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The Professional and Personal Applications
of Neuro Linguistic Programming

Gordon Young

1 of Australia's Leading NLP & Hypnotherapy

Practitioner & Facilitator

About the author

Gordon Young is the director of the Institute of
Applied Psychology, a Registered Training Organisation. He
spreads his time between training therapists and coaches,
and working with corporations to highlight the benefits of
supporting the “human professional” in the workplace.

Gordon is the former President of the Australian Society

of Clinical Hypnotherapists, Chair of the Australian Board
of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Editor of the Australian
Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis, an appoint-
ed supervisor for the AHA, the Founder of Intra-Personal
Relationship Therapy, and a published author in the field.

Gordon Young

1 of Australia's Leading NLP &

Hypnotherapy Practitioner & Facilitator


Chapter 01


Let’s start at the beginning. The most sophisticated struc- from studying how the best people in any field attain
ture in the known universe sits inside your head. Artificial outstanding results. These outcomes are invariably
intelligence is only now starting to be able to replicate achieved through advanced skills of communication
some aspects of what the human mind can do. We have and self-leadership, and can be learned by anyone to
an enormous capacity to learn and perform complex improve their effectiveness both personally and pro-
tasks. Every single thing you currently do, there was a fessionally. NLP embodies the attitude of curiosity with
time when you could not do it. At one point you couldn’t people. How do they do what they do? It is also about
walk or talk, you couldn’t sip from a cup or tie your own modelling skills: looking constantly for excellence in the
shoelaces. The child you were did not have the skills, but world so you can model it and use it. If you stop and
had the potential to do all that you can do now, and more. think about it, excellence is all around us, sometimes so
obvious that we miss it. NLP is about always increasing
Yet most of us never get close to our potential. Why?
the choices you have, knowing that we learn by acting
Because despite all of the capacity of the human mind,
and experimenting, not by thinking about it.
there is still a crucial missing piece that prevents us from
utilising all that we have up there. That missing piece is NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming, a name
the instruction manual. Most of us have no idea how it that encompasses the three most influential compo-
works. In my experience, and in the experience of 1000s nents of human experience: neurology, language and
of people that we have trained, NLP is the closest thing programming. The neurological system regulates how
we have to a user’s manual for the human mind, and as our bodies function. Language determines how we com-
such, an essential body of knowledge and skills to have municate with others and ourselves. And programming
for yourself, and to teach your children. determines the kinds of behavioural and cognitive pat-
terns we unconsciously rely on to get around. So Neu-
NLP claims that we are all much more than we think we
ro-Linguistic Programming describes the fundamental
are. It is a product of the human potential movement of
dynamics between mind, language and behaviour.
the 1970s, and focuses on our strengths and hidden re-
sources rather than the limitations that are a preoccupa- NLP is also a model of how individuals structure their
tion for many. unique experiences of life. It is only one way to think
about and organize the phenomenal complexity of hu-
So what is NLP?
man thought and communication. NLP is practical. It is
NLP is the art and science of excellence, derived a set of models, skills and techniques for thinking and


NLP is also a model of how individuals structure their unique He studied formulas. He was actually the teaching assistant for
experiences of life. It is only one way to think about and organize John Grinder who was a linguist at Santa Cruz University, and he
the phenomenal complexity of human thought and communica- studied the structure of language.
tion. NLP is practical. It is a set of models, skills and techniques
NLP was born out of the quest to discover a way to model the
for thinking and acting effectively in the world.
most effective people. They wanted to find out how those who
A simple way to think about NLP is a method of reprogram- were highly effective with their communication did it. They
ming your nervous system through the use of language, NLP wanted to see whether they could recognize patterns or com-
was created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the Santa monalities, and then create a formula to replicate that model and
Cruz Mountains in 1976. Richard Bandler was a mathematician. teach it to others.

They decided to study three great therapists. They chose ther- second way is as a set of processes or techniques that have been
apy as a starting point because they were interested in how we curated over the years as a result of that modelling process. So
can affect and persuade, and in therapy the change could be down the road we’ll be learning about different processes like
immediate and easily recognizable. These three were known for submodality shifts, decision destroyers, strategy elicitations and
extraordinary results, well above the general population in their conflict integrations.
Now, what is it good for? Why invest time and money in to the
They studied Fritz Perlz who was a Gestalt therapist, Virginia attainment of an NLP toolbox? NLP is a proven method to man-
Satir who was a family therapist, and Milton Erickson who was age your internal state, that is to say, how you feel inside. This is
a hypnotherapist, and therein lies the connection between NLP crucial to help you stay resourceful during stressful times. These
and hypnosis, one of the many that we’ll come to find out. could be in your personal or professional life, and it gives you a
high degree of behavioural flexibility (I prefer the term agility) in
Now, there’s two ways that you can think about Neuro Linguistic
difficult situations.

The first way is a set of modelling tools that you can use to
observe, model and reproduce excellence in any field. And the


In essence, all of NLP is founded on
two fundamental presuppositions

1) The Map is Not the Territory. There are at least two

worlds in which we operate. There is an external world,
and an internal world. As human beings, we can never
know reality. We can only know our perceptions of real-
ity. We experience and respond to the world around us
primarily through our senses – sight, sound, touch, taste
and smell. That part we can perceive is further filtered
by our unique experiences, culture, language, beliefs, val-
ues, interests and assumptions. These learned filters sift,
simplify and categorize. Why? Because the world is so
vast and rich that we have to simplify to give it meaning.
Map making is a good analogy for what we do; it is how
we make meaning of the world. Maps are selective, they
leave out as well as give information, and they are invalu-
able for exploring the territory. The sort of map you make
depends on what you notice, and where you want to go.

The map is not the territory it describes. We attend to

those aspects of the world that interest us and ignore
others. The world is always richer than the ideas we have
about it. It is typically not the external world that limits or
empowers us, but rather our interpretation of the world
– our inner maps of reality. Very narrow beliefs, interests
and perceptions will make the world impoverished, pre-
dictable and dull. The very same world can be rich and
exciting. The difference lies not in the world, but in the
filters through which we perceive it.

Look at the images to the left. The first is a satellite view

of the Sydney CBD. The second image is a Google map.
They are of the same territory and yet they are quite
different. The map is a representation of the area. It is
not the area as it truly is. It is designed to show you the
streets. Its purpose is to help you find directions. It does
not aim to include all of the information about the area.
It has removed all extraneous information apart from the
streetscape. It has been deliberately simplified so that
you can use it more effectively when negotiating the
roads. It is however, not a true model of what is actually
there and never could be whilst it has that function.
Pessimism Versus Optimism every context, and it operates largely outside of your
conscious awareness. The people who are most effec-
Let’s look at the simple example of pessimism as a filter tive are the ones who have a map of the world that al-
lows them to perceive the greatest number of available
Pessimism is defined as a state of mind in which one
choices and perspectives. NLP is a way of enriching the
anticipates undesirable outcomes or believes that the
choices that you have and perceive as available in the
hardships in life outweigh the positives.
world around you. Excellence comes from having many
The most common example of this phenomenon is the choices. Wisdom comes from having multiple perspec-
“Is the glass half empty or half full?” chestnut. But this tives.
is not based on the reality of the world. It is not based
on unbiased observation. It is of course a learned pro- 2. Life and ‘Mind’ are Systemic
jection. We are talking about expectancy about the fu-
ture, and it is by definition, a fabrication. The truth is
that neither pessimism or optimism are based in reality. Everything in life is a process. That is to say there are a
Having said that optimists tend to live longer, be more series of steps, often in a particular order and sequence.
affluent, recover better from illness and accidents, and Most things we consider as static are not. Even you
report better levels of wellbeing and happiness. So giv- yourself do not exist as a static entity. There is no YOU
en these factors why would you be a pessimist? Well that is fixed. You have changed over the years in ways
firstly you don’t consciously choose it. But secondly it that you recognize, and in ways that you will never rec-
serves a purpose. It gives the person a sense of protec- ognize.
tion. They don’t get excited about things and so don’t
You are constantly changing physically, emotionally and
get disappointed when they don’t work out. They don’t
spiritually. Your moods and perspectives are largely fluid
invest too heavily in anything and often think they are
and ever changing. There is constant cell regeneration,
safer as a result. They avoid risk and loss. They will never
gas exchanges and neural pathways being set up whilst
make the big mistakes that a rampant optimist might
others are disconnecting. Your body is constantly mak-
make, but they will never win either.
ing adjustments in order to move you towards an opti-
If you lean towards pessimism, this is a filter you want to mal state of balance called homeostasis. This movement
turn around because it limits your success across almost towards balance is reflected in the world around us as
well. You cannot effectively isolate any part of the system map possible that respects honours the systemic nature
you are a part of, from the rest of the system. There is of the world.
no internal without an external. There is no YOU with-
out others. All of the models and techniques of NLP are What the Hell is NLP Really?
based on the combination of these two principles. In the
NLP is an attitude and a methodology that leaves behind a
belief system of NLP it is not possible for human beings
trail of techniques.” Richard Bandler
to know objective reality. Wisdom, ethics and ecology do
not derive from having the one ‘right’ or ‘correct’ map of For me this is the most valuable definition of NLP. NLP is an
the world, because human beings would not be capable attitude, an approach to life. It’s about curiosity, a willingness
of making one. Rather, the goal is to create the richest to experiment, to take charge and get a result. It equates to

empowerment. You are responsible, that is to say you are the If you tend to run this pattern and don’t relinquish it, you can
source, of all of your choices, both conscious and unconscious. only get an intellectual understanding of the approach - some-
I see this as a crucial element - you must be willing to accept thing you can pontificate on at dinner parties without truly
this if you are going to make NLP work for you in any mean- adopting it yourself. I will say that most people I have met who
ingful way in your life. do NLP, never truly get it. At best they get the trail of tech-
niques. At best adopting an NLP attitude to life will change
Most people struggle with the concept that they are in charge
your life completely and open you up to a world of excep-
of anything very much. They often feel at the mercy of others
tional possibilities. At the other end of the scale, a cursory
or circumstances, even down to how they themselves feel in
engagement or understanding of NLP will probably improve
any given moment. And while these factors can influence your
your communication and interpersonal skills a little, and make
life, they don’t control it. This is the fundamental mistake most
you a little less anxious.
people make. They habitually attribute responsibility externally
and as a result, disempower themselves constantly. Responsi- The same process is operant right here, right now. As you en-
bility is not about blame. It’s about choice. If you break down gage with this book, how you take on board what is on offer
the word, we are talking about the ability to respond. It is only will be individual to you.
those with the ability to respond that get to run their own lives


Chapter 02


We have many natural, useful and necessary filters. The first is an orientation towards outcomes rather than
Language is a filter. It is a map of our thoughts and ex- problem. This means finding out what you and others
periences, removed a further level from the real world. want, finding what resources you have, and using these
Think for a moment what the word ‘love’ means to you. resources to move towards your stated outcome.
No doubt you have memories and experiences, internal
The problem orientation is often referred to as the
pictures, sounds and feelings that let you make sense
‘Blame Frame’. This means analysing what is wrong in
of that word. Equally, someone else will have different
great detail. It means asking questions like: ‘Why do I
memories and experiences and will think about that
have this problem? How does it limit me? Whose fault
word in a different way. Who is right? Both of you!
is it?’ These sorts of questions do not usually lead any-
How? Because it comes down to your subjective ex-
where useful. Asking them will leave you feeling worse
perience of life. Some of you might be cynics, others
than when you started, and does nothing towards solv-
hopeless romantics, others somewhere in between.
ing the problem.
The word love is not the experience it describes; it’s a
symbol of that experience, and symbols are invariably The second frame is to ask How rather than Why ques-
open to interpretation. tions. How questions will get you an understanding of
the structure of a problem. Why questions tend to in-
Our beliefs also act as filters, causing us to act in cer-
vite speculation. You are likely to get a story. The rea-
tain ways and to notice some things at the expense
sons and justifications which do not support growth or
of others. All generalizations about people are untrue
somewhere, because everyone is unique. If you were to
say Americans are patriotic, you are right except when The third frame is Feedback versus Failure. One of the
you are not. NLP offers a way of thinking; it is itself a NLP presuppositions is that there is no failure, only
filter. So NLP does not claim to be objectively true. It feedback. Failure is just a way of describing a result you
is a model, and models are meant to be useful. There did not want. You can use the results you get to redirect
are some basic ideas in NLP that are very useful. We your efforts. Feedback keeps the goal in view. Failure is
invite you to behave as if they are true and notice the a dead end. Two very similar words, yet they represent
difference that makes. By changing your filters, you can two totally different ways of thinking.
change your world.
The fourth frame is to consider Possibilities rather than
Some of the NLP basic filters are often referred to as Necessities. Again this is a shift in focus. Look at what
Behavioural Frames. A frame is the word we use to de- you can do, rather than the constraints of a situation.
fine or describe the boundaries around an experience Often the barriers are less formidable than they appear.
or an event. This is usually outside of our conscious
awareness, like other filters that operate. Yet it creates Finally, NLP adopts an attitude of Curiosity and Fasci-
automatic ways of thinking about things. nation rather than making Assumptions. This is a very


simple idea and has profound consequences. Young chil-
A Personal Note:
dren learn quickly because they are incredibly curious
about almost everything. They do not know and they I differ from most NLP Trainers here. I do not believe
know they do not know, so they are not worried about that you have all of the resources you need to succeed.
looking silly if they ask. NLP is frequently taught in a very absolutist way. I ac-
knowledge that sometimes it would be useful to believe
As adults we run something known as cognitive disso-
you have all the resources that you need, but nothing is
nance. This is the propensity to screen all new informa-
universally useful.
tion through the filter of what we already know or have
become attached to, and if it doesn’t match we tend to I believe we have much more resource that we currently
rejected it. access, but if we had all the resources we need there
would be no value in adult education. Sometimes we
Gallileo was nearly burnt as a heretic for pronouncing
don’t have all that we need but we do have the capacity
that the earth was round. There was a time when ev-
to learn the skills and attitudes we need.
eryone knew that human flight was a pipedream, and
of course to run 100 metres in under 10 seconds was If we don’t acknowledge our skills gap, we don’t go look-
physiologically impossible. ing for what is missing. We run the risk of oversimplify-
ing and believing that all we need is the right mindset.
Another useful idea is that we all have, or can create,
This is absolutely not true. You need the right mindset,
the inner resources we need to achieve our goals. You
skills and knowledge as well as a useful process to fol-
are more likely to succeed if you act as if this were true.
low. Without all of these things in unison, you are not
going anywhere fast.


The Conscious and conscious and unconscious minds as if they were places
within our neurology. The truth is there is no such place
Unconscious Premise as your unconscious mind, and there is no such place
as your conscious mind. These terms are metaphorical
The notion of conscious and unconscious is central to
for those internal processes your are aware of – your
this model of how we learn. In NLP, something is con-
conscious mind, and those processes we are largely un-
scious when it is in present moment awareness, as this
aware of, which are unconscious or non-conscious to
sentence is right now. Something is unconscious when
it is not in present moment awareness.
People I work with in my clinic often talk about some
The memory of when you first went to a mall and saw
problem locked in the unconscious mind, as if there is a
Santa, is almost certainly out of conscious awareness
vault that they cannot get access to. Often their theory
until I just mentioned it. If you have ever helped a young
is that if I help them gain access, then all will be well.
child learn to ride a bicycle, you will be aware of just
Well there is no vault. The separation between con-
how unconscious that skill has become in yourself. And
scious and unconscious process is more of a veil, and
the process of transforming your last meal into ener-
you can bring the unconscious in to consciousness as
gy, hair and fingernails is likely to remain forever un-
you become more self aware and start to notice pat-
conscious. We live in a culture that believes that we do
terns. It is my hope that this training will assist you to
most of what we do consciously. Yet most of what we
become more self aware, knowing that you are large-
do, and what we do best, we do unconsciously.
ly a collection of patterns, some good, some not so
good, and that you can change anything you become
consciously aware of. Typically awareness begins the
The Myth of the Conscious process, because you have to notice something before
you can set your intention to change it. With NLP tech-
and Unconscious Minds niques virtually anything internal is malleable. For the
purposes of this training we will continue to use the la-
At this point I would like to make a distinction that is
bels of conscious and unconscious minds for simplicity,
either overlooked or misunderstood, even by NLP Train-
but know that we don’t believe in their existence per se.
ers and other professionals. We often talk about the
Chapter 03


Communication is a multifaceted word that covers just about (Mehrabian and Ferris, ‘Inference of Attitudes from Nonver-
any interaction with others: casual conversation, influencing, bal Communication in Two Channels’ in The Journal of Coun-
teaching, and negotiating. selling Psychology Vol. 31, 1967, pp.248-52.)

What does ‘communication’ mean? The word is a static noun, N.B. This piece of research only relates to very specific con-
but really communication is a cycle or loop that involves texts. I suggest you don’t go around quoting the numbers.
at least two people. You cannot communicate with a wax- They are inaccurate for most communication. Think about it.
work dummy because there would be no response. When If you could absorb 93% of communication through non-ver-
you communicate with another person, you perceive their bal communication, you should understand someone speak-
response, and react with your own thoughts and feelings. ing in a different language. Try it and you will soon discover
Your ongoing behaviour is generated by your own internal re- that yes, you might be able to pick up the tones or general gist
sponses to what you see and hear. It is only by paying atten- sometimes, but understand them you do not! The important
tion to the other person that you have any idea at all about thing to see here is that there is a considerable non-verbal
what to say or do next. Your partner is responding to your contribution to communication but words are still a very im-
behaviour in the same way. portant component.

You communicate with your words, with your voice quality, Another example is acting. Actors need to memorise their
and with your body: postures, gestures, and expressions. Ba- lines, but what makes them great actors is not their memory.
sically you cannot not communicate. Some message is con- It is the way they can convince the audience that their char-
veyed even if you say nothing and keep still. So communi- acter, and their experience, is authentic.
cation involves a message that passes from one person to
This comes from how they can convey emotion and mean-
another. How do you know that the message you give is the
ing. This comes down to tone and body language. Have you
message they receive? You have probably had the experience
ever watched a first draft script reading when the actors don’t
of making a neutral remark to someone, and being amazed
know the pitch or tone of delivery as yet. At this point the
at the meaning they read into it. How can you be sure the
words are just squiggles on a page. They have no meaning
meaning they get is the meaning you intend?
or life.
Communication is so much more than the words we say. In
Most of us express many shades of meaning in everyday
NLP as well as many corporate trainings and even TED talks,
conversation and probably also have a dozen different ways
there is an the oft quoted research that states that words
to say ‘no’, only we do not consciously think about them. If
form only 7 percent of the communication, whilst 55 per cent
the words are the content of the message, then the postures
of the impact is determined by your body language - posture,
gestures, expression, and voice tonality are the context in
gestures and eye contact, and 38 per cent by your tone of
which the message is embedded, and together they make the
meaning of the communication.


Chapter 03

Let’s talk about the NLP certainty is unwelcome. Human beings have a variant tolerance
for uncertainty. The uncertain spaces of our lives invite confusion
Communication Model? and potential threats. We feel better when we believe we under-
stand a situation or the world around us. This encourages us to
We have already alluded to aspects of this. Now it might be use-
make broad statements that oversimplify the world around us.
ful to review the process in its entirety.
If we are right we tend to feel comfortable that we understand
The NLP Communication Model explains how we absorb infor-
what’s going on. It’s like standing on solid ground compared to
mation from the outside world. Events can happen, significant or
shifting sand.
otherwise. As human beings we have to make sense of events
and the world at large. So something could happen like winning So how would I have to do it? Well I would have to keep finding
a final, or your first kiss, or a world tragedy like 9/11. All of this evidence to support my belief. I would have to notice a woman
information streams through the senses of sight, sound, touch, driver doing something that I would consider poor driving. I could
taste and smell. (In the NLP literature this is known as VAKOG include driving erratically, doing three point turns where they
which stands for Visual, Auditory, Kineasthetic, Olfactory and shouldn’t, driving too fast, too slow, or changing lanes without
Gustatory) We are bombarded at a rate of roughly 2,000,000 bits an indicator. Its my bias and I get to include any infraction I like.
per second. However, we have no way of processing that much
information so we simplify the world down by taking what we When I see a woman doing what I deem to be the wrong thing,

deem to be important and ignoring what we decide is peripheral. I would say something to myself like, “that is exactly what I’m
talking about.” This is known as a confirmation bias. I see what
We go through a process of deleting, distorting and generalising confirms my view. I have to then use that one incident as evi-
the information. Each one of these processes filters information dence that all woman cannot be trusted behind the wheel. There
until we get 134 bits of information or 7+ or -2 chunks which is the generalization.
forms our internal representation (IR) or perception of events.
In conjunction with our physiology this IR determines our emo- However, in the same period of time that I was focused on one

tional state. This is a crucial piece of the process because many woman who hasn’t driven well, hundreds of women have driven

of our skills, our objectivity, the way we assess risk and relate are past me doing a very good job, and I have simply not noticed

state dependent. Look at your own experience. Haven’t you lost them. Moreover, there are other things I have not noticed. What

any capacity to be logical or articulate when confronted with a about the men who did something silly or dangerous? In order

stressful or challenging conversation. If you are like most people, for me to maintain my bias I will have to delete or distort that

it was not until after you left the scene that your communication information.

and problem solving skills returned.

Then there is the issue of when I do something silly as I am bound

Moreover, the fact that we delete, distort and generalise begs to do at some point. I’m going to minimize that too. Typically we

another question. Are we doing this effectively, or are we leaving explain our own mistakes as circumstantial > I was tired, I was

out really important pieces of information. All of our biases are distracted etc etc. whilst for others we see it as a character flaw.

determined by the how we delete, distort and generalise.

So, I will distort or delete altogether some evidence, and latch

Just look at an example that I frequently use in live NLP Practi- on to other evidence. I actually have to rework the reality quite

tioner Certifications. I pretend I am a person who believes that significantly to find the evidence to support my position. I have

women are terrible drivers and basically should not be allowed to exaggerate the negatives of a female driver and generalizing

on the road. I state that this is my bias. Now biases don’t just it I have to distort or delete any evidence that does not serve.

come out of thin air. I will have made a decision which will inevi-
This is done seamlessly but I’m not really dealing with the world
tably be a gross generalization, but it has to be fed and nurtured
around me, I am dealing with the world within me, and the exter-
constantly through experience. Our filtering system will look to
nal reality is always secondary.
make us right, not so much because of our ego, but because un-


Chapter 04


Perception is Projection Have you ever wondered why a camera doesn’t always cap-
ture the essence of the visual image that you saw? The eye
The idea of being able to understand an infinitely complex is much more intelligent than a camera. The individual recep-
world with a conscious mind that can only hold about sev- tors, the rods and cones of the retina, respond not to the light
en pieces of information at once, is obviously ludicrous. So itself, but to changes or differences in the light.
how do we do it? We make lots of generalisations. We delete
Sight is actually a very complex process. The image is pro-
copious amounts of information based on our own unique
jected upside down onto the retina, coded into electrical im-
personal filters or biases. Certain things will look or feel perti-
pulses by the rods and cones and reassembled from these
nent to you, and certain things won’t. And as a result of that,
by the visual cortex of the brain. The resulting picture is then
you will miss significant chunks of information that you would
projected ‘out there’, but it is created deep inside the brain.
have gotten otherwise. Significant chunks of information that
The brain itself has no tangible contact with the world. It is
someone else might immediately notice right off the bat. A
after all a sealed chamber. So it is in many ways translating in
pessimist and an optimist can be looking at exactly the same
a language that it has never actually experienced.
situation and one can see opportunity whilst the other can
see challenge. So we see through a complex series of active perceptual
filters. The same is true of our other senses. The world we
So what we do is we make this map, this limited, skewed, dis-
perceive is not the real world. It is a map made by our neurol-
torted, minuscule version of what’s going on out there, and then
ogy. What we pay attention to in the map is further filtered
we figure out what to do with it. Initially it’s just information in
through our beliefs, interests and preoccupations.
our minds, but instead of analysing the information objectively,
we screen everything through our existing databases. We fill We can learn to allow our senses to serve us better. The abili-
in the blanks. We project our past experiences in to the space. ty to notice more, and make finer distinctions in all the senses
can significantly enrich the quality of life, and is an essential

Windows and Doors skill in many work areas. A Masterchef Judge needs a very
discriminating palate; a musician needs the ability to make
If the loop of communication has any beginning, it starts with fine auditory distinctions. A carpenter must have a good feel
our senses. As Aldous Huxley pointed out, the doors and for their materials, and a painter must be sensitive to the nu-
windows of perception are the senses, our eyes, nose, ears, ances of colour and shape.
mouth and skin, and these are our only points of contact with
Training of this nature is not so much seeing more than others
the world.
as knowing what to look for, learning to perceive the differ-
Even these points of contact are not what they seem. Take ence that makes the difference. The development of a rich
your eyes, for example, your ‘windows on the world’. Well, awareness in each of our physical senses is sensory acuity,
they are not. Not windows at any rate, nor even a camera. and an explicit goal of NLP training.


Body Language The meaning of the communication is the response that you
So there is no guarantee that the other person understands
We are constantly attempting to influence people. All ther-
what you mean. The answer goes back to outcome, acuity
apy, management, education and indeed parenting involve
and flexibility. You have an outcome for the communication.
influencing and communication skills. There is a paradox that
You notice what responses you are getting, and you keep
while no one would be interested in learning skills that are
changing what you do or say until you get the response you
not effective, effective skills may be denigrated and labelled
as manipulation. Manipulation carries a negative connota-
To be an effective communicator, act on the principle that: tion that you are somehow forcing a person to do something
against their best interests.

This is something that has been levelled at NLP. That it is all Is the influence you are having in alignment with your val-
about manipulation. Unfortunately there are rogue trainers ues? NLP techniques are neutral. As with money, how it is
who do encourage students to use their newfound commu- used and what it is used for depends on the intentions of
nication skills in ways that are unecological and they certainly the person who has the money. With money, one can feed a
give the rest of us a bad name. village, or pay some undesirables to evict the villagers. Money
is value neutral. It is just a resource. It is the intent that is the
However, NLP was born out of a desire to include wisdom,
determiner of outcome.
choice and ecology at the deepest of levels.
The same is true of NLP.
The truth is, you already influence others, the only choice is
whether to be conscious or unconscious of the effects you
create. The only question is, can you influence with integrity?


Chapter 03

Representational Systems wanting you to understand what they are talking about.

You may have noticed that people have very different ways Auditory - Let me ‘tell’ you more about it
of describing what they’re experiencing. This is what is re-
ferred to as Representational systems (rep systems) in NLP. Kinaesthetic - It ‘feels’ just right when I’m there
Paying closer attention to eye patterns and the words peo-
In most circumstances and for the majority of people, three
ple choose to describe their experience of the world enables
senses dominate in mental processing.
us to understand more precisely how to communicate with
others as well as ourselves.
We use all of the representational systems. However, we
tend to have a preference. Research suggests that in a de- Often individuals who are visual stand or sit with their heads
veloped countries, around 60% of people are predominantly and bodies erect, with their eyes up. They will be breathing
visual with 20% Auditory and 20% Kinesthetic. Something from the top of their lungs. You will find them sitting forward
to keep in mind is that each of us has our representational in chairs and tend to be organised, neat, well-groomed and
system that has been filtered and distorted based on our ex- orderly. They memorise by seeing pictures and often have
periences. trouble remembering verbal instructions. A visual person will
be interested in how something LOOKS. Appearances are im-
portant to them.
Spotting Representational Systems
The simplest way is to listen to the words that someone uses Auditory
and connect the words to one of our senses which are vi-
People who are auditory will move their eyes sideways, al-
sual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, and gustatory. We also
most searching for words (more on eye patterns here) and
refer to another system that plays a part which we call ID/
they breathe from the middle of their chest. They tend to talk
AD (internal dialogue, Auditory Digital). Let’s explore some
to themselves and are easily distracted by noises, (some even
move their lips when they speak to themselves.) They can
Visual - When someone says ‘picture’ this when they are repeat things back to you quickly, they learn by listening, and


Chapter 04

usually like music and talking on the phone. They memorise and they tend to play a secondary role.
by steps, procedures, and sequences. The auditory person
Knowing what you know now you’re able to go out and play
likes to be TOLD how they’re doing and responds well to the
in your work, with your friends and family. Ask questions and
tone of voice or set of words. They will be interested in what
listen to the words they use when they respond. This is the
you have to SAY.
tip of the iceberg and if you would like to learn more, and
continue to improve your communication skills, contact us.
People who are kinaesthetic will typically be breathing from Primary vs. Lead Representational Systems
the bottom of their lungs, so you’ll see their stomach go in
Within the representational systems, we have a primary and
and out when they breathe. They often move and talk very,
lead system. The lead system is accessed instinctively and in
very, slowly. They respond to physical rewards and touch.
most cases may not reflect the thinking pattern. For example,
They also stand closer to people than a visual person. They
when asked a question, a person may naturally look up and
memorise by doing or walking through something. They will
left (Visual Recall) as they recall an image.
be interested in how something FEELS in regards to their
wants and needs. The primary system is that we use most during communica-
tion (i.e. a predominantly Auditory) and may be different from
the lead system.
Internal Dialogue/Auditory Digital
The ability to match someone’s representational system en-
This person will spend a fair amount of time talking to them-
ables you to build rapport a lot faster and possibly to better
selves. They will want to know that what you’re offering
results. How will you play with this tool?
MAKES SENSE, is it logical, follows a structure, etc.
How can you go play with this now?
The other two senses, Gustatory (taste) and Olfactory (smell),
are closely associated and are often considered jointly as one


Chapter 05


The Presuppositions of NLP Mind and body are connected.

Your mental attitude affects your body and your health and,
These are the guiding principles which form the foundation
in turn, how you behave.
of NLP. They have been modelled from key people who con-
sistently produced superb results, as well as from systems If what you are doing isn’t working, do something else.
theory and natural laws.
Flexibility is the key to success. There is something called the
These presuppositions are concerned with how we may live Law of Requisite Variety. Basically it purports that the most
our lives in a positive way, and how we can think and com- flexible element of the system will eventually run the system.
municate more effectively. We must make a distinction here. Choice is better than no choice. Having options can provide
These are not rules and should not be used as such. They are more opportunities for achieving results.
convenient assumptions, which if used appropriately, offer
you a roadmap on how to operate in the world. The benefits You cannot not communicate
could almost be immediate as NLP is based on practical ex-
Even when we remain silent, we are communicating. Non-ver-
perience rather than theory. You may find as you explore this
bal communication can account for a large proportion of a
further that the details vary depending on where you refer-
message. Some argue that it is 93%. As I have said before I
ence them, but the essence of them is the same.
believe this figure to be overstated, but the significance of
Have respect for the other person’s model of the world. unconscious communication cannot be denied.

We are all unique and experience the world in different ways. The meaning of your communication is the response you get.
We all acquire our map through a complex web of experience
While your intention may be clear to you, it is the other per-
and decision-making. If you cannot respect someone’s map
son’s interpretation and response that reflects your effective-
(which does not mean you have to agree with it) you cannot
ness. NLP teaches you the skills and flexibility to ensure that
work with them effectively, even if it is to help them change
the message you send equals the message they receive. How
that same map.
do we do that? We take 100% responsibility for the message.
The map is not the territory. If you are thinking this is not realistic, you are right.

People respond to their ‘map’ of reality, not to reality itself. We don’t get to determine how someone interprets our
How people make sense of the world around them is subjec- words. However, if we habitually take full responsibility, when
tive and over simplified, and as such, cannot accurately rep- there is a communication gaff, we will be more proactive in
resent the world. There is a saying that perception is reality, adjusting our approach and learning from it because we are
and reality is perception. not blaming the other person. Once we allocate blame else-
where, there is nothing for us to review and we don’t learn.


Chapter 05

The ultimate outcome is that we will become a more precise balance. To give you an extreme example, it is not uncommon
and effective communicator. for serial killers to talk about the terrible tension that would
build up in them that they found killing someone resolved.
Everyone does the best the can with the resources they
Hence the positive intention was to alleviate an unpleasant
have at the time.
feeling. Remember, it is not about something positive for ev-
This is the forgiveness clause of NLP. We all make decisions eryone.
based on what we deem to be the best choice we can come
Anything can be accomplished if the task is broken down
up with at the time. This may not be ideal, but if we had come
into small enough steps.
up with something better, we would have pursued it in all
likelihood. This is a crucial presupposition and is often forgotten in NLP.
This is because many NLP trainers have found themselves
There are no unresourceful people, only unresourceful states.
caught up in the personal development fraud that everything
This is a truly valuable one as I see it. It helps us make a comes down to your mindset. Henry Ford once famously
distinction between the person and the behaviour, or their said, “If you can believe you can achieve”. But this is not true.
state of mind. A person is not their mindset, their thoughts You need more than belief.
or feelings, their behaviours or choices. They are much more
You need skills and the steps to complete the task.
than all of that. I agree with Eckhart Tolle who says, that you
are the presence behind all of this. This leaning toward magical thinking and the reliance on uni-
versal laws of attraction which, appealing as they may be, can
There is no failure, only feedback.
keep people stuck for years. It tends to ignore the fact that
If we could truly embrace this one, we would be unstoppable. you have to do something to achieve. The world does not
What seemed like failure can be thought of as success that respond to your thoughts. It responds to your actions.
just stopped too soon. With this understanding, we can stop
As discussed earlier the mindset piece is really about fram-
blaming ourselves and others, find solutions and improve the
ing what you see in the world. The more positive you are,
quality of what we do.
the more you see opportunities as opportunities, and not as
Behind every behaviour there is a positive intention. challenges.

When we understand that other people have some positive True achievement comes from recognizing that everything is
intention in what they say and do (however annoying and a process, a series of steps that are actionable. NLP can help
negative it may seem to us), it can be easier to stop getting you learn how to analyze what needs to be done and find
angry and start to move forward. A good deal of the time it ways to be both efficient and effective.
is to placate a negative feeling in themselves and bring back


Chapter 06


count on life’s fun meter increasing several points! essary tools to run their own brains. Before they took
NLP courses, they weren’t sure about how the brain ran,
The Power of NLP Training and they didn’t think about it in those terms. Also, they

for Enriching Your Life had no idea how to take control of their own brains.
NLP training changed all of that for them. It gave them
People often ask how NLP changed their lives. Some- knowledge of a language that let them think of such
times, this may come up in a conversation when some- things, and it then gave processes or patterns which
one wants to know the exact benefits of NLP courses. they used to get their brain to do as they wished.
Or, it may come up during a television or radio inter-
Sometimes, people are astonished when they think of
view, or by people just trying to pass time as they travel
their pre-NLP days when their brains seemed to have
to a destination on a train or plane. When people think
minds of their own, and their emotional states seemed
about the changes in their own lives since finding NLP
to “get” them rather than “getting” them. They learned
training, it almost seems too good to be true.
that each experience comes with a structure, and that
At the core of how NLP improved and changed their NLP training helped them identify that structure and use
lives is the central theme. NLP gave them all of the nec- it to their benefit. It also gave them a sense of self-con-


trol over any and every experience they encountered. relationship is the pivot point in most people’s lives and yet
nobody taught us how to find or run a great relationship. Our
All of these things apply to their lifestyles, health, busi-
schools did not teach us how to coexist with another human
nesses and relationships. Using NLP, they were able
being effectively or harmoniously, and the best we typically
to discover the wealth building structure that allowed
have is the model that our parents presented to us. If you are
them to stop working for money, and instead, make
anything like me, that was not one to emulate.
money work for them. They were able to take charge in
their careers in a way they never thought possible. As a result, many relationships become tarnished by animosity,
judgement and even contempt. People commonly resign them-
They became financially independent, and they no lon-
selves to a relationship that is less than rewarding because they
ger feel the pressure of bills. Instead, they’re free to
simply have no clue how to create the relationship they actual-
choose a lifestyle based directly on their visions and
ly want or repair the one they have. There are two key reasons
personal values. The “Games” they play involving what
for this in my view.
people say and do, their interactions with other people,
and how they think and feel are all functions to their One, most people do not recognize the power of their own ac-
Frame (frame of mind). This Frame describes the latest tions, and two, people do not understand that everything is a pro-
way people talk about the structure of excellence using cess, a series of steps and success in relationships is like success
NLP. They love, live, work and play as they do in accor- in any other area of life. Both of these life lessons should be ham-
dance with their Frame Games. mered home consistently by any NLP training you decide to do.

It’s just as simple, and it’s just as profound as that. Peo-

ple love the power in these models because, if they Everything is a process
want a new Game because they’re sick and tired of
Let’s start with the idea that everything is a process. Your rela-
the old Game’s playoffs, they’re able to change it by
tionship is not a noun. it is not a thing like a book or a car. It is
changing the Game’s rules. That’s the true power of
a verb. Indeed love is a verb. It is a living breathing constantly
NLP training for making people’s lives fuller and richer.
changing dynamic that is fluid and needs constant attention.
A good relationship is characterized by both parties engaging

NLP for Love and Relationships in useful thoughts, feelings and behaviours. This starts right
at the beginning because a good relationship requires a good
choice of partner, in fact, studies show this is arguably the most
Learning NLP should have an immediate and positive effect influential decision of your life. Trying to build a relationship
on your relationship. I think it’s fair to say that an intimate with someone who is not capable of meeting you is challeng-
ing. However, assuming your choice was reasonable, the next behind all of these factors. We are the ones listening to our
stage is management. It has to be nurtured and cared for like own internal dialogue. We are not the dialogue. We all have
tending a garden. There will be weeds, insects and climatic moments of irrationality. We all do, say or think silly things
variables to contend with. sometimes. We are not logical creatures, we are psychological.
We frequently respond with a range of emotions and habitu-
Most people get married with the romantic but quite naive no-
ated perceptions that are not logical but learned. A person’s
tion of “heading off in to the sunset to live happily ever after”.
view is the best they have come up with given the information
Most people spend more time planning their wedding than
they have at hand at the time. When you don’t agree, you are
they do planning their lives together. Some would say “love is
not disagreeing with your partner, but with their perspective in
all you need.” I am going to say yes that’s true, except when
that moment.
it isn’t! When there are kids, financial pressures and alike, you
need more than that! Don’t expect agreement with the way you view the world

What is astonishing to me is that given the importance of re- It is unrealistic to expect another person to respond the way
lationships, we generally pay very little attention to learning you would. In the literature, this is referred to as Self Refer-
about them. From an NLP perspective, if you want to be suc- encing. In other words, this is when we use our own views,
cessful as a coach, you would study coaching. If you want to values and standards as the yardstick for what we expect of
be successful generally, you would study success. The same is the world and people around us. This is one of the many cogni-
true of relationships. if you want a good relationship you should tive distortions we can run as human beings. Your partner was
study what people in good relationships do. How do they talk not brought up the same way as you. Nor did they make the
to each other, what beliefs do they have, what consistent ac- same decisions or have they had the same inputs or standards
tions do they take to keep that relationship solid. Similarly, across the board. Hence when we expect our partners to think
there will be certain actions and behaviours you can guarantee the way we do, we step into dangerous territory. As a clinical
they don’t engage in. hypnotherapist, I have worked with 1000s of people over the
years and this is a common distortion that causes a lot of dis-
A full discussion of these factors is outside of the scope of this
appointment and frustration.
article, but let’s look at a couple of related factors.
Among my clients, it is the fast-track to disappointment and
frustration because they are effectively asking the world/
Respect Your Partner others to change to meet our needs. People “should” be po-
liter. Others “should show more respect”. Drivers “should be
Let’s start with RESPECT? Aretha Franklin sang about it, and more courteous”, and “my partner should know…” Well, may-
to me, as an NLP Trainer, the underpinning to productive com- be? In my experience, there are times when we can agree to a
munication is having a respect for the other person’s model standard or expectation, but to assume it is presumptive and
of the world. This is one of the key NLP presuppositions you counter-productive. Sometimes it is valuable to step back from
should learn on day one of an NLP Practitioner Certification. your personal position and recognise that there is no “rule” that
This is true for any relationship but especially true for an inti- people should agree with you, as wrong as that might sound!!
mate relationship.
When you are more neutral and less combative you can ac-
We often reject another’s perceptions, especially when our knowledge their position and give your partner something that
views differ. This rejection may even be unconscious. We find we all crave. At some deep level we all want to be seen and
ourselves ready to dispute the things our spouse has to say, to understood. I don’t have to agree with you, but I can “acknowl-
challenge them, or to hear them as threats. Obviously, such an edge”, “accept” or “respect” your opinion, and your right to state it.
attitude interferes with two-way communication. The first step
to improved dialogue is to manage your own responses and Respect allows you to accept another person’s point of view
show respect for your partner. without the judgement. This includes all verbal communication,
but also the non-verbal communication. The “look” that tells a
This can be achieved at one level by recognising that a person’s thousand words, a grunt or a groan. All of these responses no
thoughts, feelings, their behaviour, or their values and beliefs matter how small are dismissive. This is your life partner after
are not them. I agree with Eckhart Tolle. We are the presence all. You chose them. That means the good the bad and the ugly!
Letting your partner be heard is a crucial step towards improv- strating how hurt we are. Anger is a protest. It is a statement
ing a relationship and negating the frustration and contempt of “you have hurt me” and I am now in payback mode. This is
that can creep in when communication is poor. Please note, not typically useful.
hearing them is not necessarily agreeing with them, but being
heard is sometimes of greater importance than being agreed So here are seven quick tips that might as-
with. sist you the next time you are in a ‘robust‘
Communication is the glue that holds a relationship together.
When you have to face difficulties as a couple it is your abili- 1) Take responsibility for your communication (verbal and
ty to communicate and negotiate that can makes the tougher non-verbal)
times manageable. This includes your thoughts and, sorry guys,
your feelings. When we stop communicating with respect the 2) Put your energy into the exchange (engage consciously)
bond can start to erode quickly because we cease to matter to
3) Make a commitment to seeing the process through
our partner, or so we think.
4) Decide what you want out of the exchange and then adopt
“We may not be our views, but we often feel at-
the demeanour and language to support the goal
tached to our positions. When your partner’s view
doesn’t matter to you, then they will think that they 5) Express your thoughts and feelings fully and encourage your
don’t matter either.” partner to do the same

Good NLP Training should show you how 6) Resolve misunderstandings by asking questions and seeking
clarifications rather than by getting angry
to go from reactions to responses.
7) Look for the positive intention of your partner’s position. e.g.
Some may say that this is easier said than done. And that is
the positive intention of a complaint is to make things better.
true. However, good NLP training should show you how to go
(N.B. When someone stops complaining, they may well have
from reactions to responses. It should show you that you get
given up and might be formulating their exit plan)
to choose which thoughts and/or feelings you should listen
to, and which ones you should ignore. We have over 70,000 By putting this energy into communication, you will make a
thoughts per day, many of which are complete crap. We cannot statement to your partner about your commitment and re-
respond to all of them. sponsibility. It will demonstrate that the relationship is import-
ant to you and that you are willing to involve yourself fully in
Good communication also requires effort. Work on your part
this act of communication.
of the communication process. One of the biggest obstacles to
productive communication is our emotions. When we feel hurt Intimate communication may not be worth the effort with-
or angry our communication changes. The tonal changes are out love. Love is critical to the relationship but alone it is not
obvious. But what is often not noticed is the change in intent. enough. If there is love, however, and if the relationship is im-
Emotionally loaded exchanges make us age regress and turn portant to you, then you focus on improving the communica-
our focus away from a productive adult outcome, to demon- tion.
Chapter 07


If as a professional you find you sometimes struggle to meet in a specific manner. Sales and marketing fields rely heav-
your own expectations or achieve your work-related goals, ily on being able to persuade others, often without them
it can be useful to look for new and sometimes even un- even realizing it is occurring. Though subtle, the techniques
orthodox ways to improve your leadership skills, have more taught in NLP can help professional marketers have more of
influence over others, and experience more success overall influence over the purchasing decisions of their customers,
with their jobs. Neuro-Linguistic Programming can provide impacting their success. By being able to accurately read
technical assistance to all types of professionals, helping their verbal and non-verbal cues, professionals in these
you to reach your career-related goals more efficiently. fields can better gauge the desires of their customers and
respond accordingly.

What are some of the benefits of Personal Effectiveness

NLP for Professionals?
Most of us have developed some patterns of behaviour over
Increased Influence and Persuasion time that work against us achieving our goals. These be-
haviours may have been deeply ingrained in early childhood.
Many professional roles call for the ability to be able to ef-
They can’t be changed without first recognizing what they
fectively influence and persuade others to carry out tasks


are. Techniques learned through NLP can help professionals Powerful Presentations
target the thought patterns behind these behaviours, ulti-
mately allowing negative behaviours to be replaced by more Many times professionals are required to give presentations
positive and productive ones. of various types. Whether it’s for training, marketing, or some
other reason, these presentations can be a great source of
Improved Leadership anxiety and stress. NLP techniques can teach individuals how
to better manage stress and effectively reduce the anxiety
Advancement that so often accompanies public speaking. NLP can also

Being an effective manager involves much more than simply teach body language and verbal skills that will have more of

telling others what to do. Being tuned in to their staff’s needs an impact on the audience, creating powerful actions that fol-

and desires, as well as their communication with them, can low long after the meeting has ended.

help managers become more effective leaders. The majori-

ty of people in leadership roles engage in specific dialogue Confidence and Presence
or behaviours without realizing how those behaviours make
There are many attributes that a confident leader possesses
their employees feel. By learning to control these behaviours
that make him/her have a more powerful influence over oth-
and use them effectively, the employer-employee relation-
ers. Remaining in control of their emotions, using precision
ship dynamic can be dramatically improved upon.
language, and remaining focused all evoke confidence that in-
spires others to sit up and take notice. These are all areas that
can be positively influenced by the techniques taught in NLP.

Improved Communication with These are just a few ways that NLP can help you as a pro-
Superiors and Staff fessional experience more success in their careers and work
relationships. By learning to change the way you think about
Most professional roles require excellent communication skills. and react to specific events you can experience a greater de-
These apply equally to managing up or down. Communication gree of fulfilment in your career.
is as much about listening and picking up on non-verbal clues
as actually speaking to others. NLP techniques approach com-
munication skills on multiple levels to enable the opportunity
for better work relationships that get much more accomplished.
Getting the Edge in Business es are all about implementing and discovering how peo-
ple work at their highest levels.
with NLP
The rules concerning the Business Game continue to
change, and they’ve fluctuated from one point to the
NLP Courses - A Leading Edge Model
next throughout the past decades of the 20th century. for Reading People
The very nature of the business itself is also experienc-
At its core, NLP is a model that seeks to understand
ing change due to the inundation of information and the
how people operate. It gives people a working model
speed of change. Out of workers today, roughly 40%
from the most recent discoveries of cognitive psycholo-
of them are “information workers,” and this number has
gy, structure of mastery, accelerated learning and more.
projections to climb to around 60% in the next 10 years.

Unlike the Industrial Age where the “work” was mainly

Understanding Why This is Important
physical, today’s businesses put much more focus on
information, communication, self-initiated, self-man- Understanding these key elements is critical because if
agement, networking, relationships, teamwork, self-dis- people understand how they operate, and this includes
cipline and more. their operating programs for being persuaded, decid-
ing, thinking, feeling motivated, and taking initiative, it
This shift is why the cutting-edge field of NLP plays an
puts these people several steps ahead of anyone who
essential role for those who want to stay at the fore-
doesn’t have a clue how to read them. This is important
front of business. It’s true that the field of business has
because NLP was originally a communication model.
involved psychology for years, and this includes the psy-
Three world-class communicators came up with NLP
chology of how people feel, think and function.
when they discovered that they had a unique way of
However, using the word “psychology” may not be the using words to influence and affect people.
correct word. When people think of “psychology,” they
The Meta Model was the first NLP model, and it fo-
typically think healing traumas, fixing people, and over-
cused on how people used words and asked questions
coming “issues.” This is NOT what a business is about.
in such a way that they were able to gather quality in-
Instead, businesses mostly revolve around how people
formation that was accurate and precise just by talking.
work. They also focus on how people get to the states
They learned how to create rich maps that enable peo-
they do, create the interactions, skills, and behaviours
ple to know exactly what they want, how to get what
they do, and how people process information. Business-
they want and how to enable other people to under-
stand them. more money.

This led to several NLP patterns like getting outcomes Additionally, they use it in a more subtle manner to en-
or setting up goals that enhance and are well-informed. able other people to manage their states and run their
They used it to find patterns for initiative and self-mo- own brains. This works to enrich other people’s lives,
tivation that enabled people to take their destinies and sets the stage for a higher level of leadership and mana-
brains into their own hands and proactively make things gerial skills and makes for better relationships. They use
happen. this model to enrich their people profiling skills, and it
makes it more intuitive so they’re able to have a higher
This led to patterns to accelerate learning, and these
degree of accuracy when it comes to decision making.
patterns gave people the edge at getting more informa-
tion that they could then use more efficiently. Eventual-
ly, this led to a new NLP model that allowed people to
In these key ways and many more, NLP has been lead-
“see” how to profile their perceptual filters and see the
ing the way when it comes to learning how people get
world, and this was the Meta Programs. Knowing these
the most out of themselves and others - how to be the
two things enables people to use NLP to hire the correct
best version of themselves possible. However, this mod-
people, and build a relationship in minutes instead of
el isn’t the hard-nosed approach, and people are free to
months or days. This model led to a more informed way
apply it gently, naturally and covertly. This is all part of an
to think about the influencing and selling processes, and
NLP course’s elegance.
modern salespeople started to seek to understand first
and foremost. As people learn about NLP courses in Sydney and be-
come a practitioner of the art themselves, they start to
Additionally, this exploratory approach builds the nec-
add a small “magic touch” to everyday relationships and
essary trust and rapport that customises a sale to allow
communication. As they start to take more charge of
the salespeople to sell precise benefits tailored to a per-
their own minds, their emotions and relationships begin
son’s specific value set. It’s no wonder that salespeople
to get more manageable. When this happens, they can
who have NLP training report higher sales earnings and
a higher level of enjoyment for their work. This is typical
when a person understands how to recognise and play
to another person’s internal strategy for deciding and

Today, a broad range of occupations incorporate the

study and use of NLP, and this includes lawyers, teach-
ers, psychologists, doctors, marketers, salespeople, poli-
ticians and more. They use patterns and models to make
their business run more efficiently and smoothly. How-
ever, they first use it on themselves to run their own
states and brains.

By correctly accessing their very best states, people are

set to experience less stress, produce more and achieve
any goals in a more effective manner. This sets them
apart from the crowd, and it increases their overall val-
ue because it allows them to contribute more and make
DEALING WITH DIFFICULT a bit of help. I’m talking about someone who constantly strug-
gles and their life. It’s as if they have a dark cloud above them.
PEOPLE They lead and try to connect with others through complaining
and talking about their problems. They regularly lean on oth-
Many of us consistently struggle with how to deal with difficult
ers, espousing statements of helplessness, and often put a fair
people. Whether you’re in the workplace or if these difficult
amount of energy into trying to guilt people into helping them.
people are in your own family, you have to find ways of dealing
with people we find challenging.
The Persecutor
When it comes to people who are self-important, chronic
complainers, bullies, victims or martyrs, we generally struggle The other role of the Drama Cycle is the persecutor, the per-
to manage our responses effectively. However, NLP train- son who has no tolerance for the victim. They might even seek
ing teaches us that we are in control of a lot more than we out and target the victim. This is the office bully. They are in-
think we are, and have a capacity to respond in more con- tent on punishing, often using harsh tones, or conversely stony
sidered and useful ways once we have the tools to do so. If silence or disdainful looks to communicate their dissatisfaction.
you have Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) communica- Sound familiar?
tion and self-management skills you should have a vast range
of responses. If you don’t, then here are a couple of simple
points that don’t require any real background knowledge. So how does this Drama Cycle work?
This is a very large subject and I could talk about this for hours,

The Drama Cycle but here I can only cover it in a very cursory way. Essentially,
once you are in this Drama Cycle, drama is the currency. Now,
One thing I teach in my NLP Practitioner Certification is some- if you play one of these roles, you play all of these roles. You
thing called “The Drama Cycle.” This is not NLP and a purist might have a default. You might lean towards the victim posi-
might challenge its presence in an NLP training, but NLP is a tion or you might lean towards the rescuer position. If you keep
model that draws from the best approaches in the world, and trying to rescue people and they just don’t come with you, or
my students find it extremely useful. keep making the same mistakes and complaining about it, there
will be a part of you that might just drop into the persecutor
The drama cycle literally explains most human interaction. In
position. How do you know you are there? Tone! Statements
the drama cycle, there is one of three positions you can take. if
like, “For God’s sake” are a bit of a give away, even if you don’t
you play one of them, then you will tend to play in all of them
state it externally, you are there.
at different times. You will either play the rescuer, the victim,
or the persecutor. At that point, you’ve dropped into the persecutor. So none of
these are mutually exclusive. We have all payed these roles at
some point in our lives.
The Rescuer
When we are dealing with difficult people, we often see them
The rescuer is the person who’s always trying to help out when as either the victim or the persecutor. And even if we don’t
people who are stuck. They often have good intentions, but physically rescue, our desire to try to make them feel better,
sometimes are driven by their own need for significance or somehow make up for their situation, or to appease them in
purpose, which they enhance when the assist others. Outside some way, often puts us in the rescuer position. But we’re in
of their conscious awareness, it often satisfies a deeper need it. You’re in the drama of it and we will be upset by it. We can
in them. It offers a sense of significance, importance, and con- go from rescuing someone to feeling persecuted very quickly
tribution. because now we feel like it’s costing us too much. So the lines
between these three positions are very, very blurred.

The Victim
The victim is the person who is habitually stuck. I’m not talking
about somebody who has just broken their leg and they need
The Observer Are you conflict adverse?
There’s also the fourth position and that’s referred to as the ob- Another factor that makes us more prone to the actions of
server position. The observer is the coach, the adult position, difficult people is that most of us are conflict adverse. So if
the person who is not buying into all the drama, who doesn’t you have poor self-regulation, you don’t trust yourself enough
get drawn in emotionally. They are more likely to respond with to be able to have a serious or challenging conversation, then
words to the effect of, “That’s interesting.” The observer is wit- you’re unlikely to have it. A lot of people also fail to make the
ness to the drama but can remain solution-oriented. The ob- distinction between being assertive and being aggressive. So if
server is the position that is most useful because the observer you’re worried about becoming aggressive when all you want is
position doesn’t get caught up in rescuing. assertive, you are likely to baulk at confrontation.

A typical observer response to a tale of woe is, “Okay, that Being assertive, to give you the distinction, is being able to
must have been challenging. So what are you going do about assert your rights. Being aggressive is asserting your rights over
this now?” They don’t get emotionally drawn in or let their someone else. Some are more worried that they will end up in
emotions get rattled. So the observer sets decent boundaries. tears rather than being able to maintain a professional position.
For others its an excessive need for acceptance, (almost always
The observer is more likely to recognise that we are all respon-
learned in childhood) that makes them give too much weight
sible for our choices. No one gets to make you feel inferior or
to others people’s opinions. Once again, this will probably lead
angry or unappreciated. No one gets to make you feel any-
to avoidance.
thing. That’s up to you. I can’t make you love me. I can’t make
you hate me. I can’t make you feel anything towards me. That
will be your choice. And so, as the observer, you have a choice
about how you respond to the world. Most people do not Do you have an excessive need for
spend very much time in the observer position. acceptance?
Can I suggest for a moment that acceptance is one of the single
worst patterns you can have? The excessive need for accep-
What keeps us stuck in the Drama Cycle? tance will completely limit your life. That’s something that, if
We get stuck in the Drama cycle for many reasons, but one you come to an NLP training, you could work on.
of the biggest reasons is our inability to maintain boundaries.
I’m not suggesting for a moment that you should not care what
And before you explain this skills gap as a result of not loving
people think. I think that’s ridiculous. But it’s about giving ap-
yourself enough, that is not it!
propriate weight to the views of others depending on the con-
It’s because you’ve not learned how to manage your own emo- text. What you want is a clear view of your own worth, with the
tional state. It’s because you haven’t learned that “Hmmm in- ability to check in with others.
teresting” is a much more useful response most of the time
than, “I can’t believe this,” “How dare they?” or “What if they
don’t like me anymore?” Do you lack process?
These sorts of reactions preclude you having a choice in the Moreover, you could be hampered by a lack of process. If you
way you respond to difficult people or situations. No one has just don’t know how to have a conversation that’s potential-
control over you unless you give them that control. ly confrontational, or how to keep an argument contained, a
robust discussion could initiate a series of unforeseen conse-
quences. And it’s our fear of consequences, whether they are
real or imagined, that often dissuades us I’m taking action.
And finally, you need effective impulse control so you don’t own internal state. Once you can do that, you can choose your
get caught up in the drama. You have to make a distinction be- response. So instead of reacting, you respond.
tween what is personal and what merely affects you personally.
Now, one way you can do it is just to simply ignore it. Just
If you lean towards being sensitive then you are going to be
say, “Thanks. Okay, I’ll take that on board,” and move on. The
much less likely to have to confront conversations and a wider
second is you could build a level of rapport with that person.
range of the population will seem difficult to you.
And I’m talking about NLP unconscious rapport. I’m not talking
about liking them. I’m talking about being able to get a level
of trust with them. And that comes from you appearing to be
How do you determine it is personal? more like them. This is day two of an NLP practitioner train-
Let me offer you something. Anything someone says to you is ing. You can take control. There’s a difference between what
not personal. It may well say more about them than you. And you control and what you can at best influence. Take control of
even if they are talking about you directly, making it a personal what you can and that is your own internal state.
attack, what they’re really talking about are the patterns that
A lot of NLP trainers would say that you control everything in
you run.
your life. That simply isn’t true. In fact it is a little bit ridiculous
They don’t get to make it personal for you. Only you can do really. I don’t control what you are thinking right now as you
that. I’m gonna suggest to you that no matter what anyone are reading this. But I do control what happens internally. Ex-
says to you, they don’t decide how you should respond to it. ternally, at best, I have influence. I can influence. And the more
A criticism or a complaint isn’t personal unless you decide it is. effective I am in communication, the more effective I am in my
This is how you maintain your own personal power in challeng- own state management, the more influence I can bring to bare.
ing situations.
And you could always reframe their position into a positive in-
tention. So a complaint could be reframed as them wanting
things to be better.
Do you Self Reference?
They may not frame it in a way that’s terribly positive, but you
Another factor is something called self-referencing. It’s also a can look for the positive in it. And there’s always a positive in
cognitive distortion. In essence, it’s a belief that people and it. Anything negative, then in essence, they are looking to im-
the world should act the way we want them to. A standard prove things. Then you might say that that’s not necessarily the
self-referencing statement is, “I can’t believe they did that. I case. I’m suggesting you work on what is going to serve you,
would never do that.” It’s where you are using your values, your not really what their intention is.
expectations, your standards, and assuming that the rest of the
world should do the same. They are not going to. And the more But I can tell you something. If someone complains to you and
you want the world to be different, the more disappointment you say to them, “So are you really saying you want to make
and frustration you’ll feel. Other people have the right to be things better?” What are they going to say? They’re not go-
total idiots. That’s their right. You have the right to ignore them. ing say, “No. I just wanna bitch.” They’re going to grab that.
The more you want the world to be different, or to meet your And then you can work towards, “Okay, what can we do to
needs, the more you’re out of touch with reality. improve things here.” And then you start to run that conversa-
tion. Again, the more skilled you are, the more able you are to
So understand that in any population like a workplace, you’re do that. And you could also respond with a level of humor and
going to find difficult people among the mix. There’s no getting flexibility. And you can, again, only do that when there’s a level
around that. You can avoid them but probably not forever, and of non-attachment. The moment you buy into this emotionally,
if they are in your family its hard to exile them completely. And you’ve lost it.
this is where NLP comes in. It gives you tools to manage your
Is procrastination a problem for Procrastination and Neuro Linguistic
Programming NLP
If this is you, you just don’t have some core internal skills of
Yes at different times, we all procrastinate here or there, but
self-management, the types of skills good Neuro Linguistic
for some of us, procrastination is a debilitating issue. Some
Programming (NLP) training should give you.
of us are chronic procrastinators. If you are in this catego-
ry, you probably find yourself getting totally frustrated with Procrastination is fundamentally misunderstood. You’re not
yourself at times or have constant internal battles and can’t just born lazy, and you don’t lack motivation. Procrastina-
work out why you just can’t make things happen? If this is tion is deeply rooted in a cognitive patterning that you’ve
you, then I have good news. learned along the way. In essence, it’s an approach-avoid-
ance conflict.
Why procrastinate?
If you want to reinvent yourself and live the life that you
So let’s begin at the beginning. There are numerous theo-
REALLY want, then get STARTED, click on this link and learn
ries about why people procrastinate. Some people say it’s
about anxiety, the fear of failure, or the tyranny of perfec-
tionism which all translates into a reluctance to take action.

Other people talk about the saboteur within. That they are
Let’s define procrastination
suffering from some deeper issue or personality flaw. You
might be pleased to know that I don’t subscribe to this the- So let’s define the term. When we’re talking about ap-
ory. proach, we’re moving towards goals. We’re taking steps;
we’re proactive and show initiative because we’re moving
One of the biggest problems as I see it is that these theories
towards something. There’s something that we want and
could explain aspects of people’s experience but overlook
we are going for it.
the process by which people get stuck.
Avoidance is when we take action to avoid what we don’t
Procrastination and Self-Labelling want. With proactivity, it’s really important that we actually
Most of us have no idea what directs our unconscious de- know what we are going after, and why we’re going. It’s all
cision-making and in the absence of a solid understanding about achievement. If we’re talking about avoidance, it’s not
of ourselves, most of us resort to self-labeling. What do I about achievement at all, it’s about escaping things that we
mean by that? If you talk to yourself harshly, statements like don’t like, whether it’s awkwardness, or anxiety, or conse-
“what’s wrong with you just do it you lazy xxxx” or “you’re quences, we move away from what we don’t want.
useless”, then yes, you are doing it.
And as a result, we will be more concerned with what we
This is what the conscious mind does. It seeks to explain, don’t want, not what we want. It will be a consequence that
and if it doesn’t know, it makes what’s referred to as a heu- forces you to move. It’s actually driven by anxiety. Fear of
ristic leap. That is to say, without enough evidence, it goes consequence has long been your primary driver if you are
for what it thinks is the most likely theory. And typically, more on the avoidance side of the equation.
if you lean towards a low self-esteem, if you lean towards
There’s a strong part of you that wants to beat procrasti-
being more disorganised, if you lean towards being self-crit-
ical, then the most likely explanation is that you are a no
good, lazy, pathetic excuse for a procrastinator. Well, I’m What this really means is there is a part of you that wants
here to tell you that that’s NOT TRUE. to take the action, there’s another part of you that doesn’t.
This often leads to a lack of clarity, which leads to the mind When you don’t feel like you’re in control, then you won’t
baulking at taking action. If you feed your mind conflicting take action. And one of the problems for someone who
messages it will typically STOP and wait for clearer instruc- procrastinates chronically is that they pay way too much
tions. attention to their feelings.

You’ll tend to leave things to the last minute. So you stay up No one is ever successful by taking action only when they
all night to do your paper and submit it on the last day. At feel like it. Successful people take action even when they
that point, there’s more consequence to not take the action don’t feel like it. How they feel is irrelevant to the action.
than to take the action.

So someone who’s proactive isn’t so much focused on

consequence, they’re focused on the outcome. What they
Procrastination and the lack of process
want to achieve, what they’ll get as a result of taking the Sometimes there are other factors, like a sense of injustice
action. Whether it’s a good feeling, whether it’s a sense of that you shouldn’t have to do this, or a sense of ‘overwhelm’
completion, whether it’s closer to a larger goal, whatever because you are not quite sure how to do it. Sometimes you
it is. don’t have the right process.

That is to say, you don’t know all the steps. You might know
some of the steps, but you don’t know all of them. And
Procrastination is myopic
sometimes, the most important step is the first one, and
The trouble with that is if there is no immediate conse- that is the step where you take an action even though you
quence you will tend to dither. It’s the looming deadline that don’t feel like it.
builds the pressure and forces you to overcome your own
But here’s the irony. We also don’t do what it takes to find
internal conflict. And the larger problem with all of this is
out what we don’t know, and as such, delay action further.
that if this is a dominant cognitive pattern within you, this is
linked to pessimism and anxiety. If uncertainty that holds you back, then you have to look
to minimise the unknowns. That means going and getting
It’s actually stress that drives your behaviour. This is be-
whatever information you can that will assist. Whether it is
cause you generally don’t take any action until you reach
handing in a paper, or completing a project you need to find
a certain level of discomfort before you are galvanised into
out what you don’t know. Uncertainty is not your friend. As
action. You need to hit that tipping point.
a general rule, people who procrastinate tend to be uncom-
fortable with the uncertainties of life.

Procrastination is a cognitive distortion If that is you, acknowledge it and do something about it.
Learning cutting edge NLP skills should address this. NLP
At its core, this comes down to waiting for some external
is all about self-leadership or managing your own internal
factor to create conditions that will facilitate a shift in your
space effectively because that is the core skill that facilitates
own thinking. This is referred to as an external locus of con-
a successful and happy life.
trol – a belief that our thoughts are determined by some-
thing outside of us.

This is a cognitive distortion. Nothing outside of you de-

termines your thoughts. Only you get to decide which
thoughts or feelings you pay attention to, and which ones
you should ignore.
Chapter 08


If NLP were ever to be presented in a three-step process, it Having only one way of doing things creates a dilemma. Some-
would go something like this: times it will work and sometimes it won’t, so there will always
be situations you cannot cope with. Having a range of choice
1) “Know what you want; have a clear idea of means being able to use a minimum of three approaches. Why
your outcome in any situation.” not two choices you might ask? Well having only two choices
can lead to black or white thinking. It is either this, or that.
2) “Be alert and keep your senses open so that
you notice what you are getting.” But three choice minimums encourage the additional option of
this and that. In any interaction, the person who has the most
3) “Have the flexibility to keep changing what choices has the greatest flexibility of behaviour, will be likely to
you do until you get what you want.” be the one who eventually controls the situation. In essence
flexibility is typically more valuable than strength, and the more
choices you can create, the more chance of success.

This translates in to “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get

Outcome Acuity Flexibility what you’ve always got. If what you are doing is not working,
do something else.”
First is the skill of knowing your outcome. Seneca the Roman
The way these skills work together is rather like what happens
Philosopher once wrote, “If you don’t know which port you are
if you take a commercial flight, say from New York to London.
sailing to, no wind is favourable.”
The flight crew will have an established destination, or initial
Secondly, an important part of NLP is training in sensory acui- outcome. The plane flies in that direction but there are cross
ty, which is about where you place your attention and how to winds and other weather factors that influence the flightpath.
change or enlarge your filters so that you notice things that It is often more of a subtle zig-zag than a straight path. It is rare
you had not noticed previously. It is present moment senso- for planes to fly directly on course between different conti-
ry awareness. When communicating with others, this means nents without having to correct regularly.
noticing the small but crucial signals (sometimes referred to
The flight crew has to notice the subtle shifts in direction: sen-
as minimal cues) that let you know how they are responding.
sory acuity. As they do that, the crew compare this with where
When thinking, which is, communicating with yourself, (intra-
they want to go and if the plane is off course, they change
personal communication) it means heightened awareness of
direction. This process is repeated until you get to London.
your internal images, sounds and feelings.
Once at London, you can choose to stay, or head on to Bar-
You need the acuity or sensitivity to notice if what you are do-
celona or Paris or even across to Berlin. You can change your
ing is getting you what you want. If what you are doing is not
outcome at any point in the cycle, enjoy the journey and learn
working, do something else, anything else. You need to hear,
something on the way.
see and feel what is happening and have a choice of responses.

NLP aims to give people more choice about what they do.


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