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March 10, 2023

Head Teacher II
Sangay ESLT
Sangay Libas Sud, San Miguel, S.D.S.

A blissful day.

In line with the Observance of the International Day of Mathematics as stated in D.M
no. 174 s. 2023 with the theme for this year’s celebration “Mathematics for
Everyone” this coming March 14,2023 which highlights the idea that mathematics is
not limited to mathematicians but is essential for everyone. This increases
awareness on the importance of mathematics and encourages people of all ages to
recognize the significance.

To celebrate this, as the Mathematics Coordinator of Sangay ESLT, I am delighted

to inform you that the following activities are among the options to be celebrated
namely: Sudoku Game, Damath, Math Jingle, Rubik’s Cube, Math Quiz, and
Math Cartooning.

Since most of our pupils is not yet aware of some of the Mathematics Games, and
we have no particular material for games like Rubik’s Cube, Damath and Sudoku, I
am proposing to conduct and add other games related to Math and select only the
participants of the following games to minimize the disruption of classes during the

Math Quiz- -all kinder participants
Number Naming - all kinder participants
Grade I and Grade II:
Math Quiz - 3 participant
Math Cartooning -Grade I and Grade II pupils
Number Relay - 4 participants/ grade
Grade III and Grade IV:
Math Quiz - 3 participants
Math Cartooning - Grade III and Grade IV pupils
Number Relay - 4 participants/grade
Grade V and Grade VI:
Math Quiz -3 participants
Math Cartooning - Grade V and Grade VI
Math Jingle -minimum of 6, maximum of 8 participants
Per grade
It is approved by our District Supervisor that the program will start at 2:00 pm and
that the program must last for 2-3 hours only. This information was disseminated to
our Mathematics Coors. Group Chat.

If ever there is any changes for this proposal, please let me know so that I can
immediately change it and inform the advisers.

I am hoping for your positive approval.

Truly yours,

Math Coordinator


School Head

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