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Summer Training Program (STP)

Student Trainee Guidelines (STP-Manual I)

College of Engineering

Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University

January 2021


This summer Training II handbook (STP Manual-I) of the College of Engineering (CoE), Imam
Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University (IAU) for the students participating in the mandatory STP-
II training program with external training agencies. The handbook contains comprehensive
guidelines on STP II requirements, expectations, and assessment criteria for trainee student.
The handbook is an effort initiated to define the policy and improve the quality of the Summer
Training Course II. It is intended to set a uniform structure and outline for students in the CoE.
For fulfilling the requirements of STP II. It serves as an instructional manual for the expected
contents, deliverables, quality, and the required quantity of the Summer Training for the stu-
dents. The handbook also provides all the student’s training evaluation rubrics and the required
forms to be filled by the students.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 1-5
1.1 Overview ......................................................................................................... 1-5
1.2 Vision, Mission, goals and learning objectives ................................................. 1-5
1.3 Field training learning outcomes (Mapping with ABET SOs) ........................... 1-6
1.4 Requirements and Eligibility ............................................................................ 1-7
1.5 Registration and Withdrawal Procedures .......................................................... 1-7
1.6 Duration of Summer Training Program ............................................................ 1-7
1.7 Training and Supervision Plan .......................................................................... 1-8
Chapter 2 Roles & Responsibilities ........................................................................... 2-10
1.1 Overview ....................................................................................................... 2-10
1.2 Students Trainee ............................................................................................. 2-10
1.2.1 Before the training period ................................................................................. 2-10
1.2.2 During the training period ................................................................................ 2-10
1.2.3 After the training period ................................................................................... 2-11
1.3 STP Requirements Plan and Schedules ........................................................... 2-11
Chapter 3 ...................................................................................................................... 3-1
Assessment Plan and Grading Policy .......................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Assessment Plan............................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Grading Policy ................................................................................................. 3-1
Chapter 4 Final Report and Presentation ................................................................... 4-4
4.1 Report Writing ................................................................................................. 4-4
4.2 Report Objective and Requirements ................................................................. 4-4
4.3 Report Writing Guidelines................................................................................ 4-5
4.4 Report Evaluation Rubrics................................................................................ 4-7
4.5 Oral Presentation Guidelines ............................................................................ 4-7
4.6 Oral Presentation Evaluation Rubrics ............................................................... 4-8
Appendix A: Forms to be filled by the student ............................................................. 11
Appendix B: Forms to be filled by training supervisor or representative ................... 21
..................................................................................................................................... 23

List of Tables
Table 1:Training Learning Outcomes (TLOs) ..................................................................... 1-6
Table 2: STP Activities Plan .............................................................................................. 2-1
Table 3: Marks distribution for grading policy.................................................................... 3-2
Table 4: Assigning Grade Letter ......................................................................................... 3-2

List of Summer Training Evaluation Rubrics and Forms:

Evaluation Rubrics-1: STP-II –Jury Report Evaluation Form

Evaluation Rubrics-2: STP-II - Jury Oral Presentation Evaluation Form
ST-FORM 01: Student Obligation Form
ST-FORM 02: Student Stating/Reporting Form
ST-FORM 03: Progress Report Form
ST-FORM 04: Attending Sheet Form
ST-FORM 05: STP Postponement Request Form
ST-FORM 06: STP Withdrawal Request Form
ST-FORM 07: Student’s Evaluation of Training Company
ST-FORM 08: Student’s Satisfactory Survey
TA-FORM 01: Training Supervisor’s Evaluation of Student’s Performance
TA-FORM 02: Training Agency Satisfactory Survey

ST=Student trainee; TA= Training Agency


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Overview
The College of Engineering at Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University (IAU) strives contin-
uously towards producing well skilled engineers capable of actively participating in nation
building with depth engineering knowledge and practical experience. Thus, it became pertinent
to provide effective training program that will seek to provide enhanced proficiency and crea-
tive knowledge essential for the local industry and beyond. The Summer Training Program II
(STP II) is one of the structured and practical academic training programs that seeks to achieve
the goal of integrating the students’ theoretical knowledge learned in the classrooms and labor-
atories with the real-world experiences. It is an 8-week training program and part of the grad-
uation requirements in all engineering programs in the college. It is expected that at the end of
the training, the student will be familiar with the nature of engineering environment relevant to
his/her area of study and will be equipped with the proficiency, confidence and professionalism
to adapt to such environment upon graduation. This training manual includes information that
the college students would require before, during and after the training program and all the
forms required to be used during the training period.

1.2 Vision, Mission, goals and learning objectives

Vision Statement:
To provide an effective training program to the students of biomedical, construction, energy,
environmental, and transportation & traffic engineering programs and develop their abilities,
practical skills and to prepare them for the competitive job market.

Mission Statement:
To develop strong cooperative ties with different organizations in the field biomedical, con-
struction, energy, environmental, and transportation & traffic engineering, both locally and in-
ternationally, enabling our students to obtain training (before graduation) in actual workplace

1. Refining students' abilities by providing them practical experience in their respective
fields before graduation.
2. Giving the students an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge, which they have
gained in the university’s environment, to practical work environment.
3. Allowing the students to experience real work environment, to take responsibilities, and
to develop effective technical & communication skills.
4. Giving the opportunity to external bodies to identify distinctive outcomes of the College
of Engineering that can add to business development, through hiring students after grad-
5. Giving the students the opportunity to prepare and write practical technical reports.

1.3 Field training learning outcomes (Mapping with ABET SOs)

The learning outcomes for the field training program are provided in the table below. In order
to ensure the quality of the training program, the learning outcomes are mapped with the re-
vised ABET students outcomes as presented in the table 1.

Table 1:Training Learning Outcomes (TLOs)

LO Description of the Learning Outcomes Aligned ABET Student

LO1 Develop student’s skills using practical applications SO-7
LO2 Acquaintance with the real-world work environment SO-4
LO3 Prepare the students to transfer from learning environ- SO-5
ment to work environment
LO4 Acquaintance with the applied work systems SO-7
LO5 Understand mechanism of different applications SO-7
LO6 Understand the attitude and the manner of the work SO-5
LO7 Relate the courses being studied with real world SO-7

1.4 Requirements and Eligibility

The training period must take place during summer semester of the fourth academic year. Stu-
dents should be well oriented and supervised to accomplish this training effectively. For stu-
dents to be eligible for the STP II, the following requirements have to be met:
1. Completion of 116 credit-hours or more of their study.
2. Completion of student preference survey conducted by STP II Committee.
3. Not subject to other conditions, requirements, or restrictions, whether academic or oth-
erwise, from the college or university.
4. Not enrolled in any other course during the summer semester.

1.5 Registration and Withdrawal Procedures

Students are required to register online for the STP II course (BIOEN 444/ CONEN 444/ENRG
444/ENVEN 444/TTENG 444). The training program is treated as a regular undergraduate
course. Thus, it follows the same procedure for course registration and withdrawal rules as
other courses in the college.
Students can withdraw from the training course with a valid excuse approved by the college.
The training coordinator for each program is responsible for handling the withdrawal proce-
dures. After the registration deadlines, dropping the summer training needs approval of the
departmental summer training coordinator and the academic affairs committee coordinator,
where it will be processed and sent to the registrar.
However, a student may be automatically withdrawn from the summer training without being
informed when the student is subjected to dismissal for academic and/or disciplinary reasons.

1.6 Duration of Summer Training Program

The stipulated duration for the Summer Training Program II is 8 weeks mandatory. As stated
earlier, the STP II must be taken during the summer of the fourth academic year. At the end of
the training period, the students shall submit a detailed final report about their work in their
respective places of training. This report should be submitted at the end of the second week of
the following semester. The students are also required to give an oral presentation (or exam)
that shall be held in front of a committee consisting of two or more faculty members.

1.7 Training and Supervision Plan

1.7.1 Training Plan

Prior to the commencement of the training, an agreed training plan will be developed between
the training coordinator and the tentative assigned supervisor or representative of the company.
This is to ensure smooth and unhindered take-off of the student training immediately at the
start of his training. First, before start of the training, the preliminary training plan will be
schedule provided by the training organization by filling FORM 03 from which the training
coordinator may suggest some improvement. The final and full training plan communicated
will be sent to the coordinator during the first week of commencement of training

1.7.2 Supervision Plan

To ensure effective supervision of trainees, at least one of faculty member from each depart-
ment will be assigned to be responsible for coordinating supervision, follow-up and prelimi-
nary evaluation of all the department trainee students during the period of the training. This
involves the at least one (1) visitation by the assigned supervisor after the first four (4) weeks
into the training for follow-up in order to achieve the following:
 To get on site preliminary assessment and evaluation of students’ behaviours and iden-
tify and discuss with training supervisor possible areas for improvement.
 Identify any trainee failures due to behavioural problems such as abstention, lack of
interest etc.
 Further establish and strengthen cordial relationship between the field supervisor and
the trainee to avoid any barrier that may dread the student training.
 Further emphasize to the student responsibilities towards himself, his colleague, train-
ing organization and IAU.
 Assisting the trainee to resolve any difficulties that might be encountered particularly
in the face of any professional or administrative problems.

During the Summer Training, students should provide some information and pro-
gress reports in a timely fashion to ensure smooth follow-up, monitory as well as
preliminary assessment and evaluation of the student’s training experience. It is
expected that:
 Student should send his contact address as well as that of his supervisor at the
training firm to the university as soon as possible but not later than the end of

the first week of the beginning of training period to ensure adequate mechanism
for follow-up and communication is established. 
 Any change to the training plan and schedule already prepared in coordi-
nation with the training organization prior to the commencement of the
training should be communicated to the training coordinator in the college
and should be signed and stamped by the employer. 
 Student should ensure that he spend his training period (8 weeks) with the
organization assigned or approved to by the IAU department Summer Train-
ing coordinator and should not transfer to any other organization unless it is
approved by both the university and the training organization.
 During the Training, student should submit 3 progress reports. The report
should be signed by the field training supervisor and submit directly to the as-
signed training coordinator by the student during training. 
 Student should inform his summer training coordinator department in case of
any potential foreseen problem that would hinder or effect his training perfor-
mance. 


Chapter 2
Roles & Responsibilities
2.1 Overview
The students will throughout their summer training period be in contact with their departmental
coordinator, as well as their designated supervisor in their place of training. This is to enable
the students to get the most out of the summer training program. It is important that the students
have a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of training supervisors and depart-
mental coordinators. This chapter describes the role and responsibility of each participant, in-
cluding the students themselves. The interaction between all the participants is also addressed
in brief.

2.2 Students Trainee

The role of the student is divided into three phases, as follows:

 Before the beginning of the training period.

 During the training period.
 After the training period.

2.2.1 Before the training period

1. Accomplishing all academic and administrative procedures with the training coordi-
nator, usually before the 14th week of the 2nd semester of the fourth year.
2. Attending a mandatory summer training program orientation program and receiving
the Summer Training handbook and other required forms and instructions related to
the training.
3. Registering for access to the training material, by logging into the system (or as in-
structed) and checking for necessary terms & conditions.
4. The student must sign a written agreement, ensuring commitment to the terms of the
training program (Form 02) at the college.

2.2.2 During the training period

1. The students must fill in the Training Start form (Form 03) in the first week of training
and submit it to the Training Coordinator.

2. The students must duly fill in the training logbook daily and present it at the end of
week to the Training Supervisor in the company.
3. The students must fill in the Progress Report by the end of the 4th & 8th week of the
training period.
4. The students must show progress and complete the whole training period in the ap-
proved training provider’s workplace.
5. The students must abide by the work terms and rules of the training organization.
6. The students are not allowed to change the training organization without the Training
Coordinator’s approval.

2.2.3 After the training period

After finishing the training, the student must carry out the following:
1. Request the company departments to clear his/her position from any obligations.
2. Submit a detailed final report about his/her work in the company. This report must be
submitted within two weeks of the following semester. It is recommended that the stu-
dents include comprehensive information about their tasks in the logbooks.
3. The students should prepare an oral presentation, describing the work done at the
training company, throughout the training period. The training committee shall decide
the date of the presentation to be given in front of the examination committee. The
suggested duration for the presentation is usually 30 minutes including the question
and answer session.

2.3 STP Requirements Plan and Schedules

Tentative schedules for various STP activities/requirement as per the roles of students and
training coordinators of each department are given in Table 2 below.

Table 2: STP Activities Plan

Activity/Requirement Dateline Details

Seeking and confirmation training offers from 2nd month of second semester of aca- Responsibility of training coordinator
organizations demic year
Ascertaining assigned students training organi- End of 3rd month of second semester Responsibility of training coordinator
zation and tentative onsite training supervisor
Preparation of tentative training plan and sched- Last month of second semester before Responsibility of training Coordinator and assigned
ule in collaboration with assigned supervisor training starts site supervisor
STP Students orientation Last of month of second semester be- Responsibility of training coordinator
fore final exams starts
Student information, starting training date and End of 1st Week Student should fill Form 04 and send it back to the
Training Supervisor’s Contact (ST-FORM 02) summer training coordinator
Final Training Plan & Schedule (TA-FORM 01) End of 1st Week Full description & Schedule of planned training assign-
ments and activities
Progress Report (ST-FORM 03) End of 4th week This form should contain brief and summary on the as-
signments and activities conducted in the end of the
first month of summer training.
Supervisor Evaluation Form (TA-FORM 01) End of last Week of Training Evaluation by the training supervisor on Student per-
formance during the training period
STP Training Logbook End of first week of the following semester Filled training logbook and duly and stamped by stu-
dent’s supervisor
STP Final Report End of 2nd week into the following semester Submit Final report incorporating all the required in-
formation according to the guidelines
STP Oral Presentation 1 week after the Final Report submission Present knowledge and experience acquired

Chapter 3

Assessment Plan and Grading Policy

3.1. Assessment Plan
Whilst the summer training program seeks to achieve the goal of integrating the students’ the-
oretical knowledge learned in the classrooms and laboratories with the real-world experi-
ences, it is imperative to ensure that the effectiveness of the program is methodically moni-
tored and graded appropriately. To determine the effectiveness of the summer training pro-
gram, evaluations are usually conducted using some assessment rubrics (Evaluation Rubrics-
1 and Rubrics-2 and forms in the Appendix) that captures both ABET Students’ Learning
Outcomes as well as the Summer Training Course Learning Outcomes which will involve
various components as follows:
1. Evaluation Rubrics-1: STP-II –Jury Report Evaluation Form
2. Evaluation Rubrics-1: STP-II - Jury Oral Presentation Evaluation Form
3. Supervisor’s assessment of performance of trainee student he supervised (FORM 08)
4. STP training coordinator assessment of student during site visitation(FORM 07)
5. Students assessment of organization he was trained in (FORM 11)
6. Training organization/supervisor overall assessment of academic programs based on
student training (FORM 12)

3.1. Grading Policy

The grading policy is based on points’ allocations to the various components of STP Require-
ments. Table 3 below indicates maximum percentage points earnable for all the requirements
of STP. Successful completion of the STP and the comprehensive Final Report will carry 4
academic credits hours. Details of other Final report grading policy is provided below as well.
Student will be given a letter grade from highest grade A+ (95-100%) to lowest F (< 60%) by
the Departmental Summer Training Committee based on his/her performances during the sum-
mer training period as per the normal IAU grading system as given in Table 4. The criteria for

these assessments are provided in the rubrics, which the students are quite familiar. Most im-
portantly, the assessment and marks distribution plan consists of three main evaluations, which
are highlighted in the table below.

Table 3: Marks distribution for grading policy

Evaluator Evaluation Criteria Rubric/Form Used Marks Allocated

Training Supervisor Students’ overall training TA-FORM-02 30

Departmental Training Students’ attendance and ST-FORM 03 10
Coordinator’s progress reports ST-FORM 04
Signed Logbook - 10
Examining Committee Students’ training final re- Evaluation Rubrics- 20
(Jury) ports 1
Students’ oral presenta- Evaluation Rubrics- 30
tions 2

Total Marks

Table 4: Assigning Grade Letter

Score Letter Grade Interpretation

100-95% A+
90-94% A
85-89% B+
80-84% B
75-79% C+
70-74% C
65-69% D+
60-64% D
<60% F Fail

Chapter 4 Final Report and Presentation

4.1 Report Writing

At the end of summer training, the students is expected to submit a comprehensive report on
his/her training experience according to standard reporting template set by the summer training
4.2 Report Objective and Requirements
The objective of writing the final report is to document the practical tasks and knowledge
gained by the students during the training period. In general, the report includes the description
of the activities done, techniques learned, skills acquired, added value of training environment,
and lessons learned by the students during their training period. Moreover, accustoming the
students to prepare detailed final report helps improve their skills in presenting specified infor-
mation, and assists in developing their communication skills. Students should consider writing
their summer training report based on the below listed principles:
1. Prepare a well-organized report; it must be easy for the reader to read and understand
all the sections in the report.
2. Consider the coordination of topics, clarity, and syntax while writing the report, as well
as focusing on the practical side of the training experience.
3. Write the report in English language using own words. Copying from other sources
(without references) is NOT accepted and will be considered as plagiarized.
4. Support the report with clear tables, figures, and charts if needed, and may use appro-
priate naming and numbering. All of them will be presented in the Appendixes - A.
5. Support the information and facts about the training provider with internal reports and
will be reflected in the Appendix - B.
6. Include sufficient information that show the activities and tasks undertaken by the stu-
dent during the training period.
7. Include a list of references and any other relevant sources.
8. The main items to be included in the Summer Training Report are provided in a tem-
plate at the end of this manual.

4.3 Report Writing Guidelines

This report should contain the following section:

I. Introduction
1. Overall goal/ mission statement for the training activity: A simple, clear, brief, positive,
and correctly written statement, that describes the "big-picture" idea of why the student
is interested to have training, what he wants to focus on, and what he needs to accom-
2. Expected Learning objectives: Three or more correctly written learning objectives that
describe specific, measurable, and realistic achievements to accomplish during the
training experience. They relate to the job, represent the job functions and duties, assist
in professional growth and development, relate to the student's course of study or major,
and help to reach the overall goal of student's training experience.

II. The Company

1. Historical Background: Correctly written short description of the company/ establish-
ment history.
2. Organizational Structure: The organizational structure is presented in a clear way and
suitable format.
3. Products/ services: The products/ services of the company are clearly described and
compared to similar products/ services in the market.
4. Customers/Clients: Products/ services are associated to their customers/clients and their
expected needs.
5. Engineering Units: Engineering units are described in detail with their functions and
organizational structure.
6. Environmental and social impact: The environmental and social impact of the company,
its products/services, and its by-products are fully described including immediate and
long-term issues involved on users and non-users locally and globally.
7. Quality System: The quality system is fully described with sufficient photos, figures,
or graphical representations.

III. The Training Environment

1. Work environment: The nature of the activities carried out by the department(s) or
unit(s) where the major part of the training experience took place, is clearly described.
Whether the function of the department is design, maintenance, R&D, project manage-
ment, or anything else, the student can relate it to the activities of the whole company/
2. Timeline: A time plan of the whole training activity is presented using standard project
planning techniques such as Gant charts, deployment charts, and critical path analysis.

IV. Assigned Tasks

For each training task prepare the following:
1. Task definition: The problem to be solved is clearly stated. Objectives are complete,
specific, and concise.
2. Literature review and data collection: All related information (including regulations,
standards, and operational experiences) are identified and collected from a variety of
credible sources. Information are reviewed and assessed with respect to their quality,
validity and accuracy and presented using a standard and ethically referenced literature
review format.
3. Knowledge integration with course work: The problem to be solved is logically formu-
lated. Prior knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering principles as well as
discipline related courses and collected information are successfully integrated to ad-
dress the problem.
4. Safety and environmental issues: Measures to deal responsibly with both safety issues
and environmental hazards are presented.
5. Work plan: An effective work strategy is developed, including a plan of attack, decom-
position of work into subtasks, balanced responsibilities of team members, an executa-
ble timetable, and a justified project budget. Standard project planning techniques such
as Gant charts, deployment charts, and critical path analysis are used.
6. Implementation: The work carried out represents an engineering contribution like that
carried by a professional engineer in the field and is well described.
7. Impact analysis: Related environmental, social, health and safety issues as well as an-
ticipated hazards are deeply evaluated. Local and global, long term as well as short term

benefits and risks on users and non-users are analyzed and how they might impact the
general acceptance of the results of the work done.
8. Evaluation: Performance of the final work compares favourably to customer require-
ments, pre-set objectives, operational constraints, and existing products if any.

V. Conclusions & Recommendations

1. Achievement of expected learning objectives: The student is able to present convincing
evidence that all of his/her Learning Objectives were achieved by the end of the training
2. Recommendations to enhance future training in this company: Analysis of the achieve-
ment of the student's learning objectives are used to develop specific rational recom-
mendations to enhance the future student's training experience in this company.
3. Recommendations to enhance future training of IAU engineering students: The stu-
dent's training experience is used to develop a set of rational, clear and precise recom-
mendations to the college committee for summer training in order to enhance the future
training of the engineering students.

4.4 Report Evaluation Rubrics

The final reports submitted by the students are evaluated by different faculty member(s),
based on JURY-EVALUATION RUBRICS-1 given on the next page.

4.5 Oral Presentation Guidelines

As part of the summer training evaluation, students are expected to present their training expe-
riences to a group of faculty members. These presentations are usually 30 minutes duration,
with 20 minutes devoted to the presentation and 10 minutes for questions and answers.
The general guidelines for preparing summer training final presentation are as follows:
1. Students are free to choose any slide format. However, they should make sure having a
proper number of slides; so that they are able to finish on time.
2. At the start of the presentation, students should introduce their training organization, its
location and the nature of its business operations. For bigger companies, it is recom-
mended to introduce the actual division or section where the students worked.

3. The presentation must highlight the tasks or duties given to the student during the train-
ing. If the students were provided with any job-site orientation or tutorials, it is recom-
mended to mention it briefly.
4. The presentation must showcase how well the students were able to complete the tasks
or duties during their training; whether they faced any problems during their work, and
how they dealt with those problems or challenges.
5. The presentation must describe the students' overall training experience by identifying
the key lessons they have learned during their summer training.
6. The presentation must link any learning acquired during the summer training to what
the students have studied in the college based on their respective program curriculum.
7. The presentation should include any suggestions to improve the program curriculum;
so that the curriculum may help future trainees to prepare better for the summer training.
8. The presentation should give any suggestions towards improvement of the summer
training program.
9. The template for the summer training presentation is enclosed in this document.

4.6 Oral Presentation Evaluation Rubrics

The students’ final summer training presentations are evaluated by different faculty member(s)

Student Name: Student ID:
Company Name:

Criteria Poor (0.5 marks) Developing (1.0 mark) Developed (1.5 marks) Exemplary (2.0 marks) Marks
Clarity Too vague or too detailed, sig- Detailed but losing overall, pic- Appropriately detailed and focused Completely clear and precise
[ABET, 3] nificant amount of information ture/ clear at high level and miss- at higher level. Writing is precise and /2
may be inaccurate ing details/Focus on length rather concise.
than content
Organization Not well organized and no log- Microstructure well defined but Good and appropriate organization Logically organized
ical flow lacking macro structure or vice /2
[ABET, 3]
Mechanics & Style Many spelling and grammar Logical document structure but No spelling or grammar errors and No spelling or grammar errors.
[ABET, 3] errors, no document structure with many spelling and grammar appropriate document structure Good use of language and good /2
errors or vice versa logical flow
Visual Aids No /Poor visual aids Few visual aids, some unclear/in- Appropriate number and kind of vis- Appropriate number of well –
[ABET, 3] complete/not referred in text ual aids referred in text at proper chosen visual aids that enhance /2
places. communication
Skills Learned The student shows inability to The student is able to gain limited The student is able to gain working The student is able to gain in
[ABET, 7] work on a new development working mastery of a new devel- mastery of a new development tool depth mastery of a new develop-
tool [1 mark] opment tool only under instructor only under instructor guidance. ment tool without instructor
guidance. [2 marks] [3 marks] guidance. [4 marks]
STP Unable to analyse and reason Able to analyse and reason about Able to analyse and reason about the Able to analyse and reason about
Experience about the impact of advances the impact of advances in stu- impact of advances in student’s field the impact of advances in stu- /8
[ABET, 4] in student’s field of engineer- dent’s field of engineering at of engineering; However, some mi- dent’s field of engineering in a
ing [2 marks] basic level. [4 marks] nor details are missing. [6 marks] professional manner. [8 marks]

Evaluator: Signature of Evaluator: Date:




Student Name: Student ID:
Company Name:
Criteria Poor (1 mark) Developing (2 marks) Developed (3 marks) Exemplary (4 marks) Marks
Clarity Not assertive/clear overall Assertive but occasionally incon- Mostly clear and easy to understand Clear and Assertive, very easy to un-
sistent derstand /4
[ABET, 3]
Engaging Little or no interaction with audi- Good beginning and end but not as Keeps audience involved Keeps audience involved and occa-
Audience ence engaged in between sionally adapting to audience’s feed- /4
[ABET, 3]
Delivery Spoke too fast/too low, poor time Too many pauses, inconsistent pace, Spoke at appropriate pace, comforta- Calm, clear pronunciation, good
[ABET, 3] management, did not answer in- partially answered intended ques- ble and appropriate body language tone and good pacing, diction /4
tended questions tions
Technical Not familiar with analysing, com- Able to analyse, compare and under- Familiar with analysing, comparing, Excellent skills in analysing, com-
Knowledge paring, understanding new infor- stand new information understanding new information paring, understanding new infor- /4
[ABET, 6] mation mation
Response to Not all questions were answered. Questions answered with difficulty, Most questions were answered. An- Questions answered with little diffi-
Questions [1.5 marks] and little knowledge of the topic was swers showed good knowledge and culty. Very good knowledge of the
[ABET, 1] demonstrated. [3 marks] understanding of the topic. Language topic was demonstrated. Language /6
was mainly correct. was correct and fluent.
[4.5 marks] [6 marks]
STP Not familiar with analysing, com- Able to analyse, compare and under- Familiar with analysing, comparing, Exhibit excellent skills in analysing,
Experience paring, understanding new infor- stand new information but not able to understanding new information and comparing, understanding new in-
[ABET, 4] mation and inability to draw rea- perform reasonable generalization partially able to draw reasonable gen- formation and able to draw reasona- /8
sonable generalization on research on research results. eralization on research results. [6 ble generalization on research re-
results [2 marks] [4 marks] marks] sults. [8 marks]
Evaluator: Signature of Evaluator: Date:

Appendix A: Forms to be filled by the student

Listed in this section all the forms which should be filled by the student for the summer training
program. It is important that students make sure that all forms are completed and submitted at the
required time as mentioned in the previous sections in this manual.


Student's Information

Name: ID:
Training Start
Assigned Com- Company Loca-
pany: tion:

Student's Undertaking
By joining the Summer Training Program II, I the undersigned, agree to strictly abide by the following

1. I must check after the end of this semester before leaving to my assigned training company
that I am not among the dismissed or discontinued student.
2. I must report to my assigned training company on the date assigned by the Sumer
Training Committee or otherwise as indicated above.
3. I must spend a minimum of continuous eight (8) weeks in the above assigned company and shall not
change the place unless with a prior permission of both the company and the Sumer Training Com-
4. I must observe the laws and regulations of the training organization and shall not leave my place
of training except with my superior’s permission.
5. I must send the Starting Date Form (FORM 03) to the Sumer Training Committee/Training
Coordinator within the first week of the start of my training.
6. I must submit the duly stamped progress reports within the fourth and eight weeks of my training
7. It is my responsibility to submit the stamped evaluation report form and booklet to the Training
Coordinator during the first week of the semester preceding my training.
8. I understand that any delay in submitting the progress reports and the evaluation report will
affect my summer training grade.
9. I will immediately communicate via e-mail/mobile to the Training Coordinator whenever I
am facing any problem in trying to abide by the aforementioned rule and regulations.
10. Once I decided to drop the training, I will immediately fill in the Drop Form and send it to the
Training coordinator.

Signature: Date:

*Student must complete this form and submit it to the Summer Training Coordinator before leaving for his/her
place of training.


Information to be provided by the student

Student’s Name

Student’s ID


Mobile Phone


Information to be provided by the supervisor at the training company

Company’s Name

Supervisor’s Name

Supervisor’s Position

Training Start Date

Mobile Phone No



Supervisor’s Signature (Company ): Student’s Signature:

Date: Date:

Company Stamp

The student MUST send this form to his/her Training Coordinator in the university via email (


Student’s Information

Name: ID Num-


Progress Report Information: Brief description of activities, assignments, projects and type of training you were involved
biweekly and the problems faced with the resources used (Individuals, Books, and websites).

Tasks Done Problems Faced Resources Used

The student MUST send this form to his/her Training Coordinator in the university via email (


Student’s Information
Name: ID Number:
Company Name:

Week Date Signature Reason Week Date Signature Reason

Week #1 Week #5

Week #2 Week #6

Week #3 Week #7

Week #4 Week #8

Supervisor Name: Position:

Signature and stamp: Date:

The TRAINING SUPERVISOR should send this form to the Training Coordinator in the university via email


Student Information

ID: Department:

Reason(s) for the Postponement

Student's Signature Date

Summer Training Committee Date Signature

Vice Dean for Academic Affairs □ Postponement request approved Date

□ Postponement request disapproved


Student’s Information

Name: ID Number:

Company Name :

Reason(s) for the withdrawal

Student's Signature Date

Supervisor's Name Mobile E-mail

Supervisor's Signature Date Company Stamp


Student’s Evaluation of the Training Company (ST-FORM 07)

ID Num-
Student’s Name:
Company Name :

Student’s Signature: Date:

Please circle the appropriate number that indicates your rating level Strongly Somewhat Neutral Somewhat Strongly
Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
I was assigned meaningful tasks during my summer training 5 4 3 2 1
My summer training assignments were relevant to my academic coursework 5 4 3 2 1
My summer training assignments were relevant to my interests 5 4 3 2 1
I had regular supervision and guidance from my supervisor 5 4 3 2 1
My supervisor and/or other staff were available whenever I had questions 5 4 3 2 1
I learned new knowledge & skills during my summer training 5 4 3 2 1
The facilities & resources available in the company were useful to me during the training 5 4 3 2 1
The training company is open to innovative ideas and the ideas generated are managed effectively 5 4 3 2 1
Would you recommend this company for summer training to furture students?
Yes No Undecided
Additional Comments (if any):
The student should fill this form at the end of the summer training, and submit it to his/her departmental training coordinator

Student Satisfaction Survey (ST-FORM 08)

Section 1: General Information related to trainee

Gender Male  Female 
Drop down menu
Drop down menu
 Clinical training  Internship
Type of Field Training  Summer training  COOP training

How was this training op-  by college

portunity provided  by myself

Section 2: The following table displays field training domains with related questions. Please
use the provided Likert Scale to choose the best response that fits (1: Strongly disagree--------
5: Strongly agree)
Domain Related Question 1 2 3 4 5
The application process
Training Ap- was clear
plication The application process
was efficient
An orientation was
pconducted by the Col- Yes  No
Note: If you answered “yes” please respond to follow up questions re-
lege before training lating to Orientation

The orientation was

The training plan was
The training was related
to the specialty
A training manual was Yes  No
Note: If you answered “yes” please respond to follow up questions re-
Training Pro- provided before training lating to the training manuals
gram The training manual
was clear

The training manual in-

cluded relevant infor-
mation needed
The College assigned an
Academic Supervisor Yes  No
Note: If you answered “yes” please respond to follow up questions re-
for follow ups during lating to Training Supervision
The Academic Supervi-
 Daily  Weekly  Bi-weekly  Monthly 
Training Su- sor performed routine
pervision follow ups with the
The Academic Supervi-
sor dealt with issues
faced by the trainee ef-
Yes  No
Assessment plan was Note: If you answered “yes” please respond to follow up questions re-
provided lating to Assessment

Assessment Assessment was clear

Assessment was fair

Section 3: Brief written comments

1- What was the best experience(s) of your field training?

2- What suggestions would you give IAU to improve the training program?

*Questionnaire modified from:

Bai, Y., Li, J., Bai, Y., Ma, W., Yang, X., & Ma, F. (2018). Development and validation of a questionnaire to evaluate the factors influencing training
transfer among nursing professionals. BMC Health Services Research volume, 18(1), 107.
Tan, Y.-M., Hii, J., Chan, K., Sardual, R., & Mah, B. (2013). An electronic dashboard to improve nursing care. Studies in health technology and
informatics, 192, 190.

Appendix B: Forms to be filled by training super-

visor or representative
Listed in this section all the forms which should be filled by the company supervisor. It is important
that students make sure that all forms are completed and submitted at the required time as men-
tioned in the previous sections in this guideline manual.


Student’s Information
Name: ID Number:
Company Name:

Week Expected Training Activities Week Expected Training Activities

Week #1 Week #5

Week #2 Week #6

Week #3 Week #7

Week #4 Week #8

Supervisor Name: Position:

Signature: Date:

Supervisor or company representative should send this form to the Training Coordinator in the university via email

Training Supervisor’s Evaluation of Student’s Performance (TA-FORM 02)

Name: ID Number:
Company Name:

Please evaluate the student’s performance during the training period on a scale of 1 to 5 for each of the performance
criteria listed below by circling the appropriate rating score where 1 = Very Poor; 2 = Poor; 3 = Fair; 4 = Good; 5 = Very
ABET SLOs Performance Criteria Performance Score ‫بند‬

.‫الحماس للعمل والرغبة فيه‬

ABET, 4 Enthusiasm and interest in work. 1 2 3 4 5
Attitude towards delivering accurate .‫الدقة في تقديم العمل المطلوب‬
ABET, 4 1 2 3 4 5
Ability in understanding and dealing ‫القدرة على فهم والتعامل مع النظام‬
ABET, 7 1 2 3 4 5
with new system. .‫الجديد‬
.‫روح المبادرة للمهمات‬
ABET, 5 Initiative in taking tasks to completion. 1 2 3 4 5
.‫االعتمادية والثقة بالقدرة على االنجاز‬
ABET, 4 Dependability and reliability. 1 2 3 4 5
Ability to learn and search for infor- ‫القدرة على التعلم والبحث عن‬
ABET, 7 1 2 3 4 5
mation. .‫المعلومات‬
.‫الحكم على األمور واتخاذ القرار‬
ABET, 4 Judgment and decision making. 1 2 3 4 5
Maintaining effective relations with .‫العالقة الفعالة مع اآلخرين في العمل‬
ABET, 5 1 2 3 4 5
his/her work colleagues.
Ability of reporting and presenting .‫كتابة التقارير وعرضها‬
ABET, 3 1 2 3 4 5
his/her work.
.‫الحضور وااللتزام بالمواعيد‬
ABET, 4 Attendance and punctuality. 1 2 3 4 5

Student’s overall score out of 50: Weightage in course (out of 30):

Additional Comment(s) if any:

Supervisor's Name: Email:

Position: Hand Phone:

Date Company stamp

The Training Supervisor should fill this form at the end of training, and submit directly to the Departmental Train-
ing Coordinator in a sealed & stamped envelope, or send it by E-mail:

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