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(School Year 2023-2024)Meeting de Avance Program

Good morning everyone! Welcome to Meeting de Avance Program _________________________

I’m Teacher Claudine and I am your host for today’s program. In five minutes, we’re about to start our
program, Thank you!

But while we’re waiting, let us listen for some reminders. (REMINDERS)Everybody, please settle down.

Now let’s have a roll call! As I call your grade level, please open your camera and wave yourhands to
represent your level.

Aivy: To formally start the program, may we request everyone to please stand for the opening prayer to
be led by ________________.

Please remain standing for the singing of the Philippine National Anthem

Greetings to all staffs, my fellow faculty, and of course, to all students who are here today.

Today some students will test themselves not in academics, but in politics and leadership; to showcase
more of their talents, skills, and courage to you all.

Aivy: At this juncture, may I give the time to Teacher Mar Gil M.Gardiola, our school principal,
to give his message. Let’s givehim a virtual applause.Aivy: Thank you, Teacher Jing for the relevant

Aivy: Today, you students, will watch and listen to their plans and platforms that will help
you choose in the upcoming student government elections. They will be your leaders and they will be
your voice.

Let’s not take this too long, Let us welcome The First team to present their plans and platforms, they are
the ___________________________Let us welcome the (LABEL Party)! Let’s give them a round of

[Presentation of LABEL Party]

Thank you LABEL Party for that magnificent presentation.

: Now, before we listen to the presentation of second party for today

Once again, let’s have our LABEL PARTY for their intermission number. Let’s give them a round of
applause .

That was a nice performance. Thank you Label Party

Are you ready to take in another presentation from our next party?

let us welcome the candidates of the other team to present their plans and platforms,

Moto: __________________________________________ Let us welcome, the INDEPENDENT

PARTY! Let’s give them a round of applause.
[Presentation of INDEPENDENT Party]

Aivy: Thank you for that wonderful presentation, INDEPENDENT Party!

Syempre! Meron din inihanda an gating Independent Party, Let’s give them a around of applause for
their intermession number.

That’s nice Independent Party!

And last but not the least let us welcome the candidates of the other team to present their plans
and platforms,

Moto: __________________________________________ Let us welcome, the MMM PARTY! Let’s

give them a round of applause.

Aivy: Thank you for that wonderful presentation, MMM Party!

Magpapahuli baa ng MMM Party? Let’s give them a round of applause for their intermission number.

That was a nice performance. Thank you Label Party

Aivy: And finally for the last part of our program. And for some Announcements , may we call on
Ma’am Melody Abenales our Officer in Charge for _____________________ . ! Let’s give her a round
of applause.

MC: Thank you, Ma’am Melody Abenales

Good Luck Everyone

God Bless our Student Government

Thank you Students, for your participation today

Thank you very much. Have a nice day!!!

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