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Best Evidence Topic reports

BET 1: Topical epinephrine in

postcircumcision bleeding
Authors: Alannah Madden, Peter Hulme
Affiliation: Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester,

Three-part question
In patients with postcircumcision bleeding,
does topical epinephrine reduce bleeding?

Clinical scenario
A 4-­ year-­
old boy attended the paedi-
atric emergency department following a
circumcision for religious reasons earlier
that day. He had ongoing bleeding from
the surgical site.
Is there any evidence behind the use of
topical epinephrine in the management of
these patients?

Search strategy ­
Using databases : CINAHL, EMBASE,
MEDLINE—last 10 years.
(topical epinephrine OR ​epinephrine).​
ti,​ab 12. EMBASE EPINEPHRINE/ 11985 Search outcome
(post circumcision* bleed*).ti,ab 13. EMBASE (epinephrine OR​ No evidence for the use of topical epineph-
# Database search term results epinephrine).​ti,​ab 60  783 rine in postcircumcision bleeding
1. CINAHL (topical AND (epinephrine 14. EMBASE (11 OR 12 OR 13) 66227
OR topical ​epinephrine)).​ti,​ab 103 15. EMBASE (post circumcision*
2. CINAHL EPINEPHRINE/ 4600 bleed*).ti,ab 35 Comment
3. CINAHL (1 OR 2) 4648 16. EMBASE CIRCUMCISION/ 8644 There is no conclusive evidence currently
4. CINAHL (epinephrine OR ​epineph- 17. EMBASE (CIRCUMCIS*).ti,ab 8083 published about the use of topical epineph-
rine).​ti,​ab 4895 18. EMBASE (15 OR 16 OR 17) 10281 rine in postcircumcision bleeding.
5. CINAHL (3 OR 4) 7043 19. EMBASE (14 AND 18) 47
20. EMBASE 19 [DT 2009-2020] 20 Funding  The authors have not declared a specific
6. CINAHL (post circumcision* bleed*).
ti,ab 10 21. Medline (topical AND (epinephrine grant for this research from any funding agency in the
public, commercial or not-­for-­profit sectors.
7. CINAHL CIRCUMCISION/ 1847 OR topical ​epinephrine)).​ti,​ab 639
22. Medline EPINEPHRINE/ 54 504 Competing interests  None declared.
8. CINAHL (CIRCUMCIS*).ti,ab 1977
9. CINAHL (6 OR 7 OR 8) 2431 23. Medline (epinephrine OR​ Patient consent for publication  Not required.
10. CINAHL (5 AND 9) 3 epinephrine).​ti,​ab 51  998 Provenance and peer review  Not commissioned;
11. EMBASE (topical AND (epinephrine 24. Medline (21 OR 22 OR 23) 76 447 internally peer reviewed.
OR topical ​epinephrine)).​ti,​ab 385 25. Medline (post circumcision* bleed*). © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2021. No commercial
ti,ab 47 re-­use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.
26. Medline “CIRCUMCISION, Emerg Med J 2021;38:322.
Clinical bottom line FEMALE”/ 1304 doi:10.1136/emermed-2021-211306.2
27. Medline “CIRCUMCISION,
MALE”/ 5079
There is nothing published to date
28. Medline (CIRCUMCIS*).ti,ab 6369
about the use of topical epinephrine in
29. Medline (25 OR 26 OR 27 OR 28)
postcircumcision bleeds, therefore it is
not possible to conclude whether it is
30. Medline (24 AND 29) 35
effective for this purpose.
31. Medline 30 [DT 2009–2020] 8
322    Emerg Med J April 2021 Vol 38 No 4

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