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In today's dynamic business environment, identifying and addressing relevant business
problems is crucial for organizations to stay competitive and achieve sustainable growth. This
introduction will focus on the identification of a relevant business problem and the subsequent
development of a research proposal to bridge the existing research gap. By examining the
literature, this proposal aims to contribute new knowledge and insights to address the identified
problem effectively.


The concept of conducting research to address business problems is a fundamental aspect of
evidence-based decision-making. By gathering and analysing existing literature, researchers
can identify gaps in knowledge or areas where further investigation is required. These research
gaps represent opportunities to explore new ideas, concepts, and methodologies to enhance
organizational performance and success.
In this context, the research proposal will involve formulating a structured plan that outlines
the problem statement, research objectives, methodology, data collection and analysis
techniques, and expected outcomes. The proposal will also highlight the significance and
relevance of the research, including its potential impact on theory, practice, and the business
The application of the research proposal will involve conducting primary data collection, such
as surveys, interviews, or experiments, depending on the nature of the business problem. The
collected data will be analysed using appropriate statistical or qualitative techniques, providing
insights and recommendations to address the identified research gap. The findings can be
applied within the organization, industry, or broader business context to inform decision-
making, improve processes, develop strategies, or drive innovation.

The development of a research proposal based on the identified research gap is a crucial step
towards addressing relevant business problems. By synthesizing existing literature and
formulating a comprehensive plan, the proposal seeks to contribute new knowledge and
insights to the field. Through the application of appropriate research methodologies, the
proposed study aims to provide valuable findings that can inform decision-making, enhance
organizational performance, and drive innovation. Ultimately, bridging the research gap
through this proposal has the potential to generate practical solutions and contribute to the
overall advancement of the business community.

The concept of eWallet has gained significant attention in recent years as a convenient and
secure method of digital transactions. To understand the factors influencing the adoption of
eWallet, a theoretical model has been developed. In this model, the dependent variables are
"Intention to use eWallet" and "Adoption of eWallet." The dependent variable refers to the
outcome or the variable that is being predicted or explained in a research study. In this case,
the dependent variables represent the level of intention and actual usage of eWallet.

H1: Perceived Usefulness positively influences the Adoption of eWallet. This hypothesis
suggests that individuals who perceive eWallet as useful are more likely to adopt them.
H2: Perceived Ease of use positively influences the Adoption of eWallet. This hypothesis
proposes that individuals who perceive eWallet as easy to use are more likely to adopt them.
H3: Social Influence positively influences the Adoption of eWallet. This hypothesis suggests
that the influence of others, such as friends or family, positively affects an individual's decision
to adopt eWallet.
H4: Facilitating Conditions positively influence the Adoption of eWallet. This hypothesis
suggests that the presence of favourable conditions, such as easy access to technology or
supportive infrastructure, increases the likelihood of eWallet adoption.
H5: Lifestyle Compatibility positively influences the Adoption of eWallet. This hypothesis
suggests that individuals who perceive eWallet as compatible with their lifestyle and daily
activities are more likely to adopt them.
H6: Perceived Trust positively influences the Adoption of eWallet. This hypothesis proposes
that individuals who perceive eWallet as trustworthy and secure are more likely to adopt them.
Mediating and Moderating Variables:
In the given model, there are no specific mediating or moderating variables identified.
Mediating variables are those that come between the independent and dependent variables,
explaining the relationship between them. Moderating variables, on the other hand, influence
the strength or direction of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables.
Without additional information, it is not possible to determine any mediating or moderating
variables in this model.
The theoretical model presented here aims to understand the factors influencing the adoption
of eWallet. Through six hypotheses, the model explores the influence of perceived usefulness,
perceived ease of use, social influence, facilitating conditions, lifestyle compatibility, and
perceived trust on the adoption of eWallet. Further research can be conducted to test these
hypotheses and gain insights into the determinants of eWallet adoption. Understanding these
factors can help businesses, policymakers, and developers enhance the design and promotion
of eWallet services, ultimately leading to increased adoption and usage in the digital payment

As Nykaa plans to expand into the food delivery sector, it is crucial to understand the factors
driving consumer interest in online food buying. To gather valuable insights, a questionnaire
survey will be conducted to collect consumer responses. The questionnaire will focus on
identifying the key factors influencing consumers' decisions to purchase food online.


The concept behind developing the questionnaire is to assess consumer preferences and
motivations related to online food buying. By collecting data on various factors, Nykaa can
gain a comprehensive understanding of consumer behaviour and tailor its food delivery
services accordingly. The application of the questionnaire will involve distributing it to a
representative sample of consumers and analysing the collected responses to identify
significant trends and patterns.
The questionnaire can include the following areas of investigation
Convenience: Assessing the importance of convenience factors, such as ease of ordering,
delivery options, and user-friendly interfaces.
Price and Value: Evaluating the influence of pricing, discounts, promotions, and perceived
value for money on consumers' decision to buy food online.
Quality and Freshness: Investigating consumers' perceptions of the quality and freshness of
food purchased online, considering factors such as previous experiences, trust in the platform,
and satisfaction with food quality.
Delivery Experience: Gathering feedback on the delivery experience, including aspects such
as delivery time, accuracy, packaging quality, and customer support.
Variety and Customization: Understanding the significance of a wide variety of food options
and the ability to customize orders based on individual preferences and dietary requirements.
By developing a questionnaire to survey consumers on factors responsible for their interest in
online food buying, Nykaa can gain valuable insights into consumer preferences and
motivations. Analysing the collected data will enable Nykaa to make informed decisions
regarding its food delivery services, including pricing strategies, menu variety, delivery
logistics, and customer experience enhancements. This research will contribute to Nykaa's
successful entry into the food delivery market by aligning its offerings with consumer
expectations and preferences.

Conducting interviews is a valuable qualitative research method that can provide in-depth
insights and perspectives on consumer preferences and experiences. In the context of Nykaa's
expansion into the food delivery sector, conducting interviews with ideal respondents can offer
a deeper understanding of their motivations, challenges, and expectations related to online food
buying. This section will provide an introduction to conducting interviews, followed by a
discussion on the concept and application of the interview method. Finally, a conclusion will
summarize the potential benefits and outcomes of conducting interviews for Nykaa's food
delivery expansion.


Interviews serve as a powerful tool to gather rich qualitative data by engaging directly with
individuals and exploring their thoughts and experiences in a more detailed manner. For
Nykaa's food delivery expansion, conducting interviews with ideal respondents can offer
nuanced insights into the factors driving consumer interest and decision-making regarding
online food buying.
The interview process can involve open-ended questions tailored to the specific research
objectives, such as understanding consumer preferences, expectations, challenges, and
suggestions related to online food purchasing. The ideal respondents for the interview would
be existing customers who frequently engage in online food buying or have experience with
various food delivery platforms. They possess first-hand knowledge and can provide valuable
insights into their motivations, preferences, and potential barriers to adoption.
Approaching the ideal respondents for interviews requires a thoughtful and strategic approach.
Nykaa can utilize multiple methods:
Customer Database: Leveraging their existing customer database, Nykaa can identify
individuals who have previously engaged in online food buying. Personalized emails or
messages can be sent to invite them for an interview, emphasizing the value of their opinions
and the impact they can have on Nykaa's food delivery services.
Collaborating with Food Delivery Platforms: Partnering with established food delivery
platforms can provide access to their customer base. By collaborating, Nykaa can identify
potential respondents who can offer insights through interviews. Cooperation with these
platforms can enhance the credibility and reach of the interviews.
Social Media Engagement: Active participation in online food buying discussions, surveys, or
social media platforms allows Nykaa to identify potential interview respondents. Engaging
with these individuals through direct messages or comments can establish contact for
By approaching potential respondents with professionalism, ensuring confidentiality, and
highlighting the value of their opinions, Nykaa can foster willingness to participate in
interviews and gather rich qualitative data.

Conducting interviews with ideal respondents is a valuable qualitative research method for
Nykaa's expansion into the food delivery sector. Interviews offer a deeper understanding of
consumer preferences, motivations, and challenges related to online food buying. By engaging
directly with existing customers or frequent users of food delivery platforms, Nykaa can gain
insights into their experiences and expectations, enabling them to tailor their food delivery
services to meet customer needs effectively.
The interview process allows for in-depth exploration of individual perspectives, providing
qualitative data that complements the quantitative insights obtained through other research
methods, such as questionnaires. By carefully approaching and engaging ideal respondents
through customer databases, collaborations with food delivery platforms, and social media
platforms, Nykaa can tap into the valuable insights and suggestions from customers who are
well-versed in online food buying.
Overall, conducting interviews presents an opportunity for Nykaa to gain comprehensive
insights into the consumer landscape, inform strategic decisions, and enhance their competitive
edge in the food delivery market.

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