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Plant Based News


Dementia: Can Plant-

Based Foods Lower The
The risk of dementia increases with rising blood lipids - such as
cholesterol - blood pressure, body weight, and diabetes...

by Veronika Charvátová
16th February 2021

More than 850,000 people in the UK have dementia and the number is steadily rising... Credit:
Adobe. Do not use without permission.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

e used to think that old-age dementia just happens to some
people, but now we know there’s a lot we can do to reduce the
risk. Is adopting a plant-based diet one of them?

More than 850,000 people in the UK have dementia and the

number is steadily rising. The disease is a progressive one so
once it develops, it is expected to get worse over time.

What is dementia?
Dementia means permanent or recurring loss of memory,
language skills, problem-solving, and other cognitive abilities,
and it makes the person unable to cope with daily life on their

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form, but there are

several other types.

Bad diet and dementia

Research shows that apart from genetic factors, the risk of

dementia increases with rising blood lipids (cholesterol and
other fats in the blood), blood pressure, body weight, and

Multiple studies revealed that being obese in mid-life can

increase your risk of developing dementia and in one long-
term study, being obese increased the risk by 74 percent while
being overweight increased it by 35 percent.

Having higher cholesterol levels in mid-life ups the likelihood of

developing dementia by a massive 50 percent, according to
science. Another study found that a blood pressure reading of
130 or more in systolic blood pressure (the top number in your
blood pressure reading) at the age of 50 was associated with
an increased risk of dementia.

All these health issues are tightly linked to diet – in particular to

a Western-style diet high in meat, dairy, eggs, processed and
sugary foods. This kind of diet also has an undeniably negative
impact on gut bacteria.

This is important because a lack of ‘good’ gut bacteria, and

having more of the ‘bad’ ones, means your gut wall may be
letting dangerous molecules and metabolic by-products
through into the bloodstream.

These molecules can then activate the immune system and

this response may cause chronic inflammation. Modern
science has increasingly been linking poor gut health and
chronic inflammation to cognitive decline.

Meaty, fatty, sugary diets are bad news for the nervous

Good diet and dementia

A vegan diet that’s naturally high in antioxidants, fiber, and low

in saturated fats helps to protect your cognitive health. Overall,
this can lower your risk of dementia.
Of course, this may be because vegans are much less likely to
be overweight or obese, have lower cholesterol and blood
pressure levels compared to meat-eaters. But, that’s not the
end of it!

When examining the link between diet and cognitive function,

one study found that people whose mid-life diets were
characterized as healthy (high in plant-based foods, low in
saturated fats) had a lower risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s
disease later in life compared with people with unhealthy diets
rich in meat and dairy foods.

The difference was staggering. People who ate the healthiest

had an 86-90 percent decreased risk of dementia and a 90-
92 percent decreased risk of Alzheimer’s disease compared
with people whose diet was the least healthy.

A healthy vegan diet also has anti-inflammatory effects and

supports the ‘good’ gut bacteria. By doing so, it also helps to
protect the nervous system and supports the immune system.

Foods for cognitive health

Over time, researchers pinpointed several foods and nutrients

that seem to have a particularly protective effect on our
cognitive health:

Vitamin E – from foods, rather than supplements. Healthy food

sources of vitamin E include nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables,
and whole grains.
B-group vitamins – from whole grains, pulses, green leafy
vegetables, and nutritional yeast. Add a reliable source of vitamin
B12, such as a supplement providing 50 µg daily or a higher dose
twice a week.
Omega-3 fats – from ground flaxseed, chia or hemp seeds (two
tablespoons), walnuts, rapeseed oil, or algae-derived
Green leafy vegetables – an excellent source of B-group
vitamins, vitamin E, antioxidants, and other beneficial
phytochemicals. In one study, people who consumed one or two
servings of these vegetables daily experienced a slower cognitive
decline – equivalent to being 11 years younger compared with
those who rarely or never consumed green leafy vegetables!
Berries – fruit with a very high flavonoid content. Flavonoids are a
group of natural compounds found only in plants and research
indicates they have a neuroprotective effect. Studies have
discovered that people who regularly consume berries have a
significantly lower risk of dementia.
Plant sources of protein – pulses (beans, peas, and lentils), nuts,
seeds, and whole grains are not just healthy sources of protein,
they are low in saturated fat and high in fiber – exactly what you
need to lower your risk of cognitive decline!

It’s likely that monounsaturated fats (olive oil, avocados) and

vitamin D (supplements) also have a protective effect on your
nervous system. However, more research is needed.


Sunshine is the primary source of vitamin D. But, we should all

take a vitamin D supplement, at least over the winter months.
There simply isn’t sufficient sunshine and we don’t get enough,
regardless of diet. Making it a part of your daily routine may be
a good strategy!

It’s important to note that if you’re using multiple supplements,

choose those without iron and copper. This is because high
intakes of these minerals can harm your cognitive health.

Take iron supplements only when advised by a medical

professional to avoid dangerously high iron intake.

Other factors that may reduce the risk

Regular physical activity is linked to a reduced risk of

dementia. Active people tend to preserve their cognitive
health better into old age.

You don’t have to become a professional athlete. But, make

sure you at least take a brisk walk or dedicate 30 minutes to
exercise daily.

Insomnia also negatively impacts cognition and if it’s chronic

insomnia… It may increase your risk of cognitive decline to
some degree. However, this varies from individual to individual.

Feed your future

If you’re vegan, you’re probably already consuming most, if not

all, of the foods and nutrients from the ‘good’ list.

With the skyrocketing rise of vegan junk foods, however, it’s

good to remind yourself what your body truly needs.
If you base your diet around fruit and vegetables, pulses,
whole grains, nuts, and seeds, and add vitamin B12 and D
supplements, you can’t go wrong!

This article has been republished by permission from Viva! You

can read the original piece here.

Veronika Charvátová

Veronika Charvátová MSc is a biologist and Viva! Health researcher. She

has spent years uncovering the links between nutrition and good health
and is an expert on plant-based diets. More by Veronika Charvátová

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