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MBA 5100 1T SU 2023

Mirkhoshimova Askhobjamol

Week 6: Case study

A: Identify and present, with examples, the leadership styles of:

1. Gil Reihana
2. Denise Commins
3. Don Head
4. Jason Palu

1. Gil Reihana's leadership style: In the text of "GOING TO THE X-STREAM," Gil Reihana's leadership
style can be identified as transformational leadership. Transformational leaders inspire and motivate
their team members to achieve their full potential and go beyond their own self-interests. They often
exhibit charisma, provide a clear vision, and encourage innovation and personal growth.

Example: Gil Reihana consistently motivates and inspires his team members by setting high
expectations and encouraging them to think creatively. He fosters a positive work environment where
individuals feel empowered and motivated to take ownership of their work. By leading by example, he
encourages his team to embrace change and continuously improve their skills.

2. Denise Commins's leadership style: Denise Commins's leadership style can be categorized as
democratic leadership. Democratic leaders involve their team members in decision-making processes,
value their input, and encourage collaboration and participation. They believe in shared decision-
making and seek consensus.

Example: Denise Commins actively involves her team members in decision-making processes by
soliciting their ideas and opinions. She values open communication and encourages her team to share
their perspectives. By fostering a collaborative environment, she promotes teamwork and a sense of
ownership among team members.

3. Don Head's leadership style: Don Head's leadership style can be described as autocratic leadership.
Autocratic leaders make decisions without consulting their team members and have a high level of
control and authority. They provide clear instructions and expect strict adherence to their directives.

Example: Don Head takes charge of decision-making processes and expects his team members to
follow his instructions without question. He sets clear expectations and guidelines for his team,
ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently and according to his specifications. While this leadership
style can be effective in certain situations, it may limit creativity and autonomy among team

4. Jason Palu's leadership style: Unfortunately, I couldn't find specific information about Jason Palu's
leadership style in the text "GOING TO THE X-STREAM." It's possible that the text does not provide
explicit details about his leadership approach or that his character is not a prominent figure in terms
of leadership within the story.

B: What are Your recommendations?

Based on the information provided, I can offer some general recommendations for effective

1. Develop strong communication skills: Effective leaders should be able to articulate their vision,
provide clear instructions, and actively listen to their team members. Good communication fosters
understanding, trust, and collaboration.

2. Adapting leadership style: Different situations may call for different leadership styles. It's
important to be flexible and adapt your approach based on the needs of your team and the
circumstances at hand. This could include being democratic, autocratic, transformational, or any other
style that suits the situation.

3. Encourage and empower your team: A good leader recognizes the strengths and talents of
their team members and provides them with opportunities to grow and excel. Encourage your team
members to take on new challenges, provide them with the necessary resources and support, and
acknowledge their achievements.

4. Lead by example: Your actions speak louder than words. Set a positive example by
demonstrating the values and behaviors you expect from your team. Show integrity, professionalism,
and a strong work ethic to inspire and motivate your team members.

5. Foster a positive work environment: Create a supportive and inclusive work environment
where team members feel valued, respected, and motivated. Encourage open communication,
collaboration, and recognition of individual contributions.

6. Continuously developing own skills: Leadership is an ongoing learning process. We should

invest in our own personal and professional development to enhance our leadership abilities. Seek
feedback, attend training programs, read books, and stay updated with the latest trends and practices
in leadership.

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