning
experienced mentors or trainers to guide new employees, they can receive consistent and
specialized support tailored to their respective roles. The onboarding programs should cover
essential job skills, company policies, procedures, and cultural aspects to facilitate a smoother
transition into their new roles.
Tailor Training to Job Functions:
Recognizing the unique requirements of different job functions, Apex Door should adopt a
customized approach to training. This involves identifying the specific knowledge and skills
necessary for each role and designing training programs accordingly. For example, the
training needs of designers in the door-design department may differ from those of order
clerks in the order processing department. By tailoring the training content and delivery
methods to suit the job functions, employees will receive targeted training that directly
enhances their performance.
Continuous Learning and Development:
To support ongoing growth and improvement, Apex Door should promote a culture of
continuous learning and development. This can be achieved through various initiatives, such
as providing access to relevant industry resources, encouraging employees to attend training
workshops or conferences, and implementing regular skill enhancement programs. The
company can also establish a learning management system to facilitate self-paced online
training modules and encourage employees to set personal development goals.

To improve the training process at Apex Door and enhance employee performance, it is
crucial to implement a comprehensive set of strategies. This includes developing
comprehensive training manuals, introducing structured onboarding programs, tailoring
training to job functions, and promoting continuous learning and development. By addressing
the identified shortcomings and investing in robust training initiatives, Apex Door can foster
a skilled and knowledgeable workforce, leading to improved productivity, reduced errors, and
overall organizational success.

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