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Prolotherapy of Denver

1073 S Pearl St, Denver, CO 80209



Welcome to Prolotherapy of Denver, where we offer cutting-edge services like Trigger Point

Injections and Trigger Point Dry Needling Treatments to address sports injuries effectively.

Our time-tested treatments promote a faster and natural recovery, allowing you to perform at

your best for years to come.

Trigger Point Injections:

Trigger Points, also known as muscle knots, can cause discomfort and hinder performance.

Unlike temporary pain relief methods, our Trigger Point Injections utilize a blend of vitamins

and electrolytes directly into the muscle, effectively hydrating damaged tissues and

accelerating the healing process.

Locally Hydrate:

We understand the importance of hydration during physical activity. Sometimes, standard

hydration methods fall short. With Trigger Point Injections, we target the muscles in need,

ensuring they receive the water and electrolytes necessary for optimal performance.
Release The Knots:

Our Trigger Point Injections go beyond typical Dry Needling treatments. We not only release

muscle knots but also provide essential nutrients and electrolytes to support muscle repair.

It's like Dry Needling on steroids, ensuring a more comprehensive recovery process.

Speed Recovery:

Exercise can deplete essential nutrients in the body, especially in the muscles. Trigger Point

Injections precisely deliver the required nutrients to enhance performance and accelerate


Effective Solutions for Sports Injuries:

Are you tired of relying on pills or considering surgery for sports-related injuries? At

Prolotherapy of Denver, we offer safe and natural alternatives. Our Prolotherapy treatments

heal damaged tendons and ligaments, while Trigger Point Injections and Dry Needling

promote rapid recovery and improved range of motion for an active and healthy lifestyle.

Prolotherapy Injections:

Using hypertonic dextrose, our Prolotherapy Injections facilitate the healing of tendons and

ligaments. They provide stability to joints and significantly expedite the recovery process for

athletes and weekend warriors alike, reducing the risk of recurring injuries.

Trigger Point Dry Needling:

Trigger Point Dry Needling employs thin, sterile, single-use needles to target muscle knots

effectively. The procedure may sound intimidating, but it is generally well-tolerated. By

triggering a local twitch response, the knots are released, leading to reduced pain and

enhanced athletic performance.

Increase Circulation:

Dry Needling stimulates increased blood flow to the treated area, providing fresh oxygen and

nutrients crucial for muscle healing and peak performance.

Perform Better:

Release of trigger points allows muscles to function optimally. With improved circulation and

essential nutrients, muscles regain their full potential, enabling you to perform at your best.

At Prolotherapy of Denver, we prioritize your well-being and performance. Say goodbye to

temporary fixes, and embrace our natural and effective treatments to achieve a healthy,

active lifestyle. Contact us today to discover how we can support your journey to recovery

and athletic excellence.

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