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Sons and daughters

Karen & Steve
1. What made Karen laugh on arrival to the Tibbett Home?
2. Which personal characteristic of girls does Karen notice?
3. What was she shocked about?
4. What do the Cafareo boys have to follow?
5. How did the girls show their enthusiasm?
6. Did the girls want to be helpful?
7. How did the girls treat each other?
8. How are the boys different?
9. What did Karen love most of all?
10. What did Steve have to do?
11. How did he change in his attitude to the kids?
12. What did Karen miss?
13. Who are more difficult to raise?

Marianne & Jon

1. What did Marianne expect the boys to be like?
2. What were the boys like on the first day?
3. What was a nice surprise for Marianne?
4. What did boys do?
5. How did she want to calm the fighting boys down?
6. What was their reaction?
7. What was the biggest shock for her?
8. What new activity did they take part in?
9. Which personal characteristic did that trigger in Jon?
10. Did Jon enjoy?
11. Why would he love to have a son?
12. What do they think about boys?
13. Who are more difficult to raise?

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