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Human Capital Capacity Building Plan

Mirkhoshimova Askhobjamol
Webster University in Tashkent
MBA 5100 1T SU 2023: Adding Value through Human Capital

August 2, 2023
Table of contents
Desired State/Personal....................................................................................................3
Desired State/Professional..............................................................................................4
Current State/Professional & Personal...........................................................................4
Current State/ Personal...................................................................................................5
SWOT analysis...............................................................................................................6
Gap analysis/ Personal....................................................................................................7
Gap analysis/ Professional..............................................................................................7
Action Plan/Professional................................................................................................8
Action Plan/ Personal...................................................................................................10
I think the most important part of this course for me was the reminder when it
came to any challenges, in my personal or professional life, no matter if they were
positive or negative, I had to look at my involvement, and how I planned to solve it
the course discussions, reflection assignments, and self-assessments allowed for a
deep dive into trying to get know yourself. I have learned how to prioritize and set
goals to ensure my future success. In this writing I will explore my current state,
desired state, and the execution needed to reach my desired state. Now I have a
better-defined plan for my career goals, and more effectively communicate my

Desired State/Personal
1) Healthier lifestyle : I aspire to adopt a healthier lifestyle by incorporating
regular exercise, maintaining a balanced diet, and practicing self-care to enhance my
physical and mental well-being.
2) Social media:Blogging is something else I am interested in. I want to write my
own blog about my everyday life; working and just the everyday monotony of being
a wife/mom/daughter/sister/something to everyone. I believe my everyday struggles
are relatable and I would like to bring humor and laughter into it.
3) Continued professional development: I am committed to ongoing learning and
development to expand my knowledge, skills, and expertise in order to stay current
and competitive in my field.

Desired State/Professional
1) Advanced skill set: I aim to continuously develop and enhance my professional
skills, staying abreast of industry trends and technologies to remain competitive in
the job market and contribute effectively to my field.

2) Leadership opportunities: I desire to take on leadership roles or projects that allow

me to showcase my abilities in guiding and motivating teams, making strategic
decisions, and driving positive change within an organization.

3) Collaboration and teamwork: I strive to work in an environment that fosters

collaboration, open communication, and teamwork, where diverse perspectives are
valued and collective efforts lead to successful outcomes.

Current State/Professional & Personal

Five Values most important to me:

1. Accountability - Accountability is one of the most important values to me.

Everyone needs to take ownership for their work and accountability for their actions
and outcomes. Qualities of accountability are consistence, proactiveness,
responsiveness, and reliability. It can be demonstrated by doing the right thing, even
when it is difficult, by not making assumptions and finding the root causes, and by
managing commitments and responsibilities.
2. Teamwork - Another important value is teamwork. Teams must work together as
one to achieve a common goal. Qualities of teamwork are empathetic, engaging,
supporting, and positivity. It can be demonstrated by reaming loyal to all team
members and being honest in all interactions, welcoming members and understanding
their needs, and being proactive and willing to work hard.
3. Integrity: Upholding honesty, ethics, and moral principles in both personal and
professional interactions. For example, always delivering on promises and being
transparent in communication.

4. Growth: Constantly seeking opportunities for personal and professional growth,

whether through learning new skills, attending workshops, or taking on challenging
projects. For example, enrolling in professional development courses or seeking
feedback to improve performance.

5. Impact: Aspiring to make a positive difference and create meaningful impact in

both personal and professional endeavors. For example, actively participating in
volunteer initiatives or seeking out projects that align with my values and contribute
to the greater good.
Five Passions most important to me:

1. I am seeking first the God and His righteousness.

2. Personal Growth. For example, practicing forgiveness of self and others, accepting
helpful advice from others and prioritizing healthy eating and exercise habits. In one
word, to be passionate about personal growth means to desire to make positive
changes in your lifestyle.
3. Travelling and meeting new friends.
4. Surrounding myself with a support team who is similarly passionate.
5. Being true to myself.

Fears that I need to overcome:

1. Fear of failure: This fear holds many people back from pursuing their goals or
challenging themselves. Overcoming this fear involves reframing failure as a learning
opportunity, developing a growth mindset, and embracing the possibility of setbacks
as stepping stones towards success.

2. Fear of judgment or criticism: The fear of what others may think can limit one's
actions and prevent them from fully expressing themselves. Overcoming this fear
requires building self-confidence, practicing self-acceptance, and focusing on
personal values rather than seeking validation from others.

3. Fear of uncertainty: The fear of the unknown often keeps individuals in their
comfort zones, preventing them from taking risks or trying new things. Overcoming
this fear involves developing resilience, embracing change, and reframing uncertainty
as an opportunity for growth and discovery.

Current State/ Personal

Five strengts:
1. Effective communication skills: Being able to articulate thoughts and ideas clearly
and actively listening to others.
2. Problem-solving abilities: Being skilled at finding creative and effective solutions
to challenges or issues.
3. Leadership qualities: Being able to guide and motivate others, as well as take
charge in various situations.
4. Adaptability: Being flexible and open to change, able to thrive in different
environments or handle unexpected circumstances.
5. Organizational skills: Being able to manage time, resources, and tasks efficiently,
while staying organized and prioritizing effectively.

Areas that most need improvement:

1. Adaptability: Developing the skill to adjust and thrive in changing circumstances

and environments. Being flexible and open to new ideas and approaches can help
individuals navigate challenges more effectively.
2. Conflict resolution: Strengthening the ability to handle conflicts and disagreements
constructively. This includes active listening, understanding different perspectives,
and finding mutually agreeable solutions.
3. Time management: The better people can multitask, meet deadlines and manage
their time, the more productive they will be at work. So it is my desire to be more

1. Open-mindedness
2. Communication skills
3. Adaptive Thinking

SWOT analysis
1. Excellent communication skills
2. Strong problem-solving abilities
3. Expertise in digital marketing
4. Proficient in project management
5. Adaptive and quick to learn new technologies

1. Limited experience in public speaking
2. Not fluent in a second language
3. Can be overly detail-oriented at times
4. Lack of familiarity with certain software programs
5. Struggle with multitasking when under pressure

1. Industry expansion and growth
2. Increasing demand for digital marketing services
3. Collaborative projects with industry leaders
4. Possibility of learning and mastering a new programming language
5. Emerging trends and technologies in the field
1. Competitive market with numerous agencies
2. Economic fluctuations impacting marketing budgets
3. Potential disruptive technologies in the future
4. Changing algorithms of search engines and social media platforms
5. Risk of cybersecurity breaches and data privacy concerns

1. Recognition of personal and professional alignment: Through the self-assessment
and reflection exercises, I realized that our personal values align closely with the
values of our employer. This newfound realization enables us to appreciate and
understand the significance of our work in a deeper way.

2. Importance of health: I came to understand the importance of health, beyond just

physical well-being. The organization's commitment to creating employee health
programs helped the individual prioritize their own well-being and appreciate the
emphasis placed on health by their employer.

3. Appreciation for work and values: Prior to the assessments, the individual may
have taken their work and its alignment with personal values for granted. The self-
assessments helped us gain a deeper appreciation forour role and the values shared
between our personal and professional life.

Overall, the self-assessments facilitated a greater understanding of personal values,

recognition of the alignment between personal and professional life, and a deeper
appreciation for the importance of health and work within the organization.

Gap analysis/ Personal

1. Current State:
- Communication Skills: Good written communication skills, but I need improvement
in verbal communication and active listening.
- Time Management: I struggle to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines.
- Leadership Skills: Limited experience in leading and managing teams.
- Technology Literacy: Basic computer application skills, but lack proficiency in data
analysis and coding.

2. Desired State:
- Communication Skills: Improving verbal communication through public speaking
training and enhance active listening skills.
- Time Management: Developing effective time management strategies to prioritize
tasks and meet deadlines consistently.
- Leadership Skills: Enhancing leadership capabilities to lead and manage teams
- Technology Literacy: Improving proficiency in data analysis, coding, and project
management software.

3. Action Plan:
- Communication Skills: Enroling in a public speaking course or join a Toastmasters
club to practice and improve verbal communication skills. Learn active listening
techniques through books or workshops.
- Time Management: Exploring time management techniques, such as creating a
schedule, setting priorities, and using productivity tools. Seek guidance from mentors
or attend time management workshops.
- Leadership Skills: Taking on leadership roles in personal or professional projects to
gain practical experience. Seek mentorship or coaching to develop leadership qualities
and learn effective team management strategies.
- Technology Literacy: Enrolling in online courses or workshops to enhance data
analysis and coding skills. Practice using project management software to improve

Gap analysis/ Professional

1. Current State:
- Communication Skills: Strong verbal and written communication skills; however,
could benefit from improvement in public speaking and presentation abilities.
- Project Management: Proficient in managing small to medium-sized projects but
lack experience in handling large and complex projects.
- Technical Knowledge: Adequate understanding of core technical concepts but need
to enhance expertise in emerging technologies.
- Soft Skills: Good teamwork and collaboration skills, but could improve in areas such
as time management and problem-solving.

2. Desired State:
- Communication Skills: Master public speaking and presentation skills to effectively
convey ideas and engage audiences in professional settings.
- Project Management: Gain expertise in managing large-scale projects by
successfully handling complex deliverables, budgets, and timelines.
- Technical Knowledge: Stay updated with the latest industry trends and emerging
technologies to remain competitive and contribute innovative solutions.
- Soft Skills: Enhance time management and problem-solving skills to efficiently
handle work-related challenges and meet project deadlines.

3. Action Plan:
- Communication Skills: Attend public speaking courses or join Toastmasters to
practice and improve public speaking abilities. Seek opportunities to present in
meetings or conferences to gain confidence.
- Project Management: Take on more complex projects or work closely with
experienced project managers to gain exposure and understand best practices.
Consider obtaining project management certifications.
- Technical Knowledge: Allocate time for continuous learning by reading industry
publications, online resources, or attending relevant seminars and workshops. Engage
in hands-on projects to apply and strengthen technical skills.
- Soft Skills: Utilize time management techniques and tools to better prioritize tasks
and meet deadlines. Seek feedback and coaching to enhance problem-solving skills
and develop effective strategies
Action Plan/Professional
1. Goal: I will gain greater clarity about potential career opportunities and interests
within the next year.

SMART Breakdown:
- Specific: I will explore various career paths and identify areas of interest in my field.
- Measurable: I will research different industries, job roles, and career options. I will
engage in informational interviews and networking events to gain insights.
- Achievable: I will allocate dedicated time each week for career exploration activities
and actively seek out opportunities for self-reflection.
- Relevant: This goal will help me make informed decisions and align my career
choices with my personal interests, skills, and values.
- Time-bound: I aim to complete the exploration process within a specific timeframe
of one year.

2. Goal: I will enhance my personal and professional skills through continuous

learning and development over the next two years.

SMART Breakdown:
- Specific: I will continuously develop my personal and professional skills.
- Measurable: I will enroll in online courses, attend workshops, and participate in
training programs to acquire new knowledge and skills.
- Achievable: I will set aside time and allocate resources for ongoing learning. I will
create a plan for skill development with achievable milestones.
- Relevant: This goal will help me remain competitive in the job market, increase my
job satisfaction, and adapt to changing industry demands.
- Time-bound: I commit to continuously engage in learning and development
activities over the next two years.

3. Goal: I will develop a strong professional network and establish meaningful

connections within the industry within the next 18 months.

SMART Breakdown:
- Specific: I will build a professional network and establish meaningful connections.
- Measurable: I will attend industry events and conferences, join professional
associations, and actively engage in networking opportunities.
- Achievable: I will regularly reach out to professionals in the industry for
informational interviews and mentorship. I will maintain an organized database of
- Relevant: Networking can significantly impact my career, leading to new career
opportunities, collaborations, and professional growth.
- Time-bound: I will work towards developing a strong professional network and
establishing connections within the industry within the next 18 months.

Smart Goals Strategies Tactics Due date

1. I will gain I will explore I will allocate During the one year
greater clarity various career dedicated time each
about potential paths and identify week for career
career opportunities areas of interest in exploration
and interests within my field. activities and
the next year. actively seek out
opportunities for
I will set aside Over the next two
2. I will enhance I will enroll in time and allocate years
my personal and online courses, resources for
professional skills attend workshops, ongoing learning. I
through continuous and participate in
will create a plan
learning and training programs for skill
development to acquire new development with
knowledge and achievable
skills milestones.

3. I will develop a I will attend I will regularly Within the next 18

strong professional industry events and reach out to months
network and conferences, join professionals in the
establish professional industry for
meaningful associations, and informational
connections within actively engage in interviews and
the industry. networking mentorship. I will
opportunities. maintain an
organized database
of contacts.

Action Plan/ Personal

1. Goal: I will prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy work-life balance by
practicing mindfulness and engaging in regular exercise and recreational activities.
Specific: Engage in mindfulness practices, exercise regularly, and participate in
recreational activities.
Measurable: Dedicate at least 15 minutes per day to mindfulness practices, exercise
for a minimum of 3 times per week, and engage in recreational activities at least once
a month.
Achievable: Plan and schedule time for mindfulness, exercise, and recreational
activities in my daily and weekly routine.
Relevant: Prioritizing self-care will enhance my overall well-being and ability to
perform effectively in both personal and professional domains.
Time-bound: Maintain consistent mindfulness practices, exercise, and recreational
activities over the next year and beyond.

2. Goal: I will develop effective time management and organizational skills to

increase productivity and reduce stress in my personal life.
Specific: Improve time management and organizational skills.
Measurable: Use a time management system to plan and prioritize tasks daily,
complete tasks within specified time frames, and maintain an organized living and
working environment.
Achievable: Start by implementing a simple time management system and slowly
develop additional organizational habits over time.
Relevant: Improving time management and organizational skills will lead to better
efficiency, reduced stress, and improved overall effectiveness in personal and
professional endeavors.
Time-bound: Develop and maintain effective time management and organizational
skills indefinitely.

3. Goal: I will pursue personal growth by reading at least one personal development
or self-help book every quarter and regularly seeking opportunities for self-reflection
and growth.
Specific: Read personal development or self-help books and engage in self-reflection
Measurable: Read a minimum of four personal development books per year and
engage in self-reflection activities at least once a month.
Achievable: Set aside dedicated time for reading and self-reflection activities, such as
journaling or attending workshops.
Relevant: Continuously seeking personal growth and self-improvement will enhance
my mindset, skills, and abilities in all aspects of life.
Time-bound: Read four personal development books and engage in regular self-
reflection activities each year.

Smart Goals Strategies Tactics Due date

1. I will prioritize Engage in Plan and schedule Over the next year
self-care and mindfulness time for and beyond.
maintain a healthy practices, exercise mindfulness,
work-life balance regularly, and exercise, and
by practicing participate in recreational
mindfulness and recreational activities in my
engaging in regular activities. daily and weekly
exercise and routine
2. I will develop Use a time Start by Develop and
effective time
management implementing a maintain effective
management and system to plan and simple time time management
organizational prioritize tasks management and organizational
skills to increase daily, complete system and slowly skills indefinitely.
productivity and
tasks within develop additional
reduce stress in myspecified time organizational
personal life. frames, and habits over time.
maintain an
organized living
and working
3. I will pursue Read a minimum of Set aside dedicated Read four personal
personal growth by four personal time for reading development books
reading at least one development books and self-reflection and engage in
personal per year and activities, such as regular self-
development or engage in self- journaling or reflection activities
self-help book reflection activities attending each year.
every quarter and at least once a workshops
regularly seeking month.
opportunities for
self-reflection and

1. New Relationships:
- Actively seek opportunities to meet new people and expand my network.
- Attend industry events, conferences, and networking sessions.
- Join professional associations and engage in networking activities.
- Utilize social media platforms to connect with professionals in my field.

2. New Behaviors:
- Foster a growth mindset and be open to trying new approaches.
- Stay adaptable and embrace change as it arises.
- Set aside time for self-reflection and self-assessment.
- Actively seek feedback from colleagues, mentors, and supervisors.

3. Continuous Learning:
- Set aside dedicated time for learning and professional development.
- Attend workshops, seminars, and online courses relevant to my field.
- Stay updated with industry trends and advancements through reading, podcasts, and
- Seek opportunities for cross-training and skill development within my future

4. Change Management:
- Stay informed about organizational changes and initiatives.
- Embrace change and communicate its benefits to colleagues and team members.
- Collaborate with others to ensure a smooth transition during periods of change.
- Adapt my workflows and processes to align with new initiatives.

5. Success Metrics:
- Track the number of new professional relationships established each month.
- Assess the impact of new behaviors on personal and professional growth.
- Measure the number of learning opportunities pursued and completed.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of change management efforts through feedback and

This course has given me a lot to think about. It has been eye opening from drawing
the lines between the person life and professional. Through this course, I have
realized the significance of constantly reviewing and adjusting my plan for personal
and professional growth. Recognizing the interplay between these two aspects of life,
and understanding that they are intertwined. I have come to appreciate that aligning
personal values, goals, and priorities with my professional endeavors will ultimately
lead to a more fulfilling and successful journey.

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