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torm Knights questing on the streets of Pan-

Paci ca have new options for spending
Experience Points (XP).

The new Perks include more options for power suits,
access to new miracles for worshipers of Palan, and
access to new psionic powers. Additionally, Perks
allowing a character to have their DNA modi ed
are included.
Vitality Perks are detailed in the Martial
Arts chapter.
Perks that list Beta Clearance as a prerequisite may
only be taken once the Storm Knight has achieved
50 XP or greater.
When a Perk boosts an attribute it counts exactly
the same as if it was purchased with XP. If the
Perk is lost, so is the attribute gain but the hero
may select a new Perk). The standard ceiling for
race s attributes remain unchanged unless a Perk
speci cally increases it.

Cosm: Pan-Paci ca
The GeneMods purchased with these Perks all
use pirated GeneMod technology of at least the
second generation (see page 26), so are stable
and self-sustaining. The possession of pirated
GeneMods is a serious crime across the Pan-Paci ca
region. However underground biotech labs have
developed methods of making their products
appear, super cially, as legal technology. See the
GeneMod chapter for further details.

genemod inJections
• Prereq: None
This Perk allows the character to install $10,000
worth of GeneMods see page 2 . Unspent
budget can be allocated towards the cost of new
GeneMods at a later date.
New Implants: This Perk can be selected more
than once. Each purchase after the rst grants the
character an additional $5,000 worth of GeneMods.

tHiRd geneRation genemods
• Prereq: None
Following the introduction of Second Generation
GeneMods half way through the rst year of the
invasion, Panama Genetec scientists investigated the
installation of existing GeneMods into test subjects GeneMods are considered intellectual
from other realities. The initial experiments were property, and IP theft is a very serious crime on
all failures, causing rapid tissue degradation in Marketplace. The nations of Pan-Paci ca have
the volunteers. However these failures provided severely strengthened their IP laws in turn.
insight, allowing the modification of existing IP Scanners are found all over the realm now—
GeneMods so they remain stable within reality-rated at entrances of most public and corporate-
individuals, regardless of their home cosm. However owned buildings. IP Scanners scan a person’s
the technique is imperfect, and the results only body, looking for signatures of GeneMods and
partially stable. Even sub ects from Pan-Paci ca s comparing those markers with centralized
reality suffer the cataclysmic cell degradation if too databases. If a pirated GeneMod is detected,
much Third Generation GeneMod tissue is installed. the authorities are noti ed and the criminal
These aws, along with the cost, mean Kanawa only apprehended. This does not apply to Delphi
uses this technology where there’s a clear business Council approved GeneMods.
need. However, some underground biotech labs Possession of GeneMods without any license
have enough information about Third Generation at all is considered an even graver offense.
research to replicate the processes involved.
Since those with officially licensed
Taking this Perk allows a character to select $8,000 GeneMods can be tracked, and those with
of GeneMods. Unused budget may be spent at clean GeneMods can be easily found as well,
a later date. the Delphi Council only approves of implants
Special: This Perk may be selected by natives of obtained through its own channels. They use
cosms other than Pan-Paci ca. moles to access and modify the genetic databases
at Panama Genetec.
Cosm: Any
ledge or by jumping into an oncoming train while
Although the Spirit Axiom is increasing, it is only attacking the paci st.
recently that the concept of spirituality developed
in Marketplace.
PRiest oF Palan
PaciFist • Prereq: At least one add in faith. May not have
• Prereq: Vow of Nonviolence access to any miracles list other than Palanism.
The character is a paci st. The character may Priests of Palan believe a simple life leads to
not, under any circumstances, make physical spiritual perfection and stand in direct opposition
attacks (e.g. those which can cause Shock or to the megacorporations of Marketplace.
Wounds). In exchange, the character’s interaction A priest s equipment consists of a set of robes,
attacks are Favored. sandals, and a quarterstaff. She may procure items
Making any attack that can physically harm a from the Delphi Council (since they do not belong
target constitutes a ma or violation of the paci st s to her and will be returned), but she may not make
vow, and the sinner loses the use of this Perk as streetwise tests to gain equipment using personal
well as Vow of Nonviolence for the remainder of resources (for she has none).
the act. No violation occurs if the target is injured A priest of Palan’s supernatural abilities (i.e.
by accident, such as by tripping and falling over a miracles, spells, psionic powers, pulp powers, etc.)

may only target themselves. The range of any such break through the security protecting networks or
ability is automatically reduced to Range: Self. create their own programs. Hackers are the wizards
The priest gains Armor Full Body, Spirit 0 of the technological world.
which is sustained by her faith.
communications cRacKeR
The priest gains access to the Palanism miracles list
• Prereq: At least three adds in computers.
(see page 59). She learns the ward enemy miracle,
and may select two additional miracles. Communications are critical for control,
and tapping those lines are vital intel ahead
The priest of Palan gains access to the Faith Perk
of — or during — operations. Attempts to hack
category, but may not select Miracles. However, this
communications (e.g. a locked smartphone or
Perk counts as Miracles for the purpose of prereqs.
Zuzu, intercept emails, or tapping into a hardline)
Additional Miracles: The priest may gain a +4 bonus.
select this Perk multiple times, each
time learning one miracle. digital FoRgeR
• Prereq: At least three adds in computers.
vow oF nonviolence The hacker is an expert at creating a
• Prereq: At least one add in faith.
false online presence for a person or a
The faithful takes a vow of nonviolence, company. The fake pro le can be
but not true paci sm. After an opponent made anew, or by borrowing
rolls a bonus for an attack targeting the another company’s website
hero, the Storm Knight may spend a temporarily. The hacker may
Possibility to roll another bonus and force spend a Possibility to create
the attacker to take the lowest action total. or modify an online presence
f the attacker spent any Possibilities for himself or his allies on
to Boost Action, the hero must also a network he currently
Boost Action, spending an equal has access to. Any ally’s
amount of Possibilities. persuasion tests using that
Any test the hero takes to pro le gain a bonus.
make a physical attack suffers a
–2 penalty. meatsPace
Making an attack that can maniPulatoR
physically harm (e.g. can cause Shock • Prereq: At least three adds in
or Wounds) against a target who has computers.
not made a physical attack against the These hackers are adept at
hero, an ally, or an innocent bystander in the using computer networks to
current scene is a major violation of this vow, manipulate the environment they’re
and the character loses the use of this Perk for connected to (e.g. turning on the
the remainder of the act. In any case, the hero re suppression system, halting
cannot in ict lethal damage. or starting elevators, or locking
doors). Any computers tests made
HACKER PERKS to hack into or manipulate such
systems gain a +4 bonus.
Cosm: Core Earth, Cyberpapacy, Tharkold, or
Pan-Paci ca
Computers are everywhere in Pan-
Paci ca. Everyone knows how to operate
them, but only the truly dedicated users can

Electric Samurai are an underground group
comRade gaining a following around Japan, and similar
• Prereq: Natural Leader groups have appeared in China, Korea, and
The hero excels at working in conjunction with a across Pan-Paci ca. Most members are crusading
group of allies at the same task. youths emulating ancient samurai traditions.
If the Storm Knight takes the exact same action The society’s leaders are mostly descendants
as an ally, e.g. attacking using melee weapons, of true samurai families and their modern day
intimidating a Kanawa Security Trooper, or testing allies across the region.
telepathy to manifest a Power) the test is considered Membership in the Electric Samurai is by
Favored for you. The action must use the same skills invitation only, and is extended only when a
e.g. Multi-Action , and have the same targets. candidate is observed clashing against Kanawa
Corporation forces and displaying the best
masteRmind qualities of a disciple of Bushido.
• Prereq: Mind 10+ The distinctive armor of the Electric Samurai
The Storm Knight can anticipate problems is the on Gusoku. The rst suits were adapted
during a complicated operation, creating multiple from the armor worn by Kanawa’s elite security
contingencies. forces, but many adaptations and improvements
were added as the samurai reverse-engineered
Once per act, during a Dramatic scene, the
Kanawa’s technology.
mastermind may spend a Possibility to begin
a Flashback see page . Any allies in
communication with you may also spend a
Possibility to oin the Flashback. Anyong Security: Requires 2 adds in air vehicles.
Flying hardsuit.
simPliFy tHe enviRonment Baihu Arms: Requires 2 adds in unarmed combat.
• Prereq: Mind 8+. Hardsuit with integrated electroclaws which attack
Some leaders are able to take a quick look at using unarmed combat.
the situation and realize things have gotten too Electric Samurai: At least two adds in melee
complicated and it’s necessary to simplify the weapons. Modi ed Kanawa power suits. Replaces
circumstances. Immediately after a Drama card is Ion Gosuku Perk from Torg Eternity.
ipped, the character may spend a Possibility as a
free action to cancel the Situation Line (the extra line Gekko: Requires 2 adds in maneuver. Softsuit,
on cosm-speci c Drama cards in its entirety. very customizable.
Lorde Military: Requires 2 adds in melee weapons.
Hardsuit with strength-enhancing servos.
Patriot Arms: Requires 2 adds in fire combat.
Cosm: Pan-Paci ca Hardsuit for those who love big guns.
Upgrades: This Perk may be selected multiple
PoweR suit times, each time gaining a new power suit
• Prereq: At least two adds in a skill determined by Enhancement see page . Unless otherwise
the armor’s manufacturer. stated, an individual upgrade may only be selected
When a Storm Knight rst selects this Perk, she once.
chooses a manufacturer from the list below to
determine the baseline abilities of her core suit.

Restrained condition gain a +4 bonus and may use
PROWESS PERKS Dexterity instead of Strength.
Cosm: Any. gun Fu
• Prereq: At least three adds in fire combat and
beguiling unarmed combat.
• Prereq: Pan-Pacifica, Beta Clearance, and
When the hero s sole action is to attack a single
Charisma 8+.
target in close combat with an unarmed combat
The character’s Charisma increases by +1. and fire combat attack, if he hits with both attacks
he may spend 3 Shock to apply the damage from
bRutal ambusH each attack separately instead of only applying the
• Prereq: At least three adds in stealth. highest damage.
When attacking surprised targets (see
Surprise in Torg Eternity) any damage the hero
• Prereq: Mind 10+
in icts gains BD.
Not only is the hero incredibly smart, but she
escaPe aRtist knows how to use her brains in creative ways.
• Prereq: Dexterity 10+. Once per scene, as a simple action, the character
The hero is di cult to contain. Escaping from a may spend a Possibility to draw a Destiny card
Restrained condition is a simple action, which may and then take a Mind test. On a success, she may
be attempted once per turn. Tests to escape from the immediately draw another Destiny card and put
it into any player’s hand. On a Good Success she

may draw two cards, and select one to put into any
player’s hand. On an Outstanding Success she may
instead draw three cards, and select one. ELECTRIC SAMURAI
imPRovised weaPon
• Prereq: At least one add in melee weapons. There are some organizational changes to Perks
Although most close combatants prefer to use detailed in Torg Eternity:
weapons which are well designed for taking out Ki Perks are now called Vitality Perks
their opponent, some are ust ne using whatever and are detailed in the Martial Arts chapter
is laying around. It could be a frying pan, a rock, (see page 40).
or even a step ladder. The hero uses melee weapons Electric Samurai are now one of several
to attack, or missile weapons if thrown. A Small groups equipped with powered armor, which
weapon does Strength 2 damage Range 0/20/ 0 . are detailed in the Power Suits chapter (see
A one-handed weapon does Strength +3 damage page 37). The Electric Samurai Perk category
Range / 0/ and a two-handed weapon is has been eliminated, and the assocaited Perks
Strength +4 damage, Stagger but cannot be thrown. have been redistributed into the following
Perk categories:
KillsHot Ion Gosuku: Power Suit Perks (page 21)
• Prereq: Double Tap
Speed Demon: Prowess Perks (below).
On an attack where Double Tap was applied, roll
the Bonus Dice for damage (if any) two separate Unflinching: Vitality Perks (page 41).
times and apply the larger result. These dice may
not be re-rolled.
scientiFic metHod
KneecaP • Prereq: At least three adds in science and two adds
• Prereq: At least three adds in fire combat. in scholar.
Although they are proficient with a deadly Once per act, the Storm Knight may use science
weapon, some are ace shots at shooting to disable adds instead of the usual skill adds for a test. The
rather than kill. When shooting to disable the hero test counts as skilled and as an Approved action.
may make a Called Shot (–2) against the legs. The The test can’t activate spells, miracles, or psionic
attack gains a 2 bonus to damage, but the damage powers. The player must explain or roleplay how
becomes non-lethal. science is useful for the task at hand (GM’s call).
masteR tHieF sPeed demon
• Prereq: At least three adds in trick and two adds • Prereq: At least two adds in land vehicles.
in lockpicking. Motorcycles are the preferred mode of
Attempting to lift an ob ect someone possesses transportation for most Electric Samurai thanks to
(but does not hold in their hands) or plant a small the combination of speed, maneuverability, and the
object (e.g. wallet, ID card, cellphone) into one of lack of an outer frame to hamper sword use! When a
their pockets without them noticing, requires a speed demon makes a melee attack from any vehicle
Dexterity + trick test against the target’s trick. moving Fast Speed alue or faster, he gains a 2
As long as there is no combat occurring, the bonus to damage. f the vehicle is also open-topped,
pickpocket may do a lift or plant on an Ord, and the damage bonus is +4.
as long as his Dexterity + trick is at least equal to the This Perk replaces that described in Torg Eternity.
target’s trick, it automatically succeeds.
Additionally, lockpicking tests are Favored.

tRademaRK veHicle A Bulletsmith may include his Slayer’s Gun
• Prereq: At least two adds in air vehicles, land anywhere in this sequence.
vehicles, or water vehicles. • Pan-Pacifica: Twin Sinosec Viper 9mm pistols,
The hero gains a vehicle worth Value 25 or less— twin Chunyokai 13mm pistols, twin SC Kyogo
or Value 30 or less if it’s unarmed. Tests for that 144 SMGs, Arlington Terminator shotgun, SC
vehicle, including repairs, are Favored. Kyogo T11.
• Tharkold: Twin MP- Grach pistols, twin
tRencHcoat waRFaRe Thav- submachine guns, Saiga- 2 shotgun,
• Prereq: Aysle, Core Earth, Cyberpapacy, Nile Alph Sprayer assault gun, RPG- 2.
Empire, Orrorsh, Pan-Paci ca, or Tharkold AND
Some of these guns are detailed in
at least two adds in fire combat or energy weapons.
other sourcebooks.
Whether it s a bag of guns, or rearms held in
holsters and slings, the bottom line is that some wHiRlwind
people just love lots of guns. • Prereq: Dexterity 8+.
The gun enthusiast gains a bag of guns based on The warrior has trained to hit a large number of
his home cosm, from the options below. Once per foes in a single dance of death. He ignores the rst
act, he may swap out the guns in his bag for those two points of the Multi-Target penalty when using
from the local cosm, as long as he’s in a position to melee weapons or unarmed combat.
do so. Starting with the rst weapon or weapons
This Perk replaces the Torg Eternity version.
on the list, after attacking an enemy with the weapon
at least once, the hero may grab the next gun on the wRestleR
list as a simple action. • Prereq: At least two adds in unarmed combat.
All guns have one magazine of The hero s Grapple attacks see Grappling in
standard ammunition. Torg Eternity are Favored, and do not incur the 2
• Aysle: Twin Ayslish wheel-lock pistols, damage penalty on a Standard success.
arquebus, blunderbuss, experimental
blunderbuss (+2 damage), dwarven PSIONIC PERKS
blunderbuss (+4 damage but any Malfunction
Cosm: Core Earth, Pan-Paci ca, or Tharkold
deals 14 damage against the character and
destroys the gun). Psionics are a relatively new phenomenon in
Marketplace, with some psis taking a disciplined,
• Core Earth: Twin Glock 9mm pistols, twin
scholarly route, while others have psionics
Uzis, Atchisson 2 shotgun, M carbine, GM-
thrust upon them.
94 grenade launcher (with frag grenades).
• Cyberpapacy: Twin GWI GodMeeter pistols,
GW Godbeam laser ri e, MAS Storm shotgun,
disciPlined PsycHic
• Prereq: Pan-Paci ca, at least add in kinesis,
MAS God’s Wrath grenade launcher (with
precognition, or telepathy, no access to any Powers
MAS AP grenades , GW God s Fire plasma
lists other than Disciplined Psychic.
ri e.
Through meditation and practice, deep self-
• Nile Empire: Twin Webley revolvers, twin awareness can be achieved. Those who become
Schmiesser MP- 0 machine pistols, Thompson enlightened in this way can become masters of many
1928 submachine gun, hunting shotgun, 7.92 psychic talents.
KAR assault ri e.
Selecting this perk gains access to the Disciplined
• Orrorsh: Twin Webley revolvers, twin Psychic list (see page 51), and the psi may choose
pepperbox pistols, sawed-off coach gun, Lee- three powers. Additional powers can be acquired by
En eld Mk ri e, . 0 Nitro Express ri e. taking the Path of Uni cation Perk see page .

The Psionic Perk may not be selected, but this Perk When Requisitioning items, test rst and then
counts as Psionic for prereqs. choose a weapon with a alue equal to or less than
Additional Powers: This Perk may be selected the action total. Ignore rarity and restrictions on
multiple times, gaining a new psionic power each military weapons.
time. Instead of choosing a single weapon, the arms
dealer may choose to take two identical weapons
PsycHic mutant at Value +2 or 10 identical weapons at Value +5.
• Prereq: Pan-Paci ca, at least one add in kinesis,
precognition, or telepathy, no access to any other con aRtist
psionic powers lists other than Psychic Mutant. • Prereq: Charisma 8+, at least 3 adds in persuasion.
Some are just born with it. Others develop these The grifter is an expert at the art of the con, and
powers after being exposed to chemicals, radiation, any of the hero’s persuasion tests involving deceit
or it is rumored, the Contagion. Regardless of how, gains a bonus equal to half her trick adds rounded
mutated humans exist in Pan-Paci ca who can wield up). The same bonus applies to her defense against
psychic energy. Though typically not as re ned as attempts to deceive her.
the disciplined psychics, mutant psychics tend to
be capable of wielding more raw psychic energy. daRK Past
• Prereq: Charisma 8+
Psis can choose three powers from the Psychic
Mutant list (see page 51) when taking this Perk. When their Moment of Crisis came the character
Additional powers can be acquired by taking the made the wrong choice, but since then they’ve
Psionic Perk (see Torg Eternity). switched sides and mostly been accepted.
The player’s hand size is reduced by one (and they
wild mind start an act with one fewer Destiny card) but the
• Prereq: At least one add in kinesis, precognition, or hero gains one extra Possibility at the start of acts.
telepathy. May not have Iron Will or Disciplined
Once per act, the Storm Knight may play a
Psychic Perks.
Connection card to invoke this past and collect a
The psychic is untrained and raw. He has a natural favor from a villain perhaps he ll let you go, offer
talent for psychic abilities, but can’t protect his mind a piece of information, or retreat early (GM’s call)
from overloads. Whenever testing for a psychic skill for Old Times Sake.
he suffers 2 Shock but the roll is Favored. The Shock
cannot be prevented by any means. He rerolls 1s on FaKe it til you maKe it
any bonus dice applied to psychic powers. • Prereq: At least two adds in persuasion.
The psi may never take the Iron Will or Disciplined Spend a Possibility to gain 1 add in a skill you
Psychic Perks. don’t have, or go from +1 to +2 adds in a skill you
do until you choose to fake a different skill. When
SOCIAL PERKS you Play for the Critical Moment the test never
counts as untrained.
always PRePaRed
• Prereq: At least two adds in persuasion. Famous
• Prereq: Charisma 8+
Once per scene you may spend a Possibility to
Storied heroes may gain a reputation of being
make a new Requisition test. The item that results
honorable, true, and gracious. There’s just something
was previously arranged for delivery, or you
about them that makes people gosh darn like them.
simply had it all along!
Persuasion tests are Favored as long as the character
aRms dealeR is open about his identity, and once per act, the
• Prereq: At least two adds in streetwise. character may search the Destiny deck or discard
pile for a Connection card and add it to his hand.


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